#bless you anon and hope youll enjoy the game and mx valdemar 'w'
perelka-l · 1 year
The Arcana is in fact a romance game and every one of the 12 possible endings leads to some sort of relationship with one of the 6 main characters (all 6 characters have both a good and a bad ending depending on the choices you make)
However. I'm not saying you'd enjoy the story (some of the bad endings are a bit fucked up but Idk if it would be your flavor of fucked up, it's still a romance-like game after all) but there's this one character called Valdemar (who's also canonically nonbinary, together with a bunch of other characters) who does look to me like the type of fucked up character you'd like
They're a non-human entity who uses a human disguise because their true form is too much for the human mind to understand (described in the game as an undulating mass, their surface boiling with clusters of eyes, teeth, rib bones emerging from within and dissolving back into it and numerous long, terrible, blade-like limbs), their patron Arcana is Death (the game revolves heavily around the various Major Arcanas from a tarot deck) and they work as a "doctor" (I doubt they have an actual license to be a doctor) because they love watching humans suffer and witness their last moments before Death claims them
They're possibly the only character in the game the MC is never able to either "change for the better" nor defeat and I actually quite like that tbh, although in two of the endings they do help the MC but it's because the "bad guy" is trying to erase death so that no one will ever lose anyone important again and they don't like that because they love it when people die
I'm personally obsessed with the game and every time Valdemar is on screen being their fucked up creepy self I can't help but think "Perelka would like them"
Here's a picture of them ⬇️
With the mask (how they look like 90% of the time) https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6942/bbedaaad076d3d77d89ed29ae10bd566b576c967r1-539-726v2_00.jpg
And without the mask (they have sharp as fuck teeth and I love it so much) https://64.media.tumblr.com/6c6738737662a37ae846f9dc7d7bc7a7/tumblr_inline_pmk3rzE20w1wyc8bu_1280.png
Also I'm sad there's no image for his fucked up non-human form, just the description I put earlier
Tbh their design isn't really something I would like ;;;;w;;;; They seem kinda... bland to me? Apologies, you seem to like them, but after a description that sounds rather fun I was expecting something different. I feel kinda bad that after you have put so much heart into description I just coldly react like that but ngl I cannot really get excited.
But it's great that you like them, and the game! There is always something fun about characters that hide their inhumanity (I do enjoy that, just in different form, classic G-Man or the Outsider come to mind from examples I deeply appreciate). I suppose it's the medic part that turns me off, I never enjoyed much the play on doctors bringing the pain (admittedly, that kinda makes me uncomfortable orz)
Also, I am guessing it adds to the eldtrichness of their real form being impossible to perceive, it would be a bit boring if it was shown!
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