The central town was bustling with people. The markets were overflowing with customers and she pitied the overwhelmed workers behind them. They frantically chopped, sorted and delivered their goods with such accuracy she couldn’t help but admire. Jewelry shops and clothing were being bought and carried, and every so often people would bump into each other and drop something. “What the hell?! That was my new sokutai! You’ve drenched it in mud!” One angry man would yell. “Sokutai?! You made me drop my precious mochi!” would yell the other. Although neither were brave enough to actually fight, and would back down and mutter indecencies while walking away.
On another side of the town, kids played with broken sticks as if they were swords. One smaller boy shoved his stick into the air, yelling something she couldn’t hear. The other kids reacted by falling, groaning as if they’d been struck. Hiyori giggled to herself, how cute.
“Hiyori! Hiiyori!” a girl shouted loudly. Hiyori looked from the ground, and saw a girl with short, light brown hair and a bright green obi smiling at her.
“Yama-chan!” Hiyori exclaimed joyfully. She gave her friend a small embrace and giggled. Yama stepped back, a look of confusion on her face. “I thought you were like, almost dead.” said Yama with a somber expression. “What happened?”
“Ah well...” Hiyori muttered. Truth to be told, she didn’t really know what happened either. Her mom had told her she’d been found unconscious and not breathing, and over breakfast that morning; she found that she hadn’t been awake for two days. And she swore she saw herself lying in bed, almost like...like... an out of body experience. She shook her head, pushing the thought away. It was just a dream, Hiyori. Don’t get stupid ideas.
“Ah..”The last thing she’d remembered was how terrified she’d been. She thought of the male voice, the voice that sent static shivers down her spine. And the girl. The girl in a white kimono with a cloth crown. The girl who glowed in the dark night. The girl who stood over dead flowers. “Flowers are so pretty...”
“Too bad they die so easily...”
Hiyoris head pounded, new waves of pain washing over her head felt like daggers etching deeper and deeper into her brain. She fell to the ground, groaning, gasping for air. Her friend Yama yelled for her name, and yelled for help from strangers nearby. Yama’s voice was only an echo to Hiyori, an echo that got farther and farther away. Soon, her voice was so far that all she could do was let unconsciousness take over her, deaf to the world around her. She heard only two words before blackness enveloped her.
“Come, Hikki.”
I feel like this flopped. I’m so insecure about my english hahaha im going out of my comfort zone. english is not my first language so im sorry if it’s baadddd 😭 . But yea what did y’all think of that huhuhu dayum
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blossomedshinki · 10 years
A new path.
 【✿】— ↬   A seed planted, a new spring of life and yet another of the plants he cared for here wilting and crumbling apart. Suzuha felt a strong connection to the plants, his only friends. Each all similar yet vastly different in their variations. Words were not needed then. However that fateful encounter a few days ago, meeting a boy of his age; the Shinki of the enemy had changed his set outlook.
He missed the words, the comfort of people. Though plants and the nature were always his first choice. He was to see the blond again today, a promise that they would meet again. 
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A bright smile plastered on his face, the young shinki sat perched on the branch legs dangling as he waited, carefully brushing the dirt from his hands. ↫ — 【✿】
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fiveyenyato · 10 years
Will you forgive me?
「♦」— ↬ Held against will, stuck and trapped in a vast darkness that help and prayed at the God. Mental shackles and chains holding him in place. Where had he been?
That was the only one word he had to say. He'd taken Nora's hand on that night, whisked away in to the darkness and once again stained his hands with the blood of 'enemies'. Though the raven knew full well that this was all just a mere game to them.
The shackles released a few months ago. However the God had failed to return to his shinki's side. Why? Yato had wondered that countless times, watching his younger partner from a distance train to become a better person for him. The countless homely feel that he got and almost caved to be beside them once again.
He was ashamed.. ashamed of himself and that he had left them. Rather than that there was the constant fear that he would be rejected. Anyone else he might be able to withstand it but coming from his loyal partner or rather his one true best friend, Yato decided he'd stay away.
After 5 months, hand trailing over the film of the door and the wooden panneling encasing around it. Azure hues softened, noticing that the person he wanted to see after all this time, was there his head pressed in to a book and snoring away. A breathy chuckle as the God entered the room, being gentle to no disturb the boy and placed his jacket over the other.
" Yukine, I'm home. "↫ 
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phxntomtail · 10 years
{ blessedshinki }
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         "Yeah, I definitely think            you need some new clothes."
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yukine 💕
the bottom bothers me slightly but like it’s 4:14 am and i don’t care i need sleep
credits: ijna (me)
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Send ‘SPIT IT OUT!’ and I’ll randomly generate a number. Whatever number it is, my muse will blur it out to you!
Her pupils were dilated as she grabbed the young shinki and put her face close to his, whispering, “There’s a dragon, right outside this door. If we go outside, it will eat us.” 
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fiveyenyato · 10 years
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「♦」— ↬  " Even I have common sense, I wouldn't stay here! " already fleeing the scene↫ 
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second one for our lovely yukine! love this boy to pieces, he deserves the world. hopefully everyone who sees this have read the manga...
credits: ijna (me)
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blessedshinki replied to your post:blessedshinki replied to...
[Yepp~. c:]
//I sent a message. I think I sent it to the right one. 
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should i make a jumble post for every 10-20 edits i post? idk i just don’t want them to get lost 😭
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fiveyenyato · 10 years
purgxtoryx replied to your post:.
[omg lotti—]
[ I'm not even sure how to reply to that jfc x''D  I'm literally like omfg at the same time ] 
blessedshinki replied to your post:.
[YOU WOULD LAUGH-- dont feel bad x'D im laughing too much but at the same time like... jfc im reflecting on these actions ]
gravesradium replied to your post:.
[ I am with all seriousness u w u repenting for these-- swimbooku -- 
.. to all the new followers that I gained.. Hi im lotti and I fuck up a lot but I hope we can get along
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fiveyenyato · 10 years
"--You sure you ain't the god of laziness?"
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「♦」— ↬
Rolls over and stretches out in to a starshape on the bed. 
" Better than being the sexual harrasment shinki.... and I'm not lazy! It's just called a day off you know the seventh day and all..."  ↫
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fiveyenyato · 10 years
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   ”Why not just use your hands? You make everything so difficult.”
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" It's all about the fighting spirit, Yukine It's a good trait to learn."
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fiveyenyato · 10 years
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"What are you even doing?"
 Yukine smacked his hand away lightly.
"Why are you so weird all of the time. Can’t you be normal for day?"
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「♦」— ↬  " I was checking something out, seems its not as fun as I thought. "
Pausing to grin, putting his hands on his hip. " Normal people can't become God's. " ↫ 
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