#blitz and sophie arent mine
kiddoryder · 3 years
Bats in the Hotel
This is for one my best friends @loli-momo1908 as a late birthday gift. I hope you and everybody else enjoy. Happy birthday! 
Blitz and Sophie McKnights are her OCs not mine
At the 666 Styx Apartments, a tall bat demon with blue and purple mix hair, big blue and black bat wings, blue freckles, light gray skin, a purple moon symbol at the end of his eyes. He was wearing a spiked collar choker, spiked bracelet, a white shirt with a gray skull on it, a brown jacket, black ripped jeans, and black shoes. This demon is named Bradley McKnight, but he goes by the nickname Blitz. Blitz was walking down in the hallway and some demons quickly got out of his way. Thanks to his powerful witchcraft magic and his violent anger issues, most citizens became afraid of him. They would do their best not to anger him and simply ignore him. Not that Blitz doesn’t mind nor care. 
 He went to the landlord's office and saw his landlord whom everybody called Flip. He was known as Flip because he was known to change his mind or change rules of the apartments he owned. Flip was a raccoon demon who wearing a dirty ripped tank top, blue jeans, and some brown pointy boots.  Blitz came into his office which was pretty messy since I have a lot of junk, trash, money, shiny things, and a broken curtain blind. Flip smirk as Blitz came into his office. 
 Flip - “Ya got my money McNight?”
 Blitz - “Yeah. Right here.”
 Blitz gave Flip his monthly rent. Flip chuckles as he took the money and snuggle it like it was a teddy bear. Blitz looked confused but then rolled his eyes. Flip was one of those demons who just love money more than life itself.
 Blitz - “Alright you got your money. I’m out of here.”
 Flip - “Hold it! We aren’t through yet McNight.”
 Blitz - *confused* “What hell are you talking about I already paid you.”
 Flip - “Yes. But starting today I made a new rent price. Since you have paid me 500, I decided to up it to 1500.”
 Blitz - *eyes widen* “What?!”
 Flip - “And I expect it at the end of month.”
 Blitz - “Do you expect me to have it at the end of the month?! I don’t shit money from my ass you know?!” 
 Flip - “Well figure it out how to get my money or your ass is on the street!”
 Blitz - *growls* “I don’t need this shit! Give me back my money Flip. My sister and I are moving out!”
Flip - *laughs hysterically* Yeah right!! *laughs and stop* Listen Junior, you live here for 2 years and no there’s no refund. Now flutter your ass back to figure out how to get my fucking money!”
This is we’re Flip made the biggest mistake of his life. Blitz was so furious at this, he grabbed Flip by his tangtop so his face was close to Blitz’s. Flip saw how Blitz eyes were now red and had an angry look on his face along with his fist ready to punch him.
Flip - *scared* “Oh shit! No! No! Not the face!”
A lot of the tenant saw in horror that Blitz was giving Flip the beating of the life time. Some had to cover their eyes, while others looked in shock on how Blitz was beating up their landlord. They heard Flip crying for mercy, but those words fell deaf on Blitz’s ears. Then Blitz finish the beating by placing a trash can on Flip’s head.
Blitz took his money and angrily left the room. He was so angry to the point that he pushed some demons out of the way. He went to his apartment and took some deep breaths while closing his eyes. He always remembers how his mother Josephine would tell him whenever he feels angry, he should take deep breaths and think of the things that make him happy. 
 “Are you okay Blitz?”
 Blitz opened his eyes and saw his little baby Sophie. Sophie was a 7-year-old bat demon with light gray skin, the end of her eyes had pink moon design, gray hair with the ends of her hair were pink. Her hair was tied in two pig tails with bows and wearing a purple dress with butterfly design, a pink bow in front with a dark pink long sleeve. She also had little bat wings that were gray and pink and some pink shoes. Sophie was one of the few good things in Blitz's life and made him happy. 
 Blitz - *smiles*  “Yeah Sophie. I’m okay. Just a rough day.”
 Sophie - “Would I have to go to work with you again?”
 Blitz - “Oh no not today. Listen Sophie *kneel down to her height* We are going to find a new place.”
 Sophie - *a bit dismayed* “Again?”
 Blitz - “I know but late face it, this place is too small for us. And the neighbors aren’t very nice.”
 Sophie - “Yeah that is true. I mean the one above us kept on jumping on the bed and I kept hearing springs squeaking. I’m happy he moved away after 2 weeks.”
 Blitz - *nervous* “Right...He sure love to jump on the bed a lot.”
 Another reason Blitz believes that it is better if he and Sophie moved out of the place, they are now because of the people there. Some are noisy, loud, robbers, creeps, crooks, etc. What was worst is that their upstairs former neighbor's bed would squeak a lot. Which means that a prostitute was living upstairs doing their daily “business”. However despite hearing that this prostitute is a famous pornstar, Blitz sometimes wonders why would they live in a crappy apartment building  like this? But I was happy that the pornstar moved away. 
 Blitz - “Don't worry Baby sis, we will find a new place we can finally call home. I promise.”
 Sophie - *smiles* “Okay!”
 Blitz - “I’ll go get dinner ready.”
 Blitz went to the kitchen part and started to prepare some dinner. Then Sophie decided to watch some TV. She had to be careful because some channels were way too adultism for her. She would watch TV on the imp’s channel or hellhound channels because there are some who would actually make cartoons or live action shows appropriate for kids. Whenever a sinner makes a cartoon, they would always make it either dark and violent, or horny. Sophie turned on the TV and saw the tv was on the 666 News Channel which she didn’t like because to her, the news was always boring. 
 Just when Sophie was about to channel, something caught her eye. She saw a demon with beautiful blonde hair, wearing a tuxedo, have rosy cheeks and was singing. She had a beautiful singing voice and was singing a song: 
 Charlie - “So all you junkies, freaks, and weirdos
Creepers, fuckups, crooks, and zeros
And downfallen superheroes, help is here.
All of you cretins, sluts and losers, sexual deviants, and boozers
And prescription drug abusers, need not fear.
Forever again, we'll cure your sin.
We'll make you well, you'll feel so swell.
Right here in Hell at the Happy Hotel
There'll be no more fire and no more screams.
Just puppy dog kisses and cotton candy dreams
And puffy-wuffy clouds, you're gonna be like, wow!
Once you check in with me!”
 Sophie’s eyes widened in amazement. The song was not only great, but the Happy Hotel sounded like an amazing place for her and Blitz to live at. She quickly rushes to her brother who was busy cooking dinner.
 Sophie - *tug her brother’s pants* “Blitzy! Look at the TV!”
 Blitz - *cooking* “Sophie, I'm a little busy.”
 Sophie - *pleaded* “Please! It’s super important.”
 Blitz - “Well alright.”
 Blitz quickly turn off the stove and went to the living room part. He saw on TV of the song that was being played and performed. This was leaving Blitz a bit confused on what was going on.
 Sophie - “Why don’t we live at the Happy Hotel?”
 Blitz - *confused* “The Happy Hotel?”
 Sophie - “Yeah! The pretty girl said how she can take in demons in her hotel and make their lives better!”
 Blitz - *doubtful* “I don’t know Sophie...You can’t trust everything you see on TV.”
 Sophie - “But I think it can really help us Blitzy. Please?”
 Before Blitz could say anything else, they both were flickering noises. Then all of a sudden, the lights went off and Blitz and Sophie were now in the dark. 
 Blitz - “Happy Hotel it is then.”
 Blitz and Sophie were walking in the city with their suitcases. They are heading to the Happy Hotel for their new homes. Sophie was skipping along looking happy, while Blitz was looking a bit doubtful. As long as he can remember, he and Sophie would move to different places due to either rent being too high, or it is getting destroyed. Hopefully, this Happy Hotel can finally be the stable home Blitz wants for Sophie. 
 Sophie - “I can’t wait to go to our new home! You think the place will be big?”
 Blitz - “Hopefully Sophie. It would be good if we had our own rooms so we can have our own space.”
 Sophie - “I just hope the people are nice.”
 Blitz - “Me too. But don’t worry I’ll protect you.”
 Sophie - *smiles* “Thanks Blitzy!” 
 Blitz - *smiles* “Anytime Baby sis.”
 Then all of a sudden, thanks to Blitz 'good hearing he heard a bomb being lit. He turned around and a small bomb heading toward him and Sophie. He quickly picked up Sophie and hid behind a destroyed building. The bomb exploded and luckily, Blitz and Sophie weren't hurt. But then something crashes between them. 
 After the smoke was cleared, Blitz saw a tall white demon spider with wild looking hair with pink spots on it, his eye was all black while the other one was normal. He is wearing a pink and white stripe feminine tuxedo, a dark pink bow tie, a black choker, four arms with pink gloves, black mini skirt, and long thigh high boots. Blitz stared at him for a while, never seeing a demon like him. He was starting to get a strange feeling about this spider demon that he never felt before. 
 Sir Pentious - “Take this!”
 Sir Pentious moves the chain that he wrapped Angel in and slams across the other street. Blitz and Sophie gasps in horror on what they were just seeing. 
 Sophie - “Blitzy! You have to do something! That mean snake man can really hurt him!”
 Blitz - “Don't worry Sophie, I’ll help him!”
 Angel see’s Sir Pentious coming up to him looking menacing. But this didn’t scare Angel one bit. 
 Angel Dust: *jokingly* “Ohh~, harder, daddy!”
 Sir Pentious: *taking it seriously as he gasps* “Son?!”
 Angel raises an eyebrow believe that’s not only Sir Pentious was this old and stupid at the same time. Then Blitz saw a cyclop demon with cherry blonde hair, wearing black tights, one boot, red crop top and shirt running. Cherri kicks Sir Pentious to the side while Blitz helps Angel get untied from the chains.
 Sir Pentious: *hood flares open* Grr! You whores have no classss! In war, the side remembered is the side with the most ssstyle! *Adjusts tie*
 Cherri Bomb - “Or the side that ain't dead!” *Decapitates an Egg Boi*
 Angel Dust - “Speakin' a style, is your hat like, alive or something?”
 Sir Pentious -  “Oh! Well, that's none of your GOD DAMN BUSSSSINESS! Now, is it?!”
 Angel Dust -  “Hah, would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?”
 Blitz couldn’t help but chuckled at Angel’s roast at Sir Pentious roast. 
 Egg Boi: *cups hands* Oooooh! *Gets pebble thrown at him by Sir Pentious*
 Sir Pentious: *enraged* “I'm going to blow you to bitssss.
 Angel Dust: *eyes him up and down* Hm, kinky!
 Sir Pentious: Oh, not like that! *Hood flares* Pervert! *Knocks over an Egg Boi*
 Then an Egg Boi with a gun that releases arm-shaped shadows with eyes aims at Angel and Cherri as Angel quickly shoves Cherri aside. Then Angel had all his wrists held by the shadows. Blitz was shocked of seeing this. 
 Sir Pentious - “Not so cocky now, are we?!”
 Blitz - *mad* “Let go of him!”
 Angel Dust - *to Blitz* “It’s okay babe. I got this.  *unamused* Y'know, you really gotta watch what comes outta ya mouth. I've been making these sex jokes the whole *limbs get pulled on as Sir Pentious reveals a drill which jump starts* TIME! *Reveals his third pair of arms carrying a gun* And it's obvious ya ain't catchin' on. I mean, it's just *shoots Sir Pentious to the side* sad!”
 The vines freed Angel and he quickly set his third arms inside of him. Blitz was impressed that Angel was able to free himself quickly. Then Blitz walk up to him and spoke. 
 Blitz - “Are you okay?”
 Angel - “Eh. I had worst. Name Angel Dust by the way.”
 Cherri Bomb - And I’m Cherri Bomb!”
 Just before Blitz about to say his name, Sir Pentious got up and said: 
 Sir Pentious - “This isn’t over you peasant!”
 He took out a laser gun and was about to shoot them. But then Cherri kicks the gun away and it landed near Sophie’s feet. Sophie picked it up and saw Sir Pentious looking at her and said:
 Sir Pentious - “Oh you, their child. Hand that laser to me! I promise to give you candy afterwards.”
 Sophie - “That does sound pretty good...But I’m not gonna let you hurt my big brother!”
 Sophie then threw the laser against the wall. Angel and Cherri were impressed that a little kid like Sophie can be really brave. However, this made Sir Pentious really mad.
 Sir Pentious - “You are going to pay for that you little brat!”
 Sir Pentious sent out his Egg bois to hurt Sophie. Sophie looked scared and covered her eyes in fear. Just before one of the Egg Bois can use a taser gun on Sophie, for some strange reason. The Egg Boi exploded. 
 Sir Pentious - *confused* “What the hell?”
 Then he saw Sophie float up by some magical witchcraft  and into the arms of her brother. Blitz’s eyes were now red, and he looked really pissed. 
 Blitz - *serious* “Don't. EVER harmed my baby sister!!”
 He steps on the ground hard and then the ground shakes a little and a giant fist punches Sir Pentious and his egg army away. Angel and Cherri were amazed at the powerful magic they just witnessed. Sophie then gave her brother a big hug. 
 Sophie - “Thank you Blitzy! You’re the best.”
 Blitz - *smiled* “Hey, it’s my job to keep my baby sister safe.”
 Angel - *eyes up* “Oh so Blitzy is your name huh?”
 Blitz - *blushes a bit embarrassed* “It’s actually Blitz. I’m Blitz McKnight and this is my baby sister Sophie.”
 Angel - “Ooh! What a sexy last name for a strong guy like you.”
 Cherri - *impressed* “I have to say: it was pretty badass if you did that magic mumbo-jumbo.”
 Blitz - “Thanks. That guy deserves it.”
 Cherri - “Well I better get going. Thanks for the backup Angie!”
 Angel - “Anytime Sugar Tits!”
 After Cherri left, Blitz, Sophie and Angel noticed a white limo was coming toward them.  
 Angel - “Oh! There’s my ride.”
 Then the limo stops, and it showed a VERY pissed Vaggie. Charlie stepped out and her sleeve was ripped and looked sad. But she did notice the McKnight siblings and Sophie said:
 Sophie - “That’s the singing lady from TV!”
 Everybody looked confused on Sophie’s statement. 
 Blitz - “I’ll explain.”
 As they were getting driven back to the hotel, a lot of things was on Blitz’s mind. He was still shocked that the “Singing Lady” Sophie saw on TV was actually the Princess of Hell herself. He was actually surprised that she was sweet and kind since some princesses can be spoiled brats. He learned how thanks to the turf war, it ruined Charlie’s reputation of the hotel...Whatever the reputation was and Charlie was very upset. Blitz feels bad since it looks like she’s working so hard on this project and thanks to one certain demon, it just went down the toilet. 
 Sophie was looking around the limo amaze that she never been in a car like this. Charlie was still devastated that her hotel reputation just went down the tubes even more. While she was happy that at least two people were interested, it still wasn’t enough. She wanted to help at least 50% of the demons. She sighed and looked out the window and saw her girlfriend Vaggie looking angry at Angel who was too busy playing with the car window button. Then he noticed Vaggie’s glare and Blitz’s annoyed face. 
 Angel Dust: *taking notice* ...What?
 Vaggie- *enraged* "What?", "WHAT?"?! What were you DOING?! *Rips off her hair*
 Angel Dust - *sighs* I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isn't that a "redeeming quality"? Helping friends with stuff? *Rolls eyes*
 Vaggie - “Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!”
 Angel Dust - “Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred. Ehahahahahah! *Inhales* *proceeds to play with the car window button* It wasn't that bad, anyway.”
  Angel almost gets hit with a knife thrown his way. He noticed Vaggie’s glare and was the one that threw the knives. 
 Blitz - “I for one think it was pretty bad. Half of the street was destroyed! You couldn’t just leave?”
 Angel - “Aw, come on! I had to! *Brushes back hair* My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was trying to go clean? It just throws out my entire persona! *Suggestively pushes up chest floof*
 Vaggie - “Your credibility? What about the hotel's?! *Gestures at Charlie* Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke!”
 Angel Dust: *scoffs* No, no, no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad! And pathetic! Like an orphan... with no arms... or legs... Oh! With progeria!”
 Blitz was getting really annoyed and angry with Angel right now. Especially with all the dark things he's been saying. He was just lucky Sophie was there because he would have actually beat up Angel for not caring about damaging the hotel reputation even more. And was even more lucky that Sophie was too busy being amazed by the limo and not paying attention to anything that Angel was saying or anybody else for a matter of fact. 
 Angel - *pissed* “Great! Now I'm bummed thinkin' about it! *Starts looking around the limousine* This thing have any liquor?”
 Vaggie - “Can you please just try to take this seriously?”
 Angel Dust: *flicks off a dust bunny* “Fine, I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist, baby!” *Snaps finger at her while smiling*
 Vaggie - *angry* “Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?!”
 Angel Dust: *groans* “Whatever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor in here?!
 Blitz - *annoyed* “How can you think of liquor at a time like this?!”
 Angel - *shrugs* “It’s always a good time for liquor. Helps you can’t feel anything for a while.”
 Vaggie - “returns to sit next to Charlie as she crosses her arms* “I'm gonna kill him!”
 Angel Dust - “Too late, toots. Wait! Would that make me double dead? Hah, and where exactly do I go? To Double Hell? Hahahahahahahaha! Sorry, you're stuck with me, bitch. Get used to it *folds arms confidently*.
 Vaggie: *angrily, as she grits her teeth* Come mierda malparido!
 Blitz - *trying to keep calm* “You have no idea how badly I want to punch you right now.”
 Angel Dust - “Listen, who cares if some jack-offs got hurt? Most of 'em are ugly freaks. Look around! *Looks out the limousine window, smirking* You got a bunch a fuckin' harlequin-looking babies down here!” *laughing*
 Vaggie - “You're one to talk.” *Smiles smugly*
 Angel Dust - *offended* “Hey! *motions to his body* This body is flawless! Everyone wants summa me, *pushes up chest fluff and takes out a letter* and I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!”
 The fan letter with a picture of a dirty naked middle-aged man, who ironically has a "No Angel Dust '' tattoo, licking an Angel Dust body pillow attached with the message saying "Show me your feet!! -Bryrin, #1 Fan Critic" is shown. Blitz eyes widen in surprise and say:
 Blitz - “Angel! That’s disgusting!”
 Angel - “What? I got some good ones too if you wanna take a look at it.”
 Vaggie - “Grrr…”
 Angel - “And let not forget Blitz. You were a part of that turf war too.”
 Blitz - *mad* “First of all, I didn’t know about the hotel being on the news. Second, the only reason I took part was to protect my baby sister. So all of this is still your fault!”
 Charlie - “That was really uncool, y'know, Angel.”
 Vaggie - *disbelief* "Uncool"? After that train-wreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel! *looks toward Angel Dust* All thanks to *points at him* you and your selfish bullshit!
 Blitz - “Nice going Angel. Now people won’t come.”
 Angel Dust: Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore? *snaps finger* Ah, well shucks.”
 Charlie: Hey, come on. *takes off ruined jacket* We don't know if things are over yet! Try to relax, Vaggie. *puts a hand on Vaggie's shoulder* I-it'll be okay! I mean we got Blitz and Sophie as our new guests.”
 Blitz - “Yeah. I mean there are other ways to get people beside TV.”
 Charlie - “Yeah! See? It will be alright.”
 Once the limo stopped at the hotel, Sophie was the first one to get out and she stared at the hotel in amazement. She has never seen a hotel that is huge and looking old yet fancy at the same time. 
 Sophie - “This place is so cool!! I can’t wait to get inside!!”
 Blitz - *chuckles* “Slow down their cowgirl. We gotta wait for the others first.”
 They saw Charlie and Vaggie helping get their stuff out the limo’s trunk. Angel was leaning back on the limo and was on his phone. Vaggie looked annoyed and said:
 Vaggie - “Well?!”
 Angel - “Well what?”
 Vaggie - “Aren’t gonna help out?”
 Angel - “I did!”
 He held up Sophie’s little pink bag. Vaggie looked really annoyed. Then Blitz came and said:
 Blitz - “Don't worry I got this.”
 Blitz used his magic and had the bags float in the air. Both Vaggie and Angel were impressed on Blitz’s magic. 
 Angel - “Wow! Look at you are using magic like the sexy witch you are.”
 Blitz - *annoyed* “Don’t go horny on me you bastard.”
 Angel chuckled and they all went inside of the hotel. Sophie saw how huge it is. There was a lot of tables, chairs, some couches, pictures, etc. Blitz was also amazed at the hotel but noticed how dirty it was. He kept his mouth shut so he wouldn’t sound so rude. 
 Blitz - “Hey Charlie, is it possible for Sophie and me to have separate rooms but still be close?”
 Charlie - “Actually yes! It’s on the second floor. I’ll show you.”
 Blitz and Sophie followed Charlie to the second floor upstairs. Then Charlie showed Blitz and Sophie their new rooms. There were a lot of rooms that were a few parts away from each other. It made Blitz a bit uncomfortable because he didn’t want Sophie to be that apart from him. 
 Charlie - “As you can see, there is lot of rooms that is separate from other rooms because I know there are some demons who don’t like being social. But I got the perfect rooms for you and Sophie.”
 Charlie led Blitz to both rooms 215 and 216. Blitz saw how the rooms are close to each other, yet they are across from each other. Charlie opened the door to both rooms, and Blitz and Sophie eyes widen on how big they are. So far, the only things that were in both rooms were a dresser, some beds, and a closet. The wallpaper was old and tearing apart. Sophie, however, went into her room 216 and laid down on the bed. 
 Sophie - “This is so cool!! The room is big enough to fit a building! I can’t wait to set things up here!”
 Blitz - *chuckles and smiles* “Hey easy their sis. We just got here.”
 Vaggie came and gently down the boxes in Sophie’s new room. When Angel came with Blitz’s boxes, he just threw them on the floor without a care in the world. 
 Blitz - *annoyed* “Hey easy! You could of broke something.”
 Angel - “What? It still in boxes.”
 Blitz - “Ugh. Are you always like this?”
 Vaggie - *rolled her eyes* “Trust me, he’s like that with everybody.”
 Angel - “Not my fault I’m famous here. *to Blitz* And if you want later, we can come here for a cuddle time, Blitzy Que.”
 Blitz’s eyes widened in embarrassment and blushed. His left eye twitch in annoyance and felt his fist tighten. Then he raises his fist and bop Angel right on the head. 
 Blitz - *angry* “Don’t call me that stupid name you dumbass!”
 Angel - *chuckles and rubs his head* “Sorry you look like a Blitzy Que to me. It’s cute like you.”
 Blitz - *annoyed and embarrassed* “Whatever.”
 Charlie - “Don’t worry we will set things out soon in your rooms. In the meantime just either set things up or relax. I Uh…Gotta make a call.”
 Then Charlie, Vaggie and Angel all went downstairs. Blitz look at the boxes Angel threw recklessly on the floor. He fixed them up and opened one up and was relief it wasn’t broken. It was a picture frame of him, his parents and Sophie when they were younger. The picture was always so special to him and made sure nothing bad ever happened to it. He saw how Sophie must have been tired from the excitement because was now asleep on her new bed. Blitz decide to sleep too since he basically had an exhausted day. 
 The sound of the explosion quickly woke up Blitz and Sophie. Sophie looked scared as she ran to her brother in fear. 
 Sophie - *scared* “Big brother! I think something bad is happening! I heard a big boom!”
 Blitz - *serious* “Yeah me too. Don’t worry Baby Sis, I'll see what it is. Just stay up here.”
 Sophie - *worried* “Please be careful!”
 Blitz - “Don't worry I promise.”
 Blitz quickly flew downstairs and saw the lobby door was broken. When he looked outside, he saw Charlie and the others outside, but some tentacles and little demons wrapped around something. Then it exploded into pieces which deeply shocked Blitz . What caught his eye was a red deer demon that was coming toward him and keep on making some lame puns. Blitz then realize this was Alastor: The feared Radio Demon. 
 Alastor - “Oh why hello there! Care to join us for some jambalaya?”
 Blitz - *confused* “Uhh…Sure?”
 Alastor - “Oh wonderful! Yes, sir! This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now...
 Alastor uses his magic for the last time to change the sign atop the hotel from "Happy Hotel" to "Hazbin Hotel". Blitz was surprised and suspicious of Alastor. 
 Alastor: *sinisterly* ...Stay tuned. Hahaha...!
 As Blitz went inside, he noticed that the hotel looked a lot better and cleaner. He even noticed a bar was now added in the hotel. But that doesn’t matter to Blitz because he doesn’t drink any Alcohol. Then Blitz felt something on his shoulder, and it was a Niffty. 
 Blitz - *confused* “Uhh hi?”
 Niffty - “Finally a man! My name is Niffty and I’m so glad a man is here. I haven’t seen one in a long time you know. Oooh! You feel muscular! I like muscular men!”
 Blitz - *creeped out* “Uhh thanks?”
 Husk - “Huh. A bat in the hotel? How fucking cliche.” 
 Blitz - *annoyed* “And you are?”
 Husk - “None of your fucking business.”
 Alastor - *chuckles* “Oh don’t mind Husk. He just a little upset is all.”
 Husk - *angry* “A little?! Ya made me miss a poker game you sound a bitch! I was even about to win the whole damn pot. Ya just lucky this booze is helping me get the fuck over it.” *drinks*”
 Angel - *flirty* “Hey if you want Husk, I can think of over ways for you to get over it.”
 Husk - “Fuck off!”
 Charlie - *happy*  “Oh Blitz! I’m just so happy! Alastor decide to offer to help me with the hotel! My dream can have a chance to come true! But Uh *clear her throat* You should fix your hair.”
 Blitz - *confused* “My hair?”
 Blitz looked in a formally cracked mirror. His hair was messy thanks to having a bedhead. Blitz blushed in embarrassment. 
 Alastor - “I guess you can say He has a hairy situation! *laughs*” 
 Alastor laughed as he went to the kitchen to make some Jambalaya. Blitz sighed in annoyance and sat down on the couch not only  annoyed at Alastor lame jokes, but how he basically humiliated himself. Then he felt somebody touch hair and it was Angel. Blitz was shocked because he never had anybody touch his hair before. Then Angel said:
 Angel - “Hold still. I gotta damp your roots a little.”
 He took out a small spray bottle and sprayed Blitz’s hair a few times. Then he took a fluffy towel to dry Blitz’s hair. Then Angel took out his pink flat iron, plugged into the wall, and began to flat iron Blitz’s hair.
 Angel - “Let me know if it gets too hot, okay?”
 Blitz didn’t answer. Instead, he was blushing due to Angel’s “breast” being in front of his face. He wanted to say that it was making him uncomfortable but couldn’t spit it out for some reason. After flat ironing it, Angel took out a comb and comb Blitz’s hair and took out some hair gel and put some on Blitz’s hair. Angel handed Blitz one of his mirrors and saw how he looked now, and he was impressed. 
 Blitz - *touched* “Wow Angel…I-I don’t know what to say.”
 Angel - “Hey don’t sweat it babe. I had bad hair days before, so I know what it’s like.”
 Blitz smiles at this. Turns out there’s more to Angel than he thought. Then all of a sudden, Blitz heard Sophie scream. 
 Blitz - “Sophie?!”
 Blitz began to fly upstairs at amazing speeds. This impressed everyone. They all decided to go upstairs as quickly as possible to see if Sophie was alright. Blitz then flew into Sophie’s room and saw her in the corner of her room looking scared. 
 Blitz - *concerned* “Sophie what’s wrong?”
 Sophie - *scared* “T-There’s a monster in my room!”
 Blitz - “A monster?”
 They heard some scratching noises. Sophie got scared and hug Blitz tightly. Blitz held on to Sophie right as he looked around to find the monster. Then he saw next to Sophie bed a moving box. 
 Sophie - “That’s the monster!”
 Blitz - *suspicious* “Hmmm…”
 Blitz use his magic to lift off the box to see what was under there. To his and Sophie’s surprise, what was under the box that was considered the “monster” was a little pink pig. The pink pig looked at them, did a cute snort, and laid on his back. 
 Blitz - *confused* “A pig?”
 Sophie - “Aww!! It’s so cute! I think it wants a tummy rub.”
 Sophie was to go over to pet the pig, but then Blitz stopped her.
 Blitz - “Careful Sophie. We don’t know if this thing has rabies or something.”
 “Oh there you are Fat Nuggets!”
 Blitz and Sophie turned around and saw Angel at the doorway with Charlie and the others. Angel patted his legs with his lower hands. Then Fat Nuggets began to walk toward Angel and Angel picked him up. Angel began to hug Fat Nuggets and saw Blitz's confused face staring at him. 
 Angel - “What? Have you never seen a guy cuddling his pet?”
 Blitz - *confused* “Your pet?”
 Angel - “Yeah. Fat Nuggets is my pet pig. *held Fat Nuggets close to Blitz’s face* Say hello!”
 Fat Nuggets sniff Blitz and happily licks Blitz’s face, much to Blitz’s disgust. Sophie giggled at this. 
 Blitz - “Ugh!” *wipe his hand with his face* You actually care for that thing?”
 Angel - *hugs Fat Nuggets* “I love Fat Nuggets! He’s my baby boy.”
 Sophie - “Angel, can I play with him?”
 Angel - “Of course! He also loves belly rubs.”
 Angel gave Sophie Fat Nuggets and she gently held him in her arms. Fat Nuggets sniffed Sophie, and then happily licked her face. Sophie giggled and started to give Fat Nuggets a belly rub. Fat Nuggets smiled and oink happily.
 Angel - “Aw look like that! Fat Nuggets like you.”
 Sophie - “And I like him too!”
 Alastor - *calling from downstairs* “Oh come downstairs! The jambalaya is ready!”
 Angel - “Oh thank god I’m starving.”
 Blitz and Sophie at their jambalaya upstairs. The reason why is because Blitz didn’t feel comfortable being in the same room with Alastor. The strangest feeling he had with Alastor is like he knew Alastor, but she doesn’t at the same time. But he pushes that feeling to the side because he also feels like he has to protect his sister from him. Demons like Alastor are never to be trusted. But he has to admit, Alastor does make a mean jambalaya. 
 Blitz went downstairs and began to walk around the hotel. He would wash his and Sophie’s bowls, but Niffty took care of that quickly. Then as he was walking around, he heard a voice. 
 “It’s been a long time since I last saw you…... Bradley.”
 Blitz eyes widened as he halted. The only people who knew his real name were his parents. Blitz turned around and Alastor who was flashing his widened smile at him. Blitz stared at him with surprised yet suspicious glare at the Radio Demon. He was a bit scared but try to stay calm. 
 Blitz -  “I’m sorry…... Do I know you?… And how did you know my real name?”
 Alastor - “My dear boy, don’t you recognize me? I used to babysit you while your dear mother and father were away for a while. I just can’t believe how grown you’ve become after all these years.”
 Blitz kept looking at him a bit suspiciously yet recognizing that familiar smile as he looked a bit surprised even more. Then he suddenly remembers something from his childhood: whenever his parents would go out, Alastor was there to watch him. However, he would just stay in his room the whole time because there was something about Alastor that Blitz didn’t like. There was even sometimes Blitz’s father would invite Alastor to his home to spend time and do some experimenting. He hasn't seen him since he got older and realized he blocked that memory all those years. 
 Blitz - “It’s you. You’re my dad’s friend.”
 Alastor - “Correct my dear Bradley. I must say have grown to look Exactly like your father.”
 Blitz - “First of all, don't call me Bradley! I prefer to be called Blitz.”
 Alastor - “Hmm…Sorry. Bradley fits you more than Blitz. Blitz sounds too much like a dance move.”
 Blitz - *annoyed* “Second, why are you even at the hotel?”
 Alastor - “Why to help the princess and myself of course! I've lacked inspiration for decades. My work became mundane, lacking focus, aimless! I've come to crave a new form of entertainment! Hahaha!”
 Blitz - “But I don’t get how working here will help you.”
 Alastor - “Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for me! I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure!”
 Blitz - *creeped out* “Right…But I’m not going to let you hurt my baby sister or anybody else in this hotel.” 
 Alastor - “Oh relax my dear boy. If I wanted to hurt anybody here, I would have done so already. But I didn’t. As for your baby sister, I’ll have you know that I don’t hurt children. Unless they are acting naughty then that’s a different story.”
 Blitz - *sighs* “Fine. Just don’t do anything to me and Sophie.”
 Alastor - “Oh don’t worry I’m not. But Charlie might.”
 Blitz - *confused* “What are you talking about?”
 Alastor - “Well Charlie is the type of person that would do anything to reach her goals. I do respect that, but I get the feeling you and your dear sister would ruin that for her.” 
 Blitz - *scoff* “Whatever. Why should I trust anything you say?”
 Alastor - “Because my dear Bradley. I don’t lie.”
 Blitz - *scoff* “You make me sick to my stomach.” 
 Blitz leaves to go back to his room. He wonders why his own Dad would befriend somebody like Alastor. But one thing for sure, family friend or not, he will never trust Alastor. 
 Blitz was in his room laying down in his new bed. He did like how nice and soft it was since it had been a while since he had his own bed. Whenever he and Sophie moved around, he would have his own bed, but there are sometimes he would have to sleep on a couch or even a sleeping bag. He will always have Sophie haven her own room and bed because she deserves better. He felt like it was always his job to make Sophie comfortable whenever he can. 
 Blitz was having some strange feelings about these kind of people in the hotel. He barley trusted anyway, but with Charlie and Vaggie they were different. Charlie was actually sweet and kind and even though Vaggie can be a bit temperamental, she wasn’t bad either. They also seem very protective of not only of each other, but other people as well. Angel can annoy the hell of him but can’t help how there are sometimes that Angel can be sweet toward him and help him out with things and being nice to Sophie. Even the weird people like Niffty and Husk weren’t so bad either. The only one he doesn’t trust is Alastor but other than him, Blitz realize maybe things won’t be as bad. Then he heard a knock on the door. 
 Blitz - “Come in.”
 Then it was Charlie and Vaggie coming in.  Charlie was holding a clipboard. 
 Charlie - “Hey Blitz! Just wanted to see how you were doing.”
 Blitz - “I’m doing fine. Thank you.”
 Vaggie - “We just wanted to ask you a couple of questions about yourself.”
 Blitz - “Like what?”
 Charlie - “Do you have any special ability and regular ones?”
 Blitz - “Well, I can cook, I know how to do boxing, and I can do magic like witchcraft.”
 Vaggie - “Do you have any hobbies?”
 Blitz - “Cooking and boxing.”
 Charlie - “Any jobs?”
 Blitz - “I’m a waiter at some restaurants. I will sometimes have to take Sophie if I work late. I don’t trust her leaving her alone with a babysitter.”
 Charlie - *touched* “Aw that is sweet. But if you want that now you are living here, we can watch Sophie when you work.”
 Blitz - “Are you sure?”
 Charlie - “Of course! I would sometimes watch my baby cousin when her parents go out for business trips or vacation.”
 Blitz - *smiles* “Thanks.”
 Vaggie - “Did you ever killed anyone?”
 Blitz - *eyes widen* “What?! No!”
 Charlie - “Okay have you ever drank alcohol?”
 Blitz - “No!”
 Vaggie - “What about taking drugs?”
 Blitz - “No! No! Why are you asking me these questions?!”
 Charlie - “To help you cure your sins.”
 Blitz - “My sins?”
 Vaggie - *a bit confused* “Uhh yeah? The purpose of the hotel is to reform sinners.”
 Charlie - *confused* “You are a sinner, right?”
 Blitz - “No…Me and Sophie were born in Hell.”
 Charlie and Vaggie's eyes widen in shock. They were Surprised that a bat demon like Blitz and Sophie were born in Hell. Some Hellborn demons would be either IMPs, hellhounds, Goetias, succubus, etc. They never met anyone who look like a regular demon yet is born in hell. 
 Charlie - “Okay. Thanks for the questions, Blitz.”
 Both Charlie and Vaggie left Blitz’s room. Blitz found it very weird and then Sophie came into the room with Angel. Sophie had on a new pretty pink dress, had some light eye shadow, some blush, and lip gloss and mascara on. 
 Sophie - “Look Blitzy! Angel gave me a new makeover! Don’t I look pretty?”
 Blitz - *smiles* “Yes Sophie you look very pretty.”
 Angel - *smirks* “Well she had to learn from the best. I can make anybody look hot and beautiful like me.”
 Blitz - “Well you did a good job.”
 Sophie - “I wanna show it to everybody!”
 Sophie happily giggled and left the room. Angels walk up to Blitz and said: 
 Angel - “Ya look a little down in the dumps. What’s up?”
 Blitz - “Mm…Charlie and Vaggie ask some questions.”
 Angel - *groans* “Is this about the drug cookies, I kept telling those broads I was just holding them for a friend!”
 Blitz - “No it’s not that. They were asking me questions about me if I ever took drugs and drinking.”
 Angel - “Well have ya?”
 Blitz - “No. I don’t do that stuff because I have to take care of my sister.”
 Angel - “But what about ya Ma and Pops? Can’t they take care of her?”
 Blitz - *sad* “Angel…Sophie and I…Lost our parents 4 years ago.”
 Angel - *soften* “Oh…I’m sorry.”
 Blitz - “It’s okay. It is not easy for me to talk about. But I made a vow to always protect Sophie and find a stable home for us. That’s why I’m always working so hard and staying away from things like drugs and alcohol because I don’t want to end up into a horrible person that isn’t able to take care of his own sister.”
 Angel - “When I met you, I didn’t think you were a horrible person. I actually thought you were sweet, cool and even sexy.”
 Blitz - *blushes* “Oh. Thanks…I think you’re really sweet too. Especially how you are with my sister.”
 Angel - “I have a soft spot for kids. And your sister is so sweet and adorable.”
 Blitz - “Thanks Angel. But I’m worry that me and Sophie won’t be able to stay here due to not being sinners.”
 Angel - “I’m pretty sure if you talk to these broads, they let ya. I mean Charlie isn’t the type that throws people out. Ya know how many times her bitch of a girlfriend wanted to throw me out for “breaking rules”, but Princess insisted I stay?”
 Blitz - “Really? I guess also to in a weird way I was afraid what Alastor said to me about not staying her.”
 Angel - *rolled his eyes* “Oh please what the fuck do Smiley McGee knows? He doesn’t even know what the fuck a BJ is! He thought it was some “musical gentleman”. You shouldn’t listen to him; he just likes to play tricks on people. Sure I love to play tricks, but not the way he does it.” 
 Blitz - *smiles* “Yeah you're right. I’ll go talk to them.”
 Angel - *flirty* “And maybe later on, we can hang out more Blitzy Que.”
 Blitz’s eyes widened and he blushed in embarrassment. His left eye twitched and he punched Angel in the face. Angel fell on the ground, and he was staring at the ceiling as his eyes were spinning.
 Blitz - “Don't call me that stupid nickname you idiot!”
 Angel - *got up and chuckles* “Sorry. That nickname is just cute on you.”
 Blitz rolled his eyes as he got up to go to talk to Charlie and Vaggie. He kept walking down the hall hoping to find their office or something to talk to them. He can’t help but think what if Alastor was right, but then remember Angel saying Alastor like to play tricks on people. Then he saw a sign that said: “Charlie’s office” and just when Blitz was about to knock on the door, he heard Vaggie and Charlie talking.
 Charlie - “Man this a tough choice Vaggie.”
 Vaggie - “I know it is Hun. But this hotel is for sinners.”
 Charlie - “Yeah I know…It still Surprised how they are Hellborn demons…But isn’t right.”
 Vaggie - “But what else can we do?”
 Blitz eyes widen in shock. He felt like his chest was hurting and heart was shattering into pieces. Charlie and Vaggie was gonna throw him and Sophie out on the street? Blitz felt like Alastor was right the whole time about Charlie not wanting him in the hotel. Some tears fell from his eyes because for once he thought he finally found a stable home for him and Sophie, but it wasn’t. It was just another broke promise. He saw the door open, and Sophie was there. 
 Charlie - *smiles* “Oh hello Sophie! What brings you here?
 Before Sophie could say anything, Blitz took Sophie by the hand. 
 Blitz - *mad* “Come on, Sophie. We're leaving.”
 Sophie - *confused*  “But.... But why? I don't wanna go.”
 Blitz - *turned over to his sister with glare* “Sophie, we can find other places to live. So, don't try to argue!
 Sophie got silent with tears forming in eyes. Blitz rarely yelled at her whenever he got angry or if she did something really bad. Sophie glanced at Charlie and Vaggie before walking off with her brother while quietly whimpering. Charlie and Vaggie were shocked and confused on Blitz new behavior and Charlie ran up to him. 
 Charlie - “Blitz! Where are you going?”
 Blitz - “Anywhere but here! *snaps his fingers and he and Sophie got packed suitcases* since we aren’t welcome here!”
 Charlie - *shocked* “W-What?! But Blitz-“
 Blitz - “NO! You can forget about us being in this hotel EVER AGAIN!”
 Blitz grabbed Sophie in one hand, and he flew out the hotel by an open window. Angel ran and saw Blitz with Sophie flying away. 
 Angel - “What the fuck happened here?!”
 Vaggie - “I don’t know! Charlie and I were talking one minute, the next Blitz got angry and left!”
 Angel - “What were you guys talking about?”
 Charlie - “About them staying here…”
 Angel - *shocked* “Where you…Gonna throw them out?!”
 Charlie - “No! No! I mean before Vaggie, and I talk about it but-“
 Angel - “What?! Just because they aren’t sinners they can’t stay here?!”
 Vaggie - “Hey! You’re forgetting that this hotel is to redeem sinners!”
 Angel - “And ya forgetting too that Little Miss Sunshine wanted to help “her people”. How is kicking them out is fucking helpful?! She kept Alastor here and he’s some scary overlord or some shit. You had no idea what Blitzy and his baby sister went through.”
 Charlie - “He told you?”
 Angel - “Yeah…They don’t have parents anymore. They have trouble finding some new homes.”
 Charlie - *shocked and sad* “Oh poor Blitz and Sophie…”
 Vaggie - *somber* “I never realized that…”
 Angel - “Well now ya do.”
 Charlie - “But Angel, we never plan to kick them out. After Vaggie and I talk about it, we realize if we did that, we be hypocrites because this hotel is supposed to help demons with their problems. Blitz and Sophie’s problems are valid and therefore have the right to stay at the hotel.”
 Angel - “Then why didn’t you tell him that?”
 Vaggie - “Well we were going too, but Blitz must have overheard our first part of the conversation. We have to get them back.”
 Angel - “I’ll get them back.”
 Charlie - “But Angel, you don’t know where they went.”
 Angel - “Oh please. I know this fucking city from the back of my hand. I can find the sexy bat demon.”
 Blitz was flying with Sophie in one arm and his suitcase in the other arm. A part of him felt guilty for leaving and yelling at Charlie. But another part of him is telling him that it’s just a hotel. There are plenty of other places he and Sophie can live in. However, he noticed that Sophie was looking sad while being carried. Fearing something is wrong, he decided to land in the middle of the city. 
 Blitz - *concerned* “You okay Baby Girl?”
 Sophie - *sad* “No…I want to go back to the Hotel Blitzy! We were happy there!”
 Blitz - “Sophie…It’s just a hotel. We can find other places to live.”
 Sophie - “But the people there are really nice. I like them a lot and…I don’t really talk to people.”
 Blitz - *sighs* “Sophie listen *kneel down to her height and put his hands on her shoulder* I know you like the hotel and the people but…sometimes people who seem nice aren’t nice at all. And the hotel well…We just don’t fit in. Do you understand?”
 Sophie - “I guess…”
 Blitz - “Don't worry Sophie, there’s always other places we can live in.”
 Then all of a sudden, they heard some crashes and gunshots. Blitz held on to Sophie tightly and saw what was shooting: it was a group of demon mob sharks. Blitz can tell they don’t look friendly and actually look menacing. Blitz held on to Sophie tightly as she whimpers in fear. 
 Shark mob 1 - *smirks* “Well well. I see somebody doesn’t know the laws.”
 Blitz - “Laws? What laws?”
 Shark 2 - “Anybody who isn’t a mob shark like us isn’t fucking allowed! So take your shit and leave!”
 Blitz - *mad* “Excuse me? I have every right to be here.” 
 Shark 3 - “Huh. I thought bats have good hearing. We said: GET THE FUCK OUT!”
 Blitz - “No! I’m not taking any orders from talking sushi.”
 Shark boss - “Alright. Guess we have to do this the hard way. Boys!”
 They all took out their guns and aimed it at Blitz and Sophie. Sophie had tears in her eyes and hugged her big brother tightly. Blitz however, had a determined look on his face and holding his baby sister tightly. He’s not going to let some sharks tell him what to do and harm his sister. Before Blitz can do anything, one of the Mob Shark got shot and he fell on the ground. 
 “You better stay away of them you fucking dickheads!”
 Confused, Blitz turned around and his eyes widened in surprise. Blitz saw Angel in the alley away with his Tommy gun and a serious glare. Blitz was rather Surprised that Angel came back but Sophie was happy to see Angel again. 
 Sophie - “Angel! You’re back!”
 Mob Shark - *smirks* “Well, it looks like the Lanky Filly is back.”
 Angel - “That's right baby. And I don’t appreciate you coming here acting like ya fucking own the join. Reality, this is my bestie’s turf.”
 Mob Shark - “In reality, I think you should be squashed!”
 The Mob Shark and his crew began to shoot at Angel. But thanks to being a jumping spider, Angel was able to jump at incredibly high places and summon extra arms if he needed too. Blitz was amazed at how well Angel was doing but realized that there were too many sharks for Angel to handle. Deciding to help Angel,  Blitz uses his magic to put Sophie in a protective bubble shield. 
 Blitz - “Don't worry Sophie. I’m gonna help Angel. This will keep you safe!”
 Sophie nodded and did a thumbs up. This wasn’t the first time this happened. Sometimes when there is a dangerous turf war or something, Blitz would normally just have him, and Sophie fly away. But if it’s one of those fights that Blitz has to fight back, he always puts Sophie in a magic bubble, so she doesn’t get hurt. Then Blitz began to use his boxing moves to beat up the shark mobs while Angel kept shooting at them. They were doing well since some of them were unconscious and the others ran away in fear. As Blitz was beating up one of the sharks, Angel noticed the big boss was going to shoot Blitz.
 Angel - “Blitz! Look out!”
 Blitz heard Angel call out his name but saw the boss smirking and shot at him. But to Blitz’s horror and surprised, Angel jumped in front of Blitz and was shot in the arm. Angel yelled in pain and held his top left arm tightly. Angel fell on the ground still holding his arm in pain. 
 Blitz - “Angel!!”
 Shark Boss - *chuckling* “Time to wash the spider out with bullets!”
 Just when the shark boss can pull the trigger, something wasn’t right. He looked down and saw a magical blue glow of witchcraft around his arms and the gun. He turned around and saw Blitz whose eyes turned red and had a calm yet deadly glare. Suddenly, Blitz levitated the Shark boss into the air and straight into a garbage can. Now that it's safe, Blitz freed Sophie from the bubble and they both ran to Angel who was slowly getting up. 
 Sophie - *worried* “You okay Angel?”
 Angel - *moans* “Yeah Sophie…Just got a big boo boo. I’ll be okay.”
 Blitz - “Here let me help.”
 Blitz close his eyes,  put his hand on Angel’s shot wound, and not only began to glow, but Blitz also began to say some magic spells. Angel was a bit confused, but then noticed that the pain was going away, and the bullet was coming out of him unpainfully. Then after the wound was out, it began to close, and his arm was normal and no longer hurt. Then Blitz stop and opened his eyes. 
 Blitz - *smiles* “There. All done.”
 Angel - *smiles and blushes* “Thanks babe. Can you come back to the hotel please? We need to talk.”
 Blitz - *sighs* “Alright. You did save my life. I pretty much owe you one.”
 Angel - “Of course there are other ways like-“
 Angel's mouth was quickly covered up by Blitz’s mouth. 
 Blitz - *annoyed* “Not in front of Sophie!”
 Charlie and Vaggie were waiting in the lobby looking worried. The door opened and it was Angel, Blitz and Sophie. Charlie was relieved that they made it back safe and sound. 
 Charlie - *relieved* “Oh thank goodness you guys are okay!”
 Angel - “If ya called a turf war battle okay.”
 Vaggie - *annoyed* “Where are you in another turf war again?”
 Angel - “Hey! I was getting and rescuing Blitz and Sophie from fucking mob sharks! Isn’t that a “redeeming quality” saving people?”
 Vaggie - *growls* “Bastardo de puta!”
 Blitz - “Don't worry Vaggie. Angel and I had a little trouble with some shark mobs.”
 Sophie - “But Angel save Blitzy, and Blitzy help Angel’s boo boo get better!”
 Blitz - *chuckles* “Yeah I did.”
 Charlie - “Well I’m glad you’re okay. But we need to talk about what happened. Blitz, Vaggie and I weren’t going to kick you and Sophie out.”
 Blitz - *surprised* “You weren't?”
 Charlie - “No. After talking about it with Vaggie, we realize that despite you and Sophie being Hellborn, you guys have every right to be here. Turning you guys away, especially losing your parents would make us look like monsters.”
 Blitz - “Yeah I- *realize something* how did you know?”
 Vaggie - “Angel told us that you and Sophie lost your parents.”
 Blitz - *sighs* “It’s true. Sophie and I lost our parents 4 years ago to a serial killer. Ever since then, I've been working my butt off to make sure Sophie and I had a stable home. Charlie, I’m so sorry for leaving and assuming you were gonna kick out me and Sophie. It just happened to us so many times. We would basically have to stay for a few months until something bad happens like higher rent, the building gets sold or burnt down or even gets too dangerous.”
 Charlie - “I understand Blitz. I realize something too that my hotel isn’t just to redeem sinners, but to help others like you.”
 Blitz - *smiles* “Thank you Charlie.”
 Vaggie - “And we also have a surprised.”
 Charlie - *squealing* “Oh yes! We did it for you and Sophie.”
 They led them upstairs and both Charlie and Vaggie opened the door to Blitz and Sophie’s room. Blitz and Sophie’s eyes widen in surprise. Their room was freshly painted and had more stuff in there. Blitz’s room was painted purple, blue and black. The bed was fixed up with some blankets that were red and white. There was a tv, radio, a punching bag, dumb bells, a desk, lamp, even a couple of books. Sophie’s room was pink and purple, her bed was also fix up with some fluffy pillows, a blanket that was blue with pink polka dots. There was a toy chest, a little easel, a little round table with some chairs, a little tv, a tea set, a toy box, and a radio. There was even a yellow and pink rug on the floor as well. Sophie squealed and ran into her room. 
 Sophie - “This is so amazing! I love it here!”
 Charlie - “You can actually thank Angel for that. It was his idea.”
 Blitz - *surprised* “Really?”
 Angel - “Yeah I figure you didn’t want ya rooms to be boring as fuck like Vaggie.”
 Vaggie - *angry* “Hey!”
 Angel - “So I convince the gals to give your rooms a makeover.”
 Blitz - *touched* “Wow…I-I don’t know what to say.”
 Vaggie - “If you want to leave that's your choice.”
 Charlie - “But we really want you and Sophie to stay. You guys belong here.”
 Blitz had a strange feeling in chest. He hasn't felt it in a long time since losing his parents. He realized it was love and trust. He can see how despite being different, weird, and even a bit annoying, the people at the hotel truly do care about him and Sophie. Blitz looked at Sophie with a happy look on her face. 
 Blitz - *smiles* “We’re staying!”
 Charlie and Sophie cheered and gave Blitz a big hug. Blitz was a bit Surprised since he only hugged his sister and not other people. Even Angel joined the group hug which felt really nice. Then Charlie said: 
 Charlie - “Okay we should let them settle into their new rooms. In the meantime, we should get ready for dinner.”
 Angel - “Hopefully it’s something good for once.”
 Blitz rolled his eyes yet smiled at Angel’s antics. He began to put away his clothes and once again looked around his new room. He was so touched that The Princess of Hell herself had done this just for him. There were no tricks, no blackmail, nothing. It was out of pure goodness. For once, he was happy that he and Sophie finally got their happily ever after they had been craving for so long. Not only does he finally have a stable home, but something he never thought he would have; friends who care about him and his sister. 
 After fixing up his room, he took out a very important picture of his parents and said:
 Blitz - “I did its Mom and Dad. I finally found a home for me and Sophie. But I still swear to keep Sophie safe no matter what. That’s a promise I’ll never break.”
 Charlie - “Dinner!”
 Sophie - “Oh yummy! *walk out of her room and see Blitz* Are you coming Blitzy?”
 Blitz - *smiles* “Don’t worry I’m coming.”
 Blitz put the picture on his nightstand and join his sister and new friends for some dinner. After dinner, it was late at night and Blitz saw Sophie already in her pajamas asleep and he smiled. She always looks so cute when she’s asleep. He noticed her stuffed dog  Fluffle on the floor. He quietly went inside Sophie’s room and pick up Fluffles and put it under her arm. Blitz gently rubs Sophie’s hair and said:
 Blitz - “Goodnight Sophie. I love you.”
 He kisses her head and left the room. He then went to his room, changed into his pajamas, and went to bed. Before he went to bed, he looks at the picture of his parents one last time and fell asleep. This time, he slept peacefully now knowing he and Sophie are going to have a better life and future in the Hazbin Hotel. 
 Hope you like it!
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