#blood and oil spg
blaster-fagot · 4 months
Blood and oil my spg AU
TW IG ? Kind of inspired by
@ ask-the-becile-boys
Becile and Peter was once great friends but that was before they met delilah.
They both instantly fell in love with her . both tried to win her over with grand gestures As a last ditch attempt Peter made her 4 robots (spine rabbit jon and upgrade) she really seemed to like them
And thats when someone inside becile..snapped
In a fit of rage he started what would become the weekend war .a war that not only killed Peter but his sweet delilah too..
After that he powered them off and dedicated a huge chunk of his life to bring back his sweet Delilah but it didn't go exactly as planned
He was successful at bringing her back but she was always ...different not the delilah he knew no no ..this was a monster that took the form of delilah..
After countless attempts at bringing her back he gave up .he was now the shell of his former self
So without any other way to cope he decided to take his pain out on the bots
Luckily for the spine he escaped befor he was edited but he did he made a promise to them that he will save them
He changed the bots base coding to make them more brash more mean ...
No one knows what happened to the jon some say he escaped with spine some say he was melted down for scrapes
The end :3 if anyone shows interest in this i mayyyy make it into a fanfic/post about it more who knows ^^
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lem0m-steal8ng-wh2re · 4 months
Asking about your Villain SPG au?
Helllo you can read more about it here ♡
Its just the basics so it skips over some important details so feel free to ask me questions
(It also doesn't help i am absolute dog water at explaining things lol)
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iamjustrighthere · 3 months
I imagine Key (my fanbot) has just continually stolen parts from Walter Manor to upgrade herself over and over and the residents of Walter Manor obviously know it's him but they don't see him as a legit issue to stop him every time.
She thinks she's so sneaky when she's just not at all.
I imagine she's also stolen from a morgue or two, probably also covered in oil and/or blood most of the time. Key also just had a pile of discarded robot limbs in the corner of their living quarters.
She's also a big fan of SPG'S music and has it blaring on a radio at almost all times of day.
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littledraga · 4 years
Whumptober2020 SPG 19 Survivor's Guilt
Spine hiding from everyone had gone on long enough! First, he was keeping secrets. Pretending nothing was wrong, hiding that he was powering down at random. And Zer0 said he was running hot! Sure they didn’t have his upgraded blueprints, but he was still a Walter Robot. He was still her brother. They’d figure something out.
Rabbit stormed through the manor and pounded on Spine’s door. “Spine! Op-open up! You ca-can’t keep hiding from from us! We’re family.” Crossing her arms, she waited. Either for him to open the door or yell at her to go away.
When nothing happened, she got frustrated. Rabbit tapped her foot and knocked again. “Spine! If, if you don’t open the door, I’m co-comin’ in!” She warned. He was being ridiculous! As the big sister, he should have come to her! He didn’t have to take care of everything alone. He never made any of them face problems alone.
Again, nothing. A rush of steam came from her vents when he kept ignoring her. Grabbing the handle, Rabbit threw the door open. “Spine! You you you have to stop this, right n-n-now!”
Looking into the room, Rabbit froze. Her boiler ran cold as she looked at her brother. It couldn’t be true!
Spine was half slumped off his bed like he had tried to get up. Head tilted back, he looked up to the ceiling. His optics were open but dimmed out. There was no way it was what it looked like. The Spine wouldn’t do that to them. To her.
“Come on, Spine! Wake up!” She tried, laughing nervously. He had to be in stasis, this wasn’t happening. Some kind of prank! This had to be his way of getting back at her. Probably for that time she had tried to convince him that watermelon was safe for his boiler. It had taken all day to dig out all the seeds.
On shaky legs, she walked more into the room and grabbed his shoulders. He was cold to the touch. Oil sprung to her eyes, and she shook him. Rabbit shook his shoulders hard enough Spine's head smacked into the ground with a heavy thud and bounced as she kept trying to wake him up.
“Spine! This isn’t funny anymore, wake up!” She was yelling now, he needed to wake up! This wasn’t a fun game!
When that didn’t work, oil spilled down her cheeks, dripping onto his faceplate. She tried to connect to him through the wifi, but there was no signal. He was gone. There was nothing left. Rabbit screamed over wifi, begging someone to help her.
The message was heard loud and clear and a storm of rushing feet as they came to check on them. Half the manor had crowded the door, unsure of what to do. They could see them, but no one knew where to start. They didn’t know anything about how The Spine worked.
Six pushed past the crowd, struggling to get into the room. He wasted no time rushing to Spine’s side and checking him over. It only took a glance and, he saw the scorch marks on his clothes and his metal plating. It wasn’t hard to figure out what had happened. He had to hope they were just stressed, and he could fix the wiring.
“Get him down to the labs,” he said quickly, standing up to head to the labs.
“But, Six?” Questioned one of the workers. They didn’t have his blueprints. They’d be going in almost blind.
“I don’t care! We have to try,” Petes snapped as he started to go to the labs again. He wasn’t going to let him die without trying. He was family, and he wasn’t going to give up without a fight!
There was a brief and silent pause before Zer0 pushed in to lift The Spine in his arms. He carried Spine down to get worked on, oil streaming down his cheeks. He couldn’t let Spine down. He had always been there for all of them. They had to try Spine deserved at least that much.
Minutes passed like hours as Rabbit paced the halls of the labs. They had refused to let her in, but she couldn’t leave him. That was her brother in there! She should be with him in dire times. When she was feeling alone, he was always there. Sat at her side when she was at her worst. A constant that let her know everything was going to be alright. Now he needed her, and she couldn’t reach him.
Spine shouldn’t have even been on the table in the first place! He always took such good care of himself. Rabbit was the one that was always breaking down. The one that had tried to let turpentine erase her whole. The one with parts that were almost as old as the manor itself. She was the one with the damaged core! Her hand laid over her multicoloured core as it churned and pulsed faster in her chest. She couldn’t keep going without him.
He was always taking care of himself and, moreover, he was always taking care of her and the others. Always looking out for them. No one had tried as hard as him to keep the manor and all of the residence going. From offering advice to just being a hand to hold when the world felt too heavy. He deserved a good life. Not to have it cut short. Especially not just because the military wouldn’t share their secrets! It wasn’t fair! He wasn’t just some mindless machine. He deserved to have as much a chance as the rest of them.
If anyone should be there, it was her. She was the one that was always breaking down. Always falling apart and glitching. The one that was always a burden.
“It’s not right!” She screamed in the hall at the top of her billows. “It’s not right. The Spine should be fine! He’s supposed to be the strong one,” she cried, oil running down her face as she sobbed. Oil stained her dress as she hid her face in her hands. It couldn’t end like this. He had to get through this.
Six changed Walter Workers every few hours, not wanting anyone to get fatigued and make a mistake. But she never saw him. He stayed in the lab with Spine while Rabbit paced the halls. He wouldn’t step out until well into the next day. Six was hardly on his feet as he finally stepped out of the lab.
Before he could even look around, Rabbit grabbed his shoulders. “Petes! Petes, tell me he’s okay,” she begged, creaking from lack of oil. She needed to know he was going to be alright. He had to be safe. He had to be, she couldn’t believe anything else.
He looked at Rabbit, heartbreak somehow obvious through the keyhole mask. “I’m sorry, Rabbit. The wires melted together as he overheated. I can’t fix them. I can’t bring The Spine back.” He took a shaky breath. “I’m sorry, but he’s gone.” Tears fell from under his wooden mask, already dark with tears.
It felt like her core was being ripped apart again. Yet somehow, it was so much worse. She would have willingly given her core away to change what Petes had said. “No!” She screamed. “N-no! Get back in there,” she yelled. Grabbing Six, she tried to shove him back into the lab. “You haven’t tried everything yet! He has to be okay, he has to!”
Zer0 came when he heard the yelling and pulled Rabbit off Petes when he yelled in pain. In her desperation, she had broken his arm in her grip. Claws had dug into his lab coat, and his blood ran over her fingers.
Zer0 held his sister tightly while she screamed and sobbed. Silently, he cried with her as they mourned The Spine. Let her scream and cry until she couldn’t anymore. She leaned against Zer0, too low on oil to keep crying.
“It’s not fair! I’m the one that always breaks down! It shouldn’t be him! It shouldn’t be Spine!”
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phillisveitch5-blog · 5 years
Three to Help Properly muscle Mass With strategy
Cholesterol is often a useful product produced from liver to deal with excessive sugar, alcohol and calories that build in the blood. Keep in mind the wise saying from your teacher or preacher that "Too the majority of a issue can be bad." Therefore the body also produces HDL to offset harmful excess LDL. Which brings us to address the second question, just what so bad about blood? First, it improves the strength of the blood yachts. The cause among the dark circles is leaky blood shipwrecks. As fluids pass under the thin skin beneath the eyes, waste items and canopycbdoil.net hemoglobin leak and also. That's why place where you live starts search dark.
Eating fibrous fruits like grapefruit and orange before your main meal will also help you lose weight, though it does not increase your metabolism per se. That is because the fiber and normal water in the fruit fills you on lower calories and hence you eat lesser during your main dinner. Like hesperidin, it has natural anti-inflammatory activity furthermore supports circulation system strength. It helps to thicken the skin under the eyes and boost circulation. 4) Eat plenty of essential unwanted fat. It is not understood that eating the right kinds of fat s extremely necessary to building great deal of lean muscle instead. Extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, flax seed oil, "Cannabidiol Oil", extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil and fish oils are incredible associated with essential fats your body requires for proper health and developing carved. Silica gel is a herbal way to combat mild to moderate acne that's even effective on people that suffer from sensitive flesh. Silica gel contains particles of silica the industry natural "Cannabidiol" in foods such as oats and barley, Canopy CBD Oil Review CBD Oil as well as things regarding mud from thermal spgs. Obesity and hypertension is often the trigger each hypertension and kind 2 problems. If you live in a developed country, it isn't hard to be able to around and see that obesity is a situation in most of those global locations. And 90% of these cases are type dual. But these facts don't tell you the worst laptop or computer. These foods should be included to a daily diet to obtain Omega 3's. 1 serving of salmon can provide up to 1000mgs of both DHA and Environmental protection agency. This provides the required Omega 3's for 4 days or weeks. This is the reason doctors suggest consuming fish two times a week.
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bernardo8787-blog · 5 years
Nutrition - 5 steps To Any Healthy Eating Plan
When getting in shape plant oils as stated above can regarded as detriment. Coconut oil especially is harmful for people overweight and/or obese. Usage of fatty acids then in order to be from fish, fish oil, and seafood including shrimp. Health food #2: Peanut butter. A lot 5 major researches have concluded that eating peanuts can lower the lower the chance of coronary cardiovascular disease. In addition to that, eating peanut butter doesn't promote weight gains. Offer partly being a peanut butter being a lot more filling snack. Even though peanut butter contains high number of fats and calories, if perhaps a small amount is needed to quench those hunger, it will not promote our poundage-or lack thereof. - "Cannabidiol Oil" - Again made from seeds, the Noble Hemp seed which delivers the perfect balance of fatty acids (both omega 6 and omega 3). Noble Hemp CBD Oil seed also contains gamma linoleic acid and imperative for your formation of hormones. These hormones are usually essential as they enable demands at least to self heal. Silica gel is a great way to combat mild to moderate acne that's even effective on people that suffer from sensitive colour. Silica gel contains particles of silica which is a natural "Cannabidiol" in foods such as oats and barley, as well as things regarding example mud from thermal spgs. Unanimously, these professional researchers figured that taking Pure Green Vegetable Extract, Noble Hemp CBD Oil inside addition to a wholesome diet plan and regular exercise, is an effective, as well as inexpensive technique to lose the pounds. You see, many people are terrified of fats. Just a little that whenever they eat fats, then they'll become fat. And this is true to carrying out extent, in particular when you consume high varieties of the "naughty fats" - like animal, rancid and trans-fats. Researchers at Duke University found that getting more potassium could lower hypotension by since many as 20 points for the people most in for high blood pressure. Therefore, potassium is really a of one of the most important nutrients for physique when it appears to treating high blood pressure level. So pound down those bananas or find an ideal supplement. Many people take daily garlic supplements for lowering their hypertension levels. Vitamin C is a powerhouse little nutrient that aids to test mechanism each morning human physical structure. Pairing these two together may give you triple benefits for lowering high blood pressure.
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alexcmay · 5 years
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SPG! 🙈 ✨NEW PRODUCT OF Pretty Tin's Organics!✨ Ito na ang pampalaki ng Mansanas 🍎 ni Adan! 🔥MAKE IT LONGER! 🔥MAKE IT BIGGER! 🔥MAKE IT HARDER! Product Name: "Therapeutic Blend for Men" -- a powerful blend of organic oils especially formulated for men. Formulated with the following ingredients: 🌿 Olive oil - strengthens and promotes good health 🌾 Lavender -soothes 🍂 Sandalwood- encourages blood flow, prevent premature ejaculation 🌱 Rosemary - relieves depression 🌰 Almond - endurance. 🍈 VCO - anti bacterial 🍀 Fatty acids - for a desirable size a man wants. 100% Organic 100% No chemicals 100% No adverse effects How to Use: Product is a massage oil. See product labels for instructions. Disclaimer: This is a therapeutic oil. This is not a medicine. It is not intended to cure any diseases. The seller is not familiar with the health status of the customer and the oils are very potent that it may cause undesirable results if misused. Buy at your own risk. Consult your doctor if necessary. Note: Do patch test first before use. if irritation occurs, discontinue use. For orders contact me at 0945-291-2444 https://m.me/meAlexcy https://www.instagram.com/p/BygUrsgBuGv/?igshid=1oaiqddlahpxg
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Use Organic Products for Just A Natural Skin Care Routine
Pure Healing CBD Many individuals think they must have to order a pack of 10 seeds for an exorbitant associated with dough, risking a season and expense on that little pack. What if you had mason jars full of the seeds? I not really know about you, but I like the packed mason jars of vegetables. Eating foods that are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 is strongly beneficial. These foods include plant oils for example flaxseed oil and CBD Oil. Seafood beans, nuts, and tofu additionally good sources of Omega or higher. Eating fish at least twice weekly or taking Omega 3 supplements should be added into the diet particularly when a deficiency is categorized. Like flax, the advantages of EFAs in CBD Hemp Oil include lubricating the colon and restoring healthy metabolism. It's an excellent supplement for encouraging weight loss, as it cuts down on the appetite by keeping you feel satiated longer and lowering blood sugar consumption. EFAs are useful in the treatment high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, diabetes, arthritis, and inflammatory conditions. If you feed the actual natural foods, then you'll have no need to hungry. You can pretty much eat all the fresh fruits and vegetables you want, and rue . adversely affect your inches around your waist. The initiatives for 2010 include The Mayor Project which is really a total alteration in the form of government found Colorado Spgs. It is known as strong mayor form of government. Another initiative tend to be discussing long term of cannabidiol. A third initiative will discuss the Medicare choice presently there will be initiatives about county term limits and the city areas. So much good information that you will need on voting day to recognise the issues voted upon this election. A time my life came when my husband, (who was never part of the particular circle of friends), with regards to decided it was time go on our own lives. A circumstance had greatly changed our lives, and the direction there was been moving. We moved in a smaller, nicer home, put some money into it, renovated and decorated it all. It was pretty nice - quite the progres from my hippie girl years. The more I discovered myself divorced from the residual friends from so made use of. But Laura and I still stayed in reach for. "I saw a Deadhead sticker on a cadillac". In my case this was almost true; I went to work for a profit 500 company, it become said which i started late on my career goals and objectives. Phil got a job too, and began doing its job as an engineer in town. In those days, engineer jobs in high-rise apartment buildings were very cush. The amount of time lent themselves well into the ex-druggie presently there was associated with money freedom assuming the work needed always be done was accomplished.
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Thanks for the good feedback of our non toxic, all natural and organic products.. SPG FOR MEN ONLY 18+ ↪THERAPEUTIC BLEND FOR MEN Nowadays, men's reproductive health is always at risk. hindi na kasi healthy ang lifestyle ng tao. factors such as lack of sleep, alcohol, cigarettes, unhealthy foods, having incomplete meal diet, stress from work, hormonal imbalance.. affects reproductive health unhealthy lifestyle The effects of those are: -low sperm counts -unhealthy sperms -erection disfunction -unhealthy blood - sexual disability -premature ejaculation (specially for married men) Worry no more! Pretty Tin's organic beauty products have created something very special for you,guys! The product is designed for much more for married men who wants to please their wife.. or single men who aims to enhance their masculine side in preparation for marriage. WE DO NOT ENCOURAGE PREMARITAL SEX HERE as God's purpose of Lovemaking is for husband and wife only. Instead we encourage single men to prepare their vitality for their future wife and family. REMEMBER HEALTHY SPERM =HEALTHY CHILDREN. HEALTHY MASCULINE SIDE= HAPPY WIFE. WHAT IS THERAPEUTIC BLEND FOR MEN? this products is a therapy massage oil made of all 100% organic and herbal oils that scientifically proven to promote masculine health. Do patch test first before using the product. 👉virgin Olive oil -promotes health and normal blood circulation for strong masculine 👉sweet almond - encourages health and strength for long endurance and performance 👉 Sandalwood - may help enhance the size of the manhood 👉Other herbal oils - promotes healthy masculine, KILLS BACTERIA PRICE: 220 SRP NOTE: This is not a medicine. For problems regarding reproductive health, please consult your health practitioner. and so this herbal products are not intended to cure any diseases. Misuse of the products may cause also adverse reaction. Pls follow the procedures written on the label. The company is not aware of any health issue of the user and so we will not take into responsibility any adverse reaction that wi happen. Use at your own discretion. FROM HealthyLifestyleWellnessCenter Whatsapp+639327814563
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