#blood sunk monkey brain mode activated at ALL times
wu-kongs · 2 years
Macaque creates a fake eye that is a 100% replica. He accounts for looks, smell, texture, even the traces of magic that comes from two celestial monkeys constantly handling it. He evens hides it in his most elaborate protection yet, and fights bitterly for the eye when wukong comes to get it to complete the masquerade. It's days of work, He's sure that this will finally be the end.
Not sure if it's funnier if wukong comes back after an hour because he KNOWS this is not his eye, or if macaque screws himself over because it's been three weeks and he hasn't made a grab for the eye since then
LMFAO macaque finally winning But At What Cost
now wukong isn't chasing him anymore. now he doesn't have open and near-constant access to wukong.
what has he done?
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