#bloodmoon just had to turn off his night vision
sketchtxt · 4 months
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First time for everything.
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 17: Lingering Touch
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, blood, penetrative sex, oral sex, breeding kink, heat, sex toys, overstimulation
Summary: Juniper wakes up after the Bloodmoon… but something feels different
Feedback appreciated. 18+
This is a smut heavy chapter folks….
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Juniper awoke in their bed. Her muscles were sore and she felt incredibly hungry. She raised her hand to touch her face, but a sharp thorn of pain rippled through the bones of her arm. Juniper looked down, seeing her arm wrapped up in thick bandages.
She made a tiny sound of alarm, trying to sit up. Her memories were coated in a thick fog of the night before, the only thing that was at the forefront was the taste on her tongue:
Was it her own? She was obviously injured. But oh god, what if it wasn’t. If her stomach wasn’t a yawning emptiness she might have retched.
Juniper heard the speakers rattle to life overhead.
“You awake buttercup?” Heisenberg’s voice sounded.
“Y-yea…” she answered.
“You sit tight and rest.” His voice ordered, “I’ll be up after I finish up down here, and I better not see your ass out of that room.”
As the speakers died Juniper huffed annoyed.
She shakily stood, making her way to the kitchen. She rummaged through the fridge and cabinets, desperately wanting to fill her belly and wash the taste from her mouth.
Juniper ended up making the biggest sandwich she’d ever made: it consisted of multiple layers of cheese and meats, even adding what little veggies she could find onto it.
She sat at the table, wolfing it down hungrily. She felt like her insides were hollow. As she neared the end of her meal Heisenberg came through the door to check on her.
He looked over the disorderly kitchen, shooting her an amused smile, “Hungry, kitten?”
She nodded, her mouth full of her most recent bite.
Heisenberg chuckled, striding past and sifting through the mess to make himself something.
Juniper swallowed, then asked, “What happened?”
Heisenberg gave a deep sigh, “Well…long story short, you turned into the big bitch again.”
Juniper grew quiet, trying to think.
Heisenberg went on, “I don’t know what you did, you fucking ran off on me. Found you in the stronghold, had a gunshot wound.” He gestured to her arm. Juniper felt it over swallowing again.
“D-Did I hurt anyone?” She asked tentatively.
Heisenberg gave her a long look before answering honestly, “I’m not sure Doll…but you were covered in blood…”
She read between the lines, nodding.
Shrugging Heisenberg picked up his plate to sit next to her, “It comes with the territory, buttercup. We all lose control early on.”
He reached out and took her hand in his gloved one, “It’ll get easier.”
Juniper nodded again, meeting his eyes.
The next few days went by slowly. Juniper felt restless and hot. Her skin felt sensitive and the hunger morphed into something more, a different emptiness and need filled her.
She sat down in the workshop, and Juniper was in a mood, the type of mood where she strove to be the biggest nuance she could be. It had long since worn Heisenberg thin, her status to him the only thing keeping him some semblance of calm.
“Buttercup…” Heisenberg hissed through clenched teeth, “You are really starting to piss me off.”
She pulled the tool she’d been lightly tickling him with away with a little whine. She wanted attention, wanted to be touched.
“How about you go back to the apartment.” It was more of an order, “Let me work.”
She begrudgingly did what she was told, returning to the apartment dejectedly. Sitting on the edge of the bed she fidgeted with the edge of her dress.
As the hours went on the feeling sharpened into a deep desire. Her body erupted into a cold sweat, muscles twitching under the skin. Her mind felt foggy and heavy.
Heisenberg finally entered the apartment, after he'd finished with the tasks he set before him that day. The second he was through the threshold Juniper was on him. She was unclothed, eyes dilated.
“Hello, Doll.” He gave a cocky smile as she started pulling his coat off. He let her as he slowly walked towards the bed.
Juniper pushed Heisenberg back onto the bed. He made a sound as he hit the mattress, chuckling once he got his breath.
“You ok buttercup?” He smiled cockily, watching as she practically ripped the rest of her clothing from herself.
“No.” She shook her head, crawling over him. Her eyes were dark and lustful, sweat gathering on her brow.
“I’m so horny.” She huffed out, “So horny it hurts!”
“Hey now.” He chuckled as she started to undo his belt. Juniper looked up at him almost annoyed before continuing.
“So am I going to be the pillow princess tonight?” He folded his arms behind his head showily.
Juniper struggled to get him undressed, her hands shaking a bit.
“You can be whatever you want.” She almost growled.
When his cock was free she found it with her mouth hungrily. Heisenberg made a sound of surprise as she lathed over him with her tongue.
She looked up at him with half lidded eyes, vision of a predator. His smirk faltered, her smell hitting him. She smelled sweet and alluring.
He licked his lips, realizing she’d been acting strangely since the bloodmoon.
Had its primal song sent her into a mock heat?
He didn’t have long to muse, she was on him. She trapped him between her thighs, letting out a ragged breath. Heisenberg rubbed up her legs softly, aware of her dripping core.
He smiled roguishly, thinking he was in for a good night.
Juniper bounced on him, seemingly unrelenting. Heisenberg’s eyes were shut, his jaw tight. His muscles would tighten with every movement of her hips. Her hands found his shoulders, beginning to buck faster as another orgasm inched ever closer.
Heisenberg had already come multiple times, concentrating more on holding himself together now then focusing on whatever she was doing.
Her walls clenched down on him, milking his cock. Juniper threw her head back, playing with her own piercings as she cried out.
Heisenberg writhed underneath her, unable to hide his sounds. He moaned loudly, gripping her hips as she kept up her onslaught. His thighs trembled with pleasure under her.
“F-Fuck buttercup!” He moaned out, huffing out hotly. His idea of the night was quickly turning over to survival.
Juniper couldn’t find real relief, her body searched it out with unending energy. His smell was driving her wild: a mix of musk and sweat. She ran her fingers through Heisenberg’s chest hair, drawing out a shutter from him.
Had it been hours? How many times did he spill out into her?
Heisenberg didn’t know, overstimulation and pleasure bleed together into a cocktail of primal passion that made his head spin. He was usually the one with higher stamina but Juniper was a force to be reckoned with in this state.
“Doll?” Heisenberg groaned out, when she didn’t stop he grabbed her hips hard.
Juniper mewled in protest.
“Doll, I need a drink.” He shook his head, “You’re fucking killing me here.”
She made a sound of distress as he lifted her off of him. Juniper pouted up at him.
“God damn.” Heisenberg tried to stand, his legs almost buckling under him.
He made his way to the kitchen, nearly falling into the sink. He bent forward, cranking his neck to drink straight from the tap needily. Water trickled down his chin, getting caught in his beard. Shutting off the water, he had a ragged breath.
He turned, seeing her still on the bed, rubbing her thighs together.
Sighing heavily he spoke, “How about I get that toy I made for you, hm?”
“Don’t go!” Juniper stood, worry making her shake.
“I’ll be quick.”
“Can I come with you.”
“It’ll be faster if you’re not hanging all over me buttercup.” He admitted, seeing her wilt.
“I’ll come right back and play with you for a while with the toy…Give me a bit of a breather.” He admitted, “Then I’ll be top for a while. See if that’ll help.”
She gave him a tiny nod.
He was true to his word, as he most often was, returning promptly with the toy in hand. He pulled up a char before the bed, sitting heavily down.
“Get on your knees, in the bed.” He instructed, using his powers to pull his cigar case towards him. She crawled onto the bed, lifting her butt up in the air. She waited impatiently as he cut and lit a cigar. He took a long drag before mentally bringing the toy over to her.
She made a little cry as the cold metal speared into her. Heisenberg leaned back in the chair, watching as he used the device to piston into her, setting a quick pace.
A mixture of her own slick and his come ran down her thighs from her swollen cunt.
He kept this up for a long while, removing the toy to press against her clit from time to time. He loved to just sit and watch her fall apart.
The way her legs trembled and her back arched to get better angles. He’d never seen her so feverish to fuck, unused to being the one running out of stamina.
When he felt his strength return with a second wind he pulled the toy free of her. It fell wetly to the floor with a metallic clink. Juniper made a little sound from the loss of sensation.
Juniper started to move, turning to look at him.
Heisenberg stood growling, “Stay right there. Ass up.”
She complied, wiggling her hips a bit enticingly. He stood behind her, marveling at the artwork of flesh before him. He ran his palms over the plush of her ass and down her soft thighs, earning a mewl from her.
“You want to act like a needy bitch, you’ll be fucked like one.” He spoke huskily as he lined himself with her opening.
He speared into her without mercy. If she wanted to be fucked in oblivion he would do his damndest to comply. He set a fast rough pace, hearing her cry out every time he hilted fully in her flesh.
“Yea this is what you fucking wanted, wasn’t it?” He growled, pounding into her. She made a sound, lips open and wavering.
He smacked her ass hard, “Want my pups you, needy Bitch?”
“Y-yes!” She cried.
“Tell me.” He thrust faster, fingernails digging into the skin of her hip.
“I want your pups!” Screamed out as an orgasm washed over her.
Heisenberg groaned out, feeling her walls fluttering around him.
Her nerves were shot, pleasure numbing every extremity. He was finally fucking all thought from her.
“That’s it.” He moaned, feeling her finally submitting fully.
Their hips clapped together loudly, almost drowning out the wet sound. Juniper mewled under him.
He gave a few more savage thrusts, gripping her hips enough to bruise as he buried his cock in her. His balls tightened as he filled her with everything he still had, roaring out like a Lycan.
He fell forward, stomach pressed against her lower back. He dipped his head down and whispered in a gravelly voice, “Good girl.”
Heisenberg pulled out of her, feeling sore and aching. Juniper collapsed onto the bed, relief washing through her. He lay down beside her, the only sound the mixture of their labored breathing. Both were totally spent, mentally and physically.
“Warn me next time you feel…whatever the fuck that was…ok doll?” Heisenberg murmured with closed eyes.
Juniper gave a little rumble.
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hornedjezebelart · 6 years
Chapter Five: Bloodmoon
 Pandora was being shaken roughly, making her already aching body hurt even more. She pawed at the man’s arms feebly as her vision returned to her. He mercifully stopped shaking her and sat back on his heels, looking at her with concern apparent in his eyes. Pandora knew better now than to try and sit up, his warning not to do so was unneeded after the first time. “You were having a nightmare.” He said simply, with her vision clearing she could tell he was a Nord just as she was, though even if she didn’t have her sight returned to her she could tell by his thick accent, which was familiar to her and would have been comforting if it weren’t for the itchy straw-ridden furs she lay upon. All Pandora could do was grunt at the man, her head still reeling. He furrowed his thick blonde eyebrows at her as he called for another named Arrald, taking his steely eyes off her to look at the large mass of a man who now entered. This man, Arrald, was dressed in a multitude of furs, the most prominent being the bear hide cloak draped over his shoulders. “Who are you and why were you spying on us?” He demanded, his voice harsh and as weathered as his skin. The other man, dressed in normal Stormcloak armor she noticed now that her vision returned to her completely, stared at her with wary eyes, waiting for her response. “I wasn’t spying.” Pandora managed to whisper as she sat up, slowly this time so she would stay conscious. She was scared of the large man, but in too much pain to really do anything about it, plus, they had removed her weapons. “I am no one.” After a brief pause and some tentative touching of her bruised temple; “Do you make a habit of knocking out women traveling on the roads?” The bear of a man laughed, startling the soldier. “Only if they look like they can take out one of my men.” Pandora ignored his response, looking around her at the small hide tent until she spotted her bow at the mouth of the shelter. Arrald noticed her looking about and crossed his arms over his massive barrel of a chest, making himself seem even larger. “Don’t get any ideas, lass. I’d have your head from your skinny little neck before you even set a finger on your bow, there.” He chuckled to himself as Pandora deflated and glowered at him from the floor. “Where are you coming from? It’s dangerous to be alone on the roads these days.” He asked, his face turning a small bit more serious, but not by much. The laughter never seemed to leave his eyes, as if he thought nothing of her and any attempt at violence towards him would be unsuccessful. “I’m trying to get to Dawnstar, I’ve lived in Morthal all my life.” She muttered, ignoring Arrald to look to the now silent man who was so concerned about her well-being. He was obviously intimidated by her stare, he stood and turned to face Arrald, who Pandora assumed was his commander, to give him a pleading stare. “Please, Arrald, just let her go. She’s obviously not an Imperial Spy.” He received a condescending look for his plea, finally relieving Pandora of the bear’s stare. Pandora took this opportunity to roll past the man, to his right and out of the tent. She almost made a full lunge before she was seized by the collar of her leather cuirass and thrown back onto the furs, landing directly on her back and crying out in surprise and pain while the man laughed. “Bind her, she’s a flighty one.” He said between his laughter, turning his back to her as he left the tent. Pandora sat up again, sulking now and throwing daggers with her eyes at the bear. The other man knelt in front of her, blocking her view of Arrald and receiving the look in his stead. “Please, just cooperate.” He pleaded, motioning for her to stand and turn around. Pandora glared at him a few moments longer before following his directions. She could easily make it past this one, but the commander would still be an issue. Once she got her hands on her bow her escape would be guaranteed but that was the biggest hurdle. “My name is Kodrir. I’m the camp’s healer.” He said softly as he bound her wrists behind her with a strip of hide. “Arrald’s the one who found you. He’s a bit of a brute but he’s an excellent leader.” He added, taking a small wooden stool and tossing it next to Pandora so she could sit. She took the seat, testing the bonds with a severe frown on her face, keeping silent. Kodrir sighed, his face showing clearly his guilt in being involved in such an act as this. “I’m sure he’ll let you go, he has no reason not to.” He added, more to try and convince himself more than anything at this point. He looked at his hands, clearly uncomfortable with her silent glare then left the tent. She could see out of the opening now that no one blocked the way. It was snowing, late evening, and the soldiers outside were celebrating their victory on the Imperial scouting group.
After a few hours of watching, waiting, and dosing, Pandora noticed the camp was quiet. It was either now or never. She did not think the Stormcloaks would just simply let her go. Especially now that she had been to their secret camp. Slowly, quietly, easing off the stool into a crouch she snuck her way to the opening of the tent. Tentatively she peeked out into the night. The fire in the center of the camp was nothing but glowing coals now, and her bow had been moved. There were plenty of other weapons, for now, she could use until she retrieved it, and with some effort, she used a sleeping soldier’s dagger to cut herself free. She spotted the commander’s tent easily enough, it was twice as large as the other open-mouthed tents and housed under a large rock outcropping. To the left of the tent was where she assumed the command center was, the hide flap was secured so that the opening was large. Pandora immediately spotted her pack and weapons.
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