diabclos · 7 years
                                                ship meme | @bloodstainedbread
- Who’s the first to wake up in the morning: Lyth. Not only does she have her duties as a           huntress, but likely has many other things she needs to do. Now, if we are speaking           of first in the hours of the day, Dia is first. He stays up to spend the nights with her,           as that is when she actually goes out and works. - Who’s the one to make breakfast: Lyth. She’s seen some of Dia’s early attempts at           cooking things, and will not eat the things that he makes himself. Now, she has no           problem preparing what he manages to catch, so long as he didn’t choose something           that was on their no go list. - Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: Dia, if he happens to actually manage           to make something edible. He is careful to see how her coeurl reacts to the thing.           She’ll always let him know quickly whether or not he should even try to give it to her           master. - Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: Dia, though Lyth will do it           too. He’s usually still up, and if he’s been pent up all day he’ll definitely say something           about it. Other times she just decides she wants him and jumps at the chance to get           the upper hand (i.e. his ears). - Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: Dia. Running around in the           dea of night when you are literally blind is frustrating. Throw in giant creatures that can           rip him limb from limb is another irritating part. Throw in the fact that wild animals tend           to attack out of fear, and you have a recipe for disaster. - Who chooses the movies: Lyth, though the second Dia hears something that sounds like           suspense or horror happening, he’s throwing her across the room and ordering           someone to rip the thing out of the player. - Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all   together: Lyth. Dia probably is sitting happily with her on his lap and trying to imagine the           movie, his tail wrapped around either an arm or her tail. One of her favorite things to do           is touch his ears, but he probably warned against her doing that out of nowhere. - Who orders lunch: Dia, probably telling Yanenowi to find them food in the middle of the           night. She has her methods, and he’s not about to leave his accident prone lover to           the wilds in the hope that she manages to keep herself from losing another limb. - Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: Dia, especially if they were eating            something spicy. But for the most part he only steals food after she’s slowed down in            eating it. - Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: Lyth, probably right            as dawn is breaking and she’s going to sleep for the day. - Who distracts the other from trying to work at home: Lyth. All her work is done out in            the Forelands, Dia is the one who sits around and hands out instructions for other            voidsent to follow. Probably when he’s been at it a while she drags him out with her. - Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: Neither? Dia doesn’t eat sweets and            generally doesn’t go near things that are cold, and I can’t really see Lyth begging for            ice cream when she doesn’t even beg for anything. - Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: Lyth. It’s rare for him to indulge            others with the treat, and moments have to be saved for blackmail later. - Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: Dia, as            he’s probably already finished the half a scoop he wanted and is watching Lyth            manage with this cone of frozen cream. - Who cooks dinner: Dia, because normally she’s wandering in with kills or wounded, so he            has to man the fort or carry her broken ass back home and make her food before            tucking her in. - Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: Also Dia. See above reasons. - Who stays up until 2 reading: Lyth, probably whatever book she found somewhere, or            she’s taken some interest in something. Plus Dia has his admittedly large library in his            apartment, so he does what reading he wants there. - Who stares at their partner while their sleeping: Both, as they often can’t get their sleep            schedules to mesh well. Probably takes Dia a moment or two to actually wake up            when he’s supposed to. - Who kisses their partner while they sleep: Lyth. Gotta try to take advantage of him when           he’s not entirely capable of retaliating. 
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voidlordfebreze · 7 years
really late but re: that rp thing thank you @bloodstainedbread and @olivehlke I’ll remember the “rules” arent absolute for everyone and try to be more confident. ;-;99
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A Lyth leaves a carefully wrapped 'box' on his stoop. Instead of the normal batch of meatbuns, this year she was a little festive in making desserts. Alongside with the Christmas time treats, she left a smaller box that held a watch - yet instead of telling time, it was based around the positions of the planets. 'In case you ever go stargazing', was written on the small card tucked inside alongside the watch.
Hmm?? Oh, it seemed someone was attempting to bestow to him gifts this year. Though he already knew who’s handiwork this was just from the taste alone. Only one person--or rather, dragon in this case--could make something as delicious as these. Though it was interesting that there was still more, the doctor looking curiously at the watch before giving a small nod in response.
“I’ll have to try it out sometime.~”
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onearmedarmy · 8 years
✖✖✖✖ [ fite me i'm on lyth's old blog ]
Send "✖" if you think my oc is well written.
you flatter me, tick ;w;
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𝔽𝔽 + lyth because mom / son or tol fae / smol dargon is cute.
Hriob wasn’t expecting much mail this time of year, ironically, so the small booklet detailing one of the times he had snuggled up with his adoptive mother during the winter...
...well, he was trying not to cry a bit as he pocketed the pages after reading. He missed those days a lot.
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xsidereus · 8 years
❝ to be royalty is not a position, it’s a predicament. ❞ [ bloodstainedbread ]
royalty au sentence starters.
Yuun blinked. He did not shift from the posture he held, arms still held folded neatly behind straight back, though his tail swayed to and fro behind him... Confused? Or curious? A cough left him; a clearing of the throat as he wondered what he should say in response.
“...would it be inappropriate of me to agree with you, my lady?” The young guard would ask at last, eyes turning away for a moment before returning to the Lyeulian Queen before him. He was not at all envious of her position.
“You have encouraged me to be honest, but there are those who would likely have preferred that I urge you to think contrary to those words of yours... To encourage you to think positively of your duty.”
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actualrvbtrash · 8 years
[ Soul Eater~ ]
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
The first character i ever fell in love with:
A character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Going by the anime...nobody, really.
A ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Spirit/Stein I just can’t ship it, anymore.
My ultimate favorite character™:
Stein, ofc. Close second is Justin.
Prettiest character:
My most hated character:
Medusa. BI
Stein/Marie and Kidd/Maka
Stein/Medusa Just...NO. Also Giriko/Justin and Soul/Maka and Kidd/Liz and Kidd/Black*Star and Stein/Spirit/Death/any teacher +ANY of the students
Favorite episode:
Oh, gosh. Uhh... Any episode with Stein and/or Justin, I guess? 
Saddest death:
Being as there’s only really 3 to pick from in the anime...Death’s. Close second of Aushy. (Yes, I know he was the villain, bite me. BI)
Favorite season:
Well, there were only two, so...I dunno...I like ‘em both, I guess?
Least favorite season:
Enter helpless shrug here.
Character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Death. BI Asshole.
My ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
My ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Both Stein and Justin.
My ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Don’t...have one, really.
My ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship’:
Sid/Nygus also Black*Star/Patty also Kim/Ox
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diabclos · 7 years
                                                          ⭐️  headcanon meme
theicebeastofthenorth -
Dia really doesn’t understand why Misaki goes out of his way to help animals. To him it is just the way of life. You get hurt and die, and the next creature gets to use your corpse for whatever the hell it wants. That said, he willingly goes along with his need to help any and all creatures that are hurt. Normally this is because Misaki can lose all sense of where he is, and in one such case he got to figure out just what happens when he doesn’t pay attention.
lighttheabyss - 
He really does find her snark amusing. She gives very few shits about who he is and what he’s done so long as he behaves. And when he doesn’t behave she is quick to give him a metaphorical swat on the nose and makes sure that he is put back in his place. That much he isn’t too fond of, but now that he’s managed to put his position for attacking her and her party when they entered Amdapor the first time, she seems to have relaxed a little.
spearofthemother -
Dia probably tries to get Azee out shopping for clothes every few weeks. She does need a bit of variety in her wardrobe, plus he enjoys seeing the rather flustered and slightly uncomfortable looks she gives him when she tries things on and isn’t entirely sure if they look good or not. At some point she will figure out that the shop keepers gasping isn’t a bad thing, that they are honestly surprised that such a renowned warrior would look so good in something that they can only sort of pull off.
eternxloptimism -
Dia firmly believes that Aly should be protected. Of all the people he’s really talked to about his urges and what he enjoys most, she is the only one to react with embarrassment right off the bat. Most others who deny him cite either their preference for women, marriage, or just that they wouldn’t sleep with a voidsent. Aly just sort of gets embarrassed and tries to change the subject.
shivaswarrior - 
Of any SeeD that will try to call Dia or command him to fight for them in battle, Squall is the only one that he will not fight on the subject. Dia likes Squall, more than Selfie or Quistis or Seifer. I really can’t manage to give a reason why, just he’s giving me the whole ‘nah, fuck you I’m gonna sleep’ when I push him towards other VIII muses. This includes Ulti too, while I’m thinking about it. He does enjoy fucking things up with her, but he is not hers to command.
cloakanddaggermage - 
1. Hist is one of a few people that can pretty much do or say what they want to Dia with near no consequences. I could spout reasons and make it sound like he’s easy (because he is), but the truth of it is that Hist is someone he has come to trust implicitly.
2. You hurt hist in any way that isn’t a paper cut or accidental and I can guarantee that he will be there to rip you new one. The two of them are linked to a point, so extreme physical pain and whatever out of control emotion she is having affects him. So if you make her upset enough to call him, or hurt her enough him to know before whatever voidsent he has watching her has time to tell him, you will be dead.
3. If Dia isn’t rooming with Phina or whomever else it is that he’s involved with, he’s helping hist sleep at her place. Usually on those nights, if he’s not passed out with her wrapped around his middle, he’s sending out minions to do things with Hist wrapped around his middle and complaining sleepily when he moves too much.
4. Dia is in her home near constantly. Being with other people is always nice, but its gotten to the point where he can literally navigate her home without his seeing-eye bat helping him. That is where the problem happens because he won’t know something has been moved until he runs face first into it.
bloodstainedbread -
Dia was wholly unaware that Lyth was almost entirely blind for a long time. It took until around the time where Lorelei had broken off the engagement for him to realize it. The reason why was because he’d had his ass handed to him (something that i can explain in private for those that weren’t following during that…) and had dark bruises on his neck that she didn’t see even though they were something no one could miss. It prompted an experiment, and he got the full force of her rage when she could actually see just how bad he looked.
impendeo - 
Feridad is honestly the one he goes to if he’s going to do something stupid. Whether its pissing off the automata in the Amdapori ruins that could quite easily kill him with their holy magic, or picking on mortals, he’s the one that Dia will grab before he goes. There is a reason that the two were summoned to wreak havoc on the ancient city. They are very good at sewing confusion and chaos, more so that Forgall.
Forgall is the one Dia goes to when stuff needs to get done. No nonsense, time to break some legs and get what information they need before throwing whomever it was they were torturing to some starving void denizens for them to dispose of.
Both of them though, are loyal. Forgall probably shows it more in subtle questions and watching those who he deems a threat. Feridad is more than likely to stab you with an arrow with a note that says to stay the fuck away, all with his name signed on it.
etosvitri -
1. Dia is 99.99% certain that if he gets within any distance of Demi or Tallyn, one of the two of them will cut him in half. Its amusing as hell to throw his voice using a gate and watch them get a little irritated, but for the most part if they are together, he stays the hell away from them.
2. He does like them. Unlike most people he immediately took a liking to Tallyn, and Demi grew on him. The fact that he can’t get near Tallyn without Hist’s brand scalding him within an inch of his life is the only problem he has. Tallyn’s discomfort is something he isn’t allowed to cause.
3. Demi is wildly entertaining to him. She doesn’t take his shit, and isn’t afraid to just let him have it. It’s why he pestered her to the extent that he did, going as far as using her as a shield because really, it would be too entertaining to see her just throw him to the ground in the middle of a large group of people.
4. He hasn’t wished them congratulations on finding Demi alive because he is sure that he’s the last person they want to see. Menphina sure. Hist, absolutely. But why the antagonistic voidsent who’s sole mission in life is to see how many people he can piss off or sleep with?
justanotherbrd - 
M’tsani is someone he’s sure doesn’t quite grasp everything around her. Not that it is at all a bad thing, he does enjoy seeing her reaction when he tells her something that she didn’t figure out. Case and point, telling her that he was a voidsent, almost immediately after telling her that his wife gave her blessings to Naon and Mimido despite being unable to make it to the wedding itself. Also thinks that her friend is intimidating, but that is neither here nor there.
shroudedscholar - 
1. Dia is seriously confused by Urianger, mostly because of the fact that he was siding with the Warriors of the Darkness, and seemed all too happy to be there at the time, though when he turns around to help the Warrior of Light is where his understanding dims a bit. Being someone who is solidly in the middle of everyone else when it comes to allegiances, seeing someone switch between sides is baffling.
2. Dia is secretly amused by his seeming inability to stay calm when he’s around. The little jumps and tension are not only amusing, but give just enough aether to sustain him for a period of time.
3. Dia probably ends up leaving little messages for the scholar with some lesser voidsent like a beady eye or a gaelicat. Whether it is because he’s lazy or something else, the world may never know.
giltedxpaladin - 
Sil is the one person Dia will go to when injured, before anyone else. He’s someone that Dia knows he can talk out of doing something, including going after whomever it was that had done the damage. If it keeps Sil from going on a rampage and coming into contact with the people that Dia tends to keep company with, he’ll do just about anything.
thanalansunglow - 
Dia really does intend on using Astharan to summon voidsent. He’ll give him what knowledge he wants so long as he assists Dia in getting more voidsent in the realm. Dastardly plans for the world that he will likely be pushed out of by no small number of people, but whatever.
circecastor -
1. Honestly, if he catches her or anyone else trying to go after Maahes, he will ensure that the massive panther has free reign to take out whomever he wants. He might call a stops before C’ersi dies, but if she’s really out for him, well sucks. Could always let her beg for life…
2. When he isn’t letting his pets kill her because she’s apparently decided that they aren’t allowed to continue, he will pester her within an inch of her life. Usually this means that he is acting as her chair and taking whatever books he feels like because it is all in the name of impeding progress.
3. Dia still calls her snowflake, even if she doesn’t want him to. That is her name now, and there is no way to change it. Someday he’s gonna say it to her face and something might snap, but he welcomes it, because she’s usually so collected.
heavenswardrealm - 
Dia really does not understand why he was at the spring when Phina was there, nor does he really care. He knows that she can defend himself, plus his retainers are protecting her now that he has Feridad and Forgall to make sure he doesn’t end up with holes in his hide. But given the fact that he seemed so worried about ‘smearing her honor’, Dia figured he’d play up the vengeful husband bit.
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clockworkapothecary · 8 years
Tea and herbs, dirt. Things that make an apothecary. [ For Ava ]
((Tell me what scents remind your muse of mine. Bonus - I’ll respond with what scents remind my muse of yours))
She smiles softly at that, fond and thoughtful.
“Bread, cinnamon, fireplace smoke.  A warm place to rest on a rainy night.”
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“Smooth. Very smooth. You definitely know how to make a good first impression.”
“…I have tried, and therefore, no one can criticize me.”
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onearmedarmy · 8 years
"I am NOT going outside in this cold!" [ bloodstainedbread ]
“--Not even with a fire dragon ta help warm ya up?” Naeril offered with a sheepish grin.
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☱ For Skarloey~
Your character has just discovered my character’s journal/diary
Leave a  ☱ in my askbox for an entry that’s about you.
Diary Entry:
In this village town we have come across, we found a bakery with a female dragoness as it’s owner, she seem cold, but I think if I play it right, we could be good friends, I can’t rush these things though, so it may take a long time.
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diabclos · 7 years
Quick Guide for Interaction
So I am going to make a general guide for interaction in Diablos’ verses. These are really just quick information of where you can find him, things he does and doesn’t enjoy, etc. This will be updated when I get interactions from muses in new games.
Along with this post though, I will flat out say it here. Diablos is bisexual with a male preference. He is a power bottom. None of that means that he will turn away a woman if she wants him. The act itself is something he wants, and if you can manage to turn him on, then you can bed him.
                                            Final Fantasy VII
If during the plot of the game, he will be wandering under the plate. Quite honestly, even if he isn’t one to participate in what the Honey Bee Inn sells, he quite enjoys watching the women work themselves. Plus with his penchant for stealing things, he is more than likely to give some of those women an exorbitant amount of money to make some poor man flush the color of wine.
After the fall of Meteor, and for the events of most of the other games, he is in Kalm, because the celebrations that they all manage to throw are right up his alley. Either that, or he is taking in the cuisine in Wutai.
                                            Final Fantasy VIII
Diablos is freed from the lap by Squall and his companions, and though when he first starts the journey being chained to them by means of junctioning, he does quite enjoy the conversations that they have by the end of the trip. As such he has literally no qualms with just wandering up to any of them and assuming a friendship that has been tested through battle.
Usually Dia will pop in and out of tears in space to pull pranks on people, but only if he is sure that no one will notice the act. He can’t really come across as a knight in a world that still pretty much fears Sorceresses. That, and no one is quite sure what powers a knight could gain when near his sorceress.
                                              Final Fantasy X
Everywhere and anywhere. Diablos has been a Fayth for a long time, and once he’d started refusing to help summoners on their pilgrimage, he never really left his temple much. So the second that he is able to leave (with the help of one very special @xwanderingalbhedx), he is going to do and see almost everything.
If you show him things, or introduce him to something, he’ll likely come back and ask you for more. Though when one meets him as a Fayth, merely the transparent figure of a man, he will be dressed quite differently, old robes of Yevon’s priests from an age long gone by. Despite the age of the clothing, he thinks that he pulls it off well.
                                            Final Fantasy XIII
In most, if not all, of the time periods for XIII to take place in, Diablos will more than likely be in the wilds. He is a Fal’Cie in these games, and though he might not actively search for people to taint following the events of the main game, if he needs something done that he can’t accomplish himself, he will find someone. He is usually generous, never going after a single person when a group would likely fit his needs much better.
During the events of XII-2 and XII-LR (though I haven’t finished the latter), he will be in cities as a human, drinking and causing trouble in clubs. There isn’t a righteous bone in his body, and he won’t hesitate to resort to crimes if he wants something. The one vice he refuses to have is using drugs. Black-out drunk is one thing, blitzed out of his mind on drugs is another one entirely.
                                            Final Fantasy XIV
For the most part, Diablos can be found anywhere. His favorite places in cities are the Red-light districts, the allure of less than savory practices something that he really can’t withstand. If he isn’t in a city, he will likely be near water (even though he can’t swim), or somewhere warm. Gridania as a nation and the Twelveswood are avoided because of Amdapor and it’s ruins. Likewise, he tends to avoid the half of Mor Dhona because of Syrcus Tower and how easy it is to tear a void gate there.
That said, if one is not in contact with the void or anything of the sort, and your muse could theoretically know @cloakanddaggermage, he is normally around her. Part of the deal with the contract she has is that he has to keep her safe above all others.
Don’t hurt those he cares for, (currently @menphinaalthyk, @theicebeastofthenorth, @giltedxpaladin, @bloodstainedbread, or any children) or you will very quickly find yourself dead or dying. Diablos is a loose canon if angered, but it takes something very specific to get him to that point.
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diaarchive · 8 years
“Hello? Is anyone down here?!”
kidnapped/imprisoned starter sentences
He couldn’t respond, not because he was too injured to do so, but more that his throat was so dry that he had no way of calling. She likely wouldn’t have heard him anyways. But he could hear the footsteps on the stairs, descending to where he was strung up on a wall awaiting someone to either come put him out his misery or to take him home. Surely his parents missed him, right? Those thoughts had kept him sane for the most part while he was here, waiting for someone to help him and take him back to the parents he’d recently regained. They wouldn’t give up on him, would they?
When he heard the gasp, he lifted his head just a bit, seeing bright features but unable to focus on much else before he let out a shuddering laugh. Help then, she was going to help him, if the sudden hurried footsteps and hands on his person were anything to go by. Gentle and careful, as if one single press in the wrong place would break him into a thousand pieces. Distantly he registered that she’d said something, but he couldn’t make out words, too wrapped up in the feeling of being freed from the shackles he’d been forced into.
They didn’t move immediately though, she just sat down and held him close until she could probably get help carrying him out of there. It didn’t matter, he would smile and mouth a thank you into her clothing as he relaxed. He’d have to find some way to thank her later when he actually had the energy to do something.
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demonicdiligence · 8 years
A little Lyth and Holiun hold out their bags expectantly for candy. Why yes, they're trick-or-treating at their own house. Fite them.
Send me ‘trick or treat’ and my muse will decide whether or not to play a trick on you, or to treat you with some candy.
It was the end of trick-or-treat night, Aamon having accompanied the two in a costume that fit quite well with whatever they chose to wear. With Daeva occupying the home, handing out treats to whatever trick-or-treaters happened upon them, there was only one really correct course of action.
Daeva and Aamon poured out what remained of their bowl into their bags, half and half, easily scoring each of them AT LEAST fifteen more assorted treats.
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onearmedarmy · 8 years
❜ i’m open to suggestions. ❜
“Ok, so wha’ ya do is lure ‘em into a false sense a security, then ya lead 'em somewhere nice 'n quiet. After ya do tha’, then ya kill 'em. My recommendation, get rid a all their teeth 'n any finger prints. Tha’ way, even if'n th’ body don’t burn all th’ way, it’ll be damned hard ta identify it, if'n not impossible.”
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