itsaldwight-blog · 5 years
Dwight wasn't as clueless as he made himself appear, and lately, he was incredibly restless. Bored. Nothing at the fire interested him and he was craving something - anything to focus on. 
Being sent to Lery's was some sort of a blessing and he eagerly crept into the doctor's office to peruse anything interesting. He found a small green book on neurochemical pathways, one that fit perfectly in his hand while he ran. The Leader stole it without a second thought. 
It's not like the Killer would notice anyway, right? 
The trial went sideways far too quickly, and soon Dwight was left creeping around for the hatch, eager to escape with his new possession. He could hear his heart racing softly in his ears as he walked, looking down the flickering hallways for their hunter.
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atlantis-prince · 5 years
bloodybonesnbruises replied to your post ““Oh lookie, my boys are out to play ~”  “Are you actually going to...”
"Maybe if ya weren't such a bad 'father' we'd actually get things done."
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“Perhaps if you had brain cells I wouldn’t need to explain your mission every 5 minutes.”
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itsraiyninmeteors · 5 years
@bloodybonesnbruises w/ Maxie!
‘...Where are we, Amethyst?’
The legendary asked as he tried to sense anything of life, having taken his human disguise for his own safety. The Espeon didn’t even know where they ended up, only that they landed on some sort of island. Even she looked confused.
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‘Then let us tread carefully.’ He murmured and slowly started to press on, with the little Espeon right at his side. After all, she couldn’t allow him to run into things now, could she?
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becamealegend-a · 5 years
Nephew -- @bloodybonesnbruises​
“…didn’t know where else to go…” ( gotta get some family angst going on :3c )
send “…didn’t know where else to go…”for your muse to show up at my muses doorstep one night during a thunderstorm, shivering, bleeding & soaking wet.
He stood in the doorway, seeing the dark haired young man before. His nephew was clearly cold, soaked to the bone, and bleeding. Luke couldn’t see a monster in that moment, but a broken boy. Despite everything that had happened between them, the uncle could not turn his nephew away.
“Come inside.” He said, moving aside for the boy to come in. “We’ll get you bandaged up and something warm in your belly.”
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neversith · 5 years
Hey grandpa, I have a question: would you love me less if I told you I sorta destroyed a temple? Nobody was inside but it was a very important landmark to the world. -from Kylo
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“Let’s backtrack. What temple did you destroy? Then, I will decide if I disown you.”
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@bloodybonesnbruises​ cont. from (x)
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“Damn, I’m swooning.  You really know how to treat a guy right.”
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xteanzu · 5 years
:・゚✧KAIBA ⧸  @bloodybonesnbruises continued from 🍑
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‿︵🍑    ❝ And that’s exactly why you need to listen! ❞
                Her brows furrowed and her voice raised as she snapped at his dismissive behavior. Yes, her friendship speeches were a bit much for some people and true, she believed that friendship and the bonds people share can get them through anything, but that didn’t mean that her words weren’t valid. She took a step forward to show that she was standing her ground. It would probably be ideal in his mind if she just left, but that just wasn’t her style.
                ❝ You’re so ready to throw away any opinion that isn’t yours, but that just makes you look sad. You don’t have to be like us, Kaiba! You don’t need to preach about friendship and I’m not about to shove it in your face. But what I am saying is that if you keep acting standoffish all the time, you’re gonna push everyone away! Give yourself a break. ❞
                In her tone, there was a firm and powerful inflection. Everything about her current position made it clear that she was standing up for what she believed in. Even if it didn’t get through to him, she didn’t want to just label him a lost cause without at least trying to make him think a little more carefully.
               ❝ Why can’t you just own up to things and give your real emotions a voice? I’m not buying that this is really what you want. ❞
                Her words made it obvious that she wanted to care, but didn’t understand him. He was always so cruel and shrugged everyone off as if everyone was a comparison to him that just didn’t measure up. What she said may have been too far for someone who didn’t know everything, but she had to try something, even if it meant just getting told off.
‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
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★ - for Koiba from Joey
From this meme!
If we kissed:
[x] This wouldn’t happen.
[] Oh disgusting.
[] Again, again.
[x] Kiss you back.
[] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[x] Slap/Push you away.
If you asked me out I’d say:
[] Um no.
[] YES.
[x] Do you have a head injury?
Can we cuddle?:
[] No.
[x] Ew.
[] Sure.
[] YES.
[x] I’m uncomfortable.
[x] It would be like trying to cuddle a spider.
[x] This feels like a trick question, but fuck it.
[x] Let’s do it.
[] No. You can’t handle my d.
[] No.
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mutogamingco · 5 years
bloodybonesnbruises replied to your post: “…I think that’s my cue to leave.” 
unsettling chuckles of Marik from the shadows
The hairs on the back of his neck prickle and Yuugi stiffens. He’s heard that before. 
Maybe if he moved quicker to somewhere better lit.
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sennenpharaoh · 5 years
bloodybonesnbruises replied to your post “Still doesn’t understand this “uwu” thing…”
Seto vc: Don't, just don't
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“It just sounds... off. What does ‘uwu’ even mean? Is that a ���meme’ that Aibou keeps talking about?”
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acceptedmyself · 5 years
"You want me to apologize for something you did?”
    There’s a huff, the assassin rolling his eyes. It is a wonder how he can stand being near his brother anymore. Having to deal with the words, dealing with the TURMOIL of his past festering inside his chest and his head. No understanding of the pain he inflicts on himself with lashed harsh words at his own self.     He replaces his frown with a sneer, turning away from Genji, “I don’t expect you to do anything.” Hanzo puts away one of the arrows, not needing it anymore now that the enemies are gone.     There’s a purposeful IGNORING of the meaning behind the question. Not out of a lack of care, but not wanting to deal with the emotions that come up with it, “There’s still things to do, if you want to stay and question, fine. I am going to take out more targets.”
He is not surprised the least by the responses he gets. If anything, Genji is slightly disappointed to be reminded of Hanzo’s stagnation. Then again, the cyborg thought, maybe it was his fault for trying to have an actual conversation while on a mission...
“I think I would prefer contempt to indifference. At least it would be proof enough you can feel anything at all.”
He kneels to take a better look at the street underneath. Though the light is dim, he can see the last Talon troopers they missed run out of ammo and run away with their tail between their legs. He then turns back to his brother, who already seemed prepared to leap down and finish off the last few foes himself.
Before letting him do anything rash, Genji grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him back.
“We already forced them into retreat, it would be needlessly risky to chase after them.”
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dragxnfall · 5 years
Reaper smirks, wraith-forming behind the Soldier, lifting off his mask for the moment. A hand reaches across and holds Soldier's chin, turning him around and practically breaking the visor covering the other's face, "Look sharp boy scout," No more warning, he plants a kiss right on Jack's lips. (>:3c just sliding you this)
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his reflexes immediately react as he tenses, fist clenched and ready to drive beautifully home into the asshole’s face until his sight is hindered by the neoprene-covered silicone of his mask, the soldier gritting his teeth as the material cracks. his arm is already swinging forward and-
the asshole punched him in the mouth with such laughable force. 
at least, that’s his thought process until he realized that that wasn’t a fist, it was a mouth.  he shoves the other man off of him with a scowl, replacing his visor while narrowing his eyes when his fingers fall into the cracks the other had made into it.
“any final words before i send you six feet under for good, jack ass?”
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atlantis-prince · 5 years
bloodybonesnbruises replied to your post “Alister and Valon are fighting over the broom and somehow break a...”
Amelda vc: Screw you, you're not my real dad >:| (I came onto this blog just to reply to this)
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“You’re still losing your pocket money, regardless. Should’ve thought about it before bickering with Valon.” 
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itsraiyninmeteors · 5 years
There's a soft huff that comes from the archer before he shifts to lean against Jesse's shoulder. Hanzo has never been one to like being cooped up in the hotel, "It's like the gods decided to dump all the snow at once. . ." He may be just a /bit/ bitter.
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“Not a big fan of snow, ah take it?”
She didn’t particularly mind the snow herself, but she could plainly see that he wasn’t a fan of it. It did give them time to rest easy for a bit and nestle up within the warmth of the room. That, and the extra blankets she thought was needed.
“Least we can rest easy fer a bit, darlin’. Least ah get to spend it with you.”
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hopegained-a · 5 years
@bloodybonesnbruises gets a one-liner! | phasma
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“Well, this is a surprise. Let me guess, you or Hux need something done fast and quietly.”
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neversith · 5 years
anakin @ his grandchildren right now:
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