ollyoxenfrees · 4 years
gifset “there is never a time or place for true love, it happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single throbbing moment.”  (made by -voidlegends)
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coyxteugly · 8 years
After a very rough week,  Malia decided to go to the bar— ironically the same bar that Kol and her were at during Mardi Gras. Malia was sitting at the bar drinking a glass of bourbon. There was something about the taste that she liked. Maybe something within her felt like there was something there for her, Malia thought otherwise. The place was loud, but she felt as though there was defying silence. Malia still wanted to be Stiles friend, but she felt that it would have to take time or something, because she misunderstood, and thought that Stiles wanted more. When in truth they were very different. She felt as though there was something standing by her— she quickly turned her head and seen Kol, “Oh it’s interesting seeing you here,” Malia said smiling slightly.  
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