#blu3 badly explains ninjago
blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
Badly explained Ninjago Seasons
First up, Pilots and Season 1
Pilots: The Devil kidnaps Spiky's younger sister, Meow, and the guy gets taken in by Gandalf, the devil's brother, who teaches him how to make mini tornadoes. Gandalf then introduces Coal, a jaywalker, and an ice cube maker. For convenience, we'll call the jaywalker Bluejay, and the ice cube maker Freezy.
Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy steal some gold super-powered weapons made by god. Meow gets freed by Spiky, and Gandalf goes to hell to fight the devil with one of the golden weapons. Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy teleport using dragons, and the devil kills a skele by tricking it to hold all of the gold weapons, which kills anyone that holds all four. The skele turns into a multi-dimensional portal, and the devil goes through. Spiky, Coal, Bluejay, and Freezy become "the Ninja".
Season 1: The devil's emo son, who we will call Trauma Child, tries to take over a village, but "the Ninja" stops him, so he trips down a hole and controls the king of the bloo sneks. Spiky accidentally steals from Gandalf and finds a prophecy about the Green Ninja. Trauma Child gets kicked out by the bloo sneks and then the reb sneks, and the reb and bloo sneks team up, so Trauma Child releases porple snek. Porple snek ate all the other porple sneks, and sacrificed Trauma Child to his uncle, Gandalf. Big Fighter Mech enters the ring.
Porple Snek then decides he's gonna revive big snek who wants to om nom the entire world, and forces all of the bloo, reb, gren, and bleck sneks to gather some special knives that can free big snek. Trauma Child gets kidnapped by the sneks. Gandalf leaves to find the devil.
Freezy is actually a robot, Bluejay starts dating Meow and temporarily becomes a snake, and Coal has daddy issues and comes out as gay to his father. All three have magical girl moments. Spiky is jealous. Meow is Big Fighter Mech.
Gandalf and the devil are back to save Trauma Child, and Spiky is delusional and tries to fight the devil, thinking it'll give him his magical girl transformation. Gandalf, the devil, Big Fighter Mech, and "The Ninja" jump the sneks and Spiky saves Trauma Child from getting roasted in a volcano, which triggers his magical girl transformation. Trauma Child is the Green Ninja. Porple snek frees big snek, and he and Gandalf get eaten by big snek. "The Ninja" ties big snek into a city-wide knot, and the devil smacks it on the head with the gold weapons, then runs away. Gandalf lives, and "The Ninja" celebrate.
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
Badly Summarizing Njnjago
Season 2 Rewrite Edition
the sentences are surrounded by "—"
stay safe :]
"The Ninja" work mininum wage while Meow and Gandalf motorbike off into the sunset. The Devil forces the sneks to work for him, and the snek leaders don't like that, so they try to kidnap Trauma Child. Don't worry, with the magic of ✨️plot convenience✨️, Gandalf and Meow save Trauma Child, and "The Ninja" all get fired. The Devil uses magical lava goop to turn the weapons into a Big Gold Stick-Thing. "The Ninja" meet Brownie, who owns a dojo, and beats Brownie up so they can train there.
The Devil summons pirates, evil Ninja doubles, and a Grundal, and somehow still fails. What a loser. Trauma Child gets aged up with magical tea. The Devil and "The Ninja" time travel and fuck around in the past. The Big Gold Stick-Thing and god's gold weapons from the past are shot into space. For some reason.
Satan's Wife shows up. Instead of actually being a mother for Trauma Child, she's been researching the Green Ninja's destiny. Everyone slow claps for the Best Mother of the Year /s. The Serpentine commit a coup d'etat by literally shoving The Devil out of a helicopter, and Bloo Snek Leader takes over.
Satan's Wife gives a history lesson, and introduced god's greatest mistake: Evil Liquid Cat. Evil Liquid Cat is stranded on the other half of Ninjago that god broke off, which we call the Dim Landmass. Evil Liquid Cat created some indestructible warriors out of stone that we're gonna call the Rockies. Also, you remember the big boi snek that The Devil smacked on the head? Well, the author forgot to mention that it caused big boi snek to fucking explode, and the gooey green remains can animate things. Anyways, the gooey green stuff brings one of the Rockies to life that Satan's Wife found underneath the museum she works at. "The Ninja" trick it into falling into a bottomless pit.
Meanwhile, after the devil got shoved out of a 'copter, he found the Dim Landmass, and Evil Liquid Cat strikes a deal with him. The Devil unlocks a new level of Dim Landmass, now it's not mostly underwater! Satan's Wife hits on Gandalf. The author is disgusted. A bunch of the Rockies are reawakened, and the sneks get locked underground again as the Rockies wreak havoc upon Ninjago City.
Gandalf and Satan's Wife literally attempt suicide via jumping out a building window, but "The Ninja" go "nuh uh" and save their asses by catching them on their flying boat the author forgot about last season.
The boosters broke, so they sail to the Dim Landmass like how you're supposed to use a ship. Freezy's bird friend gets shot down. Demonic starfish eat some of the boat, and they crash land onto a not-lighthouse prison. SURPRISE! Freezy's dad is somehow alive, fixes their ship, and they fly away to the Dim Landmass.
Meanwhile, Evil Liquid Cat and The Devil scoop up a bunch of evil galaxy mud, and are using it to create a super weapon. "The Ninja" get caught trying to sneak in and escape, then they go there with Satan's Wife to try to get the devil's fancy new hat and escape, but not before Meow gets kidnapped and experimented on.
One dramatic hero speech later, and "The Ninja" try to defeat the devil again.
They fail. The devil gets possessed by Evil Liquid Cat, and Trauma Child gets physical trauma as well as emotional trauma! I would say baby's first traumatic experience, but Satan's Wife abandoning him and his entire time at Darkley's takes that title.
Ninjagoans(?) get turned evil, and the possessed devil and his army of Rockies go to Ninjago. Turns out the possessed devil has worse aim than the Storm Troopers and somehow manages to miss Brownie like 20 times. Then, the possessed devil decides to fuck it and uses Russian bombing tactics of "if you have shit aim, just shoot bigger ones in the general area" and launches evil mist everywhere.
The color coded dumbasses have their hero speech as the author spends way too much time looking at the sand physics, and holy shit god had a mech??? Anyways, "The Ninja" fly back to Ninjago, fight the Rockies, and get evil-possessed??? All except for Trauma Child, who unlocks God's fighting style and light beams the everloving shit out of his possessed satan father, which literally blasts the demonic purple blob AND the devil out!
Now, we're left with the world saved, a DILF, and said DILF's brother's dumbass students.
The End.
Or is it?? You'll see next time when I post Season 3!
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
Ninjago Badly explained by Me
Season 2
First off, names for those who didn't understand them from my first post
Wu- Gandalf
Cole- Coal
Jay- Bluejay
Kai- Spiky
Zane- Freezy
Nya- Meow
Lloyd- Trauma Child
Garmadon- the devil
Porple snek- Pythor P. Chumsworth
Now adding,
Dareth- Brownie
Misako- Satan's Wife
Overlord- Purple Blob
Cyrus Borg- Cyborg
P.I.X.A.L.- Pixie Dust
Season 2: "The Ninja" work minimum wage while the devil teams up with the sneks and Gandalf and Meow fuck off... somewhere? Idk, then the devil repetitively tries to take down "The Ninja" through dumb methods like creating evil doubles and reviving ancient predators. "The Ninja" kicks Brownie's ass and starts training in his dojo. Trauma Child magically ages up with tea. The devil gets betrayed by the sneks, and finds an evil shadow blob, who we'll call Purple Blob, that gets the devil to unlock a new level of Ninjago's map.
The devil gets possessed by Purple Blob, and Trauma Child turns gold and learns god's fighting style. Trauma Child laser beams the evil and Purple Blob out of the devil, who becomes an old DILF we'll call Trauma Father.
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I might rewrite this one when i rewatch the season
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
Badly Explained season 3 is coming as soon as I finish my hw and rewatch it
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
Going to finally rewatch season 3 so i can make part three of my badly explained series >:]
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
I woke up today to 97 notifications??? And now my sister realm theory has 60 notes?????? And (i just checked this) my post with the highest notes is my theory saying that Morro didn't drink alcohol????????
Damn, I should just write more theories-
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