#blue champ bear is NOT the same character that’s his brother or something
sunshinecassette · 2 years
I can only watch 80s Care Bears media because if I see blue Champ Bear I’ll actually blow a gasket
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pain-in-the-butler · 3 years
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it’s late, I’m bored, time for Hunger Games Simulator Kuroshit Edition Episode 2
Day 1 Cornucopia highlights
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Sebastian’s just like “aight time to clean”
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it’s gonna take more than that to help you now, bud
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they might be too pure for this
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rip grandpa
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Will also said “fuck it, cleaning time”
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Agni brings out the right hand of god for bread, Randall gets the broken nose he’s deserved for a while now (he did win the last Hunger Games, to everyone’s disappointment)
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O!Ciel hoping to hibernate it out
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Phipps, Macmillan, Finny, Lizzie, Soma, Abberline, Undertaker, Edward, Bard, Ronald, Othello, Mey-Rin, and Grey all got away from the cornucopia safely. Some of them got weapons, but the game doesn’t record what weapons people have and what they don’t, so whatever people picked up doesn’t really matter
Day 1 highlights
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gdi Randall, we just lost three of four girls in one fell swoop, I hope you bleed out from your broken nose and die
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Ronald says we aren’t allowed to have nice things
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Day 1 Arena Event: Borders Close In
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Edward punishes Agni for his bread crimes
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Hunger Games simulator is actually just a rare pairs simulator
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pretty upset that Harcourt died so soon, it’s always kind of funny when he gets the chance to become a cold-blooded killer
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and there goes our last lady (though now that I think about it, I should probably sub in Lao and Ran-Mao)
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Day 1 and we’ve already lost Lizzie, Mey-Rin, Bard, Tanaka, Soma, Agni, Sieglinde, Grell, Othello, Phipps, Abberline, Randall, and Harcourt
This leaves us with only eleven survivors: O!Ciel, R!Ciel, Sebastian, Edward, Finny, Undertaker, Wolfram, William, Ronald, Grey, and Macmillan
Night 1 highlights
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the boys are like “better make the best of a bad situation by creating the next Kuromyu”
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Macmillan had the same idea, but he’s alone, and no one’s favorite character is Macmillan
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alternate title: R!Ciel and Undertaker traumatize Edward and Finny so badly that they can’t sleep
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O!Ciel’s sitting on his food cache like a fat dragon guarding its hoard of treasure
Wolfram is unable to sleep, but Grey builds himself an entire camp and presumably gets plenty of beauty rest
Day 2 highlights
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Macmillan refuses to kill the shorter, two-eyed version of his friend. Meanwhile, R!Ciel is already dead
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Ciel’s almost too in character as he waits for the enemies to come to him while he does whatever the hell he wants
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they’re just blond boys doin what blond boys do
other highlights:
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Wow, no deaths today, so it looks like it’s camping o’clock
Night 2 highlights
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black ops Macmillan says never trust anyone, not even the side character who exists to set up exposition
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why do I feel like Wolfram will regret this
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well, at least we know he didn’t burn down the manor
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R!Ciel: I’ve reclaimed the manor, my title, and my girlfriend. What are you gonna do about it? O!Ciel:
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Alas, poor Will
Day 3 highlights
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R!Ciel is really out here like “I’m incapable of dying, just try to kill me and you’ll see” but no one believes him
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the food king discovers he cannot be sustained on food alone
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Grey does the gentlemanly thing
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Wolfram says “my death scythe now”
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and so day 3 comes to an end with this final roster
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we’re fortunate enough this time to have things wrapping up with both twins and Sebastian still alive, which keeps things interesting. However, Macmillan is also here, and the randomizer could turn him into an absolutely feral killing machine. Nothing is sacred in Hunger Games Simulator
Night 3 highlights
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looks like someone couldn’t find that water source
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another man cleared of arson
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fast, hungry boy and strong, hungry boy bond over being hungry
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still not entirely certain Macmillan knows he’s helping the wrong twin
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the only wounds he's gotten are from the thorns while picking berries.......
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fair enough my man
The Feast highlights
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Somehow the frail, decrepit perpetual ten-year-old managed to defeat the powerful demon and grim reaper armed with a lawn mower. Did I mention nothing is sacred
Day 4 highlights
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Macmillan and Finny both spared R!Ciel, but as soon as Macmillan asks for death, Finny’s like “you got it champ”
meanwhile the brothers are squabbling but what else is new
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imagine if we got to a point in the manga where the roster actually looked like this 3wijaor;jiwa
Night 4 highlights
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so I guess somehow Grey has cemented himself as Enemy #1 and the boys put aside their differences so they could have a slumber party with the remaining blond boys
Day 5 highlights
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Older blond boy kills younger blond boy in a truly devastating example of blond boy crime. Meanwhile, O!Ciel add medical supplies to his growing collection of goodies, and Grey says “ooga booga” at a child
Night 5 highlights
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it’s like the start of the Blue Cult arc all over again
Day 6 highlights
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Did R!Ciel just die really anticlimactically?? Also, O!Ciel becomes a perfect combination of McGruff the crime dog and Smokey the Bear and says no to fires
Night 6 highlights
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Hunger Games simulator returns to being a rare pairs simulator. Somehow O!Ciel has acquired an infection, and R!Ciel is definitely dead
Day 7 highlights
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O!Ciel, Grey, and Wolfram take a page from the Public School Arc’s notes and don’t do anything interesting for a while
Night 7 highlights
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Wolfram gets medical supplies but refuses to use them on his new boyfriend. O!Ciel's canon energy is stifling
Day 8 highlights
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O!Ciel receives a weapon he won’t use. Grey tries to make something happen. Wolfram goes spelunking
Night 8 highlights
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O!Ciel’s canon energy continues to rise to dangerous levels, but Seb’s too dead to hear him make orders. Wolfram dies, and if this were the manga, you know our boy wouldn’t stand a chance in hell against Grey
Day 9 highlights
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god look at that shit-eating grin. Ciel managed to make it through the whole thing without killing anybody and he knows his ass would be grass if Grey hadn’t gone kablooey. unbelievable. our grand champion, everyone
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Words: 949
Date: 31/03/18
Music: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - Lullaby of Resembool
Linkeduniverse was made by @jojo56830 (the blog Au is @linkeduniverse)
Just in case you guys forgot or didn’t read my other fanfiction Breathtaking, here’s the list of nicknames I came up with to be easier to know which Link is which:
Time: Pops, sir (Sky and Hero), boss (Warriors when being sassy/salty), grandpa and old man (both usually by Twilight).
Twilight: Leader, second in command (Warriors and Legend), heartbreak brother (Warrior when drunk), big brother (Wind), pup and puppy (both by Time).
Warriors: Capitan, womanizer (specially Legend), weirdo (Wind), clean freak (is a joke between him and Legend because Legend is just as bad).
Four Swords/Minish: Shorty (Warrior, to annoy him, but he actually likes it), master smith (Sky and Hero), green (usually when divided), picori hero (Time), little one (Time and Twilight), mister smith (Wind).
Wind: Little hero (everyone except for Minish), little brother (Twilight, to play along), boat boy (Warrior), navigator (he’s really proud of this one), conductor (and this one too).
Wild: Wild (no joke, they’re sometimes afraid of what will happen if they leave him alone for too long), Hunter, pyromaniac (Warrior mostly), champ/champion, mister cook.
Legend: Veteran, clean freak (Warrior), show off (also Warrior), collector.
Hero (of Hyrule): Belt (Warrior), Ace (when they don’t know what to do, they turn to him, because somehow he will know what they need do to. I mean, have you played the first two games?), adventurer.
Sky/Chosen One: Mister, knight, Hylia’s favorite (Warrior and Legend mostly, as a joke), lover boy (when he starts talking about Zelda).
The Hero of Twilight carried his burdens silently most of the time. Everyone knew that, they suspected he got that trait from the Hero of Time, who carried his burdens silently all of the time, but most of them couldn't really say anything, for they all have done the same at some point. They guessed it was a hero thing, to try and bear with the weight of the world alone, to try protecting the people around them from things the heroes themselves wished they hadn't witnessed.
That made his seriousness understandable, just like it made the Hero of Wild frenetic behavior, bordering on paranoia, on moonless nights understandable (something to do with a desert, he never told the whole story), or the sudden heartbreakingly sad smiles that sometimes appeared on the Chosen Hero's face, or the thousands of secrets the Hero of Time kept to himself.
It was understandable.
What they couldn't understand was why he was smiling so gently that morning.
Now, being serious does not mean someone can't be gentle or kind, Pops was the living proof of it. And they had seen Leader smile like that before, usually towards the Hero of Wind or some cat he found wandering around, so it wasn't really something new. It wasn't surprising.
Surprising was how the smile stayed on his face for more than a few minutes. In fact, he was smiling for maybe an hour. He also looked weightless, like he was floating a few inches off the ground and not trying to get out of a forest filled with murderous trees. It was like watching a child daydream about a day of playing with their friends, or a lover wishfully think about their future with their special one. If Navigator or Knight were the ones doing that, the group would simply shake their heads playfully and even chuckle a bit, but seeing Leader act so out of character was... Weird.
"Alright, enough is enough, what's with you, second in command?"
"Can't believe I'm agreeing with this womanizer, but you're not acting like you usually do, second, and it's a little disconcerting."
The others agreed silently with the Hero of Legend, watching the always serious man turn to them with a blinding smile and joy in his dark eyes. It was like looking at the ranch boy he once was, the one with no other worries other than making sure the goats were fine and where they should be and playing time to time with the kids together with his childhood friend. The one the group only knew through the stories shared by the fire. It was weird, that wasn't the same man they knew, but he was, at the same time. Only with a lighter world on his shoulders.
He glanced at them silently, stopping his stare on the youngest of them and the Hero of Hyrule.
"The longest white hair, the sweetest voice...", He started, his smile spreading on the other two faces.
"And the prettiest silver eyes.", Ace finished, eyes now full of joy.
"You met her too! You did!", The excited lad wasn't asking, "How was it? Isn't she beautiful? Isn't she nice? Did she sing for you?"
"No, we only talked. Well, she talked and I listened."
"And what did she say to you? Definitely something good, I assume."
"Just enough to soothe an aching heart and bring memories of simpler days."
"Wait, wait, hold on, you met the mysterious lady too?", Captain received a nod and, scrunching his nose, he couldn't help but ask, "What is a lady doing wandering around this dangerous forest in the middle of the night? All alone, on top of it..."
"I don't think she has to worry about the forest, Captain. If anything, the forest seems calmer when she's near."
"She sings to the trees lullabies about love, time and grand adventures. It soothes whatever is nearby.", Was the explanation provided by the youngest hero, "There are also the music boxes made specially for that."
"This forest truly is something else.", Pops mused, "Next time you see the lady, tell her she is welcome to join us in our travel. It's dangerous to be alone, even with enchantments strong enough to placate wolves."
The playful glare Leader shot him was nothing new, the two bantered like grandfather and grandson a lot.
"But what did she tell you for you to practically float around like a love struck fool? You're worse than Captain when he manages to not get rejected."
"Well, at least I have what it takes to actually go talk to girls, clean freak."
"Stop bickering, you two. I want to hear the pup."
"She told me stories of hope and freedom. I don't remember much, and I have no intentions of telling what I do remember.", He smiled softly at the pout in his little brother's face, "You know the feeling of drinking warm soup in a chilly night? Or the feeling of telling stories by the fire with your friends? Running around, the breeze in your hair, heart beating loudly in your ears? The feeling of not having to worry about tomorrow?"
"Feels like home.", The Hero of Wind whispered, only loud enough to be heard, as if he didn't wanted to shatter the heartwarming peace the other was. The two heroes smiled to each other, then to Ace like they were sharing a secret. Like they understood. They did.
The group watched the three heroes share the same expression, brilliant smiles and blissful peace in their eyes. For a few moments, they wished nothing but to meet the mysterious lady, in hopes of her bringing some peace to their tired souls.
I don’t like moonless nights... Anyways, it’s nice to post one of these once in a blue moon. I wasn’t sure if I should post this in my main blog (where the other two fanfictions are), or here, but since it’s a crossover between Linkeduniverse and Kingdom of Mandacaru, I’ll post this here...
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