#blue hog got me in a chokehold
greaterspeed · 2 years
blows dust off blog hewwo i finished frontiers and lads i think i might be home for christmas. 
really tho my sonic love is reawakened imma replay the whole series, rewatch sonic x then get my ass back on over here bc i missed writing this lil jackass!!
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Concept: RED Spy is down, his watch damaged and the knife blasted from his hand by a clever strike from a BLU. His ribs ache from the force of being hurled bodily into the unforgiving soil of Teufort’s rocky ground, and he grits his teeth into a snarl. 
He can fight without his knife, he lived this long as a Spy prior to this whole mess of a contract... but it would not be easy. His ankle feels damaged, twisting as he rolled and Spy curses at the misfortune; still, his arms were hale enough to enact a chokehold when the opportunity arose. 
The sun disappears as looming shadows block the light, and hearty chuckles linger in the air, the malice behind the sound sending a shudder through the espionage agent. He understood, this was... well, it was personal to a degree, if he had a downed BLU then of course he would think nothing of enacting some quick revenge for a past death/insult.
But it was also their job. He hoped to take at least one down with him, if possible... but it would not be the end of the world to die here and now, later he could hunt them down and delight in the gurgled screams as his butterfly knife pierced their spinal columns. 
Blood dribbled slowly from the shallow indentations in his bottom lip wheren a few teeth had pierced accidentally during the heavy impact. Spy’s tongue darted out automatically to catch it, equally thrilled and revolted by the taste of the coppery substance... 
He grunts as a heavy Texan boot digs into his side, and two voices laugh uproariously as if the world’s wittiest joke had just been exchanged. They would pay for tha-...
His vision flashes sharply a second later, pain radiating through his face like an explosion as a steel-capped boot makes contact; without even consciously registering it, Spy knows his nose is broken. That was a sensation he had become all too familiar with in the past. 
He cries out as something heavy crunches down on his legs, efectively trapping him. 
“Aw, don’t be such a wuss Spah, I manage to carry that around when it’s full all’a the time!” the BLU engineer coos, his expression worryingly unhinged, though not unfamiliar... the RED Engineer had made the same face a truly disconcerting number of times in the past. 
Indeed, the toolbox weighed more than one would suspect, and if his ankle had not been shattered before, it certainly was now. There was only one solution, if he could but find it... where was his-...? 
“Oh laddie, don’t go looking for your pretty little pistol... our spook went and knicked that when ye blacked out for a second, like the delicate little crossaint ye are.” BLU Demo taunted, crouching down over the RED. 
Spy did not recall blacking out, but that’s not generally a good sign...
“You are, as ever, outclassed here, mon frier.” came a smug voice so like his own that it irritated to no end, as the BLU Spy faded into visibility.
If this had been the first death of the day, or even the twelfth, then perhaps he would not have stopped trying to find a solution. Beady blue eyes darting subtly around until some ingenious escape plan came to light and he could be freed from this mess...
But it wasn’t, and he was so, so very tired. Between the Pyro, Sniper and a number of rather lucky swipes from the BLU Medic, Spy had been dying all day long. He would love for this to end quickly... but given the location, and the unlikelihood of help arriving in time to curb the enthusiasm of the currently losing team surrounding him... Spy felt that things were not in his favour this day.
Hovering gently across the room, the intel gleamed innocuously, cruelly. A beacon that lured them all to their deaths day in, day out on these damn capture the flag campaigns; a beloved sight for both the teams’ benefactors. 
And so they died, day after day, for nothing more than a glowing briefcase with an ever-changing array of useless paper inside. Why, last week there had been a recipe for some fried chicken with eleven herbs and spices... useless, though Engineer had been eager to try it, as had another fried chicken afficiando on the team. 
The week before? A number of magazines, a short story about some science fiction show he was certain may have been written by one of the Pyros, and a crudely drawn map to different households that Spy could not make heads or tails of...
A slap snapped him back to reality, sending fresh waves of sizzling pain through his face as the damage to his nose once again took his full focus. 
“Looks as if he’s back with us again.” BLU Spy said, radiating smugness from every pore as he flicked out his knife with unnecessary flourishes. “Good evening Monsieur, seeing as you will be staying with us for some time, I would hope you will be an obbliging guest... and not miss out on the festivities. Such as,” he said, pointing the blade directly at a blue pupil, “when I remove your eye from its socket, hmmm?”
“Hey, I called dibs on ‘im first boyo.” BLU Demo exclaims, swatting at the blade-wielding hand, and trying not to look too pleased as it scored a deep groove across Spy’s face. Spy hisses at him through clenched teeth, loathing the man. “He needs those eyes to see what ol’ eyelander and I are gonna do tae him, aye?” 
“Just don’t go hogging him, I’ve had to rebuild a dozen sentries today because of him. Not to mention my back’s achin’ somethin’ fierce from all the damn backstabbing the little red weasel’s gotten away with.” BLU Engie interjected, groaning as he stretched, fingers and spine making awful audible pops. The man flexed his gloved hand and the mechanical whirring sent chill straight down the Spy’s spine. “Now see, I’m thinkin’ that fair’s fair only if’n I get to pull yours right on out of that body of yours. Whatcha think about that, you filthy RED?”
It would technically fall under ‘fair’, but not anything Spy particularly wanted to experience. Before he could open his mouth in his own defence, with a smooth ‘Gentlemen, please...’ the mechanical fist slammed in from the side. Bile rose automatically in his throat at the sensation of a tooth dislodging and blood filling his mouth. The BLUs seemed wildly unhinged today, beyond their normal bloodlust... but they had lost all week long, so they may be getting sanctions and penalties from the Administrator.
His head whirled. When was the last time he’d had more than a few hours sleep this week? The last time he drank some actual water or ate something substantial? Maybe he wouldn’t be in this mess if he’d not insisted on skipping the team lunch during ceasefire, in order to do some covert surveillance in the enemy intel. 
Consciousness flickered. 
There were delighted but angry voices jabbering back and forth about ‘waiting their turn’, and ‘going a little easy to start because the french fry had to last’...
And then, there was screaming.
It was almost like a bad horror movie, with the sounds of screaming, crunching and swearing flickering in and out. Little snippets of a full scene that he could not comprehend as his battered head swam...
In the sudden silence, loud and grotesque for the heaviness of it, all that could be heard was a sharp, angry series of breaths.
Spy blinked frantically, trying to ascertain what had happened, trying to cling to the here and now when all his body & mind wished for was to give in to the swirling darkness. 
A figure coalesced before him, eyes seeming to glow with a feral light, body and bat completely splattered with blood and gore, expression half in shadow. 
“S-Sco-...?” Spy tried to get the word out around damaged molars and a outhful of blood. Everything throbbed, but the silence was a symphony of hope to his ears.
“Don’t worry, they won’t fuckin’ touch you again, Spy. I got ‘em.” growled an unusually serious Scout, his fist shaking around the bat’s handle. He seemed frozen, a figure in a portrait surrounded by the broken corpses of the BLUs, uncertain what to do next.
A wheezey exhalation from Spy seemed to snap the runner out of it, and he knelt to shove against the toolbox pinioning the espionage agent to the ground. It clunked to the ground with a heavy metallic finality, and Spy sighed at the sudden freedom. 
“Ya look like shit, Spook, so we gotta get ya out of here before those guys fall outta respawn lookin’ for revenge.”Scout says, mouth running while his eyes dart over the mess that the normally immaculate espionage agent made. He slips an arm under Spy and they slowly work the man into a sititng position.
Ankle’s definitely shattered, Spy notes with a true lack of enthusiasm.
“Scout... just prop me against the wall there and take the intel. Once it is secured, they cannot touch me anyway, as the humiliation round will keep me safe.” 
“And just who the fuck do you think you are ordering me about like that?” Scout objects, eyes never once leaving Spy’s face. 
“Someone who wants to win as much as I do?” Spy hazards.
Scout leans back on his haunces, crouched by Spy. He tilts his head, “Ya a real bastard, ya know that? I don’t care about the intel, we gotta get you outta here. But if it means that much to ya...”
In a frankly ridiculously fluid movement, Scout is up, across the room and back again before Spy could blink. The intel snapped to his back like a magnet.
Spy is hauled to his feet with minimal protestations, an arm over Scout’s shoulders and the runner’s other one about his waist. The majority of his bodyweight was resting on the runner, and Spy felt rather despondent about their chances of surviving like this.
He said so.
“The others are coming, don’t worry about it.” Scout grinned. 
Heavy machinegun fire could be heard above near the BLU spawn, along with delighted maniacal laughter. The REDs were here, and judging by the beeping of a sentry, they were spawncamping like no tomorrow.
“See? We got this. So don’t worry about it.” Scout shrugs as they begin the slow ascent up the corridor and hiopefully towards a dispenser. Spy lurching along and trying to think of other things as each jostling movement created little discomforts. 
In a momentary pause, he looks to the runner. “Merci, mon... fils.” 
The words felt too big for such a narrow corridor to hold all at once.
Scout laughed, half in delight and half from awkward nervousness. “Yeah, yeah, you better thank me. I saved ya butt in there!”
They continued hobbling towards the rest of RED for a long moment, before Scout said, looking anywhere but at Spy. “Don’t worry about it... Dad... I got ya.”
Spy could not help but smile through a mouth of bloody, broken teeth. Suddenly, the world felt a little brighter... 
The End
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yang-squared · 6 years
super soft bias tag
high key stole this from @nctexto !!!
biases, that would be fun!
❀ 1. Who’s my bias?
I have many, but Huang Renjun from NCT because we don’t speak of the one who is wrecking me hardcore.
❀ 2. What made you notice him/her?
The fact he had a snaggletooth and was still giving it his all, the way he covered his mouth and still does sometimes when smiling, and his more smooth dance compared to SM knife dancing most artists have—he’s always stood out since debut and when I found out he’s Korean but raised in China and stuff it just felt more relatable. I’d go into details bUT
❀ 3. What’s your favorite thing about him?
There is so much I could say as “favorite,” but it’s probably the fact he’s taking care of the Dreamies (especially Chenle!) and hides it under the teasing guise. He cares about the boys so much, and it shows where some groups it seems forced and fake.
❀ 4. Who would initiate skin ship more?
Not sure, but probably me? I can’t see Renjun being too big into skin ship except sneaky little things like grabbing hands under the table and stuff—in which case, he’d initiate. I’m kinda clingy with everyone lmao
❀ 5. Who would hog the blankets more?
I’m the OG NANA bc i love things warmer than most ppl bc im freezing so i’d be buried in them
❀ 6. Who would be more clingy?
Yikes me
❀ 7. Who would say i love you first?
Lowkey I say it a LOT to my friends but in relationships I’ve never really felt love so maybe Renjun ?? I feel like it’d be more of an offhand comment than an actual big confession type thing or just him doing something small that I appreciate to say I love you instead of actually saying it if that makes sense.
❀ 8. Who would be easily flustered?
Does Renjun know the word flustered he isn’t Jeno so i feel like he’d make an art joke “i’ll paint u like a french girl” and i would turn sO RED
❀ 9. What cuddling position would you two have?
I feel like it’d be facing each other under blankets, hands interlocked as we tell each other about our days and stuff. I feel like Renjun is the kind to also bury his face in someone’s neck/hair so he could do that and idk how to exPLAIN THIS I CAN SEE IT SO CLEARLY BUT
❀ 10. What colors remind you of him?
A lot of people say yellow and I kind of agree, but Renjun will always remind me the color indigo. He not only looks good in it, but his phone case is indigo and idk i can see his art snob side “it’s indigo nOT blue or purple gOD” and i also love that color and i saw his phone case and screamed bc i almost got the same one like a week before??
❀ 11. Which season would you like to spend with them?
All! Lmao but if I had to choose, maybe spring? I feel like our inner artsy side would scream and we’d wanna take cute pictures of “nature” but it’s rly of each other and just the chilly breezes walking along a river ?? soft.
❀ 12. Who would bake cookies and who would steal the batter?
Ahahahaha I love baking and I think it’d be wonderful but somehow Chenle and prolly Jisung would hear and be stealing the batter and Renjun smacking them around like usual i just wanna be best friends with nct dream?
❀ 13. Which one would make bad puns and how would the other react?
high key i would be makin bad puns esp in mandarin for his sake when i learn new things and he’d prolly roll his eyes a LOT and put me in the classic renjun chokehold but he would *clenches fists* appreicate them deep down
❀ 14. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
i’d convince jeno to adopt 50 cats with me and chenle 50 dogs and just all the animals and be like “ok but u can’t be mad @ them so technically it was them who adopted them not me” and skskskd
❀ 15. Which one of you would nearly burn the kitchen down microwaving a poptart and who would come to the rescue?
Renjun seems like he knows what he’s doing in the kitchen but lowkey my scatterbrained self would forget smth important and he’d just “why are we together again”
❀ 16. Who likes to lean on trail railings and who pulls them back?
Both of us we’d need to be supervised by mama kun :”) but i can see him trying to get a closer look at something and me panic and grab his shirt and “reNJUN ILY UR GONNA DIE COME BACK HERE” mom mode: activated
❀ 17. What would watching a horror movie with them be like?
Idk i think we’d do a big 00 line or china line or dream+yuckhei ofc horror movie night and like everyone would be screamin even if we love them bc renjun would purposefully fuck with stuff to freak everyone out
❀ 18. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
I highkey would be so cheesy and i think renjun would be rly smooth abt it (he’s friends with nana ok) and like just have that one cocky smile that’s so cute and
❀ 19. Who would be more competitive?
Renjun tries but he always loses
❀ 20. Who would have to be given reminders? (To eat, sleep, drink water, etc)
Renjun would deadass send me texts when we’re in the room together to remember stuff and i can see him writing cute lil notes on things in mandarin as i learn it and ?? ok soft
❀ 21. Who would send memes and who would send “i miss u” messages at 3am?
i think we’d both send memes at 3am that start off rly funny (prolly of the members or him) and turn into cute soft lil memes and we’d both say it at some point and video call if possible or he’d just troll me and be like “lmao sIKE i don’t have feelings” to be That Boy
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