#blurbs are just ways for me to write short Oneshots that I dont plan or get betad lol
queenmylovely · 4 years
You’re so good at writing fluff and I’m on my period and I just need all the fluff and I love Ben so much and fuck I need all the fluffy Ben hmph I just want him to cuddle me and rub my tummy it’s not fAIR why do periods suck wtf I didn’t ask for this 😭😭😭
So i don’t think this was an actual request but seeing as i don’t have anything with ben where he’s helping out due to a physical issue, i thot i’d write a little thing for you, hope this helps, babe!
also, in no world is this a blurb, it’s 1.5k, but no warnings!
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You were an adult, you knew how to plan, how to be organized, how to take care of yourself, and dammit, you knew when your period was. But no matter how many calendars and period-tracking apps you used or how many period products you bought, nothing could take away the pain and discomfort, not to mention bleeding, that came around every month.
But, like stated before, you’re an adult, so when your period came around this morning, you dealt with it in the ways you could: taking acetaminophen, marking it in your calendar and phone app, and wearing black trousers just in case. You left for work, going through the coffee place on the way, getting a mocha (because you deserved chocolate) with an extra shot of espresso (because you had read somewhere that periods make you more tired and caffeine can help).
Work was bearable, but by the end of the day, all you wanted to do was go home and lie on the couch in your comfy sweatpants and your soft from wear favorite t-shirt. However, there was one more thing that you knew you needed to feel better. So when you got to your car, but before you drove away, you texted your boyfriend who had been asleep when you left that morning.
y/n: period started today, heading straight home. can you pick up ice cream on your way?
You waited a couple minutes for his reply, starting the car and turning on the seat heaters so the warmth would help the slight pain in your back.
ben: ofc, triple chocolate?
y/n: ofc
By the grace of the heavens, there was almost no traffic on your way home, so it only took about 15 minutes to get there. As soon as you were inside, you made a beeline for the bedroom. There, you stripped all of your work clothes off in seconds, including your bra which had become incredibly uncomfortable over the course of the day. Finally, you dug through your drawers, finding the sweatpants and t-shirt you had been daydreaming about for hours.
Thinking that tv would help distract you from your current plight, you went into the living room and searched the cluttered coffee table until you found the remote. When you did, you turned the tv on, grabbed a throw from the little basket by the couch, and laid down on your side on the couch. Clicking through until you got to Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix, you curled your knees up so you were in the fetal position. As an episode that you had seen before started, you tossed the blanket so it was at your feet and then grabbed one end, pulling it until the blanket laid nicely over the lower half of your body.
Around halfway through the episode, when one of the doctors was pulling another into an on-call room, you heard a key in the door and sat up to see Ben opening it and walking in, your eyes lighting up.
“You are literally the best, I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask for Panera,” you said when you saw the take out bags in his hands, along with the reusable tote you assumed the ice cream was in.
“Well, I know it makes you feel better,” Ben said casually and though your eyes had originally lit up because of the food, they were now sparkling with the love that you felt at the fact that he knew you so well and would do something so nice without even thinking about it.
“I love you,” you said earnestly.
“I love you too,” Ben replied with a chuckle, leaning down to kiss you briefly. He set down the take out bags, “I’ll go put the ice cream in the freezer and grab some real silverware.”
While he did that, you pulled the food out of the bags. Yours was chicken soup that was the closest it gets to homemade and white cheddar mac and cheese. They also included a slice of a baguette. Ben had gotten some kind of sandwich and the chicken and wild rice soup with a bag of kettle chips.
The two of you dug in right away, with you catching Ben up quickly on the details of the episode before pressing play. The warm soup and yummy mac and cheese made you feel better, soothing your body, partly because of the broth of the soup and partly because it was just comfort food.
After dinner, you didn’t want ice cream right away, asking Ben to lie down with you instead.
“Sure, should I go grab your hot water bottle first though? I already have the kettle going and ready,” Ben told you.
“Somehow you’ve gotten better at this than me,” you said with a laugh and Ben just shrugged and smiled. “Thank you, that’d be great, babe.”
Ben got up from the couch, also taking away all the empty containers and you smiled, just watching him and admiring how he moved, even doing this menial task. He was back in a couple minutes with the aforementioned hot water bottle in hand. The cover was a soft fabric in your favorite color with little sketched plants and flowers all over it. He handed it to you, and knowing the drill, laid down against the back of the couch.
You laid down in front of him, humming happily when the two of you fit your bodies together naturally. Resting the hot water bottle against your stomach to diminish the strength of your cramps, this time you didn’t need the blanket with Ben behind you keeping you warm. His arm rested on your side, his elbow at your waist and his hand on your thigh. Picking his hand up, you brought it to your mouth and kissed his palm before putting it back where it was. Ben kissed the side of your head in return and then you both settled in and started watching the show again.
Every once in a while, your cramps would be particularly bad and you would moan in pain. When you did this, Ben would move the hot water bottle out of the way and use his hands, one to rub over your tummy, and one on your lower back, and within moments the pain would subside. You weren’t totally sure why it worked, but it didn’t really matter because the sharp pain was gone. Once it was, you would pat Ben’s hand that was on your tummy and he would put the hot water bottle back in place on your stomach and his hand back in place on your thigh, rubbing his thumb across your skin soothingly.
A while later, you needed to go to the bathroom, so you patted Ben’s hand and got up from the couch, stretching for a second in place.
“Can you get the--?”
“I’ll get the ice cream,” Ben said at the same time and you giggled, pressing a quick kiss to Ben’s lips once he sat up.
You took care of business, and then went back to the living room, but saw that Ben wasn’t back yet. Thinking you’d help, or at least keep him company, you went to the kitchen. He was standing at the counter, scooping the ice cream into two coffee mugs, so you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your cheek on his back.
“Hey, babe,” Ben greeted you and you hummed in reply.
“You know, I really, really love you,” you told him, pressing a kiss to his back and hoping he felt it through his sweatshirt.
“Yeah?” he asked and you could hear the smile in his voice.
You nodded, knowing he could feel the movement.
“Well good, because I really, really love you too,” Ben replied, picking up the full mugs. “Now why don’t you take these into the living room while I put this stuff away?”
You nodded again, but this time he could see it because he was handing you the mugs. But before you walked away, you turned your head a little, angling your cheek towards him and Ben smiled, knowing what you wanted. He kissed your cheek and you smiled before turning around and heading to the living room.
This time, you sat normally on the couch, resting the mugs on your knees, glad that your sweatpants were protecting you from the cold ceramic. Ben was less than a minute behind you, sitting next to you and grabbing his mug from your hands. Both of you scooped your first bite onto your spoons and started eating as you pressed play.
Ben finished before you, like he always did, and when you were on your last bite, Ben bumped his shoulder into yours playfully, making you get a little on your chin. He laughed but before you could complain or reach for something to wipe it off, he kissed where it had gotten, using his tongue and lips to get it off. You laughed, surprised, as he did, but when his lips moved to yours, your laughter was stifled. And though his lips were a little sticky from the ice cream, you found that you couldn’t care less.
p.s. this was not the original blurb that i was talking about when I talked ab looking out for a ben blurb, but that is very specific and wouldn’t really relate to this issue, that one will be up in a couple days, this one just seemed kinda time sensitive. Anon, i have not forgotten about you!
yeah I'm doing the taglist bc it’s 1.5k lol Permanent taglist: @riseetothesun  @caborhapch​​ @drowseoftaylor​​ @queenlover05​ @johndeaconshands​ @supersonicfreddie​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @madamsledge​ 
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