#blurry i knowww my apologies
metal-sludge · 2 months
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DANGER DANGER (1986 - present) | ROCK POWER, May 1992.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
wait who do you think would be really into thigh riding?
anon my love, you came to the right place for this one ooooooh boy please I will talk about thighs all day and all night 💕
*i went a lil overboard oooop hehe
Changbin: for me, this one goes without saying. binnie is a proud member of the skz thick thigh line and knows the power that he holds with his thighs. he also knows how much that you enjoy them as well. every time that he catches you sneaking a peak at him when he’s wearing those supertight pants or anything with slits or holes he’s got the biggest grin on his face. nothing does you over more though than when he wears those leather thigh garters. he’d catch you stealing a glance at him, trying to conceal your how embarrassingly turned on they make you. he’d whisper in your ear to meet him somewhere quiet so that you can have your way. all the while as he’s watching you desperately grind into his leg, that prideful grin never leaves. He’d also love to whisper dirty little nothings into you ear as you do as well. “Mm, I love the way that your pretty little needy clit feels on my skin. You can’t get enough can you?” Bin would hold you by the small of your back, digging his fingers in. Seeing you like this makes him ridiculously hard. One more thing for your imagination: fuzzy blankets all over the sofa, a rainy or snowy night in, tv lightly buzzing, bin’s filling your mouth with sloppy and adoring kisses, he tightens his muscles to make you wince and his teasing laughter floats on your lips. 
Seung!min!: I have kind of a specific idea with this one with seung and I gotta say thigh riding with him is usually the softest thing ever. I’ll expand: so, seungmin adores every single bit of you and he gets the absolute most perfect view when you’re riding his thigh. he’s handsy handsy handsy during times like these, not to mention he’d make a point to compliment every little thing about you while you’re hopelessly grinding into his leg. “you look so pretty like this sweetheart, I can’t believe that you’re real, everything about you is breathtaking.” seeing you turn into a little whimpering mess also adds to the atmosphere here too! his hands could also be glued to your hips. he’d guide you with every return and loves the way that you dig your nails into his shoulders to steady yourself. seungmin would give you so many neck kisses too as you’re bent over him until it makes you light headed--he’d nibble a little too. I also said usually so...I should mention that thigh riding is a great way to get him ready to take you apart right then and there. It would start off really soft with him, but you can’t ride him for too long until he’s dying to lay you out and give you even more attention.
Minho: another member of skz’s glorious thick thigh line, loves seeing you ride his thighs because of what an absolute mess it makes you! I knowww we’ve all seen how frickin’ gorgeous Minho’s thighs look when he’s dancing, and he knows that you like it too!! He’d definitely be one to tease you about how much you love them, playing hard to get when all you want to do is give them kisses and hickies and ride his thighs until you’re overstimulated. he’d say stuff like “Hmm, you really want to today? But do we have time...?” with a smug ass smirk. but he’d let you have your way once you are practically begging to feel the friction from his thick muscles on your bud. a personal favorite of his is when you’re both in the shower, he’d pull you into himself with his leg slightly bent for you to grind on while standing. after a while, you’d start to lose your footing, and he’d hold you up firmly in his arms. he loves the way that the water and your arousal mixes on his leg. oh! and if he’s feeling like taking the risk (which he often does) he’d let you ride his thigh in the practice room after seeing your eyes eatin’ him up. minho would pull out a plastic chair and pat his leg for you to take your place saying, “Well why don’t you get on with it? You don’t have to keep it secret darling.”
*thigh pics you say???*
my apologies they are a lil blurry hnnnnn
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fifteen minutes
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seungcheol x reader smut
6,760 words
a/n: i had to write this to expel all of the longing n pain over seungcheol that i’ve developed over the past couple of months, so this is basically just my ruminations on what a great boyfriend and ass man i think he’d be. so...if butt stuff isn’t your cup of tea there’s just a lil bit of it in here, nothing wild. enjoy.
~ in which it’s impossible to get a minute alone and there's not much time to spare, but you and seungcheol make it work
[1:27 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: hey babe are you still up? [1:27 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: we just got home frm practice [1:29 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: babe??? pls be awake [1:33 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: I knowww it's late but 😔 I miss u 😔 [1:36 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: YOU NEVER GO TO SLEEP THIS EARLY [1:36 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: ok. ok it's fine. ur probably cuddled up in bed fast asleep right now. I know u worked late. [1:37 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: it's fine love u I'll just talk to u tomorrow then [1:39 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: but wait ✋ I have a real problem bby!!! I know u would want to help me out. [1:39 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: I'm really doing this for u so u don't feel guilty 😇 [1:40 A.M.] cheol 👑💕: I'm calling you
 You knew there was no such thing as the "perfect boyfriend"—that was just something pre-teen girls whispered about at slumber parties. But once upon a time you had been that pre-teen girl, and while Sojung and Jiyeon cut out bits of male celebrities from teen magazines to create an absolute monstrosity (with Zac Efron's abs and Ryan Gosling's eyes and Chris Evans' hair), you had drafted the complete list of every personality trait, hobby, and talent your dream man had to have.
 These qualifications included but were not limited to: eight-pack abs, the ability to cook a meal so delicious it would make your own mother weep out of jealousy, thoughtfulness so much so that he'd bring you little gifts home just because he was thinking of you, the ability to make you laugh so hard that you cried, he had to be able to play the piano and the guitar and the drums, loyalty to you and only you, passion, ambition but not enough so that he'd put his own goals over your needs, he had to have the emotional maturity to be able to cry during The Notebook, and most importantly, he had to be good at math (because you definitely were not). Preferably, he'd also like all the same things you did and want to get a corgi when you got married.
 12-year-old You had it all figured out, but 22-year-old You knew that perfect man simply did not exist...still, Seungcheol came pretty close.
 So when your phone started playing "I'm Too Sexy" for the third time in the past five minutes from your bedside table, you couldn't ignore him any longer. It was just as you'd managed to fully rouse yourself that the ringing stopped, but you picked up the offending item anyway and checked the eight text messages that he'd sent since you laid down to sleep less than an hour ago. 
 You tried to remind yourself that you loved your boyfriend, you really did. Seungcheol was talented, kind, funny, smart, and handsome, to boot. Even though he was always busy with practice and promotions and raising twelve kids in between, he never failed to make time for you---and when he did, he didn't need or want to brag about the idol he'd met at their last music show or complain about how hard their choreographer was working them. No, he desperately wanted to know if that asshole Jungsoo came through with his third of the work for the big project in your developmental psychology class or hear about how your coworker called out sick and you had to work overtime during inventory or have you walk him through every step you'd taken and every single thing you'd done since he saw you last.
 It had only been nine months, but a part of you was certain that Seungcheol was the one. He made you feel wanted and important, not because he loved you, but with the repeated insistence that your worth was based entirely off of your own accomplishments and talents. Yes, Seungcheol was Good, so you decided he deserved a call back against your better judgement.
 "Y/N!" Seungcheol picked up in the middle of the first ring, but he was dragging your name through molasses. He was exhausted, that much was obvious, but still excited to hear from you. 
 "Hi, Cheol," you said softly, sitting up against your headboard, "what's up?"
 There was a moment of silence, but you heard him hmm as he thought of the words he wanted to say, and you waited patiently. Seungcheol was not the most eloquent man, but he chose his words carefully, and he never said anything he didn't mean. He was the perfect boyfriend in his own ways.
 "I just...I missed you," he admitted. You missed him, too. Although you'd gone a whole month without seeing each other before, the longer you were together and the more you fell in love with him, the more difficult it was to be apart. It had been over a week since you last saw Seungcheol, since he was in the middle of promotions for Seventeen's latest single and practicing for their upcoming world tour. "Sorry I woke you up," he continued.
 "Don't be. Missed you too." You flicked on your bedside light to clear more of the dark drowsiness from your head. Again, there was silence from Seungcheol's end, but it was comfortable. You were glad just to know he was on the other side of the line, keeping you company. Not only had it been over a week since you last physically saw him, but every day there was only a few texts and occasionally a quick good night call between the two of you. Your schedules didn't allow for all the communication you would have liked.
 "What was 'the problem'?" You dared to ask, and Seungcheol's giggle immediately filtered through the speaker and into your ear. A groan of defeat rose up your throat as you realized what you were in for.
 "I know it's late, baby, but...can you come over?" Between the fact that he didn't often have the chance to sneak out of the dorm and over to your apartment, and that at the dorm there were twelve pairs of eyes on the two of you almost constantly, you and Seungcheol's sex life had suffered recently. Three weeks since he'd last buried his dick in you were three weeks too long.
 All there'd been since then was one close call in a maintenance closet at the Pledis building: you were on your knees sucking him dry as you heard Chan, Seungkwan, and Seokmin jogging down the hall calling Seungcheol's name. There had been a rattling of the doorknob and for one frozen, Earth-shattering moment, you couldn't remember if you'd locked it or not.
 Luckily you had, but a new rule was born: no inappropriate behavior at the workplace. And the Pledis building was unfortunately the only place you'd been able to see your boyfriend besides that last time at your apartment, when he fucked you long and hard in your bed until the sun came up. God, you could barely even remember the feeling of his hands on your skin, in your hair; his teeth nipping at your neck, lips wrapped around your nipple; rock hard thighs holding up your own as he gave it to you good.
 "Earth to Y/N," Seungcheol laughed, but it was airy and broken, "answer me, baby. You just moaned out loud."
 Work had been the usual grind that day, and you had to close the store a half hour later than usual because of an old lady who couldn't find the perfect pair of socks that she desperately needed at 10 P.M. Dinner had been cold leftover spaghetti because your microwave was broken and you didn't have the patience to heat it up on the stove, and you'd word vomited a few thousand words for a paper that you knew was going to be garbage until all the letters on the screen had swirled into one blurry mass that you couldn't bear to look at any longer. You were so tired.
 All that being said, you were leaning over to get your feet into your slippers, grabbing your keys from the drawer, and humming "On my way." If anything could re-energize you it was the boy whose warmth you could feel through the phone, all the way from the other side of town---and his dick. Seungcheol was beaming, you could hear it in his voice as he told you how excited he was to see you and told you to be safe, but to hurry. Then he said he had to take a quick shower and promised he'd meet you at their door.
 The twenty minute drive to the dorm felt longer than ever. You weren't sure if that was because you'd been awake for eighteen hours or because the ghost of Seungcheol's touch, his scent, and his panting damp against your neck was sitting in the car with you, haunting you.
 He didn't meet you at the door. It was a good thing you didn't jump into his arms and attach your lips to his the moment it swung open after you knocked, since it was Hansol who greeted you with a toothy grin and flour swiped across his cheeks. "We're making cookies," he informed you, but then he was pushed out of the way by Minghao, stomping out before Mingyu and Seokmin.
 "They're fucking cookies up is what they're doing," Minghao grumbled from underneath his Gucci bucket hat, "we're going for ice cream." Mingyu shrugged as a half-ass apology for Minghao's attitude, and Seokmin just shot you a thousand-watt smile before they disappeared down the stairs and into the night. You looked back at Hansol, whose grin had faltered for just a second, and reached up to ruffle his hair.
 "It smells good," you lied, "who's 'we'?" His mouth spread wide to respond, but the lilting Sunday morning rain is falling from the kitchen was all the answer you needed. The idea of Joshua and Hansol trying to bake sparked the tiniest light of fear in your heart, but you stomped it out. There were more important things to worry about right now, like your boyfriend's hot body and all the amazing ways he knew how to use it. "Teach him a new Maroon 5 song while you're at it," and Hansol was back to full brightness.
 You followed him inside so he could shut the door behind you, then through the living room where Jeonghan and Jun were curled up fast asleep on the couch while the menu for The Human Centipede 2 DVD looped on the TV screen. As he disappeared back into the kitchen, you grabbed the remote to turn the television off and took the blanket thrown over the back of the couch to lay it across their bodies. No big deal, but your heart grew three sizes that day as you watched Jun grab the ends of the blanket and snuggle his nose into it contentedly, settling deeper into the cushions.
 "Where are the others?" Hansol was already back to mixing things when you cautiously set foot into the kitchen, and Joshua was pulling a tray of what you presumed to be burnt snickerdoodles from the oven. Already cooled and grotesquely misshapen chocolate chip cookies filled up a plate on the counter, which Hansol eagerly tipped his head towards when you met his eye. You reluctantly picked up one of the cookies and took a generous bite, hoping you'd get points for this carried over into the next life. As far as you could tell, no sugar had been added to the batter and they'd used about three times too much flour; a whole clump of it got stuck in your throat.
 "Hoshi hyung kept Wonwoo hyung and Seungkwanie back at the practice room," Hansol finally answered when you grimaced through a thumbs-up at him, "Woozi hyung is at his studio, aaand...I haven't seen Channie or Coups hyung in a while, actually." The little shit wiggled his eyebrows as he said your boyfriend's name. Six months ago you would have blushed, but today you just swatted the side of his head on your way out of the kitchen.
 "Well I'm going to his room," you announced with a pointed look that the pair read loud and clear: stay away. Their snickers followed you down the hallway all the way to the last door on the left, cracked open just a sliver. "Babe?" You called out as you pushed it open, taking special care to fix a sultry look on your face---hooded eyes, bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
 And there on his bed was Chan, looking innocently up at you from where his head was settled onto Seungcheol's pillow, holding his phone up above him with Girl's Generation blasting from its speakers. "Noona?" He sounded almost scared. You grabbed your jacket to pull it tighter around your chest, suddenly aware of how exposed your chest was by your camisole, and tried to screw your eyes and lips around into an expression vaguely comforting.
 If you had asked Chan, your idea of "vaguely comforting" looked a lot more like you were in pain---but you didn't ask Chan, and instead of telling you so, he continued to stare at you in confusion. "I didn't know you were coming over," he said as he sat up slowly, "hyung is in the shower, I'm waiting for him to come out so I can finally get in."
 You weren't sure what to do---if you should just turn around and wait in the kitchen with Hansol and Joshua or if that'd be weirder than walking in and sitting on the bed to wait with Chan. No, wait, sitting on the bed with this child who was essentially your son in this dark room waiting for your boyfriend to come in so you could have sex with him would be a lot weirder than you making a hasty retreat while trying to forget that Chan was sitting on the bed that you would be getting fucked on not long from now
 "Ok, well, I'm gonna...go? Out. There. To the kitchen," you sputtered as though you'd never spoken human words before, but when you spun around to leave you immediately collided with something warm, firm, a little damp. Seungcheol's hands wrapped around your upper arms to steady you against his chest, and you could feel his laugh vibrate from inside of him.
 "Where are you running off to, baby?" He had a towel draped over his head, and nothing else on but some loose basketball shorts slung low on his hips. You struggled not to start drooling right then and there. The towel framed his face such that his eyes were shaded from Chan's view, so he couldn't have seen the roaring fire in them as Seungcheol's gaze ran laps around your body.
 You hoped you painted a pretty decent picture between your chest threatening to burst out of your tight top and your thighs barely covered by your little shorts and the fuzzy slippers on your feet. If the way Seungcheol's chest started heaving and the low growl from his throat meant only for you to hear was any indication, you did. He didn't let go of you as you took a half-step back from him, running his hands soothingly up and down your arms.
 "Shower's all yours, Channie," Seungcheol said over your shoulder, but he didn't look away from you for even a second. From behind, you could hear the bed shifting as Chan got to his feet and sensed him coming closer until he was shuffling around the two of you in the doorway, awkwardly bowing before he disappeared. You made a mental note to treat him to lunch one of these days---he wasn't stupid, he knew what you and Seungcheol were up to, but he was the only one of the kids who didn't tease you about it even though he was the one most often inadvertently exposed.
 Your boyfriend dropped his hands to cup your elbows and guided you backwards until he could kick the door shut behind him, then let go of you to lock it and throw his towel into the corner somewhere. "Sorry I didn't meet you at the door," he said to which you just shrugged, and let your coat drop off of your shoulders to the floor.
 "How long do we have?" You asked, sitting down at the end of Seungcheol's bed as he picked up your coat and hung it on the back of the only chair in the room. The furniture was lacking---all they could fit around the two enormous bunk beds was a rickety old desk, a hand-me-down dining chair for said desk, and one dresser stuffed with all four boys' things.
 "Once he gets in the shower...it won’t be long until he's in here bugging me about food or something? We'll have to be quick," fortunately the two of you had become experts at quick, "turn and lean over the edge. We have fifteen minutes.”
 Nothing could have given you any greater pleasure than doing just as he said, bracing your knees against the edge of the mattress and presenting yourself to Seungcheol. He came up behind you, grabbing the waistband of your shorts and tugging them down over your hips, past your thighs to sit around your knees. Then, for a moment, he was still.
 "Cheoool, what are you doing?" You whined, wiggling your ass for him, wondering why he hadn't pulled off your underwear and gotten to it yet. Instead of answering, he lowered to the floor, leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on one of your round cheeks.
 "These are cute," he whispered against the fabric of your panties, and it all came rushing back to you---this morning when you realized you'd forgotten to do your laundry again and the only pair you could find were these raggedy old ones with kittens on them. You vaguely remembered an aunt buying them for you one Christmas at the end of or right after high school, and for reasons you couldn't properly explain, you'd moved them around with you that long. Maybe this exact moment was why.
 "Fuck you," you mumbled, and he laughed, "I'm getting to that." Then he did as you wanted, pulling your underwear down around your knees. Of all the most pleasant sounds in the world, none were quite as sweet to your ear as that of Seungcheol's sigh of absolute bliss when he took two heaps of your ass into each of his big hands and squeezed tight. He was definitely a butt man, that you'd known since before you started dating, but you never could have known then how deep his obsession with your ass would go.
 You looked over your shoulder to observe Seungcheol's slack jaw and hooded eyes while he spread your cheeks apart and admired the part of your body that he loved the most. "You're such a perv," you teased him, "just get on with it already." His gaze immediately shot up to meet your eyes, sharp beneath his lashes. With one challenging raise of your brow, Seungcheol lifted a hand and brought it down swiftly.
 "Ow, fuck!" He smoothed his palm over the soft flesh, massaging circles into the spot he'd just hit, and it caught you off guard again when his other hand delivered a quick smack to the other side. Although you winced, you didn't shy away from the spanks---you pushed your ass out further, eager for more. Seungcheol didn't let you down. The pops got harder every time, but you never asked him to stop, not even when there were tears building up and threatening to spill down your cheeks. It hurt, yes, but you were crying because it felt so good.
 But Seungcheol always knew when you were reaching your limits. The very instant you had leaned to one side to brace yourself against the oncoming blow, he stopped. The pink tint that your ass had taken on was more than enough to please him, but not too much that he'd left handprints in his wake. You hadn't been most of Seungcheol's firsts, but you had been his first time spanking somebody. That first time you hadn't used your safe word at any point, hadn't needed to, but Seungcheol still almost cried when he saw the bruises he'd left on his favorite part of your body. Ever since then, his spankings had been on the gentler side.
 "That was for being mouthy and impatient," he explained, "although I don't think you're really learning a lesson when you're enjoying it so much." He had you there, and you hummed through a guilty grin back at him.
 At least five minutes if not more had already had to have passed by now, so as you laid your head back down on the mattress you thought Seungcheol would finally ease himself into you---but in the heat of the moment, you'd forgotten how thoughtful your boyfriend was, and it surprised you when you felt his hot tongue lick a stripe up your slit.
 The shriek you let out was far from sexy, but with his lips wrapped around your clit and the tip of his nose nudging against your hole, he couldn't complain. You moved up onto your forearms so you could look back at the ridiculous sight of nothing but Seungcheol's wet hair visible over your ass.
 "I thought we had to be quick," you gasped, "oral isn't quick," why were you saying this as if he should stop? "...not that I'm complaining." He laughed against you, and the vibrations made you shake and collapse face first into his sheets. Later, if he complained about the drool you got on them, you'd be sure to remind him that it was all his fault for needing to have a taste of you.
 Both of his hands were framing your waist until one of them was leaving its place so that he could venture a couple of fingers knuckle deep into your core. You hissed at the sudden intrusion, reaching back blindly to grab and pull your boyfriend's hair. "Give a girl a little warning," you said.
 "Just needed to feel how hot and wet you were for me," he sighed, detaching his lips from your clit. His other hand wrapped around your waist to rub circles there as he added his middle finger to those pumping inside of you. "It feels good, though, doesn't it?"
 "Ssooo goood," you slurred the words, but you weren't even embarrassed by a reaction like that anymore. You knew Seungcheol loved to see and hear and feel the overwhelming effect that he had on you. On the one occasion that he'd made a point of forcing a third orgasm out of you in one round and you blacked out, he had never felt more proud of himself. Of course, that was after he coaxed you back to consciousness, cleaned you up, and asked you about fifty times if you were sure that you were okay (you were more than okay).
 You hated that you could already feel the swell of imminent release brewing in your tummy, tendrils of arousal reaching out to all the dark and dusty corners. It really had been so long since Seungcheol had gotten his hands on you like this. But then they were gone, he stepped away and you could feel the slick dripping down your thighs from the way that the cold air from the AC nipped at the skin. Your hole clenched, desperate to be filled back up by him, and you didn't even recognize the sound of anguish that you made---something between a sob and a scream and a fucking hex on this terrible, horrible man who loved to make you suffer.
 "I'm right here, baby, I'm here," he smoothed his palm over the small of your back to reassure you of his presence, "but you're right, I can't take my time with you the way I'd like to. Get the lube out of the drawer." You stretched your torso across the bed and violently pulled open the top drawer of the nightstand Seungcheol and Mingyu shared. Just like you remembered, it was filled with books you'd given him that he didn't have the time to read, a dozen half-empty bottles of hand sanitizer you'd left there, a thousand coins, tissues, earrings, and tons of fan letters. One of them had little hearts drawn on the front that couldn't have been drawn by anyone older than thirteen, and it was beneath this one that you found the little bottle Seungcheol had asked for.
    You felt dirty.
 "Thank you, baby," Seungcheol said as he took it, and you watched him squeeze a generous helping into his left hand before snapping the lid closed and throwing the bottle over onto Jihoon's bed. He used his free hand to yank his boxers down, letting his erection pop up and gravitate towards you, then reached beneath your thigh to pull your legs wide apart and settle himself in between them. You closed your eyes again, and heard the most delightful slippery sound of the lube being rubbed between Seungcheol's palms.
 He'd let you pick the lube out yourself when he ordered it, warming and vanilla caramel flavored, but it had hardly been used since then. It had come in handy only on a few occasions---ones during which you had agreed to try anal play with him. Today it was needed because there just wasn't the time for Seungcheol to get you as soaking for him as he'd have liked.
 His hands returned to their favorite place, spreading the lube liberally over your ass and your hips. Any other time you'd have welcomed the massage, asked him to rub the kinks out of your neck and shoulders, but then Seungcheol was leaning forward and nestling his cock between your cheeks.
 "God, you look so fucking hot all oiled for me like this," he hissed, squeezing either side of your ass together as he rocked himself in between them. His grunts of pleasure were music to your ears, but not to your vagina, and you couldn't help the dread that spiked through you as his cock head brushed over your puckered hole.
 You angled your arm behind your back to place a hand over Seungcheol's, squeezing his fingers to get his attention. "No anal, today, buddy," you said, trying to let him down gently. His pout deserved to be kissed away, but it wasn't easy getting yourself up straight in this position to reach his lips.
 "I know, I know," he sighed, trying to hide his disappointment, "just, wow. This ass. It's a good ass." You bit back your laugh and nodded in understanding. Seungcheol reluctantly dragged his hands down until they reached the apex of your thighs, and the feeling of his two fingers slipping effortlessly back into you made your entire body tremble.
 "Want my cock now, baby?" He asked, "I dunno if you're ready for me yet," as he curled his fingers and rubbed the rough tips of them against your walls. You rocked back against him, needing more more more and Seungcheol only laughed. "Can you take a third finger baby girl?" You tried to say yes, God yes, but he didn't need your answer before the third eased in. He loved to spread you wide open before getting himself inside of you.
 A moan came from Seungcheol’s lips, wrapping tight around your form, encouraging you to peek back at him again. It was an obscene sight: him impaling you on three fingers from one hand while the other was rubbing lube over his leaking, swollen cock. Anticipation surged through every inch of your body, you waiting with bated breath as he finally slipped his fingers out to mix your sticky sweet wetness into the coating on his erection.
 You knew it was coming, but you still screamed when your boyfriend shoved himself ball deep into you. Slapping a hand over your mouth to muffle the tail end of the sound was the best you could do, and you scrambled to grab one of his pillows from the head of the bed to bite down onto. Seungcheol’s pace was unforgiving, but he didn’t need to be soft with you—between the lube and your own slick and the way you’d opened yourself up considerably to his fingers, you were more than ready for the pounding.
 And it was a pounding, Seungcheol’s hips slamming against your ass. It would’ve hurt if it wasn’t a feeling you were so used to already. As always, he couldn’t keep himself from grunting nasty things at you about how well you took him in. “This body was made for me,” he said, “made for my cock. Look at the way your ass bounces while I fuck you, god, I love it.” His grip on your hips was tight so he could force you back against him, and then one of his hands moved on to more familiar territory, squeezing an ass cheek with all of his strength. He just couldn’t help himself.
 “Next time you’ll let me in your ass, right, baby?” He cooed, a barely there sound but you heard him loud and clear. You’d only had anal sex once and you were almost ashamed of how much you’d loved it, weren’t sure if it was because it actually felt good for you or because it had turned Seungcheol into an absolute beast with no control. “Don’t be scared,” he added, “we’ll work you open with my fingers and your toys. We’ll do it at your place so no one can interrupt us, I’ll spend hours opening you up for me. Okay?”
 Between the grunts and the way his voice caught with each thrust, it took him a good minute to get it all out but he wouldn’t stop until he’d completed the thought. Even with his cock sheathed in your pussy, getting into your ass was a priority for him. “Okay, Cheol,” you groaned into the pillow, “whatever you want, baby. Juuust f-fuck me harder, p-pleeease.” There was drool all over the material shoved into your mouth, leaking to the rest of the cushion but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
 It was a strange sensation when you felt tugging, and a delayed realization that Seungcheol had tangled his fingers in your hair and was pulling your head up, pulling at your whole upper body. The sting in your scalp had you up on your hands to ease the pain, and Seungcheol took the opportunity to reach beneath you and wrap his forearm around your midsection. He tugged you upright to paste his front to your back, and the new angle had the tip of his cock digging into that special spot that set your entire body aflame.
 “Oh God, Seungcheol!” You moaned, throwing your head back over his shoulder and exposing your neck and collar to him. He dove in, feasting on the flesh, intent on leaving a mark that would last until he could have you next. The feeling of his teeth scraping at your jugular and his cock sinking over and over into you was so much, but it didn’t become too much until he reached down to smooth a fingertip over your clit.
 He felt you tighten around him, noticed your chest rising rapidly when your already uneven breathing became erratic and labored. You had put your hands on his arm wrapped around your stomach and when your nails dug mercilessly into his skin, Seungcheol knew you were just at the edge of fucking rapture. “Look at me,” he demanded in a voice entirely too composed for your liking, “don’t you dare come until you look at me.”
 You managed to tilt your head in his direction, forcing your eyelids to peel apart so you could look into his once bright brown eyes now endless inky depths of arousal. The look in them said nothing less than he wanted to eat you whole, and you wanted to let him. Upon eye contact, Seungcheol leaned forward to attach your lips to his. Later, you’d realize that was the first time he’d kissed you since this all started.
 It was hard kissing in this position, and your heads bounced with the force of each thrust but you still tried. Your saliva mixed with his and was spread all around your mouth and your chin but God, you just didn’t care, as long as his cock was inside of you and his fingers were still rubbing circles into your clit and those plush but always chapped lips that you loved were on yours.
 Always one step ahead of you, keenly aware of the most minuscule ways your body moved and reacted that even you would never know of, Seungcheol knew exactly when to move away so that he could slap a hand over your mouth. You screamed into his palm and ground yourself back, squeezing your eyes shut as all the colors in the rainbow burst behind them and danced in your vision. The eruption was all over your body, extending from the pit of your stomach to your fingers to your toes and into your head.
 The feeling of your body undulating against him and your pussy convulsing around his cock threw Seungcheol into his own orgasm, shooting hot streams of cum deep into your womb. It was a feeling you loved, ached for. He bucked his hips a few more times into you, letting you milk him, wringing out of every last drop of his release.
 You sighed dreamily and collapsed back into Seungcheol’s arms, spent. Losing strength quickly, Seungcheol unsheathed himself from inside of you so that he could spin you around and gently lay you down on his mattress, then let himself fall down at your side, wrapped all around you. He was trying hard to catch his breath just so that he could say, “Wow, we’re so good at that.”
 “Quickies? Fuck yeah, we are. Nobody has fifteen minute sex like us,” You agreed with him whole-heartedly. Reigning King and Queen of Quickies.
 Seungcheol giggled, and it was a sound so out of place as his cum swirled around inside of you and his sweaty naked body kept itself stuck to yours, but it made you grin and giggle with him. Soon the both of you were a giggling mess, and you weren’t even sure what you were giggling about. The fact that Chan knew you’d just fucked in here? That you could smell the burning oatmeal raisin cookies from the kitchen? Or, fuck, that you had to work tomorrow after all of this?
 Or the fact that someone was pounding on the door, screaming to be let in or else he would break all of Seungcheol’s bones? It was Jihoon’s voice shooting off threats left and right, and your boyfriend’s giggles immediately died out to be replaced by a gasp and a frightened, wide-eyed glance up at you.
 You had no help to offer up. You didn’t want to die.
 “I’m tired, what the fuck are you doing! We’ve been up since 5 A.M.!” You glanced at the clock on the wall and gawked at the short hand just past the number three. Seungcheol had been up for nearly twenty four hours, but he’d still just fucked you with all the energy in the world. He was superhuman.
 Superhuman and yet scared to death of the 5-foot-nothing boy separated from the two of you only by a big slab of wood. To be fair, he could probably burn it down with his laser vision if he got angry enough, and he was just about there. “Get under the covers! Pretend to be asleep!” Seungcheol was whisper-shouting, helping you pull your underwear and your shorts back on before he threw his comforter on top of you and made a step towards the door.
 You grabbed his wrist at the last second, and ignored the sheer panic on his face to reach up and pat his sex hair down, wipe your drool off his chin, and fix the waistband of his shorts that sat skewed on his hips. “Put a shirt on while you’re at it,” you advised him, and he looked at at you like you’d just solved the mystery of life itself before he grabbed any random shirt on the ground to tug on. You hastily crawled back under the comforter, shoved your face back into the pillow you’d been biting down on,, and made to act like you’d been asleep for hours now.
 Before he opened the door, Seungcheol looked back at you one last time to make sure everything was in place. You shot him a little thumbs-up of support, and could practically hear his heart beating for you from all the way on the other side of the room. What a fucking loser.
    “—the smell of your burning flesh will—” was what Jihoon was in the middle of saying as the door swung open, and stopped saying at the sight of Seungcheol in front of him at last, “I’m actually going to murder you. I don’t make empty threats.”
 “Jihoonie, keep your voice down,” Seungcheol spit out, “Y/N’s sleeping. I was just trying to get out from under her without waking her up.” He sounded scarily convincing, painting this thick layer of grogginess over his voice that hadn’t been there a moment ago. You strained your ears to place exactly where in the room they were as Jihoon shoved his way inside and quietly tiptoed to his bunk.
 If you knew Jihoon, you knew he was suspiciously surveying the scene. But you and Seungcheol had previously agreed on not using condoms, so there was no incriminating foil packet on the floor, and the vanilla scent of your lube drifting through the air could easily be any air freshener. There was the creaking of Jihoon’s old mattress as he dumped himself down onto it, and his grumbled, “Whatever, I’m going to sleep,” then silence. You and Seungcheol had pulled off the perfect crime.
 Speaking of Seungcheol, you felt him slipping under the covers from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and settling his face against your hair, breathing in deep. “I know I said this earlier,” he whispered, “but I really missed you. And I love you.”
 You finally turned back around, nuzzling into Seungcheol’s pillow and feeling the tug of drowsiness luring you into dreamland. Surely, you’d dream of nothing but chapped lips and chocolate chip cookies and gross-out-horror-movie-nights, and Girl’s Generation would be the soundtrack to it all. “I missed you, too. And I love you.”
 At the last minute, you were jolted out of near-slumber by the feeling of something hard smacking against your waist, and ricocheting to hit Seungcheol right in the face. He sat up, one hand rubbing the little red mark on his forehead, the other grabbing the weapon that had fallen to the comforter and sheets scrunched up around his waist.
 Holding it up to the light of the moon coming through the window, you and Seungcheol looked on in terror at the bottle of lube before both of your heads turned slowly to the neighboring bunk. Jihoon had his back turned, but one of his hands was held up with the middle finger pointed up right at you.
 “Either you move out and into Y/N’s place or I’m gone,” he barked over his shoulder, “God, I’m so tired of this. You two are disgusting.”
 You tried to stop the laugh tumbling out from your chest, you really did…but one look at Seungcheol and the two of you had dissolved into giggles yet again. Jihoon huffed and pulled his pillow over his head, singing loudly to himself to drown you out.
 “I don’t have a schedule tomorrow,” Seungcheol suddenly said through his laughter, “and I’m…not really tired anymore.”
 You definitely got the hint. “Yeah, well…I’m feeling really gross…you could probably use another shower, too…and we should give Jihoonie some peace and quiet, don’t you think?” Seungcheol promptly scooped you up into his arms, hopping off the bed and kicking the door open and carrying you down the hall to the bathroom.
 Scarring even more of his members sounded like the perfect way to keep the night alive—who cared about having to go to work in the morning? Who cared that Jihoon might actually change the locks? Spending as much time with Seungcheol like this as you could was worth it.
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