#bmpp edward
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We can never forget our favorite butler, Louis!!! We are all simps within Charles.
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that-otome-potato · 7 years
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I couldn't help but laugh at this reaction! Especially since I have played through Keith's MS, so I understand.
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smile-smile-ichthys · 2 years
It Was Impossible
Title - It Was Impossible Fanfic - Be My Princess Characters - Prince Edward and MC Theme - Angst Description - Just a little angsty thing I wrote I’ve been wanting to do for like a week. It’s Edward and MC wishing to be together but can’t due to ‘destiny’ having other plans and such. I know there’s no fandom anymore, this is more just for me, but if you’re reading I hope you enjoy!
Edward POV
Watching her from across the ballroom caused such pain and yearning, it was so difficult to contain myself, to prevent myself from simply walking over to her and embrace her. Every smile. Every laugh. Every gesture she made caused my heart to skip a beat. She was so beautiful. All I wanted was her. Only her. I didn’t want any of the women my parents had picked for me. They just weren’t made for me. She was. She was the one I was meant to find. She was my rose. I knew this the moment I met her.
Louis was the only one by my side that night who could fully understand what I was feeling. He stayed ever loyal to me. Helping me through the hurt. The crushing pain in my chest daily knowing our love could never be.
How could we have ended it like that? Why couldn’t we be together? She was my destiny and I would climb mountains, fight lions and bears to be with her. To see her smile like that. To hear her laugh. We could easily fight the system. To be together. Forever. I didn’t care if she didn’t believe in me, I believed in us. Who said the stars had written our destiny already? Surely it was up to us to decide. She was brought into my life for a reason and the reason wasn’t to simply leave me. I was meant to find her.
I fought for her. Day in and day out. However, in the end, she walked away. She never fully explained why she didn’t want to at least try. Being the gentleman I was, I wasn’t going to force her. If she wished to leave, then that was her choice.
I heard Louis whisper my name and I knew this would be the last time I saw her. I nodded to my butler, gave one last look at my forbidden rose and turned to continue the life of a prince. Heading over to the woman my parents had picked for me.
It wasn’t impossible, my love. I am sorry you felt that way.
I knew he was watching me but I didn’t care. I had to resist my own hearts urge, the one dragging and pulling me towards Prince Edward. As much as I wished that I could be with him, there was no way in Hell that could happen. I tried to stop my heart from falling. It was a miserable attempt as I fell hard and fast. His sweet words, his heart of pure gold and yet fierce passion for love had me on my knees within days. I didn’t hide my feelings, never denied them. It wasn’t a secret I tried to hide, why would I?
When I realised and he confessed his own feelings, I decided to at least try. However, destiny was a funny thing. It simply wasn’t meant to be. Was I meant to meet Edward? Maybe. Only mother earth knew that answer. But I knew our destinies were not intertwined in that way. The world had other plans for me.
But was it all lost? Could I have maybe fought through this plan to be with the man I loved? The only man I loved? Maybe…I shook my head and downed my drink, attempting to ease the scolding pain in my chest. All I wished to do was run and hide. To sob my heart out for hours until I physically could produce no more. Zain reminded me that I couldn’t as he took the glass carefully from my hand. I had to keep a level head as I talked to the parliament of Nobel. This wasn’t the time.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Edward being redirected to his parents with a beautiful young lady. His future wife. His butler Louis gave me one last glance as he, also, turned his back on this path we all wished we could have taken. It was as if I could feel the strings of fate attached to us being cut in that instant. It wasn’t my choice.
“I am glad you decided correct my dear, marrying my son will only better the kingdom for your grandfather, Lord Michel” the head of parliament sneered at me. I shoved down my feelings and smiled kindly back at him in agreement.
I’m sorry, my love. It was impossible.
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Oh boy, I can tell that I'm gonna enjoy this route! XD
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sakurakamanata · 3 years
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From Edward Levaincois’ Main Story
The contents in this screenshot belongs to Voltage Inc.
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bmpwtfstuff · 5 years
idk, this just happened. we all know Roberto would without a doubt YEET
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mylittleotomecorner · 6 years
Hii again! Thanks for answering so fast. If you can, can you do a Headcannon where the bmpp princes meet MC's overprotective three older brothers and they have a 'chat' once MC steps out for a min? If you can't it's totally cool but maybe just fics of Keith, Joshua and Edward? Thanks so much b😘
Edward: I assure you, gentlemen, that your sister is in the best of care. I would never allow nor bring harm to such a delicate flower as [___]. As a prince, but more so as a man, it would be an unjust act when she has done nothing more than win my heart.
Roberto: Oh yeah, [___] has been the best thing in my life! Why would I want to ruin it for her or me or us? It’ll be fiiiiiiiiine! Promise! (I kinda see this as famous last words XD)
Joshua: As a prince of Dresvan, I would do no such thing as to ruin her reputation unless she ruins mine first.
Keith: Are you nuts? Do you know how much of a pain in the a- Look, she’s great. I’d kick the butt of any guy that messes with her, if I were you guys so relax. She’s with me after all.
Glenn: *sighs* It’d be too much trouble to cause her trouble when she still has a job to do
Wilfred: [___] has been the light within the darkness that was my life. I could find no greater joy than to be with your sister. You need not worry for I will take the greatest care of her.
Zain: Only my sincerest intentions are felt and given for your dear sister. If anything were to befall her, I would never be able to forgive myself and see that her every needs are met.
Sorry I took forever with this. And just for the hell of it, I’ll see if I can get myself to do those fics. Gotta work out my writing muscles~
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Happy 10th Anniversary🌹💕💕 The drawing was meant to be finished last year, but I was so burned out that I forgot about it. But I really enjoy doing BMP again~ it reminds me how much I miss doing it and I been doing this for 10 years and pretty much the only person who does BMP in this day and age in the overseas space. I know very well that it is still thriving in Japan and following it through twitter. Anyway, I hope you continue to support me and years to come. I do apologize for not being here all the time. There still more art ideas to come. Thank you so much! 💓
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bmp-slbp-matchup · 7 years
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Who wore it better
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smile-smile-ichthys · 7 years
Hosts of Japan - Chapter 5
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Chapter 1   Chapter 2  Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Tagging the girls @smutmylifeup @whatdoyouexpectthistime and @hifftn
ENJOY! I’m really enjoying writing this in between my script :D and I’m glad you all like it so much <3
My heart thumped against my chest so hard I was sure either Jazz or Miho could hear it. I had never been this nervous about a client before. First few I ever greeted was nerve-wracking sure, but I got used to that, this was on a whole new level. Well, after all, greeting royalty…not just one but several of them…bound to make one nervous.
I had only seen Prince Keith in photos online, so making sure I got the right prince should have been easy, but when your anxiety levels reach breaking point, somehow, remembering faces becomes impossible. At least I knew the first prince was definitely not Keith. He had white hair for one thing, but we still bowed as low as we could in greeting.
“Such fine young ladies to greet us gentlemen, it’s a pleasure” the white haired Prince bowed back to us.
“Young ladies?” another prince ran up and looked round white haired guy “Oh so beautiful too, pleasure meeting you lovely ladies!” he said.
“Can we please keep them two in line?” a purple haired one spoke this time and we raised our heads.
“If you wish to take up the challenge, then go ahead, Joshua” a blonde one pipped up.
That’s when I spotted someone I recognised, Luke. He was bringing up the rear to the princes, along with some other men who I guessed were the princes’ butlers. He spotted me too and immediately made his way to the front of them all. I was thinking maybe he was going to come say hi, or maybe even stop these princes’ from looking at us like we were specimen of something. But no, he just turned to address them. Damn it.
“Your highness’, may I introduce the ladies behind the business of Hosts of Japan, Miho, Jazz and H, I do believe one is absent” Luke said like the professional he is.
“Honestly, ladies, a pleasure to meet you, could you introduce us Luke?” the white haired guy said.
They couldn’t do it themselves? What the hell?
“Of course, his Highness Prince Edward, his Highness Prince Joshua, his Highness Prince Roberto, his Highness Prince Glenn, his Highness Prince Wilfred and his Highness Prince Keith, who you shall be hosting to miss H” Luke introduced them.
“Nicely done, Luke! Hey Keith, your young butler is getting better” Prince Roberto shouted to the back where Prince Keith appeared.
“Yeah, but he didn’t give our countries in our titles…still a long way to go” he snapped but turned to me “So is this H?”
I bowed.
“Your Highness, it is an honour to meet you” I said.
“Hmm, you’ll do I suppose” he said as the other princes giggled.
Excuse me? ‘I’ll do?’ What the hell did he mean? And he was just rude to Luke who was still clearly learning. Wow, this guy was a real jerk.
“Perhaps we should head to the hotel? We could get better acquainted there” Prince Edward said, maybe reading on my expression to want to slap prince Keith.
“Of course, your cars are outside ready for you, your highness” I said, compressing the urge and plastering a smile on my face. He nodded and pushed past me and the girls as he made his way to his car along with the other princes.
“What a dick” Miho said without hesitation.
“10,000 yen to say H won’t last a day without slapping him” Jazz bet.
“I’d give her at least two days” Miho pitched in.
“I’d say an hour to be honest” I joined in and Luke ran up to me.
“Miss H, come on, we don’t want to keep his highness waiting” he said urgently, dragging me away to begin my two weeks of hosting a prince. The girls waved, chuckling as I went. They were going to pay for this. Dearly.
The hotel the princes were staying at was extremely fancy. Like, luxury wasn’t even a word that covered it. It made the airport VIP section look like it was for the average every day person. I must had been staring a bit too much because Luke elbowed me in the ribs.
“OK, ow” I said as the princes were taken to a private coffee room at the back of the hotel.
“If you’re going to host a prince, you can’t stand there staring at things all day” he scolded me and briskly walked off. Wow, like prince like butler I supposed. And his grandfather was so nice.
“Let me guess, you’re thinking like prince like butler?” I heard a voice behind me. One of the other princes butlers had approached me with a kind smile. He was handsome, tall, beautiful, gorgeous hair…
“Oh erm, yeah, I’m sorry, was I that obvious?” I asked him.
“Just a little, but don’t worry, Luke isn’t a bad guy, he’s just under a lot of stress” he explained “he’s still training and under Prince Keith…well, it’s a strain to say the least, I’m Jan by the way, I’m Prince Joshua’s head steward and personal butler”
“Nice to meet you, I’ll try and keep my thoughts in check” I smiled back.
“No need to do that, but I personally feel like I should warn you…” he started to say but Luke shouted for me.
“Hold that thought” Jan’s expression changed when I ran off and met Luke in the private room.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“His highness is asking for you, go join him and don’t disappoint me or my grandfather” he said sternly, gently pushing on my back towards Prince Keith sitting with the rest of the princes.
I sat down next to him in the empty chair and one of the butler gave me some coffee. I stared at it for a few seconds, thinking how the hell did I drink this stuff? Like, did I have to put my pinkie out? Do I just drink normally? So many questions.
“Is that how commoners drink their coffee?” Keith asked.
“By staring at it as if it’s going to magically pour itself into your mouth” he jabbed at me.
“N-no, sorry” I apologised.
“Calm down Keith, this is obviously overwhelming for her” Joshua piped up.
“She’s here for a job, not to stare at everything around her” Keith saying that prompted Luke to glare at me.
What had I gotten in to? I just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. I didn’t belong here, I wasn’t a host, and certainly not someone who could deal with upper class events like this. Even if it seemed like the princes were just relaxing, I still felt incredibly on edge. Problem was, I was trapped. This was my first day hosting, yeah I had tomorrow off, but for the next two weeks I’d be hosting him on and off…my heart sunk thinking I had to host a bully.
“Keith, I do believe you’re scaring her, from what I understand, miss, is that you’re not a host yourself, you just run the business?” Prince Edward kindly said to me. I nodded.
“I am, however, I believe your highness’s al know and understand this, I still apologise for my ‘commoner’ behaviour” Me saying it in such a sarcastic voice caused a few princes to smile, Edward even laughed.
“My dear, no need to apologise, Keith can just be a little rough around the edges is all, he has a kind heart really” Edward explained.
“Deep deep down” Roberto laughed with Edward “I like you H, you’re an awesome woman to say that in front of Keith”
Keith huffed, grabbed my wrist and yanked me up. What the hell?!
“Enough, if she’s my host for the next two weeks, it means she’s mine and not yours to play with, enjoy your coffee!” he said, storming off with me in tow.
I glanced behind me but, Luke wasn’t following…something inside me was screaming at me to run, but why?
Keith dragged me into the lift and into his room, pushing me to the bed.
“What the hell Prince Keith? I did not sign an agreement to be treated like this” I said, getting up off the bed.
“The princes said you were a host, so…” he moved closer to me, placing his hands on my hips and pulled my waist to touch his “host me” his lips came down to meet mine.
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maknae-faerie · 7 years
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So I stopped playing Be My Princess: Party for some reason I cant remember anymore a while back but becuz ive been playing Love Scramble and I got a card of my darling Keith, I wanted to get back into the game. I loaded it up and transferred the data and this is what Zain gave me after all the Princes welcomed me back. 20 LOVE PASSES HOLY SHIT. I could finally finish Edward's route with that much lol
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bmpwtfstuff · 7 years
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here's a little thing lol thought I'd better post something, so here it is :D
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woodknotes · 7 years
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Queens of BMP: Her Majesty The Queen of Charles
The Steel Rose
Her Majesty The Queen has always been underestimated, which she used to her advantage through the years. She convincingly played the role of the fairytale Crown Princess to the point that The Royal Conference of Charles already forgot the steel underneath the blush, lace and tulle.  
Long before the Queen’s crown was placed on her head, she has already mastered the role of the deadliest piece on the chessboard. With just a whisper, a soft gaze, and a tender touch on her husband’s hand, she can turn the tables to her advantage. It’s no secret that she was the force behind the change in succession laws. Allowing Charles’ most beloved little princess to one day ascend the throne as Queen Regnant.
To the people of Charles and the rest of the world - they embody the fairytale that had gone right. However in small private gatherings, they raise their glasses, offering a toast to their King and Queen - to the most beloved Rose of Charles, and his protectress the Steel Rose of the House of Levainçois, long may they reign.
Queens of BMP Series: COMPLETE
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rosehardt-blog · 7 years
All I need to complete my life is art of Edward Levaincois and myself. That's it. He is my other half ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ TBH Edward was the very first character I feel in love with in the beginnings of playing otome games. He will always have a special place in my heart <3 My love for Edward Levaincois shall never die as long as I live~
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