#bob's burgers sentence starters
munchmemes · 2 years
bob’s burgers sentence starters ( season 2 edition )
❛  this is why i'm only friends with women. ❛  [NAME], honey, it's pretty obvious they're not into you. and i'm usually not that good at picking up vibes. ❛  ironic detachment is great. nothing means anything! ❛  what, do you work for the phone company now? [NAME]'s phone company? ❛  what, are you going to beat me up? ❛  we're about to die, [NAME]! do you really want your last words to be sarcastic? ❛  if i'm gonna die, i'm gonna play Aqua Boogie one last time! ❛  put it on a t-shirt, [NAME], i don't want to hear it. ❛  maybe the journey was the treasure. ❛  what does 'past due' even mean, you know? ❛  it's brilliant! there's no such thing as time. ❛  come back safe, [NAME]. don't leave me with these frigging people. ❛  it looks like a huge, misshapen penis. ❛  i am so glad you joined the group, [NAME]. ❛  if you make it out of there, i will do anything. anything you want. except that one thing. ❛  everything's on the table, including on the table. ❛  oh, don't tsk me. ❛  you'll eat anything. ❛  don't you make noises at me, you judge-a-roo. ❛  so, let's talk synchronized swimming. ❛  what do you expect? you coddle them too much. ❛  i'm not gonna coddle them this time. i'm gonna get real tough. ❛  it's chocolate. it tastes like chocolate tastes. ❛  you're my best friend. ❛  it's nice to have you back. ❛  i accept your apology and i will help you. i will help you by not helping you. ❛  what just happened here? why is everyone smiling and not helping? ❛  we can fake our way through this. ❛  we're at a swimming pool. this is the safest place to be during a fire. ❛  false alarm. everything is fine. ❛  oh! now i'm hungry for chilli! ❛  call me next time you find something that you think you're good at. ❛  it's not called a peeing race. it's called a pissing contest. ❛  was it obvious i don't care? ❛  look at me, it's an intervention. you have a problem. ❛  i'm not leaving any stone unturned. they're all gonna be turned! all the stones! ❛  oh, i love secrets! tell me! ❛  i've got a better idea. you know what's free? Loading. ❛  do you mind? you're kinda crowding me. ❛  video games and drugs, those two things don't mix. ❛  i'm not a nerd. i'm a video game enthusiast. ❛  i'm calling it. this party's dead. ❛  unleash the beast! no mercy! ❛  fantastic! not my problem! ❛  i wish i'd met you sooner. i wonder what you looked like fifteen minutes okay.
❛  if we were gonna have to be banned for life from someplace, i'm glad it's there. ❛  plan b, [NAME]! i'm slashing tires! ❛  [NAME], use our code names! ❛  isn't it funny how much more i know than you? ❛  drunk people like hamburgers, it's not science. ❛  ugh, you were right. it's not subtle. ❛  i'm gonna throw a falafel at them. ❛  i don't wanna die a virgin! ❛  it's not a lie if you lie to vegetarians. ❛  what about your road rage, [NAME]? it's not very good! ❛  see? i knew it was funny. ❛  let's play the quiet game until we get back. ❛  guess who's on new meds! ❛  wait, i brought gifts! i picked them out at a truck stop. ❛  according to my calculations, you're next! ❛  time for the charm bomb to explode. ❛  i hate that parrot. ❛  you know what, take off your cranky pants and go take a nap. ❛  i hate signing birthday cards. ❛  if this fails, i'm gonna kill myself. ❛  [NAME], you've taken them hostage? ❛  from now on, i will only dumpsack them when i'm in the neighbourhood. but you took the fun out of it. ❛  i'm still so nervous the cops are gonna show up. ❛  well, if the cops come, we need a plan. ❛  don't have a crap attack. ❛  okay, fine. but i'm gonna complain the whole time. ❛  that'll cost a fortune! we have a terrible data plan! ❛  i don't get drunk. i just have fun. ❛  don't be such a boob punch. ❛  it's not fun for everyone, [NAME]. ❛  messing with [NAME] is a privilege, not a right! ❛  just be yourself and [NAME] can go sit in syrup. let the bees get them. ❛  put some clothes on! leave something to the imagination for god's sake! ❛  notice me! ❛  it got a little weird at the end but you get the idea. ❛  i smell fear on you. ❛  i don't know about you but that is certainly some of the cutest baby panda footage i've ever seen. ❛  in this country, no backsies means something. ❛  fame tears families apart. ❛  are you not entertained?! ❛  it stinks in here. ❛  you're supposed to love each other, not kill each other! this isn't the bible! ❛  those aren't curse words.
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bursting-at-the-memes · 7 months
Bob's Burgers Song Lyric Sentence Starters.
"You shouldn't think about those fears now." "I want for him to kiss me." "I'm not hiding what I feel." "I bought myself a horse shirt." "Picture a world where everyone's nice and happy." "All we need to be free is to destroy a little property." "I'm proud of you for trying to rebel." "Can't let them see me with my pants down." "Today is gonna be a great day." "Let's be clear. I did absolutely nothing wrong." "I'm not to blame. It's not my fault." "Some lucky ducks get all the luck." "We paid for our crimes." "Now run along." "Now go and play." "I'm gonna show them all what I can do." "What if they're right?" "Is it so bad to steer off course?" "I'm ready to give up the fight." "The ceremony was upsetting." "All you can do is your best-est." "(name), you're crazy." "It was an accident!" "I dropped him in the toilet." "It's all our faults, right guys?" "I used to trust my family." "Did we mention that we're sorry?" "You can slap us all in the face." "No amount of slaps can make this right." "I guess I'm not the forgiving type." "Who knew I could decorate like I just did." "Bedtime is me time." "Dropped my hopes into the ocean." "Look, I'm not that evil." "Would you like to hear my master plan?" "If you could see my scale models then you'd understand why (name) had to die." "And it just gets worse from there." "I have so many problems with this plan." "I'm not that evil. But I'm feeling evil today."
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saiibeo · 1 year
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❛  false alarm. everything is fine.  ❜ (from miso) / @uncxntrxllable bob’s burgers sentence starters ( season 2 edition )
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☠ ⟼ corrine jolts at first, head whipping around to find the source of the sound, but when they realize it's just miso they exhaled in relief.
they still aren't entirely used to having a talking canine around. the voice in their head from the literal spirit possessing sharing their body had suddenly become the least strange occurrence in their life.
next to the fungus infested zombies, that is.
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❝ yeah, yeah. let's keep moving before we start actually attracting their attention. ❞ they're at least thankful for miso's presence. aito wasn't physically around and it got somewhat lonely having to face an apocalypse alone. especially when most people were often quick to be hostile.
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
❛  oh, don't tsk me.  ❜
Accepting || Bob's Burger's Sentence Starters @peranarkia
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Thad straightens up from where he was hunched over the computer, turns around to face Lonnie, and with a straight face blatantly 'tsks' at them again.
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pcrplevenom · 7 months
"We're not there yet. Go back to sleep." feeling the younger one in her arms rustle around, and held her more gently closer to the motherly gator like a child in her arms as they continued to walk back home
Bob's Burgers Song Lyric Sentence Starters.
Soldan grumbled quietly, pupils thin and then relaxing so they go back to nornal. She was highly stubborn, yes! But wasn't the type of person to speak up much, unles willingly or in the mood to be open more.
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mcnagerie · 1 year
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@bcdwclves asked:
❛ drunk people like hamburgers, it's not science. ❜ says Satan, in a much too small bar chair, hunched over the bar with a bag of greasy fast food on the counter as she reaches over and pulls out a bottle of alcohol from below the bar. “nothin’ better than greasy-ass bacon and melted synth cheese all over a flame-grilled patty.” pops open the bottle of whiskey with a clawed thumb and pours some into her XL-drink. for either Charlie or Vaggie. :3c
bob’s burgers sentence starters ( season 2 edition )
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"I can already feel my arteries clogging," she held back a gag as she looked at the slowly blooming grease stain at the bottom of the bag, turning away for her stomach's sake as she took a sip of her after-work whiskey. "And you can let Husk know that you stole his whiskey. Sin or no, he's not gonna be happy when he finds out."
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governmentofficial · 1 year
❛ you're my best friend.❜ childhood friends verse @imprvdente
bob’s burgers sentence starters ( season 2 edition )
Mycroft had accidentally had a little too much to drink. This wasn't the first time that this had happened, but it wasn't a common occurrence either. Yes, he had started drinking more than he had done previously (ever since he'd retired from fieldwork, it had become a bit of a habit) but he usually didn't overindulge.
He'd only had a glass too much or so, though. Really, the only way it showed was in the way that his tongue had been loosened and he was being less covert when it came to discussing his feelings - which, in a way, was a good thing,
"You're my best friend too," Mycroft solemnly replied, completely serious. "My only friend. My best, only friend."
Well, unless he and Abel counted as friends now that they were no longer constantly at each other's throats? Hm... No, Mycroft did not think that to be the case. They were more friendly acquaintances than friends. Mycroft knew this because their relationship was in no way similar to that of his relationship with Fish, and clearly that was supposed to be the model for friendship.
Her father didn't count as a friend either. Mycroft certainly got on well with him, but that was different. It was like how it was impossible to be friends with his own father.
And Sherlock was not a friend. Sherlock was a brother.
Mind you, was Fish not like a sister sometimes? A good sister, that was. Fish was not the same as Eurus.
"I don't mind you being my only friend," Mycroft then went on to say, nodding at his own words. "I don't need more friends. You would still be my best friend if I did have more, though. Do you think anybody will ever replace me as your best friend?"
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imjustanauthor · 2 years
❛  i'm not leaving any stone unturned. they're all gonna be turned! all the stones!  ❜ Fish @ Charlie, @imprvdente
bob’s burgers sentence starters ( season 2 edition )
There was no doubt in Charlie's mind that Fish would achieve exactly what she was claiming she would. She was a very capable lady - very capable, and very dedicated. If she put her mind to something, she would undoubtedly reach whatever goal she set for herself.
"You seem excitable today," Charlie commented, an amused smile crossing his lips as he looked up from his desk. While Fish was dealing with the new case, he was stuck sorting out the paperwork. It was pretty dull but it needed doing. As much as he'd love to ignore it, getting chewed out by Jack was not on his to-do list - not after the last time he'd ended up getting a stern telling off by the man!
"What's got you worked up, then? Caught the scent of something interesting? Or are you just pretending that something is going on so you have an excuse to avoid writing up that report that we owe?"
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@iomadachd ;; bob's burgers sentence starters (still accepting) Dean said: "My therapist says, if I don’t value my time, nobody’s gonna."
                              "IS YOUR THERAPIST A FIERCE, RELENTLESS LADY? Because that sounds exactly like the shit my shrink would say to me," Steve muses before taking a sip of his beer. Dr. Barnes (and that name will never not sound strange in Steve's ears, who will always think of another Barnes and his family) is, as far as he knows, not a SHIELD employee, but gets paid by the agency to treat (and annoy) a lot of its higher-ranking agents, so it would make sense that Dean sees her as well. Or maybe that's a universal wisdom every shrink spreads to sound smart; who the fuck knows.
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monstrous-memes · 3 years
Bobs burgers out of context sentence starters 
“My crotch is itchy?”
“She can’t help it, she’s autistic!” 
“That’s it, you’re banned!” 
“And I did it all without a single fart sound......... OH MY GOD I FORGOT THE FART SOUNDS!” 
“Are you talking through the wall or are you my horse poster?”
“Oh... My god.” 
*Groaning noises*
“Shut up I’m perfect.” 
“How did you first get into bank robbing?”
“You are being SO rude right now!” 
“HAHA! I’ve got your RAT!” 
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munchmemes · 2 years
bob’s burgers sentence starters ( season 1 edition, part one )
❛  i love you but you’re terrible. ❛  i’m not good with dates, you know that. ❛  today’s my birthday? ❛  you have no idea what i’ve just been through ... do i have any toilet paper stuck to my buns? ❛  you left someone for me? ❛  that doesn’t make sense! a lot of numbers are divisible by three. ❛  i happen to produce a lot of saliva! ❛  don’t touch anything and don’t press any buttons. ❛  it’s a dead body! maybe the present is underneath? ❛  can you open the window a little more? i’m not going to assault you. ❛  that’s the ultimate crime, right? murder? no big deal. cannibal? woah. ❛  now my rash smells like bacon and it doesn’t itch anymore. i think we’re gonna be okay. ❛  i would rather be married to a suspected cannibal with a dream, like you, than a soft-lipped guy who never had a dream in the first place. ❛  they have kissing tips online? ❛  no one sheds like this family. it’s like a bunch of Chewbaccas. ❛  maybe they’ll leave sooner if they smell farts. ❛  i have an announcement to make: i am on a ladder. ❛  are you in the wall or in my horse poster? please, say horse poster. ❛  there’s nothing wrong with a man enjoying his crawl space. ❛  my therapist says, if i don’t value my time nobody’s gonna. ❛  i hope they’re using protection because i’m not gonna take care of that baby. ❛  you know what this makes me wanna do? eat your soul! ❛  i’m so tired. my grandparents are haunting my dreams. ❛  guess what, having a family makes you go nuts. ❛  we only need one megaphone out here. ❛  this could be huge for us! like a sex tape. it’s the best free advertising we’ve ever had. ❛  you know what? let’s just stop before we both say something we’ll regret. like that horses are better than cows ... i regret that. but it’s true. ❛  all you need is four wool socks, a mattress and the will to make it happen. ❛  hey, you should know. if anything happens, i’m in full attack mode right now. ❛  i’m hungry for blood. and also candy. ❛  no, i’m dead. you just fainted. ❛  does that make me a hypocrite to say that? no, it doesn’t and if it does, i’m okay with that. ❛  if you’re gonna lay on the floor, at least roll around so i don’t have to mop up later. ❛  their cat died. but in a really funny way. ❛  just wait till we get near it. they take off their shoes so when they open the door, the whole block smells like feet. ❛  it smells exotic. like ranch dressing. ❛  it’s not dancing. it’s a deadly form of street fighting. ❛  did you know it only takes two pounds of pressure to drive someone’s nose bone into their brain? ❛  listen, everybody. what happened today is in the past and we’re never gonna talk about it ever again. ❛  if you need me, i’ll be down here on the floor ... dying. ❛  you know, you have to learn to groan right. ❛  you can’t abandon the things you love just because of sexy dance fighting.
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shieldedmusing · 5 years
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‘You know I can’t use my legs,’ Cough cough, ‘I have cough legs.’
‘He’s just running a little late -- or maybe he’s dead. Oh, God, he’s dead!’
‘If she were a spice, she’d be flour! If she was a book, she’d be TWO books.’
‘He left his shoe! ... No, wait, that’s a pigeon.’
‘Cold cuts just got hot.’
‘Cheer up (name), it’s Friday, let’s do shots!’
‘I’m not boy crazy! I’m boy ... focused.’
‘So, just went with the first idea, huh?’
‘You’re a strong, confident, young man who isn’t afraid of urinals.’
‘This is a worse form of dying! I would take actual dying right now!’
‘We’ll be doing many fun things this weekend, including dinner, rough housing--not too rough.’
‘If (name) would just do the thing they hate, they’d love it!’
‘I like to cry into a loaf of bread while I’m eating it.’
‘Bad, that’s a bad attitude.’
‘He checks a lot of my boxes, he’s a man, he has a face, he can go outside.’
‘If you have stickers I’ll trade you.’
‘I don’t think ALL archaeologists are Indiana Jones.’
‘I had an imaginary friend once, she used to steal from me; all my makeup. My lipsticks.’
‘What is that? Is that sulfur? IS IT SATAN?’
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dcmonprncss-a · 2 years
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@fernbodied said: ❛  did you know it only takes two pounds of pressure to drive someone’s nose bone into their brain?  ❜
Bob's Burgers Sentence Starters | Accepting
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"That's all it takes? I would've thought that it took a lot more than that."
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
❛  well, if the cops come, we need a plan.  ❜
Accepting || Bob's Burger's Sentence Starters @peranarkia
"'We?'" Thad laughs, "I do have a plan if the cops come. I'm getting the hell out of here. As for yourself? Well, I guess you're just shit out of luck if the cops come. Or did you expect me to zip you out of here as well? I know I said I'd help you with breaking in and taking care of security, but that's only because I'm getting something out of this too. I don't see why I have to help you out with escaping as well?"
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"Not unless you plan on paying me my usual fee. Cash, information, favors, you should have an inkling of how I work, Anarky."
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Yet Another Bob’s Burgers Sentence Starter Meme
“You people don’t deserve to eat Lance. Lance is my friend, okay? Ow, Lance, you’re burning my arm.”
“We’re not kissing _____.”
“I may or may not have tried crack.”
“And _____, you actually banged us to freedom.”
“If I were a hamburger, you’d come watch me fight.”
“Mmm, manimal.”
“Be my all-American fix-it man/woman, _____.”
“I’m working on my mating list for when we have to repopulate the world.”
“But it’s good. Because you see your whole life pass before you as you’re burning. And every pair of pants you’ve ever worn. And you’ll see the love of your life, dancing salsa in Jamaica by him/herself.”
“I’ve been talking to a turkey for a long time now. But I drank a lot of absinthe, just to be fair.”
“I want to be edgy like them. Pill-popping sex freaks!”
“Oh, I still haven’t finished my Sex on the Beach from that foot clinic doctor.”
“I’m sick of acting like a dumb, helpless girl/boy just so a hot girl/boy who *insert tendencies or hobby here* will notice me. That’s not who I am. I’m a smart, strong, sensual woman/man.”
“It’s really none of our business. …I’m telling everybody when we get home.”
“They’re down in the basement grinding the meat right now.”
“Somebody threw a snow cone at my windshield today. I thought I hit a rainbow. It was terrifying.”
“No one wants to ride Extra Wood Mountain.”
“See, that’s how you put on handcuffs.”
“Has he/she been nude with you, _____?”
“Oh. Hey, Marshmallow.”
“I told _____ I had incriminating pictures of him/her. Because I drew some incriminating pictures of him/her.”
“Man, you’re ripped. Your abs look like challah bread.”
“What the hell else does he/she like? I want to give him/her things.”
“That pain doesn’t go away; it only gets worse. Don’t get older.”
“I saw a kid lick another kid’s eyeball.”
“Crash-landing really is an aphrodisiac.”
���Cut me open and crawl inside me. One of us should live.”
“He/she has a live animal trap from the time he/she thought a squirrel was stealing his/her mail.”
“Uh, be cool out there. Don’t Bogart the snacks– and if the po-po rolls up, your first call’s to your lawyer, not your mom.”
“You’re in trouble! Non-canonical! Non-canonical!”
“You’ve been saying crepe under your breath for ten minutes.”
“This is the biggest man-cave ever, and _____’s going spelunking.”
“Hello, Glamsterdam.”
“Also, if boys had uteruses they’d be called duderuses.”
“Make up a story about how you single-handedly murdered a wild animal.
"Your story is going to release a hormone, deep inside her body, called Insatia.”
"Yeah! Anuses!“
”You didn’t just want to kiss me just now?“
"Oh, my God, _____’s boobs just popped out of his/her wet suit.”
“Well, I’m still gluing a knife to my foot.”
“My porcelain horse, Horselain!”
"I think my subconscious fears and my budding sexuality are getting all mixed up. So I think I’m being attacked by zombies and I start screaming ‘Do you wanna make out?’ ... And I make out with it.“
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beigewatcrs · 4 years
❝ task 001 ❞ ⋮ mun questionnaire 
name  /  alias : emily gender  /  pronouns : cisfemale ; she/her where  ya  from  ? : indiana — i hate it sm the  current  time : 10:30 pm starting this. 11:20pm finishing bc i got distracted lmao
height : 5 foot. 3 inches job  or  major : music therapy major ; teaching percussion at two high school marching band programs ; in a drumline for professional basketball team   pet  (  s  ) : two dogs — kendra and annie favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself : v many things, but probably my passion for music and change  any  special  talents  ? : idk if it’s special but i can play the two different four mallet techniques for percussion 
why  you  joined  hqclouds : i really wanted to play a canon chara and thought hqclouds had a v nice spin w/ the glitch and un - glitch idea and was super intrigued. 
meaning  behind  url : i usually do ‘skies’ or ‘waters’ at the end and add some word in front lmao. also in case i wanted to pick up another i could still use this url for a mumu blog 
last  thing  you  googled : kong wobbler for my dog in training lmao
birthday  /  zodiac : july 2nd ; cancer in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : omg YES  hogwarts  house : slytherin. woop woop
three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why : princess bean from disenchantment ; she’s determined and fights for what she wants/believes. nia nal from supergirl ; she can be levelheaded but when it comes down to it she also leads with her emotions. jenny from gossip girl ; i tried v hard to fit in with the populars when i was younger and then i basically said fck it and went off doing my own shit ( and making parents upsetti too oop )
i  started  roleplaying : i think i abt two years ago and then took a long break bc senior year needed a lot of attention for internships, job apps, and auditions. types  of  rps  i  enjoy : honestly it depends on what i’m feeling in the moment and what isn’t too generic/what many rps are doing favorite  fcs  to  use : love lulu and elliot fletcher rn, but i many i’d like to play but not enough time lmao fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : probably more animated ones bc i never have — like disenchantment and futurama lmao fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about : adventure time, steven universe, atla — honestly plan to watch all of these though, starting atla soon  
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : penelope park and zoe rivas
canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love : o m g SO MANY. especially if they’re wlw  
i  prefer  .  .  .
angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff : i love fluff and angst sm, it’s hard to choose bc the plots can be so good  long  or  short  replies : i usually try to match what’s given to me?? maybe shorter in the beginning to get the ball rolling    pre  plotting  or  chemistry : pre - plotting for most things ; but i think chemistry is v important  sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : i haven’t done either in so long but probably headcanon memes lmao single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs : i just started my first mumu blog and LOVE it, just getting use to the tagging system lmao   gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : gif icons 
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : he had forgotten about magic — he had forgotten that he was short and skinny and thirteen, whereas black was a tall, full - grown, man — all harry knew was that he wanted to hurt black as badly as he could and that he didn’t care how much he got hurt in return ; from harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. i have read these books so many times and thought fitting during quarantine ( although i do not condone what j.k. rowling said )
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : i’m just a tenant paying rent inside this body and i got two windows, well, i call them my eyes ; mind is a prison by alec benjamin
top  current  celebrity  crushes : omg this is so difficult but melissa benoist or naomi scott last  movie  you  watched : incredibles 2  did  you  like  it  ? : i love it sm favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : futurama, bobs burgers, super girl, the originals, legacies, and some others favorite  tv  show  that  hasn’t  ended : bobs burgers and super girl favorite  series  of  books  /  novels  /  comics : harry potter, the shadow children series, and ellen hopkins is a v good author sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : chicago blackhawks and boston bruins. go hockey. favorite  youtube  channels : rose and rosie ; amy ordman hobbies : pretty much anything with music lmao
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? : smile — avril lavigne ; bang! — ajr ; good things fall apart ( stripped ) — illenium & john bellion ; untouched — the veronicas ; lay all your love on me — mamma mia version ( but i love abba too so ) ; more than ok ( acoustic ) — r3hab, clara mae, & frank walker 
dream  vacation  ? : anywhere w/ a beach or traveling through europe dream  job  ? : music therapist ; maybe starting my own practice or company  dream  car  ? : it changes almost weekly  if  i  could  live  anywhere  ,  it’d  be : boston or portland ( oregon ) or possibly germany favorite  musical : oliver ! coffee  order : so many different ones but ALWAYS ICED. i hate hot coffee 
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : music therapy/percussion
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