#bode akuna x you
So I have two questions:
Should I write smut for Cal?
The plot is just him and the reader going at it on his work bench.
The reader see’s Cal wearing an imperial uniform and the two go at it on an imperial ship.
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Should I write a smut fic with Bode?
The plot would be the reader seducing him, the two going at it in a cantina / saloon.
Let him be happy cause he deserves it.
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Now I have not forgotten about my Leon fics, I just haven’t gotten the chance to write out those long fics.
Also I need to replay the game again not to mention I’m finally getting back into Star Wars.
I just love this game and it needs more love.
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denndrawings · 1 year
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Kissing! In the meditation circle
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weevil-wallflower · 17 days
Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: Even a Jedi Knight needs some reassurance from time to time.
Warnings/Tags: Spoilers for Jedi: Survivor, canon-typical violence, SFW, no use of Y/N, minor angst.
A.N.: My fifth entry for Cal Kestis Week 2024! It follows the Day 4 prompt ‘Scars’. I've been meaning to get this one out like four days ago, on the last day of Cal Kestis Week but unfortunately work and studies prevented me from finishing it on time. And yes, another older prompt but I simply had to use this idea! Gif by me!
Also on AO3!
Word Count: ~1,600
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The final moments of Cal’s fight with Dagan were a blur of pain and fury. As the duel between Cal and Dagan came to a brutal end, Dagan’s lightsaber struck Cal across his chest, sending a shockwave of agony through his body. The sizzling sound of burning flesh filled the air as Cal staggered, his tunic scorched around the fresh wound while his lightsaber clattered to the floor.
The redhead clutched the wound as he felt the charred fabric of his tunic cling to the cauterised wound. The world around him flipped as he collapsed to the ground, his vision narrowing to the sight of Dagan’s triumphant sneer.
Taking in a deep breath and pushing away the pain for the moment, Cal Force-pulled his lightsaber towards him and used one of Dagan’s own hallucinations against him. He focused intently, allowing the Force to shape his image into that of Santari, Dagan’s late friend. The vision caught Dagan off guard, his defense faltering as he grappled with the apparition of the one person who he trusted most. Seizing the opportunity, Cal's lightsaber blazed with lethal accuracy, piercing right through Dagan's chest. Dagan's pained scream was mixed with a sizzling sound as the blade tore through muscle and bone. Cal twisted the sword, guaranteeing a fatal strike.
Just as victory appeared to be imminent, Dagan used the Force to painfully seize Cal's body, suspending him mid-air. Dagan’s voice, filled with rage and desperation, rang through the chamber as he yelled about Tanalorr, his dream fading away. Cal struggled against the invisible grip, his own strength waning.
BD-1, seeing the peril his friend was in, acted swiftly. With frantic beeps and nudges, the little droid managed to wake Bode, who had previously been rendered unconscious by Dagan. Realising the dire situation, Bode aimed his blaster at Dagan and fired, the shot breaking Dagan’s concentration and releasing Cal from his grasp.
With a final lethal strike to across the chest, Cal sent Dagan crumpling to the ground, his body twitching as the life drained from his eyes. Cal stood over him, his chest heaving with the effort and pain of the fight.
Bode slowly approached the redhead, his expression a mix of relief and concern. “Cal, are you okay?” He asked, his voice tinged with worry.
Cal glanced at Bode, his face a mask of determination despite the agonising pain in his chest. "I'm fine," he lied, his voice strained. All he wanted was to get away from there and be in your comforting arms.
Bode studied him for a moment, seeing through the facade but deciding not to press further. He placed a reassuring hand on Cal's shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "You did good, brother," Bode said softly, his tone filled with warmth. "Go on ahead. I'll stay and survey the area. And see if I can find a manual for that compass or something..."
Cal nodded, a wave of gratitude washing over him at Bode's support. "Thanks, Bode," he replied, his voice a bit more genuine.
With a final look at his fallen foe and a nod to Bode, Cal turned and made his way back towards Pyloon’s Saloon. Hand pressed to the wound on his chest, each step sent a wave of pain radiating through his body but he forced himself onwards, driven by the need to be with you. He knew that in your arms, he would find the solace and comfort he desperately needed.
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When he finally entered your shared quarters below Pyloon’s Saloon, stumbling in through the back door—most likely to avoid everyone in the cantina—You were already there waiting for him, your expression one of great concern. As soon as Cal stumbled in, BD-1 hopped down from his back, rushing over to You with worried beeps about the Jedi.
“Cal,” You said softly, rushing over to his side. “Let me take a look at that.”
He nodded, his emerald eyes meeting yours with a mixture of gratitude and resignation. His tunic sported a burnt slash across his chest where the lightsaber had struck him, the fabric singed and charred around the wound. Carefully, You guided him to sit on the bed, your touch gentle but firm. You gently pried his tunic off, being careful not to aggravate the wound further before You began to examine the injury. BD-1 perched on your shoulder, his beeps and chirps a constant stream of worry as he watched You work.
When the wound came into view, You couldn’t help but gasp at the horrible sight, your heart aching for the pain Cal had endured. The wound was a searing, angry red slash across his chest, blackened at the edges and blistered from the intense heat of the lightsaber.
The silence in your quarters was thick with unspoken words. As You worked, Cal couldn’t help but shakily trail his fingers over the fresh slash on his chest, wincing at the pain but also more at the thought of yet another mark added to his already scarred body. Each one told a story of pain and survival, a testament to the battles he had fought. His body was already littered with scars—what was another?
The redhead’s mind swirled with anguished thoughts. How could You, someone so beautiful and kind, love someone like him? How could You look at his scarred body and see anything other than ugliness—to see someone who was capable of more than just war and violence? The doubts gnawed at him, twisting in his gut like a knife.
After cleaning the wound and sealing it with a bacta patch, You looked up at him, your eyes solemn. “This will scar,” You said quietly, your voice tinged with sadness.
Cal forced a smile, trying to lighten the mood. “Well, it’s just another one for the collection, right? Sure to impress you...”
Despite his playful words, the tone of his voice was heavy with sorrow. You could see the weight of his past experiences and hardships pressing down on him, the scars not just on his skin but deep within his soul.
You paused, your hands still on his chest and met his gaze with a gentle, unwavering look. “Cal,” You said softly, “you could be doing anything at all—something as simple as planting a seed in the cantina’s garden—and you would still impress me.”
The sincerity in your voice penetrated his defenses, and for a moment, the pain and fear melted away. He looked at You, really looked, and saw the depth of your care and admiration for him. It wasn’t the scars that defined him in your eyes, but the strength, courage and kindness that lay beneath them.
A lump formed in Cal’s throat as he struggled to find the right words. “You have no idea how much that means to me…” he finally managed, his voice barely above a whisper. In that moment, the weight of his battles felt lighter, the burden of his scars less daunting.
You smiled softly, brushing a stray lock of fiery hair from his forehead. “I do, Cal. And I’m here with you, scars and all.”
BD-1 let out a soft, comforting beep, hopping down from your shoulder to nestle closer to Cal to affirm your words.
Under the soft light of your shared quarters, as the tender moment between You and Cal lingered, You were overcome with a sudden urge to reassure him of your love and acceptance, scars and all. Gently, You leaned in and pressed a tender kiss around the fresh slash on his chest, feeling the tension in his body begin to melt away. Cal’s breath hitched, his eyes fluttering shut as he absorbed the warmth of your touch.
Moving upwards, You kissed the long scar on his upper right jaw, your lips lingering on the raised line, and tingling from the roughness of his short beard. You then moved to the small scar across his right eyebrow, kissing it softly. Eyes still closed, Cal’s mind was rampant with emotions he could barely contain. His heart pounded in his chest as the contact sent a shiver down his spine. Each kiss was like a balm, soothing the lingering pain and doubts that haunted him.
Next, You placed a delicate kiss on the scar across his nose, before your fingers gently traced the path of the old wound. Cal’s hands, which has been tightly gripping the edge of the bed, slowly relaxed, moving up to rest on your waist as if seeking the comfort and stability that only You could provide.
Finally, You reached the small scar that ran across his lower lip. You pressed your lips against it tenderly, feeling the slight roughness beneath the softness of his skin. Cal’s eyes opened, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. The anguish in his heart was replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.
When You finally pulled away, You gazed into Cal’s emerald eyes and saw tears silently streaming down his cheeks. Your heart clenched at the sight, but before You could voice your concerns, he softly assured You, “They’re tears of happiness.”
A giggle escaped your lips, the sound joyful and filled with relief. “I’m glad,” You whispered, wiping away his tears with your thumb. “Because you mean everything to me, Cal.”
Cal pulled You into a tight embrace, his strong arms holding You close as if You were his anchor in a storm. The weight of his scars felt lighter now, due to a reminder of your love and acceptance. And as You nestled against him, You knew that together, you both could face anything, bound by a love that was stronger than any scar could be.
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sunderedazem · 1 year
“it’s okay. i promise you, i will be here when you wake up.” with spyscrapper for the drabble prompt?
OHHHHHH YES (thank you!)
There's- something noticeably different about being hurt by the Golden Skriton, as compared to it's lesser counterparts. And as Cal stumbles yet again, holding his side where the beast's stinger had pierced him through and limping, his calf still pouring blood - he tries to puzzle out what. But it's hard to put a name to with the chill of Jedha's cool deserts leeching warmth from his shivering limbs and sapping clarity from his stream of conscious thought. It's hard to figure out with the gash in his back still seeping warmth down his clothes despite the bacta dressings.
He blinks again, and Jedha's deserts burst with kaleidoscopic color before fading back to tans and browns and the oncoming violet of dusk. He's...a bit too far from the base to make it back before nightfall, he thinks fuzzily.
It's a shame BD had stayed with Cordova. The little droid always had been good at making sure the stim capsules didn't get smashed to pieces. And Cal...Cal hadn't been so lucky this go around.
The desert sways back into vibrant colors again, the pain fluttering into strange pulses of neon for a moment, and Cal staggers to a halt, staring absently at the landscape as it flashes green and gold and bright blue around him. He....doesn't think this is precisely normal. Maybe that's what's different about the Golden Skriton sting...?
He doesn't notice he's keeled over on the sand until the grit is cool beneath his cheek and there's spreading warmth sticky and wet beneath his side and- it's a little silly, really, how everything keeps flickering into pretty colors...and the sounds are starting to get weird too, there's a humming buzz that keeps getting louder and louder-
"Cal! Holy shit, scrapper-"
Bode's face is a miasmas of blinding orange and purple above him, and spinning wildly, and Cal giggles weakly up at him. He looks weird. Maybe Cal's just tired.
"Heyyy...jetpack..." he tries to get out- but the words slur on his tongue and garble, and there's a flash of fear on the mercenary's face that seems wrong, very wrong when the pain is drifting away and Cal doesn't really feel all that cold anymore. Dark eyes blink down at him, cutting sharply through the drifting colors and glowing traces of weird lights starting to curdle his vision at the edges. It feels like he's on the edge of a dream, a little. Carefully, Bode's hands trace around the curve of his throat, pressing against his pulse. Cal stares up at him, watching.
He's so pretty. Bode's so pretty it hurts.
There's a strangled sob then, and before he realizes what's happening Bode's sliding his hands underneath Cal's shoulders and knees and lifting. It's comfortable, and Cal's very convinced he's about to have a nice nap listening to Bode's pattering heart. Everything's pleasantly fuzzy now. And Bode is still so-
He sighs, closing his eyes against the bright colors beyond. Bode's handsome. Kissable. He wants to do that, later, maybe.
"You're the pretty one, scrapper," Bode says then, and his voice is choked with fear. "You hang in there, you hear me? Kiss me later, you hear me?"
Cal hums.
"...promise?" he garbles. "promise you'll...be here...?"
Bode chokes again, and his heart's a horrid drumbeat, loud and terrified in his chest. Cal thinks they might be flying.
"I swear to you, Cal. I'll be here when you wake up," he whispers. He sounds so scared.
Cal barely has time to wonder why before the kaleidoscope swallows him.
(He wakes up three days later, antidote like fire in his bloodstream and bacta plastered over his injuries. Bode is no longer orange and purple, but he is there. Cal thinks that he promised to be.)
(Bode still looks kissable. He always has.)
(Cal kisses him.)
(He's kissed back.)
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sca3a · 25 days
Suffering is endless - Bode Akuna x OC
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Everything had gone to shit. The twins were dead. Gabs was dead. Bravo was wounded. And here she was, strapped in in the Mantis, holding on for dear life as Cal navigated a tunnel to the surface with Bravo and Bode close behind.
“Hope that's the last of them,” she heard Bravo over the coms. “I'm not a fan of long goodbyes.”
Raizda and Cal dared to share a look, silently agreeing with him. Drawn out goodbyes were one hell of a hurdle.
“More coming!” Bode was soon heard to report, “I'll peel off, draw a few away.”
“Thanks, Bode. Good luck.” Cal barely took his eyes off the opening, but she could see that he was worried. And she knew him well enough to recognize the guilt that rested on his tense shoulders. Guilt that wasn't his to bear.
“You too, guys.” Bode replied, “See you soon.”
Raizda couldn't help but to feel her heart sink at jetpack's words. How likely was it that they would actually make it out alive? Bode was fighting three TIE fighters, alone. It was her and Cal in the Mantis, with no weapons, and only Bravo as a means to escape. The odds were firmly stacked against them.
“I can't shake them!”
She could hear the panic starting to creep into Bravo's voice and she wished she was the one flying it instead. Not because she was a better pilot, because she wasn't, but because then at least he would be able to report back to Saw.
“Hold on.” Cal replied with his usual calm demeanor, gestured at her to hold on tight and then flew the Mantis sideways - smashing into the fighters dogging them.
“That's one way to do it,” Bravo mused.
“Learned that move from you.” Cal replied with a smile, looking at her to make sure she was okay. When she nodded, he turned his attention back to the tunnel. “There's our exit. We're almost there!”
Raizda barely noticed how her grip on armrests tightened until she felt her fingers going stiff. They were so close now. So close to making it out and the panic rising in her chest was stifling.
“More coming in from the surface!”
“And on our tail. We're trapped.”
“Cal?” Raizda looked at her friend, realizing that he was feeling the same thing as her. That he was as worried as her. “What -”
“Shield's down!” Bravo cut her off, panic lacing his voice. “We're almost - - Gah!”
“Bravo!” The cry that left Raizda was more wail than shout and it felt as if the air was knocked out of her.
The explosion lit up the Mantis’ cockpit and the orange light was a deadly reminder that nobody was guaranteed to live.
Cal finally broke the surface and instantly activated FTL. When the familiar blue light surrounded the ship, Cal let go of the steering and looked at BD.
“We took some hits back there,” he said. “You mind running diagnostics while I transfer the data?”
The little droid beeped affirmatively and hurried towards the holodeck, but Cal didn't move. He just turned his chair towards her, slowly rubbing his hands along his thighs. It was evident that he was hurting, but that he didn't wish to impose his feelings on her - as he knew she was hurting too.
Cal then stood, gently grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet. “I will miss them too!”
“I know.”
He then hugged her tightly, despite the harsh angles of her armor. “Go rest,” he said as they broke apart. “I'll send the intel and try to find a place to land.”
She only nodded, swallowing her sorrow. Squeezing his hand she gave him a tired smile and walked out of the cockpit. She patted BD gently on its head as she passed, but ignored its sad boops.
As she laid down on the bunk, familiar faces danced before her eyes as she slowly drifted off to restless sleep.
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bode akuna content? im starving for it 🙏
A/n: Something a little spicy, AU where everyone is alive and happy.
Prompt used:
[ WAKE UP ] :your muse tries waking my muse up with kissing and touching.
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You never thought that Bode Akuna would be a heavy sleeper, given him being a Jedi and not to mention what happened to him in his past but when you stepped into the shared room you found your lover to be fast asleep.
He had mentioned wanted to spend some intimate time alone with you. Sinking your teeth into your lower lip you took a step forward. Taking a deep breath you inched to the bed only to sit on his hips, a light snore escaping his lips.
Whispering his name got nothing and deciding to get a little pay back for how he would awaken you, you wanted to try it yourself.
Rocking your hips lightly, you stopped for a moment hearing him groan. Sinking your teeth in your bottom lip you then slowly placed your hand on his chest, your fingers isn’t up the hard muscles.
You then placed your lips against his neck, your teeth grazing the skin. Just as you were about to pull back you felt hands suddenly on your hips. A small squeal escaping your lips as your back hit the soft mattress as Bode hovered above you with a lazy smile on his lips, his dark hair a mess for having just woken up.
“It’s not nice to trick a Jedi.” He muttered, his lips grazing the nape of your neck. “Very naughty.”
Feeling your body grow warm, your nails dug into the sheets. “I was just….you did the same thing.”
A laugh escaped his lips, a light twinkle in his eyes as his thumb ran down your cheek. “You’re right, though I haven’t seen you complain before.” He teased. “Now do you want to go back to sleep or should we finish what you started and let me fuck you senseless.”
Squeezing your legs together to get rid of the sudden pressure as you felt Bode’s erection against your inner thigh.
“Good choice.”
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« Best Pillow || Bode Akuna ||
A/n: Bode needs some love too, minor spoilers about Bode’s past, also I’m not very far so in doing my own little thing. *Image from my game*
Prompts used:
“I can’t wait to go to bed.” “Eager are we?” “Yeah, I’m tired as hell.”
"I don't mind being your pillow as long as you're my blanket."
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Bode never thought he would get a second chance at happiness. It never crossed his mind that he’d find love after his wife was killed.
It was even better knowing that his daughter loved you too. The man made a mental note about having to thank Kestis since the Jedi was the reason how he even meet you.
Stretching your arms above your head, you let out a yawn.“I can’t wait to go to bed.”
Turning his head, Bode relaxed into the couch. His eyes glued to your form as you emerged from his daughters room after putting her to bed. A slow smile forming on his face as he tugged you onto his lap.
“Eager are we?”
Ignoring the shiver running up your spine you cupped the man’s cheeks biting back a scoff, your lips barley brushing against his only to pull away. “Yeah, I’m tired as hell.”
Rolling his eyes, Bode pushed off the couch as his arms wove around your waist as your legs wrapped around his hips. Your face nuzzling into his neck until you finally reached the small room. Falling back on the bed he sighed closing his eyes as you curled into his chest, your head listing to his steady heart beat.
His hand now on your back, he let his fingers glide across your skin. "I don't mind being your pillow as long as you're my blanket."
Humming, you gave him a tired smile, your lips brushing against his cheeks as your eyes then slid closed.
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Thoughts about a slightly fluffy Bode & spouse!reader pairing where he goes home briefly between missions with Cal to see them, mutual comfort. Bode being a golden retriever softy but protective of the spouse (maybe some scavengers bothered them in the town at one point while he was away and he gets bothered on their behalf)
A/n: Gotta write more star wars things
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Cal snorted as he looked over at Bode, the man was fidgeting in his seat. "You alright?" The man asked as he looked him over with a grin forming on his lips.
Bode scoffed then narrowed his eyes for a moment though once the Mantis landed near the little house the man didn't take long for him to be rushing off the Mantis then towards the door. It did not take long for him to pull you into his arms. His cheek nuzzling into your arms.
"Bode?!" Laughing, you gave your husband a smile as he continued to hold you close.
Bode sighed as he placed a kiss to the top of your head. He couldn't believe that you were here in his arms, it felt good. "I missed you." He muttered cupping your cheeks. "How have you've been? Has everything been alright?" He asked looking you over, making sure you were okay.
"I'm fine Bode...Kata is sleeping want me too-."
"No." Bode cut you off as he wove his fingers through your own tugging you to the couch. "Let her sleep for now...but were you two really okay without me?"
Sighing, you gave his hand a squeeze. The man still looking you over. "I mean I had a run in with some scavenger assholes but I'm fine really." You said waving him off.
"What?!" Bode stood up, anger flashing from his eyes as his hand moved to his blaster. "I'll kill them."
"Bode...it's already taken care off." You stated grabbing his hand forcing him to sit down, the man slumping into your arms.His face pressing into his neck as he did his best to not huff.
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sca3a · 29 days
Beginning - Bode Akuna x OC
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“You sure about the new guy, Cal?” Raizda checked her gun before putting it in its holster. She glanced at the jedi, trying to get a read on him.
“You’re not, Rai?” The jedi looked up from his preparations, his green eyes searching hers.
“I just hope he'll pull his weight.” It wasn't the whole truth, but at the same time she had no desire admitting to the heart flutter that occured when the new guy was around.
The smug smile that shadowed Cal's lips didn't escape her, causing her to throw her cleaning rag at him. “Oh, shut up.”
Cal let out a laugh as he caught the rag, putting it on the floor next to him. The ginger was dressed in a brown bomber jacket, with goggles hanging around his neck. He was a handsome young man, but Raizda loved him like a brother. Had ever since he had saved her on Kashyyyk, roughly five years earlier. They had been fighting the Empire together ever since, even when the others had decided to leave.
“I haven't said anything,” Cal mused as he got to his feet, adjusting his jacket.
“I can hear you think it,” she replied with a teasing wink.
Their banter was interrupted by the new guy entering the room. He looked between them, his dark gaze lingering just a little bit longer on her.
“We're all set,” he said, “Bravo and the others are waiting at the transport.”
Cal and Raizda shared a glance before she gave a nod and put on her CSF helmet. “After you, jetpack.”
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sca3a · 30 days
End - Bode Akuna x OC
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“Kata would love you.” Bode looked at her with a soft smile, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Really?” Raizda tried to hide the flutter in her chest, but could feel heat rise to her cheeks. “From what you've told, I'm sure I'd love her too.”
Bode brought her into his arms, holding her close. “As soon as Cal finds the final compass, I'm taking you to meet her.”
Raizda watched in horror as Bode pulled his gun on Cal, shouting incoherently about keeping his family safe. But weren't they his family too? Wasn't she?
“Bode. Please.” She tried so hard to keep her voice steady, to keep calm. But her heart betrayed her as did the quiver in her voice.
He glanced at her, his dark eyes so full of anger. Of regret. Of untold secrets and broken promises. “Rai…”
It was as if he registered her presence for the first time, and for a brief moment in time, his determination faltered. His eyes darted from hers to her hand, resting protectively on Kata's shoulder. He closed his eyes, and she could see the determination creep back into his posture. She knew how this would end.
“Papa, please!”
“ENOUGH!” The force wave came out of nowhere, and the only thing Raizda could do was cling protectively to Kata, keeping her safe.
She kept the kid close to her, protecting her with her own body as they slammed to the ground, almost knocking the air out of her lungs.
They laid there for what felt like hours, Kata quietly crying into her chest. When Cal and Merrin finally appeared, Raizda knew. And she too wept.
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sca3a · 1 month
Let Them - Bode Akuna x OC
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Pyloon's Saloon was remarkably quiet as Raizda entered the bar. She had spent the last few hours escorting a couple of prospectors back to Rambler's Reach - amidst Imperial patrols and Raider ambushes. It had been a couple of close calls, but they had all made it back. A few singed hairs, but whole and alive.
“You look like you've fought a rancor.” Bode was sitting in his usual booth, one foot resting on the table. “And lost.”
Raizda joined him with a sigh, trying to stretch away the strain in her shoulders. “It was a gorocco, actually.”
Bode chuckled as he eyed her intently, his dark eyes scanning every inch of her body - as if to try and ascertain any new dents in her armor.
“You hurt?”
Raizda shook her head, finally meeting his gaze. “Nah. Just got a little too close to a bee-one.”
Bode rose, walked over and settled down next to her. Without a word he reached out, slowly and meticulously helping her shed her armor. With every piece that ended up on the floor, he ran his hands over the exposed limb, making sure she was okay.
“Careful, Bode,” she breathed as he finally traced his fingers across her jaw, “someone might get the idea you like me.”
Threading his fingers in her hair, he brought her forehead to rest against his. “Let them,” he replied softly, "let them."
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