furniture-freak · 7 months
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Carsten Jorgensen for Bodum ice bucket
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xxtnc · 2 years
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Road trip to the 600 year old castle at Bodium. Life in black and white. Join me. #bodium #castle #bodiumcastle #blackandwhitephotography (at Bodiam Castle - National Trust) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci5BXCADqae/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raikkonens · 5 months
BODIUM (bezz podium)?????????
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smoldragons · 3 months
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Shuake nuis came with me to Bodium! I was actually nervous while looking for a decent place to take a photo, because the wind was so strong I worried that nuis as small as them would literally just get blown away.
Thankfully, they did not.
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catyo90 · 4 months
Why I still recommend Final Fantasy 13
As we all know FF13 was the black sheep of the Final Fantasy games. It had a different fighting system and was strangely more linear than its previously better-known games. However, this was more of the gamer's issue as when FFX and FFX-2 came out a lot of people said there were too many missable items and didn't like having to search everywhere for items or hidden scenes.
Years later Square Enix responded made FF13, and what were the gamer's responses. "We don't like it"
Now with FF games like 15 and 16 which are open-world people praise both for their own styles and stories. I'll be honest 15 was okay, the fact though that DLC kept coming out for the game and the story was lacking a bit for some of the characters, made me kinda miss the simpler ones. Now as for 16, I have not played it yet but I will differ from those who have that opinion.
As for FF14 which is an mmo its far different from the others but you get the opportunity to play with friends and actually go at your own pace.
But with all the games that have come out of the Final Fantasy franchise, I can say that everyone in the FF13 trilogy I remember and they have good characters. which I wanna talk a little bit about. (FYI this is where the spoilers now will appear. you've been warned. Also Very long Post just fyi)
Let's start off with of course the Queen
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Lightning aka Claire Farron. A Cocoon soldier who stays distant and strong for her sister after losing their parents, after years of becoming strong to protect her only family. She faces losing her sister Serah to become an eternal crystal or the insidious cieth. After everything she faces, they save Cocoon. She only had a moment with everyone and realized that she and Serah could have a chance at actual peace. She gets taken away from the dream to save a goddess and forced into the duty of a protector. And even after that, she stays strong, guiding Serah along the way to help her fight Caius even though everyone thinks she is dead.
But then Etro dies and she fails in her mission, overtaken with grief by not only the goddess dying and failing...her sister. The only person in her life that kept her from losing all of her hope. Dies. Everything she did in the first game...gone. And then after sleeping for 500 years she's given the chance by God to save Serah and the World. A sort of redemption if you think about it.
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Snow falls kinda under the same category but from a small different point of view. Snow was deeply in love with Serah and in the first game was trying to save her and Cocoon as well. Even though Etro caused Lightning to disappear he still tries to hold the fort and he got to have his peace with her afterward. But sadly he only gets to have that life for a year before FF13-2 starts, the love of his life goes on a mission he cant join. All the while he does his damn hardest to help Fnag and Vanille's pillar holding up Cocoon. And in doing so, willingly takes on the I'cie curse even after getting his brand removed in the first game. Once again everything in the first game almost not worth it (This is a reoccuring theme.), if not for Serah coming back. But then she dies and he can't fix, and he couldn't be there for her. His promise to be her hero is shattered. For 500 years he cares for the people and everyday misses Serah, blaming himself everyday for what happened and not keeping her safe. HE is basically the prime example of a suffering hero.
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Hope is kinda the odd one out, he is only a child, in the wrong place wrong time situation with his mother and him being brought into the Bodium purge. He loses his mother and goes on a verge to get revenge on Snow who he held responsible. But in a short amount of time when he stays with Lightning he learns from her that his innocent world is over, he is a fugitive, a I'cie and alone. But after she tells him about her past and facing the worst that life can offer, you grow from it. He even goes from taking up the rear to guarding her in the front, his fear fades throughout the entire game and he learns to grow up to be a fine young man in FF13-2. He even makes a new world for humanity in case Cocoon were to fall. He was their Hope, their hope for a world rid of monsters.
But in LR, we see that he has disappeared possibly having been kidnapped, remolded / torture back into young hope and made to spy on Lightning to fulfill her Savior duties. And can't speak his true thoughts, he is a fake. Even Lightning realizes though that the next world needs him, he even sees his parents who were long since dead he realizes that he gets the chance to have a proper life, Hope is the Symbol for all to have Hope and to Believe.
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Sazh suffers from the possibility of outliving his son. He is a widow and the only family left for him is his son who is quite young, and unfortunately at a young age his son is branded by the I'cie. Dajh basically only has a short time to be a child, until he either turns to crystal or a monster. Sazh loses him after being taken and fights to save him, but all the while he slowly loses his faith. He lost his wife and now his son, every moment he questions what they are doing. Only the prospect of saving Dajh keeps him going as well as his Chocobo chick. After saving Dajh though they get to live a normal life until the end of FF-13-2
For almost 500 years Dajh is in a coma like state and Sazh once again loses his faith thinking the only way Dajh can be saved is by doing it himself. When Lightning comes around though and helps reawaken Dajh, well so does Sazh. He regains his faith and even comes to the final moment of the game with everyone ready to welcome the new world with his son. He's the family man, kinda similar to Barret from FF7. But he is also the representation of a man going down the harder path to help those he loves.
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Fang and Vanille fall under the same issue, Born to Gran Pulse and lived and had to sleep in immortal crystal to awake and find their home in ruins. The life they lived all gone and the only thing left of who they were is each other. Fang even takes on the torture to awaken Ragnarök. Doomed to bring about the end of Cocoon. But then their fate is changed and they were able to save instead of destroy.
In FF13-2 they are able to help Serah in her mission but they knew what she might have to face and with LR, they were torn about by both a sense of duty and a want to protect the other. Lightning finds out that they each wanted to help the other, however Vanille want for redemption at the cost of her own life to save the lost dead souls, thats what splits Fang away because she refuses to lose Vanille.
They can represent both family and lovers. One will not go on without the other, no matter what.
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And now for the princess, (not literally) but still i love Serah. Anyhow, Serah is the embodiment of Love, Faith and Hope. She goes through everything, turned into an enemy of Cocoon, turned into crystal, given the gift and/or curse of Etro, lost her fiancé to time travel for a bit, dies, has her soul taken out of Lightning where she was safe and then used as a bargaining chip by God to make Lightning keep to her role. But through everything, she still believed her sister and fiancé would save her, that she would be able to live her own life and teach children.
This girl fought and stepped up to every challenge but unlike lightning she shows her emotions, all the pain of failure and loss is understanding and that makes her into a connection for the player.
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Okay so for times sake Im putting these three in one group since their stories are enveloped all together.
They are the last humans of a future timeline where the events of ff13 did not go well, Noel is basically the last human that ever existed and under Caius teaching and wing both of them protect Yeul who is a priestess of Etro forced to live again and again only to die after seeing the last of her visions into the future. Caius who knows some of the past Yeuls loved him, the last one loves Noel and he tries everything to save her. So whats his plan. Oh yeah, kill the goddess Etro to stop all natural death and the visions. Hence stopping Yeul from dying.
Noel guided by Lightning has to aid Serah to stop Caius and save the Future. After everything though, he fails by killing Caius not realizing that with his death he actually killed Etro (long story) watches Yeul die and Serah die. and after all of that is forced to watch the world and timeline for 500 years fall and crumble into a shell of the former grandeur that it was.
Yeul after dying, helps Lighting but in her now spirit like self she reveals a terrible truth that while Caius is alive no good will come. But while the Yeul we know wants Caius dead. (along with hundreds of other past selves.) Some of them also want Caius to live causing him to never truly die. To quote Caius "Even if one Yeul desires my salvation, another demands my rebirth."
Yeul is the symbol of mourning and regret but also wisdom in knowing that not all things will be bad, and that good things do eventually happen.
Caius is the symbol of inability to accept what happens and the cruelty of death. His immortality while at first would seem like a gift is a curse, he watching all those he love die and when the chance to die comes, it fails. He is stuck in an infinite life that is now out of his control.
Noel is the symbol of failure but also standing back up taking the next steps forward. After everything, with just the promise of seeing the person he loves again, even if only one more time. Gives him the strength to move on.
So if any of you can identify with even one of these characters I highly recommend you play the game. Trust me, me writing all of this down doesn't do the games justice. Its a lovely styled game that after some time you will get used to and its really not that hard of gameplay, watch a few videos and you will get the hang of it.
So anyways im not sure if i convinced any of you but enjoy your days and i send you off with a smiling lighting because its so rare and you all deserve one.
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alfieshawfmp · 5 months
Witch Runes
Working from one of my previous posts where I looked at Bodiam castle and the witch runes/masonry marks, I wanted to do a shirt around the idea of medieval Graffiti and to incorporate these symbols into a design.
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My initial inspiration came from one of my tshirts I already own and the style of using shapes and symbols to make up a composition.
However I did really struggle at trying to create something original when I already had this design in mind.
I reached a point of artist block where I began to really struggle between digesting inspiration and creating original work.
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I tried scanning in the exact runes from the photographs but the scans were poor quality, so I reversed image traced the same runes from the photographs to get the same runes and began creating some imagery.
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I tried some more experimentation with type, I figured that If i started with the type It would give me a foundation to build my narrative and imagery around. I tried toying with more thresholding and blurring to create these metamorphic shapes but I was still stuck.
I was aware that the narrative had to come first but it didn't help with my artist block and direction for this piece.
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After a few experiments this was the best I could come up with and I wasn't very happy with it. The composition was very where and I decided it would be best to take a break from this for now and experiment in other areas as this wasn't very successful.
There are still some uncertainties with the overall theme and direction of my project I wanted to clean up first.
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orphancookie69 · 2 years
How To: Homemade Barista!
Coffee. When I think of coffee, I think of the sign that says: “Instant Human...Add Coffee”. Here is where you think I am going to go, “Pick the better coffee shop: starbucks or coffee bean?”. I am not, but the answer is Coffee Bean. Anyways, I don’t mind a coffee out every now and again, or a seasonal drink-but most things are better homemade! 
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Let’s start with supplies: 
Primula Aluminum espresso maker
Coffee (whole bean or grounded)
Hershey’s Chocolate/Strawberry Syrup
Spices (Cinnamon, Pumpkin Pie Spice, Etc)
Whip Cream
Krups coffee bean grinder
Measuring device, Brush, Tamper
Hamilton Beach Blender
Coffee Filter
Mason Jars
Bodium French Press
Milk Frother/Whisk
Do you need all of these? No, it depends on what you like for coffee. Some coffee brands I love are Lavazza and Black Rifle Coffee Company. The first time I had Lavazza was in Italy, and it was amazing. Black Rifle Coffee Company is by veterans and just really good stuff, ya know like you live off of coffee while doing america’s duty and it gets you through! So, now that you have whatever supplies you like let’s get to process: 
Espresso Maker: 
Ground your coffee beans (if whole) (with spices per taste)
Fill the bottom compartment with water
Fill the middle compartment with the ground up coffee, pack it in with the tamper
Screw the top on. 
Place on the stove, turn on.
Within a couple of minutes you will hear it bubble up. 
Turn off fire, pour into cup. 
Enjoy coffee!
Once your equipment has cooled off, make sure you clean all items.
If you want a fancy experience, coat the inside of the cup with chocolate sauce. In a separate cup, froth up some milk with a whisk. Mix together in your main cup and enjoy! Make it a Frappuccino with the blender and the appropriate supplies! Make your own drip coffee with coffee filters and a mason jar! Try a French press! The world is your caffeinated oyster! 
Let’s start with supplies: 
Hamilton Beach Electric Kettle
Tea/Tea Bags
Tea Infuser
For every coffee drinker out there, there is one tea lover counterpart. Tea is a great alternative, has a lot of health benefits, is good alternative for pregnant people. Do not be so quick to discount the Tea game. For getting your tea supplies there are a couple of approaches. It can come already bagged, or it can come in its natural state and you contain it in a Tea Infuser or in a cup with a built in infuser. There are so many Tea flavors out there, my favorite is Chai Tea from Coffee Bean. 
Fill the electric kettle with water
Prepare your mug with your Tea/Tea Infuser or Tea Bag (you can wrap the tag around the handle to keep the bag in place)
Once the water is good, fill your mug with water. 
Let it steep for 5 minutes. 
You can keep the tea bag in there or take it out.
I love me a Chai Tea Latte (or even a Dirty Chai Tea Latte), and you can take your frothy milk trick and apply it here. A Dirty Chai Tea Latte is adding a bit of espresso to that. 
You will save money by not getting a drink every morning and making your stuff at home. You will have one time costs for the tools, and what you pay for the supplies is more than a drink but you will get more than one drink out of it. What is your favorite drink to make at home? 
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omniavincitamor · 2 years
A Bodium ?
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larsjohanson · 2 years
Фитнес как стиль жизни: в Ростове-на-Дону открылось пространство Bodium
Фитнес как стиль жизни: в Ростове-на-Дону открылось пространство Bodium
В Ростове-на-Дону открылось инновационное фитнес-пространство Bodium, в котором многое обращает на себя внимание – современный дизайн с арт-объектами, центральная локация в историческом здании, пятизвездочный сервис и, конечно же, передовые методы достижения внутреннего баланса и идеальной физической формы. (more…)
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antennadaily · 2 years
Фитнес как стиль жизни: в Ростове-на-Дону открылось пространство Bodium
Фитнес как стиль жизни: в Ростове-на-Дону открылось пространство Bodium
В Ростове-на-Дону открылось инновационное фитнес-пространство Bodium, в котором многое обращает на себя внимание – современный дизайн с арт-объектами, центральная локация в историческом здании, пятизвездочный сервис и, конечно же, передовые методы достижения внутреннего баланса и идеальной физической формы. (more…)
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deliciouslydark · 2 years
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Bodium Castle, England
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cordedarms · 4 years
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What do you get when you combine Science, Tennessee Barrel Aged Bourbon, Guns and Coffee? BAMF Blend! Corded Arms BAMF Blend is a medium roast artisanal blend of hand picked beans, giving it a rich bold flavor with subtle hints of honey, vanilla, cinnamon and barrel aged Tennessee bourbon. Just got our 1st limited batch of "BAMF Blend" in stock. Will drop on the website soon! We will also start giving away free samples with every purchase on/off the website.. Stay Tuned! #coffee #cafe #siphon #siphoncoffee #drip #percolate #bodium #gunsandcoffee #grounds #coffeelover #coffeebeans #java #joe #cupofjoe #cupofcoffee #morning #morningcoffee #awake #woke #breakfast #caffeine #caffeineaddict #caffeinated (at Corded Arms) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ1Q-GgH_rg/?igshid=rqgjttdepvjk
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alacqua · 5 years
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A classic!!! Very beautiful photo from @marie_rowe_travel . . - Another tick on my list of #castlegoals 🏰 This is #Bodium Castle in Kent, UK 🇬🇧 I love it! 👌 #bodium #visitkent #bodiumcastle #ukcastles #castlesinengland #lovebritain #greatbritainshots #castle #castles #visitbritain #nationaltrust #castle #castlesofengland #castlesofinstagram #photosofgreatbritain #castlephoto #epiccastles #thisprettyengland #lovegreatbritain #yourcastles #withgalaxy #guardiantravelsnaps #explore_britain #uktravelbloggers #castlesinkent #placestovisit #momentsofmine #thingstodoinengland https://www.instagram.com/p/B4NYLQmgAVW/?igshid=2nzpz0uuuee1
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kangamommynow · 2 years
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A day in Ireland
We started with a trip to Carrickfergus Castle. As castle ruins go, it wasn't a lot, but kinda fun. Bodium kinda spoiled castles for me.
We took the coast road around the Northeast corner of Ireland, stopping along the way as possible for the views. Sometimes it was windy and grey, but ten minutes later it would be sunny. The ocean is beautiful here.
Our self catering cottage is a bit of a disappointment. Enough so that I rebooked for a different place for the rest of our time in the area. Quaint is one thing. Freezing and without the promised amenities is something else.
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pluimy · 3 years
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Johannes Thingnes Bø and Tarjei Bø celebrating their 10th "bodium" in the World Cup, and the first in which Tarjei won the 1st place /2020-2021 World Cup, Sprint in Kontiolahti, 3rd of december 2020/
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alfieshawfmp · 5 months
Bird, B.C.J. (2020). Bodium, quintessential, archetypal, photogenic and the most romantic of all British castles. A visit to Bodium castle is a must for all castle lovers and history fans. [online]. Available from: https://www.seeingthepast.com/blog/bodium [Accessed 12 April 2024].
Experimentation with turning information into a design.
Search for Bodiam’s witches’ marks, builder’s marks and medieval graffiti.
"A fun thing to do is searching the castles walls for various carved marks. Investigate the gatehouse for what could be marks to scare away witches. They are circular in shape not too difficult to discover. Once you have found one, it is easy to find more. Then, go around the rest of the castle looking for other examples of medieval graffiti. Most stonemasons could not read but liked to leave a mark showing who had shaped particular building blocks. Look for arrows, crosses and triangles randomly distributed throughout the castle."
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Is Bodiam Castle haunted?
"Yes, apparently Bodiam is haunted. Its number one ghost is a lady dressed in red who appears at the top of one of the towers gazing out at something in the distance. No-one has worked out who she is and what she is gazing at! Others claim that she is seen on the evening of a full moon and is waiting for someone. Added to this, whilst a member of staff was locking up one day, she glanced up at a window and caught sight of a lady in a red dress. She thought that she had accidentally locked a member of the public in and so went to release her. A thorough search of the castle was carried out but no woman was ever discovered!"
I will experiment with turning this information into designs.
Before reading this I also did a design using imagery and a poem I got from:
www.poetryatlas.comAvailable from: http://www.poetryatlas.com/poetry/poem/1537/on-beholding-bodiham-castle.html (n.d.). On Beholding Bodiham Castle by Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow - Poetry Atlas [online]. [Accessed 12 April 2024].
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This was just a quick experimentation where I was learning some imager manipulation and experimenting with some light collaging.
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Overall the design is a bit sloppy and the grid isn't very thought out and theres no real narrative behind the design so it'll most likely be scrapped if I can't take it further. Through this I learned to start with the story first.
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