institutokiron · 5 years
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Today topic is #BodyWorkEducation. Did #bodymind approaches (coming from Asia or even the western #Delsartian approaches) need to be inserted in regular post-secondary schools?(Universities,Colleges ,even community colleges). By seeing this video of workshop of @shirayaziv ,in @athleticplayground ,and after i've seen what type of class this studio offer my answer is simple:DEFINETELY YES. Why to "institutionalize" it? In USA,the #1stamendmentrights provides every to citzen the #FreeSpeech _ which means that even if you're not an graduate in #KinesiologyDegree you can "express" yourself saying you've learnt your #SomaticApproach with some "Oriental master" from a "distant lineage". BTW:That was the "excuse" #StevePaxton did to @danceoberlin in the 70's where he later developed #ContactImprovisation.He had no college degree but he was 1 of the 1st 3rd bell #AikidoMaster in US. Anyway:in many parts of Word there are some kind of "#EmbodiedArt" degree.In Argentina, for example, @una.oficial offer a B.A in #ExpresionCorporal("#bodyexpression" in english). In Brazil, @puc_sp offer B.A #ArtesDoCorpo ("Body's Arts). In Italy,thanks to #BolognaProcess ,a trade school called @accademiadellarte offer a mixture of #Circus (specialy #acrobatics),#CommediaDellArt (#physicalTheater is based on that) with some C.I. class.The same curricullum can be found in @circomedia (in Bristol). In China ,schools like #ShanghaiUniversityOfSports offer a degree that mix #MartialArts and #choreography ...for STUNTS(and i heard that almost of "#KungFu" scenes in #Hollywood are made by people who studied there). And that's the point:in last decade,thanks to #WomenEmpowerement initiatives in films,many of the fight scenes was inserted in women action movies or tv series.Exemples?#KickAss(with @chloegmoretz ,in the last entry doing her #Butterflyknife performance);#AgentsOfShield (where @mingna_wen ,or her #StuntWoman,kicked some Hydra or even kree's butts). So what is really my call up?To @calarts.theater (aka #DisneyCollege) to create a degree focused in that, F.Ex. Even if the student doesn't became a stunt ,he or she can offer a awesome bodywork class in a creatively bold studio.y (em National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAxiqqBt3Q/?igshid=1kaxuucs218nd
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