#bokuto kouutarou
Bokuto Koutarou - Relationship in 5 Steps
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∠ genre - fluff
∠ summary -  Do you want to know what it’s like to be adored by one of Haikyuu!!’s characters? Do you want to know five easy steps they would use to make you theirs? Read to find out.
∠ Kuroo Tetsurou ver. | Oikawa Tooru ver. | Sawamura Daichi ver. ∠
∠ masterlist
∠ being noticed
'I'm bored.'' Bokuto's whine broke the silence, and Akaashi wished he was somewhere else at the moment. With a roll of his eyes, he ignored the wing spiker, who started tapping his blue pen repeatedly on the desk.  
''How about you go to the store and buy some snacks, huh?'' He proposed only to have Bokuto brighten at the idea.  
''Great! What d'ya want, Akaashi?'' To study in peace, he thought but grunted to Koutarou to get him whatever. That seemed to be enough, and he was left alone, at last.
Bokuto, on the other hand, was clueless of his teammate’s true intention. He put on his bright sneakers and run out of the house in the direction of the nearest store. It was chilly outside but spring was just around the corner. Bokuto shivered, only now regretting not taking his jacket. He picked up his pace and noticed how the Sun was slowly setting. It was later than he previously thought. He decided to jog the rest of his trip and found himself in the store just minutes later. It was a small shop, very neighbourhood – friendly. Shop owner quietly greeted him and received a nod in response from him. The choice of the snack wasn’t huge. There were a few chocolate bars, crisps and salted peanuts. He decided on taking two orange sodas and one pack of crips. The only problem was which chocolate bar would taste the best. He has never tried this brand before and  didn’t want to regret his choice or worse – anger Akaashi, who surprisingly was quite picky when it came to chocolate.  
‘’You should take the salty caramel.’’ A voice from behind interrupted his train of thoughts. ‘’Huh?’’ He responded stupidly before turning his body to see you. A girl around his age wearing a obnoxiously yellow hoodie. Cute, he thought. ‘’Thanks, is it good?’’  
‘’No, it’s disgusting. But the best from this store.’’ You chuckled and took two bars from the shell and gave one to Bokuto. ‘’Some choices ain’t easy.’’  
‘’True.’’ He agreed and sent you a grin.  
‘’What’s your name? You live here?’’
‘’Nope, just visiting my dad for the weekend.’’ You replied and headed for the register. He followed. ‘’And it’s s/o. Nice to meet you.’’ You smiled again and Bokuto decided that he wouldn’t mind seeing your face like this more often.
‘’Likewise s/o. I’m Bokuto.’’
∠being friends
‘’Okay, okay – hear me out. I don’t think she shot her with the intention to kill, but it was out of desperation.’’
‘’I mean, I think so too, Bokuto. It was still shitty thing to do, though.’’  
‘’Yeah, you are probably right.’’
It’s been a few weeks since your first meeting at the store late in the evening. He remember taking you back to your dad’s that night and somehow getting your number. To his surprise, Bokuto was really shy just thinking about talking to you – even through text messages. However, you were the one who reached out first and that’s how your daily conversations started. Sometimes they were really long, even up to few hours. But it wasn’t always like that, there were times when you talked only for five minutes simply satisfied with just hearing each other voices and knowing that everything is going smoothly.  
Bokuto was shocked at how easy is was to just talk to you. You were funny, witty and very smart, probably smarter than him. You came up with many new hobbies for you two to try out and even though Koutarou had only a little time between school and volleyball, he still made time for you and your ideas. This time you were discussing a show you both adored. He was getting a little tired and he could hear the many yaws you let out since he called.
‘’Tiring day, huh?’’  
“A little, you know how it is sometimes. My mom works a lot, and most of the chores are mine to finish. I couldn’t really nap today.’’ You sighned. He understood completely and could symphatise with you on having almost no time at all.
‘’So, good night?’’ He said but really wanted to talk to you still, but you health was more important. He wouldn’t forgive himseld if you followed his bad habits and woke up exhausted tomorrow.  
‘’I’m sorry I wish I could talk more.’’ You really sounded sorry and he hated it. He really thought of you as a very important person in his life and couldn’t stand you blaming yourself for working hard everyday.
‘’Hey! Stop this right now! We do a lot of things and we are great! No sadness today!’’ It was supposed to cheer you up and judging by a quiet laugh on the other side Bokuto succeded.
‘’Right, right – I’m sorry mister positive vibes.’’ You chuckled again and yawned. ‘’I will see you next weekend, okay Bokuto?’’
‘’Can’t wait, s/o.’’
∠  asking out
Bokuto was jumpy all day and couldn’t focus. Practice was a mess, and he could still feel disappointed stares of his teammates on the back of his neck. It wasn’t his fault! Honest! He was just stressed of the phonecall that awaited him today. He was ready, but not so ready in the end.  
Being honest, Bokuto wanted to ask you out the moment he met you. However, his anxiety got the best of him and he doubted you would even agree.  His behaviour was getting worse and worse each day. At first it wasn’t that bad but then it started affecting everyone around and even his team. Right then, he knew it it was the time. He had to confess or he would go crazy.  
Akaashi, despite his overall peaceful demeanor, supported his decision and cheered on him in the best way he could. The same can be said about his teammates and everyone who knew about his feelings. Bokuto was an open book, so it was a lot of people. But even with such overwhelming support, he still felt unsure. Maybe it was his hidden insecurity, but he really thought you deserved better.  
You were really kind and patiently listened to all his rants without interrupting. He knew you were a mature person who was desperatly trying to hide her sadness and problems. You were so brave to fight on your own but Bokuto secretly wished you would ask for let and let him carry your burdens with you.  
With all this knowledge, he felt pretty honored you were regularly wasting your time on him. But were you willing to waste even more?  Were you reasy fo--
‘’Bokuto, come on. I can practically hear your brain overworking itself. Just call her and let us of this misery.’'  
‘’Akaashi, I’m not so sure about it.’’ He gulped and could feel the sweat gathering on his neck.  
‘’Well, I’ve already dialed her number so---’’
‘’WHAT!’’ Before he could react and scold Akaashi he could hear your voice from the speaker of his phone. ‘’H-hi s/o! How are you?’’  
‘’You sound out of breath, everything cool?’’ You asked concerned and he suddenly felt really warm in his chest. Damn, you were so likable it hurt.
‘’No. I mean, yes. YES! I’m great, I just wanted to ask you something – If you have time, that is...’’ Great Bokuto, really smooth.
‘’I can always find some time for you, buddy. What’s up?’’
‘’Let’s hung out! I mean like go out to eat – like on a date? Maybe?  Yes, definitely date! If you want to – we can also go to movies or just stay at home. Whatever you like.’’ He was rambling and didn’t notice the dead silence on your end.  
‘’I don’t know, Bokuto...’’ He froze and swallowed harshly. He suspected it, but damn did it hurt.
‘’Hey! It’s okay! We can still be friends right?’’ He hoped you would say yes, even though it would be hurt he couldn’t imagine a life without you in it. ‘’You there? I’m really sorry if I---’’
‘’Shit. You really are cute.’’ You chuckled and he almost dropped dead.
‘’I was joking, you big dummy. Of course we should go out. Like---we were probably made for each other. But I wanna choose the movie.’’
‘’Hell no.’’
∠  first kiss
‘’Koutarou, damn, gimmie a kiss.’’ He groaned, face instantly growing warm.
‘’No! I’m shy s/o!’’  
‘’As if! If you are shy, then I’m an angel.’’
‘’You are to me.’’ His response made you groan and he chuckled at your cute reaction. He loved getting you worked up. These teasing between you lasted for almost two hours since you demanded him to kiss you. It was adorable, he thought. You’ve never kissed anyone! He had his fair shair of kisses and some make out sessions, but you never did! It was cute, but still stressful. Would he make you satisfied? Would this kiss be memorable and nice? Firsts were important and he wanted it to e the best, but seeing you getting frustrated was a guilty pleasure he couldn’t just reject.  
You puffed your cheeks in a fake annoyance and pouted – making sure he noticed how upset you were. He leaned in and your eyes widened, then closed. You were ready to be kissed, and he wanted to do nothing but make your dream come true and then – he lightly bit your nose and burst into a fit of uncontrolled laughter.
‘’Betrayal! I have a boyfriend who hates me!’’
‘’No! I love you, babe.’’ And the good moment was suddenly dead. He couldn’t believe himself. You were still so early in your relationship and while he knew he loved you deeply, he wasn’t sure you were ready for such a serious step. He knew about your trust issues and about you shaky relationship with your dad, who left you mother when you entered middle school. You really tried to forgive his and create some kind of friendship wit him, but it was still very hard for you to even talk about the loneliness you felt when your mother had to work many shifts to provide for you.  
He fucked up.
‘’I love you, too.’’ Or not. His shocked face reflected in your eyes and you could tell he wasn’t expecting a response like that. ‘’Why so shocked? You are the best thing that happened to me and honestly if you want we can even get married now.’’ You looked at him again, slightly embarrassed. You expected him to laugh at your joke or lightly punch your arm. What you saw, however, was completely different. His mouth was open and his eyes welled up with tears. You didn’t want such reaction and were ready to apologise, but you were stopped. Bokuto closed the distance between you in a seconds and his lips meet you in a first, brief kiss. When you parted, his eyes met your and you kissed again with much more passion and feelings than before.
Technically, it wasn’t the best kiss. You bit his lip once and your teeth clashed, the sound still maked you cringe -- but you wouldn’t have it any other way.  
∠  being a couple
‘’This one or that one?’’  
‘’The first one has many windows, the space is nicely lit up. However, the second one has better location and bigger kitchen.’’
‘’That’s true, but I kinda prefer the first one.’’
‘’Me too, honestly.’’  
It’s been weeks since your graduation day and months since you and Bokuto met. It was honestly magical how in the past you weren’t even aware he existed and now you couldn’t live without him. His smiles, his laugh and sometimes crazy behaviour was like a fuel to keep you going every day.  You still didn’t overcome some of your fears but it wasn;t  something that can be changed overnight. He knew it too, but still supported you with such an enthusiasm that it melted you heart.  
You never knew you could love, let alone be completely head over hills for a guy. You weren’t alone in this though, you knew Bakuto loved you just as much.  
That’s why you both decided that the most logical decision for you after high school would be moving in together. You both were used to sharing space and to be honest, it would feel weird for you to not wake up next tto him everyday when you so longed for his presence.  
‘’So the first one?’’ He asked, interrupting your train of thoughts.  
‘’Maybe we call and ask first? We gotta know the price and some extra details, then we can decide. I kinda want to know whether we can own a pet.’’ Your words surprised him.
‘’You wanna pet? You’ve never told me before, babe.’’  
‘’I know, sorry. I just never had much time for one, but know that I got more freedom I think I’m ready. I also think it would be nice to have someone else to care for and love with you, we would be great parents for a pet.’’ You finished and instantly heard loud sniffled from Bokuto. ‘’Oh God, don’t cry.’’
‘’But I’m so happy! I love you, you know! I would be more than happy to raise a pet with you!’’
‘’First, we have to find a suitable flat, ya know.’’  
‘’I know, I know.’’ He hugged you and laid his head on your shoulder. ‘’But together, we can do everything we want.’’
‘’So cheesy.’’ You laughed, but your boyfriend suddenly jumped from the bed to grab something from his backpack. ‘’What are you doing, Kou?’’
‘’Here I bought chocolate for us.’’ He handed you the bar and you couldn’t help but smile warmly at him.
‘’Salty caramel, huh?’’
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