smuttysimp · 2 years
Jealous Owl
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(not my artwork)
Summary: Our Y/N (black-plus sized fem) finds herself in Shibuya, caught in the middle of her parents nasty divorce, adjusting to a new environment and trying to just keep her heard down. However, that's hard to do when you look so different from EVERYONE else...but maybe standing out isn't so bad when you grab the attention of a certain horned owl.
Notes: An ongoing story and officially my second fanfic please be patient with me guys! Minors go away! thankyou kindly! Chapter 2 will be longer, I promise!
Chapter 1: New Feathers
As one would guess growing up as a black woman in Tokyo can have its moments, after your parents’ divorce you and your father decided it was time for a change. You relocated to Shibuya, a beautiful city, flooded with stores as far as the eye could see and at night became nothing more than an ocean of lights. However, you still would have settled for the uncomfortable silence your parents gave each other at the dinner table in comparison to the absolute horror of trying to make new friends.
Now you would be enrolling in Fukurodani High School as a sophomore, no friends, one family members other than your father, who has his own mission of finding a new wife, and you alone having to juggle trying to navigate through a whole new environment and above all trying to be somewhat social when all you want to do is hide in your room with the stacks of manga you grandmother purchased for you before your departure. You’re thankful that you’ve been learning Japanese and Korean through your passion of anime and K-pop but still THIS was a lot. Now here you are, standing in your new room, a brand-new crisp uniform hanging on the back of your door and you shudder at the fact that dress code is so strict. Say goodbye to all those comfortable hoodies you threw on to conceal yourself and avoid any type of eye contact. You have no choice but to wear this this thing. “Why is it so short?” you mutter to yourself.
You, a plus sized black woman, standing at about 5’3” and some change, caramel skin, hourglass shape you have inherited from your grandmother that surprisingly passed your mother, no fault of hers but you can’t help to think that was just added to the downfall of your parents’ relationship. Thick thighs and about a 32 triple D cup are standing in front of a floor length mirror in this boa constrictor of an outfit. Straighten your tie you proceed out the door for school. “Dad I’m leaving, lock the door, ok?!” Nothing but silence. “Oh, right I don’t think he came back last night after being with that woman…Yuki, was it? They keep changing so quickly it’s hard to keep up.” You think this to yourself and for a quick moment you felt a twinge of annoyance but remembering how you mother slept with your fathers’ boss, eh it you took no time to shake the feeling away, you can’t fault your father for trying to find some comfort in other women when the love of his life found comfort in another man’s arms.
As you left your house, locking the door behind you, you started to walk along the wall, such a narrow street with the absence of a sidewalk no less. In the distance you could see other students in identical uniforms making their way to school. It was nice out, partly cloudy with the sun peeking out and all you could do was gaze out hoping that this first day will go smoothly. Of course, with your head in the clouds you trip over nothing but your own feet and in almost cartoonish way you fall face first, legs up and skirt flailing in the air. You laid there for a couple of seconds, drinking in the embarrassment but remembering that no one was behind you to see you absolutely flash them to high hell and back…or so you thought. “Daaaamn that was sick!!” Your body tenses up and you wonder if getting up was even an option or should you just play dead. “Bokuto that’s not nice she could really be hurt and she not moving, come help me”. Hearing that another person would actually make PHYSICAL skin to skin contact with you made you sit right up in attendance. Without making eye contact you quickly thanked the two and ran on your way to school.
Weight aside, you ran pretty damn fast to the front gates of the school to see a teacher greeting the students. “Come on, let’s go guys! Homeroom starts in five minutes move it! You walk out to the entrance and you can feel the eyes of your peers, whispers start to flutter around and you try to just focus and getting in the damn building without anything else happening. “Sigh, they’re all staring…damn this is starting to tick me off a little.”
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goldmajesty · 4 years
✨ “get to know me” tag game ✨
Rules: answer the questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better.
tagged by: @tangerinefluff and @brazil-hinata i’m so touched, thank you for tagging! i gained a handful of followers recently and this seems like a great way to introduce myself.
tagging: @burgundyscarves @39point1 @kagehjna @dedicated-powerhouse @msbynice @bokutohq @brokuro ​ @bktart ​ @porco-galliard  feel free to not do this! i’m just curious to know you all 🥰
answers under the cut!
What do you prefer to be called name-wise? 
When is your birthday? 
nov 20.
Where do you live? 
Three things you are doing right now: 
listening to instrumentals
procrastinating hard on my exam studying dkdkdk help me
trying to relieve arm pain
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest? 
atla (since i was 10 lol)
doctor who
hq, which takes the title for having the most superior storytelling i’ve ever come across. and yes, it beats atla, which is a masterpiece in its own way, flaws and all.
How has the pandemic been treating you?
not too bad! i read the hq manga during the pandemic, rewatched some seasons, and got a friend to fall in love with the story as well! hq inspired me to be more active and it certainly changed my perspective of a lot of things and continues to do so.
A song you can’t stop listening to right now? 
hq osts. been on repeat since march of this year. yes, i’m aware this isn’t a song bUT WHAT OF IT (ง •̀_•́)ง 
How old are you? 
School, university, occupation, other? 
currently doing a post-grad program in cardiac sonography though i wanted do something in literature, particularly in the editing stream.
Do you prefer heat or cold? 
cold ❄️☃️
Name one fact others may not know about you.
when i was in hs, i wrote like 40-50 chapters of a story and then a few years later, deleted the entire thing off my computer, threw out all my notes, and erased all things relating to it on any and all platforms. yes, it was that awful.
Are you shy? 
not anymore.
Biggest pet peeves? 
disorganized and unkept environments. oh, and people rifling through my things without permission.
What is your favorite “dere” type? 
didn’t know this was a thing until recently. i guess deredere?? meh, not really hung up on any type.
Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
a solid 7.86. i’m blessed with a lot of goodness, however, it’s certain personal choices and rationalities that keep me up at night.
What’s your main blog? 
this one! i’ve been on this site for...…a really long time. revamped my blog bc talking about stories make me the happiest than any aesthetic phase i’ve gone through on this blog.
List your side blogs and what they’re used for. 
i won’t list them but i have two side blogs that serve the same purpose; i used to reblog posts onto the side blogs that i wanted to post on my main blog bc the “likes” section on this site is a nightmare buuut now i’m back to just liking posts i’ll eventually reblog. so. uhh. the sideblogs are useless sdjsjsj.
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? 
i’m quite open and friendly! but if you’re the least bit disrespectful to any person(s) and non-living entities, don’t interact with me. 
also, to all the artists, esp manga colourists, following me, i want you to know you’re incredible and so dang talented. i recognize all the effort you put into making what you make and pls don’t ever stop blessing us plebeians with such quality content 💖
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