#bold of scathach to assume carmilla still knows how to flirt
readyplayerziggy · 2 months
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“Camilla I require your assistance in matters of which I know you have more experience than me in” Says the woman who just crashed through Camilla’s wall in a Chinese dress “How do I flirt?”
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Give her a minute, she's just processing the fact Scathach knocked her fucking wall down!
Less than half a foot away from the actual door! Yes it counts if it's her hip.
"Okay first of all, why did you go through my wall? Second whya re you asking me specifically? Thirdly, and forgive me for repeating it but, why did you go through my wall?!"
Either the Celt had been spending too much time with Mordred and the lad's insistence on dramatic entrances was contagious or she finally went full cuckoo.
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