ash-writies · 3 years
perhaps Bolin and “ I want you to break my heart”
A/n: I actually didn't know what to do with this ngl. Maybe this was for the wrong person? Idk I hope you like it nonetheless!! <3
After defeating Kuvira things finally felt like it was going to get easier. Zhu Li and Varrick got married, Asami and Korra went on a trip to the spirit world, nothing could be more at peace. Until Bolin asked you out.
It totally blindsided you. During the war, it had felt like you were forced to set aside your feelings. Bolin on the other hand had stayed the same affectionate guy you had met years prior when you helped defeat Tarlok.
You declined the offer, you didn’t know why at first, maybe you did it out of fear.
Suddenly a voice called you out of your thoughts, “Hey y/n!” Your head snapped to the direction the voice came from.
“Hey Korra,” You greeted, moving from behind the counter you were standing at, “how was your trip to the spirit world? Did you and Asami have fun?”
She pulled you into a tight hug, “Yeah it was awesome,” she began as she freed you, “it makes for some great bonding time! How’s you and Bolin?”
You rolled your eyes and got her something to eat, “There is no ‘me and Bolin’”
“Why not?” she bit into her bread.
“I don’t know, it’s weird actually he asked me out earlier.”
“He did?!?!” she all but yelled “What did you say?”
“I said no.”
“Why, I totally thought you had a thing for him?”
“I did and I don’t quite know why I did that either.”
“I gotchu,” she said rushing out of the store.
“Wait no-” you said trailing off as you realized your words weren’t reaching her. It’s not like you could go after her either, you still had more than half of your shift left. And you spent it all in fear of what she was doing. It’s like you wanted her to “solve” whatever was going on. As you were relieved from your shift, the pit in your stomach only grew as your mind filled with the different things Korra could’ve set in motion.
It was surprisingly quiet as you walked up the stairs to your apartment, and you almost let out a sigh of relief. Then you saw him. His hair was messy as usual, and his shirt was off, revealing his undershirt. Of course in the summer heat you expected nothing less than that from Bolin. He was crouched on the floor, leaning against your apartment door playing with Pabu. Once you reached the top of the staircase you cleared your throat.
“What are you doing here?” you asked as he scrambled to his feet.
“I was waiting for you,” He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his head, “I wanted to talk to you about what you said earlier.”
You moved past him, unlocked your door, and walked in, “are you coming?” he nodded and walked in behind you, “what exactly do you want to talk about?”
“I wanna know why,”
“I don’t have an answer for you yet,” you dropped your bag on the floor and went to take your shoes off.
“What do you mean?” he asked taking his off too.
“I don’t know how to phrase it, I mean I like you a lot but what if I’m wrong about my feelings?” you began sitting on the couch, “I thought I’ve liked other people before, but I guess I didn’t, and I’d hate to break your heart.”
He moved so he was standing in front of you, “that’s the thing about dating, it’s to see if you can last with a person if that makes sense.”
You looked down for a moment, “that seems selfish though, to use you to figure out my own feelings?”
“y/n,” he bent down so you were at eye level with him, “I want you to break my heart.”
“Did you mean for that to be romantic? Why would you want something like that?”
“It means that while we were dating we would have a good time, and also yes,” he chuckled.
“If you really want to date me then I guess we can.” you laughed as he pulled you into a hug.
“That’s good because Pabu brought you a gift,” at that moment Pabu ran in with a single rose, which only made you laugh harder. He sat next to you and turned on the radio. You felt your heart beat faster as you leaned on him, maybe you wouldn’t end up breaking his heart after all.
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dreams-got-dimmer · 4 years
NEW GIRL (BolinxReader)
Summary: multiple part fic?? + AU kind of (The reader is 18, Bolin is 18 and mako is 20) Reader desperately needs a place to live and finds an advertisement for two brothers who need a roommate. Maybe more than just living arrangements may come out of this deal... (reader x Bolin) (slow burn)
Warnings: abandonment??
Word count: 1600~
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Time was running out and I still didn’t have a place to stay. I can still hear my fathers voice telling me that no bender belongs in their family. I never asked to be born a bender, but it was a part of me. Something I couldn’t deny and my parents didn’t want to accept that. I had tried to keep my practicing a secret but my little sister let it slip that I was working on fire bending. I thought I would resent her for the slip up, but nothing in me could hate her for it, she meant no harm. Even still that slip up cost me my relationship with my family. There was no hesitation in throwing me out. We fought and screamed and eventually I lost my temper and my emotions boiled over. As tears spilled down my face I burned down our whole dining room area. That right there is what solidified me never being able to return to my family.
“You monster! Look at what you did! Get your things and leave, you’re not our daughter anymore,” my mother spat at me in disgust. I ran as fast as I could to gather my things and slipped out in the dead of night.
Since then I haven’t seen or heard from my family and it hurt so bad. Even if they didn’t accept who I was I just wanted to be loved and cherished by them and I would never get that. It was hard to go a day without a lump forming in my throat and my eyes welling up, but I had to be strong and determined for myself. Three weeks at the shelter had already been wasted and they only allotted a month for you to get back on your feet.
Most days were spent trying to find some sort of income, most jobs were just quick money, but I was closer and closer to finding steady income soon. If I wasn’t looking for a job I was trying to find a place to stay. Most, of not all were out of my price range. I ended up back at the shelter day after day discouraged and frustrated by my lack of luck. The staff at the shelter were getting increasingly annoyed by my outbursts of anger and flame and I’m sure they were happy that I was almost out of there. Granted I felt bad about being destructive but they always gave me a tight smile and assured me that things will get better.
And today was the day things got better. I almost squealed out of happiness seeing the paper plastered on a bulletin board at the pro-bending arena. I thought I wasn’t reading it right, but after a few moments I knew it was true.
The poster read,
•Three bedroom loft just above the pro-bending arena
•Great view of Air temple Island
•100 Yuans a month
If interested just knock on our door
- Mako and Bolin”
That’s all I needed. I ripped off the poster and made my way to the loft. I didn’t care who they were, just the fact that 100 yuans was totally doable. I had about 500 yuans saved up from the little jobs I had done here and there and the little bit I had saved from birthdays. I nearly sprinted my way to the loft and left myself breathless in front of the door. I was too excited to even feel nervous as I started knocking. Practically banging until the door swung up.
“Is it that necessary to bang?” Before me stood a very attractive. Like very attractive man. Tall and even a bit lanky. He towered over me. And while he seemed serious he didn’t seem too intimidating. Maybe it he was and I just couldn’t realize it because I was so determined at this opportunity.
“Yes. Definitely,” I rushed out quickly as I pushed past him. I took a look around and while it was simple, it was perfect. Roomy and open and a great view through big windows. The light flooring made the place seem so much bigger too. “Are you going to tell me who you are since you just barged in like you own the place?” I turned back towards the tall man and saw him narrow his eyes and his hands twitch. His eyes were like fire.
“Oh yeah sorry, I’m y/n and I’m most definitely going to own this place,” I nodded my head assuringly, more for myself then for him, “well not own, but at least pay rent,” I waved the poster a bit.
“Okay okay before you introduce yourself let me guess which brother you are,” I surveyed him and then looked at the poster with the names. Bolin didn’t really seem to fit so I went with the latter. “I’m gonna guess your Mako. I feel that it fits with your whole persona you got going on,” I smiled, but he just stood there wordlessly, “Oh wow I’m so sorry I know I must sound crazy and very upfront right now. I’ve just been desperately trying to find a place to stay. My parents kicked me out and I have no where else to go. I’ve been stuck at the shelter and my time is almost up and I saw this poster and I thought this was my lucky break. Now I’m just rambling...” I trailed off and was surprised at how honest I was.
“Mako! Who are you talking to down there?” My head whipped towards where the sound came from and saw a form jump down the stairs and landed loudly on our level. And once he straightened out I was faced with ANOTHER gorgeous man. What the hell have I gotten myself in to!? My breathing stopped as I got a good look at him. He was stocky and you could tell he had thick arms and legs without him even taking his clothes off. His broad build and wide stance lead me to believe he was an earth bender and his emerald green eyes were something to get lost in. I shook my head waving these thoughts away. These are potential roommates, not people to drool over.
“I’m y/n I’m trying to find a place to stay and I luckily found your poster. I hope no one has taken you guys up on the offer,” I smiled sheepishly. I fiddled with the poster looking down, “I promise I’ll be a great roommate, I can cook and clean and I’ll stay out of your way-“ I was trying to plead my case and ultimately got cut off
“You’re perfect!” Emerald eyes broke out into the cutest grin there could be “let’s get you moved in right away! Are you a bender? I’m an earth bender,” he flexed his arms subtly, “My brother and I are pro-benders and that’s how we get to live up here in the loft. Oh by the way I’m Bolin. We’ve had people try to be our roommate, but they’ve all been a bit... how do you say serial killer-esque,” he grimaced at the last sentence. He was so much more talkative and charismatic than Mako who I guess was the older brother. Had to be serious to contain this ball of energy.
“BOLIN! you can’t just let her move in we need to discuss this together. We barely know her!” Mako clenched his jaw.
“Well, what do you want to know?” I asked quietly looking back and forth between the two.
They both started firing questions at me. Bolin a bit more enthusiastically than Mako. His questions were also a bit more light hearted. Favorite color, food, what my hobbies were and easy things like that. Mako on the other hand was digging real deep asking questions that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to answer, but I knew they had to be said.
“What did you do to get kicked out?” Mako looked at me with an accusatory glare.
“I didn’t do anything!” My eyes welled up, “I got kicked out for being who I am! I’m a fire bender and no one else in my family has there bending ability. They are so against it. My whole life was a battle. I wished so bad they would love and cherish me even, but all they wanted to do was suppress who I am,” I started crying without shame and I knew the boys didn’t know what to do, “My sister let it slip that is have been practicing bending. I’ve gotten away with it for 10 years and it just now became known,” Bolin handed me a tissue with the utmost concern in his eyes. Even Mako looked a little sad, “Well, my family disowned me immediately and in the midst of our fight I lost control and burn our dining room to bits and that made them hate me even more. So, here I am a month later trying really desperately for two brothers to let me become their roommate,” I smiled weakly my face sticky with drying tears.
“Alright you can stay but I need the first two months rent right now. Please don’t make us regret this. I feel for you and your hardships, but if you do anything to fuck over what we have I won’t hesitate to throw you out,” Mako looked at me sternly and Bolin was almost jumping with excitement.
“REALLY!??” I practically screeched. I rummaged through my bag and threw the money at Mako all while pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. I moved to Bolin and did the same thing.
“You guys won’t regret this I promise!”
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ash-writies · 3 years
saw you were open again :) maybe headcannons of Bolin dating zukos grandkid
A/n: I've been working on this for a bit ngl, idk what took me so long to post it tho. This is a pretty long post so I hope you enjoy :)
So you two would meet in republic city
And at first, he wouldn’t know who you were
Because you snuck away from guards to see the fabled fire ferrets play
And you bumped into him afterward
You just shot off compliments
And his head was growing with each word lol
You two broke off and you snuck back to the hotel you stayed in
The next time you’d meet would be just before you left
You snuck off one more time, with just a robe covering your formal attire
You were enjoying a break from following your mother around
You gotta eat all sorts of new things
You were wondering around the market when Bolin recognized you
You didn’t notice him because something in the next stall got your attention
You picked it up and began to look at it when he startled you
“Do you like that one?” he asked
You couldn't answer right away, homieo just gave you a heart attack
“Well yeah, I think it looks nice.” you finally answered
“Is that your favorite color? Why do you want it?” he asked bombarding you with questions
“Yes, and I wanted a souvenir, I’m going back home today,” you gave the owner double what the item cost as you finished, “I like supporting small owners too,” you said with a wink.
He blinked as you led him away. “I didn’t know you were rich,” he stuttered.
“Perks of being the daughter of the Firelord,” you shrugged as you kept walking
He started freaking out, “Hush, I’m in the middle of sneaking out,” you placed a hand on his shoulder
He calmed down and you two spent the rest of the evening together laughing and talking about all sorts of things
You listened to him talk about his childhood and you felt a little bad
You didn’t say that tho, you didn’t want him to feel like you were pitying him
You told him as little as possible without seeming like you were hiding anything
Obviously, you had to hide some royal stuff and that’s what he thought you were doing
After a while, you had to go back before your mom went insane looking for you
And that was it for a while
A few months flew by and you thought about that exchange
Your older brother, Iroh II, was going to take the crown next, so you didn’t worry about chasing after it
You made plans of visiting Republic city again once you could
A whole year passed since the last time you were there, the new avatar fought a blood bender, your brother helped fight them, so much happened
When you returned to the city, you noticed how different the air felt than last time you were there
Coincidentally, you met Bolin again.
He was just a little different,
He was still funny
Just a little off
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ash-writies · 3 years
can i pls have headcanons of bolin x tenzin's airbending niece? maybe bumi and bolin getting along a bit too well and reader feels left out?
gender neutral would be nice!
A/n: I saw this and I knew this was the one to get me posting again haha sorry bout that btw, I didn't expect to be busy all summer
A/n part 2: I totally didn't read this properly ;-; and I totally thought it said Bumi's airbending niece my bad I fixed it so :]
So you know how chill and cool Bolin is?
Your Dad, Bumi, easily matches his energy
That’s why you weren’t worried when the time came to introduce them
They’ve met before, during the battle for republic city
But now they were meeting with new titles
Father and Boyfriend titles
Kinda scary am I right?
Cuz Bumi gives off protective vibes
Like he’d commit murder
Anyway, let’s skip to after the first dinner they had
When you were walking him back to his apartment
And he was fangirling about Bumi
You let him bc why not and you made plans for him to come back over sometime
The first thing Bumi said when you got back
“When is Bolin coming back?”
Usually, he asks about your walk
But no smh
“We made plans to meet up tomorrow,”
“Well, let him know he can come over anytime.”
And from then on every time he came over he spent at least half of his time with your uncle
Once you came down to see if he was over yet
And he was sitting on the couch laughing and listening to the radio with your dad!!!?!
You cleared your throat
“Oh hey, y/n can you grab us some water?” Bumi asked
After a few weeks of this behavior, you were fed up >:(
You slammed the door behind you as you went back to your room
Minutes later Bolin came trotting up the stars
You could almost hear the conflict as he paced in front of your door for a bit
To save his remaining brain cells you opened the door for him
“Hey, y/n…”
“What Bolin?”
“Are you upset?”
You just stood there
“Oh yeah! You’ve been hanging out with my dad all week! You might as well be dating him not me!” you said sarcastically pushing the door open so he could come in
“I didn’t mean to” he whinnied, coming in and shutting the door behind him
“Yeah, I know, it's just- every time you two hang out more, i've been feeling left out.” you sighed sitting on your bed
“I’m sorry, I should’ve thought-” he began
He was interrupted by the sight of you
You were blushing and your eyes were watering
Mostly you were embarrassed about the whole situation
He took a few steps towards you and hugged you
“I should’ve brought it up when it bothered me instead of waiting” you muttered face pressed into his chest
“I should’ve talked to you more, I’m sorry,” he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
For a moment you stayed like that,
his arms around your shoulders and yours around his waist.
It wasn’t hard for you to stay like that
And it wasn’t long before that moment lasted for years
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ash-writies · 3 years
Nothing But Tongues and Teeth
A/n: This took a lot longer to write than I thought, about 2k words of angst, I hate writing serious moments but here I am :/ also happy father's day
Bolin X GN!Reader
There you were, seated across the table from a man whose name you didn’t even know. Your parents sat beside you and talked with him. Their words didn’t form into sentences as they hit your ears. Suddenly there was a hand on your shoulder.
“Have fun you two,” your mother called, her voice as sweet as honey to the untrained ear. Although you heard her truly, her venomous voice chiming like bells. What she meant was, “don’t mess this up.”
“So, y/n-” the man started. Before he could even finish his thought he caught your glare.
“There is nothing you can give me,” you began, keeping a porcelain smile on your face, “I’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel it’s all that I can give to you, my dear~” Venom hung in those last two words. He froze like a man caught in the path of a cobra, the snake ready to strike at any minute. You knew the severity of your words, if he left and never saw you again your parents would be unhappy. Anything was better than this though. Better than wasting your life serving a man who’d never truly care about you
“Excuse me?” the nameless man asked, mostly in confusion. His green eyes were fixed on your face, looking for something.
“I didn’t stutter,” you said, sipping from the drink placed in front of you. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips for a moment.
“I’m Bolin,” he introduced himself, “I reckon you didn’t know that before?” An amused smile spread across his face. His smile was way different from the other smiles you saw. His smile stretched across his lips and infected his cheeks, it caused the lights in his eyes to dance, it even introduced its happiness to his eyebrows.
“Whatever,” you began, “I’m not marrying you and that’s it!” Your voice was stern and true. You caught a flicker of doubt taint his face, and for a moment you felt bad. Then the moment was gone.
“I don’t think that’s up to you,” he said coolly and leaned back in his chair.
“I’m not going to be the perfect housewife that you want,” you tried to counter, “and when you come in quick to steal a kiss my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear~” You leaned in after those words left your mouth.
He frowned, “I don’t need a housewife first of all. Secondly, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” You paused and took in what he said. If he didn’t want to control you then what was the point of this? Was this just some manipulation thing?
“I know that you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for your ‘good intents’”
“You’re right, but I still want to marry you,” He said, smiling at you. Everything was a blur after that. As soon as he finished his sentence, your parents returned to you both. They heard his last sentence and were more than happy to start discussing wedding plans.
As your wedding day came closer and closer, it felt that more and more was out of your hands. Most of your belongings were taken and packed up so it would be easy to move them right after your wedding. Your mother was quite the control freak throughout the whole process. Not that you cared, you didn’t want anything to do with this whole wedding ordeal anyway.
Finally the day of the wedding came, you looked stunning, and if this Bolin fella was there you bet he’d tell you.
“You look amazing,” a voice that sounded like his rang through the air. You sighed, thinking that it was bad luck to see your fiancé before the wedding or something.
“It’s not too late to call off the wedding you know, you said standing up. Time was dragging by at such a slow pace before he spoke,
“I don’t know why I would do such a thing.” He laughed, crossing his arms.
“You don’t know much about me, I will only break your pretty things, and I will only wring you dry of everything.” You walked towards him until your faces were only inches apart.
“But if you’re fine with that, you can be mine like that,” you looked at his lips and back at his eyes. There was something off in his eyes, you didn’t know if it was a good thing but that didn’t matter. You walked past him and continued down the hall to where your mother was waiting.
“Honey, let me fix your hair,” She sang, rushing to you. You sighed and let her pull the strand away from your face. “ I can’t believe my baby’s getting married!”
“You were the one who set this whole thing up,” you muttered, hoping she didn’t hear you.
“Good thing too!” she cheered, “if you’d have done this it would’ve definitely been a disaster. You sigh, not even bothering with a response.
The wedding goes on with blurs of tears and hollers. Colors void of saturation, voices void of emotions, and embraces void of warmth were all that flooded your memory of that joyous day. After that, days of moving your stuff to his place, days of your childhood being up-rooted and discarded, days of memories saying goodbye and being laid to rest. Once the movers left you and Bolin sat on the couch, you were a noticeable distance away from him.
He was the first to speak, “what do you want to eat y/n?” His voice was small and fragile.
“Anything really,” you shrugged, you didn’t do most of the moving so it didn’t really matter.
“How about some pizza then?” He exclaimed, jumping up and grabbed his phone and ordered some. You both ate in awkward silence.
“Let's unpack together,” he said once you were both done eating, trying to lift the mood.
“Sure,” you muttered. You both started on the living room which, for now, only consisted of a couch and a tv that sat on the floor. The first thing you both agreed on doing was building the ikea furniture. Whenever he saw you were getting frustrated he’d add in a joke or do something silly. At first you didn’t notice but after you’d accidentally skipped a step and he said, “this screw stupid won’t in go” that gave away his whole plan. The attempts after that were still kinda funny though.
Before bed he made moves trying to get closer to you. Moves that you tried to ignore at first but you couldn’t stop your outburst, “Abandon all your stupid dreams about the person I could’ve been,” you hesitated before adding in, “my dear~” in the same cynical voice you always say it in. The only good thing that came out of that was that he left you alone for the night.
For a while after that you tried your best to avoid him even though he kept trying to get to know you.
“Why won’t you talk to me?” he whine-asked.
“Because in the night I know you burn with feelings I cannot return,” you answered, momentarily forgetting you were supposed to be ignoring him.
“Why can’t you return them?” he asked normally this time.
You pressed your lips together, “my parents had an arranged marriage and never fell in love, why should I have to?” he shrugged with a dumbfounded look on his face and you left before he could say something that’d make you want to completely confide in him. You ignored him and the way your face heated up for a bit longer. A month has passed since the wedding, and Bolin was desperate to get to know you, bothering you every hour of the day.
“What did you do today?” He asked
“Nothing really,” you lied, your daily life was rather eventful to make sure you never spent a moment resting unless it was planned.
“We should spend some time together sometime,” he suggested.
“You gotta know that this won’t last! Desperation will erase the fact: I’m keeping all of the answers in my cigarette box!” you said, for some reason. You didn’t even know why and you wanted to take it back as soon as you said it. Especially because of the look on his face. Which looked like a kicked puppy.
“If you need space I’ll give you some,” he started standing up, “but I won’t let you speak to me like that.” He was upset, rightfully. He went to your shared room and shut the door. You sat there for a minute. You put your head in your hands for a minute and thought about what you said. You didn’t want to take it back because then he’d want to stay with you. But would it really be bad to have him by your side? Just when you thought you couldn’t feel more conflicted he stepped out of the room with his duffel bag for gym full. Your heart sank but somehow you were comforted with the thought that you knew this was going to happen.
“I’m not leaving forever,” he said, reading your face, “just for a while so you can sort yourself out.
You rolled your eyes, “ You might as well never come back.”
“Why do you feel that way?” he stepped towards you.
“Why do you feel so entitled to me?”
He paused, The answer’s in the second before the other shoe drops,” y/n, I’m not- this was never about that- remember how you said, ‘if you’re blind to that’ well, I’m fine with that,”
You were so torn you were crying, “I will ruin you! I will poison all your happy thoughts, I will love you like the ashes in her cigarette box!” While tears streamed down your cheeks he just looked at you.
“‘Her’?” he asked. You felt your face heat up as he kept walking towards you. Once he reached you he dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you. “What is going through your head?” he asked.
You let out a choked sob, “why did you marry me?”
“Mostly for the money, but because I thought you’d be a fun person”
You chuckled, “the money?”
“Me and my brother weren’t well off,” he started, “I just wanted to make it so I could support him. Though it’s awful to use someone-”
You cut him off, “here I was thinking you had bad intentions,”
“You never answered my questions,” he swiftly changed the subject and your smile faded.
“I had a really nice dad who loved my mother,” you began, “she loved him too. One day he left, died, all without word or warning. Then my grandparents set my mother up and the next time we weren’t so lucky. There, that was the first question. My mother was distant after her first husband’s death. So yeah”
You really wanted it to end there and Bolin must’ve caught on somehow because he changed the topic again. “So since I’m fine with your many flaws, we can be together?” he said, your head still pressed against his chest.
You laughed, “yeah,”
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ash-writies · 3 years
A Rainy Morning Part 7
A/n: Y'all this literally took all summer, this is the end and I loved how much love this has gotten <3 Thank you all for joining me and I hope you enjoy :)) asks are open :)
A/n part two: Lets not talk about how I forgot to get the phone at the end of the last episode haha
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, x
As the weeks went by you taught the krew everything you knew and more
You taught them about credit cards and how to use a bank account
How to read and check paychecks
How to cook food and read from recipes
A lot about phones and electronics
You helped them discover new interests and what to do with them
You hung out with Bolin a lot more
And, get this, “Family nights”
It sounds awful but it wasn’t
They were always out, trying for a job or exploring in general
But they were scared they wouldn’t get to see each other anymore
So you brought up the idea and they loved it
A few nights, every month was spent catching up and hanging out
As they saved up and checked their spending they started leaving
Mako went off to be a carpenter
Obvi he’d be in a trade
Korra would also be in a trade
Eventually, she’d be the leader ofc
Asami got a few part-time jobs and was studying to be in business
Bolin stayed
At first, he’d struggle with finding something he wanted to do long term
Me too ngl
Then he’d settle on a trade
(damn I really just sat here and put everyone in a trade huh)
Something he could do and stay with you :)
You still gave them any advice they needed
A few years went by and there was a bit of character development among them
Mako was less serious (and actually settled down with someone)
Asami and Korra were dating
(No surprise there)
Korra dropped her big ass ego
Asami gained quite a bit more confidence
And Bolin was more honest with his feelings
Bolin helped keep you together when you started to miss the others at first
He stayed, mostly out of love,
Which would’ve taken forever for him to admit
At first, your schedules didn’t work but eventually, it worked itself out
One morning, a few days after family night, you were laying on your bed with Bolin
“Hey y/n,” he said, rubbing your side to get your attention, “You never answered my question.”
“What question?” you asked trying to remember
“ ‘Who was your favorite character?’ “
You laughed, “It was you”
“Really?!” headass
“Ofc you were!”
He hugged you tighter as you both laughed
“I bet you’d have been my favorite character,” he said
“Geez I hope so”
As you fell back into the comfortable silence you realized it was raining
And you let the beautiful sound of morning rain wash away your worries
You pulled yourself closer to him
This wasn’t the first rainy morning you’ve had with him
And you knew it wouldn’t be your last
The rain always reminded you of when Bolin confessed to you
You didn’t know if it was the way morning rain always promised sunshine
Or if it symbolized the rough time you had,
Because I don’t know if it’s my imagination but
Rainy mornings almost always have rainbows
And that’s how it felt with Bolin
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ash-writies · 3 years
Hii! Can I request headcannons for Bolin with a reader who’s a singer or performer of some sort and he helps them deal with stress/pressures from work? Thank you!! 💕
A/n: ofc!!! I wrote the reader as a singer I hope you enjoy!! Thanks for asking asks are open <3
A/n part 2: wait,,,,, no... not two whole posts in one day!!!!! That has to be a record!
Bolin x Singer!Reader
You’ve been doing this for a while
That doesn’t change how you feel though
It’s the overwhelming pressure to do your best
Like if one wrong note or word floats off stage your entire life would be over
You were in the warm up room with Bolin 10 mins before you were on
He was vibing and wouldn’t hesitate to cheer you on or encourage you
Suddenly your voice cracked as you were transitioning to a word
You groaned and plopped onto a chair
“This is so useless!!” You growled
“Hey...” he whispered as he put a hand on your back
“It’s gonna be okay, that was just a fluke you’re gonna do great!!”
That attempt to cheer you up didn’t work
He sighed, “look here,”
He cupped you face in his hands and gently lifted your head up to look at him
“You are awesome. So even if you make a mistake, which you won’t because of the awesomeness I mentioned,”
You laughed a bit
“It won’t be the end of the world, and if it is,”
He paused and made a weird face
“Then what?” you frowned a little
“Then I’ll make you a new one, silly!!”
He pulled you towards him so fast you almost fell off of your chair
He showered your entire face in kisses
You both were laughing, then you were called on stage
And the pit returned to your stomach
He gave you a hug before you headed out
It didn’t get rid of all of your stress and worries
You felt a little better to know that already one person on the floor would see you as flawless
As you are your majesty <<3
As you preformed the only voice you heard was Bolin’s cheering you on
It was just you and him in the entire concert hall
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ash-writies · 3 years
A Rainy Morning pt 5
A/n: I think there are two more after this, i wrote the ending, it’s kinda iffy so I might change it idk. I hope you enjoy!!!
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four x Part Six, Part Seven
Y’all began to move down the street
Walking fast
They were all so hype
Jumpin’ around
Giggling n shi-
The only one who seemed unfazed was Mako
Once y’all got to the store, you told them the rules
And like the rats in ratatouille
They scattered
Weird visualization but okay
Anyway you were waiting on the paperwork
It took you a bit to find someone but when you did they got it done fast
Once you exchanged the stuff you noticed one of the cashiers eyeing you
You shoved the pages in your bag and walked away
You paid no attention as you checked on the krew
They said they were basically done
You checked out with a different employee and continued with your day
It was about mid afternoon
Y’all stopped at a cafe and ordered some snacks
Obvi y’all wanted fresh air for a bit
So y’all sat at an outside table and ate
Korra and Asami were making a scene
A cute one but still-
Mako looked like he was being forced to eat
He still conversed with the krew but
He just looks mad all the time :/
Bolin was talking with you about the things he got from the store
He didn’t take them out, just incase so they wouldn’t get dirty
Overall everyone, even mako, was having a good time
There was a single roll of thunder as a warning
There was only one second to reacting before it started raining
You guys shoved the bags of clothes under your shirts and started running
You were at your front door before you realized that you left your phone at the cafe
“Oh shoot, I gotta go back for it,” you say as you unlocked the door to let them in
“I’ll go with you,” Bolin said
He took off his outer shirt
(y’all know? Like when the earth queen was coming and he had to hide pabu? I like to think it was sleeveless)
“Don’t wait up,” he called out as you both started running back towards the cafe
When you got there you talked to the manager and they said they had it
As you both left the rain was getting harder
But that summer humidity wasn't the thing making the air thicker
“Um...y/n?” Bolin said after a few steps
“Yeah?” you answered
“Remember how you said that I can talk to you if I need to?”
You stopped and gave him a comforting smile
“Of course you can talk to me, Bolin! What's on your mind?”
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ash-writies · 3 years
A Rainy Morning Pt 6
A/n: two posts in one week?!?! Blasphemous!!! Hope you enjoy!!!
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, x, Part Seven
“Um... well,” he glanced back at you, “it’s nothing I-“
“If it’s about how you feel, it’s something.”
🧀 🧀🧀
He started to blush and look away
“I was just gonna say,”
He cleared his throat
Damn dude hurry
“It’s,, uh pretty lonely in your place sometimes,”
He tried to walk away, to like continue walking or smth
You took one of his hands in both of yours
A little heat shot to your cheeks
“Is there any way I can help?” (You said that)
He adovided looking in your direction for a moment,
You moved to try and catch his gaze
He muttered
He looked at you
His face was 🍅 red
A cold breeze pressed against your back
It was the only reminder that you were outside
Bro he was a vision at that moment
His pupils were blown which
Left little of his green eyes to behold
His hair obeyed gravity for those few short moments
It fell haphazardly around his face
Framing it to perfection
You could have sworn your heart skipped some beats
“ I like you, and I’d like to talk to you sometime!”
He shouted and pressed his eyes close
You were at a loss for words
Shi— I don’t remember him being that bold
“I like you too”
You didn’t realize you said it so quietly,
You went to repeat yourself
When his eyes opened and he smiled brightly
Before he took a step towards you
He asked “is it okay if I give you a hug?”
Who were you to say no?
I swear you’d have missed out on a famous Bolin hug 🫂
You just barely wrapped you arms around his neck
Before, in one fluid motion he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you into the air
The rain died down a little bit and the sun peaked through some clouds
When a stray ray of sun caught you eye you looked away
His eyes stayed in you
His eyes looking at your eyes
And the pastels that danced around your skin
A small sigh left his lips
He looked at the sun with you
Thanking it for casting its ray upon you
His hand found yours and you both walked back
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ash-writies · 3 years
A Rainy Morning pt 4
An: so I’ve had problems with end of the semester tests and assignments :/ last day of school is next Friday so I’ll try to be consistent after that!!! Anyway enjoy!!
Part One Part Two Part Three x Part Five Part Six, Part Seven
When you woke up
Your back and neck
Mako, Korra, and Asami were on the floor
You checked your dying phone
3 am
You look around
Maybe bolin’s in the bathroom
Now you look up
His head was leaning on the back of the couch
And his adam apple was just
Out there
One of his arms was resting on your stomach
Which was oddly comforting
Holy heck he was hott from this angle
His head began slipping off the couch
You turned your head and closed your eyes
You felt like your body was humming
You felt his fingers trace your cheek
And when he pulled a piece of hair out of your face
You physically couldn’t handle it anymore
How dare your favorite character to simp for come at you like that
It’s almost like he wants you to fall into cardiac arrest
You pretended to “wake up”
Opening your eyes slowly and scrunching your eyebrows together
Then you sat up
And it was the awkward eye contact for me
His face was red but he gave you a sleepy smile
As you stood up “Goodnight Bolin”
“Goodnight y/n”
You went to your room and jumped on your bed
“Am I dreaming?”
Ha no you weren’t
You don’t know but you somehow managed to fall back asleep
Since you had the next day off, you slept in
Not a lot, prolly just an hour
You had planned something for them
You gave them cereal for breakfast
They didn’t complain either so
After yall finished you gathered them into the living room
“Okay guys, i've got some things planned for today…”
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ash-writies · 4 years
Hey, could we have headcanons for Bolin meeting a modern reader? Like, in their world the avatar is just the show like with us? Maybe how they slowly get closer before becoming partners? Please and thank you! (Also maybe reader admiring shyly how he's always been their fav character?)
A/N: Might make this into a few parts bc I haven’t even gotten to them hanging out outside of the meeting and this was a really interesting prompt! Thanks for sending this and I hope I did this well :) 
A/N Part 2 Electric Boogaloo : After coming back to reread the prompt i think i did it wrong but I still like what I wrote ;-; (I can write a new one if you want,,,, just add some clarification pls *sorry*)
A Rainy Morning Part 1
x, Part two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
It was a day like any other,
You went to the store to pick up stuff you wanted for dinner and then you run into him
This man was the spitting image of Bolin.
(Thighs for days, slightly upturned nose, etc. etc.)
When you saw him you froze in place
wAS tHaT BoLIn?!?
Before you could comprehend what was happening he left the group he was with.
The people were identical to the Krew too
At first, you thought these people might just be extremely talented cosplayers
Then “Bolin” opened his mouth.
You were still skeptical 
But he sounded exactly like P.J Byrne in LoK
(the voice of Bolin)
Anyways he introduced himself as Bolin
He asked where they were and why everything looked weird 
And you were just like “What some dedicated cosplayers”
You just complimented his costume and voice like wow ur good
The Mako came over and his tall *self was like 
Dude, we’re being serious
You were just like oh 
(still reluctant to believe)
You explained the show they were in and expected to see someone with a camera walk out
It never happened tho
You just made them have an existential crisis 
Oops I guess
You got them some sad noodles it was just ramen 
And ate it on a bench
While everyone was wallowing Bolin was making moves and acting out
As always but you just laughed bc it was “in character”
While they were concerned you were just fan(girl/boy/them)ing in your head 
“I gEt To EaT nOOdLes wITh THe KrEW”
They didn’t know how they got there or what to do 
So because you wanted to spend the night with characters from your favorite show were nice you offered to let them spend the night
They obviously accepted and followed you to your house
To be continued…. ;)
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ash-writies · 3 years
I’m working on asks and a criminal minds fic (keep in mind I’m at the end of season four so) anyway should I add a y/n or just make it a Normal piece? I like reading normal fics every no and then and there’d be no romance or ships if I add a y/n…
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ash-writies · 4 years
A Rainy Morning pt 3
A/n: here’s part 3,,, it took a bit but I hope you enjoy (part 4 in the making ;) )
Part one, Part two, x, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
You had a long day at work
Annoying coworkers and stuff
You asked for as many hours as possible So you could support the Krew
How nice of you really <3
You needed to think about ways for them to get the proper identification
But that was for later
You stopped at the store on your way home and got materials for spaghetti
Wait - - - -
Do they know how to cook?
Ann I oop--
(lol nvm that was cringe)
Shoot x5
You hurried the rest of the way home
When you opened the door....
Were ......
Chilling in the living room
Mako and Asami were reading some of your books
Not an issue cause there are alot of good ones at your house
Korra was cuddling with asami as she read
Bolin was drawing on some lined paper
“Hey guys,” you said, “Did you eat”
You predicted the answer
“No” Korra said
“Oh,,,,,,,,,,, Well I’m making some spaghetti if you guys want any”
They Looked confused but didn’t ask any questions
As you went into the kitchen Bolin followed you
“How was your day at work?”
“It was good thanks for asking. What have you all been doing?
“Not much, Mako and Asami like reading your books”
For some reason you were concerned
“Korra reads sometimes too but she mostly sleeps haha”
You waited for him to continue
But he didn’t
“How about you”
The water was boiling so you broke the noodles and put them in
“I’m uh-fine”
You looked at him and cocked your eyebrow
“I bet this whole thing is hard,” you stirred the pot, “Ya know, just moving here to some random place…”
“Nah it's okay,” He smiled
Yall know he uses his humour as a defensive mechanism
You stirred the noodles some more in the silence
“Are you sure?”
“If you wanna talk about it later we can,”
“Okay, but I’m fine”
You didn’t say anything else about the subject
If he didn’t feel like opening up then he didn’t have to
You both talked about something else
And then the spaghetti was done
They hesitantly dug in
Ofc they liked it too
After dinner was eaten and cleaned up
You showed them how the T.V worked
They got the hang of it pretty quickly
Yall sat on the couch
It was pretty big
Just a foot or two above average tho
Nothing too big
You sat in this order
Mako, y/n, Bolin, Asami, and Korra
You turned your favorite anime
They all seemed to like it so far
You were only two episodes into it
You got sleepy
And started to doze off
(I know it’s cliche, but still-)
When you were asleep you slept on Bolin
Not that cute head thing though
You just fell horizontally
Head right on his lap
It’s sad really….
You’ll never know his reaction
You’re asleep,
Knocked out
And It must suck
XD - author
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ash-writies · 4 years
A Rainy Morning Part Two
A/N : I was really excited to write this one,,, I wrote a lot but didn’t get to what i wanted to,,, but that’s okay! I like writing headcanons more than long continuous fics because it’s more casual,, If you have any prompts or anything then feel free to send them in the asks!!! Enjoy!!
Part one, x, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
Once you all arrived you pulled out extra comforters for them to lay on
You didn’t have enough furniture for them to sleep on so you helped them lay the covers down
“If you need it, the bathroom is the second door on the left”
“Wait-!” Bolin yells before you leave
“You seem to know a lot about the show we were in,”
Whatever he was hinting at you didn’t get
“So…….” you asked
“So did you have a favorite character?”
“Uh-- well-------”
“Don’t bother y/p, y/p is letting us stay for tonight so be grateful” Mako chimed in
Thank “tHe SpIRitS” he cut in when he did
“Well good night see you guys in the morning”
Then morning came 
These PeOpLE were up at 6 am
Bolin is cute and all but he walks like a 600-pound man like ???
Anyway you come out of your room bed head and all
“Dudes what are you doing?????” you ask rubbing your eyes
“Um getting ready……..?” they all share a confused look
You sigh and head to the kitchen to make breakfast
Might as well, you can't go back to sleep because they’re probably going to keep you up.
You decide to make eggs and bacon since you don't really have anything else
Once you have the table set they all exchange looks
“What’s this?” “Korra” asks politely
“Uhh eggs and bacon” you answer, confused at their confusion
“Oh, okay,” she says but doesn’t drop the look on her face
You take a bite into the bacon as they all sit still
Bolin takes the first bite.
He sticks his thumbs up 
“This is good!” he says with his mouth full
The rest of them dig in like starving animals
your face is like :0
Still confused you finish eating
You set your dish in the sink for later, you just need to rinse it off and put it in the dishwasher anyway
“For the time being you guys need to lay low so you can get the proper identification and get a job”
“Okay, know any places that are hiring?” Asami asked
“Slow down there buckaroo, you need an Id and a Birth certificate first,”
You explain everything you can remember and pull out your phone to see how easy it was to get an id
As soon as they saw your phone they were like wtf 
“What is that?”
You don’t really feel like it but you explain it to them 
They really act like boomers when it comes to technology
“Getting all that stuff is probably going to be expensive, so I better get to work”
They left you alone while you got ready 
I mean except for Bolin
You thought Asami would be the most curious but no 
Up until you leave he’s asking you all kinds of questions
you answer most of them
before you leave
you tell them to stay put but udk if they’re gonna
its a gamble with them
To be continued
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ash-writies · 4 years
Maybe something inspired by the song 'Ours' by Taylor Swift? (Female reader) Korra or Bolin, you pick!
Today is ‘Ours’
Inspired by Taylor Swift’s song Ours
A/n: Hey sorry for posting this so late, airplanes, hotels, sick baby goats, ya know :/ Anyway ever since I started writing this the song has been stuck in my head so Thanks Anon,,, anyway I hope you enjoy <3 (I actually really like Taylor’s old songs and I used to listen to this song religiously so thanks for reminding me of its existence ;) )
2k words, paring: Bolin lok x f!reader
A little angst near the end :-|
Getting up was one of the worst parts of your day. Of course you could overlook that just for today. Seeing how today Bolin’s new NukTuk mover was going to premiere tonight. Every little thing was exciting to you. Elevators, buttons and morning air, everything had a distinct smell, whether it was rust or vintage you almost smiled as you pressed the button to call the elevator. A couple people were already on before the doors opened. As soon as they looked at you they snickered and fell silent.
“Man,” you thought, “stranger’s silence makes me wanna take the stairs.” Relief washed over you as the doors opened. Leaving the building, you pushed the thoughts back, you weren't going to let that bring this great day down.
Walking to the boutique you smiled, you were going to get a green and black dress to match his suit. Ah you couldn’t wait to get a picture of you two together. You wished he could’ve been there to give his opinion but he had some last minute things to do. As you ringed the dress up, you noticed the cashier only half paying attention as they knocked over their cup of coffee.
You stifle a laugh and think, “If you were here we’d laugh about their vacant stares.” The person quickly cleaned up that mess.
“Are you okay?” you say as you pick your dress up off the counter.
“Y-yeah everything’s okay!” they chuckled awkwardly, throwing away the wet napkins from the mess.
“Okay, have a nice day,” you waved as you stepped out of the door. A cool wind hit you, it felt nice in contrast to the hot summer sun. Next you had to go to the salon to style your hair. As you went into the hair salon you sat in the seat and waited. To your left there were two girls, a bit younger than you, were giggling behind a couple magazines. You didn’t pay much attention to them and thought about Bolin for a little bit before you decide to text him and ask what he’s doing.
“There’s just a couple more photo shoots I gotta do” he wrote, “I don't think I’ll have time to meet up before the premiere, sorry :(“
“It’s okay-” you began before two voices interrupted you. You quickly hit send before looking over.
“Hey!” one of the girls said tapping you on your shoulder, “you’re the girl dating NukTuk Right?”
“Wow,” you thought, keeping your face as blank as possible, “right now, my time is theirs.” Almost every time you left the apartment that’s all people would recognize you for.
“Eyup! That’s me” you smiled , trying to be as nice as possible.
“I think he’d be better with Ginger!” the other girl added.
“Wow,” you accidentally said out loud.
“She’s so much better looking than you,” she laughed, “And she’s famous too!”
“Seems like there’s always someone who disapproves! They’ll judge it like they know about me and you...” your voice echoed through your head.
“Stephannie!” the original girl elbowed her friend. “I’m sorry.” She pulled her friend out of the store with the person who just finished their haircut.
As you sat down in the chair the hairdresser chimed in. “Maybe you shouldn’t be with him,” she sprayed your hair and combed through it, “it seems that the thought of him stresses you out is all.”
“The verdict comes from those with nothing else to do... The jury’s out,” her voice interrupted the rest of your thoughts.
“What kind of style do you want?”
The rest of the styling went fine and no more of your personal life was brought up. After that you went to your apartment to get ready. You carefully pulled the dress over your head, careful not to mess up your makeup or hair. Thinking about the whole day up ‘til now, you thought, “None of that matters, my choice is you.” you smiled after you thought that, savoring your feelings for him. You quickly press your hand to your face and chuckle. Of course you would think something so cheesy.
Once you were done you went downstairs and waved for a taxi so you could go to the premiere early. The drive was short and you could’ve walked but you didn’t want to be sweaty when you saw Bolin for the first time today. As you pulled up to your destination you made sure your hair was in place and grabbed all of your belongings. Stepping out of the Sato-mobile you brushed a loose strand of hair out of your face, suddenly you hear a whistle. Your head snaps up in the direction the whistle came from. Bolin stood a few feet in front of you with his hand extended. A blush spread on your cheeks as you took his hand in yours.
“I hope you didn’t miss me too much,” He said as he pulled you into a hug.
Laughing, you hug him back, “I totally did.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead and smiled. You both headed into the building and walked to the balcony where you two were going to sit.
“I think you're really gonna like this one!” he started as you both sat down, “It’s a romance but it mainly focuses on the hero saving the day.” You were hit with a tinge of jealousy as he said that, just how close would they be with Bolin in the mover? You smiled over it as he continued to explain. “Nuk Tuk goes through a lot of lovers before he settles on one,” he finished explaining as the lights dimmed and a hush fell over everyone.
The mover starts at the south pole where the villain first attacked. The first woman Nuk Tuk “fell in love” with was a passive waterbender who only used him for clout. At the time he wasn’t aware because, plot, it took like fifteen “mover” minutes for him to see through her facade.
When he did you smiled and turned to Bolin, “I totally knew she was using him.”
He whispered back frowning, “How? I thought I sold this one pretty well.”
“She was acting sus, and it's good to be skeptical of characters, I mean, you never know what people have up their sleeves.” He smiled at how easily you read that character.
The show carried on and Nuk Tuk found himself in the earth kingdom. He was chasing a rather quick villain who always somehow evaded him at the last second. No matter how much water he threw at the person they ducked and weaved out of the way. A woman comes out of nowhere and puts herself right in the middle of danger.
“Oh no!” you gasp genuinely; and as you do Boling smiles to himself. He loves how you are actually interested in the movers he’s in.
Nuk Tuk goes out of his way to save the woman, injuring himself in the process. He passes out and the screen fades to black. When he wakes up the woman is leaning over him trying to help him. It is revealed that the woman is a non-bender but is very good at medicine. For thirty-ish minutes Nuk Tuk is confused at how familiar the woman is. He spends the time it takes to get better flirting with her and trying to learn more about her. When he gets better he leaves the woman without ever figuring out why she was familiar and starts going after the main villain.
He arrives in a place similar to Republic City and meets a firebender girl who starts attacking him. Like cliche enemies to lovers they stop bending at each other when Nuk Tuk pins her down. After that spicy exchange Nuk Tuk gets the information he needs and they go their separate ways. The camera is on her and she has a shadow covering half of her smirking face as the screen fades to black.
“What is she going to do?” You ask, startling Bolin.
“You’ll have to find out,” he mutters, smiling at you.
“Look at her though, lurking in the shadows with her lip gloss smile.” He laughed at the way you pouted at the end of that sentence.
Like you predicted she betrays him after multiple romantic encounters. She reveals herself as the daughter of the villain.
He meets another girl, This one is an earthbender who has almost no visible interest in him. She joins him and fights against the firebender in the final battle. The earth bender pins the other onto a wall to stop her from bending and rushes to help a struggling Nuk Tuk.
Even though it seemed like the mover was coming to an end Bolin laid his head in your lap.
“Isn’t it going to end soon?” you asked, “Are you tired?”
“Yeah, but there’s like thirty minutes left so I can chill for a bit.” His eyes closed and your fingers ran through his hair as your eyes flickered back to the screen.
You missed a little so when you looked up you saw the earthbender girl laying on the floor and Nuk Tuk hovering over her. When he attacked the villain he didn’t hold back, and with that attitude the villain was defeated quickly. He rushed back to the girl and healed her with her waterbending. He was surprised it worked because he had never healed someone before. When the girl came to, Nuk Tuk pulled her into a hug.
The mover ended what felt like centuries after that.
You tapped Bolin awake, “Hey, let’s get out of here.” He groaned, reluctant to leave the comfortable position he was in. When he sat up you fixed his hair and smoothed the front of his suit. Hand in hand you both walked out and down to the main hall. You both were swarmed by the paparazzi, Bolin tried to shield you from it as much as possible as you both headed to the Satomobile waiting for you.
A reporter stepped in front of you and asked, “So Bolin, who are you dating at the moment?” You both paused, a bit confused at the question before she continued, “It can’t be this raggedy girl by your side is it?” You were silent, shocked, who was she to ask you that question? You took off towards the Satomobile. Once you got to it you looked back at Bolin who said something to the woman and rushed over to you.
The whole car ride you both were silent. Your mind was flooded with thoughts of self-worth, insecurities, and Bolin. Nothing was said as he walked up to your apartment and held the door open for you. Nothing was said as you kicked your shoes off and plopped down on the couch. Nothing was said as he took off the first layer of his suit, revealing his off white button up and brown suspenders. Nothing was said as he sat next to you on the couch, ruffled his hair, and leaned forward with his head in his hands.
He was the first to break the silence. “Hey,” he looked at you worried, “Are you okay?”
“No! I’m Not Okay!” you yelled, slamming your fists on the couch. “I’m sick and tired of being known as just your girlfriend! What about My achievements?” You stood up quickly, he was shocked at your outburst.
“Your more than just my girlfriend-” he began, but you cut him off.
“You can’t say that! I’m trying to understand, to be quiet, and to try to talk to your fans, but I can’t anymore!” You choked out those words and sobbed as he pulled you into a hug.
“All that matters is you,” he whispered, “forget those toxic fans, they could take all my fame and I wouldn’t care, ‘cause right now you’re mine.” You didn’t know how much needed those words until he said it. You hugged him tighter as he continued, “It’s not theirs to speculate if it’s wrong.”
Sniffling you looked up at him with watery eyes, “your right,” he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers, “Your hands are tough but they are where mine belong. I’m sorry for lashing out at you.” He cupped your cheek with his hand and smiled,
“It’s okay, cause I’ll fight their doubt and give you faith,” He pressed a small kiss to your forehead. He clapped his hands suddenly. “Let’s be positive now,” he smiled, eagar to change the subject, “Let’s list things that we like about eachother!”
“Okay,” you smiled and didn’t even need to think, “I love the gap between your teeth.”
“I love the riddles that you speak,” he pinched your cheeks.
“And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored.”
“Why?” he chuckled.
“Cause my heart is yours.” you smiled at him.
“My heart is yours too,” he giggled as he hugged you and lifted you into the air. You both were emotionally and physically tired after that exchange.
“I’ll let you take a shower first,” he said smiling and bowing dramatically while holding the door open.
“Are you sure? If I take one first you’ll probably fall asleep before you take yours,” you started.
“It’s fine, I won't fall asleep I promise,” He said. Reluctantly you took your shower. You made it quick and he jumped in right after you were finished. While he was in the shower you made some instant noodles for dinner for both of you. It was still warm when he came out of the bathroom in a white tank top and some shorts.
You both laid in bed while you ate, once you were done you set the empty bowl on the nightstand and cuddled.
Before you fell asleep you heard him say, “Don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine, but they can’t take what’s ours.” He pulled you closer as you rested your head on his chest.
“The stakes are high, the water’s rough, but this love is ours.”you finished as your eyes fluttered shut and Bolin pressed a kiss to your temple.
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ash-writies · 4 years
Bolin x Reader Pt3
A/N: This took a long time, I’m Sorry. When I found this it was half-finished and all, I hope y’all have fun with this!
Part One  ,  Part Two
“Hey,” you greeted breathlessly. “What are you doing here?” Panting as you neared him
“Just wanted to see what you were up to.” He said shoving his hands into his pockets. You glanced around to see if Ikki or Jinora was around as you grabbed his arm and pulled him behind a set of trees. So Tenzin wouldn’t catch you. 
“I wasn’t supposed to go out yesterday,” you whispered. “When Tenzin sees you what am I supposed to say?” You suddenly realize you were still holding on to his arm and you let go.
“You could say you heard me playing.” He said, shrugging. You sighed looking at the way his hair puffed out in the back and his curl stubbornly planted on his forehead. Man his hair looks soft. You lifted your hand up slowly but suddenly and rested it on top of his head. His eyes shot towards yours and he turned beet red. He was about to say something but then you pressed your fingertips through his hair onto his scalp. He continued to watch you run your fingers through his hair. He cleared his throat as his already deep blush spread.
“Ahh- My bad!” You stuttered as you pulled your hand away. “Your hair is softer than I thought it would be,” your face started to get red as you continued. “Not, in like, a weird way or anything!” You bit your lip so you wouldn’t continue to make things worse. He laughed and ran his fingers through your hair.
“There! Now we’re even!” He said leaving his hand on your head. The longer you both looked at each other the more you wanted to press a kiss onto his lips. His hand slowly fell onto your cheek, as he leaned in. Instead, you beat him to it, cradling his face in your hands. His hand slid off of your cheek finding the back of your neck, his other arm wrapped around your waist. As the kiss got longer he pulled you closer. Gasping you finally pulled away, resting your forehead on his.
“M-Maybe we s-should stop.” you stuttered, suddenly nervous. You pulled away, only a little, wrapping your arms around his neck. He moved his hand to your lower back still holding you. “If we are gonna get caught it probably shouldn’t be here. Tenzin would definitely murder me.” you giggled, resting your head on his shoulder.
“You’re right,” he sighed hugging you tight. “If we’re gonna get caught let’s at least get caught on a date tonight!” he said confidently. You raised your head shooting a confused look.
“I got caught last night, and if I want to make it your next game I gotta make sure I stay outta trouble.” You said, fulling pulling away from him. “Which means you can’t come over out of nowhere.” 
“Well, can’t I stay longer?” He pleaded. “I haven’t been caught yet-” He whined bending his knees a little bit. Begging with his eyes, as he grabbed your hand.
“I beg to differ!” Meelo shouted, jumping out of some bushes, Ikki and Jinora following behind him. 
“How long have you guys been there?” you groaned. You ran a hand through your hair and sighed. 
“Long enough to figure out your secrets,” Meelo said, pointing a finger at you.
“Young romance is so exciting to see!” Ikki squealed, clasping her hands together. Bolin smirked at you, eyes full of curiosity. 
“Can you guys keep this a secret?” you asked letting go of Bolin’s hand. Bending down 
“What’s in it for us?” they demanded in unison. 
You stuttered for a moment before settling on something you think they’d like. “How about I do your chores for the next 3 weeks? One week for each of you.” You asked seeing no flaw in your argument. All three of them looked at each other, whispered something, and nodded.
Jinora cleared her throat “We agree to your terms and will not tell dad about you and Bolin“ She teased, Ikki giggled as Bolin and you blushed.
As they ran off you turned to Bolin, “I think that you should go. I need to catch up on the chores I just agreed to do.”
“Yeah sorry about that,” he muttered, “I guess I’ll see you at the match then.” He pulled you into a hug. 
“See you in a few days,” you called as he walked away. When he vanished from view you stepped out and continued your stretches. Once you were done with your training for the day you started on all the chores you had. It took nearly two hours to do everything and by the time Pema made dinner you were exhausted.
“I hope you're learning your lesson y/n,” Tenzin said smugly. Too exhausted to argue, you just rolled your eyes. “I won’t end the punishment until you tell the truth.”
“How many times do I need to say this?” you snapped, “I’m not lying! I went for a walk in the city!” His attitude and insistence of you lying was getting old.
“Maybe you’re not lying,” he stated calmly, “but you’re not telling the whole truth either.” Surprised he knew you just looked at him with an annoyed expression.
“Okay, fine!” you said, slamming your fists on the table, “I saw a pro-bending fight, and then went for a walk in the city. There now that you know everything I guess I’m done with the punishment.”
“No, because now you’re in trouble for seeing a pro-bending fight,” he said sipping his tea, “you’re in trouble for a week starting now.”
“Ya know what,” you sighed, “I really am grateful for everything you did, but I can’t live like this anymore!” 
“Then leave!” he yelled, finally snapping.
Everything was quiet for a second, “Maybe I will,” you muttered before standing up and leaving.
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