imasoftieforbarb · 10 months
Hi! This had been on my mind for some time and im wondering if u can write it? Clay with a fiancee that unlike like most trolls is an introvert? And doesn't go out much. She looks tired, like messy hair and sleepy eyes.
It's because she has 4 older brothers of whom the oldest has a sickness which makes him bedridden, so she takes care of him. The other brothers have gone their seperate ways- only visiting once every 5 months or so. And could you also do brozones reaction to this? Take your time and thank you!
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Clay x Introvert Fiancé Reader
He knew your family situation was sorta like his
He just didn’t know the extent of it
The way you guys met was through Viva
She introduced him to you cause you were pretty low key and he was too tired for upbeat-ness
When he asked you to be his fiancé you sat him down (after you said yes with the biggest smile ever) and explained the full story behind your family
The reason you leave Putt Putt Village every month? To look after your older brother who’s seriously ill
Your other brothers? You have no idea where they are
He comforts you through it all- he gets special permission from Viva to leave with you to look after your brother together
No way in hell is he gonna let you go through that alone
On your journey to where your oldest brother lives, he explains his family situation
And you both talk about it- a heart to heart
You definitely both start crying
I like to hc Clay as someone who likes to read to his S/O
So he reads to you to help you calm down and sleep
He meets your older brother who is absolutely ecstatic to meet ‘the famous Clay who’s got my little sister swooning’
You glare at him playfully from behind Clay
Clay enjoys spending time with your brother, who tells him that he’s happy you’ve got someone to lean on now
Clay sees how hard you work to make sure your brother has everything and is comfortable
Clay also meets the nanny (who apparently has a crush on your brother)
When you leave, your brother demands that he gets to come to the wedding and tells Clay to take extra good care of you
When he meets his brothers again, he introduces you but makes sure they don’t encroach on your personal space
Explains that you’re an introvert
They all go “aaaaaaaah gotcha” then start bombardons you with questions from a safe distance
They didn’t get the hint
You don’t go with them- Clay insists you stay in the village, he doesn’t want you in danger
You have a heartfelt hug and kiss before you run off to delay viva from finding out
“You gotta promise me you’ll be safe”
He presses a final kiss to your lips before softly resting his forehead on yours
“I promise”
It takes everything in Bruce to not cry
You do join in the journey with viva- you wanna make sure he’s alright
You end up being the one to free him from the shoulder pads and you have a quick hug through the diamond before they leave to trip Velvet
You stay with Viva and Poppy whilst the brothers cry for Floyd
Clay introduces you to Floyd as soon as possible
You end up getting along pretty well-
Then one day, when Brozone, Poppy and King Peppy are visiting Putt Putt Village to pick up Viva but also see the full extent of it
Your three other brothers show up
By this point your wedding is approaching and you’re stressing out a little bit
But you’ve also told Clay, and the others about your relationship with your other brothers
And even Poppy can see that the bond can’t be fixed
So when they show up?
They’re met with an angry Clay refusing to let them see you knowing how much it hurts when they turn up just to leave
Disappointed Bruce and Floyd who just look on with deadpan expressions, shaking their heads
JD runs to get you- letting you know that you have a choice and you don’t have to see them
You end up seeing them, holding Clays hand for comfort as you do the bare minimum of introducing them to everyone
Asking your brothers what they want now, only rolling your eyes when they tell you they need various things from you
You kick them out of the village, telling them the only way they can come to your wedding is if your older brother lets them come
They all pale cause there’s no way that’s happening
Clay holds you whilst you have a little cry
100/10 husband material
Let me know if I should do a PT2 the wedding!
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whosectype · 1 year
Toon love has fallen for the trap card bombardon them with cute couple stuff!!!!
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Any excuse to dump some mugchai brainrot hehe
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Art by Gedeon Bombardon
November’s Theme: #Foodimals
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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adtothebone · 2 years
I beg your pardon;
that tuba is a bombardon.
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afnews7 · 1 month
Sia ben chiara la Particella pronominale pronunciata dal mio personaggio & commentatore a Dx. : “LI“, che in questa vignetta “punzecchia” il tizio che pare la versione “dark” di Santa Claus ma che si applica a tuuuuuutta la pletora di belinoni di ogni versante che pensano di risolvere ogni cosa con un po’ di bombardonate da una parte e dall’altra!… tanto quelle e quelli che ci rimettono la buccia…
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Name: Mir Shad Weigand Color: Vista White #Fdfcfa Symbol: Book Strife Specibus: tongskind Handle: tinyAbsence Animal: finch Pronouns: they/them Age: 18 Birthday: May 4, which was a tuesday. Sexuality: bisexual Interests: poker and mountain biking Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Seer of Life Land: Land of Isolation and Velvet, a spotless place, with motionless Southern Twig Snake consorts. It is a place full of stormy forests and gigantic grandfather clocks. Rhea lurks in this land's swelling geography. Instrument: bombardon
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jurgenameen · 7 months
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208, 28, bird alert
Suddenly an orchestra in my garden
My head hurts in a way
But for my heart okay
It seems a kind of bombardon
Really nice work and great job
Happily my name is Bob
Spring break they shout out
Yes it was really loud
-copyrights Amir Ali 2024-
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Lève-toi et va de l’autre côté !
J’ai entendu comme une voix dans ma tête : “Lève-toi !” nous avons tous été marqué par un évènement traumatisant , et dans ces instants là notre corps se fragilise , il nous faut de l'aide médical, la foi est une force , mais elle nous demande de nous prendre en charge....ne délaissons pas ceux qui sont fragiles aimons les encore plus , ne les bombardons pas de versets biblique restons avec eux , et partageons l'amour ..donnons leur envie de guérir et de se lever" ils connaissent la voix du seigneur qui dit
“Lève-toi avec courage, va de l’avant, car mon nom est plus grand que tout autre nom !”tout cela ils le savent , dans l'instantané ils veulent juste être aimé et compris , alors pour tous ceux qui sont épuisés qui vivent un choc émotionnel ...j'aimerais dire " que je vous comprends et que je vous aime
Dieu m’a accompagnée dans mon quotidien, et il m'a transformée comme il le fera avec vous
Vous dire que je n’ai plus aucune peur ? Ce serait faux , je ne la laisse pas s’installer. Il surgit parfois des complications, mais je me rappelle que Dieu est le plus fort ! Et qu’il ne m’abandonnera jamais. Chaque jour je me prépare dans la prière. Je ne commence rien sans demander le conseil de Dieu. Dans tout ce que j’entreprends car sans lui je me perdrai💥💥 Merci. Seigneur de me conduire, de me fortifier, de renouveler mes pensées, dans le nom de Jésus, Amen. Allez de l’avant. Persévérez, attendez-vous à Dieu ! Il garde les pas de ses bien-aimés ! Gardez votre confiance en Dieu qui sait toute choses "
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favoritelineblog · 1 year
Definition: (noun) A tuba that coils over the shoulder of the musician. Synonyms: bombardon. Usage: As the marching band strolled by, Karen could see that the small boy carrying the giant helicon was sweating profusely. Discuss
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urlrate · 1 year
Definition: (noun) A tuba that coils over the shoulder of the musician. Synonyms: bombardon. Usage: As the marching band strolled by, Karen could see that the small boy carrying the giant helicon was sweating profusely. Discuss
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lowkeynando · 2 years
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expostandserviceusa · 2 years
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You can have a bombardon of business opportunities at your door if you exhibit at IPC APEX EXPO 2023.
So, get the best trade show services and creatively designed trade show booth for IPC APEX EXPO 2023. We have professionals who can assist you in making the best presence at IPC APEX Expo 2023 San Diego.
Do connect with us for the best exhibit.
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Art by Gedeon Bombardon
October’s Theme: #MadScientist
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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You can have a bombardon of business opportunities at your door if you exhibit at IPC APEX EXPO 2023. So, get the best trade show services and creatively designed trade show booth for IPC APEX EXPO 2023. We have professionals who can assist you in making the best presence at IPC APEX Expo 2023 San Diego. Do connect with us for the best exhibit.
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your description mentions horrible instrument ideas...... may we hear one?
Oops, I got another ask about this a while ago from @froglordt, but I admit I don't doodle as many terrible brass instruments as I used to, so I dug out some photos of old ideas. Apologies if the brass instrument designs are hard to understand, I generally just draw lines to represent tubing except for in bits like the bell flare
Compilation of terrible ideas:
-Trumpet converted into a bell-up soprano saxhorn-ish thing with half-step and whole-step trill keys and a main slide trigger (to fix the inevitable terrible intonation) in this drawing
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-Wagner bombardon (a horn-length instrument attempting to look kinda like a paperclip contra clarinet, inspired by ophicleides and bombardons from the early 1800s, with Vienna valves and an opera-glass style main slide tuner on it, like a Conn 80A uses)
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-a double Vienna horn, I spent a while trying to figure out the best wrap and everything, but fundamentally I think it's a terrible idea
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This was a first iteration, it's a mess and the change valve is actually split in two, which would make alignment suck
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This is probably the most elegant type of wrap I figured out, here I was planning a funky Vienna-esque change valve but I think a rotary valve would make more sense honestly.
-Experiments with new versions of kastenventil (https://brassandpipes.wordpress.com/2016/02/28/1913-jacob-lowmunster-kastenventil-tuba-in-b/), probably on a natural trumpet first because they're not soldered together so it's easy to replace bits. I'm really curious what a kastenventil horn is like, but that's a more complicated project.
-Oh yeah, I was working on this at one point before giving up for the moment, but funky keywork for horns that were inspired by a dream Jeremy had (tbh tests around when I took this photo showed that it's way too easy to pinch your fingers between the keys lmao)
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I haven't been doing as many brass instrument designs recently because I've been more focused on electronic instruments, mostly just modifying vintage stuff
-Simmons SDS7 drum synthesizer but replacing the original memory with a microcontroller to let you edit parameters with MIDI, and replacing the EPROM samples with more microcontrollers so you can load up whatever sample you want without having to yank out the EPROM (I've managed to emulate the SDS7 memory, but not while also handling MIDI messages, which might not be possible without missing clock cycles)
-Hammond S6 chord organ but add custom filter modules and make the whole thing controlled by MIDI and also replace the god-awful chord button array it uses with an expanded Stradella system like accordions use
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-Rodgers 321 electric theater organ but also make it controlled by MIDI and give it velocity and aftertouch and ribbon strips and lots of faders and 3 more swell pedals and tap into the unfiltered oscillator signals to make it into a paraphonic synthesizer using filter modules cross-compatible with the S6 (this is my most feral idea but also the most likely to happen, I just need to finish these Simmons boards and then I can think about that project)
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-Not a very feral idea but coding a digital CV generator for my school's Moog modular synthesizer, which might be able to reuse the boards I'm currently designing for the Simmons
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Name: Mr. Reba Zeelen Color: Carrot #Ed7117 Symbol: Decayed Cranberry Strife Specibus: ladlekind Handle: tearfulTechnomania Animal: marmoset Pronouns: sae/saer/saer/saers/saerself Age: 40 Birthday: November 13, which was a monday. Sexuality: Every admir is unreciprocated Interests: inline skating and life science Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Heir of Hope Land: Land of Bridges and Alabaster, a lively place, with hungry Elongated Tortoise consorts. It is a place full of a forest of corpses and haunted houses. Nyx slumbers. Instrument: bombardon
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