Guy Fieri Reveals the Ultimate Secret to Perfect Kebab Koubideh with the...
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Holocene Geological Epoch
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By Daniel E. Platt, Marc Haber, Magda Bou Dagher-Kharrat, Bouchra Douaihy, Georges Khazen, Maziar Ashrafian Bonab, Angélique Salloum, Francis Mouzaya, Donata Luiselli, Chris Tyler-Smith, Colin Renfrew, Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith & Pierre A. Zalloua - Mapping Post-Glacial expansions: The Peopling of Southwest Asia(edited to only show the Greenland ice core temperatures)Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2)Material provided under a Creative Commons 4.0 license:This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.", CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
The Holocene began approximately 11,700 years ago after the last glacial period. With the Pleistocene, it forms the Quaternary period, which started 2,580,000 years ago and contains all the time when recognizable human species existed on the Earth. The Quaternary is part of the Cenozoic Era along with the Neogene and the Paleogene, which started 66,000,000 years ago and is characterized by mammals becoming the dominant life forms on Earth.
The Holocene corresponds to the rapid spread of humans, all of written human history, technological revolutions, the development of major civilizations. The rise and fall of empires, of cities, of nations are all contained in the Holocene. All the battles and wars and treaties, everything we can know about from the words of people who were there is contained in the Holocene.
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By Joe Roe - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Ice cores and the analysis of marine chemical fluxes show that the climate has been fairly stable over the world, but there have been local (some on the scale of the Sahara) changes, but these changes have seemingly been off-set by changes in the climate of another area (such as increasing or decreasing glaciation of the North Atlantic). Another important contributor to the relative stability of the climate, until about 200 years ago, was humans using land for agriculture helped prevent the cycle of significant cooling and glaciation from occurring during this time. The stable climate also likely contributed to humans settling into agrarian and settled civilizations.
At the beginning of the Holocene, the Sahara was a savanna with many large lakes across it during a time period known as the African Humid Period, which saw tropical rain patterns shifted north. This lush landscape probably contributed to an increase in pastoralism in Africa. About 5,500 years ago, the rains started moving south, causing the Sahara to become the desert it is today. This also caused people to move southward or toward the Nile River to find water.
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By Juan C. Larrasoaña, Andrew P. Roberts, Eelco J. Rohling - Dynamics of Green Sahara Periods and Their Role in Hominin Evolution, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=85313285
The largest climate fluctuation before the present, though, was the 8.2-kiloyear event, which happened 8,200 years ago, or 6200 BCE, and was thought to have occurred because the Laurentied Ice Sheet on North America collapsed, dumping a bunch of cold water into the North Atlantic Ocean. This slowed the northern movement of heat on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Cold water also holds onto carbon dioxide better than warmer water, which may have led to a decrease in CO2 of 25 parts per million over the course of about 300 years. This also caused a rise in sea level in addition to the post-glacial seasonal changes that were more extreme the further from the Hudson Bay area the location was, perhaps leading to Flood Myths.
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By Hans J.J.G. Holm - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=115324786
Another named climate fluctuation is the 4.2-kiloyear event, or the 4.2-kiloyear BP aridification event, which was a drought that affected many areas across the world for about a hundred years from 2200 BCE. While we know both from written historical records as well as glacier cores what happened, the exact cause hasn't been pinpointed as it has for the 8.2-kiloyear event. We do know that the AMOC weakened, which shifted precipitation. There's evidence that the El Niño–Southern Oscillation played a role in the changes. There are some suggestions that volcanic eruptions on Iceland may have had a part, but because Iceland's volcanoes have a low sulfur content, it's hard to know for sure.
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By Jianjun Wang, Liguang Sun, Liqi Chen, Libin Xu, Yuhong Wang & Xinming Wang - The abrupt climate change near 4,400 yr BP on the cultural transition in Yuchisi, China and its global linkageMaterial provided under a Creative Commons 4.0 license:This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.", CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=79003517
Some other climate events that stand out prior to the Industrial Revolution are still relatively mild compared to previous time periods in Earth's history. From the 10th-14th centuries CE, there was a slightly warmer period of time, similar to the climate just before the Industrial Revolution, which was approximately 1°C warmer than a period called the Little Ice Age that happened following it in the 14th-mid 19th centuries CE.
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guyclement · 4 months
[URBEX] CHARMEL CASTLE: THE CHAPEL | LA CHAPELLE DU CHÂTEAU DE CHARMEL - N'hésites pas à t'abonner à ma chaîne et activer les notifications 🔔pour être informé de mes prochaines explorations et découvertes! Feel free to subscribe my channel and activate notifications 🔔to be aware about my next explorations and discoveries! Le château du Charmel était une terre seigneuriale et un vicomté relevant en plein fief du Mgr le Duc de Bouillon à cause de son duché de Château Thierry reçu du Roi en échange de la principauté de Bouillon et Sedan. De nombreux propriétaires se sont succédé. D'abord le Sr François Emmanuel de Ligny (propriété patrimoniale pendant un siècle le vendit en 1738 au comte et comtesse d'Aumalle. Puis Sr Delpech l'acquis en 1766. Il sera revendu à Sr Pierre Arnaud de la Britte en 1772. De nouveau revendu en mai 1782 à Mme Hocquart épouse du Sgr Jean Baptiste Mari Hyacinthe Hocquart, 1er gentilhomme de feu le Roi de Pologne et gouverneur pour le Roi du Château de Fère en Tardenois. Puis Pierre Charles Bonnefoy du Plan en 17874. Bonnefoy du Plan deviendra Baron du Charmel en Juin 1809. Lui succéderont son fils et petit fils qui le vendra à La famille de Rougé Le Château du Charmel, fut édifié en 1849 pour le Comte Louis Bonabes de Rougé (1813-1880). Son mari étant décédé et ses quatre fils mobilisés, la Comtesse de Rougé quitte le château pour Paris et confie la propriété et ses meubles au gardien. Rapidement, le château est transformé en buvette pour les troupes de passage avec les vins de la cave. Il est pillé puis incendié pour faire croire à une destruction par les bombardements. Ces faits seront avoués par la femme du dernier gardien, sur son lit de mort. Après la guerre, des indemnités pour dommages de guerre ont permis de refaire la toiture et de fermer les ouvertures avec des briques et de reconstruire une base d'escalier. Le château n'appartient plus à la Famille de Rougé The castle of Charmel was a seigneurial land and a viscountcy under the fief of the Bishop the Duke of Bouillon because of his duchy of Château Thierry received from the King in exchange for the principality of Bouillon and Sedan. Many owners have succeeded. First, Sr François Emmanuel de Ligny (heritage property for a century sold it in 1738 to the Count and Countess of Aumalle. Then Sr Delpech acquired it in 1766. It was resold to Sr Pierre Arnaud de la Britte in 1772. Sold again in May 1782 to Mme Hocquart wife of the Sgr Jean Baptiste Mari Hyacinthe Hocquart, 1st gentleman of the late King of Poland and governor for the King of the Castle of Fère in Tardenois. Then Pierre Charles Bonnefoy du Plan in 17874. Bonnefoy du Plan became Baron du Charmel in June 1809. He was succeeded by his son and grandson, who sold him to La famille de Rougé The Château du Charmel was built in 1849 for Count Louis Bonabes de Rougé (1813-1880). Her husband having died and her four sons mobilized, the Countess de Rougé left the castle for Paris and entrusted the property and its furniture to the caretaker. Quickly, the castle is transformed into a refreshment bar for passing troops with wines from the cellar. It was looted and then burned to make believe that it was destroyed by the bombing. These facts will be confessed by the wife of the last guard, on her deathbed. After the war, war damages were awarded to rebuild the roof and close the openings with bricks and rebuild a stair base. The castle no longer belongs to the Rougé family El castillo de Charmel era una tierra señorial y un vizcondado en pleno feudo del Obispo el Duque de Bouillon debido a su ducado de Château Thierry recibido del Rey a cambio del principado de Bouillon y Sedan. Muchos propietarios se sucedieron. Primero el Padre François Emmanuel de Ligny (propiedad patrimonial durante un siglo lo vendió en 1738 al conde y condesa de Aumalle. Luego, Sr. Delpech adquirió en 1766 y fue vendido a Sor Pierre Arnaud de la Britte en 1772. Vendida de nuevo en mayo de 1782 a la señora Hocquart esposa del Sgr Jean Baptiste Mari Hyacinthe Hocquart, primer gentilhombre del difunto Rey de Polonia y gobernador para el Rey del Castillo de Fère en Tardenois. Luego Pierre Charles Bonnefoy del Plan en 17874. Bonnefoy del Plan se convertirá en Barón del Charmel en junio de 1809. Le sucederán su hijo y nieto que lo venderá a La familia de Rougé El Château du Charmel, fue construido en 1849 para el conde Luis Bonabes de Rougé (1813-1880). Retrouvez-moi sur les réseaux / Follow me for daily content: 👍 Facebook:  Urbex Guy Clement  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... 👉 Youtube  URBEX Guy Clément  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhQ... 📸 Instagram:  @abandoned.urbex.world  https://www.instagram.com/abandoned.u...     🎵TikTok: @urbexguyclement https://www.tiktok.com/@urbexguycleme...     🐦Twitter: @GuyPellegrin https://twitter.com/GuyPellegrin   #urbex #lostplace #urbex
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alorecipesco · 2 years
15 Famous Persian Recipes With Ground Beef
Ground Beef is one of the most widely consumed food items around the world, with which many delicious and varied dishes are prepared. Minced meat has a special place in Iranian cuisine and many different dishes are prepared with it. From traditional and old Iranian dishes to modern fast food dishes, they are included in the list of dishes prepared with minced meat. Of course, we Iranians, because of our strong interest in all kinds of kebabs, we mostly know minced meat as one of the components of danehde kebabs.
Delicious dishes with minced meat
Number 1
Kebab in a pan is one of the most famous dishes prepared with minced meat, and you can hardly find an Iranian who does not like this delicious dish.
Number 2
Authentic Iranian pounded kebab that does not need a special introduction and is considered one of the most widely consumed Iranian kebabs.
Number 3
Hamburger is one of the popular international foods that needs no introduction. This delicious dish is prepared with various recipes
Number 4
Davud Pasha stew, which is one of the most famous stews in Turkey, is very similar to Fesanjun. The main food used in this stew is minced meat.
Number 5
Kaleh Ganjeshgi is considered one of the traditional Iranian broths, which is prepared with a combination of potatoes and minced meat, and it is a very delicious dish.
Number 6
Chickpea meatball is one of the well-known and authentic Iranian dishes, which is prepared with minced meat. We can make this delicious kufte juicy or thin.
Number 7
Samboseh is one of the most famous and well-known Iranian dishes, which is prepared with various recipes. This time, we have prepared samosa with minced meat, which tastes extremely delicious.
Number 8
Adana kebab is one of the delicious and famous kebabs of Turkey, which is prepared from a combination of minced meat and vegetables, like bonab kebab.
Number 9
Kebab Loqmeh is another lovely dish prepared with minced meat. This delicious dish is so popular that some restaurants only serve kebab sandwiches.
Number 10
Qalkhli meatball or Qalkhli meat is another traditional and delicious Iranian dish. This delicious dish has many recipes that we have prepared one of the best recipes below.
Number 11
One of the delicious and very simple stews that we can make with minced meat is called minced meat stew.
Number 12
Minced meat sandwich is one of the new dishes that we can make very quickly with a combination of minced meat and other vegetables, we recommend that you definitely try this delicious sandwich.
Number 13
For this issue, we would like to introduce Orfa kebab, which is one of the most famous kebabs in the Middle East. This delicious kebab is prepared from a combination of minced meat and vegetables and has a very good taste.
Number 14
Meat roll is one of the delicious international dishes, which is usually prepared from a combination of meat and vegetables. This delicious dish is a little time-consuming and we can use it as a special dish in our parties.
Number 15
Tandoori bite is one of the new international dishes that is made with minced meat. To prepare this delicious dish, you need to spend a little more time than instant food, but you should know that this delicious dish is worth the time.
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Please share and help #Shirvan #Salmas #Bonab #ShahreJadideAndisheh #Behbahan #Shushtar #Khomeyn #Nahavand #Alvand #Naqadeh #Nurabad #Takestan #Minab #Abhar #Dehdasht #Chalus #Khash #Langarud #Damghan #Firuzabad #Nurabad #Darab #RobatKarim #Piranshahr #Kamyaran #Esfarayen #Asadabad #Zarand #TorbateJam #Shahriar https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-Prz8JXoo/?igshid=juvplwipvi0y
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Persian Restaurants in West London | Bonab Restaurant
If you want Persian restaurants in West London for persian food, like Kuku Sabzi, Ghormeh Sabzi ,Khoresht -E, Ash Reshteh or many items. then visit to know more.
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Bonab Restaurant offers a wide range of services in west London. You can order Persian food directly by getting in touch with our experts. Give us a call on 02088400008 or visit our website to know more. https://turkishrestaurantinwestlondon.co.uk/
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haberler-kim · 7 years
Atatürk Üniversitesi, Bonab ve Tebriz Üniversiteleri ile İşbirliği Anlaşması imzaladı
Atatürk Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı Merkezi Asya Üniversiteleri Birliği Yönetim Kurulu Toplantısı’na katılmak üzere gittiği İran’da bulunan çeşitli üniversiteler ile işbirliği protokolleri imzaladı.
Mohagheghe Erdebil Üniversitesinde düzenlenen Merkezi Asya Üniversiteleri Birliği Yönetim Kurulu Toplantısı’na katılan Atatürk Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı burada bölge…
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sigortahaber · 3 years
Mersin’de bulunan fabrikada yıllık 5 bin ton üretim kapasitesine sahip olarak akrilik koli bandı sektöründe faaliyetlerini sürdüren BonaBant Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Nida Beyoğlu Arslan, pandemiyle birlikte başlayan hammadde sorunu ve navlun fiyatlarındaki...
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guyclement · 6 months
URBEX Guy Clément FRANCE | LE CHARMEL | LA GRANGE DU CHÂTEAU VIDEO - N'hésites pas à t'abonner à ma chaîne et activer les notifications 🔔pour être informé de mes prochaines explorations et découvertes! Feel free to subscribe my channel and activate notifications 🔔to be aware about my next explorations and discoveries! Une histoire riche en rebondissement même si elle est soumise à caution... Une terre Seigneuriale qui passe par de nombreux propriétaires. Le Chateau du Charmel est construit en 1849 pour le Comte Louis Bonabes de Rougé. Sa femme, à l'issue du décès de son mari, l'aurait donné en gestion au gardien. L'histoire, veut que le gardien aurait pillé le château puis l'aurait incendié pour faire croire à une destruction de guerre... Les indemnités pour dommages de guerre ont permis de restaurer maladroitement des parties... A history rich in twists even if it is subject to caution... A Seigneurial land that passes through many owners. The Chateau du Charmel was built in 1849 for Count Louis Bonabes de Rougé. His wife, after the death of her husband, would have given it to the caretaker. The story is that the guard would have looted the castle and then burned it to make believe a war destruction... Compensation for war damage has made it possible to awkwardly restore parties... Una historia rica en rebote aunque esté sujeta a fianza... Una tierra señorial que pasa por muchos propietarios. El castillo de Charmel fue construido en 1849 para el conde Luis Bonabes de Rougé. Su esposa, tras la muerte de su marido, lo habría entregado al guardián para que lo administrara. La historia dice que el guardia saqueó el castillo y lo incendió para que pareciera una destrucción de guerra... Las indemnizaciones por daños de guerra permitieron restaurar torpemente partes... Eine Geschichte voller Wendungen, auch wenn sie unter Vorbehalt steht... Ein herrschaftliches Land, das viele Besitzer durchläuft. Das Chateau du Charmel wurde 1849 für den Grafen Louis Bonabes de Rougé erbaut. Seine Frau, nach dem Tod ihres Mannes, soll es dem Hausmeister gegeben haben. Die Geschichte besagt, dass der Wächter das Schloss geplündert und dann angezündet hat, um es wie eine Kriegszerstörung aussehen zu lassen... Die Entschädigung für Kriegsschäden ermöglichte die ungeschickte Wiederherstellung der Parteien... Una storia ricca di colpi di scena anche se soggetta a garanzia... Una terra signorile che passa attraverso numerosi proprietari. Il castello di Charmel fu costruito nel 1849 per il conte Luigi Bonabes di Rougé. Sua moglie, dopo la morte del marito, l'avrebbe dato in gestione al custode. La storia vuole che il custode avrebbe saccheggiato il castello e poi l'avrebbe incendiato per far credere ad una distruzione di guerra... Le indennità per danni di guerra hanno permesso di ripristinare goffamente le parti... Historia bogata w zwroty akcji, nawet jeśli podlega ostrożności... Kraina Seigneurial, która przechodzi przez wielu właścicieli. Chateau du Charmel został zbudowany w 1849 roku dla hrabiego Louisa Bonabesa de Rougé. Jego żona, po śmierci męża, oddałaby go dozorcy. Historia polega na tym, że strażnik splądrowałby zamek, a następnie spalił go, aby uwierzyć w zniszczenie wojenne... Rekompensata za szkody wojenne umożliwiła niezręczne przywracanie partii... История богата поворотами, даже если это подлежит осторожности... Сеньориальные земли, которые проходят через много владельцев. Замок Шарпель был построен в 1849 году для графа Луи Бонабеса де Руже. Его жена после смерти мужа отдала бы его опекуну. История в том, что охранник разграбил замок, а затем сжег его, чтобы представить, что война разрушила... Компенсация за нанесенный войной ущерб позволила неловко восстановить стороны... Retrouvez-moi sur les réseaux / Follow me for daily content: 👍 Facebook: Urbex Guy Clement  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... 👉 Youtube  URBEX Guy Clément  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNhQ... 📸 Instagram: @abandoned.urbex.world  https://www.instagram.com/abandoned.u... 🎵TikTok: @urbexguyclement https://www.tiktok.com/@urbexguycleme... 🐦Twitter: @GuyPellegrin https://twitter.com/GuyPellegrin   #abandoned #lostplace #urbex
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medyadergisi · 3 years
BonaBant'tan ihracat atağı: “Mersin’den dünyaya açılmak gurur veriyor”
BonaBant’tan ihracat atağı: “Mersin’den dünyaya açılmak gurur veriyor”
Mersin’de bulunan fabrikalarında yıllık 500 ton üretim kapasitesine sahip olarak akrilik koli bandı sektöründe faaliyetlerini sürdüren BonaBant Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Nida Beyoğlu Arslan, pandemi döneminde aldıkları riskin sonuçlarını pozitif anlamda gördüklerini belirterek şimdilerde Rusya, Romanya,  Almanya, İtalya ve başta Irak olmak üzere Orta Doğu pazarından yoğun talep aldıklarını belirtti.…
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Please share and help #Shirvan #Salmas #Bonab #ShahreJadideAndisheh #Behbahan #Shushtar #Khomeyn #Nahavand #Alvand #Naqadeh #Nurabad #Takestan #Minab #Abhar #Dehdasht #Chalus #Khash #Langarud #Damghan #Firuzabad #Nurabad #Darab #RobatKarim #Piranshahr #Kamyaran #Esfarayen #Asadabad #Zarand #TorbateJam #Shahriar https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-PpWwJNMb/?igshid=10xmv9vlhfl0d
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habergezgini · 3 years
BonaBant'tan ihracat atağı: “Mersin’den dünyaya açılmak gurur veriyor”
BonaBant’tan ihracat atağı: “Mersin’den dünyaya açılmak gurur veriyor”
Mersin’de bulunan fabrikalarında yıllık 500 ton üretim kapasitesine sahip olarak akrilik koli bandı sektöründe faaliyetlerini sürdüren BonaBant Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Nida Beyoğlu Arslan, pandemi döneminde aldıkları riskin sonuçlarını pozitif anlamda gördüklerini belirterek şimdilerde Rusya, Romanya,  Almanya, İtalya ve başta Irak olmak üzere Orta Doğu pazarından yoğun talep aldıklarını belirtti.…
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haberyazari · 3 years
BonaBant'tan ihracat atağı: “Mersin’den dünyaya açılmak gurur veriyor”
BonaBant’tan ihracat atağı: “Mersin’den dünyaya açılmak gurur veriyor”
Mersin’de bulunan fabrikalarında yıllık 500 ton üretim kapasitesine sahip olarak akrilik koli bandı sektöründe faaliyetlerini sürdüren BonaBant Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Nida Beyoğlu Arslan, pandemi döneminde aldıkları riskin sonuçlarını pozitif anlamda gördüklerini belirterek şimdilerde Rusya, Romanya,  Almanya, İtalya ve başta Irak olmak üzere Orta Doğu pazarından yoğun talep aldıklarını belirtti.…
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salesfusiontech · 3 years
High speed Bow Roller Supplier In Bonab Iran
#MetalBananaRoller  #Bonab  #Iran
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trendoa · 4 years
Arslan: "Sektördeki olumsuz gelişmeleri müşterilerimize yansıtmıyoruz"
Arslan: “Sektördeki olumsuz gelişmeleri müşterilerimize yansıtmıyoruz”
Bant sektörünün öncü firmalarından BonaBant Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Nida Beyoğlu Arslan, mevcut hammadde artışlarından dolayı kimyasal ve plastik hammaddelerinde yaşanan sorunun hala devam ettiğini belirterek, sektördeki birçok firmanın siparişleri iptal ettiğini, kendilerinin ise sipariş iptali yapmadığını ve müşterilerine mağduriyet yaşatmadıklarını söyledi. Son günlerde hammadde fiyatlarına…
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