hollowed-hallowed · 2 years
BBRarepairBash2022 Roundup | Days 6-10
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Here’s the final roundup of everything posted for the last days of Bonnie’s Rarepair Bash! For the roundup for Days 1-5, click here.
If I missed your work, please let me know, and I will fix that immediately. Also, it is never too late to join in the fun. I will be reblogging creations for the event until the end of August. So if you’re inspired by all the delightful things you’ve been seeing, feel free to post your own creations whenever you can and tag me. For the original post for prompts, click here.
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@amariaamaris​ - “Darkness” - Stefonnie
@thebennettdiaries​ - “Bets & Wagers” - Stefonnie
@nys30 - “Darkness” - Stefonnie
@michelle-manips​ - Bonnie x Elijah - Bonlijah
@/michelle-manips - Bonnie x Peter Parker - Bonnie/Spiderman
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@/amariaamaris - “Acceptance” - Boncent
@/thebennettdiaries - “Darkness” - Boncent
@/nys30 - “Acceptance” - Boncent
@/michelle-manips - “Bonnie x Jefferson” - Bonnie/Mad Hatter
@/michelle-manips - “Bonnie x Derek Hale 1” - Berek
@/michelle-manips - “Bonnie x Derek Hale 2” - Berek
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@/amariaamaris - “Calamity” - Boncel
@/thebennettdiaries - “Friends to Enemies” - Boncel
@/nys30 - “Calamity” - Boncel
@/michelle-manips - “Bonnie x Mick St. John”
@/michelle-manips - “Bonnie x Frank Castle” - Bonnie/Punisher
@/michelle-manips - “Bonbekah”
@/michelle-manips - “Bonora”
@celestialsmessy1​ - “To Get You All Alone” - Bonkai
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@/amariaamaris - “Devotion” - Boncadius
@/thebennettdiaries - “Devotion” - Baroline
@/nys30 - “Devotion” - Baroline
@/michelle-manips - “Klonnie”
@/michelle-manips - “Kennett”
@/michelle-manips - “NOLA”
@cancerian-woman​ - “Abundance” - Bonora
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@/amariaamaris - “Freedom” - Tonnie
@/thebennettdiaries - “Freedom” - Tonnie
@nys30 - “Freedom” - Tonnie
@/michelle-manips - “Bonnie x Dean Winchester”
@/michelle-manips - “Bonnie x Stiles Stilinski”
@/michelle-manips - “Bonlijah”
Special Thanks to: @amariaamaris​ @thebennettdiaries​ @michelle-manips​ @nys30 @cancerian-woman​ @celestialsmessy1​ @xawkward-ariesx​ @six2vii @blackgirlmagic20​ @whoracefitz​ and everyone else who liked and reblogged. You’ve all made this event amazing, and I cannot thank you enough!
Make sure to check out The Bennett Diaries event - Bonnie Bennett OC Celebration happening in September!
And I’ll be attempting to throw another event in late October, so keep an eye out for that announcement.
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amariaamaris · 2 years
Bonnie Bennett’s Rarepair Bash: Day Nine
Arcadius/Bonnie Bennett
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Bonnie can feel him there, ever since she left Mystic Falls, she knows that he has been following her. He never shows himself to her, but Bonnie can sense him, can feel his oppressive energy. She finally stops walking down the street; really, she’s tired of these types of games. All Bonnie wants now is peace and to become truly educated on witchcraft.
“Just come out already Arcadius, I know you’ve been following me since I left Mystic Falls. Though, I have no clue as to why. Last I checked I don’t have anything you want or need.” In a blink he is right in front of her, with that irritatingly cool smile on his face.
Arcadius calmly raises his hands half-way to show he’s here in peace. “Do you not know what Devotion is Bonnie?” Bonnie stares at him for a couple of moments, completely caught off guard. She was not at all expecting him to respond with that.
“Umm, O-Of course I know what Devot-” A tisking sound escapes Arcadius as he firmly grips the back of Bonnie’s neck. Tension runs through her body as she warily watches him.
“No, the exact definition, Bonnie… is love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. Why else would I be here, with you, now.” Arcadius watches the confusion fill her eyes even more as she tries to process exactly what he is saying. “How could I be anywhere other than right by your side as you travel the world.”
A shiver runs through Bonnie’s body, “How can I trust that you're being honest and not just trying to manipulate me?” and a slow smile spreads across Arcadius’s lips.
“You tell me Bonnie, you are powerful enough to see and feel whether or not I’m being honest.” Arcadius raises a brow in challenge, waiting to see what she’ll do in response.
Oh, and Bonnie Bennett does not disappoint.
Her eyes spark with her magic and in a swift movement; she pulls Arcadius into a soul searching kiss. A low groan escapes him as he feels Bonnie’s magic exploring his own. Before he can pull her tightly to him; Bonnie pulls away and starts walking. Leaving him standing there gaping, wondering what the hell just happened.
Bonnie stops walking and glances at him over her shoulder, “Are you coming or not?” a truly wicked grin comes onto Arcadius’s face as he catches up with Bonnie.
Arcadius puts his arm around Bonnie as they walk; knowing that finally, he will be content.
(@hollowed-hallowed and @bbtvducollection​)
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hollowed-hallowed · 2 years
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10 Days of Bonnie Bennett getting the love she deserves!
Each day has a word, a rarepair ship, and an ao3 tag. These are just for inspiration, all optional, not a requirement. Use whatever you wish to create for our favorite Bennett witch!
Day 01 - July 22 | Word: Abundance
Rarepair: Bonora (Nora Hildegarde), Finnett (Finn Mikaelson)
Tag: "BAMF Bonnie Bennett"
Day 02 - July 23 | Word: Regret
Rarepair: Bonliv (Liv Parker), Bonkai (Kai Parker)
Tag: "Soulmates"
Day 03 - July 24 | Word: Delight
Rarepair: Bonley (Hayley Marshall), Kennett (Kol Mikaelson)
Tag: "Bonnie Bennett Goes To New Orleans"
Day 04 - July 25 | Word: Revenge
Rarepair: Bonbekah (Rebekah Mikaelson), Bonlijah (Elijah Mikaelson)
Tag: "Familiars"
Day 05 - July 26 | Word: Transform
Rarepair: Batherine (Katherine Pierce), Klonnie (Klaus Mikaelson)
Tag: "Vampire Bonnie Bennett"
Day 06 - July 27 | Word: Darkness
Rarepair: Breya (Freya Mikaelson), Stefonnie (Stefan Salvatore)
Tag: "Bets & Wagers"
Day 07 - July 28 | Word: Acceptance
Rarepair: Bonlena (Elena Gilbert), Boncent (Vincent Griffith)
Tag: "Dark Bonnie Bennett"
Day 08 - July 29 | Word: Calamity
Rarepair: Davonnie (Davina Claire), Boncel (Marcel Gerard)
Tag: "Friends to Enemies"
Day 09 - July 30 | Word: Devotion
Rarepair: Baroline (Caroline Forbes), Boncadius (Arcadius)
Tag: "Bonnie Bennett Leaves Mystic Falls"
Day 10 - July 31 | Word: Freedom
Rarepair: Bonia (Gia), Tonnie (Tyler Lockwood)
Tag: "Time Travel Fix-It"
Rarepair for this event is a ship with less than 175 completed works, with main focus on the Bonnie ship. (Honestly, this is a casual event, so if you're doing the bigger Bonnie ships, I ain't gonna stop you, but the focus is on the rarepairs - the rarer, the better.)
Crossovers, polyamory, LGBTQ+ are all welcome.
I'll be reblogging folks work until the end of August, so if you're late, no worries, still drop what you have when you can.
Please tag appropriately, even if that means you're simply stating you're not going to tag anything.
Use #bbrarepairbash2022 so others can find your work. Tag me @/hollowed-hallowed, so I can make sure I reblog your creations. If there's enough interest, I'll start a collection on AO3.
Drop me a message or ask if you have any questions. I'll see you all in July!
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