#bonnie going full dark witch-vampire mode
lady-corrine · 7 months
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nicolasnelson · 5 years
theories about sizzie in the prison world?..
Thanks for asking! I have so many theories and tomorrow’s episode will probably throw most of these out the window, but let’s go for it anyways.
Lizzie will feel completely betrayed that her father lied to her and put Sebastian in a prison world. Not to mention it’s the same prison world with her crazy uncle, and Sebastian tells her Alaric has sent other students there too. She can’t be in the same room with her father.
Lizzie and Sebastian will talk alone in another room. Lizzie is blaming her father for everything, and he can see it’s really crushing her. Sebastian will admit that he tried to get her father to attack him. This will just upset Lizzie more, but she’ll remember what Alyssa said about Sebastian fearing he’s not good enough for Lizzie. She’ll assure him that he is enough for her, that his past doesn’t matter to her, and that she does really fancy him, not just sex with him. She realized how much she missed him once he was gone.
Sebastian will possibly admit that he wanted to leave because he cared about her too much and was afraid of ruining a good thing. I would also like to see Sebastian share a little more about what happened with Cassandra, how in the end he couldn’t protect her, and he’s terrified of watching Lizzie die before his eyes. (Which would be ironic if that does happen later, but he has vampire blood in her system so she becomes a heretic.) I am definitely expecting a kiss or at least a hug this episode.
While Lizzie is off with Sebastian, Alaric will be largely unprotected so Kai can kidnap him and lock him up in the most poetic way possible. (The knife Josie holds in the promo pictures is probably a source of magic.) Kai calls Josie and tells her she has to unlock her dark side to save her father.
Sebastian will find out about the merge from someone other than Lizzie (or from Lizzie). It will upset him that Lizzie never told him about it, and he’ll be incredibly worried for Lizzie. He will realize that leaving her won’t keep her safer, and that he wants to help find a way to avoid the merge.
When Sebastian learns who Kai is and what he did to Lizzie’s mother, he will go into full protection mode, which is why Kai goes after Alaric and Josie first. He can play the slow game if it means torturing the Saltzmans more. (Kai is definitely jealous that Josie and Lizzie got positive attention from their parents and weren’t shunned for being siphoners.)
Lizzie will get hurt and Sebastian will feed her his blood to heal her. Later, Kai will learn of this and threaten to kill Lizzie and turn her into a witch/vampire hybrid (heretic) like him. Sebastian will help her get away from him, but it will be a close call. (Also another thought, what if it’s Kai who feeds Lizzie his own blood, and she can’t believe he’d do anything to help her, and she ends up being right because he only gave her his blood to try to turn her into a heretic later.)
Either way, I feel pretty confident the idea of one or both twins becoming heretics will be teased this episode. Kai may offer it as a solution to the merge. They won’t have to merge if they’re technically dead. And if only one “dies,” then the other will just have to be careful never to have children. I don’t think anyone will be turned this early in the show, but it’s going to be a big reminder that this can happen later.
I do think it’s quite possible Kai will manage to escape the prison world (likely with Josie’s help after he misleads her into doing something that will actually allow him to escape) and leave the Saltzmans and Sebastian behind. 2x13 could focus on Hope trying to get them back, but her efforts are interrupted by Kai causing trouble at the school. People are going to be killed. None of our favorites are safe. Kai is back. This is not a drill.
2x13 is called “You Can’t Save Them All.” That could refer to the other students Alaric sent to the Prison World. This could be the episode where Sebastian gets his chance to shine. I would really love for Lizzie and Sebastian to find a way to save everybody. Though I am also terrified they will kill off a major character this episode, or that someone will make the big sacrifice to stay behind in the Prison World while the others escape, like what happened when Bonnie sent Damon back and stayed behind with Kai. If someone has to stay behind, I feel the two people most likely to make that sacrifice would be Sebastian or Alaric.
After this week’s episode, I am sure I will have a whole new list of theories. I’ll be curious to see where the show goes next!
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cecevolume · 5 years
Fate - Chapter One
Oofta.  I have to say, the first chapter is always the hardest.  Prologues are easy; you just set up the story.  First chapters of the actual timeline?  Ugh.
Little note: When I wrote the original, some characters hadn’t appeared in the show yet.  I’m adding them in where I see fit, so Enzo will not be a vampire.
As always, I hope you guys enjoy! 
               “I got friends in low places!” she sang, raising her mug with the rowdy bunch of demons she’d chosen for her drinking partners that night.  They all were singing along to the song, spilling potent demon brew all over the floor while the other beings in the place laughed and danced in the chaos.
               Yesterday, if someone had told Caroline Forbes that this was how she would be spending her night, she wouldn’t have necessarily been surprised; demons were especially fun to hang with on a night out. But if you said that she was doing it to give herself a cover should her friends decide to seek her out instead of her ignoring them on her phone?  That would have been a stretch.
               They were her best friends, after all.  But just a touch on the annoying side.
               “Too bad about your werewolf, gorgeous,” Enzo muttered, throwing his arm around her shoulder.  Over the last fifty years, they’d partied a lot; he was one of the few rage demons she could stand to hang with for more than a day.  “But that just means you can finally acknowledge your feelings for me,” he added with a smirk and swig of demon brew.
               Enzo St. John was a well-known demon around Mystic Falls, one who had no problem bedding any female he turned his attention to. His thick, dark hair always looked like he’d gotten up and run his hand through it, called it good.  If you caught those deep brown eyes sparkling at you, it meant one of two things: drop your panties or get the hell outta Dodge. As with most demons, he was lean, compacted muscle, the kind that made him hell in a fight.
               And she’d be lying if she said she’d never thought about investigating the rumors of his…endowments.
               Alas, she had found Tyler soon after meeting Enzo and he’d been a much safer choice.  Now that “her werewolf” was gone, she just wasn’t willing to go through knowing that he would leave her someday, just like Tyler.
               Rolling her eyes, she plucked his arm from around her. “You know,” she answered, “that’s never going to happen.  I’m not trying to get attempted tonight.”  As he opened his mouth to say something sly, she continued, “Or ever.”
               Once again, Enzo’s arm found his way around her shoulders, this time putting his mouth to her ear to murmur, “That’s a very long time for an immortal, love, and I’m sure you wouldn’t like to eat your words.”
               She stifled a little shiver but couldn’t help giving herself an inward shake.  Enzo was a demon looking for his mate, just like Tyler.  The accent and his do-what-you-feel attitude were tempting, but what would happen when he left her too?  At least with Tyler, she hadn’t had to worry about being cheated on as well as the end that was always looming in the distance.
               Giving him a small smile, she said, “How about this? If I don’t find myself a male by the time I’m five-hundred and you don’t find your female by then, we’ll try it out, see where it goes.”
               Throwing back his head to laugh with a sparkle in his chocolate brown eyes, he replied, “I’ll write you in, darling.”  He turned his attention back to Matt, who stood behind the bar with one eyebrow raised.  “Matt, old boy!  You’re our witness; Caroline’s mine on her five hundredth birthday!  A round for the bar in celebration!”
               All the Loreans in the bar shouted in glee, holding up their glasses in toast.
Normally, even a Born vampire wouldn’t be welcomed so whole-heartedly into the bar.  Naturally, a creature that drank blood for sustenance was an unwanted patron in any establishment, much less one that actually knew they were bloodsuckers.  Just the appearance of one could either clear out a place or turn it into a full-on brawl.
Caroline Forbes was special, though.  Not only was Matt one of her best friends and now roommate, she was proud to say she was hard not to like.  Even people who didn’t like her could at least acknowledge that she was great to party with.  Life of the party, she thought to herself with a smile as she gave her beer another sip.
A chill she was all too familiar with went up her spine, making her eyes narrow as she turned in her seat.  It was the sense that someone was…exasperated with her.
Swinging her attention to the door of the bar, she saw exactly who she had expected to see: Bonnie and Elena.
They stood apart from the rest of the crowd, mostly because of their reputations.  They could drink and carry on with the rest of Caroline’s rag-tag team of friends, but that didn’t mean they didn’t get a wide berth the rest of the time.
Bonnie was the last Bennett witch, which made her quite possibly the strongest of her kind to ever live; the Bennetts were thought to be the first line of witches to step out of the ether.  It didn’t help that the mocha-skinned woman had no problem throwing her weight around, dropping immortals left and right with just a look if they displeased her.  Caroline thought it was a little over the top, but might makes right was the Lore’s motto.  And this witch might just be the mightiest.
Of course, she could also chug a bottle of tequila and ask for seconds, something she had learned before she’d even met Party Girl Caroline.
While Bonnie took care of everything mystically, Elena was the warrior princess.  As a Valkyrie, she had been trained since her birth forty years ago to battle with any weapon, at any time.  Being the Doppelganger was just more reason to train her harder.  She had no qualms about taking on the big and bad; nine point nine times out of ten, she’d end up winning too.
But she also could flip her long chestnut hair and shake her as like a champ.
Both of them weren’t shallow, one dimensional people.  They had depth.  Whoops, she thought with a larger gulp of beer.  Guess the universe just forgets to shade in some when they spend so much time painting other masterpieces.
Caroline was more a blunt tool, untrained kind of woman. If it could do damage, she would inflict some real hurt with it.  Though she’d learned to wield dual blades, she preferred to adapt to a situation; it made people more likely to underestimate her.
Yeah, walking around with a bow and short sword attached to you or magic glowing from your palms was cool, but to knock someone out with a lamppost was much more theatric.  Plus it didn’t require as much talent.
Raising her hand in a wave, she called, “You guys come to drink or fight tonight?”  She laughed when the whole bar—except the ever-suffering Matt, who merely shook his head with a grin—seemed to suck in a breath, waiting for the answer.
Normally, this would at least get a reaction of some sort out of the pair striding through the parting patrons.  A little spark of magic or a twirl of an arrow.  Just a little something to remind everyone that they were creatures with which one did not fuck.
Now, though, Caroline could see the purpose in their steps, their eyes.  What the hell was going on?  “Are you guys okay?” she asked when they finally got to her.
Bonnie gave a quick glance around the bar—glaring at Enzo’s back as he sidled up some nymph—before murmuring, “We have to get out of here, find some place we can talk.  There are too many people here that might be listening in.”  Her eyes strayed once more, as if she could pick out someone eavesdropping.
With a small snort, Caroline laughed, “Of course they’re listening; everyone here is just as much gossipmongers as a gaggle of old women.” A small mutter rippled through the crowd, making the vampire roll her eyes.  “Oh, yeah, because that doesn’t make it seem like any of you were eavesdropping at all!”
Elena snatched her arm, pulling her quickly out of the stool. “Care, I love you, but now isn’t the time.  Things are happening and Bonnie and I need you right now.”
Glancing over his shoulder, Enzo chimed in, “Did you read my dream journal?  Dear Diary, today I dreamed a lonely witch, Valkyrie, and vampire found comfort in each other’s hot, wet—ah!”
Bonnie clenched her hand as the demon dropped to the ground, clutching his head.  “Shut up,” she hissed before turning back to Caroline.  “We have issues to talk about and the longer we sit here, the more problems we accumulate—son of a bitch!”
Everyone sensed it a mere moment after the witch.  As a group, their attention went straight back to the front door and the two new occupants.  If she didn’t see Bonnie building magic in her palms or Elena slowly unsheathing her short sword, Caroline would have laughed at the audacity then joined in the soon-to-be melee.
Two Turned vampires walk into a bar, she thought mockingly as she downed the last of her beer.  “Is this one of the problems we’ve ‘accumulated’?” she asked quietly, noting Bonnie’s discreet nod in her direction.  “Are we in fight or flight mode tonight?”
Surprisingly, it was Elena who answered, “Flight,” before inching closer to the bar.  “Matt,” she muttered, “we could either use a berserker to clear the path or a distraction to get to the back door.”
The young, blonde vampire had never heard of a Valkyrie choosing retreat before the battle even started and had to eye the newcomers. What was so special about them?
Turned humans were notoriously arrogant; the sudden influx of previously unknown strength was like a drug to most.  Usually, though, they were put down before they got too old because they were driven mad by the level of emotions and bloodlust.  Their new instincts often warred with their delicate mortal minds.  And a crazy immortal ended up a dead immortal.
Tilting her head, she regarded them more closely.  The pair didn’t show any signs of madness, but definitely some intensity.  The taller of the two ran his hand through his tawny hair, his light hazel eyes surveying the gathered group with something akin to pity.  He stood just behind the other, his powerful body held tight beneath his brown leather jacket, forest green T, and jeans, as if waiting for the inevitable fight.
So he was the smart one, then.  Didn’t hurt matters that he was cute to boot.
The other, though, garnered Caroline’s interest in a different way.  There was something about how he held himself—loose but alert—that told her he was used to fighting and winning.  Thick black hair fell in a small wave to accentuate the hard lines of his features. A smirk played on his lips as he surveyed the room with his lightning blue gaze, stopping to lock on…Elena.
Because of course it was Elena he was looking for; wasn’t everyone?
“Sorry, folks, we’re just passing through.  Seems something of mine has wandered in,” he called to the room, raising his hands as if in surrender.  “I don’t want to fight any more than the rest of you.”
Rising shakily from the floor, his rage state beginning to form, Enzo snarled past thick, strong fangs, “Fucking Damon,” before turning to his comrades.  “That’s the fuck that stabbed me with a tree limb.”
Growls erupted from the room; demons might fight amongst themselves, but it was more in a sibling rivalry way.  They didn’t take kindly to someone else doing it.
It was about to get very messy in the bar.
Glancing over her shoulder, Caroline saw that Matt had similar thoughts.  His eyes were already flooding pure black as the specter of the bear inside him shimmered over him like a thin veil, his muscles beginning to grow.  As he shattered the mug he’d been holding into tiny shards, he growled, “Go out the back.  Only one vampire is allowed in this bar.”
As the trio tensed to jump the bar, the blue eyed Turned finally took his eyes off Elena long enough to say charmingly, “You might not want to push this, fellas; what’s a little stabbing amongst friends?”  When that didn’t stop anyone from readying themselves, his smile deepened into something dangerous.  Once again, he caught Elena’s eyes and winked.
“What the hell,” Caroline asked as she turned towards her friend, “is that all about?”
With a blush rising in her cheeks—again, what the fuck was going on—Elena muttered, “He thinks I’m his Bride, which means we gotta get out of here.”
Well, desperate times….
Leaning towards Enzo—who just needed the smallest nudge to completely lose control—Caroline whispered, “You’re really going to take that from a Turned?  He ran you through!”
Enzo’s battle roar seemed to be all the spark this particular tinder box needed because all around her, chaos broke out.  Matt vaulted the counter, his body nearly twice its usual size as Enzo charged the pair.  All around other demons followed suit, the nymphs fading into floorboards. In the corner a pair of female werewolves snarled as the change began to take hold, their fangs shooting longer and claws curling into the wood of their table.  A group of Sirens started to lose their glamour, transforming quickly into their true monstrous selves.
This was pretty much a done deal.
“Do we still have to run—”
Elena grabbed her arm and began running towards the back even as the Turned bellowed her name from behind them.  Stumbling backwards as she tried to right herself, Caroline saw just as Enzo and his crew reached the pair before Bonnie shouted in her ear, “Let’s go; we don’t have time to be caught in a bar brawl!”
Bursting through the door, the Valkyrie finally released her vampiric friend’s limb and said, “Grab your keys!  Time to book it to Val Hall!”  When Bonnie started to argue, Elena cut her off quickly.  “It’s closer and they won’t be able to get past the lightning.  Plus, I’m ninety percent sure that they have a witch too.”
“Okay, ladies,” Caroline said as she ran past them, barely a blur, “we have way too much to talk about!  Just get in the car!”  Beeping the locks, she opened both front and rear passenger doors for the others, watching as Elena nose-dived immediately into the front seat.
Bonnie, however, stood facing the shaking bar, arms spread wide. Flames began to ignite in her hands and Caroline could have groaned.  So now the witch wanted to stand her ground?  What happened to not having time?!
“It’s time to go!” Caroline said sharply, drawing her friend’s attention.  Blazing eyes turned to her.  Waving her arms in a this-way motion, the vampire hissed, “We can always come back and whoop ass later, but right now, Elena kinda needs to leave.  The last thing we need is some Turned catching her and making her his Bride.”  Glancing back at the Doppelganger in her car, she murmured knowingly, “Unless you want the vampire?”
All she got was a glare, so she shrugged with a smile.  “I mean, to each their own; just had to check.”
However, neither of the other women seemed to think she was funny even though she was pretty sure she was hilarious.  Once again, different strokes for different folks.
“Fine.”  Bonnie started back towards the car, looking only a little put out.  “But only because this is the least of our worries right now,” she added testily, sliding into the backseat and slamming her door.  “We have to talk about the oracle—”
All three females’ heads twisted back to the barely surviving door, only to see it on the pavement, the blue-eyed vampire snarling atop it.  He was fully vampiric now, his fangs long and lethal as black veins spread down his cheeks. His clothes and skin were splattered with blood, just to top off the whole look.  “Don’t even think about it, Elena,” he growled, stalking forward. “If I have to find you—”
Rolling her eyes, Caroline shook her blonde hair. “Okay, I’m done with this melodrama. Maybe you can call her and set up a date?  Instead of the whole vampire Tarzan thing?  We have stuff to do and you’re really—” she yanked a lamppost out its cement base “—getting in the way of that!”  Swinging the post over her shoulder, she shouted, “Batter up!”
In that moment, he charged, moving faster than even she could track.  Fuck, she thought, how old is this guy?  In the blink of an eye, he would be on her; if she swung, she wouldn’t get a second chance.  She had to make sure he couldn’t dodge….
With a sudden hiss of pain, he dropped to his knees mere feet in front of her, fingers digging into his scalp.  A look over her shoulder showed Bonnie—from the safety of the car—clenching her hand much as she had with Enzo.
“Bonnie, coming in clutch with an aneurysm!” Dropping the light, Caroline strode to the car.  “Thank you.  While part of me believed I could do some damage, I didn’t want to take the chance that guy took my head off.”  She smiled as she climbed in the driver’s seat, casually adjusting her mirrors.  “I mean, he made it out of a bar brawl with a myriad of monsters; I don’t know how much hope I would have.”
“He’s starting to get up!” Elena cried.  “Go, go, go!”
Sure enough, despite the fact that Bonnie still had him, the vampire was struggling to rise to his feet, seeming to shake off the pain to focus on the Valkyrie.  He lifted his arm, pointing at her shakily.  “I’ll find you,” he snarled.
With a small squeak—and that wasn’t even directed at her—Caroline turned back around and put pedal to metal.  The tires screeching, she took off without looking back, just letting the car hit its top speed even as it shook.  “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck,” she chanted, nearly constantly looking into her rearview.  If he could resist Bonnie, what was to stop him from being fast enough to catch up?
Elena was breathing heavily, sinking into her seat in relief.  “I just want to get back to Val Hall to hang with my sisters, that’s it.  I need a stiff drink and a hot bath.”
Bonnie leaned between the front seats, hands on the back of each.  “We have a lot to talk about.  That Turned vampire is the least of our worries right now.  Caroline,” she turned her full attention to the blonde woman, “the Oracle at the House had a vision today about you.  She told us to watch after you, but that’s all she would give us; she says if you can avoid being captured for a week, to come to her and you’ll be ready for what she has to say.”
Caroline had to stop herself from slamming on the breaks at that.  “What?!” she demanded.  “And you didn’t think something like that was important to tell me immediately?! Who the hell is trying to come after me?!”
She wasn’t the one that immortals chased; there was nothing special about her.  She was just a seventy-four year old Born vampire whose parents ditched her the moment she transitioned into a full immortal.  Not a Doppelganger, not the most powerful witch in existence, not even a rare breed of monster that was strong enough to lift a semi.  There wasn’t a single thing that would make her stand out to anyone for an abduction other than knowing several High Profile beings.
Caroline Forbes was nothing to anybody but a side character in someone else’s story.  Wasn’t that exactly what had happened with Tyler?  Second best to someone he hasn’t even met yet, she thought as her hands clenched the steering wheel tight enough for it to start to crack.
“I don’t know!” Bonnie said.  “That’s why you need to lay low for a week!”
Elena sat up at last with a sigh, pushing her heavy chestnut hair back from her face.  “Which brings us to the next problem.”  Turning to Caroline, she explained, “There’s been sightings of a couple of Originals all around the county.  We don’t know what they’re after but we can guess it has something to do with me or Katherine Pierce, the Queen of Illusions and Persuasion.”
That seemed a touch more important than having to lay low for a week, at least in Caroline’s mind.  If someone was looking for her, it was usually to plan a party.
But when they were looking for either of the living Doppelgangers, it usually meant they were trying to do something evil; Doppelganger blood held mystical properties that’s power was through the roof.  Essentially, it was the immortal way of going nuclear in a war.
And the Originals—though they normally seemed to keep the murder and mayhem to a minimum—were the Vampire Royal Family.  No one was sure how old they were, but they were the strongest vampires in existence and were rumored to have untold power.  Though she’d only seen them in Lorean tabloids, like for Finn and Sage’s vow renewal twenty years before, that didn’t detract from the fact that they had strength not just as a collective but separately to do whatever they wanted.
Like most Born vampires, Caroline had grown up hearing stories of them and how, even without magic, they could day-walk, that they were all the strengths and none of the weaknesses.  What they wanted, they got, no matter how many innocent people they had to take down in the meantime.
So….  “That seems a little more important than watching my back,” she conceded, glancing in the mirror at Bonnie as she pulled up to Val Hall.  “If the Originals are after Elena, she needs more protection than I do.”
As they stepped out of the car, Caroline noted that both Bonnie and Elena looked down at their shoes guiltily.  “That’s what we thought, too,” Elena murmured, looking up at Caroline from beneath her lashes.
“Not that you aren’t special enough to get kidnapped,” Bonnie hastily added, walking over to Caroline.  “Just…you know, she’s the Doppelganger.  But when I talked to the Oracle about it, she said that Elena would be safe until you were able to get the information from the prophesy.”
Making herself smile and jokingly wave her hand, she ignored the insecurity in her stomach; it hurt that nothing made her different from anyone else when two of her best friends were Big Deals.  But she was used to it, knew better than to show it to them.  “Guys, I’m not upset,” she said quickly.  “I don’t want to have a constant target on my back like the two of you; looking over my shoulder would definitely cut into my having fun time.” Linking arms with both of them, she strode towards the porch where two of Elena’s sister Valkyrie sat whittling shives.  “I only have to worry for a week; you two have your entire immortal lives.  I think I’ll survive.”
Insert Break
The next night, Caroline woke in a bed that wasn’t her own to the sound of Valkyrie battle cries.  The sound of them shook the entire house, the lightning outside striking so often it was like there was a spotlight shining through the curtains.
Instantly, the vampire remembered what she’d learned the day before, groaning at what the fighting meant.  I guess I should have known that we wouldn’t get a day off, she thought as she snatched up her clothes and matching stiletto blades. Sliding the weapons into the sheaths she’d had sewn into all of her shirts, she started out of her borrowed room and up the stairs at break-neck speed.
Bonnie had gone back to the coven the night before, hoping to get more information on what the Originals were looking for and who was after Caroline, so she probably had no idea there was even an attack yet. Luckily, going after a Valkyrie at Val Hall was one of the worst things you could do, so hopefully they didn’t need her.
Racing into the moonlight, Caroline was surprised to find…no one was there.  There was nothing outside except for the constant arcs of lightning and the shrieks coming from deeper in the forest.  But why would the Valkyrie lose home advantage, especially at night? There were so many Loreans that lived within those woods, yet they were leaving their house unprotected….
Shaking off doubt, she dashed towards the fight, only then noticing the beginnings of gnawing hunger.  This was why she had suggested they go to the house she shared with Matt; there, they had the protection of a mortal living within the home and she had a fridge stocked full of blood bags.  Plus, while the other Valkyries put up with her, they weren’t exactly happy to have a vampire in the house, no matter how many times Elena reminded them that Caroline had been raised to never drink straight from the vein.
She slowed as she realized the sounds and flashes were still beyond her, even though she had to have covered the distance already.  What the hell?  Are they fighting that hard?  Her heart caught in her throat; the only beings that might be able to take on a house full of battle-trained Valkyrie were the Originals.  And she wouldn’t be surprised if the warrior women led the attackers further away from their goal.
Before she could take off after them again, she heard a throat clear from behind her.  Spinning around she saw the blue-eyed vampire from the night before.
“Sorry, Barbie,” the vampire said, arms and ankles crossed as he leaned lazily against the trunk of a tree.  “I really didn’t want it to have to come to this, but seeing as my Bride is hiding behind a shield of sisters, I had to figure out a way to lure her out.”  Too white teeth shown in the light as he pulled away from the tree.
Taking a step back, Caroline asked slowly, “How did you lead the Valkyrie away?”
He shrugged, following her.  “A Mimic owed me a favor; it started shrieking and all the Valkyrie followed.  Unfortunately, that worked against me because they brought Elena with them.”
For a moment, she could see a softening in his eyes at the mention of her friend and for that time, she wondered why Elena wouldn’t want to be the Bride of a devoted male.  To have someone care about you more than they cared about themselves, to want nothing more than your happiness…so many people searched centuries for that kind of love but not Elena.
Was that why Caroline wasn’t one of the Big Deals? Was the fact that she wanted to love and be loved in return why she would never be High Profile?
Not for the first time, she asked herself if she would always have to be second fiddle to Elena.
Lost in her thoughts, Caroline missed the male moving, was quickly caught by what felt like a shackle around her wrist.  She looked up at the vampire, feeling her vampire traits coming to her face.  “So, you’re going to ask Elena to come to you in exchange for me?  Isn’t that just so typical of immortal men?  No wonder she wants nothing to do with you.”
Okay, his vampire face was a bit more daunting than hers. “I’ll do whatever I have to, Blondie, to get my Bride.  Do you know how long I’ve been chasing her, what it feels like to have your body totally shut down?”  He yanked her closer, baring his fangs right in her face.  “I’m Turned; I’m sure you know that.  I felt myself die then woke up without my heart beating, without having to breathe.  For over a hundred and twenty years, I’ve looked all over for her.  I’ve paid my dues and now I get my reward.”
“You do realize I won’t go without a fight, right?” she asked, faking a yawn.  “Besides, if anything happens to me, Elena will never accept you.”  In a flash, she had one of her blades pressed to his throat even though his grip threatened to crush her other wrist.  Don’t get abducted for one week, that was the deal, she berated herself.  You had one job and you already screwed it up.  “So I think you’re the one with more to lose, don’t you?”
Keeping the blade against his throat meant that when he leaned forward, she had to lean back, giving her unsteady footing.  Not exactly advantageous, but nothing she couldn’t handle. She still had Elena to hold over him, of course.
“Then maybe I rip your head off here and leave you for the animals to eat.”  His smile turned sinister.  “No one will ever know what happened to you.”  Without so much as blinking, he ripped the stiletto out of her hand and tossed it away, completely decimating the bones in her wrist.  As she cried out in pain and tried to yank herself away, he flipped her to her back on the ground, his hand around her throat.  Crouching over her, she saw he wasn’t even the slightest bit breathless.  “If you swear to do what I say, though, I don’t have to kill you.  But if you don’t…they won’t know what happened to you.”
Blinking back the pain in her arm, she wanting to give some snappy comeback, to put on some bravado.  Unfortunately, she didn’t have much experience with anything other than friendly sparring so she…was…terrified.
Tears came to her eyes at being helpless, once again being collateral damage in someone else’s story.  “I’ll go with you just please…don’t kill me.”
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