#bonus fun fact: Merle only knits with plant-based fibers. he's the one who turned Barry onto that denim yarn.
epersonae · 1 year
I have no idea what this would entail i just want to see what you'd come up with so... stitch and bitch au lol
I can see this as either a TAZ Balance AU or an OFMD AU, which is great :D
TAZ Balance
Taako and Lup are co-owners of the yarn shop
Lucretia is a regular at knitting group night; she and Taako are hot gossip buddies
There is a LIVELY debate about crochet vs knitting (Magnus is a crocheter, Taako is a knitter)
Everybody thinks Barry is just there because of his crush on Lup, but actually he's an avid knitter (he really likes this yarn)
Kravitz is the one who's there because of his crush, he's been working on the same mangled mess of a garter stitch scarf for three months
Our Flag Means Death
Stede's new weird tiny shop is full of heinously expensive specialty yarns; you didn't even know that animal's hair could be made into yarn!!!!
Ed owns a small but very well known chain of high-end yarn stores (somebody like StevenBe). He does of course show up at Stede's shop for the regular stitch and bitch night, just as some kind of crazy fight is breaking out between a pair of mean old ladies. (Stede gets stabbed with a chiagoo #0, which is fucking sharp actually)
The crochet vs knitting debate is between Lucius and Izzy. Lucius mostly just likes an excuse to make hooker jokes, he's not actually that committed to the debate.
The Badmintons are Hobby Lobby execs, Izzy's betrayal involves a real estate deal or something
The red silk is a bit of lace that Ed's mom knitted out of laceweight red silk, it's a little wonky in the way that 70s knitting sometimes is, but he's been holding onto it all these years.
(ask game from a few days ago: Let’s play a game. Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.)
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