#bonus if the one that likes them is comphet (which is what I headcanon Norman yk for fun >_<)
duckietine · 8 months
I'm gonna talk about why Norman like totally has a big fat crush on Ray he's in love with him actually
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Bro is literally below him in terms of intelligence at the farm but Norman’s always acting like Ray is superior like wtf kinda gay ass shit is this
He was also like really overdoing it explaining just how smart and cool and logical and dependable Ray is like omfg we get it
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ok so we all know he's talking about Ray here right and he's blushing at the thought of bringing Ray with them too that Ray isn't bad okkk trust me on this you need to have a little faith in me while you're reading this ok
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bro is so touched like he's seriously shocked too by how much he did for them AND impressed by how smart Ray is (he's literally always impressed by Ray somehow I'm ngl)
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he literally suspected that Ray's the traitor because he thinks he's perfect in every way he's like "omfggg no way Ray is COOL and SMART enough to be the traitor noooo"
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whatever THIS is... "become my boyfriend now AHEM COUGH COUGH um spy become my spy now 😏"
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bro is writing an essay in his mind about how AWESOME Ray is like he's properly losing his mind rn you can't tell me he doesn't wanna be like him at least a tiny bit
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speaking of which Norman actually wants to be more like Emma because Ray is more silly with her he's like "grrr why doesn't Ray hit MY head when I'm being silly... I have to be more like her!!!" (trust me on this)
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Bro is defending him with his LIFE
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Ray's face is always covered in this nightmare and when it's not he's behind Norman he cannot bear seeing him like this
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bro's been hyperfixated on this for so many chapters I couldn't even count
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he's happy there's an ALLY on the outside because he's COMPHET and CLOSETED
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He's actually trying to look at Ray here (proof: I said so and I'm never wrong)
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he sees Ray in the room like "ah fuck he's about to come up with some self-sacrificial plan to make sure I survive fuckkkk too bad I'M gonna do that for him though haha"
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I'm telling you bro would rather die than let Ray break some bones
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idk but this is gay
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he wanted to see Ray one last time </3 his eyes were so empty when Emma said he didn't wanna send him off
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his crazy admiration strikes once again "he's amazing" SHUT the FUCK up GAYASS
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he's so gay even Ray could tell at this point
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let's just say bro got inspired by Ray's methods
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I don't think I have to explain
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Norman's reaction after Ray FAMILY-ZONED him he also broke down crying after this he was in disbelief
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I'm pretty sure Norman just made him vice ceo because he just wanted him around I'm not sure if Ray actually gaf about the company or where they got the money (he was probably more focused on actively searching for Emma and now that they found her he's just vibing and eating chips)
and THAT'S why Norman is GAY for RAY and I'm too lazy to write anything more um :3
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