#one-sided norray
duckietine · 9 months
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Hi 5 tpn fans on tumblr erm!! Emmay swap AU!! Now I'll skedaddle and not post on tumblr for one hundred years
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mintypsii · 5 months
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i love this loser so much
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months
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Finally got around to getting all of my TPN doujinshi in one pic
List of titles below the cut (ordered from top left → bottom right):
Title 1: The Paradise Never ends Circle: TinyArchange Authors: むらさき (Murasaki), 新川* (Shinkawa*), せんぎり (Sengiri), 荒瀬 (Arase), ると (Ruto), M2ya Ships: Noremma, Norray, Gen Full Score Trio Release Date: 2019-12-28
Title 2: snow Circle: にじぎん (Nijigin) Author: こめ (Kome) Ship: Rayemma Release Date: 2022-6-12
Title 3: シリウスの子 (Eng: Son of Sirius) Circle: にじぎん (Nijigin) Author: こめ (Kome) Ship: Rayemma Release Date: 2023-8-11
Title 4: フルスコアCPアンソロジー【家族以上の君だから】 (Eng: Full Score Coupling Anthology [Because you are more than family]) Circle: マシュマロ工房 (Marshmallow Workshop) Ships: Noremma, Norray Release Date: 2019-5-4
Title 5: beautiful days Circle: にじぎん (Nijigin) Author: こめ (Kome) Ship: Norrayemma Release Date: 2019-7-14
Title 6: さよならの向う側。 (Eng: Other Side of Goodbye.) Circle: にじぎん (Nijigin) Author: こめ (Kome) Ship: Rayemma Release Date: 2021-11-28
Title 7: worried people Circle: ATTAY Author: ふう (Fuu) Ship: Rayemma Release Date: 2019-6-1
Title 8: Play For Corpse (Prey For Corpse? It’s divided into two sections—“Play” and “Prey”—so ?) Circle: BWC Author: まこ (Mako) Ships: Norray, Platonic Norman & Vincent Release Date: 2020-5-22
Title 9: HOLIDAY Circle: 名前はいらない (Don't want a name) Ships: Noremma, Norray, Rayemma, Norrayemma Release Date: 2022-12-18
Title 10: HOLIDAY2 Circle: 名前はいらない (Don't want a name) Ships: Noremma, Norray, Rayemma, Norrayemma Release Date: 2023-7-24
Title 11: 手を伸ばせばそこにあるもの (Eng: What’s There When You Reach Out Your Hand) Circle: にじぎん (Nijigin) Author: こめ (Kome) Ship: Rayemma Release Date: 2019-10-14
Title 12: Dear my・・・ Circle: mugi茶 (Barley Tea) Author: ながつき (Nagatsuki) Ships: Natanna, Marknaila, Platonic Alicia & Jemima & Yvette coping with their dads’ deaths </3 Release Date: 2020-2-23
Title 13: memoria (the 209-page omnibus, the holy grail) Circle: レディビット (ReadyBit) Ships: Noremma, Norray, Norrayemma, Rayemma, Yuucas Release Date: 2019-5-4
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Norman's Reason of Murder, Analysis
(Inclued Ray and Emma too but mainly Norman)
Norman decides he must kill the demons because it's the only way his family can survive when there's truly no Neverland to escape to. Those who insult hard on Norman for murder overlook this: Norman was dying, and before he died, he wanted to leave a world to live in for the people he valued most in life and for whom he had worked for years. He thought he had no other choice, he would bear the price of this murder, he should bear this burden. All of these come from the responsibility and sense of justice he has felt since childhood. Just like Ray decides he can take the burden of killing people when Minerva's first shelter is found. "I am ready to carry this burden."
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Because Ray has been carrying the burden of the truth for years. Emma was also ready to take on the burden of every child she encountered and the responsibility of her life. Even if Emma's failure meant the children would die, Emma did not consider failing. The burden Norman is trying to carry is the same as Emma and Ray, but unlike the two of them, Norman sees himself as deformed after Lambda. He thinks that no matter what he does, they will not accept him as his old, true self, but Ray was thinking almost the same. (Did i mention i love norray). Ray believed that he had no place with his family and that he had to die at the end of the 6-year plan because Ray think their family doesn't show him understood because Ray watched their siblings die for years and they might thought Ray's humanity was destroyed. But there wasn't a rule for humanity in that world. Ray had Emma by his side to shake him, but Norman didn't have Emma at first. I want to hug Emma, she needs to shake me too. Emma, on the other hand, could push herself up, her psychological endurance at a level I could never have imagined.
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Back at Norman, he was deathly afraid of ever hoping again, believing that his plans and dreams were destroyed forever so he afraid to trust Emma and Ray about Mujika, afraid to believe there was another world. He think, he dissapointed hard after this and all of his family die. Norman wasn't bad, Isabella wasn't bad, they never were. Because when all the information you have about the outside world is likely to be fake, when you have spent years surrounded by lies and the truth is hitting you like a slap in the face, you cannot learn to do something that society deems evil because you aren't learn "act evil for gain" If one sheep bites another while running through the meadows, will we call it bad? It's not the same as a murder in the world we live.
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In this panel Norman says : I hope in your next life, you enjoy life like a human.
They never carried like humans.
Norman get away too, too much suffering and try to create a world humans can live. Norman is right
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They feel peace in this panel because they were accepted, they were each other and they feel incalculable trust for each other
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vidaflxwer · 4 years
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because i haven’t posted any of my writing in a while and could use some feedback on how this sounds, here.
yes, i did cry while writing this. this whole fic is pure pain but i refuse to stop until it’s done.
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officersnickers · 3 years
🥂 🎨 🚓 🧸 🧼 Norray!
Whoops, now I answered them all because of your first ask - I hope you don't mind 😅
🍩 | their favourite snack to eat together
Pretzel Sticks! They are not too sweet but chrunchy and even contain a lot of electrolytes if the two forget to eat and drink properly due to various reasons 🥨
🥂 | what would happen if they got drunk together
Okay, I headcanon Norman staying abstinent due to alcohol messing up with his daily medications he has to take to control the Lambda side effects, but Ray surely turns out kinda clingy and lets out all the emotions he usually hides. Norman has to consider himself lucky if he can bring Ray home and not being kissed a billion times on the way or worse, having to console the crying mess his friend turned into.
But since I like to think about it, Norman‘s that kind of lightweight that only has to get one drink to turn drunk instantly; including freakin out, becoming unreasonable loud and then falling asleep on the counter.
So, if you combine a passed out drunk and a crying, lovehungry mess in a bar, you get the perfect chaos. Only heaven knows how they made their way back home.
🏹 | how they would fight together in a battle
Ray would constantly watch out for Norman; he wouldn‘t forget everything around him, but his boyfriend would be his top priority, resulting in dangerous situations.
Norman stays calm and observive, only to save Ray anytime he focuses on the younger one for one second too long.
🏆 | their reaction to the other beating them at something
Ray is pretty used to it, since Norman is a bloody genius and beating him at chess is something very, very rare. He takes it rather well, but inwardly being a bit frustrated about it. But since Norman is a good winner, Ray can take this without being mad at his friend.
Norman also knows where his strenghts lie and at what fields are not his resort. So he may be surprised the first seconds of his defeat, but then he‘s even more eager to persuade Ray to another round of whatever they just did.
🎨 | their favourite activity to do together
This is rather canon, but dismantling machines and electronic devices is always a great way to spend time together! They truly can sit for hours in almost complete silence, explore the advanced technology of the human world, only to find flaws in these instruments rather fast and complain about it 🛸🎮📻
🎸 | the song that describes them the best
I said this before, but Love Love Love by Of Monsters and Men is my perfect NorRay-song. It‘s bittersweet, full of yearning and the constant reminder that although their love has no future, it‘s still something true and worth preserving.
🚗 | which one drives and which one picks the music
They actually take turns driving, but Ray is actually the one who picks the music; popular rock and pop songs from almost a century ago (they live in the human world since 2049, after all) or some classical music. Since they both enjoy to chatter most of the time about various topics, they don‘t really pay much attention the music in the end.
🚓 | which one is most likely to get arrested 
Ray. Not because he‘s a troublemaker, but I can imagine Norman being the face of the cattle children that suddenly showed up on the human side of the world and not everybody around the globe took this lighthearted. Some just despise them for being different, some worry they would „steal the jobs of the real people“ and everywhere where Norman shows up, there are also these kinds of idiots. Most of the time he would only had to face not very creative insults, but other guys try to attack him sometimes. And if anyone would try to lay a hand on Norman, Ray‘s a second later there to offer bloody noses and kicks in the butts.
Sadly, the human police would arrest Ray as well as the real culprits, but he himself couln‘t care less 😤
🏝  | their ideal getaway
They don‘t tell anyone, but sometimes they just take a weekend off and visit a fancy spa far away from the people they know (and probably would make fun of them for this). Massages, sauna, delicious food – even if you‘re rough and collected on the outside, from time to time you need to be treated like the only person in the world, alongside with your boyfriend. And if you come home, you‘re glowing like you‘re a new person 👌✨
🧸 | which one is the little spoon & which is the big spoon
They also take turnes, especially if one has a hard time currently, be it because of depressive episodesor health issues, but usually Ray is the little spoon! He never really speaks about it, but he is really needy of being cared for and loved.
🧼 | their feelings on showering together
Complicated, to say at least, especially at the beginning of their relationship. Ray turns into a blushy bundle as soon as it gets romantic, or like with showering, even more than that.
Norman adores Ray‘s plushy face and behauvior way too much, but since he‘s not too confident of his physical appearance, due to being thin and frail and on top of that branded by Lambda, he actually prefers showering alone.
💌 | a love note from one to the other
Ray leaves prepared food in the fridge and small notes with instructions like „Hope you like it“ or „Eat properly today“. That‘s his way of saying I‘m worried and constantly think of you.
Norman on the other hand leaves letters in Ray‘s books and study material, in which he compares his boyfriend to various wonders of nature, the night sky filled of stars and other mushy stuff. He knows Ray becomes red as a tomato reading these in public, and Norman enjoys the thought alone more than anything in the world.
Thank you very much for the ask, @njess22194 ! Hope you like it
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p-s-geeks · 2 years
maybe some light post-canon/‘search for emma’ norman angst could be fun? ship optional; norray or noremma
Whams thank you for this !!! Mwah mwah <3
I tried second person's POV please be gentle with me <33
It starts with a patch of carrots.
It's trivial. And sort of dumb. And you know 'dumb' isn't a word anyone has ever used for you, friends or foes alike. You've done nothing to prove them that you're capable of that title. But now you're there, with hands lip at your sides in front of a carrot patch. You've seen carrots before. You've eaten then in many forms- raw, mashed, steamed, boiled. But your eyes are glued. Like a trance.
It reminds you of her.
And you stare and stare at it. Imbibe the colour until your rods and cones have worked their fullest to recreate the hue perfectly for your memory. A sight truly for sore eyes. You stare until the phone rings in your pocket and you hastily pick it up. You give one last glance before heading back to Ray. You try not to think about the possibility that this might be the last time your sight catches such a shade.
It doesn't get easier after that.
You see orange dresses on display at a boutique. You see emeralds twinkling on jewellery. You catch whiff of petrichor after rainy days. You catch sight of ropes hanging on trees and children climbing them. You see letters being written. You see cup phones at the playground outside an elementary school. You observe a lot and think about it even more until you’re so deep in that you can’t even comprehend your surroundings anymore.
Maybe it's Universe playing tricks on you, throwing you all these hints in forms of reminders of what you have lost and may or may not get back. Maybe it's not all connected to her but your mind is under conditioning of folly hopes and desperation. And that doesn’t make a bunch of sense.
You remember Isabella saying that love isn't defined by logic or wits or any of those parameters.
You’re surrounded by people, all the time; but you look at things that remind you of her and suddenly you feel like you’re the only person that has ever existed. There is a gaping hole in your heart that makes itself acutely known. It aches; aches enough that you hold your chest and wrinkle your shirt. Enough that you have to bite your lip and stop tears from brimming in your eyes before anyone else finds out.
You’re in the bed with Ray. He’s the only one you trust blindly to see all the ugly and all the vulnerability and all the weaknesses you hold. It’s much better than sleeping alone. The sound of someone breathing next to you, the feeling of warmth right beside you, it’s something you never knew you craved when the sun went down and it was quiet enough to hear your thoughts.
Ray’s not asleep. He’s reading on his e-reader. Something about business management; it’s part of his curriculum. He keeps looking at you, and you know he’s sensing something. Maybe that’s why he’s up long after sleeping hours and has only covered a grand total of two pages ever since you’ve gotten into bed.
There is a flower in your pocket. It’s wild and medicinal. You’re familiar with it. You remember white bedsheets, a pleading whine, two pairs of hands embracing you, and the flower on your forehead, working more wonders that it was biologically capable of (it wasn’t the flower, you know). The flower currently in your pocket it probably in a worse state, has probably shriveled up and wilted after hours of being plucked. It weighs lighter than a feather but feels heavier than diamonds.
You think you’re catching a fever again. Your eyes are burning and you’re feeling the typical drowsiness you feel when you’re down. You give a long sigh and Ray looks over at you.
You unearth the flower from your pocket. Ray deserves to see this. Deserves to relive memories with you. And you kind of need him to. Right now, he’s the only one who’s been through thick and thin with you in majority of these trials and tribulations. He’s the only one who can look at it the way you look at it.
The flower is definitely wilted and but it didn’t lose colour.
Tears abscond your eyes and you are only known of them until they’ve dried on your skin. Then you cry. You finally break after a year of keeping this in. You cry before you even see Ray’s reaction or hear what he has to say. It’s selfish. But now you’re lose and you can’t bring yourself to stop.
It’s a sort of blur after that. There is nothing tangible, but you do make out a pair of arms wrapped around you. You also make out a light peck on the top of your forehead. And gentle strokes on your back. The strong thrum of heartbeat. There is whispering against you ear.
“It’s alright” Ray says, pressing himself closer to you. You hold onto him like he’s the last lifeline on a sinking boat. “It’s alright. You’re not alone. You never were alone”
You sleep listening to her gentle words in his gentle voice and it’s the deepest sleep you’ve gotten in a long time.
(You wake up to a beautiful orange sunrise. To limbs tangled around yours. To soft snores. To groaning and complaining about morning coming too early during summers. And the hole in your heart subdues itself. It doesn’t disappear, doesn’t stop panging, but you still smile in remembrance and hope.)
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mari-lair · 4 years
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Norray halloween week Day 1: Ghosts!
If curious, below are some random info about this Teacher/ghost AU
Ray got a gun and he can use it. The ghost gun isn’t able to touch, much less physically hurt anyone, but it replicate the sound of a real gun, which contributed a lot to how low priced his haunted house rent has become. It nearly gave Norman a heart attack the first time he heard it.
After being dead for a while, Ray learned how to turn visible and invisible at will and play around small objects such as paper, shoes and butcher knives. He can control up to 4 small objects at a time or something relativaly heavy like a chair if he really concentrate. The more he got the hang of controling and moving small objects the lower his house rent become, rarely getting aggressive but still able to physically hurt people. On All Hallows Eve he can posses people’s bodies and get out of the house he haunts, but he always ends up back to his empty ‘home’ when the night is over.
Ray is an incredibly fast learner. Just by observing the people that visits his house, he learned a decent amount of modern english and understand the basics of how tecnology is a  thing now -he wished this advanced tecnology was invented when he was alive. It would make the of lack of food and nutrients less of a deadly nightmare in open sea.
As a pirate, Ray used to be the one in charge of doing most of the bloody work and take the night watch, protecting his captain’s back from both outside and inside forces. He was constantly alert, borderline paranoic. But as the years in death passed, he grew more calm, very patient. He usually don’t mind new people in his house, happy to learn more modern english and befriend the guests willing to tolerate him. If a new guest cross a line however,  Ray will do his best to scare them away. Hurt them or kill them by manipulating knives if he sees fit.
It’s very rare for adults to see Ray as anything other than a nonsense they have no energy to deal with or a warning sign for their crumbling lives, so he usually hang around kids. The childish company mellows him with time.
Ray is from a time where death was common and getting hurt was inevitable so what people consider pretty serious is something Ray considers mild “Why are you being so dramatic about seeing some bone? Be grateful your hand is still attached to your wrist after you slaped your daughter. If it wasn’t for her wishes you wouldn’t have legs to run away.”
Norman is considered a genius and have countless prizes under his belt. He wanted to go to the moon when he was a kid but because of his weak health, he knew he would not be acepted in the space program. He decided teaching was the next best thing later on, accepted as a teacher in a prestigious school while still young. He enjoys and understand all subjects but love history the most, unable to deny it was hard and frustrating to teach a whole class of teens at times but still liking his job. Having one student that was genuinaly interested in his class was more than enough to make his day.
When Norman first started teaching, he felt more responsable than he had his whole life. It wasn’t a bad feeling per see, but it made him anxious so he called his little sister Cherry once a week to ask her questions about her teachers and make sure he was doing a good job.
Norman may not be the funniest of teacher but he’s still a favorite for his palpable cares for his students. He does not make the subject easier than is requested but he put a lot of effort into making people enjoy their world history, teaching with passion and seriously answering any questions, no matter how silly or joking it sounds. He’s understanding and try his best to help those with dificulty with the subject, always giving people second chances, having lost countless nights of sleep correcting re-writen essays after deadlines and turning his test questions into podcasts for students with adhd, aware the big historical excerpts are fundamental for answering the test but too hard to focus, specially with limited time.
The lambda crew are problem children. Norman went the extra mile to save Barbara and Zazie from failing classes even outside history and left Vincent startruck with his wide knowladge about not only world history but a ton of subjects he could be teaching too if he wasn’t overworking himself. Norman is both happy to inspire the squad to study hard and also very awkward by their blind admiration.
The teacher had a firm “ghost don’t exist”  mentality, which is one of the reasons he brought the haunted house in the first place. He had chalked Ray up as an halucination from his sleep deprived brain, having the rotten luck of buying the house right after a bad guest owned. The ghost got more annoyed than usual from things as insignificant as Norman keeping the lights on for too long, putting music Ray doesn’t vibe with, or just acting unfairly cute, to more personal matters such as Norman studying about Ray and his family lives. They used to have a distant and bad relationship but once Ray noticed Norman had only admiration for history, being genuinaly kind when trying to talk instead of mocking his existence, Ray apologised. Norman was still wary at first but they quickly hit off, enjoying to learn what the other had to offer and matching in wits.
When Norman catch a fever or a bad cold Ray gets wary. He know, on some level, that medicine have evolved a lot, but he remenbers way too clearly how serious even the weakest of diseases could get if not imediatly treated.  He always stick by Norman’s side when the teacher sneezes, not taking his eyes off him. Usually Norman keep working when he catch a cold, so Ray learned to float Norman’s grading papers out of his reach when coughing joined his sneezes. Floating a paper is enough to get Norman to take a break most of the time, but if the get stubborn Ray will stop playing nice. Just lower his voice to comander mode and order “Rest. Now. Or I’ll make your life a living hell.” and Norman does what he’s told, it’s very unconfortable to have a gun in the face and he does feel very tired.
When Norman is seriously sick, not just coughing but stuck to his bed. Ray freak out and fear for his life. When it reached this level, most of his crewmates died or had to be thrown in the sea to not infect other. Yes Ray know it’s not as bad anymore, but even when he observed guests, they rarely got sick, and when it got bad they where taken to a doctor. Norman lives alone so he got no one to feed him and bring him blankets or take him to the doctor if he lies for hours in bed. Ray was all the help he would get and he is fucking dead, he can’t measure his temperature or take care of him properly. Ray does tries his best though. He concentrated a lot to float heavy blankets and pillows towards Norman. Imediatly fetching any pills asked of him and doing his best to make him tea. It isn’t tasty, but Norman still appreciates his care.
Ray is the first to fall in love, he think “If only I could  kiss this fool and hug him, I would do it on the daily. I wish he was alive back then... He would love meeting Emma...” at least once a week but a big part of him is just “Forget scurvy! Norman would die of cold or malnutricion before he reached 10. Thank god the helpless bastard took his sweet time to be born.”
Ray cannot touch any eletronics, he can’t even come close without phones, computers, and tvs turning to statics, so Norman buys an illustrated book about the Red Mane Pirates for Ray to see his crew again. He know is not perfect but is the best he can offer whenever Ray expresses missing his family.
They read together. Norman occasionally teaching a new word to his ghost and Ray correcting any historical inacuracy. It’s fun.
Norman finds an illustration of an alive Ray sleeping in the mast waaay too beautiful. Ray snort at the romantized draw, disolving into laughter by how Norman failed to hide his blush.
It became a habit to read history books together and tease each other. More often then not, it lead to a history class and way to much sass on both ends.
“Wait, so there really was a world war? I heard about it from old guests but I thought they were exagerating when they called world war! And what do you mean 2? There was a second one??”
“How did miss the second one? It was HUGE, quite horribl-”
“You were not even alive when it happened.”                                        
“Tecnically, you weren’t either Ray-” 
Ray is a bit scared of how attached he got to Norman, knowing eventually the man would die. He hopes it will take a long time, and that once he had a painless death, he will become a ghost too, but he doesn’t really believe Norman will ever turn into a ghost. Ray knows not everyone that dies became a ghost. Since someone as compassionable as Emma -even if she was forced to have blood and dirty choises on her hand to survive the merciless seas- was not cursed to became a ghost, he was confident someone as kind as Norman would dissapear from Ray’s afterlife once he died too.
More of this AU here
And since you reached the end of this text wall. You can have this bonus Norman being awkward/excited about their growing friendship.
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athena-write · 4 years
Norray week day 4
"A curse?" Norman asks.
He knows what it is of course, having one himself, a shadow, in a sense, ever so dark, ever so threatening, always there. He's used to it by now, the frail body, the crystaled eyes, the graying hair. He would be a healthy baby, that's what the doctors had said no?
Yet a magician, perhaps an oracle, heard a prophecy. Such a damned prophecy it was the one that ruined his life, a second after his first breath. It's all because of another magician with white
 hair - the irony- that Norman even has to die.
He cannot live, for a curse is cast upon him. He knew this since three, his parents had been honest at the very least. It was meaningless, making ties, when they'd only be cut by obsidian scissors today, if he was being optimistic, tomorrow.
How could he not form ties with sweet Emma? How could he not form ties, when she smiled those smiles, which like a sun made his dark thoughts disappear, for hours to no end?
How could he not love Ray when he had seen the boy's tender and caring side, which Norman couldn't help but love? 
He was cruel, Norman knew, to himself, the others as well. He was like a dark curse upon others' life, and much like his own curse, he'd leave the others destroyed. He was devil himself, evil, cruel, yet had the smile of an angel. How ironic.
"Yes, the home-work essay is for curses, why?" Ray asks
"Nothing," Norman replies
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tempo-takoyaki · 4 years
Hi, do you think you have any TPN fanfic you'd recommend? I don't mind any ships or gen fics. I'm just trying to find interesting/good fanfics to read but I couldn't find any fic recs yet in this fandom. I like your fics, so I just thought I might like your recommendations. By the way, thank you for writing the Can You Hear the Sea fic and Giver fic (those two are my favorites!)
Wow thanks ! (^^)/ I’m honoured to be trusted enough to give fic recommandations ! I mostly choose my authors currently, so I will do something similar here. 
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@piperemerald : (Piper_Emerald on Ao3), Mostly Norray. One of my favorite authors in the fandom! She planifies everything in her fics, which means you are guaranteed to have a good and smooth reading, I once got so caught up in one of her works that I missed my subway station. Incredible writing, but most importantly very good characterization, all her characters feel human and real (which is something I appreciate a lot). I would love to just recommend all of her fics right on the stop but it would be too long, so I’ll simply select a few ones.
Falling For Your Voice (Norman/Ray, rated M, Emma/Violet and Yuugo/Lucas as backgrounds ships) : Modern Life AU where Norman is a renowned singer and Ray a famous but anonymous writer, the both falling in love with each other through the words in their works. What I said about the author is still the same, incredible writing style, amazing characterization, at the same time funyt, tender, and kind of heartbreaking too. It was the first fic I read from her and I have no regrets. 11 chapters of pure bliss. I want to also precise that, while rated M, there’s no explicit sex scenes despite having mentions of it. And all characters are aged-up of course.
An Hour To Midnight (Norman/Ray, rated T) : Coffee Shop AU. I... Don't really have nothing more to say to describe the work. I want to spoil as less as possible because there’s a ton of little details that I love in this one-shot. It’s a coffee shop au, but a really good one. One of my favorite work by the author. If I only have to say one thing to recommend it: Ray is dislexic and I live for that.
Now, I will stop there for Piper_Emerald, but I could also recommend Language Barrier and Pomegrenate Seed as well as Cursed and In The Next Mile too. All Norray. And all amazings. But this time I prefer to let you check by yourself.
Now then , to our next author: @justanotherbnhalover (hi) (7FlyingPancakes7 on Ao3), like previously, mostly Norray. No, I don’t have a bias because we get along, I sincerely love her fics a lot. It depends on the fic more this time, but I particularly adores the AUs she makes and the universes she creates around it, they are not just good fics, but good stories too. Her writing style is amazing, able to capture every little thought of her characters like she is putting us in their heads (not excluding intrusive thoughts too). The writing style is what captivates me a lot too, she just creates sentences that makes you shiver.
To Die For (Norman/Ray, rated M for… explicit reasons) : What can you do when a serial killer falls in love with you? THIS FIC. THIS FIC. I have a personal history with fanfics depicting unhealthy relationships, and THIS FIC is awesome. Not only its a clear example of how far the author can go with writing intrusive thoughts,  but also a great thriller. Will Ray discover that Norman is the killer? Or will Norman manage to fool the person he loves for his whole life? WHO KNOWS. The fic isn’t finished yet, but I would recommend you to read it anyway.
This Song Is For You (Norman/Ray, rated T) : Mermaid AU where Mermaid Norman gets charmed by Ray’s singing. A very interesting take on a Mermaid AU ! But it’s not just the context, the story itself is good. Unlike other fics, it’s not as mystery centered as others, but the Mermaid universe is enough to get completely into it. Not only that, but again, a very good writing, and as funny as always too... I love Mermaid stories so be prepared yourself to be given more.
Now, I could’ve recommended other fics, but TSIFY is the only finished Mermaid fic (hence why I recommended it) and I wanted to propose something else besides Smile (While You Can), though I still recommend it too.
Another author (and finally not Norray, at least I’ll choose some that are not Norray) @amaikana ! (hi) (amaitori on Ao3 for non explicit works). Very productive author ! ... Does not finish their multi-chapters fic a lot though. (Think of them as this book entirely made of first chapters). But every single one-shots are a ray of light in the darkness (mostly because some of them are very funny). Is mostly focused on slice of life short stories, so it’s also nice to take a break from all those angsty fics! I would categorize her as the “feel good” author. There’s some angsty stuff, but the majority of the works are mostly fluff.
Blue Eyes (Gen, rated G, some Rayemma on te side but nothing more) : Cute stories about Ray and his new adopted brother Norman. A serie of cute one-shots with Norman being 6 years old and Ray 10. Like I said, very good to feel good, it’s adorable, it’s funny, and it’s about kids. 
Chance Among the Stars (Norman/Emma, rated T, Ray and Norman are biological brothers) Fate/Stay Night Heaven’s Feel AU. It’s more than just because I am a Fate fan, but this fic is genuinely one of her best works. It’s filled with emotions and magical lores and it’s cool as hell. Also, I like angst.
And that’s it because those are mostly really short one-shots or series of one-shots so... it’s better to see for yourself ! :D (Also lots of OT3 to my joy).
Now, we will go into the territory of fics that I read without checking the author’s other works a lot. It’s not that I dislike the author’s other works, let’s just stay I mostly remember the fic (and only started to do it by author recently too).
I got a ticket to another world (Norman/Ray, rated T, written by heismysoulmate) : Norman adopts a very strange cat. A cool fantastic one-shot and a cool short story overall. The characters are interesting, and the relationship development is good.
pushing youth to the limits (Norman/Emma/Ray, not rated but definitely M, written by sugacookies_with_tae) : A cleptomaniac, a murderess and a depressive on a road trip. It’s what I’ll say to summarize the plot, because if you’re like me, you’ll think “wow, it’s either really good or really bad, I’m going to read it”. Spoiler: it’s good, it’s good in the type “who cares?”. I don’t know how to describe it, it’s just a bunch of fucked up kids trying to live and it’s somehow interesting? Wow. (Also, if its plot comes from a K-pop music video. I watched it, and uh... actually don’ t. It’s not that the music is bad or the clip is bad, it’s just that you might try to compare it to the fic, and I honestly prefer to just enjoy the story.)
love me like you do (Ray/Emma, rated T, written by isshun) : Actors AU. I don’t know what else I have to say to describe it, it’s just good. The author alternates between the actors living their life and what people say on the internet with very realistic tweets. It’s super cute and very nice, and slow-burn too. A very good one-shot overall.
Deep Blue (Norman/Ray (YES AGAIN), rated T, written by NanamiChiLovesYou) : Mermaid AU, Little Mermaid AU, Ray, a mermaid, transforms himself into a human in order to find a way to protect his family who still lives under the sea. This fic has awaken a lot of us to Mermaids, and for good reasons. It’s very good. The whole transformation thing is perfectly executed, all characters are intersting... And it’s unifinshed (*goes sobbing in a corner*). But it doesn’t matter, because it’s just awesome ! Unlike with TSIFY, the universe is less developed in order to focus more on the characters and their interactions, which definitely gives another vibe.
Here are all my recommandations ! (^^)/ I hope you will find your happiness in all of those ! (There’s a ton of others but I can’t remember, I also avoided talking about smut here, but if you want smut fic recommandations you can ask me)
There’s a reason why there’s so many Norray fics despite me not particularly being a big Norray shipper but I won’t write them down here, if you are curious, don’t hesitate to ask me about why those specific preferences.
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Asked by Anonymous. Thank you very much for the ask!!!
Favorite thing about him: How he constantly strives to be a better person!; How kind he is; his dynamics with the younger children! Baby is filled with love and I love him for that.
Least favorite thing about him: Nothing I can think of? I mean likely torturing and vivisectioning demons mustn't have been very nice of him, but he was young and he has learnt from his mistakes.
Favorite line:
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brOTP: Full score trio, NorRay, Norman / Gilda, Norman / Oliver, Norman and all the younger children
OTP: Ot3 for the win; NorRay
nOTP: Not really a fan of all the side ships
Random headcanon: He's the one screaming when he sees a cockroach (he keeps repeating to himself they're wonderful creatures and very important to the environment, but ends up crying and calling for Emma and Ray's help anyway); he cries during Disney movies; he's the little spoon!!
Unpopular opinion: He's flawed. However that doesn't make him a psycho?
Oh also: I don't think the scene in chapter 4 counts as a declaration of love for Emma. I just don't think a 11 y/o can feel strong enough feelings as romantic love and such. Therefore, I prefere the translation (that is also the official one) of "because I care about her"
Not sure it's an unpopular opinion but... He has other traits besides from "being in love with Emma"
Song i associate with them: No One Else - Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 (referred simultaneously to both Ray and Emma)
Oh the moon
Oh the snow in the moonlight
And your childlike eyes [Emma's]
And your distant smile [Ray's]
I’ll never be this happy again
You and I
And no one else
Favorite picture of them:
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Send me a character and I'll list
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duckietine · 8 months
I'm gonna talk about why Norman like totally has a big fat crush on Ray he's in love with him actually
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Bro is literally below him in terms of intelligence at the farm but Norman’s always acting like Ray is superior like wtf kinda gay ass shit is this
He was also like really overdoing it explaining just how smart and cool and logical and dependable Ray is like omfg we get it
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ok so we all know he's talking about Ray here right and he's blushing at the thought of bringing Ray with them too that Ray isn't bad okkk trust me on this you need to have a little faith in me while you're reading this ok
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bro is so touched like he's seriously shocked too by how much he did for them AND impressed by how smart Ray is (he's literally always impressed by Ray somehow I'm ngl)
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he literally suspected that Ray's the traitor because he thinks he's perfect in every way he's like "omfggg no way Ray is COOL and SMART enough to be the traitor noooo"
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whatever THIS is... "become my boyfriend now AHEM COUGH COUGH um spy become my spy now 😏"
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bro is writing an essay in his mind about how AWESOME Ray is like he's properly losing his mind rn you can't tell me he doesn't wanna be like him at least a tiny bit
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speaking of which Norman actually wants to be more like Emma because Ray is more silly with her he's like "grrr why doesn't Ray hit MY head when I'm being silly... I have to be more like her!!!" (trust me on this)
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Bro is defending him with his LIFE
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Ray's face is always covered in this nightmare and when it's not he's behind Norman he cannot bear seeing him like this
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bro's been hyperfixated on this for so many chapters I couldn't even count
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he's happy there's an ALLY on the outside because he's COMPHET and CLOSETED
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He's actually trying to look at Ray here (proof: I said so and I'm never wrong)
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he sees Ray in the room like "ah fuck he's about to come up with some self-sacrificial plan to make sure I survive fuckkkk too bad I'M gonna do that for him though haha"
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I'm telling you bro would rather die than let Ray break some bones
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idk but this is gay
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he wanted to see Ray one last time </3 his eyes were so empty when Emma said he didn't wanna send him off
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his crazy admiration strikes once again "he's amazing" SHUT the FUCK up GAYASS
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he's so gay even Ray could tell at this point
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let's just say bro got inspired by Ray's methods
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I don't think I have to explain
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Norman's reaction after Ray FAMILY-ZONED him he also broke down crying after this he was in disbelief
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I'm pretty sure Norman just made him vice ceo because he just wanted him around I'm not sure if Ray actually gaf about the company or where they got the money (he was probably more focused on actively searching for Emma and now that they found her he's just vibing and eating chips)
and THAT'S why Norman is GAY for RAY and I'm too lazy to write anything more um :3
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stray-tori · 4 years
Welp, here we go! Day 1 of NorRayWeek2020 >:3
Starting off “Origins” with an AMV! There’s like an essay in the description which I will allow myself to paste below the read-more here as well:
So, kind of like with Tododeku, i think this really just kind of started by seeing fanart and getting "used to it". Both started out kind of being jokingly or like "hah okay. I guess I can see it" and nowhelpme. 
I think the drabble/fic “Regrets” by MissCactus really kind of planted the “seeds”, which is a sort of AU where Ray did have a crush on Norman. Back when I first read it, I didn't really agree with it, but it helped me think of these scenarios in a different, mostly romantic, light. Because goddamn it, Norray has Angst potential. Even more so than NorEmma because well, NorEmma is a thing TvT. At first I kind of shipped it as a one-sided thing because I love pain. I think the first time I really noticed this re-contextualization is in my "get behind this" amv and in "setting fires" it just got even stronger. And so I began finding them kinda cute, and then I read Smile (While You Can) and ohgodhowdidIenduphere haha. 
 SO YEAH i had this amv planned and figured I could use it for my Origins since most of why I ship it is in fact just seeing the show in a different light and I tried to portray that here. 
Also I hurt myself with "Don't try to follow me" and I know it's not really why Ray is doing it, but come on, the angst potential is unreal AAAAAA.
I'll probably draw for the rest of NorRay week! (aka I'll probably only do one day, help) 
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shot-tothestars · 4 years
Because it's just so sad that no one can get to buy a plushie in this group chat I present to you... my black cat plushie, PattonCake!!!
(Yeah his name is PattonCake, you'll get it if you watch Sanders Sides😂😂)
This is PattonCake!! I adopted him for like 23, 69 dollars and wasted all my money for the week :') (still don't regret it) He' s really soft and I cuddle with him every time I feel down or when I'm reading angsty fanfiction :'))
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This is PattonCake from behind!! He has a cute little tail that is as soft as the rest of his cuddly body🥰🥰 (omgds that sounds weird😂😂)
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And he likes reading fanfiction too!!! We usually read fanfiction at like 2:00 am but guess today he wants to sleep a bit more😂😂😂 (totally not me, I'm not sleepy... Not at all!!!) (someone pls help😂😂)
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PattonCake, what are you going to read today?? PattonCake??
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Nooo, PattonCake you already know we can't... Ughhh okay if you insist...
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And this is what's been tormenting us this last months... we can't enter into the ao3 fanfics anymore from my Nintendo and that's really sad... We still have fanfiction.net though😢
(okay that was really weird and I'm a bit nervous cause the photos shows a bit of my room but... Guess I'm risky like this😂😂😂)(also he's the only plushie I've been able to buy, other ones are from when I was a baby😂😂) (ohh and the fanfic that was in the Nintendo screen was "Falling from your voice" from Piper_Emerald... If you like Norray you should read it!!)
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piperemerald · 4 years
In The Next Mile
Norray Week Day One: AU
Read the full fic on ao3
Summary: Over the years, Norman has learned he likes people better when they are not breathing. 
When he picks up a boy around his age walking aimlessly in the desert, he doesn't think much of the easy prey. That's before he recognizes Ray—his close friend from back before he was taken away from the orphanage. Seeing him again stirs up something Norman isn't sure he knows how to face. 
But that doesn't matter, he'll kill him in the next mile.
Norman is not a good person.
The first one to tell him that was the man who took him from the orphanage he’d spent the first ten years of his life in. He thinks he was happy back then, when he had nothing. It was when he was promised to be given everything that the darkness crept in.
Norman is ungrateful. That was what Peter would say back when Peter was still breathing and not scattered serval feet under the land his family had owned for generations. Norman likes Peter a lot better when he isn’t breathing, and for all of Peter’s faults he had taught Norman one valuable thing.
Norman likes most people better when they are not breathing.
After the funeral and disposing of the relatives that used to pull at his hair and tell him to just be a good boy, Norman found himself in possession of the entire Ratri fortune. He hadn’t known what to do with the money or the land, so he resolved not to stay home much. He was rich enough to never worry about getting a job, so back then he decide to spend the rest of his life traveling the country in the car that he had bought under his own name.
Now he keeps moving. It’s better that way. It’s easier for no one to recognize the trail of bodies.
Over the years, picking the right victims has become an art. He’s careful about making sure they won’t leave behind someone to come looking for their killer. They’re usually young (like Peter was before Norman had had enough), most of them don’t have real homes (like Norman had been before he was taken from that orphanage), all of them are fools (like Norman never would be again).
Only stupid kids would be desperate to get into the car of a stranger. No matter how approachable and safe Norman has made sure he looks, the trust his victims exude is what takes their lives. He’s just performing the action.
When he slows his car to a walking pace along side the boy with black hair draped over his face and a beat up backpack on his shoulders, Norman puts on his warmest smile. He rolls down the window and furrows his eyebrows in a fake expression of concern.
“Are you alright?” He asks the boy.
They’re in the middle of nowhere. The desert sun is hotter than Norman likes. This kid has probably been walking for hours. The nearest town is in three miles. It’s almost too easy.
“Yes,” the boy’s eyes are as dark as his hair. He smiles back. He looks tired.
“Do you need a ride?” Norman asks the question like he hasn’t countless times before. “I’m headed west for the next few miles.”
“Are you sure?” The boy asks back, he sounds embarrassed.
Norman stops the car.
“Yeah, get in,” he says.
The boy opens the door. He looks relieved now, like he’s been praying that someone will come along to help him. The naivety is sweet.
“Thank you so much,” the boy says.
“It’s no problem,” Norman keeps smiling.
“I usually don’t do this,” the boy promises. “I just—”
He winces. Runaway maybe? Definitely down on his luck. He doesn’t seem much younger than Norman. Poor kid.
“I didn’t really plan on being out here,” he admits. “It just sort of happened.”
“I’ve been there before,” Norman chuckles. “Do you want some water?”
“Nah.” The boy holds up an almost empty plastic water bottle.
“So you’re a bit prepared then,” Norman muses.
“A bit,” the boy shrugged. He leans back on the passenger seat.
Norman takes a second to inspect that face through the corner of his eye. It doesn’t really matter what his victims look like, he’s not very picky. He wonders if the desperation will make this one cry when Norman’s hands are around his throat. He wonders if he’ll think about all the little mistakes that landed himself in a stranger’s car. He wonders what led him to be walking along the desert.
The boy brushes the choppy bangs out of his face. They don’t stay out of the way, falling back over one of his eyes—eyes that drift to the side to catch Norman watching him. It’s the eye contact that shakes him (Norman hasn’t been shaken since he was fifteen and begging for the pain to stop).
“Oh my god,” the boy that Norman hadn’t seen since he was ten years old starts laughing. “Norman? Is that seriously you?”
Ray. One of the only two friends he’s ever had. A piece of the family Norman was pulled away from. Ray. The little boy who he used to read with. The one who’d tease him and make sure he was resting enough when he caught yet another cold. Ray. Someone he’d made himself promise he’d stop thinking about when he was lying alone on a cold cement floor. Ray. The little bit of vulnerability he’d told himself he wasn’t allowed he keep.
Ray is here. Ray is in his car. Ray is laughing at him.
Ray is going to die.
“I can’t believe this,” Norman isn’t lying.
“I thought I was never going to see you again,” Ray is shaking his head in bewilderment.
“You still remember me,” Norman utters. “After all this time?”
“Of course,” Ray smiles. It reaches his eyes. He looks so happy, so perfect, so easy to break.
Norman feels something in his chest stir (something he isn’t allowed to feel anymore). Suddenly the car is too warm. Ray’s eyes are too soft. His smile is too sweet.
“I missed you,” Norman does not mean to say.
“I missed you too,” Ray tells him.
“What are you even doing here?” Norman asks.
How did the smartest kid he’d ever met end up walking along the side of a desert road? How did Ray become such easy prey?
“That’s a long story,” Ray laughs again. It fills the whole space. Norman can’t handle it. He can’t handle looking at this boy (who’s only become more handsome in the past eleven years of being out of Norman’s life).
“I think we have time,” Norman says back.
They had three miles. In two more Ray would be dead. In one more Norman would need his mind to be clear again.
“I don’t even know,” Ray sighs. “I just—I needed to do something.”
“So you started walking?” Norman asks.
“I thought it would be an interesting experience,” Ray shrugs. “Walking the continent with barely any money and no other plan.”
“I thought you were smart,” Norman teases. “What happened to that?”
“No idea,” Ray flashes him another smile. His eyes are bright (Norman hasn’t felt bright in a long time).
He’ll kill him in the next mile.
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temporoom · 5 years
I've made a tweet on this a while ago but here's some kind of more developed version of it because I've seen people talk about it on my tl.
Romance manga logic depending on your favorite dynamic of the TPN trio :
Noremma : Shonen logic (heroine must finish with protagonist)
Rayemma : Shoujo logic (in shoujo the heroine usually ends up with the second choice that appears to her in the first chapter, and usually the bad boy... at least in most of the shoujo's I read)
Norray : BL logic (do I really need to develop myself on this? Also on a side note liking BL is not shameful there's a ton of very good BL that are not filled with unhealthy tropes and with well developed love stories that can be beyond the "they are cute/cool/hot...etc." people need to stop shaming BL it has evolved and changed like any form of media. I'm sorry bad memories from my pasts fandoms...)
On another side note I also said all of those by considering all the fanfics I read on Ao3. Most of them corresponds to one of those types of romance manga when it comes to shipping.
Uh ? What about the OT3 ? They are like a mecha, they fuse everything.
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