#bonus if theyre also morally ambiguous
bluestarlights · 1 year
if I had a nickel for every time I liked a character with those small round glasses I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot but I don't understand how this keeps happening-
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punkdeaf · 2 years
2 10 17 20 for ruun >:)
2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept?
for ruun i wanted to play someone who was unapologetically evil/had sinister motivations but without the trauma that media tends to give villains. like. addams family-esque support for this absolutely morally abhorrent being. then i ended up scaling back so that while ruun was def lawful evil, they were more interested in personal power than just murdering people. im incredibly grateful i got the opportunity to play such a unique POV
10. what inspired this character’s creation?
kinda same answer as above, but I was thinking of like what if elphaba from wicked was actually evil all along or what happens when a wicked person has family support kind of deal
17. they’re crying—what did it take to make them cry?
ngl they probably cried for the firat time in forever after they died and sol hugged them. they WILL cry again if sol dies and/or their mom chooses the king over them. other than those instances they arent really capable of crying
20. what attracts them to someone—platonically and/or romantically, anything counts.
platonically - someone who accepts their bullshit. thats mostly how sol and ruun became best friends - sol might think that ruun should be nicer but its not something that she actually tries to change about ruun. she accepts them, and she also loves their bitchiness a bit lmao. as for romantic, ruun is very attracted to morally ambiguous girlbosses. bonus points if theyre stronger (magically/martially/intellectually/etc.) and will still let ruun dom for the most part
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ideefixotica · 7 years
10 days of eos 10 (days 1-4)
I didnt do the other ones yet but i want to join in and make friends so here goes!!
Day 1 - Fave character: i thought about this for a long time but . holy shit i have no idea? I cant pick a fave,,,??? I love like 5 main characters with all of my heart and soul ????? Urvidian is hilarious and endearing, Ryan makes my heart smile every time he speaks, Jane is perplexing yet fascinating and honestly wife material, Levi is adorable and also kind of insidious ? which is incredible, and Akmazian is just . my darling gay cowboy space criminal . literally yall i cannot. i love them so much (Although Fun fact i used to hate levi fjkshdjs? i thought he was kind of annoying but on my second listen i fell in love with him & his ambiguous morals) Honorary mention: the quartermaster fjshjdjsk i love that guy hes such a great character
Day 2 - Least fave character: im ……. hm. i cant really think of a character i dislike from a storytelling perspective?? Theyre all beautifully written and characterized??? but i suppose the first person who came to my mind was Ryan’s mother. Yikes Sorry she was funny and plot relevant and good but somehow i just dont like her very much, or at least not as much as everyone else
Day 3- Favorite episode: im just gonna go ahead and say i fucking loved ideé fixotica so even though its a bonus ep im gonna have to go with that one. its just. Im weak for characters acting out of character gjskjfksjd. aside from that im gonna say, harsh light of another day really meant a lot to me in a lot of ways. i know its everyones favorite but it was really a beautiful episode. :'0
Day 4- Dream crossover: okay not gonna lie, i already like to pretend that eos 10 and the penumbra podcast exist in the same universe even though it doesnt make much sense fjksdj i just want jane and rita to hang out
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tumblunni · 7 years
Woooo, getting inspired again to work on Cathedral Tower Defense! Still cant decide on Malachi’s colourscheme, but meh XD OTHER THOUGHTS AND IDEAS AND THINGS
* Aww, turns out there’s indeed another game already called Hand Of God, so that beautifully punny name idea won’t work :P ALAS!
* But on a more positive side I found an MV-compatible rpgmaker plugin that lets you have an ‘armour points’ system like I wanted! There isnt any sort of strategy rpg type system yet but at least I know I can make it work if I change from the more literal tower defense to a turn based regular rpg thing... * Okay, so my idea of ‘armour points’ was that enemies would have like a second hp bar you have to deplete first. Sorta? Like, you can attack people even when they’re at max armour, but the damage you deal will be lower and they have higher chance to dodge and counter. And if you deplete their armour bar then you can deal really huge critical damage! And this would be how the protagonist’s sniper skills would come in handy, she can preemptively mow down enemies as theyre approaching the tower, and arrow attacks can whittle down armour points and inflict statuses and stuff. So your skill during this segment will give you advantages or disadvantages when the other army reaches your base and you’re thrown into actual battle. (But there’d also be close combat characters who can lower armour points too, so you’re not completely screwed if you mess up sniping.)
* I also think I’m gonna decide to make the protagonist a gender chooseable type thing like in pokemon! My first idea for them was a female protag but there’s no real sort of ‘the character has to be that’ kind of feeling deep in the ol scriptwriter heart o mine. And it could help with how I’m totally stumped on a design for her so far, it could be less pressure if i can make three designs, yknow? Tho now I’m not sure I can think of two other equally fitting default names. i need to find a website that lists religiousy-sounding names! or I could just say that Amity is the character’s surname and the player can choose their first name. Sir Amity, Lady Amity, Master Amity...
* I like the idea I had for doing worldbuilding on the fantasy religions of this world and making them like different perceptions of the same event that happened in the distant past. And having them be different factions for the player, different moralities without any clear good/evil, yknow? And hmm, now I’m thinking maybe make them elementally aligned? Cos the godstone fragments that allow humans to use magic would come in different varieties, maybe the different religions/factions/whatever each specialize in a certain one. That way your morality/reputation choices could have an effect on gameplay! give you passive bonus skills you can unlock! Also it helps give me an idea of how to limit them, cos i cant have too many or I’ll be working on this thing forever, lol. I always wanna give a game like a million endings! So i dunno, a small-ish number would be good. Maybe four or five? Six at the most and three at the least. Anything less and it’d just be as boring as a plain good/evil choice, anything more and I’d get carried away. Though the number of beliefs doesnt necessarily have to align to the number of countries involved in the plot. Tbh its kinda weird whenever jrpgs have like.. a country that all believe the same thing. Weird. That just sounds like how people in real life are all ‘all of america must be christian! everyone arabic is muslim and bad!’ Plus it’d be hard to keep the options not being a good/evil divide, cos one of the countries is gonna be at war with this country and it’d be easy for the player to just believe whatever religion those characters follow is ‘the bad choice’. A big theme i wanna do with the factions is like.. rather than not having any of them ever do anything bad, the ambiguity would come from ALL of them having at least one huge atrocity committed in their name. Making it very clear that the problem is people using religion to justify their horrible actions, rather than a problem with religion itself.
* Oh, and having the number of religions related to the number of elements in the battle system would also give me an idea for how many subspecies of demons i should create! So far all I know is there’s gonna be a plant and rock type, since I’ve made party members who’re those. But I was considering making the rock one more of a rock/fire combo magma thing! Like, we can limit it down to a smaller amount of elements if each one contains multiple? Like just make it two ‘job class’ type routes for each element. that demon has rock and fire skills, the flower one has plant and poison skills. And maybe different final form transformation thingies depending on which one you pick! I’m just imagining a super cool fancy even more flowery Florin and like a super dark badass poison one and he’s all like ~woo now i can sleep in style~
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