#bonus: iono 100% tries to get them on the iono zone to tell their harrowing and tragic adventure
charcadett · 2 years
Hello I was wondering if you can write a scenario where the gym leaders/elite four find The Squad (Player, Nemona, Arven and Penny) after their adventure in Area Zero. I’d imagine that the gym leaders/elite four would be concerned seeing the squad disheveled but their reactions differ when the squad tells them the story of the events that happened in the Area Zero. The Player even shows off a paradox pokemon they caught.
Okay so. I, again, got carried away. This mostly features Larry and Hassel, with Grusha, Kofu, Rika, Brassius, And Tulip sprinkled in towards the end. Sort of a list of headcanons for the hypothetical what happens in between exiting Area Zero and the Post Game. Sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted but I hope you enjoy anyway!
TFW You Witness Horrors(tm) And You Try To Convince That One Miserable Looking Gym Leader To Buy You Dinner. General Headcanons.
- Considering how close Medali is to Area Zero, they’d end up running into Larry first out of anyone. The group drags themselves into the Treasure Eatery, dirty and starved, and Nemona chattering about how exciting what they just experienced was. And fun! A little scary too, she admits after a dry remark from Penny. But ultimately it was the adventure of a lifetime!
- It’s not uncommon to see bedraggled teenagers wandering around towns. A particularly nasty encounter with a wild Pokemon happens to even the best, so the group wouldn’t catch anyone’s attention. The only reason Larry even notices they’re there is that Nemona recognizes him and Penny wonders if they can get him to pay for their meals again. I mean, they all recently went through a traumatic experience, and a free dinner is the least they could get out of it.
- Larry sees Nemona and tge MC approaching and his immediate reaction is: “Oh, no.” It’s not that he dislikes either of them, but he’s eating dinner and would really, really rather not battle right now. Larry prides himself on being a realist, and an unfortunate fact about reality is Nemona can and will strong-arm him into a battle if she wants to. When they ask him to buy them dinner, he’s too relieved to care about the bill. He is dragged over to their table, much to Penny and Arven’s dismay. The logic is that he works for the League and if they tell him what happened, he’d be the one to tell Geeta, who would then tell Clavell where they’ve been. Hiding it would only work for so long, this way, they can avoid that whole conversation altogether.
- In true teenage fashion, none of them are particularly quiet whisperers, and Larry places his head in his hands halfway through their conversation. He would have let them get away with it too if not for Penny’s not-so-silent question to Arven.
- Out of everyone, Larry is the least interested in the secrets Area Zero holds. That’s above his pay grade. So is a bunch of teenagers sneaking down there to do Arceus knows what if he’s being honest. But, upon overhearing that in one day, Arven found out his parent has been dead this whole time, and then functionally watched them die again, it’s suddenly his problem. Made even more so when he hears out about the multiple monster attacks. On the outside, they seem fine. But once the adrenaline wears off and they’re alone, in the dark, and everything comes rushing back, what kind of person would he be if he let them deal with that alone. So, he shoots a message to Geeta (ugh) under the table, buys everyone dessert, and then corrals them to the Pokemon League.
- Well, that was originally the plan until the sun set, and now, with full bellies, the group is practically dead on their feet. He is not equipped to deal with kids long-term, so he calls someone who is. Hassel makes it to Medali in record time. Larry grits his teeth through a lecture about how he should have called Hassel immediately before he sidles off to his apartment, wallet noticeably lighter. If the group were any less disheveled, they would have gotten a lecture as well. But, they’re tired, and judging by how exhausted even Nemona looks, Hassel gets the feeling they already know.
- When Hassel hears that they went to Area Zero upon the Professor’s request, he considers heading down to the Zero Lab and pulling them back to the present himself to give them a piece of his mind. He quickly dismisses that thought. What’s more important is remaining calm for his students. Even if that’s easier said than done. Hassel has to turn his head to the side to compose himself. It’s pretty obvious what he’s doing, but I think the group would find it more amusing than distressing.
- Unlike Larry, Hassel is interested in Paradox Pokemon. Though his interest extends about as far as: were any of you hurt, an interest in the aesthetic differences between their modern counterparts, and a stray thought about seeing a Roaring Moon or an Iron Jugulis for himself. The latter of which he keeps to himself, he doesn’t want to encourage a revisit (even if that doesn’t stop the MC).
- After shepherding the group to their dorms, he lets all four of them know he will be staying overnight at the Academy to grade papers. Should they need anything, he will be in the art room. Admittedly, he has no papers to grade, but to say he is worried would be an understatement. Periodically, he’ll walk by their dorms, just to be sure they’re alright. Brassius will be hearing about the entire ordeal before the rest of the league. The second Hassel closes the door to the Art Room, the floodgates open and Brassius is hit with a long-distance hydro pump through his Rotom Phone.
- The last people the group directly tells what happens are Clavell and Geeta. Geeta will inform the rest of the League, so the teens can return to daily life. After that, it’s the general post-game. Add in some off-screen therapy for all four, though Arven and Penny go for longer due to previous issues.
- Rika eventually checks in, at least in the case of the MC and Nemona considering she knows them personally. She feels a little awkward trying to comfort Arven and Penny considering she’s never met them, though she will try if she sees them. Rika gives them her patented “Uh, you guys doing okay?” and then calls it a day.
- Grusha will pay the group a visit. It’ll take about a week before he shows up, but he inevitably does. While he’s not usually one to offer a shoulder to cry on, Grusha thinks his own experiences give him a unique perspective. He offers to give any advice should anyone need it. He’s especially happy to see the MC and Nemona are doing alright. Grusha offers, then he leaves. It’s really that simple. I feel like out of everyone, Penny would end up taking him up on his offer. The only reason she goes is that it makes logical sense, her therapist encouraged it, and she does think Grusha would have a unique perspective. Highly doubt they will get emotional with each other, I just want to see them interact.
Bonus: I am imagining Grusha and Penny sitting in almost complete silence before Penny asks if he likes anime. He says he’s never seen it, and she’s like. Hold on. And presses play on Yuri on Ice.
- Kofu decides the least he can do is offer a free meal at his restaurant. Then, once he meets Arven and sees his passion for cooking, offers to teach him what he knows. Arven deserves a father figure, and if it’s not Kofu, it’d be Saguaro. Honestly, why can’t be both?
- Brassius and Tulip are very interested to see the Paradox Pokemon the MC caught. Tulip would be over the moon to see Iron Valiant, and to be quite honest, I think Brassius wants to see them all. Expect to see a few new sculptures pop up around Artazon. Whenever Tulip sees the MC, she asks if they would treat her to a battle with their Iron Valiant.
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