icystudying · 5 years
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January 7, 2019
My first week of 2019 went well! I’m not doing much last week (unproductive) and i’m going to workout this week and i hope i can be more productive this week. Also i watch birdbox yesterday and it’s quite good. I think i’ll rate it 4/5 and the scene when they went to a supermarket i find it really cool idk why.
What i use for this spread :
Zebra Mildliner Pink
Snoman Drawing Pen 0.1 Black
Pink Pastel Washi Tape
Have a nice week! 💕
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icystudying · 5 years
i want to follow more japanese langblr’s/studyblr’s - if you post a lot of japanese content on your blog like/reblog this to let me know!
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icystudying · 5 years
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2 7 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 9 | 2 : 3 9 P M
finished off my august spread today and i’m super happy with it !! my handwriting still kinda sucks but oh well :p
I have officially started term 3 and it’s already kicking my butt, i need to try and get on top of everything, hopefully starting up my bujo again will help me with all that
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icystudying · 5 years
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The new semester starts in about a month, so I thought it’d be nice to share the achievements I fulfilled during summer break!
My achievements:
nothing lol.
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icystudying · 5 years
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“ Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you.
This storm is you. Something inside of you. ”
— Haruki Murakami (Kafka on the Shore)
instagram | website
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icystudying · 5 years
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blog post 18th july 2019
Another bujo spread, this time from may - my extremely hectic exam season & I survived it!
I don't know how but this school year went by so so fast and I have no idea how I got those grades I got and in the end I'm kinda happy with how I did :)
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icystudying · 5 years
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Went to get Poke at FOB Poke Bar in Belltown for lunch (deeeelicious!), and then went over to The Moo Bar for some boba to drink during class. They gave us cute collectible mugs with our order! (It says “can’t we all just get oolong?” 😆🍵 Cuuute).
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icystudying · 5 years
small things to add to a hand written letter:
a teabag of your favourite tea
heart shaped note with cute drawings
stickers on the outside of the letter, and inside
handmade paper doll
small print or postcard
a sketch or a little painting or a poem
glitter or sequins or pearls or buttons
small candies or bubblegum
cut out magazine pictures or articles
folded paper, like origami
textile like small ribbons or clothing patches
coins or flat things found in a souvenir shop
pressed flower or leaf
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icystudying · 5 years
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June Week 3 ☀️ | Lmao I’ve been so lazy this summer :”) I keep forgetting about my study blogs …
instagram / webtoon / youtube
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icystudying · 5 years
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2 1 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 9
started up my bujo again, really need to keep the discipline to use it, i always end up slowly using it less and less. really need to stop that from happening
school starts again tomorrow, got a practice exam first day
not the flashiest bujo spread but its better than nothing
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icystudying · 5 years
こんにちは everyone!🍓Yesterday I was thinking that it would be nice to have a discord where everyone can speak about Japanese, practice, share tips and resources or just have fun together! I know there are a few discords going around but whenever I sent an ask if I could join, the admin’s studyblrs weren’t active at all. For security reasons I won’t be putting the link in this post but please, if you want to join send me an ask or a private message!
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icystudying · 5 years
other than using your bujo as a checklist/general planner, what other kinds of pages do you personally enjoy adding?
my bujo is basically all checkboxes of stuff i need to do and i have no idea what else i want to add!
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icystudying · 5 years
yesss please!!
Reblog this if its okay for your followers to introduce themselves to you.
Just come to my ask box and tell me stuff about yourself. Your pets. Your favorite music. What you had for breakfast this morning. Literally anything you want, I love making new friends
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icystudying · 5 years
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Just a random spread I did yesterday :) 
My summer break is so far good and in a few days, we start our Road trip through Switzerland, Italy and France! I’m so excited because we never did a Road trip before and we haven’t booked anything in advance. We just drive spontaneously through the countries.
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icystudying · 5 years
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180719 // day 3 of 15 days of doing sh*t
lazy bullet journal spread. why not. it’s the reality.
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icystudying · 5 years
just a reminder that I love messages and asks
i really want to make some friends in this community so if you ever want to chat/want a study buddy let me know!
i know i dont have the most aesthetic posts but im really trying v(・∀・*)
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icystudying · 5 years
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190607; woke up at 7:30am, cooked some breakfast, fixed a hot cup of coffee, printed new references, journaling 💭 resumes typing chapter one. had spaghetti for lunch. folded some laundry. now, standing outside the porch, quite agitated about the hot weather and the smell from our neighbor’s pig pens 😞
praying -
that it would rain - that would be nice 😌😌 thinking if should read more lits or should i just go for an afternoon nap.
how’s your friday like? ✨
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