crystalpaintz · 1 year
Lots of people mistaken Bonyu as Jeice's sister. But what if we kept that idea?
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An ally ☆
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svonbuchwald · 2 years
Bonyu. Bunnyu. Heh.
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camocat · 2 years
Can you draw Cheelai and Bonyu doing crimes? (Like robbing someone lol)
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bliss-wily · 7 months
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TOKUSENTAI! Some love for the Ginyu Force. I’ll do ones of the members (including Bonyu), later. But for now please enjoy a more generic one.
Software used: Canva.
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bakarrot · 8 months
saw db xenoverse 2 on huge sale like a year ago and like a fool i told myself i'd just wait until 3 comes out because it's such an old game and 'the sequel is probably coming soon.'
i could practically hear the bells on my little jester hat jingling
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arschgesicht6969 · 9 months
uh, for the db ships thing, maybe cheelai x bonyu. or seripa x gine.
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I love these two so much!!
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dimensional-fatty · 9 months
Fasha was safe from the explosion of planet Vegeta because she was recruited into Bonyu own private Ginyu Force luckily there was no poses unfortunately everyone was starting to get the same body type as her.
"fasha are you ready to conquest another planet?" Bonyu walk up to her with determination.
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theotherbackgrounder · 4 months
So Sparking Zero is a big thing coming out, and we are expecting a huge roster but the question is what do you expect from the roster itself
Do you only expect OG, Z, Super, GT, and Daima characters? Perhaps even include stuff like Ultra Ego, Granola, and Moro? But what about beyond?
Movies seem like the best place. Cooler is an obvious, Janeba as well. But what about beyond?
We have some characters from the games we can pick. Mira, Towa, and Fuu are forced into everything so it makes sense they show up here. Android 21 seems like it would be perfect. Hatchiyack? Bonyu? But what about beyond.
Dragon Ball heroes. While I may not know much about the series, there is a whole lot that is going on. Even as little as characters like Cumber and Hearts.
How far should the roster go?
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pudgy-planets · 26 days
Bonyu is cute-
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op-dbz-ladies · 4 months
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Bonyu left the Ginyu force to join King Colds Universe Squadron. The post was open after a Saiyan named Papul was found dead. Wonder who did that.
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eric-sadahire · 1 year
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In Japan, they have lactation bars offering human breast milk...
It's called Mother's milk bar/Bonyu bar.
$18 gets you a shot, and $46 gets you the nipple.
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divinelasso · 8 months
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Ribo is finally here!!! Cell's battle hungry "daughter" who came to me in a dream. She was kind of a Bonyu situation, i can't remember which game she debuted in in my dream but she was like a training character that you could learn new moves from but you met with her in the Capsule Corp main building instead of her being a hologram recording.
The name she had in my dream had "Kura" in it, which was all I could remember from it when I woke up and wrote it in my notes. Coincidentally, when i looked it up, kura can mean "dream" "illusion" or "fleeting" (as in a dream) which was so wild to me i decided to keep it as a part of her which is where "Kura Project" comes from :)
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bliss-wily · 7 months
More hcs from my silly little head - seems to be the direction this is going in and I’m going to run with it. Using this as my space to let me thoughts run wild as I deal with lovely headaches~
This time? Frieza and maybe his family! Read below to find out~
Note: In my mind Cooler and Kuriza are canon. I know they aren’t but this is my version so meh.
•Smooth yet scaly skin.
•Don’t talk to him until he’s had his grape juice.
•And yes, grape juice.
•No wine for the space lizard - his father wants all the wine for himself.
•King Cold is a wine mom. And maybe a soccer mom, Freezy Pop is his little boy.
•Also, definitely still calls King Cold ‘daddy’.
•A daddy’s boy.
•Frieza had Kuriza simply to have an heir.
•Ends up loving the little brat but won’t admit it.
•Zarbon is designated babysitter.
•King Cold definitely had Zarb babysitting his two boys as well.
•And yes, every elite is older than Frieza~
•My proof? Broly! I took plenty of screenshots of one part of that movie because…Frieza Force! Can’t find the rest of my screenshots but just some cans several of the elites are present.
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(Also for some reason Jeice’s arm is not covered in his spandex? Oh well, think it’s an error as he is covered in other parts of his cameo. Also Zarb has white shoes instead of brown. Ah excuse my rambling!)
•Anywayyy…Berryblue was basically the nanny for the two boys (Frieza and Cooler).
•Also, Freezy Pop is very insecure of his height - hence why his aides are shorter than him.
•Zarbon and Dodoria are his right hand men, they are allowed to be taller.
•Despite being expendable, I think Zarbon was Frieza’s closest confidant.
•And by god - no one insults his two right hand men. Sorbet got an earful for comparing Tagoma to them after all, only he gets to speak bad about them!
•If you’re good to him, he will be good to you. Unless you become a threat and stand in his way of course! Can’t have that!
•Heavily relies on Zarbon and Berryblue respectively. I think Zarbon is tasked with anything and everything, whether that’s changing the emperor’s bed or helping him with his sense of style.
•The two are friendly BUT IT IS VERY CONDITIONAL.
•Keeps Zarbon close as I feel the two would agree on certain things: skincare, presentation, aesthetics…plus both nepo babies in my opinion. They’d have plenty to talk about.
•Dodoria can be Karen, it’s like space Mean Girls.
•Future Warrior from Xenoverse can be Cady.
Now I’m getting off track…I’m sorry these are always rambly, I’m very unprofessional.
•Frieza still acts like a child and the universe to him is his toy box.
•His favourite toys are closest to him though.
•Blinded by his obsession to beat Goku.
•And due to this blindness I think Cooler has the potential to be stronger.
•Cooler I imagine is the more mature and less sadistic of the two.
•Cooler is more well rounded; better to his men, and despite the fact he would and could kill Frieza - anyone else touches his little brother? Oh there’s hell to pay! Only he’s allowed.
•Highly unbothered that Frieza is the favourite - if anything, to Cooler, that just means more freedom to an extent.
•Actually takes his role seriously.
•Salza is his Zarbon in this scenario - he doesn’t need a Berryblue though as Cooler is mature enough to lack a babysitter.
•I think Cooler would be a good uncle to Kuriza, I don’t think he would hold a grudge towards the little one.
•Speaking of Kuriza…this boy I imagine to be a ray of sunshine!
•Just to totally go against Frieza’s personality - Kuriza loves sports, art, games, playing with toys, etc.
•Just a sweet kid but has combat prowess.
•And his cuteness means the members of the Force let the little Lord get his way.
•Zarbon especially, he wouldn’t let anything happen to that boy.
•Nor would Ginyu, I think he would be the honorary sixth member.
•Although I think Zarbon, Frieza, and Bonyu would discourage the posing aspect.
•Kuriza will be the only ‘sane’ member of the family.
•Loves his daddy, uncle and gramps - and his other uncles and aunties in the form of the elite force members.
•Well mannered and behaved.
•I will assume much like the Namekians, Frieza’s race/Icejins/Frost Demons reproduce asexually. Sure Cold and his two sons are highly attractive but I doubt they have the time.
•Now for Cold! Wine mom as I said. Loves wine, loves retirement.
•Calls Cooler by his name, Frieza gets all the nicknames from ‘Princess’, ‘Freezy Pop’, ‘Prince’, ‘Free’, ‘Freezy Baby’, etc. super embarrassing dad vibes.
•At all royal/political/whatever events the PTO are involved in just know this man is coming with all the most embarrassing pictures of his two boys. Frieza especially.
•A very proud daddy, doubt he ever let Frieza out of his sight when the tyrant was young.
•Also, raising Kuriza most of the time. I don’t think he wants to see his grandson getting hurt.
•Rarely sober, always at least a little tipsy.
•Very refined, expensive taste, probably had Zarbie as his favourite minion as well.
•His private residence is family photos, definitely had to bribe Frieza into behaving.
•Also…loaded but in an old money sense.
•Could be stronger than his two boys, but who’s got time for that? Or need? Nah…wine, luxuries; and his boys. That’s what matters most.
•Wine snob - whole family are. Well apart from Frieza and Kuriza - expensive grape juice!
•Sees Cooler as an adult, sees Frieza as his precious little baby.
It’s like nearly 3am here; these are all over the place and I should probably sleep, but that’s my contribution for this early morning~
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myfatmuses · 9 months
"Ugh... DAmn it... I lost didn't i?" Bonyu look as Fasha. "Where am i?"
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After explaining to him his heritage she actively left taking the other with her. "Yeah turns out this planet isn't worth anything it's more of a hassle and too far the way to be even be worth keeping. " She was lying to them but it was better than trying to take this world
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stupidhorse2 · 1 year
Salza dying his hair!
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I always found it strange how Salza is the only member of his race that DOESN'T have white hair. Like Bonyu and Jeice both have white hair, but Salza's blonde?
Kinda odd.
This drawing was made as practice, so it was a bit rushed. I still had fun making it :).
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potarathecute · 1 year
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