booloocrew-blog · 2 years
We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day...
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"🎵Keep smiling through, just like you always do, 'til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away🎵...I know that calms you down, dosen't it? That song? And I don't want to forget about it because it reminds me of you! I don't want to forget about our time together..."
"...I'm sorry, Tippet, but I have to do my job as a Narrator. Just...know that it hurts me way more than it hurts you. Ok? I'm...I'm sorry. Lord knows I never cry like this."
"And you don't have to cry or feel any unimagineable pain. You don't have to be evil. Just...drop the sword, and we'll live together. No murders, no pain, and I'll always be there with you. I promise. Tippet's honor...ok?"
"....You don't understand. If I don't do this, then-"
"We can handle it. Even if the world ends because of this, I want it to happen with you by my side. And I'll do anything to accomplish that."
"...Ghhh." *drops sword* "I...I can't do it. You're lucky your singing voice is so pretty."
"Heh, well, it's genetics, really."
when ur singing voice is so pretty that you're now in a relationship with an evil demon god.
Narrator/Lady Tiara: The Devil in the Details-WD Host Ref Red. Lord Tippet: An Angel in Plain Sight- WD Host Ref Red. Bennington: Unlikely Friends-Bennington Weapons Drawn Host Ref Duke Wesleyham: A Lord's Rival- Weapons Drawn Host Ref
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
Tag Urself YDKJ Edition
- The annoying little brother friend
- Surprisingly socially awkward
- Hates being teased
- A huge freaking dork, but proud of it.
- Total jock, yet still a gentle giant
- Super friendly, but still has a bit of sass.
- Very physical in terms of affection
- Hates studying and/or school
- The chill/gay friend
- Loves everything to do with music
- The only sane one most days
- “Dude, I don’t want to say I told you so, but….”
- The dad friend
- Once wild, now mild (and so very tired)
- Pretends to be mature, actually is far from it
- Has anger issues, but hides it well for the most part
- Needs 5 cups of coffee to function most days
- Is/was the class clown in school
- The sassy friend with a ego
- Uses humor to cope with serious issues
- Has a dated style and the jokes to match.
- Probably still wears crocs.
- Loves gross out humor.
- Has to be informed about dead memes.
- Very good with technology
- Always happy, which gets super creepy at times
- Seen as a total people-pleaser.
- May be a psychopath, can’t reliably confirm it though
- The responsible mom friend.
- "I left you guys alone for 5 minutes..."
- Keeps the friendship running, acts as a mediator.
- Makeup hides the eyebags.
Previously posted on my Deviantart account: https://www.deviantart.com/booloocrew/art/Tag-Yourself-You-Don-t-Know-Jack-Hosts-891974749
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
Crack theory: Weapon’s Drawn is just the narrators self insert Agatha Christie fanfiction
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
I want to experience as much raw fanboy joy as Lord Tippet when he says “To the evidence board!” for the first time.
Like, even though the circumstances are grim, since 4-6 guests have been murderered in cold blood and all, he gets to solve a case with 4-8 detectives that he invited to this party and is implied to be a huge fan of.
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this gif is pretty much how I imagine his reaction being at that moment, at least internally.
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
Ok, personally, I see the main holy trio of hosts as Nate Shapiro, Schmitty, and Cookie. They’re referenced the most in both their series and other Jackbox media, plus they’re way more popular than Buzz, Guy, and Bob nowadays. If you think of YDKJ, chances are you’re thinking of those three.
So I propose we make them a hosting trio in the next ydkj game. All at the same time. They can each host their own sets of questions while interacting with each other like the dumb*** college students they are.
I mean, if you want to see Nate and Cookie arguing on who’s the more popular ydkj host or who takes the next question whilst Schmitty is clearly trying his best to break it up, this is the perfect place to see it.
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
genderbent ydkj hosts names (for science)
Candy Masterson
Kate Shapiro
Honey Lippman
Lady Towers
Jessica/Jess “Schmitti” Schmittdottir
Diva (ydkj headrush)
Tracy Stevens (ydkj abc version)
Binjfeed (ydkj full stream cohost)
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
Ok, but Guesspionage is basically one guy screwing around at work by doing a game show with his colleagues, when he’s supposed to do whatever the FBI does in this universe.
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
This song reminds me a lot of my headcanon relationship with Redacted and The Narrator. They’re both competitive and tease each other a lot, but bond over their love of murder and scarring people.
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
Random idea: the Jackbox staff recreating Romeo and Juilet without a script for a charity live stream, and as expected all the female hosts argue about who deserves to be Juliet. Meanwhile, the male hosts argue about who would be….Mercutio, the gay sassy deadpan snarker who gets killed by Tybult, simply because he’s way cooler in their humble opinions.
Eventually Spencer/redacted gets casted as Romeo, which he’s really mad about because he’s literally the perfect guy for the Mercutio role, and plots to actually murder Cookie (the guy who got the latter role) during the show.
Hijinks ensue.
(Based on this pg13 YouTube video where a bunch of people act Romeo and Juliet without a complete script or rehearsals: https://youtu.be/PIVrj97_rCM)
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
this is probably not going to make sense to some of you, but I need to get this off my chest.
if siivagunner EVER does another King For A Day tournament, I want Cookie, Schmitty, and the Jackbox head to be competitors. I could see awesome remixes coming from them if backed by the right guy.
Plus us Jackbox fans would probably have a field day. I know I would.
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
The Narrator and her posse are plotting something: the song
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
Currently thinking about Redacted and Lady Tiara’s chaotic friendship
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
HC: Nate Shapiro probably listens to indie hits like these to inspire his music
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
Weapons drawn au where everything’s the same but the detectives say:
…exactly like a Phoenix Wright game when they’re solving the murders.
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
This is the song Nate plays while escaping Binjpipe. Sorry I don’t make the rules.
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booloocrew-blog · 3 years
Ok, I can kinda see why Nate likes this band.
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