#booster theme review
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Secrets Kept From Him Ran Haitani x Fem Reader Chapter 1: Secrets WC: 3.5K+ Resident: @enchantedforest-networkTW: Past relationship with Ran, Disappearing, Slight Suggestive Themes, Angst, Drinking, Suggestive Language, Secret Child He Doesn't Know About (unedited) MINOR DNI 18+
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‘I promised to be by your side’ for years this phrase would haunt Ran in his sleep. His eyes opened up in the darkness of the room. He turned his head to the
side to see the woman he picked up for the night who was fast asleep. It just didn’t feel right no matter how many girls he brought home, nothing felt complete. To be exact no one could replace you. 5 years had passed by without a sign of where you left. He had tried to track you down when you first left. Trying to get a hold of family members, friends even trying to find connections to search for you. But each time there was a lead it was a dead end. ‘Why do I keep doing this to myself… they are not the same’ he sighed. He was doing this to himself, comparing each woman with you. Behind his smile only his brother could see that he wasn’t happy. The following morning Ran was still charming as he called a cab for his late night friend to be picked up. “Thanks for last night, I'll give you a call sometime.” flashing a smile seeing the woman get into the cab as it began to travel down the road. The smile on his face faded, his hands placed in his pockets as he went into his home. 
“We just got in…no we are heading there right now…” you sat in the back of the private car as you were on the phone, you were looking through the windows, it's been years since you've been in Tokyo. It still looked the same. The bit of nostalgia hitting you as you passed by some familiar buildings. “Hey listen I will call you later tonight and keep you updated.. Okay… okay bye.”  you hung up the phone. “Everything is so big over here!” your daughter looked out from her booster seat. “You used to live here right mommy?”  her violet eyes looked over at you. “Yeah before you were born.” softly smiled as you ran your fingers through her long soft locks. 
You left Tokyo when you found out you were a few weeks pregnant. Ran didn’t know about the baby. It did worry you when finding out about your pregnancy, you were scared shitless. Ran coming home sometimes covered in blood, you had expressed your concerns for his safety many times. He would simply say ‘you don’t need to worry about a thing my love.’ but it worries you every single time. You worried you would get a call about a deal going south and he wouldn’t make it or if someone found out about you or your guy's baby you wouldn’t know what this person might do. You couldn’t take that risk, you needed to protect yourself and your baby. 
It hurt you to leave him  the way you did without any notice nor telling him where you were going. The days passed into months and your daughter was brought into the world. Along with trying to figure out how to be a mother you were dealing with your own anxiety. Looking at her growing each day she inherited Ran’s looks. You had a little piece of Ran with you. You wanted to give your daughter the opportunity to grow up in Tokyo and enjoy it like you did as a child. “We should be arriving at our new home tomorrow sweetheart.” you spoke. You bought a home on the other side of Tokyo avoiding some of the places you and Ran would visit. He was a creature of comfort he would usually stick to the places he was familiar with. The home would have all your belongings by the end of the day today. You were going to stay in one of the Hotels that had great reviews online. It was fairly new as well. Still in the back of your mind wondering what would happen if you would have run into him by accident or his brother… You wouldn’t know what you would do. Your mind would play thousands of possible scenarios from him being happy, to being betrayed and upset with you.
“Mommy we are here!” your daughter exclaimed as the car stopped in front of the Hotel. “Great lets put our stuff in the hotel and do a bit of sightseeing before it gets late.” opening the car door.
“Ran, are you paying attention?” Rindou called out to his brother who was spaced out.
“Hmmm oh yeah, what time do we have to meet up with them again?”  They were in the car going to the destination meeting some possible clients for the club. One being a heiress of a prestigious alcohol company. Ran knew what he exactly had to do to get this contract with her. Even if it meant he had to sleep with her. “Seriously you cannot mess this up. If we can reduce the cost of this we are golden.” Rin looked over at his brother. “I know. Why don’t I just sleep with the bimbo first then you talk to her about contracts, she wouldn’t be able to process the quote we give her without thinking about events that happened before that.”  Ran suggested giving a smirk. His brother let out a deep sigh pinching the bridge of his nose “You have that full confidence in you by all means have at it. Might leave this to you right now then come back later on.” As the car pulled up to the hotel. Ran pulled up a photo of the heiress to make sure he wouldn’t mistake her for anyone else. He studied her features, making him woo her easily. He did look different from the last time you saw him. His hair was styled differently and wear a nice suit. You and your daughter were exiting out to the lobby. Your attention was on your daughter as she was happily talking to you as you held her hand.In this brief moment your paths crossed with his but both were too busy in your own worlds to notice each other at that moment. A faint smell of a familiar cologne hit your nostril for a moment. Looking up for a moment you were passing a group of gentlemen thinking it was one of them wearing the cologne Ran used to wear. You refocused your attention on your daughter.
Ran would be heading to the bar of the hotel where he is greeted by the striking beauty who was waiting for him. “Ms. Yamaguchi, I'm glad you were able to make it on such short notice.” Ran smiled as reaching for her hand kissing the back of it. “You do look lovely tonight. I’m Ran Haitani.” “Lovely to meet you Ran. They told me you were handsome but not so charming as well.” she looked at him with a sultry look. “You have a brother as well Rindou if I remember correctly… where is here tonight?” She looked towards the doorway. “He had to take care of some things at the club. I guess in the meantime while we wait, we can get to know each other? Can I buy you a drink?” the smile that no woman could resist. She gladly accepted his offer. It would only take him an hour to end up in her hotel room. 
Few hours would pass as you made your way back to the hotel with your daughter along with someone you trusted since the day you left. “We are glad you will join us for dinner tonight. I made reservations.” you smiled. Looking over at your aunt who you kept in contact with. 
“I'm glad to be finally seeing you both in a while. For a chance you both get to visit me for once.” she chuckled while walking into the hotel lobby. Your aunt never met Ran before, only had heard about him from the stories you would tell her. She did suggest telling him the minutes you gave birth to your daughter but she respected your choices on why you didn’t. 
When you pressed the elevator button you waited patiently. You saw something on your daughter's face. Kneeling down,facing away from the elevator cleaning her cheek. On the other side of the elevator coming down, Ran was focused on the lovely Ms. Yamaguchi. Her hands draped around his neck. As she playfully talked to him. “I never had a client take such good care of me.” her finger tips touching his lips. “Well there will be more if you like later on.” he was leaning in before the elevator stopped. They were on the lobby floor. When opening the door they saw a mom kneeling down with her back toward them, seeming to be cleaning her daughter's face accompanied by an elderly lady. Ran smiled as he exited the elevator. He noticed the little girl and thought she was adorable. Her eye color was similar to his own; he didn't really pay mind to all the details of the girl but her eyes. They made their way towards the bar where Rindou was. They heard the little girls say “mommy lets get in the elevator!” “Okay okay let's hurry in.” you chuckled. From that distance Ran heard the familiar voice that stopped him for a moment. When his head turned around he was able to get a look of the mom who was standing up. From a side view his heart dropped seeing you.  He watched you holding onto the little girl's hand entering the elevator. “Ran dear everything alright?” Ms. Yamaguchi asked when Ran seemed to pause for a moment.  He couldn’t just move seeing that you were here in the hotel he was at. He needed to talk to you. Ran composing himself quickly he turned his attention back to Ms. Yamaguchi. “Yes of course I thought I knew someone. But shall we meet up with my brother?” he asked, covering his issues with a smile. During the discussion between Ms. Yamaguchi and Rindou , Ran wasn’t paying attention. His mind was focusing on other things. His past love being here and trying to figure out what his next move would be. He could wait in the lobby till you came down again. Rindou would look at his brother's direction seeing he was preoccupied in thoughts. “Ran… Ran.” Rindou called out.
“Hmm I’m sorry what is happening?” he asked. 
“Must be still a little dazed and confused because of our private discussion earlier.” Ms. Yamaguchi smiled. “We were going over the quantity and price range.” Rindou spoke. “We agreed on this number.” Rindou pulls out a small notepad along with a pen jotting down the number and handing it to Ms. Yamaguchi.
She looked at the number. “I think we can make this work. Your brother can be very convincing ya know. I will have the contracts ready by tomorrow for both of you to sign.” She picked up her drink while taking a sip. The next thing she knew she had her phone ring. “Hello yes…Well I'm in the middle of something right now. I left you in charge for one minute and you decided to screw things up.” she sighed she brought the phone away from her ear “I do apologize gentlemen but something needs my attention. I will have my assistant send over the contracts in the morning. If you will excuse me I need to take care of this.” She got up from the seat walking away.  Rindou looked at his brother “What the hell is going on with you?” “What if I told you about someone from the past staying in this hotel right now.” Ran gave his brother a side glance bringing his drink to his lips. “Can you confirm they are here?” Rin leaned back in his chair. “She is here, I saw her. She still looked the same, just like I remember.” Ran spoke. “There is something else too.. She had some company with her” “Company you say? Who’s the guy?” he asked. Rin was already prepared to make something look like an accident waiting for his brother to describe the guy you might be with. “It wasn’t a guy…. It was a little girl and some older woman I’ve never seen before.” Ran began to remember the child feature more. The pretty violet eyes that resembled his, the child that looked no older than 4 or 5. “I need to talk to her more before assuming something… Listen, she will eventually come down. I wanna talk to her.” ~~~~~~ Fixing your daughter's hair you had her in a pretty purple dress. “You look great sweetie.” holding her hands. “You do too mommy.” her small hands cupping your cheeks as she gave your eskimo kisses. “You guys ready?” you asked your daughter and aunt. “Ready!” they both exclaimed. Walking out of the room. Getting into the main lobby you headed to the area where the restaurant was. 
Rindou wanted to see if Ran really saw the woman from his brother's past. He was casually sitting in the lobby looking at his phone each time the elevator opened and his eyes were on the elevator. His eyes focused on you when you stepped out with your daughter and aunt. He was in a bit of disbelief seeing you. Picking up his phone. “Hey you were right…. She is heading towards the restaurant.. Just one thing don’t act like an idiot just-” the phone was cut off “son of a .” he grit his teeth. He didn’t want his brother to do anything drastic infront of people. Ran was already at the restaurant. He had a seat in the corner where the bar stand was. Just a minute later after hanging up with Rin. He saw the group of three arriving at the check in. The server shows you to your table. The more he watched you the more he wanted to walk up to the table and talk to you. Hearing the small giggles coming from your daughter his heart was breaking. There was no doubt that was his little girl. It was like a little replica of him as a child. He wasn’t a part of yours and her life. He wanted to get a better view of you both. Still questioning who the lady was you were with. He was by the walkway in the corner where it lead to the kitchen he leaned on the rail. Your daughter was looking around the restaurant amazed by how beautiful everything was. “Mommy look at the big fishes in the tank!” she pointed to the large aquarium-like tank behind them. “ I know they are big fishes.” you watched the fish swimming peacefully. Your daughter's  eyes are still roaming around. She happened to glance at a table where she saw a family sitting. She didn’t know who her dad was, she had asked about him but you kept it very short with the answers. Excuses of daddy being very busy with work. She watched as the dad interacted with his children, making them laugh. Ran saw her looking over at the table and her smile disappeared for a moment. You caught onto seeing your daughter frown on her face. “You okay sweetheart?” you asked her. “Mommy, will I ever get to meet my daddy? At my old school I would see daddy’s pick up their kids from school and the kids would do all these things with their daddy’s… I just…” she stopped her sentence and looked down fidgeting with her hands. Your aunt looked over at you, after hearing what your daughter said. She had told you many times and now your daughter was asking about her father. “ I know, baby.” you cupping her face lifting her cheeks up to look at you. Just this statement was killing you so much. She was suffering not knowing who her father was. “You will meet him one day.. I promise.” you smiled, kissing her forehead. “Why do we get something sweet after dinner? I will let you choose something from the menu.” you wanted to see that smile appear on her face. “Really?” her eyes brighten up. “That sounds like a good idea now. Why don’t I help you choose Sweetie?” your aunt suggested to your daughter who happily scooted closer to her as they both looked at the menu.
 Picking up your wine glass you sipped on your wine. You started to realize how many families were in the restaurant.  Your eyes began to wander around the restaurant to see some happy couple and families enjoying their meal. When your eyes reached the corner of the room they didn’t move when they landed on him. His distinct violet eyes appear back at you, even though he had a new hairstyle. He was there looking back at you, the eye contact didn’t break for a second. The moment your eyes looked away was when your daughter caught your attention. “Mommy I want this one!” She brought the menu close to you to show you the item she wanted.
“That does look like a yummy treat, sweetie.” you smile. You took a quick glance back at the corner where Ran was standing and he was gone. “Mommy is gonna go to the bathroom really fast okay? Behave for your aunt for me?” turning your attention back to your daughter. Your daughter nodded promising she would behave for you.
You got up from the booth and made your way to the corner of the restaurant. You couldn’t believe your feet were walking toward his direction. Your heart was pounding against your chest, as you approached closer. When you reached the area you saw an empty hallway. Walking down the empty hallway you saw the different paths to the hotel. You were looking down at the hallway but no sight of him. The quicker you were looking down the aisle when you felt someone grabbing your hand pulling you into an aisle of where rows of doors continue down the long hallway. The smell of his YSL cologne hit your nostrils, the hypnotizing violet eyes were close. It didn’t take long or Ran’s slender arm to wrap around your pulling you closer to his body. His other hand caressing your cheek as he brought you to his chest in a tight embrace. His head is buried in the top of your head taking a deep inhale of your scent. “____.” he whispered your name. It didn’t take much longer until you found yourself holding him. His embrace was just like you remembered, and how much you missed every moment of it. “I missed you…” 
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fruitofarottenwomb · 2 months
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subliminal crash course
hello everyone! i know that i've been gone for a hot minute, but i'm back! hope y'all didn't miss me too much! today i'm going to be talking about subliminals: what they are, different types, effective ways to use them, how to make subliminal playlists and even some sub creators and subliminals that i use and trust! hope this helps!
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what are subliminals?
the cambridge dictionary defines subliminals as not recognized or understood by the conscious mind, but still having an influence on it.
not recognised? conscious mind? vivienne, what do these mean? do not fret! all will be revealed...
if you're a little slow, subliminals are essentially like secret messages sneaked into your brain even though you're not aware of them. think of them as the brain's version of a surprise party—you don't see them coming, but they still make an impact
i define them as messages or stimuli presented below the level of conscious awareness, designed to influence feelings, appearances, or behaviors, which are often used in self-help contexts.
what are some subliminal keywords and their meanings?
trigger words: specific words intended to prompt immediate emotions or states of mind. for example, "peace," "success," or "joy.
masking: the technique of hiding subliminal messages behind music or ambient sounds.
binaural beats: a form of auditory stimulation used in subliminals to enhance relaxation or focus.
sub creator: someone who creates and shares subliminal audio or visual content.
layering: combining multiple subliminal tracks or types of subliminals to enhance effectiveness.
custom subliminals: personalized subliminal tracks created to meet specific needs or goals.
boosters: additional affirmations or messages added to enhance the effects of a main subliminal track.
conscious mind: contains all the thoughts, feelings, cognitions, and memories we acknowledge.
unconscious mind: consists of deeper mental processes not readily available to the conscious mind.
what are the different types of subliminals?
visual subliminals involve quick flashes of images or text based on a theme, topic or desire that are not consciously perceived but are processed by the subconscious.
affirmations are positive statements repeated in a way that they are meant to influence one's subconscious mind.
auditory subliminals include affirmations or messages, but these are played at a low volume, masked by music, rain sounds, or even brown noise! (i'll make a post about what that is and different coloured noise at a later date) the idea is that the messages bypass conscious processing and are absorbed by the subconscious.
forced subliminal refer to subliminal messages that are presented in a way that the subconscious mind is exposed to them more insistently or repetitively than typical subliminals. the idea is that this increased exposure or intensity can make the subliminal more effective.
how can i use them effectively?
consistency: listen to or view subliminals regularly to reinforce the messages.
focus: for me, subliminals work best when i am in a relaxed state, like while meditating or before sleep.
integration: pair subliminals with active efforts toward your goals. for example, if you’re working on improving confidence, use subliminals along with practical steps like public speaking practice.
define clear goals: identify specific outcomes you want to achieve (e.g., increased confidence, better sleep, improved focus).
choose quality subliminals: select well-reviewed and credible subliminal tracks or creators. ensure they use positive, constructive affirmations and are designed professionally. i usually check the comments to see people's experiences when using the subliminal, or i will check the sub creator's instagram, as many of them post results on there.
create a routine: integrate subliminals into your daily routine, such as listening before bed, during meditation, or while relaxing. consistent timing can enhance effectiveness.
monitor your progress: keep track of any changes or improvements in your thoughts, appearance, or behaviors. this can help you gauge effectiveness and adjust your approach if needed. although, you shouldn't be obsessing over results, as this can hinder the process. obsessing over the results means that you don't really believe in the power of you and your mind.
maintain a positive mindset: stay open and positive about the process. a positive attitude can enhance the effectiveness of subliminals. but, contrary to popular belief, you can still be sad or skeptical about a subliminal and still see results, however, it does help to have a good self concept.
how can i make a subliminal playlist?
what i personally do is start with four boosters (each from different sub creators), then i'll just add all the subliminals that i want from a specific creator, add the four boosters again, and repeat with another sub creator. the amount of subliminals i add for a specific creator is unlimited. i just add subliminals that's given me results, ones i wanna try out, etc. this may not be for everyone, so here's some tips for a more organised sub playlist:
identify key topics: determine the main areas you want to focus on, such as confidence, relaxation, productivity, or health.
create subcategories: within each main topic, create subcategories if needed. for example, under "confidence," you might have subcategories like "social confidence" and "professional confidence."
arrange by priority: arrange the topics in order of priority or relevance to your current goals. place the most important ones at the top of the playlist.
set time frames: consider the duration of each track and the overall length of the playlist. ensure it’s manageable and fits into your daily routine.
track variation: mix different types of subliminal messages if you have a variety, such as affirmations or binaural beats.
update regularly: periodically review and update your playlist based on your progress and changing goals.
test and adjust: listen to your playlist regularly and adjust based on how well it resonates with you and supports your goals.
aaand were done! i hope this has been informative and helpful to you, and if you have any success stories with subliminals, send them to me! i'm making a post about subliminal creators i recommend, so make sure you look out for that! love you all!
good luck ♡
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blbeloved · 10 months
BLs That Heal
Tough times all around so #FujinHaven did an informal survey of BLs fans find healing, help them feel better about themselves, more calm and optimistic
The titles,grouped by theme, are rich in emotions and intimacy; inspiring; absorbing; cathartic and humorous too
Healing for those dealing with loss, shame and grief:
#Egoist 🇯🇵
#EternalYesterday 🇯🇵
#GameBoysTheSeries 🇵🇭
#HesComingToMe 🇹🇭
#OneRoomAngel 🇯🇵
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Oxytocin drips:
#MySchoolPresident 🇹🇭
#HIStory3Trapped 🇹🇼
#CherryMagic 🇯🇵
#ALeagueOfNobleman 🇨🇳
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Serotonin boosters:
#LoveSick 🇹🇭
#AdvanceBravely 🇨🇳
#LoveInTranslation 🇹🇭
#Addicted 🇨🇳
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Soft Tops:
#SemanticError 🇰🇷
#MyRide 🇹🇭
#LoveByChance 🇹🇭
#SecretCrushOnYou 🇹🇭
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Can’t cry but really want to cry and it will all be worth it:
#KillerAndHealer 🇨🇳
#NirvanaInFire 🇨🇳
#TheUntamed 🇨🇳
#ToSirWithLove 🇹🇭
#HanhPhucXaBay 🇻🇳
#UntilWeMeetAgain 🇹🇭
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Visuals and Vibes:
#DinosaurLove 🇹🇭
#MrCinderella 🇻🇳
#BoysLockdown 🇵🇭
#2Gether 🇹🇭
#HelloStranger 🇵🇭
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Lots of laughs and smiles:
#WinterBegonia 🇨🇳
#BonAppetit 🇰🇷
#StupidGenius 🇻🇳
#BoyNextDoor 🇰🇷
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Enjoy the list and check out the first feminist reviews of live-action BL at Fujin Haven blog https://fujinhaven.portfolial.com
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dizaryswrites · 4 months
I have a confession to make!
I don’t know how obvious it is, but I actually haven’t read any comics 😅 I know, I know haha, it’s just I haven’t had the time! Luckily, I mostly follow blogs that I know are comic readers so I know what’s fanon and canon mostly. But since I will have free time in the summer, I was wondering if you have any recommendations on what to read and where to start?
Oh man I WISH I could be one of those blogs who snaps out the long scroll that just rolls down the hallway with a concise cross referenced list of top hits from every era and where to start with each character! But I am a book hoarder with not enough time on my hands so I haven't even read half of what I have, let alone all the back issues 😅
Here's some stuff that I really enjoyed as a new-to-comics-and-DC reader and in general (in mostly chronological order because that's how I arrange my comic books):
Batman: Dark Victory
I really enjoyed the mystery and early Batman days, plus Dick Grayson's debut! He is a delight. I didn't read Long Halloween which comes before this so I missed some context but I picked it up easy enough (also according to some reviews the mystery can be repetitive if you have read Long Halloween sooo win for me ig?)
Robin: Year One
I am determined to read this one soon. I've heard great things about it though so it's being added
Batman: Prodigal
I read this without reading a single page of Knightfall because I was getting interested in Nightwing and this was the earliest book that my library had available (I have given up on a chronological reading order since those early foolish days). I knew nothing and still really enjoyed Dick!Bats and Robin!Tim together. I need to reread this soon
Formerly Known as the Justice League
A limited run, 6 issues I think. Honestly I should just say Justice League International in general but I started with this mini for Booster Gold and Blue Beetle after seeing some funny panels online and I fell in love with that whole cast of losers (affectionate). It's not BatFam but so so fun to read (and JLI has some really poignant moments too)
Young Justice: A League of Their Own
SO FUN. Tim and friends dealing with just ridiculous scenarios LOL I'm only halfway through but it's great
Batman: Hush
I haven't read a lot of just Batman titles but I enjoyed Hush. It had some good character moments for Bruce that helped me understand the way he thinks a little more. I also hear Bruce Wayne: Murder/Fugitive is very very good but I haven't gotten around to it yet (a running theme)
Batgirl: Point Blank
Cass is a treat. This was the first volume I found of her's, haven't read the others yet, but even lacking context I really enjoyed her as the main character and her interactions with Steph, Babs, and Bruce.
Teen Titans (Geoff Johns)
This was one of the first series I started reading and it was a good intro for me, a completely new DC fan. It's Tim and his friends but more serious than YJ. I've read vol 1-2 and part of 3
Under The Red Hood
Classic for good reason. I haven't finished it yet (teehee) but the first half has been entertaining. Jason has had some um... interesting writing in his time. But I really enjoy the way he's written here. It's a good baseline imo. I've heard Lost Days is also good
Nightwing (Tomasi run)
I love Tomasi and this run was a lot of fun. Dick is funny while not losing his serious, capable edge, he interacts with people in his circles, and has some interesting introspection moments. There's a weird part of the plot about midway that definitely uses bad Asian stereotypes which is so disappointing. But after that it gets normal again 😅
Batman & Robin
This comes right after Tomasi's run and it's a mixed bag for me. It's definitely interesting seeing Dick and Damian learning to work together but I was still new to DC with little context for things and was also *so* put off by the art style that I don't remember it well. But I thought I'd add it anyway since it's an iconic moment for Dick!Bats
Batman and Robin (Tomasi)
I adore Bruce and Damian struggling together to discover what being father and son looks like for them. I adore Damian having growth. That's volumes 1-3. 4 is post Damian's death (and damn issue 1 is a well written look at grief), I haven't read 5 or beyond yet.
Nightwing (Rebirth)
The first Nightwing title I read. Looking back, the characterization is a bit weak in some areas, doesn't quite match how he's written in older runs, but it had good moments and kept me entertained. Especially!!! In vol 3 with Humphries's Judge arc
For more current runs, I'm really enjoying World's Finest. Waid's writing is good and Mora's art is just *cartoon heart eyes*. Bats, Supes, and teenage Dick Grayson are a fun trio. Amid other runs that had me tearing my hair out in disappointment or frustration, WF is a breath of fresh air.
Titans United: Bloodpact is a 6 issue limited that was also a really nice read. It's Dick's Titans but Tim is there too and I enjoyed everyone's writing.
The Human Target (Tom King) but honestly I was just losing my mind over Greg Smallwood's art and paneling the entire time. A masterpiece. I want to frame every page. I cheered when he posted inspiration threads on Twitter.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
It's not Batfam but hear me out!!!! This comic had some of the sweetest moments between Supes and Jimmy and I wanted to grab literally anybody by the shoulders and shake them until they looked at the Lois, Clark, & Jimmy in the helicopter panel and GOT IT!!! Also it is so delightfully wacky and funny, I was genuinely laughing out loud. Steve's Lieber's art is the perfect pairing with Matt Fraction's writing.
This isn't DC at all but it's the series that made me (and so many others) really love comics and their storytelling potential. Matt Fraction's Hawkeye run, volumes 1-4. Between his writing and David Aja's artwork and color theory (and Steve Lieber's guest issue that literally gut punched me and changed how I saw later parts of the story, it was never just a filler issue to me, Steve) you get a great story that says so much with so little (in the best way) and is a visual treat as well. Chef's kiss.
Some other non-DC comics I really enjoyed are Die (imagine Jumanji but D&D and novels and oh look the consequence of your actions has grown up), Something is Killing the Children Vol. 1 (I am not a horror girly but I really enjoyed this, in no small part because of Dell'edera's art), Eight Billion Genies (the world population hits 8 billion and now everyone gets a genie, what could go possibly wrong), and Paper Girls which I'm about 2/3 through (picture stranger things but with time travel, spaceships?, and oh shit is future me lying??)
Damn, I guess I really did have a scroll's worth. 😭 Anyway, my recommendation for where to start with this list is...what does your library have available? Don't forget about the Hoopla app too, that's where I read some of these digitally. Or the used bookstore which is where I got 90% of my comics from.
But seriously! Just pick whatever sounds the most fun or has the character(s) you're the most interested in and go from there. Skip around on the timeline or go in chronological order. Whatever floats your boat! I think that's the really unique thing about comics. Plus if you can't figure out the context of what you're missing or what is happening simultaneously (because writers & editorial used to care a little more) you can do a quick google or (and I wish I had this with Batgirl) @cephalog0d has a pinned timeline master list. Incredible.
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jellorat · 2 years
I have PTSD from being a homeless teen in the 80s and having a horrific and violent upbringing. I used to have shockingly horrifying dreams, and I find writing them out helps.
I had a few things going on today. I had therapy, got a Covid booster yesterday, and I have a small fever today, and for reasons I can't explain, we watched this youtube video:
This is a good historian review of mostly historically accurate battle scenes. My wife does a youtube channel going over battles of the American Civil War and WWI, and I like history.
However, all these factors together did not do well for me. After I watched this, I went to bed because I was feverish and woke up with the following dream.
Trigger Warning: Death and war.
I woke up from a very very clear dream. It wasn't so much a war dream, but the aftermath. I was the vicar somewhere in Scotland or Ireland, or somewhere over there. It was an amalgamation of the first and second world wars.
I was in the churchyard digging graves. There was so many dead, and my wife had died in the bombing. I had laid out my wife next to four young soldiers. The soldiers were in their teens. They looked so young. 16-18 in age. I had them arrayed out around my wife because I hoped my wife would take care of them in the afterlife.
I was older than I am now. Today I am 51 in real life, but I think I was more in my mid to late 60s in the dream.
It was an overcast day, and I could not be sure if it was cloudy or if it was battlefield smoke. The fighting had raged on, leaving us all in its wake.
The little stone church had taken damage in the shelling, and my wife hadn't lived through it.
It was so damn detailed. I remember the smell of the wet turned-up earth and the smooth feel of the shovel's handle. I was so tired from digging. I wasn't the only one digging graves, and some of the men kept offering to do it for me, but I couldn't let them.
In WWI the "dog tags" were not metal like our modern ones, and I had four of them. I was worried about making sure these children's families knew they had died in the battle. I worried about what I was going to do without my wife. The only thing I didn't worry about was that my wife would absolutely take care of these boys in the afterlife because that is the kind of woman she is.
The most horrifying part was how clearly I envisioned their uniforms and my wife's dress. I just couldn't bring myself to put earth on them. It would be real when I did, and I just stood there looking at them in their graves, unable to do what I knew needed doing.
I woke up feverish and crying. I have not had a PTSD dream in years. Usually, I am down to non-specific night terrors these days.
My cat went and got my wife. Like, swear to god, the cat went and nipped at her heels until she followed the cat in and saw I was awake. I told my wife about my dream. Decades ago we'd do this when I had PTSD dreams.
My wife made a joke about her estrogen because she cried in sympathy, and that has changed since years ago.
I have never been in the army. I have never gone to war. I am thinking new house rule. No watching emotionally unsettling things when feverish. The problem with PTSD, for me, is that dreams don't always have anything to do with what I was traumatized by, but they carry a theme of horror.
This is an entirely new topic of PTSD dreams. Usually, I have dreams about being a horrible contagious monster that can give horrific diseases to my loved ones or sexual assault dreams. Okay, the latter is a bit related to my trauma. I haven't had any of those for close to a decade.
So I am going to sit here and eat leftover pizza while I wait for the Tylenol to take my fever down and then go back to bed. I think with the cat and my real-life wife, it will go much better this time.
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themesfores · 25 days
Rehub Theme v19.7.2 - Price Comparison, Multi Vendor Wordpress
https://themesfores.com/product/rehub-multi-vendor-wordpress-theme/ Rehub Theme v19.7.2 WordPress Theme REHub – Price Comparison, Multi Vendor Marketplace WordPress Theme is a modern multipurpose hybrid theme. Theme covers many modern Business models for profitable websites. Each part can be configured and used separately or you can combine them all in one site. Features: Full Site Editing Seo Booster Affiliate Niche Blogs Price or product comparison theme Magazines and Review sites Digital product marketplaces Game deals Tutorials and Learning Course sites Changelog Added: New pros and cons schema for Woocommerce products Added: Updated Animation addon and several ready sections (available in Greenshift library) Added: Animation addon tutorial For License Key: themesfores.com products are functional without entering a product license code. We are unable to provide a license code for you, and it’s because we already obtain the Plugin/Theme from the original developer. The use of a license code usually is for automatic updates and premium support from the original developer. Besides, we guarantee you deliver a free manual update and minor assistance for your convenience in using the product. Refund Policy: If the plugin or theme is not working properly and we also fail to help you then, in that case, you will get the money back. If the plugin and theme are working properly then you will not get the money back. How to fix “style.css missing” error while uploading themes? A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This is because the theme download package on ThemeForest includes additional files to the theme such as the documentation, license etc. https://themesfores.com/product/rehub-multi-vendor-wordpress-theme/ #Multi-PurposeThemes #WordpressTheme
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crystalherbalism · 29 days
What to Expect from Pokémon GO Booster Boxes?
Pokémon GO booster boxes offer an exciting experience for fans of the mobile game. Each box typically contains a variety of cards themed around the Pokémon GO game, including new Pokémon, special event cards, and exclusive collectibles. Expect a mix of common and rare cards, with opportunities to enhance your deck and expand your collection. These boxes provide both nostalgic value and gameplay enhancements, making them a sought-after item for Pokémon enthusiasts.
Understanding Pokémon GO Booster Box Contents
Pokémon GO Booster Box are designed to enhance your gameplay experience by offering a variety of collectible cards. Each box typically contains a set number of booster packs, each with a mix of common, uncommon, rare, and holographic cards. These packs feature Pokémon from the popular mobile game Pokémon GO and can include special cards that are unique to the set. Expect a diverse range of Pokémon, Trainer cards, and energy cards, all designed to complement your existing collection or deck.
Exclusive Cards in Pokémon GO Booster Boxes
One of the main attractions of Pokémon GO Booster Boxes is the exclusive cards they offer. These boxes often feature special promotional cards that are not available in standard booster packs. These exclusive cards may include rare Pokémon, unique artwork, or special abilities that can give your deck an edge in battles. Collectors and players alike look forward to these unique additions, which can sometimes become valuable over time.
The Rarity of Cards in Pokémon GO Booster Boxes
Pokémon GO Booster Boxes typically include a range of card rarities, from common to ultra-rare. The excitement of opening a booster pack lies in the potential to pull a high-rarity card, such as a V or VMAX card. These rarer cards often have enhanced abilities and more elaborate artwork, making them highly sought after by collectors and competitive players. Understanding the rarity distribution can help set expectations and guide your collecting strategy.
The Impact of Pokémon GO Booster Boxes on Gameplay
For players, Pokémon GO Booster Boxes can significantly impact gameplay. The cards found in these boxes can be used to strengthen your decks, providing new strategies and options. Whether you're looking to improve your battle tactics or enhance your deck-building options, the cards from these booster boxes can offer valuable additions. Keep in mind that the effectiveness of these cards can vary based on the current meta and deck composition.
How to Maximize Your Pokémon GO Booster Box Experience?
To get the most out of your Pokémon GO Booster Box, it's important to understand the best practices for opening and utilizing the cards. Start by carefully unboxing and organizing your cards, paying attention to any special or rare cards you might find. Consider trading or selling duplicates to complete your collection or obtain the cards you need. Engaging with the Pokémon community through online forums or local events can also enhance your overall experience.
The Value of Pokémon GO Booster Boxes for Collectors
For collectors, Pokémon GO Booster Boxes offer both enjoyment and potential value. The rarity of certain cards and the exclusivity of others can make these boxes a worthwhile investment. Over time, some cards may be appreciated, especially if they are rare or have special significance. Keeping your cards in mint condition and storing them properly can help maintain their value for future trade or sale.
Where to Buy Pokémon GO Booster Boxes?
When looking to purchase Pokémon GO Booster Boxes, it's essential to choose reputable sources. You can find these boxes at local game stores, online retailers, and specialty shops. Be cautious of counterfeit products and ensure that you're buying from trusted sellers to avoid issues. Checking reviews and verifying the authenticity of the seller can help ensure a positive buying experience.
Pokémon GO Booster Boxes offer a rich blend of excitement and value for both players and collectors. With a mix of exclusive cards, varying rarities, and potential gameplay enhancements, these booster boxes can be a fantastic addition to your Pokémon collection. By understanding the contents, rarity, and impact of these boxes, you can make informed decisions and fully enjoy the experience they provide. Whether you're a seasoned player or a passionate collector, Pokémon GO Booster Boxes are a great way to enhance your Pokémon journey.
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the-brewers-inn · 1 month
The Brewers Inn: A Premier Family and Kids Friendly Restaurant in Cambridge
Located in the center of Cambridge, The Brewers Inn is a great option for families and kids looking for a fun meal. It's a location where families may have fun and enjoy together because of its varieties of menu and warm welcome of guests, friendly ambiance.
Various Kid-Friendly Menu Items
The Brewers Inn's menu has been carefully designed to appeal to kids and family both for dinners. Kids can savor kid-friendly quantities of classic foods like pasta, fish and chips, and chicken chunks. In order to make sure that everyone has something to eat, the restaurant also offers vegetarian and gluten-free options to all.
Engaging and Fun for Kids Friendly Restaurant in Cambridge
The Brewers Inn offers a variety of kid-friendly entertainment options. There are plenty of coloring pages and crayons available, and on weekends and during school breaks the restaurant frequently has family quiz evenings and themed activities. All ages will enjoy meals thanks to these entertaining and participatory activities that are added to the eating experience.
Comfort and Convenience
The Brewers Inn's array of amenities, which are designed to get better comfort and simplicity, makes it a welcoming place for families. There are plenty of baby carriage spaces thanks to the restaurant's layout and the availability of high chairs and booster seats. The family friendly restaurant in Cambridge has outside seating area provides a relaxing atmosphere with lovely views, ideal for sunny days, for those who want to eat outside.
Commitment to Sustainability
Environmentally friendly methods are part of The Brewers Inn's commitment to sustainability. Growing customer interest in eating sustainably and focusing on finding local ingredients and waste reduction are in line with these goals.
Strong Community Ties
The Brewers Inn is involved in the neighbourhood and regularly joins and sponsors neighbourhood projects. In addition to improving the overall dining experience, this engagement helps the establishment build stronger relationships with its customers and establishes it as a place where you can feel good about supporting neighbourhood initiatives.
Extremely Positive Reviews from Visitors
The delicious food, warm atmosphere, and well-mannered service of kids friendly restaurant in Cambridge are regularly praised by guests. Regular business and excellent reviews show how much families value the restaurant's dedication to giving them a special eating experience.
Perfect for Special Occasions at The Brewers Inn
A wonderful location for memorable family get-togethers is The Brewers Inn. The restaurant can accommodate large parties and unique requests, so every occasion be it a birthday, anniversary, or just a relaxed family get-together is thoughtfully noticeable.
The Brewers Inn in Cambridge provides an excellent, family-friendly dining experience. A place that appeals to all ages and makes every visit memorable, it boasts a varied menu, fun activities for kids, a strong dedication to sustainability, and strong community relations. The Brewers Inn is the ideal location for a special family lunch, regardless of whether you live nearby or are just visiting. Reserve your table at the best family and kids friendly restaurant in Cambridge today by calling 01223 861349 or emailing us at [email protected]. You can visit at https://www.thebrewersinncambridge.co.uk.
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markeduke · 2 months
Testimonials and Reviews of CNPR Certification
The Certified National Pharmaceutical Representative (CNPR) Certification is a gold standard in the pharmaceutical industry, recognized for its comprehensive curriculum and rigorous testing process. For those seeking a career in pharmaceutical sales, earning the CNPR Certification is often a crucial step towards success. But what do those who have pursued this certification have to say about their experience? Let’s delve into their testimonials and CNPR Certification Reviews to gain insights into the value of CNPR Certification.
Opening Doors to Opportunities
One common theme among testimonials is how the CNPR Certification opens doors to opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry. Sarah, a recent CNPR graduate, shares, “Earning the CNPR Certification was a game-changer for me. It not only enhanced my knowledge of pharmaceuticals but also provided me with the credibility I needed to land interviews with top companies. Within weeks of adding CNPR to my resume, I received multiple job offers.”
A Wealth of Knowledge
Many testimonials highlight the depth of knowledge gained through the CNPR Certification program. John, a seasoned pharmaceutical sales professional, remarks, “Even with years of experience in the industry, I found the CNPR curriculum incredibly informative. It covered everything from pharmacology to sales techniques in great detail. The insights I gained have undoubtedly made me a more effective sales representative.”
Confidence Booster
For some, the CNPR Certification serves as a confidence booster in a competitive field. Maria, who transitioned from a different industry into pharmaceutical sales, explains, “Coming from a non-pharmaceutical background, I was initially hesitant about my prospects in this field. However, earning the CNPR Certification instilled confidence in me. It demonstrated to employers that I was serious about my career change and had the knowledge to succeed.”
Industry Recognition
The industry recognition of CNPR Certification is a recurring theme in testimonials. Mark, who recently secured a position with a leading pharmaceutical company, states, “Employers in the pharmaceutical sector highly value the CNPR Certification. During job interviews, I found that having CNPR on my resume immediately caught the attention of hiring managers. It’s a testament to the credibility of this certification.”
Networking Opportunities
Testimonials also highlight the networking opportunities that come with CNPR Certification. Jessica, a recent CNPR graduate, shares, “One unexpected benefit of the CNPR program was the networking opportunities it provided. Through online forums and alumni events, I connected with industry professionals who offered invaluable insights and advice. These connections have been instrumental in my career growth.”
Career Advancement
For those already working in pharmaceutical sales, the CNPR Certification can pave the way for career advancement. Michael, who obtained his CNPR Certification while working as a sales representative, explains, “Earning CNPR not only enhanced my skills but also opened doors for advancement within my company. I was able to demonstrate my commitment to professional development, which ultimately led to promotions and increased responsibilities.”
Real-World Application
One of the strengths of the CNPR Certification program, as highlighted in testimonials, is its focus on real-world application. Emily, a recent CNPR graduate, notes, “What sets CNPR apart is its emphasis on practical knowledge. The curriculum is designed in a way that allows you to immediately apply what you’ve learned to your role as a pharmaceutical sales representative. It’s not just about passing a test; it’s about becoming a more effective professional.”
Testimonials and reviews of CNPR Certification offer valuable insights into its impact on individuals’ careers in the pharmaceutical industry. From opening doors to opportunities and boosting confidence to providing a wealth of knowledge and facilitating career advancement, CNPR Certification has proven to be a valuable asset for aspiring and established pharmaceutical sales professionals alike. As the industry continues to evolve, earning CNPR Certification remains a strategic investment in one’s career growth and success.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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amit0707 · 3 months
What are the best Shopify apps for new store owners?
Several essential apps can benefit new Shopify store owners. Oberlo is excellent for dropshipping, making it easy to import products. SEO Booster helps optimize your store for search engines. Klaviyo enhances email marketing with advanced segmentation and automation. Yotpo collects and displays customer reviews to build trust. Additionally, apps like Tidio Live Chat improve customer support, while Plug in SEO identifies and fixes SEO issues. These apps streamline operations, enhance marketing, and improve the customer experience, contributing to store success.
Level up your Shopify store and get a high conversion rate and low bounce rate with Premium Shopify themes: 
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ahmedreviews · 5 months
VidMails AI Review – Send Unlimited Text, Voice & Video Emails + Lifetime Access
VidMails AI Review
World’s First Video & Audio Email Marketing App
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Welcome to my VidMails AI Review, Today I will discuss about the features, demo, price, upgrades, free booster bonuses, and how VidMails AI can benefit you. This brand new Google and Yahoo-friendly AI autoresponder sends unlimited text, Voice and video emails to unlimited subscribers with built-in FAST servers and a guaranteed 99.4% inbox delivery rate, boosting your sales and conversion rate by 10x.
Audiences have shorter attention spans and are constantly bombarded with information. But creating high-quality videos can be a time-consuming and expensive endeavor, requiring specific skills and resources. This is where VidMails AI steps into the spotlight, promising an innovative solution. VidMails AI boasts the power of artificial intelligence to transform video marketing. It caters to a broad audience — marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to create professional videos without the complexities of traditional editing software. This introductory section sets the stage, highlighting the growing importance of video marketing and introducing VidMails AI as a potential game-changer.
VidMails AI Review: What Is VidMails AI?
VidMails AI is a cloud-based software application designed to revolutionize video marketing through the power of artificial intelligence. It caters to marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to create professional-looking videos without the need for extensive design or editing expertise.
The software’s core functionality lies in its ability to convert text content into engaging videos. Simply provide your script or message, and VidMails AI utilizes AI to generate a corresponding video. It offers a library of pre-built templates encompassing various styles and themes, allowing you to choose a starting point that aligns with your video goals. VidMails AI goes beyond basic text-to-video conversion. It boasts an AI-powered voiceover artist feature, eliminating the need to hire external voice talent. You can select from different voices and intonations to narrate your script, adding another layer of professionalism to your videos. The software even offers a basic drag-and-drop editor, allowing you to personalize your videos further by incorporating your own images, videos, and music.
VidMails Ai Review 2024 — What is it?
VidMails AI is an online tool that works on any device, be it Windows, Mac, iPhone, or Android. It’s the first of its kind globally, allowing you to send unlimited text, voice, and video emails to as many subscribers as you want, thanks to its super-fast servers.
Plus, it boasts a 99.4% inbox delivery rate with its user-friendly AI autoresponder. This innovative email service lets you embed videos and voice messages directly into your emails, skyrocketing your sales and conversions by 10 times with just three easy steps:
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Simply click on any button on the page to get VidMails AI, then log in to the dashboard.
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Pick a pre-made email template or craft your own using the intuitive drag-and-drop editor.
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Select your recipients and hit ‘send’ to start boosting your sales. Enjoy the results!
VidMails AI Review 2023 — Features and Benefit
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VidMails AI is so powerful.
Unlimited Imports You can import as many lists as you’d like at once. This is helpful for segmentation, and emailing to lists in different niches.
Unlimited Campaigns Construct infinite campaigns using our drag-and-drop editor, or edit our beautiful done-for-you templates
Unlimited Contacts Whether you have 100, 1000, or 100,000 contacts, your email list can be uploaded to VidMails AI. There are no limits.
Unlimited Broadcasters Send out & schedule as many broadcasts as you’d like with VidMails AI.
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You can send emails from any device that’s connected to the internet, such as Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone
Put together beautiful emails for your subscribers using the drag-and-drop email builder inside of VidMails AI. You’re getting all the tools you need to blow away your subscribers.
This is the secret sauce of VidMails AI. It lets you go under the radar, and bypass the spam filters of Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and more
Don’t have much time on your hands? No problem! Tweak our wide collection of done-for-you email templates to your liking, and hit send
If you have any questions or have any issues, you can contact our support. We will be more than happy to quickly assist you
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Finding the Perfect Family Restaurants for Your Next Outing
Welcome, food enthusiasts, and families alike! Today, we embark on a delightful journey in search of the perfect family-friendly restaurants that promise to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of all age groups.
Whether it's a weekend brunch, a special celebration, or a casual weeknight dinner, the choice of the Best Family Restaurants in Masterton plays a pivotal role in shaping our dining experiences. Join us as we unravel the key factors to consider when selecting the ideal dining destination for your next family outing.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Family Restaurants
When it comes to family dining, the ambience and atmosphere of a restaurant set the stage for a memorable experience. Picture this: a welcoming space with warm lighting, comfortable seating, and a relaxed vibe that instantly puts both adults and children at ease.
The significance of a family-friendly environment cannot be overstated, as it creates a sense of inclusivity and comfort for all patrons. Spacious seating arrangements are a boon for families, allowing ample room for strollers and high chairs while ensuring that everyone has their own elbow space. Additionally, the presence of child-friendly facilities, such as changing stations and booster seats, adds a layer of convenience that parents greatly appreciate.
The sentence structure used is simple and straightforward, with a focus on providing clear information about the importance of ambience and atmosphere in family restaurants. The sentences are not too complex or technical, making the content easily understandable for the target audience.
Menu Variety and Dietary Options
One of the key considerations when selecting a family restaurant is the diversity of menu options and the availability of dietary accommodations. A wide-ranging menu caters to varying tastes and preferences, ensuring that there is something to delight every member of the family. Furthermore, the inclusion of healthy and wholesome choices resonates with parents who prioritise nutritious dining options for their children.
Kids' menus with appealing and nutritious offerings not only excite the little ones but also alleviate the stress of decision-making for parents. Moreover, the presence of vegetarian, vegan, or allergen-friendly options demonstrates a restaurant's commitment to inclusivity and customer satisfaction.
Entertainment and Activities
Imagine a dining establishment where children are not just tolerated but actively welcomed and entertained. Restaurants that go the extra mile to provide entertainment and activities for kids elevate the dining experience for families.
Play areas, colouring sheets, and interactive games keep the little ones engaged, allowing parents to enjoy their meals without constant interruptions. This thoughtful provision of entertainment contributes to a stress-free dining environment, making it a win-win situation for both children and adults. Additionally, special events or themed nights can add an element of excitement and anticipation to the dining experience, fostering cherished memories for the entire family.
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Location and Accessibility
Convenience is a crucial factor in the decision-making process when choosing a family restaurant. Opting for a dining venue with easy accessibility, ample parking, and proximity to family-friendly attractions or parks streamlines the overall outing experience.
Families appreciate the ease of reaching their chosen destination, especially when it involves transporting young children. Furthermore, restaurants located near recreational spots or entertainment venues offer the added bonus of extending the family outing beyond just the dining experience, allowing for a full day of enjoyment and exploration.
Reviews and Recommendations
In today's digital age, the power of reviews and recommendations cannot be underestimated. Encouraging readers to seek out feedback from other families regarding their dining experiences equips them with valuable insights and perspectives.
Online platforms, social media, and review websites serve as treasure troves of firsthand accounts, enabling families to make informed decisions when selecting a restaurant. Whether it's a glowing recommendation from a fellow parent or constructive feedback that sheds light on potential areas of improvement, harnessing the collective wisdom of the community aids in zeroing in on the perfect family dining destination.
In our quest to uncover the quintessential family restaurants in Masterton, we have delved into the pivotal factors that shape the dining experience for families. The interplay of ambience, menu variety, entertainment, location, and feedback forms the essence of a memorable outing with loved ones.
As we conclude our exploration, it is our hope that you, dear readers, feel empowered to prioritise exceptional experiences when selecting a restaurant for your next family outing. Here's to savouring delectable meals, creating lasting memories, and revelling in the joy of shared moments around the dining table.
Source: Finding the Perfect Family Restaurants for Your Next Outing
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gertlushgaming · 10 months
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass Review (Nintendo Switch)
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  For this Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Review, we play Race on 48 remastered courses from across the Mario Kart series with the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass! All courses form 12 new cups, and returning characters from the Mario Kart series have also been added.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass Review Pros:
- Gorgeous graphics. - 11.2GB Download size. (base game and all tracks included) - The base game contains all previous DLCs from the Wii U version. - LABO support. - New characters were added with the tracks - Diddy Kong, Funky Kong, Pauline, Peachette, Kamek, Wiggler, Petey Piranha, and Birdo. - Four-player split screen support. - Two local players can go online and race with others. - 12 Player online races. - Wireless mode allows two Switches to connect making 8 player local races a thing. - Amiibo support- Scan Amibo to unlock special outfits for your Mii racer. The Amiibo section has a checklist so you know who is scanned in, Also you only need to scan the Amiibo once. - Mii creator within the game. - Supports big screen and handheld mode. - Controller- Supports both Joycons, Single Joycons, and Pro Controller. - Driving aids- Smart steer and Auto accelerate. - Motion control support. - Full stats breakdown, Split into online/solo/wireless. - MKTV is back and allows you to watch the community replays of gamers. - Classic bright cheery soundtrack. - Tutorial/help section. - You can now carry two items at once. - Grand Prix has 12 cups with four races in each. - Five game speeds- 50, 100, 150, 200cc and Mirror. - 47 Characters to play as well as your Mii so it is actually 48. - Earn 1-3 stars in races and they in turn unlock new kart parts. - Full kart customisation. Choose your frame, Wheels, and glider. Each one will change your stats and you can bring the stats screen up to check. - Time trials with ghost management. - Vs and battle mode races you can choose speed, tracks, rounds, AI, difficulty, etc. - Battle mode has 6 modes-  Balloon battle (hit each other to lose balloons), Renegade round-up (Like cops and robbers), Bob omb blast (Bombs only), Coin runners (Collect the most coins), Shine thief (hold the crown for the longest time) and random. - New purple ultra mini turbo drift. - Miis can wear themed outfits like a Bowser suit and helmet or peach, piranha plant etc. - New items for battle mode. - Can set up online tournaments for people to join. - Can host or join online races. - Addictive gameplay. - Controls are as tight and fluid as ever before. - Fun to play. - Easy to pick up and play. - Ten new cups - Turnip, propeller, rick, moon, fruit, boomerang, feather, cherry, acorn, and spiky. Each has four tracks in each. - The new tracks bring a lot of old favorites with a few new tracks from newer games. - No unlocking is needed, all new tracks and cups are instantly playable. - An easy game to come back to. - The whole set of tracks is FREE with the Nintendo Online subscription. - 48 tracks added. Related Post: 2024's Most Significant Esports Events Worldwide Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass Review Cons: - Playing with friends online with others is still a pain in the ass, With no friend invite system. - Driving assists start n as default and the game doesn't tell you or that they exist. - Split screen can be hard to see around the track and this is especially evident in battle mode. - No friend ghost download option. - AI can still be cheap at times. - No control layout options. - Online has a few connection issues from time to time. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass: Official website. Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo  Store Links - Nintendo   Read the full article
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beatsandskies · 10 months
Theme Deck Review Compendium: Urza’s Legacy “Phyrexian Assault”
A mate definitely had this back in the day, though whether I’d have played with it (before I brought my own cards) or against it in stock form I couldn’t say. I certainly did play with many of these cards myself though: red and black were my favourite colours and Urza’s Legacy was the booster pack I’d usually crack. Phyrexian Assault An aggressive black red deck which combines cheap creatures…
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selfelemento · 1 year
Discovering The Perfect WordPress Templates
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Welcome to our WordPress Wonderland! If you're here, you're probably gearing up to build a stunning website for your business, blog, portfolio, or any other endeavor. With a myriad of options available, WordPress website templates can make or break your online presence. Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will navigate the intricate world of WordPress templates, helping you find the perfect design to elevate your website to new heights. WordPress theme help to create the template for blogs.
Chapter 1: Understanding WordPress Templates:
In this chapter, we’ll delve into the basics. What exactly are WordPress templates? How do they work? What's the variance between free and premium templates? We’ll answer these questions and more, ensuring you have a solid foundation before you start your website-building journey.
Chapter 2: Choosing the Right Template for You:
Picking the right template is crucial. We’ll discuss how to align your template choice with your website’s purpose, audience, and content. From minimalistic designs for clean aesthetics to vibrant, interactive templates for creative ventures, we'll cover a wide range of options to suit every need.
Chapter 3: Navigating the WordPress Template Marketplace
WordPress offers a vast marketplace with thousands of templates. We’ll guide you through this maze, helping you understand how to filter options, read reviews, and make informed decisions. Discover hidden gems and avoid common pitfalls as you explore the vast array of templates available.
Chapter 4: Customizing Your Chosen Template:
Once you've selected a template, the fun begins! Learn the art of customization. We'll walk you through the process of modifying layouts, colors, fonts, and more. No coding skills? No problem! Discover user-friendly customization options and unleash your creativity without touching a single line of code.
Chapter 5: Mobile Responsiveness and SEO:
In today’s mobile-driven world, your website must be responsive on all devices. We’ll explain the importance of mobile-friendly designs and guide you on how to ensure your chosen template is optimized for smartphones and tablets. Plus, learn the basics of SEO optimization to increase your website’s visibility and reach a wider audience.
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Support:
Encountered a problem? Don’t worry; we’ve got your back. This chapter covers common issues faced by website owners and provides step-by-step solutions. Additionally, we’ll discuss the importance of reliable customer support from template providers and how to seek help when needed.
Chapter 7: Harnessing the Power of Plugins:
WordPress plugins are like magic tools that can enhance your website's functionality. In this chapter, we’ll explore essential plugins that can seamlessly integrate with your chosen template. From contact forms and social media integrations to e-commerce solutions and SEO boosters, plugins can elevate your website's user experience to the next level. Learn how to choose, install, and configure plugins to match your website's requirements.
Chapter 8: Content Creation and Management:
A beautiful template needs engaging content to capture your audience’s attention. This chapter dives into content creation strategies, including writing compelling blog posts, creating eye-catching visuals, and incorporating multimedia elements like videos and podcasts. Additionally, we'll explore content management techniques, helping you organize your content effectively and keep your website fresh and dynamic.
Chapter 9: Advanced Customization and Coding Tips:
For those who want to take their website to the next level, this chapter explores advanced customization techniques. Dive into the world of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript to tweak your template beyond its basic features. We'll provide coding tips and resources, enabling you to personalize your website extensively. Don't worry; we'll start with the basics and gradually move into more complex customization options.
Chapter 10: Testing and Optimization:
Your website is reside, but the effort doesn’t end there. This chapter focuses on testing your website's performance and user experience. Learn how to conduct speed tests, optimize images, and ensure smooth navigation for your visitors. We'll also discuss strategies for A/B testing to understand what works best for your audience, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.
Chapter 11: Security and Backup:
Keeping your website secure is paramount. Explore the world of website security, including best practices for secure logins, choosing reliable hosting services, and implementing SSL certificates. Additionally, we'll cover the importance of regular backups and how to set up automated backup systems, ensuring that your hard work is always protected, even in the face of unexpected events.
Chapter 12: Growing Your Online Presence:
Your website is not an isolated entity; it's part of the vast digital landscape. In this chapter, we’ll discuss strategies for expanding your online presence. From social media integration and email marketing to search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, learn how to attract more visitors, engage with your audience, and convert casual visitors into loyal customers or readers.
Armed with the knowledge gained from this guide, you are now ready to transform your online presence. Remember, your website is your digital masterpiece, and the right WordPress template is the canvas that brings it to life. Take your time, explore your options, and most importantly, have fun in the process.
As you reach the end of this guide, remember that your website is a dynamic entity. Remain modernize with the latest design trends, technologies, and user preferences. Regularly revisit your website to ensure it aligns with your evolving goals and audience expectations. Embrace the ever-changing digital world with curiosity and adaptability, and your website will continue to thrive, leaving a lasting impression on every visitor who steps into your online realm.
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vipluxcarservice · 1 year
From the Airport to Attractions: Car Services in Orlando
Orlando, Florida, is renowned as a vacation destination, drawing millions of visitors each year with its world-class theme parks, attractions, and vibrant cultural scene. If you're planning a trip to Orlando, one of the key considerations is how to get around this sprawling city efficiently and comfortably. While public transportation is available, car services in Orlando offer a convenient and flexible way to navigate the city and make the most of your visit. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits of using car services in Orlando and provide you with valuable insights on how to make the most of your trip.
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The Convenience of Car Services in Orlando
Airport Transfers: Orlando International Airport (MCO) is one of the busiest airports in the United States, serving as a gateway for travelers from around the world. After a long flight, the last thing you want is the hassle of finding transportation to your hotel. Car services provide seamless airport transfers, ensuring you reach your accommodation promptly and without stress.
Efficient Theme Park Visits: Orlando is renowned for its theme parks, including Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort, and SeaWorld Orlando. These attractions are spread out across the city, and efficient transportation is key to enjoying them fully. Car services allow you to travel comfortably between parks and attractions, saving you time and energy.
Flexibility: Unlike fixed schedules and routes associated with public transportation, car services offer flexibility. You can set your own itinerary, explore off-the-beaten-path destinations, and adjust your plans on the fly without being tied to a bus or train schedule.
Comfort and Privacy: Car services provide a level of comfort and privacy that public transportation can't match. You have the vehicle to yourself or your group, allowing you to relax, unwind, and make the most of your travel time.
Choosing the Right Car Service in Orlando
When selecting a car service in Orlando, it's essential to consider your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to keep in mind:
Airport Transfers: If you're arriving at Orlando International Airport, look for a car service that offers airport transfers. Most reputable providers have designated pick-up points at the airport, making it easy for you to locate your driver upon arrival.
Vehicle Options: Car services in Orlando typically offer a range of vehicles to choose from, including sedans, SUVs, and vans. Consider the size of your group and your luggage requirements when selecting a vehicle. For larger groups or families, an SUV or van may be more suitable.
Child Safety Seats: If you're traveling with young children, inquire about the availability of child safety seats or booster seats. Many car services offer them for an additional fee or upon request, ensuring the safety and comfort of your little ones.
Driver Professionalism: Look for a car service with a reputation for professionalism and reliability. Read customer reviews and check for certifications or licenses to ensure you're in capable hands.
Rates and Pricing: Compare rates and pricing among different car service providers in Orlando. Some companies charge a flat rate for airport transfers, while others may use a metered system. Make sure to clarify the pricing structure in advance to avoid surprises.
Availability: Orlando is a busy tourist destination, especially during peak seasons. It's advisable to book your car service well in advance to secure your preferred vehicle and pick-up time.
Making the Most of Your Trip with Car Services
Maximize Time at Theme Parks: Orlando's theme parks can be overwhelming due to their size and popularity. By using car services, you can arrive early when the parks open, make the most of your visit, and return to your accommodation comfortably at the end of the day.
Explore Beyond Theme Parks: While Orlando is famous for its theme parks, the city offers much more to explore. Use your car service to venture into downtown Orlando, visit museums, enjoy fine dining, or explore nearby natural attractions like the Everglades or the Kennedy Space Center.
Avoid Parking Hassles: Parking at Orlando's theme parks and attractions can be both costly and time-consuming. With a car service, you can avoid the hassle of finding parking and the associated fees, as your driver can drop you off and pick you up at convenient locations.
Enjoy Nightlife Safely: Orlando has a vibrant nightlife scene, with bars, clubs, and entertainment options. Using a car service for your nighttime excursions ensures you can enjoy the city's offerings responsibly and safely.
Day Trips: Consider taking day trips from Orlando to nearby destinations like Tampa, St. Augustine, or the Gulf Coast beaches. Car services can provide the transportation you need for these explorations, allowing you to see more of Florida during your visit.
Car services in Orlando offer a convenient and comfortable way to explore this exciting city and make the most of your visit. Whether you're arriving at the airport, navigating the theme parks, or exploring the city's diverse attractions, a car service provides flexibility, efficiency, and peace of mind during your trip. By choosing the right car service provider and planning your transportation needs in advance, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit to Orlando, making the most of your time in the "City Beautiful."
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