#borris is a little bitch but i love him
midnight-phoeniix · 1 year
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Ep. 6: “That's the plan. Hope it works. Hope I survive.” - Boris
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I had a feeling our tribal would be an easy vote for Charlie and then had a feeling that Sumi would vote Bradley out since he hadn't done much in the challenge for them.
But now it's merge time so let's do this baby!
I made the merge! I’m so excited to play out this next part of the game. I’ve grown close to Cassie and Felix but I’m not sure where everyone stands in our alliance now that it’s an individual game now. 
The time has come for my social game to produce the fruits of its labor. I have planted seeds and I will harvest. Right now, I need to focus on becoming social with every member on this tribe to avoid me becoming the easy merge boot. With this idol and eraser, I can become a huge help to my alliances and other allies. I have already aligned myself with Marie and Lysandre in the new and improved Drama Bitches alliance chat. I'm working on Zest, Apollo, and Boris right now, but I don't trust any of them for a second. I'm fine with the numbers I have, but we'll see how all of this goes. Boris wants to see messy gameplay. He'll be a threat later in this game for sure. Cassie is telling me that Marie is looking to make a big move with this first tribal council. I wouldn't mind. Especially if it's someone from Sumi leaving. Especially if it's Apollo or Boris. Apollo and Zest still seem to be tight with me but that could be a ruse. I'm just hoping my social game holds out. So much is happening that I just cannot keep up writing these confessionals. Cassie told me that Marie might want to throw my name out as a "big move" for the early merge. Jokes on Marie that I have an idol. So if I even get a whiff of my name in the air, I'm going to use it on myself point blank. 
Miss Marie is getting real bold for having no true allies. Sucks to be her. If she had just calmed down and genuinely aligned with me, I wouldn't have to do this to her. Sadly, it seems like she is getting a big head for no reason. 
Lysandre is spilling that he doesn't want to pull of a big move with Marie. He believes it is unnecessary to put a target on your back so early into merge. Plus, we haven't even finished the immunity challenge yet. He's very hesitant about going along with Marie. I hope he is willing to turn on her eventually
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Me and Marie WON!!! Mea WINS and we get to avoid fire making!!! Also Marie was right! The losing TWO tribes went to tribal. SO WE DID THAT by getting first place. Our tribemates had to die for MYSANDRE to rise. Now that we won I can't help but hope that Boris survives. He needs to up his social game or else he's in trouble. Apparently his social game is ok at best because Apollo didnt tell him what his advantage was and yet Boris claims they are close so what is the truth. Meanwhile me and Marie are discussing the game and our potential future at a merge and a strategy that may work for us. Lets go Mysandre and Lysoris!! Felix
All these people with their big moves! First Marie, and now Boris too! I'm so Tired. I just wanted a peaceful first merge round, but instead I have to deal with these crazies running around. Hopefully, the people with common sense are going to vote these two out!
I am very nervous about the merge! I know a lot of people have played this before and I have not... so that makes me worry about some of the dynamics. 
SO I MADE MERGE AHHHHHHHHH!! I'm so happy to be reunited with Boris and Apollo. I plan on making them two of my closest allies if they allow me to. So Felix immediately begins to revive all of the alliances that he was in and I refuse to be one of his numbers. I talked to Boris again and told him some new tea about Felix and how he's the ideal target but he (Boris) is being targeted by Taui for being a social threat apparently. I also am frustrated with Apollo and how he isn't telling Boris what he got in the Auction and yet they are aligned. It just doesnt add up one bit. I mean I trust Boris when he says he doesnt know but Apollo not telling him is super sketchy. Marie is proving herself to be a real liability as of now. She keeps making game mistakes by telling Cassie, one of Felix's allies, that she wants to vote for him. cassie told Felix 100% and Felix back tracked and talked to us. I recovered the situation and moved the target on Marie instead of myself by suggesting big moves are Marie's idea. That then became some more scrambling that was annoying. I started talking more with Zest, Apollo, and Briana to try and form some kind of relationship with them and maybe an alliance plus Boris. Who knows if that will work or not. The challenge is really cute!!! I'm loving it even though its giving me a grand headache. I'm being super specific right now in my searches and even going by species and often forgotten geographical locations like the middle east and etc for inspirations. I think that I have this one in the bag but I do not want to become overzealous. Fingers 
So the latest developments are the SuMea alliance that is in the works of being formed as well as an alliance within that of Me, Boris, and Apollo. I feel like I'm forgetting to confess something but eh it will be ok. Oh wait I wanted to talk about my future post merge. I really want to go on an immunity streak if possible and then if I lose one I would just play my idol or double vote. 
What the fuck is indeed going around on the island? A lot of fuckery is going on around the island. Apparently my idea to get Brianna out didn't turn out. Bradley was so inactive, it was hard to not vote him out. Whatever. Now i'm stuck with her, so i guess i better make sure she feels like we're closer than ever. Antyways, the leaders alliance turns into the supremes and then turns into a pile of sh*t because Cassie wants to run back to Felix with everything Marie is saying, plus she has a hard-on for voting out Borris. GURL BYE! YOU JUST MADE YOURSELF ON MY HIT LIST.  I still want Felix out, but girl maybe its you who needs to be blindsided. *insert Tasha's "we got a rat" gif here* https://i.redd.it/z3726rlp64ax.gif I am thankful for that since it resulted in Marie and I gaining a bond and SuMea forming. So now Borris and I have trio chats with: zest, brianna, and lysandre. Lysandre has really come through, i enjoy him a lot, and I plan to work with him for a while, but I cannot go to f3 with him, he's got to go sooner than later. Ideal boot list?
10-cassie/felix 9-felix/cassie 8-brianna 7-lysandre 6- joey 5- flint 4- Borris 3- Marie marie
I expected better from cassie wow Felix
I am getting back into this idol hunt game. I'm kind of scared of each result, but it can't be any worse then how it is. I mean I do already have an idol, but if I got another one then it'd be fantastic! I just did the termites outcome, so we'll see if I get an advantage. I think termites are edible and healthy so hopefully it works out in the end. The worst (in my mind) that can happen is a 10% disadvantage which would lead to just an overall -5% which, for this challenge, is only about 1 or 2 points off. So I should still be good for the challenge. I chatted with Apollo last night and we joked about the idol for a bit. I hope that I am bonding well with him. I need numbers to oppose Marie, and if I can avoid using my idol then it'd be greatly appreciated. Right now, I am hoping to see Boris leave in the next tribal council. Or perhaps even Brianna since I never talk to her and she has yet to message me. Otherwise, I'd have everyone in this tribe on lock down socially. Let's hope they do not think strategically to get me out in the future though! While I was in the shower, I thought of a way to use the idol in a fun way if I don't use it next tribal council. I could use it to force a tie next round with my eraser that works in my favor. I erase someone's vote next round which leaves a 4-4 if the votes were initially 5-4. If my side of the votes won immunity and I played my idol incorrectly though still on my side, that'd leave only 1 person eligible for rocks on my side and 4 on the other side. It'd be fantastic to use if I happened to find myself in the minority next round for whatever reason. But those are a lot of "if" scenarios so it'll probably not happen.
Welcome to Brianna put together a shitty list for the challenge cuz she did it 30 minutes before it was due. Bcuz I got ice cream. Do I regret it....no. I love ice cream
FelixIt sucks that I didn't win immunity. But if I hear even a word of my name in the air, I'll play idol. It is better to be safe than sorry. And I'm coming after Marie specifically with this. 
I've decided that Brianna would be an easy vote off if people are willing to make a simple move this early into merge. Though, according to my sources, people are looking to make big moves so I have no fear of being vocal since apparently I am this "big move" that people are seeking. We'll see if things go the way I plan. If I don't hear my name and don't get the vibe, then Brianna will be the target. Otherwise, I'll be targeting the people that have specifically targeted me, like Marie and anyone else who says my name. I'm so hyped for this tribal council! Those people won't know what hit them!
This first merge vote has me nervous af. If all goes well we will stay Tuai strong for a four vote block, however Cassie and Joey have been a little more quiet post merge so their loyalties could lie elsewhere. Maybe after this vote it will bf time for me to break free from Tuai bonds. 
Thankfully these people are not dumb. It seems no one wants to go along with Marie's plan to vote either Boris or I. Apollo has told Boris all about Marie and Cassie targeting me and Boris respectively. What he doesn't know is that Cassie is only throwing out Boris' name to appease Marie such that I do not become the target. Boris admitted to knowing those details to me willingly. And, since Apollo told him, he must not be too apt to vote either of us out any time soon. Lysandre admitted to me earlier that my name was going around in One World, and that they have my back all the way. Divulging this information means that Lys will not vote for me either. It seems the Brianna vote is going to happen no matter what now. I've pushed for it, and I think it'll definitely go through 
Ok so I won immunity which is absolutely fantastic but I cant help but think it paints a bigger target on my back. Whatever though I still have my idol and extra vote. 
Marie is proving herself to be a bug liability lol. She is almost confrontational and she basically disclosed a plan to be a flip vote. She did so Publicly lmaooo so like rip??
So people originally want to do Felix  which is ok but the way Cassie answered her question seemed to paint me as a threat and someone to take out. She has also suggested Boris's name which is rough and she has also ran back and told Felix that Marie mentioned his name. Im on her hit list but she's on mine. Keeping Felix in as a shield will help me because in case I lose immunity he will be a bigger target.
I am at the point now where if I am being played, then I am being played. I'm almost certain Brianna is leaving this tribal, but you never know. I'll die with this idol in my pocket and no one can tell me otherwise. 
people are acting like apollo and lys are doing everything and suggesting all the big moves, no bitch its a bourbon triumvirate k??? like it's taking all of my self control to not go "hi yeah its my idea too-" but the last thing i need is a target on my back, i feel like felix might want me out cause i threw his name out but haha bitch we're not even voting you the vote is cassie. and if i end up being the merge boot i will cry. rant over
Okay. Update time. Sumi and mea made an alliance together giving us a majority of 6-4. So that’s cool. The targets went down like this. The other side is targeting me and our side wanted to target Felix but Felix found out so in case of an idol play we are going for Cassie. Honestly I was a little upset about it because I wanted to hopefully work with Cassie in the future but then I heard I was being targeted and I just had to go with it. Honestly. I kind of really wanted Felix out. Oh well. Guess I’ll just have to wait. If I make it through this vote and don’t get blindsided haha. 
I know I flubbed a bit on the challenge and I guess some of the sites I used for research weren't good enough, but oh well. Personally I do not believe I'm on the bottom, but more along the middle. I don't believe others are deciding my fate for me, but if the tribal doesn't go the way I expect it to then I'll be mad, sad, and then I'll just sigh. 
we MERGED. I MADE IT. WITH LYSANDRE. AND APOLLO AND ZEST. So much has happened. I made an immediate alliance chat with Lysandre as an AOC F2. We have a separate alliance with Apollo. I have 3 person alliances with every combination of people originally on Sumi. AND we have a mega alliance with Sumi and Mea. I have alliances upon alliance
woops I submitted that last one too early. ALLIANCES UPON ALLIANCES to keep me safe and keep me grounded. We all seem to be really good players so I'm so excited!! We can easily slay this merge.
This first merge vote is also EXTREMELY messy?? I've heard four names going around, those of which being Felix, Brianna, Cassie, and MINE. WHAT. Felix was an obvious choice going into merge, ask anyone and they'll tell you the same, but Cassie thought it was a real cute idea to suggest that I was a better option??? Why?? whomst knows! But yeah I'm scared as HECK because apparently I'm getting votes tonight. All of my allies wanna keep me safe, and Apollo and Lysandre came up with the idea to vote out Cassie because she's putting my name out, and in the process make it seem like Felix is actually our plan, so we can flush any votes that he has. So YEAH! That's the plan. Hope it works. Hope I survive. If Cassie idols herself I'm gonna idol myself. Bye bye. Xoxo
So I hope Boris lives but this can be a pretty crazy round if Bri flips or advantages are played!
joey g
We made it to merge! Surviving that last tribal council was honestly due to the straight male privilege i exude. I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread and dont really know whats going on, but hopefully people view me as a goat so i can wake up down the line and nobody will see it coming.
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gal-with-pastels · 7 years
could the chapters in bendy be reversed ( spoilers for chapter 3)
chapter 1 being the ending / henry escaping and chapter 5 being where henry was before hand .
during the end of chapter 3 alice drags boris away saying she will take his insides . and where do we see boris without his insides ? chapter 1 , and i honestly grew attached to boris . so i’m surprised henry didn’t just lash at alice for taking boris away .
i’m hoping that alice is killed in later chapters . unlike sammy lawerence who died in the chapter he appeared in , alice is shown to be still alive and may be the antagonist of the next chapter .
i was right in that alice is the only cartoon to speak as borris and bendy haven’t said a word , borris not even screaming when dragged by alice .
i was also right in alice being deformed and mutated . i guesssed this because of the overall hype and anticipation for alice to finally appear . as well as the sign “ she’s quite the/a gal” which made me think she would be evil . and the idea of alice merging with her voice actor was correct as well .
bendy and alice sorta remind me of tiffany and chucky from child’s play. two killers in a pod .
since were on chapter 3 and that means only 2 more chapters i doubt that there will be anymore toon characters since were half way done with the series already ,
what i think will happen in the next chapter ? henry will chase after alice and after seeing boris’s insides removed , he murders alice . and maybe during chapter 5 ... henry literally becomes borris .
how is do i feel about this chapter ? well made me see alice as a bitch i’ll tell you that . a greedy little bitch . how dare you touch borris. and this chapter made me love boris even more . him providing you shelter in the start and then being dragged away by alice makes you want to kill her even more .
i have no idea why boris was the only character not muatated but there has to be a reason . And the theory that joey is bendy makes abit more sense , wanting henry maybe to become borris , thinking that borris isn’t “ perfect “ and since he’s the only toon not mutated it makes sense .
this can also be why bendy attacked sammy.
hearing news about bendy and boris not getting along makes more sense into why bendy is the villain and borris is the hero.
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blondfishbish · 7 years
Weird Shit My Friends Have Said With Zero Context
"You are an in innocent little slut." "Dab party." "Sloth-looking uniboob bitch." "I am the housewife, fuck." "My precious child, Satan." "Bow before my technology." "See, I didn't think about that because I am inconsiderate." "I'm just trying to show that I'm interested even though I'm not." "There are no stars-" "Because they're all in your eyes." "Gay." "How the hell did you get off to a bad start with the neighbors?" "They're aliens I swear." "I look like a discount Harry Potter." "Twas pretty gooch." "I am a bad millennial." "Trust no one but have fun." "I don't mean to be the mom friend yes I do." "Please don't bring the Kardashians into my classroom, they shouldn't exist." "This is a Möbius strip of fuckitude." "I just work here." "Entirely my fault but that does not mean I won't fuck up again." "I think I pretty much am a golden retriever." "Where do you sleep?" "There's a fridge." "I'm gonna drop it -five.... four... three... two... one." "Reflexes like a cat." "She gave you a count down." "They're kinda fucked up in the head so they named him George." "Hold onto your gravy, it's gonna be a bumpy ride." "One two three four, I declare a thumb war." "It's not a war if I submit." "My choices are poor and my wallet is poorer." "I enjoy the name 'Poog.'" "How about you drink a nice tall glass of shut the hell up." "This bitch just called me an ogre." "Where do you think I get my peanut brittle from?" "A dead guy." "I'm always mad. I'm a tiny little ball angry." "Yellow." "Blue -what are we doing." "What'd you say? Debbie Dick? Who's Debbie?" "There's a demon in you." "Yeah, I named him Hector." "High school puppy love." "Puppies?" "That is a very tall and skinny child." "I've seen taller and skinnier." "You are a worldly child." "Fuck, she's dead." "Why does it say blue?" "It's -its blue." "I'm not her keeper." "You're her mother." "So?" "Why do I jump straight to putting people in graves." "My milkshake needs to bring all the boys to the yard." "But I'm lactose intolerant." "I knew it was a bad idea but I did it anyways. You know why? Because I don't care." "I don't want to be over the hill, I want to be under it. Bury me already." "I want donuts." "You know what, Emily? You don't get fucking donuts." "You're my donut." "Thanks man." "What's your character?" "I don't know, black?" "I have a knack for order of operations." "Here's the thing: we have a lot of oreos." "Who even is this guy?" "Don't you fuckin' wink at me you bitch." "I want my skin to feel as if it's on fire." "I'm upsetti spaghetti." "That's my favorite meal." "I am the spawn point." "Saying that I woke up early implies that I went to sleep, which would be incorrect." "Fuck me up with a chicken stick." "I know you're an asshole, but try to be less of an asshole." "Nick is Arabic for dick." "Actually I'm pretty sure dick is Arabic for dick." "Guys, don't try to confuse me it's too easy." "I fixed my syntax you bitch." "Who cares, life is pointless." "I guess you've never seen the original Icelandic play, but he's actually a blue elf." "Is this you telling me you're gonna slit my throat again because that wasn't appreciated the first time around." "I never want to see you again." "Then gouge your fucking eyes out." "I dab unironically." "I'm going to injure you." "What?" "I'm going to injure you." "You're going to eat me?" "No." "What'd you say?" "I said I'm going to injure you." "How?" "Violently." "Everything went black." "Racist." "Did you just assume that all black people are bad?" "No, I assumed that all black people are black." "You whore." "I'll attach mine back on." "That's really creepy." "What the fuck do I give about a salad." "Never mind, this is Ben, the fuck up." "You have a great face for drag." "Do you know what cookie it was? It tastes like a snickerdoodle." "Then was it maybe a fucking snickerdoodle?" "I'm trying to be fancy and you're on me." "She just wants to feel close to you." "Yeah, well feel close to me somewhere else." "Is he cute?" "No, he's white." "I have a mind like a steel trap; a steel trap corroded by time and weather." "Is that a unit of measure?" "No, that's a unit of fuck you." "You whore." "Actually, the proper term is prostitute." "But you don't get paid." "Do I need to?" "Dude, you just kicked her in the wrist." "I used to win burping contests all the time in middle school." "That is the nerdiest thing I have ever heard." "What? I was short and chubby and I wasn't particularly good at anything." "Hey, you've got shit coming out of you." "I dropped my phone on the most significant part of my pinky toe." "Am I the only one not wearing pants?" "Someone undress me." "I'm coming in hot, Bean." "I am a bad habit." "Give me your nipple." "If you get to cheat on me, I get to pinch your nipple." "Those hamsters are not having a good time." "Who even likes oats -oh. Dragons." "Why is he wearing shorts?" "He defies the gods." "He's gay. The gods don't want him." "Are you a whale or a bird?" "... I'm a dolphin." "I punched a cup." "Why do you... why do you have a cactus?" "Because I'm Mexican and we eat cactuses." "I promptly prescribe my biggest fuck you in the ass to be taken immediately." "Ow, that would be painful." "Wow, it's almost like it's a fucking knife." "Your ass. Do with it what you will." "It's a reminder not to do bad things and then I do bad things while looking at it and feel guilty." "No, officer, I do not have a burger in my purse." "I know my limits but I do not adhere to them." "We're here, we're queer, and we're just gonna go play some video games." "Fuck home, let's go to Mount Scott." "What?" "Huh? Nothing." "Jenesais pa." "Pa." "I'm always a slut for nuggies." "Ye." "I'm gonna get to go home and you -we don't know what's going to happen to you but we're going to assume it's bad." "Your shadow is suspicious." "You drive with your feet and while looking at your phone." "So? I don't see a problem with that." "Were you throwing my own Cheetos at me?" "Great, now I have peanut butter in my wound." "We can't have a soup party, Jenna." "When's our friendaversary?" "We don't have one, fuck you." "Who the fuck let the cows out." "Do you have your socks on? Because I'm about to knock them off." "It's like they literally want me to crush their body with my car." "If you're gonna rearend my car then just end me." "I don't even have pockets." "You're wearing cargo pants." "Shut up." "That was a lot of thrusting." "This is a sleepy bean. They're rare and I caught one." "Did you just refer to your vagina as Sadness and Despair." "You keep hitting me in the nose." "That's because your nose is huge." "You're such a grouchy old man." "Yes. I've been practicing." "I pledge allegiance to the flag of rock." "I am a rabbit punch." "Peanut butter is a natural ointment." "That's the wrong animal." "Peanut butter's not even an animal." "Yes." "Too many skeletons, too many closets, and I don't know where they all are." "I just burped up apples, I'm a fucking unicorn." "There's a McDonalds statue." "Otherwise known as our god." "You got chicken in my purse." "I think I just twisted my ankle galloping in here like a knight on a white horse." "What are you doing?" "I think I broke a nail." "Okay? But why are you holding onto me?" "I need balance." "Never have I ever fought a child." "You're about to." "You just head butted my Pokéball." "Fuck, man, I was sniffing that." "I'm too small to be filled with this much rage." "It's not polite to be a little bitch either, y'know, but here you are." "Is it hazing?" "No, it's friendship." "I have no clue how to start anything but fires and fistfights." "Where are we going?" "You know, if I knew I would tell you." "Tyler, I'm sorry." "Apologize later when I'll forgive you." "Can I get back on the bench? I've got one butt cheek off." "Why are you guys such nerds? " "Why are you such a fucking dick?" "I dunno know, daddy issues?" "How about you eat my ass -wait no, that's weird. How about you eat your own ass." "Hey guess what, dumbass? My car smells like fucking chicken." "You know she smokes cigarettes with eyebrows like that." "You're our teacher." "Okay, listen up assholes." "You -I -huegh." "He's like the height of chewbacca." "I'm being a desperate penis, okay?" "If she wants to be a murderer..." "You don't have any friends here, everyone wants to either see you beat or leave." "You're gonna get fucked by splooge that's disgusting." "You made a cake for yourself?" "Yeah, it's called being lonely." "He did not calculate the trajectory of how he was going to eat shit." "I don't pray." "To Lima beans yes you do." "Shut up, I'm praying to the good lord Lima Bean." "It's because of my scintillating conversation topics." "Ew I don't like that word, don't say that ever again." "... conversation?" "I didn't water my parsley! I'm upset." "We express things differently in Bean Town." "The squirrel thought your throw was embarrassing." "Moral of the story: finish making your Mac and Cheese, don't hide in the corner, the Babadook isn't real, don't watch the fuckin movie." "Did you just backhand a balloon?" "Karma doesn't exist, life just sucks." "In spirit I am a Great Dane. And you are a chihuahua." "Is that an onion?" "Yep." "Okay." "My stripper name is Borris." "That's like cheetahs without legs." "Why would you want a fish? They can't even talk." "I think you scuffed my loafers." "Somewhere in the two and a half hour movie, I'm gonna have to pee." "Weak." "I'm old and have the bladder of a small child. I make no excuses." "Trust me, if my expectations were any lower we'd all need to be worried about a serious self-esteem issue."
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