#he was the fattest puppy out of his two sisters
midnight-phoeniix · 1 year
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dekuscrybaby · 4 years
dancing bachata with him
pairing(s): iwaizumi x reader, nishinoya x reader, bokuto x reader, yamaguchi x reader, tendou x reader, oikawa x reader (all separate)
requested: no; just self-indulgent writing and i wanted a reason to listen to bachata
word count: 2.6k+ words
warnings: slight manga spoiler (timeskip)!! wrote this as gn as i could, but thought of a f!reader when i wrote it, sorry if i offend anyone. dancing gets steamy and suggestive. mentions and implications of sex, not proofread at all
a/n: i added some songs that i felt vibed with the character so feel free to listen to them if you want. gets repetitive at one point. this is also my second time trying to post this so uhhhhh apologies 
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the birthday boy!!
so this man, i just know he knows how to dance bachata
i mean he went to uni in california, there’s a ton of hispanics and latinos there bro
i know for a fact he befriended one of them and by default, he was dragged to a party at one point
which is exactly where you are right now
you and iwa were invited to a mutual friend’s little sisters quince
so, you’re both sitting at a table as the music is roaring through the sound system
the moment iwa hears romeo santo’s voice begin to ring through the room, he’s instantly standing up, stretching his hand to you
propuesta indecente or odio vibe mega hard with this man
“let’s go”
“go where?” you asked, not really expecting iwaizumi to be into dancing
“dance, of course. unless you don’t want to?” a nervous expression was on his face now.
“you know how to dance to this type of music?”
“of course i do, i’m what you call cultured”
so you take his hand and walk onto the dance floor with him
you kinda know the basics of the dance style so you’re not too nervous when you get into your own space of the dance floor 
he put his hands in front of his body, a hint for you take them as he slowly began to lead you in the dance
you both kept your distance at first and you couldn’t help but admire the sensual way his body was moving 
you both moved in accordance to the songs beat before he pulled a quick on you
he intertwined your fingers on one hand and allowed his other hand to travel down your waist
feeling extra confident in himself, he pulled you into his body and slotted one of his thighs between your own
not stopping your movements whatsoever
“wasn’t that awfully smooth of you, mr. iwaizumi?”
“you already know it. gotta keep you on your toes, no?” 
to which you laugh at bc being with him is already a treat in itself 
definitely has you wrap both your arms around his neck so you can be closer
he has one arm hanging lowly your waist while the other sneakily settles onto your upper thigh
very smooth and touchy man
iwa makes sure to hold you so incredibly close while smoothly maneuvers you both across your little spot on the floor
he definitely spins you when he finds it necessary
would for sure end up kissing you during a song
maybe a cheesy ass dip at the end, even if doesn’t seem to fit the song
all in all, 1000000/10 dance partner
would let him maneuver me any way he wants 
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this is gonna be so self-indulgent so apologizes beforehand
so, in my head, noya travels the world a lot
and he’s a latin/hispanic king in the eyes of many so yes he’s visited various of these countries. you go along with him too ofc
and yes, he can dance bachata and various other dance styles 
unlike iwa, he’s a lot intimate about this bc he’s the ultimate simp
he’d do anything to have your body pressed tightly against his own
especially if you’re wearing something irresistible 
also unlike iwa, he vibes best with prince royce bc in my head they’re both like more upbeat and wholesome? idk if that makes sense but it does in my head
def incondicional or darte un beso vibes
BUT if he’s feeling frisky that night, definitely see te robaré
mans would not ask you if you want to dance
he’d DRAG you out to dance
strong believer that it’d be a good first for your relationship bucket list
“yuu, where are we going?”
“to dance, duh.”
“you didn’t even ask me though…”
“don’t have to! i know you’ll love it.”
“love what?”
“this.” he instantly pulls you into his body, wide smirk on his face 
there’s virtually no space between you two
can’t even slip a piece of paper between you two
your breath hitches at the close proximity, you can feel his breath against the shell of your ear
who knew noya could be this smooth?
your mind is definitely thinking of other activities but you come back to earth when he begins to dance to the beat
one, two, three, (four)
one, two, three, (four)
he makes sure to keep you in beat
while also making sure he can feel every ridge of your body on his own
your arms are wrapped loosely around his neck
has his around your waist
he likes sneaking playful gropes in your ass or even waist if he wants to be more innocent 
mans is touchy touchy, that’s the way to describe him easily
LOVES to spin you and also loves to be spun 
your full body is in motion with this man and you’re not going in just one direction, you’re moving every which way (very organized tho)
sneaks in kisses between spins
also an amazing partner and bc i am an extra simp for this libero i rate him a 10000000/10
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also an honorary member of the hispanic/latino community
very very cultured man
he plays pro volleyball so he’s bound to travel to other countries
honestly, he’s never practiced bachata with a partner 
he has seen people do it though so he has a very general idea of how to dance it
bokuto is currently on an away game on a different country and he flew you out 
simp, you know?
you guys went to a club, destress a little and just let loose 
definitely vibes with monchy & alexandria bc the vibes are immaculate, especially on hoje en blanco and dos locos
anything that’s fast-paced and all-around energetic is perfect for mr. bokuto
also does not ask you to dance
but instead of just dragging you, he pleads for you with his eyes
puppy dogs before glancing between you and the pile of bodies dancing
you HAVE to take the hint or else he’ll be really bummed out
bokuto: 🥺👀🥺
you: ???
bokuto, in bold: 🥺👀🥺
you sigh at this, “kou, would you like to go dance?”
”i thought you’d never ask, babe! c’mon let’s go!” he’s literally beaming
you’re dragged away right after that
similarly to noya, he loves having your body pressed to his
but bc he’s not as experienced, he keeps you at a safe distance so he doesn’t accidentally step on you or something
that changes once he gets more confident
or when he sees a couple do something he wants to try with you
also loves to spin you
loves pressing your back to his chest and dancing like that for a bit before spinning you back around so he can see your pretty face
holding onto your hips and helping guide them just the way he likes
loves pressing his thigh between your own, might make you come closer so he can feel you better
also likes groping you, with consent ofc
sometimes he gets too distracted with the way you’re moving that he loses count of the beat and ends up messing up
part of the distraction would come from him smooching you anytime he please which makes you guys stumble a few times 
that’s okay though
he makes up for his mistakes in energy and enthusiasm 
how would i rank this man? hmm
1000/10 very fun to be around so he’s a very fun dance partner 
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hate to say it but mans does not know how to dance bachata
sorry yamaguchi stans, just had to to say 
man works in electronics!!!
hardly goes out as it is
but you eventually get him to leave the house every once in a while
one of those times being rn, at a co-worker’s party 
you honestly can’t remember what it’s for but there’s loud music playing 
also gives me prince royce vibes but like,,, early prince royce, ya dig?
i’m talking corazón sin cara and even soy el mismo bc bro y’all are soft
you’d have to take the lead with him for the first few minutes of the song 
maybe seconds bc he’s a quick learner, especially if he’s observing 
this man is the only one who’d actually ask you to dance before even trying to drag you out of your seat
he looks at you with these cute eyes bc man is love in with you
“do you wanna go dance? this song looks like fun.”
“ashi, do you know how to dance this type of song?”
“well, no, but i want to try with you. do you want to?”
who are you to say no?
so unlike the other three, he’s a lot sweeter and maybe even shy while you’re dancing
idk if y’all know but he’s basically a little kid trying to dance with you
you guys keep like an arms distance and probably do not get much closer 
you guys do move your arms around and bring them a tad bit closer to spice things up
but otherwise, you guys won’t get too close, especially bc this is his first time dancing bro bachata
lots of soft gazes
he looks at you like you’re the only person in the world and that shit’s cute
loves complimenting you as you’re both dancing
all in all it’s just a pure moment, nothing too spicy for the first time around or second for that matter
10/10 dance partner, learns quickly but still not too confident in himself 
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cheeky mf would be so good at this
does he know how to dance it?
but he’s the fastest learner and also very very sensual with these sort of thing so he’s amazing
idk what he does as a profession but he’s still the same person from high school, just a tad more professional in the workplace
gives me the fattest aventura vibes (if you haven’t realized i don’t know much about bachata, murder me)
obsesión and el malo vibe or maybe even los infieles
very similar to iwaizumi and his way of dancing bachata 
but less smooth and more cheeky
very very cheeky
“baby, let’s go dance”
“yeah, give me a min-“
you do not get a minute, his big hand is already instantly wrapping around your arm to pull you up
“tori, do you even know how to dance to this?”
he laughs, “no, i’m smooth but not that smooth.”
you’re left a little confused but the moment he pulls you in tightly, your worries disappear
“just follow my lead,” he whispers in a seductive voice
he places on hand on your waist and the other holding yours just at your waist level
he instantly slots his thigh between your own and leads you guys through your spot on the floor
loves when you pop your hip to the beat
as every moment passes, he pulls you closer and closer
to the point where all you can breathe is his cologne and the alcohol in his breath
might lean down to press a few teasing kisses to your neck
mans might even grind his crotch down on your thigh
he wants to leave you as flustered as possible 
was this a plan for him to take you back home so he could ravage your body? maybe, but he won’t admit, that’s the fun in it
also loves to spin you but he does it outward so he can catch a full look of how you’re dressed
bites his lip when he sees you enjoying himself
ceo of dirty compliments in your ear as you’re both dancing
LOVES LOVES LOVES seeing your flustered face as you guys are so so so close
he’d for sure try and start a makeout session in the middle of the song
something about the passionate atmosphere between all the couples, really gets him going
also sneaks in gropes along with the grinding
once he realizes how much he loves dancing to this music, he wants to go out and do it more 
rate for this man? 
100000000000/10 broke the scale plenty of times 
i want to be his dance partner, please 😔😔
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anyway, he takes you guys to a bar as well
you’re visiting him so he has to show you the best parts of the country and this is the end of your day
the spanish music blaring through the speakers gets him in such a great mood bc he wants to have his own little spanish opera moment with you
also gives me aventura vibes but the lighter more romantic music of it
very playful with it
def un beso and dile al amor or even ella y yo if he wants to get spicy with it (even if it’s like a mix of reggaetón and bachata, maybe pop, idk i’m whitewashed 😔)
“my love, do you want to go and dance with me? i love this song.”
“since when do you dance, tooru?” you tease him
“i’ve been a cultured man since i’ve landed in this beautiful country”
“really now?”
“yeah, would you like a demonstration, y/n/n?”
especially not when he’s looking down at you with this smug grin on his face
does things to you, ngl 
he pulls you up and instantly wraps an arm around your waist as he leads you towards the dance floor
he knows how to dance so he instantly rests his hand on your lower back 
takes the lead without telling you, you have to have faith him and his skills
sways you both PERFECTLY in beat
his other hand is at his side but he is not stuff at all
his body is loose with it, just the way it should be
asks you to wrap your arms around his neck maybe even asks you to hold onto his cheek and give him a smooch
has you giggling the entire time bc he’s such a dork but he’s your dork
he sings the lyrics to you in such a quiet voice just for you two to hear
he has an accent when he’s singing bc it’s like his third language but it’s still the cutest thing ever 
also loves praising you in spanish or even giving you spanish nicknames
“te miras tan hermosa, bailando conmigo así, mi amor.” 
you either know what it means or you don’t 
if you do, you’ll blush and come up with an equally cute spanish compliment
“gracias, mi rey. te vas tan chulo debajo de esta luz.” (thank you, my king. you look so good/cool underneath this lighting)
or you don’t have a clue what he said but he said in such a low tone that you assume he said something nice
“i said that you look so gorgeous, dancing with me like this, my love.” he laughs at the lost expression on your face
his laugh is contagious so you end up laughing as well before leaning in to connect your lips, as the song begins to dwindle down 
also enjoys twirling you about when it’s appropriate, adds in to the giggly fun part of him as a dance partner
now, i’m not a simp for oikawa but i would simp for him over him if he offered to be my dance partner 
i rate him a 100000/10 for a dance partner
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