#borussia dormund imagine
footballimagines · 6 years
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Requested: Yes Drabble: 7- “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” N/A: Also the gif is not mine, if it's yours I am sorry that I am using it without your permission I am sorry. Also I am addicted to the song I used to write this. So, yeah, hope you like it.
Roman Burki - You Are My Life
Months of being together, the rumors, the days off to play. That takes a piece on every relationship. Even on yours. You were in bed, staring at the ceiling while the moon was the only light in your room and the thoughts in your mind, his body was right next to yours, he was sleeping like a baby because he was tired of work.
Was this what you want? Him coming home and just going to take a shower and go straight to bed because he was tired? Him being away for days and days and he just goes to work? Not even a day off? Almost a year together those thoughts came to your mind, was he worth it? Your heart hurt just to even think about that, but your head needed to know.
You didn't realise you were crying until you let out a small sob, your hand flew right to your mouth to keep the sobs in and trying to not wake him up. You felt him move and get on his elbows looking at you, the light of the moon shining on his back, and his hand to clean some tears that were falling.
- Everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy. - you say whispering. - I know, they are telling you that since we got together, why are you crying? - I don't want to miss the future I might have with you because... - Because you are scared they are right? - How many times do we have to say goodbye? How many times do I have to? - Baby, hold on. I know everytime I go to play in another country we say goodbye, but it's just a goodbye, a goodbye that somehow lays down a promise that I am coming back. For you. Because, I swear to god you are my life. - But is it worth it? - You are worth it. I am not going to leave you. I dont' want to come home if I don't have you. I will hold your hand and make it right. I still need you. So please make sure those thoughts leave that little pretty head of yours, because I am not going anywhere. And neither are you. And I am willing to sacrifice everything for you. Baby you are home.
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footballimagines · 7 years
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N/A: Drabble - 88- “After everything…I’d still choose you.” Also the gifs are not mine, if they are yours I am sorry that I am using them without your permission I am sorry. The crackship is mine, the gifs are not. And thank you for reading and requesting it.
The Moon To His Sun - Erik Durm
Love was hard, love was pain, love was sometimes a little bit of war that we had to win. Maybe we had to win to believe we made it, to believe we got the guy or the girl. But sometimes love is more pain than anything else. Bad days come and go, just like good ones. 
But love was just, a feeling where we can't live without the other person, without their smile, without their touch. So a few months after you and Erik had broken up, your heart still hurt every time you watched him on tv, or in some magazine or instagram, it still hurt.
So one calm night where you were depressing again about Erik you heard a knock on the door. You walked towards the door not knowing who was behind it, when you opened it you didn't said anything, you were lost with words, there he was. Standing with his hands in his pockets looking at you.
- I don't know why you left me, maybe it was because you were under pressure or maybe not. But the truth is ... After everything…I’d still choose you. And that is why I am here. I need you like we need the sun. I need you like we need to breath, I can't live without you, or your kisses. God how much I miss your kisses. So please if it was something that I did please forgive me and come back to me... Please?
You took a deep breath trying to calm down your tears, after everything ... you'd still choose him. He was the love of your life, the person you can not life without. He was your moon and you were his sun.
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footballimagines · 7 years
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Jealous - Roman Burki
No, he knew, something had to be wrong. Yeah, he knew that. Something was so wrong. She was quiet, do damn quiet. She was on her phone and somehow if looks could kill her phone would be broken and probably some parts of it on the wall. He crossed his arms with his eyes locked on her waiting for some light to make him know what was happening. But she was just looking at her phone.
Roman was sat down on the couch next to her, on his hands he was holding the remote. He was flicking through some channels, but them her face said something was wrong. He had no idea what the hell she was watching, or reading. But something was wrong. He wanted to ask her what, but everytime he was going to open his mouth she would give him a glare and he would look back at the tv for a while and then he would look at her again.
After a while he got tired of not knowing what was happeing so he slowly got up and made his way and stood behind her looking at her phone, what was surprising was that she was checking his photos on instagram, but them again, what was wrong with that?
- Okay, are you going to tell me why are you looking at your phone like that? Poor thing didn't do anything to you. - Roman said before she looked at him with a killer glare. - Do you like it? - she asked putting her phone almost hitting him in the face. - Like what? - The way they talk about you! - she almost screamed at him. - Who? - Those stupid and hormonal girls! - Baby, are you jealous? - Roman asked trying not to smile or else she would be more pissed than she already was. - What? Me? No! Never! - she said before taking her phone back and turning it off and crossing her arms - I just don't like the way they talk! - Baby, that is being jealous. - I'm not! - Okay, if you say so. - he said and went back to his seat - But don't worry, I only love you, and I only care the way you talk to me. I love you even when you are jealous. - I'm not jealous!
That was the only thing she said for a while everytime Roman would look at her staring back at her phone. She did looked cute when she is jealous. Well or when she is pretending not to be.
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footballimagines · 7 years
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N/A: Hello again, two requests in one night. I am still busy, but well this night is being calm, too calm to my liking (If I want to go back to school I will need my money right?) Here it is another drabble, I am pretty sure I wrote at least 3 times the same drabble, so please try not to send it anymore, okay? I hope you like it. 77- “I lost our child.”
Cruel World - Roman Burki
Everything was fine, everything was going perfect. Or so you thought. Nothing was fine, and nothing was going perfect. What you thought to be going on it's normal course was wrong. And the worst was that it had to happen while Roman wasn't home. He was away for a game, so you tried not to worry him before knowing what the hell was wrong.
But something had to be wrong. Only in the 5th month of pregnancy waking up in the middle of the night with cramps and blood was not good. Thank God that you weren't home alone, your sister had decided to spend the weekend with you in Dortmund, she was away for a while from work and well Dortmund was a place she wanted to visit and taking her sweet time doing it so.
So in that night you woke up feeling pain, you called your sister when you saw the blood on the sheets, you started panicking, something was wrong with the baby, neither of you knew the gender yet, the baby was shy and didn't allowed the doctors to see, what you would see was either it's butt or it's hands covering the gender. 
Your sister took you to the hospital where you were rushed to a room to be checked on. Needles were being put on your veins, ultrasounds being made, but there was indeed something wrong, you couldn't hear your baby's heart beat. It had to be there right? Not even a week ago you went to your monthly apoitment and everything was right, the heart beat was strong, and now, now there was nothing. 
When the doctor told you those words you started crying, how the hell are you going to tell Roman while he is away? Your sister was calling your family, but you had to tell your husband. You had to tell him. While you were being prepared to deliver, you couldn't have a dead baby inside you, so you would have to deliver to a dead child, your child. And you had to break not just yours, but Roman's with the news. After the first ring he answered, he was happy, they had won the game.
- We need to talk. - you said with a low voice. - What is wrong? - he asked with a worried voice, you could hear less voices by the second meaning he was moving to another room to talk to you. - I am sorry, I am so sorry Ro... - you started crying - I lost our child... - We are on our way to the airport, I will be there in less than one hour. Just hold on for me okay?
You said nothing just nodding even if he couldn't see you. He took a deep breath before hanging up the call, you told your sister that he was on his way. The doctors respected your wishes of waiting for Roman. You were conected to machines, but you didn't wanted to hear your heart beat, you wanted to hear your baby's, but that was not going to happen soon. 
After one hour or so Roman showed up in your hospital room. He didn't said anything he just hugged you and kissed your cheek,he was trying to be strong and not to cry. Something that he wanted to do so badly, but he also had to be strong for you.
Another two hours and your baby was out. But it was not like you planned it, you wanted to hear the cry, you wanted to feel the pains of bringing a child alive to the world. But that was not happening. Your baby boy was in your arms, you and Roman were crying, it was a boy. He should grow up, play football with his father, get a lot of girls, and not die so soon.
- You know this world it's so very cruel and hard. And you will never be hurt, or sad or have your tiny heart broken. - you took a deep breath trying to control the sobs, Roman was with his arms around your shoulders and kissing your forehead. - We love you ... sleep tight my little boy. - Roman whispered.
It was indeed a very cruel world.
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footballimagines · 7 years
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N/A:Here it is another request, I hope you like it, if not well too bad, I am joking, I really hope you like it okay? And please don't forget to tell me if you did or not. Also the gif is not mine, if it's yours I am sorry that I am using it without your permission I am sorry.
Father Daughter - Christian Pulisic
So when we have a child we have to deal with the waking up in the middle of the night, with the endless cries for no reason, but of course not every child is like that. But yours was, so yeah don't think you were any different from another mother, no child is easy while they are babies, they do however become calmer when they grow up.
And your now 4 year old daughter was easy, well as easy as a 4 year old can be right? She was okay when she was with her father, but with you? Damn it was like hell, you said no at something she would cry her eyes out, she wanted something Christian would say no, she would battle her eyelashes and he would give her what she wanted, total daddy's girl.
When she was born, her clothes when she left the hospital were a little Dortmund kit, one that Christian gotten for her, she looked so tiny in that. But she looked cute. She still had one, of course that now was a little bigger since he wanted her to go to all of his games when you could take her.
And today he was home, he had come home from practice and decided to go and play with your daughter. You were in your room doing some work, while he was downstairs with your daughter, no it's not doing what God knows what, because you could hear the fail attempt of Christian trying to sound like a girl singing. You put down your computer and walked downstairs, the first thing you did was hold your laughter for none of them to know you were watching. The second thing was grab your phone and record whatever was happening there. 
Both father and daughter were standing in front of the tv while the movie Pocahontas was playing in the background, both father and daughter were trying to sing "Colors Of The Wind",  the tv remote was their microphone, he was poiting the remote towards your dauther letting her know it was her time to sing. You wanted to laugh so much, but that was a cute father daughter moment, and you had the proves, meaning you could tease him a little bit.
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footballimagines · 7 years
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N/A: So, I was watching some things on Pinterest and well I saw a few things, and well they helped me a little bit, so I hope you like it. Also before you ask, this one as a crackship because there was a time where the players I am completly in love with have a few crackships already made, and well Erik is one of them, (and Marco Reus, and Mats Hummels, and Bastian, and Lionel Messi, and Marc Bartra, so yeah) I have a folder with it, so yeah, a little stalker. Also the gifs are not mine, if they are yours I am sorry that I am using them without your permission I am sorry. The crackship is mine, the gifs are not. And thank you for reading and requesting it. Nº 83- “Enough with the sass!” Erik Durm
Sassy Day- Erik Durm
Erik today was pissing you off, he woke up late, he took almost one hour to go and shower, yes he was the one who was making both of you late. You were already dressed and prepared to go, he was still looking for his bag so he could leave. You were leaning against the couch holding your phone and checking your social media. He comes down the stairs and walks in the kitchen to do what god knows what. You took a deep breath and walked to the kitchen leaning against the door frame looking at him.
- I am ready, let me eat something okay? - he says grabbing some bread. - Sure do your majesty. - you roll your eyes. - Are you ready to go? - I don't know, are you? - Damn woman, enough with the sass, or you are getting us late.
He laughs leaving the kitchen, you took a deep breath and followed him to the door, he grabbed his bag and phone and left, you grabbed the car keys and your things. You guys walked to the car and his bag went to the backseat, he looked at you since you were the one holding the keys, he raised his eyebrows waiting for you to give it to him, and you just shook your head.
- I'm driving. - you say walking to the driver's seat. - Are you even hold enough to drive? - he jokes. - Are you old enough to make jokes? Or is it hurting your little brain. - Damn, sassy. - he laughs. - It matches my outfit.
He sits next to you laughing along with you. You start the car and try to drive inside the limit, but damn, if you did, you would get to that lunch later than you were already.
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footballimagines · 7 years
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N/A: So like I said, I was out because of Easter break, and in my grandmother's house I don't have internt, yeah I did almost die or boredom, but thank god I took my computer with me and I could write. But well, here it is your request anon, hope you like it. And I know I only said that week but well, I had this little problem and well I didn't came to the computer for a while. But well here it is. Also the gif is not mine, if it's yours I am sorry that I am using it without your permission I am sorry. Nº 1- “That’s starting to get annoying"
Favorite - Roman Burki
Energetic people love moving, right? They aren't able to stay in the same place for long. They have to find something to do or else they will go nuts, and well probably make everyone around them nuts as well.
An that was happening with Roman, he had the day off but you still had a paper to finish for work, so you promised giving a little bit of your attention when the paper was over, you knew that it wouldn't take long to do it, since you started doing the night before since you couldn't fall asleep. And after half an hour of doing it, or better saying, finishing it, Roman was sat in front of you, yes he stood there for half an hour, staring at you. 
You couldn't even focus on your paper because he was leaving you a little awkward, so when you finished it you closed your computer down and stared back at him, all he did was smile at you but didn't moved his eyes, or moved himself out of the chair. You roll your eyes and let out a long groan.
  - That's starting to get annoying. - you say getting up and grabbing your computer towards the bedroom and he followed you. You sat on the bed and he was doing the same - Roman, I swear to god!   - I am sorry, but what will you do about it? - he raised his eyebrows smirking.   - You are no longer my favorite goalkeeper. - you smirked back.   - That is impossible, you love me.   - Yeah I love you, but I can have another goalkeeper in my list of favorites.   - And who is he?   - Neuer! - you said teasing him.   - He is from Bayern! You can't love a rival team goalkeeper. - he said walking towards you.   - I don't love him, I just love you. But you are no longer my favorite. - you laughed.   - Liar. - he laughed back siting in bed next to you.
You grabbed his neck and kissed him. He knew you were playing with him, and it was fun seeing his face. But even if he was annoying sometimes, he would always be your favorite.
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footballimagines · 7 years
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N/A: So someone asked me for Pt II in Echo, so here it is, I hope you like it, please tell me if you did, because I did enjoyed writting it and I want to know your feedback. Also like I said before I have been busy with some exams, because I finished school 2 years ago, and now after turning 20 I want to go back to college, again, and well I need to do 2 exams to get in, and one of the exams discipline I never had it in my whole life, so I have to study 3 years worth of school to do that exam, so I am sorry that I am not here all the time and doing your requests, but after I am done with the exams, I will come back. Pinky Promise. Also the gif is not mine, if it's yours I am sorry that I am using it without your permission I am sorry.
Thoughts - Chistian Pulisic (Echo Pt II)
I am still in love with you... Everyday I miss you, I can't forget you, you alive in my thoughts, you are alive in my dreams, you are alive in my heart. I never thought of writting you, but here it is now, a letter. I am probably not going to give it to you, but it's okay to write my feelings for you. 
Today I am feeling worst, the pain of letting you go is unbearable, that is why this letter is being written.
I don't have the peace I had before, well mostly because I don't have you, everything I want is to have you back. I want to tell you that I miss you, that I love you. I want to sing with you, I want to dance with you. I want to remember you... What makes it worse to forget you. Sometimes I think that I am not going to make it, but them I remember, you are in the other side of the country following your dreams, it's not an option that I wanted to have, but I need to let you go. I need to set you free from my heart. 
I don't want you to forget me, I don't want you to stop loving me. But I have to forget you, and you have to forget me. I don't want to be moved by passion and love and do some stupid thing and try to get you back, it wouldn't work, you would still be there and I would still be here. Each one of us following our dreams, even if it meant letting go of our love. 
Do you believe that sometimes when I close my eyes I feel like I can listen to you outside my house screming my name, sometimes when I am in bed, I still feel your touch in my skin. I know it's stupid, I was the one who told you to go, I was the one that let you go. 
And do you have any idea of how much I regret that moment? Probably not, you said it yourself, you said I didn't loved you anymore. And that my love, was probably the biggest lie you ever said, because I do, I do still love you. This letter that I am not going to send you proves it. I guess sometimes, all I need's a sign, a sign that you want me to fight for you.
This is the letter that I am not going to send. But I love you, you are and always going to be in my thoughts.
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footballimagines · 7 years
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Requested: Yes Drabble: 13- “Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.” N/A: Also the gif is not mine, if it's yours I am sorry that I am using it without your permission I am sorry.
Christian Pulisic - Not Without A Fight
Couples fight. Couples say nasty things when they are angry at each other, one of them ends up leaving to get a few thoughts out of their minds. You did the same. You decided to leave Christian's apartment so you could rethink of things. Rethink this relationship, this change in your life. Just to think about anything else but that actually. You walk in the elevator when he walks in as well and crosses his arms looking at you, his chest was moving up and down since he was breathing hard, his mouth open and closes thinking of what to say. And the elevator doors close as well. You look at the door and not at him, because maybe just one look and you would go back on your word.
- You do know it's okay to give up, right? - he asks, leaning against the wall. - It's not okay to give up on me without a fight. But I am not going to talk to you. - Fine. - he says and presses a button on the elevator making it stop - Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while. - What the hell did you do? - I love you, okay? I loved you since the moment I saw you. I am an american living in Germany, you are a german living in germany. My home's across the ocean, at least that is what you think. - It's not what I think, it's the truth. If you got a change to play with any other team in America you would go. - Yes, I mean no. Because football is not a great sport there. And you can see that here, in Europe is where the most amazing footballers are. I play with Marco and Mario, and I used to play with Auba. And here I have you. In here I have two things I love the most. You and football. - You are not going to give up on me? - Never. Playing football and being with you, are my priority. I'm not leaving, not without a fight.
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