#erik durm imagine
elishamanning · 8 months
(I'm so sorry to be that person, but can you please explain your Erik Durm post for the stupid people (me)?)
skdjaj of course!
so back when germany won the world cup in 2014, a 22-year-old erik durm became a fixture of self-insert “football images” where the reader, otherwise known as y/n (short for your name), had a romance (of a sort) with durm. his prominence in tumblr and wattpad-esque imagine stories surpassed his prominence on the pitch, and his relationship with “y/n” spanned many years on this website so it was a reference to that lol
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varanest · 4 years
one thing i’ve left to do, discover me, discovering you
a/n: this is a ‘whoever you want to read it with’ piece i have posted and deleted twice but i decided i will post everything that’s on my drafts so - any feedback is appreciated. 
As soon as they were in their Uber, he was all over her. His hand slipped between her thighs, slowly working his way up. His face was buried in her neck, his tongue and teeth mapping out the column of her throat. She fisted his hair as he assaulted her neck, keeping her lips firmly together so that her moans didn’t reach the ears of their driver while she dragged his hand up to her cunt.
“Impatient little thing… can’t even wait ‘til we’re home to have my hands on that pretty cunt,” he growled into her skin as his fingers traced the damp circle soaking through her panties. The heat rose to her cheeks, though she wasn’t sure if it was from the filthy words dripping off his lips or from the way their driver’s jaw clenched in annoyance. Didn’t really matter which, though. Maia still grinded against his hand while he murmured cheesy praises into her neck.
Once inside his building, Maia barely got a chance to catch her breath. He had her caged between him and the wall during the elevator ride, letting his hands trail over her sides as he pressed his full weight into her. His thumbs reached just below the underwire of her bra when the elevator doors slid open.
She whined quietly as he pulled off her, already missing the feeling of him practically engulfing her. He was taller than her, maybe six feet tall if she were to guess. When she was pressed up against him, she almost felt small. Little. Like a fragile thing surrounded by him.
It was a foreign feeling. She had never really felt small.
And as his large hand engulfed hers as he pulled her toward his apartment, this giddy, warm feeling pooled in her stomach. Just his hand covering hers made her feel little. That feeling only grew as he tugged her into his apartment before pushing her up against his door. “Fucking finally,” he grumbled before his mouth took hers.
As greedy and hard as his lips on her neck had been, his first kiss to her lips was surprisingly gentle. And warm. His entire body was pressed hard against her, squeezing her body tight between him and the door, but his lips remained soft. And the way his tongue dipped into her mouth… she’d call it filthy if it were more urgent, but the slow pace made it feel reverent.
It was so easy to respond to him, to just shut her mind off and only think about reacting to the tongue exploring her mouth and swallowing his quiet grunts. It wasn’t until minutes later when he pulled away and they were both breathless that she realized how urgent it had become. His hand was now fisting her hair, her hands were gripping his collar, and the two of them were gasping for air.
“Bedroom.” She meant for it to come out like a command. After all, Maia was a little bossy in all aspects of her life, but especially when it came to getting laid. But her voice sounded smaller than it usually does, a little breathless and pleading. And it wasn’t without an effect on him, whose lips smirked and eyes darkened as he took a step back. She almost whined at the loss of contact, but he kept both his hands on her as he walked her toward his bedroom.
This time, he had her up a dresser. He flicked the lights on before slamming his lips back onto her neck, this time on the other side… perhaps his way of making sure there was an even distribution of his marks when Maia woke up in the morning.
She tried to get back into it, but she was itching to turn the light back off. Its presence transformed her excitement into fear. Fear of him seeing her naked. Fear that he wouldn’t like what he saw. Fear that every dimple on her thighs and roll on her stomach would repulse him.
Before her thoughts took the dark turn into a full-on body-loathing spiral, she asked, “Could we keep the lights off?”
He blinked several times, his brows furrowed as he processed her question. He was going to ask her why. They always asked why. And then Maia would try to downplay it, but he wouldn’t buy it. And next thing she knows she’s spilling all her body image problems onto a stranger instead of having sex. Fuck, she should have just kept her mouth shut and suffered through having the light on.
After a beat, his face faltered. “Yeah, okay,” he murmured before flicking it back off. Relief should have washed over her once the lights were out. No longer did she have to fear him seeing her naked in a well-lit room. It meant that Maia could fuck him however she wanted without her anxieties about her body ruining it.
But something lurched in her chest at this visible disappointment in his eyes. As he leaned forward to kiss her, she stopped him. “Is that okay?”
“Of course, whatever you want, baby,” he shrugged it off, but Maia stopped him again when he leaned forward. “Okay, I just…”
“You just what?”
“I just wanna see you.” There was no smugness in his voice. No teasing tone that came with all his pick-up lines. No endearment or praise. Just him, with a hint of sadness in his voice, admitting that he wants to see her.
Maia bit down on her lip and stared back at him. The lamppost outside his building illuminated his face in the dark, meaning she could see the sincerity in his eyes.
So, even though her stomach lurched at the thought, she leaned over to flick the light back on, and the change in his demeanor was immediate.
“There you are,” he grinned as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She tilted her head up in time for his lips to glide against hers again, and the contented moan that escaped his throat sent a chill down her body.
He kissed her like he did before, his mouth demanding her full attention. She felt her mind go blank again, only vaguely aware of him tugging off his own jacket. She kicked off her heels next, giggling a bit into his mouth when she realized just how much shorter than him this made her.
She tugged at his shirt next, whining until he helped her get it off. Maia wanted to run her fingers all over the warm, newly exposed skin, but he had other ideas. His fingers worked the zipper of her dress, and Maia felt a familiar panic set in.
Maia tucked her face into his neck, pressing kisses to distract herself from the fact that her dress was about to fall to the ground, exposing every stretch mark to him. “Baby,” he murmured right into her ear. The zipper was completely undone, meaning he was just waiting for Maia to pull her arms out of it and let it fall.
He tilted her chin up with his finger, and Maia locked eyes with him. His were warmer than they had been, not the dark, smug eyes that had watched her for most of the night. She relaxed under his gaze, letting her dress fall to the floor with an easy exhale.
His body snapped back into focus. His hands gripped her waist as he walked her back to his bed. “Fuck, look at you,” he growled right into her ear, his breath hot on her earlobe. “Gorgeous.” She was about to roll her eyes again when the back of her legs hit his mattress. She fell back onto the comforter with a thud. A giggle escaped her lips. There was no way that was hot or graceful.
When she looked up at him, his eyes were raking over her… staring at her uncovered body for the first time. God, she should have kept the lights off. His soft eyes lingered on her chest, which wasn’t surprising. One silver lining for Maia’s weight gain had been the massive breasts that came with it. But when his gaze drifted lower, her arms automatically came up to cover her stomach.
”Maia.” His voice broke on that one syllable. It was low, gravelly, and forlorn. “Will you let me look at you some more?”
She kept her eyes trained on his face as she removed her arms, and there was a small twitch at his lips, curving the corners of his mouth up. His eyes didn’t leave her body as his hands slid up and down her bare thighs. And just when she got her heart rate down again and relaxed into his touch, he whispered one quiet, earnest word that sent a shudder through her entire body.
a/n: who did you picture this with? let me know.
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ficsnsht · 4 years
You and Erik have been best friend for the longest time. You guys met in school. It was Friday morning and you were just getting out of bed. As you went downstairs your phone went off letting you know you just got a text message. Erik: want to hang out today? Y/n : sure! Meet you at our spot in 30? Erik : alright! See you soon 😜
As you were hurrying up to get ready, you couldn't help but blush when you think about Erik. As much as you fought away the feelings, you couldn't help but feel strong feeling towards him. 7 years of friendship did that to you. Always talking and constantly seeing each other only made the feelings stronger. Once you got out of your daydream you dressed in cropped workout leggings, a black sweatshirts, and of course your bright pink trainers and finally left your flat. The place you were meeting Erik was a big plain grass field. You guys would spend hours kicking the ball around and Erik desperately trying to teach you some tricks but as clumsy as you were, you of course failed. As you were walking up to the field you stopped and admired the view in front of you. There he was, the guy you desperately wished was yours, kicking the ball around. His rosy cheeks and messy hair did things to you. "Hey!" He said, pulling you out of your daydream "Hi, sorry I'm late," you said "It's okay I'm used to it," he said chuckling "Whatever, ready to lose?" You teasingly said "Oh baby I never lose", he said winking and running off with the ball. As you made your way close to him you couldn't help but stare in his eyes and see an intense look. Was it concentration? Lust? Love? But that moment was ruined when the kicked the ball between your legs and made his goal. "1-0 are you sure you'll still win today?" "Bring it" I said After an intense 10 minutes of going back and forth, you managed to tie the score and was about to score the winning shot. Somehow you almost ending up tripping and Erik being the gentleman he his tried to catch you but that only resulted in you falling on top of him. Nose to nose. Forehead to forehead. There you were on top of Erik. You could feel ever muscle and breath. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed. You looked down and then realized it was a bad idea. His pouty pink lips looks so irresistible. You thoughts were caught off when you felt a pair of the softest lips come I contact with yours. You gasped but gave in. "Wha- what just happened?" You stuttered " I'm so sorry I didn't....." Erik stuttered blushing and looking down "I need to go" you were so confused. Didn't I want this to happen? Isn't this what u dreamed of for 7 years? "Wait" a strong hand gripped your elbow and turned you around . Once you did you were face to face with Erik. "I can't do this anymore", he said "What?" "I can't keep hiding my feelings for you. I loved you since the first day I met you. Always have. I was always to shy to say anything and my teammates always made fun of me for it. And now here I am confessing my love for you. I want you" he said "I love you too" you blushed and looked away He grabbed your chin and raised your face "Be mine be my girlfriend. Pleeeeeaase!" He said with a desperate look on his face. "Yes"
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footballerimaginess · 6 years
Coming To Visit
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Hey, I would like to request a one shot if you are still receiving requests. I would like it to be about Erik Durm Talking about the plot I would like it to be about them being a couple struggling to see each other because of Erik moving to England, since she works and lives in Germany. I hope it is fine! ;) Word Count: 657
This was the first time in your relationship you had felt off with Erik. He had recently moved to England to play for Huddersfield in the premier league. It was such a big career move for him especially after all these injuries he had while at Dortmund. It was an opportunity he just couldn’t turn down. You had never spent this long without him. Seeing as you met him in Germany, you always assumed you would stay in Germany forever. But now you were apart from him and it made you feel so strange. You had just finished your night shift, you looked at the time as you hot into the car and wondered if Erik was awake. Your phone buzzed, Erik wanted to FaceTime. You accepted the call and placed your phone in the holder, “hello beautiful” he mumbled, he still had a sleepy voice, “morning baby, you are awake early. Do you have training?” You asked him. “Yeah I have later but I wanted to talk to you before you headed back to bed. How are you feeling? Did you have a long shift?” You nodded. “Yes it was a 12 hour long shift, I was thrown up on my children and I am exhausted” you sighed as you drove home. “Aww I wish I could see you” he smiled. “me too, when can you come over and visit me? It feels like it has been forever. I have a few days off. Maybe I can come and visit you” you suggested to him. “That sounds absolutely great babe, I will have a look online when I get home. I am exhausted so I really need to sleep. I feel like I probably look. Absolutely rubbish. But once I get home I will sleep” you say to him. “I can’t tell you how much I miss you. All I want is to hear your voice with me. I want a cuddle and a kiss. If you are serious about staying in England then I might have to think about joining you babe” you laughed at him. “Oh okay, are you serious? this makes me happy” you smiled at him as you drove to your flat. “I will speak to you in a few hours, once I feel more alive. I love you baby” you waved and blew him a kiss at the phone. “speak to you later baby, have a good sleep. Love you” you smiled as you walked up to your flat. You had got your gross nurses outfit off and pulled on one of Erik’s shirts. Pulling the blackout blinds down and needing a very long nap. Once you woke up from your lo sleep you were still confused by the time. This is what night shifts do to you. They completely mess with your body But you were used to it. You grabbed your laptop so you could see if there was any trips to England soon. Your phone vibrated and it was Erik again. “Hello baby, I have a few days off. I might have just booked a ticket to come and see you. The gaffer has said that it is acceptable. So you will get to enjoy my company I hope you have a few days off when I do” he asked you. “Yeah I do babe. I am so exited to see you” you said to him. “Me too. It genuinely feels like I haven’t seen you in about 5 years. This is crazy” Erik sighed. "I'll be with you soon, maybe I'll think about moving with you. I hate not being with you. It feels so distant, there's only so many times I can FaceTime or talk on the phone. I miss you so much" you sighed as Erik nodded. "Okay we can sort this out when I see you in a few days okay baby" you smiled and said your goodbyes and went about with your day.
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theblxefox · 6 years
Okay I'm in desperate need for hate smut, does anyone have recommendations??
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faketextsbysophia · 6 years
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mkenziejyl · 6 years
For You - Erik Durm Imagine
Erik looked around for his girlfriend, y/n. He was about to play in the World Cup (let's imagine it's the World Cup now), against Iceland in the group stages. His heart was racing. He needed to find his go-to for every situation.
"Finally, there's y/n." Erik sighed. He smiled and waved at y/n. She did so too.
'Good luck,' she mouthed.
As the eighty-fifth minute passed, Germany needed to score that one extra goal to make it to 3-1. "Come on Deutschland!" Y/n cheered loudly. Erik scored the goal when he came up to the box. "YEAH ERIK!" Erik did his celebration for his last-minute goal in the ninetieth minute. Y/n was so happy she began to squeal and jump up and down.
Erik ran up to y/n and carried her to the pitch in his arms. "Ew Erik! You're all sweaty." Y/n complained.
"But we won babe."
She poked his nose and kissed him. "But you scored a goal, Erik."
"Yeah, for you."
"Good job guys." Y/n congratulated the Garman team.
"Thanks, y/n."
Y/n followed Erik to the changing rooms as she was holding his hands to celebrate with champagne and a lot of singing.
'What a day.' She thought.
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durm-ff · 7 years
Blind Date
helloooo lovelies! wow, I don’t even know when i last posted a one shot, but here we gooo! this one is for @prettystuffposts . hope you like it girl! it’s kind of mostly autobiographical hehe. hope you enjoy it and if you have a request i might be able to make time for it so just message me! 
‘See that shopping cart right there?’ – he pointed to a random cart on the street, probably abandoned by some teens that took it from a supermarket.
I looked at him hesitantly, getting a hint of mischief from his eyes. ‘Wanna get in there?’ – I looked at him, taking in childish thoughts, just like him, and started running towards the cart. I jumped in right away, and heard him shout from behind me. ‘Get ready! One, two, three!’ – and off we went into the night.
The road went down the hill so it was relatively easy for us to go, but I was shrieking at some points because it seemed like Erik wasn’t in control of the cart at times. But we didn’t crash. We rode down the main street of the town and while I was concerned at the noise we were making, I just enjoyed feeling like a middle schooler again.
If someone would have told me that I was going to sit in a shopping cart while a (kinda) stranger was pushing me, and we were going to be tipsy but it was going to feel right, I would have nervously laughed in their face.
It never worked so easily for me. Meeting new people, hitting it off immediately, spending a whole night together? No chance.
Alright, you cannot possibly get along with everyone. And there’s only so many people you can be yourself around with. But there is an area in between, from where it can go either way. Sometimes first impressions lie, sometimes you do need a bit longer to warm up to someone. In my case it usually took ages. Or just eternity, which left me with no choice basically.
Still, tonight was different. Erik was fun. Nice. Attractive. And it clicked. It usually doesn’t. But it did tonight.
This was totally not what I expected. As it was a blind date, I was prepared for the worst.
It was the usual paradox of ‘I need to meet people but I’m so nervous that when it comes to a date or event, I get a panic attack.’ Alright, I didn’t exactly get a panic attack, but it came close. Actually, the paradox usually didn’t even take place. An actual date didn’t happen a lot, because often I backed out.
But after countless times of chickening out, feeling lonely during nights and getting fed up with my own attitude, I decided I’d give this one date a chance. I didn’t know much about them. My friend Niki set me up with one of the guys she works with. Kind of the usual.
Only this time, she showed me some pictures of him, and I must admit, he was one fine looking guy. I guess this is how she wanted to make sure I have a harder time giving up on it. He seemed familiar and I couldn’t think of where I’ve seen him before, but I calmed myself down and for once, I managed not to overthink it.
That is, until I had only an hour left till the date. I was still in my bathrobe, my nails were drying (cliché, I know but they looked better with a colour on them), and I was sweating like hell, even though I just got out of the shower.
All my roommates were gone so I had to rely on myself to give me a pep talk. I got dressed, put on a ton of deodorant, perfume, and looked one last time in the mirror. I was quite satisfied with what I saw. It was time to go.
I have been on dates before, but it has been some time since my last one, and also it concerned a total stranger, so you could say my heartrate went through the roof. I managed to walk to the meeting point though, which was at the main square of our city, next to an Irish pub. I was early, and even though I didn’t want to be late and even have more nerve-wrecking minutes, I felt like I was going to lose it.
The faint memory of his face in my head made me think that every random person walking by was him. The third time I sighed heavily I got interrupted. ‘Am I that late?’ – he asked and I spun around.
To say that the pictures didn’t do him justice was an understatement. He looked great with his hair slightly styled with gel, he was wearing a big beige scarf and a big black trench coat. He knew what fit him. ‘No, I’m, I was just…sorry.’ I shook my head. Great first impression.
‘Were you nervous? No worries, me too.’ – he let out a small laugh. ‘I’m Erik, by the way.’ – he put out his hand and while I shook it, again, I thought of where I could know him from. ‘Greta.’
‘Shall we?’ – he pointed towards the main street and we began walking.
Now, while rolling down the main street in a shopping cart, it seems like it was forever ago that the date started. We met at 8.30 pm and as I looked at my phone, praying not to drop it, I saw that it was 2.30am. Crazy.
It started out like all dates, I guess. The ice needed to be broken so we had some drinks at this place we both knew, and, really, just talked. I found out during the first few minutes that he plays for our football team, which explains why he was familiar, it’s just that I’m really not updated on football, so that’s why it didn’t immediately ring a bell.
We talked about our interests, families, friends, all that stuff, and slowly but surely the ice broke. Especially when I spilled half of my drink which made me want to sink through the floor. But instead, he just laughed and ordered another one for me.
After an hour or so we decided together that it was time to go to a less formal place, so we went to the Irish pub that we met in front of. It didn’t really seem like an appropriate setting for a first date, but considering the fact that we both wanted it, and we kind of got along, we thought why the hell not.
It felt good. Great, actually. Erik made me forget why I was nervous in the first place. And it seemed like we liked each other.
Now, being childish together why causing a hell lot of noise at 2.30am after closing hours, we seemed to match even more.
‘Stop! Stop, stop, stop, stoooop!’ – I shouted while looking straight at a pole that we were fast approaching. Erik just laughed but stopped last minute, but as I was covering my eyes, I did not see how close we were.
As I opened it, the pole was one milli-meter away from us. ‘Scared, much?’ – he leaned over my head above the cart and looked me straight in the eyes. ‘Uh, ya-haa!?’ – I raised my eyebrows, indicating that I was expecting a crash which would have taken us, but mostly me into hospital.
The wrinkles around his eyes became more visible as he grinned like a ten year old. ‘Don’t worry. I wouldn’t do this to you.’ – he reassured me. ‘Well’ – he shrugged, ‘at least not on the first date.’
I gasped and hit him on his arm. ‘Jerk.’ – I said at which he just laughed and walked to the side of the cart to be next to me. ‘You think there will be more dates after this?’ – I looked him in the eyes dead seriously, crossing my arms on my chest. Half of me wanted to be intimidating, the other half hoped that this desperate attempt at flirting would get to him.
‘I actually do’- he pretended he was thinking of his answer for a long time. ‘At least I hope so’ – he lowered his voice and looked at me, this time genuinely.
I couldn’t help but turn my pretend-frown into a shy smile. I hoped so too. He looked me in the eyes, then at my lips, then back at my eyes again. I knew it was going to happen. The only thing unclear was, who was going to make the first move.
He moved, it seemed, mere inches, at which I leaned in properly and kissed him. He kissed back and put his hand on my face.
On the one hand, it felt amazing, on the other hand I cursed myself for not trying to date more often. Because who knew it was going to be this nice? Who knows how many great guys I missed out of because of my own shyness, clumsiness, awkwardness? It didn’t matter in the end though. One great date was enough to make me forget my awkward encounters. And that date happened to be Erik.
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boreussia-durmmund · 7 years
Erik durm 15 pleaseeee
“He’s your son before the sun rises.”  she mumbled into her pillow.Erik didn't want to fight. He knew he would lose and honestly he was away for matches so much and rarely saw his son during this time at all so he often was the one getting up with him early on Sundays.Normally this wasn't a problem but last night they had spent some time making him a little sibling so Erik barely got five hours of sleep.“Come on, Tom. Let's get downstairs.” Erik suggested while getting up.Tom held his arms up and Erik knew what this meant. Their little boy was too awake to go back to sleep but he wanted to use the privilege of being carried around and Erik kind of enjoyed this as well so he pulled Tom into his arms. Carefully he walked out of the bedroom downstairs.“What do you wanna do?” he wanted to know.“Just cuddle.” Tom answered rubbing his cheek against Erik's chest.He had to stop himself from laughing, for just cuddling they could have stayed upstairs in bed but Tom was too  cute for Erik to actually be angry.So Erik sat down on the couch and gently started rubbing Tom#s back. He tried to make this moment last forever, Tom's little heart steadily beating against Erik chest, his weight against Erik's body, his warm breath on Erik's skin.He just loved his baby boy and would love to have more kids like him.
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He was very shy about it. He knew his friends would love you, but he was afraid you wouldn’t like his friends. But it turned around very quickly that you loved his friends and most of them were even jealous of Erik. Erik on the other hand was just smiling and laughing. He was happy with you and he was happy with his friends. And he knew he was slowly falling in love with you more and more.
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footballrecs · 7 years
she knows
characters: erik durm/oc oneshot
by: fortheloveoffutbol
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footballerimaginess · 6 years
Instagram Made Me Insecure
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Can you please do an insecure Erik Durm? Xx A/N - I am changing this up a little because I have done a lot of insecure imagines and I never really know what to do with them.  You were getting ready for a holiday with a few of the other players. This was something that had been planned for ages now, you were very nervous because it wasn’t something that you were used too. But Erik calmed your nerves down and you were finally feeling okay about it all.  Once you arrived in Mykonos with everyone. “I am nervous too see everybody, it has been so long” You mumbled too Erik as you clung onto his arm. “You will be fine darling, they love you” Erik reassured you that it would be all good. “Thanks babe, you always make me feel good about myself” You smirked. We arrived in the villa and met up with them all. You met Ann & Mario, Marco & Scarlett, Marc & Melissa. You gave them all cuddles and it was lovely to see them all again. “You look so beautiful” Ann said as she held your arms. “Aww thank you darling! You look gorgeous too” She smiles. You ended up going to the villa, you got into your bikini. You looked in the mirror and let out a deep sigh. Erik wandered by and ran his hand round your waist. “What’s wrong babe?” Erik questioned as he rested his head on your shoulder as he lowered himself down. “You see them girls out there they all look gorgeous and here’s me looking like a potato” You sighed as Erik tutted. “Please baby, you are incredibly fit” Erik kissed my lips as you put on your sarong as you headed to the swimming pool. The girls were already sitting around the pool. “Look at this stunner” Melissa shouts as you walked over to them as you twirled in your sarong to woo the ladies.  No matter how many compliments you get you still felt insecure about yourself. The girls were taking instagram photos. “Work it girls” The boys shouted as they were busy snapping away. This was when you were quite nervous about the pictures. These girls were so beautiful and photogenic, you were nothing in comparison to these girls. You realised it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Ann called you other so you could get into the pictures. “This is so cute, babe you are so pretty” Melissa smiled as she kissed your cheek. “Aww thank you. That is a sweet picture” You said as you looked at the pictures. “Babe do you want to take pictures for instagram?” Scarlett suggested. “No its okay, I am not sure if I want too. I don’t feel comfortable, I am quite nervous when I take photos. But I am sure I will feel better eventually” You weakly smiled at the girls.  “No babe, you are absolutely beautiful never ever say that” Ann reassured you as she placed her arms around your shoulder. “Aww thanks babe, you are all so beautiful. It is so hard to take pictures when you feel so insecure. But you have made me all want to have instagram photos” You agreed they take some pictures of you. As you look over and see Erik with the biggest grin on his face. You finally felt comfortable for once, it might not be forever but you finally felt okay with yourself. 
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footballimagines · 7 years
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N/A: Drabble - 88- “After everything…I’d still choose you.” Also the gifs are not mine, if they are yours I am sorry that I am using them without your permission I am sorry. The crackship is mine, the gifs are not. And thank you for reading and requesting it.
The Moon To His Sun - Erik Durm
Love was hard, love was pain, love was sometimes a little bit of war that we had to win. Maybe we had to win to believe we made it, to believe we got the guy or the girl. But sometimes love is more pain than anything else. Bad days come and go, just like good ones. 
But love was just, a feeling where we can't live without the other person, without their smile, without their touch. So a few months after you and Erik had broken up, your heart still hurt every time you watched him on tv, or in some magazine or instagram, it still hurt.
So one calm night where you were depressing again about Erik you heard a knock on the door. You walked towards the door not knowing who was behind it, when you opened it you didn't said anything, you were lost with words, there he was. Standing with his hands in his pockets looking at you.
- I don't know why you left me, maybe it was because you were under pressure or maybe not. But the truth is ... After everything…I’d still choose you. And that is why I am here. I need you like we need the sun. I need you like we need to breath, I can't live without you, or your kisses. God how much I miss your kisses. So please if it was something that I did please forgive me and come back to me... Please?
You took a deep breath trying to calm down your tears, after everything ... you'd still choose him. He was the love of your life, the person you can not life without. He was your moon and you were his sun.
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faketextsbysophia · 6 years
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Just hungry 😋
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imagine-footballers · 7 years
Dating Erik Durm would include...
•constant jokes about his rosy cheeks •like his girlfriend would say cheesy or cringe stuff just to see the colour rush to his cheeks because she found it cute •i feel like at first erik can be really closed off because he wants to make sure people have good intentions •but once he trusts you he is one of the loudest, sweetest and bubbly people you've ever met •he's constantly cracking jokes or giving people compliments •he showers his teammates with compliments so much his girlfriend has become convinced that he secretly fancies Burki •(not that she can blame him) •he constantly references embarrassing moments of hers •particularly from her 2014 relatable tumblr, one direction and bieber phase, which is oh so detailedly documented on her twitter •like why did she not think to delete her tweets before she started dating a literal Greek god??? •'babe, why won't you talk to me?' •'soz, ur not harry styles lol' •(referencing a literal tweet of hers that kills her with embarrassment) •'really erik, really?' •'sorry, i just can't help it. i'm so stressed, well dressed and justin bieber obsessed' •(yet again, another directly quoted tweet) •regardless of how much he teases her, he's still a massive sap towards her •i'm talking tulips delivered to work, because she hates roses, and fancy dinner dates to the best restaurants dortmund has to offer, regardless of how much she insists that mcdonalds is completely fine •all in all erik durm is a literal sappy asshole to his girlfriend
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futbolfics · 7 years
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Tear In My Heart (Erik Durm Imagine) (x)
It’s not that Erik hated visiting children’s hospitals. In fact, out of all the players in Borussia Dortmund, Erik was the last person people expected to protest charity functions or other appointments in that nature. Maybe it was the porcelain walls that confined each depressing hospital room, which seemed to incubate Erik’s somber sentiments. Or maybe it was the fact that those children were deprived of every single ounce of a decent childhood, and Erik was left powerless to help their situation.
“You ready?” Marco inquired, gently nudging Erik’s shoulder as the bus steadily encroached upon the hospital entrance. Erik gave a slight nod in acquiescence, as the rest of the team began to boisterously rise from their seats, chattering happily to each other.
“I just don’t get why they’re so happy,” Erik groaned as Marco stood up from his seat. “They do know that we’re going to a children’s hospital, and the probability of even half of these kids living is pretty slim, right?” he rationalized despite the blonde’s failure to even take out his earbuds. As the team began to meticulously began to file one-by-one out of the bus’s exit, they were enthusiastically greeted by a team of nurses who worked individually with the patients. As you began to brief the men, decked out in yellow and black, of the children’s conditions, you noticed a pair of blue eyes gazing at you attentively.
“Each group of five players,” your boss authoritatively barked at the innocuous players, while pacing back and forth, “Will be supervised by a nurse. So get with your assigned nurse.” Instantly, the assemblage of footballers dispersed at your boss’s order, while you hastily scanned the names on you clip board.
“Marco Reus, Erik Durm, Christian Pulisic, Marc Bartra, and Roman Burki,” you hesitantly called out as the five figures began to part eagerly in your direction. You reluctantly smiled to yourself as you watched the earnest royal-blue eyes stride shyly over to you.
“All here and completely at your service,” the six foot swiss conceded with a cheeky wink, causing your cheeks to flush pink. You tossed your hair over your shoulder confidently, and grinned at your audience as Marco rolled his eyes at the goalie’s suggestive comments.
“Don’t worry about Marco or Roman,” you heard a cheerful voice resonate from behind you, as you led your group into the ward. “Roman’s just a big ole’ teddy bear and Marco is like a big brother to him,” the Pennsylvanian accent stated happily, engendering a chorus of groans. “But Erik and me are pretty accommodating, aren’t we Erik?” he boasted while wrapping an arm around Erik shoulder. Erik’s gaze shyly shifted towards the ground, as he bit onto the flesh of his lip and nodded in approval.  
Upon entering the pediatric cancer ward, you carefully watched, out of the corner of your eye,  Erik’s patterned inhales and exhales become increasingly steady, “I’m sure they’ll love you,” you whispered into Erik’s ear as you brushed past him to swipe into the division. Not even two minutes later, Roman was laughing happily as each of his muscular limbs were being used as a human jungle gym. Marc was effervescently grinning from ear to ear, as he was drawing pictures of princesses with several of the young girls, while Christian and Marco were competitively participating in a fifa tournament with the rest of the patients. Your eyes frantically searched the ward to discern Erik’s location, as you noticed a patient’s room with the door half open. You crept up behind the door surreptitiously, and watched in silence, as Erik sat perched next to Anna’s bed, conversing with her about his different tattoos.
“The cross is very important to me,” he explained. “I’m very religious. And this one,” he continued as Anna beamed up at him, “Is for my mom and dad.”
“I have a mom and dad too!” she interjected with so much enthusiasm, that it emanated into one of her coughing fits. Erik began to worriedly search the room for relief, as you swooped in and rubbed circular patterns on the back of Anna’s hospital gown.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” Erik said abruptly, looking between you and Anna, as he exited towards the restroom across the hallway.
“Don’t mind him,” you remarked happily, as you approached her window. “Do you want to listen to some of your favorite music?” you suggested. The four-year-old’s pixie face lit up with boundless excitement at your offering, as you turned on her pink boom-box, and slipped in one of her favorite CDs. “I think this is someone’s favorite song,” you hinted ebulliently as Anna giggled and reached up for you. The two of you waltzed happily, accentuating each rhythmic beat of the instrumental version of “Hip’s Don’t Lie,” by Shakira.
Through the cracked opening of the bathroom door, Erik watched the two of you twirl and laugh jovially, while carefully measuring the sound of his every movement. He didn’t want to spoil this moment. It was too beautiful. Every lighthearted giggle the two of you shared and each measured twist of your body that supported the young girl’s weight, only further incited his desire of wanting to get to know you. Erik savored each second in the three minute song, but at its conclusion he gradually began to emerge from his position, waiting patiently by the room’s entrance.
“You missed a dance party!” Anna cheered out enthusiastically while burying her face into your shoulder triumphantly, causing your skin to burn with self-conscious demure. The blue of Erik’s eyes simperingly toyed with your’s, as he broke into a sincere grin.
“So it seems like I did,” he taunted contentedly, while shyly walking over towards the two of you. “But maybe,” he began while biting onto the flesh of his lower lip apprehensively. “With Y/N’s permission, I can arrange a date between the three of us, and we can have all the dance parties you want,” he concluded while nervously looking between the both of you.
“I think we can somehow arrange that,” you reckoned blithely, giving him a slight wink.
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