#borzoi sawyer :)
grayghostofthenorth · 4 months
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Joan Sawyer, the popular American dancer, arrives home in New York from Europe on the Olympic with her prize-winning Russian Wolfhound, Acheo III. The nimble-toed lady has been doing the light fantastic to the delight of London audiences for several months past. (December 5, 1920)
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sandstonesunspear · 6 years
Director Sanvers, Lucy-centric
Found a prompt chart for Pride Month and figured I’d try my hand at it. I’m a day behind because life. Parings are random, but the fandom should stay Supergirl.
Thanks to @nerdsbianhokie for letting me borrow Ripley.
Growing up as the daughter of a career military man, Lucy never had pets. No dog, no cat, not even a fish or a hamster. Sure, other military families had them, but not the Lanes.
There’s no space in this house for one, Sam Lane would say.
We have the space, Lucy would think, but hold her tongue. Sam Lane didn’t welcome backtalk.
They’re a waste of resources and time.
Are you talking about a dog, or your kids? Lois snarked exactly once, following the death of their mother. Lucy could only watch with horror as the row that had erupted between her sister and father ended with a harsh slap to Lois’s face. It signaled the beginning of her estrangement from the both of them.
They’re nothing more than a distraction.
And we can’t afford distractions, Lucy would finish, careful to hide her bitterness from him.
Once she was out of Sam Lane’s house and establishing a name for herself, Lucy entertained the idea of getting a dog. As the years dragged on, though, the practicality of it died out. She wasn’t a career military person like her father, but ten years of postings in various countries, three tours in Afghanistan, and her work with the DEO meant that home was less a place to live and more a place to sleep.
Then Alex Danvers and Maggie Sawyer entered her life. It was easy to admit that she was attracted to the both of them, but she was incredibly wary of starting anything with them after her failed relationship with James. They were understanding though, more than happy to let Lucy go at her own pace. The three of them almost became something after Alex’s kidnapping, but before they could, Lucy found herself whisked away by the president and placed on a special assignment to infiltrate Cadmus.
It didn’t go well. Unbeknownst to her, Maxwell Lord had discovered the operation. He leaked information about her assignment to Lillian Luthor in exchange for Cadmus’s technology, resulting in Lucy’s capture the minute she entered Cadmus’s main base. Cadmus spent the next six months torturing her before ultimately shoving a control chip into her skull. They quietly released her, forcing her to live as an unwilling double agent. She fought it as best she could, but in the end, she could only watch as used her as a puppet to undermine Kara and the DEO. The DEO caught on and imprisoned her. Lucy looked on from her cell as J’onn and the others debated what to do.
To no one’s surprise Alex was the one who figured out how to block the control chip and remove it without killing Lucy. She placed Lucy into a medically induced coma for nearly three weeks while she worked to excise the chip. She was successful, but the treatment had an unfortunate side effect. As one final countermeasure against removal, the chip forced Lucy to relive everything she had been forced to do while under Cadmus’s control, magnifying her feelings of guilt and helplessness. She awoke three weeks later, free but numb.
At first, Lucy denied anything was wrong. Her answers during her mandated therapy sessions were terse and short. Upon finding out that it was Lord that had led to her capture, Lucy’s mood soured even further. I’m tired and angry and want nothing more than to shove a boot knife into Max Lord’s skull, she growled out in one session. Henderson had nodded approvingly at the progress, only to frown at Lucy’s declaration that, aside from that, she was just peachy.
It took 14 sessions for her to admit that everything wasn’t okay. An exhausted Lucy stumbled into Henderson’s office and admitted that she wasn’t sleeping, even after moving in with Alex and Maggie. The nightmares were still too much. On more than one occasion, she would dream of her hands closing around their throats and choking the life from the both of them, only to wake up just as the light left their eyes. She would awaken with a scream dying in her throat, frantically checking either side of her to make sure that they were okay before trying to get back to sleep. It never worked.
At least, it hadn’t until several nights previous. She told Henderson that the past few nights, Alex’s service dog had woken her up before the dreams could get too rough. Much to Maggie and Alex’s amusement, Gertrude would settle on top of Lucy before bed and refused to move.
Does it help?
The question made Lucy pause and think. Then, she nodded. The pressure that Gertrude provided was grounding. She knew, somehow, when to wake Lucy up before things could progress too far. Lucy still wasn’t sleeping great, and she was exhausted beyond belief, but Gertrude’s help proved invaluable.
Henderson nodded. She scribbled a few notes down in Lucy’s chart and leaned back. Well, Director Lane, do you want the good news or bad news first?
Bad news. Rip off the bandaid and get it over with.
You have PTSD. No pity or fanfare about it, just a statement of fact. She knew that Lucy probably knew, but verbal confirmation was always the best.
And the good news?
You remember Moira Amari? Lucy nodded. Moira had been an agent with the DEO until a fight with a Fort Rozz prisoner had left her a double amputee. She trains service dogs. I’ll be making an appointment for you to speak with her.  
It was how Lucy found herself standing outside of Moira’s house three days later. Alex and Maggie were by her side. Gertrude was off to the side, sniffing around. The door opened. Moira stepped out.
“Director Lane?” Lucy nodded. “C’mon in.”
The three of them entered the house with Gertrude taking up the rear. The borzoi stayed a few paces behind the humans as she took in the interior.
“Jacqueline’s timing was perfect, Dorothy just had a litter, so there’s going to be plenty of pups around,” she informed Lucy as they walked. “There’s also a few old timers, dogs that are trained but whose original assignments didn’t work out or whose people either passed before they could go into service.”
“How does this work?” Lucy asked. “Do I just pick a dog?”
Moira shook her head. “Nope, the dog picks you.”
Lucy couldn’t help herself. “Like in Harry Potter?” She felt her face heat up as soon as the words left her mouth.
To her relief, Moira wasn’t offended. She laughed. “Exactly like that.” A thoughtful look crossed her face. “I should use that.”
They all stopped just outside of large, open room that was gated off. They could all hear the sounds of eager puppies. Moira moved the gate and led them in. Once inside, she replaced the gate before pointing to a couch.
“Alright, go sit over there, Director Lane,” she ordered. “I’ll go get everyone.”
Lucy settled in on the couch. Maggie and Alex sat next to her. Gertrude settled in front of Alex and closed her eyes.. Lucy leaned to the side and placed her head on Alex’s shoulder while intertwining her right hand with Maggie’s. Alex ran her fingers through Lucy’s hair.
“It’ll be fine, Luce,” Alex reassured it. “It’s really simple.”
“You version of simple and my version of simple are two very different things, Alex,” she drawled.
Maggie snickered as Alex huffed. Before she could say anything, loud yaps caught their attention. Soon, a flood of puppies was on its way.
The first dog that caught Lucy’s attention was like a hamster on crack. It barrelled towards Lucy at full speed before tripping over its own legs. It tumbled, rolled for a few feet, then immediately jumped back up, barking all the while. Lucy unconsciously shook her head. Moira seemed to agree. She picked the dog up before it could get any further.
“Sorry buddy, you’re not right for her,” she told it before turning it around. Once on the ground, it ran back to Dorothy.
The second dog made it further than its sibling had, only to stop short at the sight of Gertrude. The borzoi cracked an eye open, sat up, and blinked at the newcomer. The puppy barked exactly once before running back to Moira. Lucy had to fight back a laugh at just how offended Gertrude looked.
“Alright, maybe next time, kiddo,” Moira said, moving the dog back in Dorothy’s direction.
It went on for a while. Every so often, Moira would shake her head and intercept a pup before it could even approach Lucy. Lucy grew more and more discouraged as dog after dog was weeded out. Then, a black scruffy mop appeared. She was immediately intrigued. Unlike the others, this dog was calm as it made its way to Lucy. It stopped in front of Gertrude and booped noses with her. Then, it sat in front of Lucy and waited.
Lucy reached down and picked it up. It placed its paws on her shoulders and licked her face. Lucy couldn’t help it. She laughed.
Moira nodded approvingly as she walked up to the triad. “That’s Ripley,” she said. “Terrier/schnauzer mix, ‘bout a year and a half old.”
Lucy ran her fingers through Ripley’s fur. Ripley settled down in Lucy’s lap. “She’s perfect.”
“Yeah, she is,” Moira agreed. “She’s one of the calmest ones here, surprisingly enough. Gets along with everyone and rarely barks.” She tilted her head. “To be honest, I’m surprised she even came out with the others today.”
Lucy gave her a curious look. “What do you mean?”
“Ripley here was actually trained as a PTSD service dog, but the guy that was supposed to take her died about six months ago. Car crash.” She gave a sad smile. “Rip’s been pretty depressed since he died. I’ve been trying to find a new match for her ever since, but it’s been hard because she usually just stays in the back.”
Lucy nodded understandingly. “Well, what do you say, Ripley? Think you can help me out?” she asked.
Ripley barked. Lucy smiled. She looked at Moira. “She’s the one.”
Three weeks later
Lucy woke to a cold nose nudging her face and pressure on her chest. She lifted her head and blinked blearily to see Ripley on top of her. Seeing Lucy awake, Ripley glanced left and right, then licked her face before settling back down. Lucy smiled. It was Ripley’s way of letting her know that Alex and Maggie were next to her, safe. She let her head thump back softly against the pillow. She reached up and ran her hand across Ripley’s wiry fur. The touch made Ripley’s tail go haywire.
There’s no space in this house for one, her father had said.
Yes there is, Dad. There were two doggy beds, food bowls, and a wide assortment of dog toys that proved it.
They’re a waste of resources and time, he had said.
No they aren’t. Ripley was a means for keeping Lucy sane, just like Gertrude was vital for helping Alex manage her migraines.
They’re nothing more than a distraction.
We can afford some distraction. Without distraction, she would have eaten her gun out of guilt by now thanks to him.
Lucy closed her eyes. Next to her, Maggie snored quietly while Alex was cuddled against Lucy’s right. She smiled and let herself fall back to sleep. The nightmares didn’t return.
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starswift-borzoi · 7 years
Warren Dunes State Park
At least 5 borzoi, a few friends and myself are meeting up tomorrow at Warren Dunes State Park in Sawyer, MI around 11 AM est. Hopefully there will be a break in the forecasted storms. Stop on by to see us. We will be in the area where dogs are allowed towards the far back of the park.
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nerdsbianhokie · 6 years
Director Sanvers adopting a dog.
Alex kept one hand buried in the fur of Gertrude’s neck, the borzoi’s head resting in her lap as they sat on the bench against the wall. Her other hand curled around Lucy’s hip as she leaned against Alex. Maggie was standing in a corner, looking at something on her phone.
The phone was put away at the knock on the door.
The door opened to Anne, the shelter employee helping them, leading a scruffy dog with a leash.
Gertrude perked up.
“This is Ripley,” Anne said. She crouched next to the dog, unclipping the leash. “She is a terrier/schnauzer mix, about a year and a half old.”
She stood, dog in her arms, and stepped towards Maggie.
“She’s one of the calmer dogs we have here currently. She gets along with everyone she meets and hardly barks.”
She passed Ripley over to Maggie, who was instantly being licked on the face.
Alex grinned. She glanced at Lucy, who was laughing.
“She’s adorable,” Maggie said. She crossed the small room to pass Ripley to Lucy.
She was adorable. Short, coarse fur. Tan fur that darkened to black down her back. A completely lovable face.
Ripley jumped up so her front paws were on Lucy’s shoulders, and licked her face.
Lucy gently pulled Ripley down and the dog sat in her lap.
A moment later, Ripley was up again, crossing their laps to nose at Gertrude.
Gertrude languidly slid off of the bench. Ripley jumped down to follow her, tail wagging the entire time.
Anne and Maggie both hovered, ready to split the dogs if needed, but it quickly became clear it wasn’t.
Lucy leaned further into Alex.
“Think she’s the one?” Lucy asked.
“I do,” Alex replied, squeezing Lucy’s hip.
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