#boss obito x employee deidara
jesseevelann · 2 years
An Unlikely Opportunity
Deidara spun boredly in his office chair, tapping at the desk while waiting for someone to walk through the door. He loved the job, minimal work and he got to yell at people, but he hated the waiting. Today especially was horrible, he had nothing to do.
His phone had died many hours ago, and his manager would scream at him if he doodled in his notepad again. Deidara didn't mind a bit of attitude, but god Sasori was annoying. Yap, yap, yap. All day long.
The day was almost over, but it took forever to pass. Deidara was losing patience.
"Hey, brat. The boss wants to see you."
"What? Why?"
Sasori walked behind him, shoving the chair. Deidara turned and glared at Sasori, who retaliated by poking out his tongue.
"Don't know, don't care. Now move. I have to take over for you, because you're just that important."
Deidara stood from the chair, yelping when Sasori shoved him out of the way. He huffed, and limped to the doorway, into the hall of elevators.
The hallway was oddly empty for the busy company, but it was perfect for Deidara. Especially since his ankle was twisted. No one would see him fall, but in the same breath no one could help him up.
He was grateful for the perfect condition the building was in, the elevators always worked, and had yet to fail on anyone. The boss was wealthy, and could retire at the age of thirty-two, but for some reason he didn't. Deidara would jump at the idea of not needing to work.
While the elevator took him up, Deidara started to think. Why did the boss want to see him anyway? He hadn't done anything out of line, and he certainly wasn't worth of a promotion. He started a month ago, and was just a secretary.
He definitely wasn't going to ask him out, Deidara was fresh out of highschool. Dirty clothes and worn out shoes, not even his glasses were in good condition. His uniform was a rental, and the fanciest thing he had ever worn.
Maybe he was going to kill him. There were rumours that the big man in charge was convicted of murder, and that he looked almost exactly like the city's most famous criminal. Deidara couldn't say for himself though, he had never seen his boss. He didn't even know his name.
The elevator sang its little song, and Deidara hobbled out, looking around for directions. The top floor felt larger than the rest of the building, it had less furniture and more open space. It was very rarely used outside of the boss calling meetings, or calling people into his office for mostly unknown reasons. From what Deidara heard, most don't come back out.
That thought alone sent shivers down Deidara's spine. He didn't want to join the few unfortunate enough to come to that fate, whatever it may be.
A gorgeous dark wood door came into view, decorated gracefully with silver. A symbol similar to an Uchiwa fan was centred on the door. This man, whoever he was, had an appreciation for art it seemed. Although it wasn't Deidara's favoured medium.
He went to knock, his body freezing when the door opened by itself. He hesitated before pushing the door open carefully, adjusting his glasses while stepping inside. Acting like his injury wasn't there.
The room itself made his jaw drop. Bookshelves and exotic plants, gorgeous paintings on the left and photo frames of some of the most famous Uchiha men to have lived. A gorgeous rug laid flat under the large desk, it's quality and expense could be seen a mile away.
A large, comfortable lounge was pushed to the wall on the left under the canvases, and the wall behind the desk was a full window, showing off the whole city. If he squinted, Deidara was sure he could see his mother and step-fathers house, or even his apartment complex.
Multiple files and papers were stacked on the desk in pristine organisation, a golden name plate sat in front, "Uchiha Obito" carved so delicately in the metal. Deidara's eyes darted around, trying to take it all in as fast as he could. He had never seen such an expensive room in his life.
The door clicked shut behind him, causing him to jump and turn. There was no one there, but he felt a presence creeping against his neck. Deidara shook his head and turned, almost screaming seeing a tall, broad man in front of him.
He was larger than Deidara by a landslide, his features were defined and sharp, and he was dressed in a finely pressed black suit. Looking closer at his gloves, Deidara saw what he thought was dried blood. The glint of a knife hidden in his sleeve made Deidara's breath hitch.
Deidara fumbled for a chair, not even knowing it was there. He sat, sinking into the cushioned wood the best he could. The deep, raspy voice ringing in his ears. The tone was dark, perfectly matching the man's stature. Deidara looked up fearfully, eyes widening when they locked with a single eye.
The man walked around his desk and sat, elbows on the fine wood and fingers interlocked a mere three inches from his mouth. Deidara stared at the deep, swirl like carvings in the tan, slightly grey skin, bringing attention to the sharp, almost emotionless eye glaring into his soul. The iris was a pure black, deep as the darkest night, with a deep blood red tint glacing over it when the light shifted. The other eye was covered by an eyepatch, most likely due to the same incident.
"You are Deidara, yes? The new secretary Sasori is managing..."
Deidara nodded, too entrapped by fear to speak. He shivered feeling the eye study him closer, he didn't dare look away. Although they were all rumours, Deidara truly believed that this man would kill him instantly if he even blinked.
"My name is Obito... we had not met properly, I realised."
Obito slid a small notepad over to him, flipping through it before holding it out to Deidara, who hesitated before looking. The notepad was filled with Deidara's small scribbles. Deidara paled, Sasori must have reported him for slacking on the job.
"These are yours, correct?"
Deidara nodded, biting his tongue. Obito took the notepad back and looked through it one more time. If Deidara knew no better, he'd have thought he saw a hint of a smile on the stoic man's face.
"You are quite talented. Whatever are you doing in a boring office job, you could do so much with this..."
Deidara relaxed just a little, his confusion taking over his fear. Is this what he was called in for? To talk about his shitty doodles? That didn't make sense at all.
"I... I don't understand, hm... wh-why was I called in here?"
Obito chuckled softly at Deidara, his eye softening as he handed Deidara the notepad.
"I was curious... you have much potential. I simply don't see why you would waste your time here."
Deidara looked down at his feet, his face burning red with embarrassment. He didn't get compliments often, especially about his art.
"I-I don't know... it's easy, a-and pays bills. No one really likes what I do anyway, hm. I can't afford university..."
Obito nodded in understanding, pausing before he spoke again, thinking hard before making his decision.
"How would you like to design posters and advertisements for the company? I'll pay you extra, and I can even get Sasori off your tail for a while."
Deidara's head shot up, almost losing his glasses with the speed. Obito smiled amused, he already knew the answer.
"You will work in the office beside mine, I will supply you with everything you need. I expect frequent updates on your progress. Is that alright with you, Deidara?"
Deidara was at a loss for words, but his smile said it all. Obito was shocked when he jumped up, and tensed up when small arms wrapped around him tightly.
"Yes! Thank you Obito-San, hm!"
Obito let out a weak laugh, patting Deidara's back before pushing him off. Deidara beamed with excitement, even when he lost his balance due to his ankle.
"Glad to have you aboard, Deidara."
Big thanks to @peekintoeternity for inspiring me to actually finish this project, if it weren't for them I'd have scrapped it
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