#both Jackson and Holt upset Clawdeen so much
screamingwiththewolves Β· 7 months
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It is no wonder that this kid gets bullied when this is the outfit he chooses to wear. I don't mean to victim blame, but that bright yellow button up, checkered vest, and blue bowtie combo is not doing him any favors.
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jekyll2life Β· 2 years
So what relationships do they all have? Any friends, enemies, love interests? How do they get along with you?
Good first question Anon! πŸ’– I guess the easiest way for me to answer is with a list. This post is going to be very long, so I split it into two parts.
Part 1: How do all the dolls get along with each other
Jackson, Frankie, and Holt are in a romantic polyamorous vee (that means Frankie dates both Jackson and Holt, but Jackson and Holt don't date each other). The three of them have been basically inseparable ever since Frankie came home. At home, they're always together. When going out, sometimes I take Jackson by himself but a lot of the time I also take all three. On very rare occasions I used to take only Jackson and Frankie out, but then I stopped doing that because I can feel Holt getting upset (Holt doesn't like being excluded, and at one point Jackson and Frankie even were like "either all of us go or none of us do"). So yeah, the three of them are a trio and they love each other very much. πŸ’›πŸ’™β€
Neighthan and Garrott recently started dating. Neighthan definitely had a crush on Garrott first, basically since Garrott came out of the box. But Neighthan didn't want to pursue anything because he knew Garrott was still recovering from losing Rochelle. He figured that Jester would eventually find Garrott another Rochelle and that they would be together. However, as Garrott spent more time with Neighthan of his own accord, Garrott realized that he liked Neighthan too. And after some encouragement from Twyla, Garrott asked Neighthan out to their first date. Navigating their relationship is something very new to them. Neighthan has never really been in a relationship before, Garrott has never dated anyone aside from Rochelle, and Garrott has never dated a man before. But at least for right now, things are going well for them.
G3 Draculaura and Lagoona are girlfriends and have been dating since around December-January-ish. They were crushing on each other before then, but were nervous about dating since they didn't want to risk breaking up their friend group if things went south. Also, I wanna add that my G3 Drac is a lesbian (since that's my headcanon for her TV show counterpart as of today)
G3 Clawdeen and G3 Cleo definitely have feelings for each other, they're not dating just yet. Reason is because Cleo also has a crush on Deuce and isn't sure how she wants to navigate her feelings for both of them. Of course, they could always try being in a polyamorous relationship, but that's new territory for Cleo and she isn't sure if that's what she wants yet.
I don't get to show it much, but Neighthan and Frankie are ride-or-die besties. They spend a lot of time together chatting, exploring the house, etc. Neighthan also finds Frankie to be a very comforting figure he can confide in. Of course Frankie does the same whenever they have worries, they both have each other's backs. But tbh Frankie's life has always been pretty good so most of the time, when they're the one talking, it's just rambling about their day or whatever special interest has captured their attention at the moment.
Oddly enough, Heath is probably the most social out of my dolls. Of course he's close with his cousins, Jackson and Holt. But also he's close friends with Deuce, G3 Draculaura, and Casta Fierce. He's also recently started hitting it off with Alistair Wonderland.
Of course all the G3 Beasties (Frankie, G3 Drac, G3 Clawdeen, Lagoona, Cleo, and Deuce) are all still beasties. βš‘πŸ¦‡πŸΊπŸ πŸ’ŽπŸ
Of course, G1 Draculaura and G1 Clawdeen are besties as well, just like their webisode/movie counterparts. Ever since Clawdeen came home they've been inseparable.
Heath, Deuce, and Jackson/Holt make up what I call the Bro Squad. Also Heath and Jackson/Holt take turns pet-sitting Perseus.
Twyla and Garrott have become pretty close friends. Since they're both more solitary monsters, they like doing solitary activities within the same space (drawing for Garrott, reading for Twyla) and just enjoy each other's company. Twyla also helped Garrott work out his feelings for Neighthan, so there's that too.
Twyla, Jackson, and Alistair are part of their own little book club together.
Frankie finds Alistair interesting. They like to listen to all of Alistair's grand stories of adventure with his previous human. Alistair's just happy to have a captivated audience. Whenever Alistair decides to tell stories, Heath and Twyla usually come listen too.
Since he is the only other doll that speaks Spanish (having originally come from a Spanish speaking household), Alistair and Lagoona have become buddies. They enjoy gossipping together in Spanish and they also get together to watch telenovelas.
Even though they've been getting along a lot better now, Jackson and Holt still have some conflicts with each other. Mainly because Holt's jealous of the sheer amount of favoritism I express towards Jackson. That said, Holt is what I call "the people's favorite" (ie, the one that everyone says is the coolest when they see my collection) and tends to get more time with Frankie Fine while Jackson is out, so it kinda evens out that way.
G1 Draculaura and G1 Clawdeen really don't like Heath, mainly because they find him annoying. :(
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