#both good and noble professions in their own right but not really relevant to this post
the-punforgiven · 4 months
I will say, playing the Bladesong playtest has really changed the way I think about and design swords for my ocs, not just in a narrative way, like how much you can express about a character through the weapon they wield through factors like how nicely it's maintained, it's size, the way the guard works, how fancy/plain it is, how easily it could be concealed, ect.
It's also forced me to think about them on a more technical level, asking questions like "Why the fuck is this thing so badly balanced? I've done everything right!" To which what I am assuming is the spirit of a long-lost ancestor appears in my brain and goes "You forgot to add the distal taper again."
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neekaxiv · 5 years
Dominique La’fleur aka Neeka
Tumblr media
(( While I’m not actively SEEKING new RP right now, I’m not against something blossoming but I wanted some up to date information available with the Data Center split.  ))
Age: 30
Birthday: Unknown (17th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon)
Race: Highlander Hyur
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Marital Status: Partnered to @theash-hatrukoth
Server: Balmung
Hair: Auburn with honey-hued highlights
Eyes: Dark amber
Height: 6 Fulm (6 Foot even)
Build: Feminine, fit, toned
Distinguishing Marks: Large sprawling vines with thorns and roses tattooed on her back. A very large scar that starts at her pelvis and wraps around to her lower back
Common Accessories: several facial piercings including eyebrow hoop, a diamond nose stud, and diamond labret stud. Rings and earring are always present. A soul crystal embedded into a pendant around her neck. A large bracelet designed with roses and thorns.
Profession: Publicly - Mercenary; Privately - Assassin
Hobbies: Drinking, sex, working out, watching theater productions, cooking
Languages: Eorzean, some Hingan
Residence: Several. The La’fleur Manor in Ishgard, a beach home in Shirogane, as well as several condos scattered throughout the city-states.
Birthplace: Ala Mhigo
Religion: Agnostic
Patron Deity: None
Fears: Publicly - None; Privately - Chains, her past, spriggans
Spouse: @theash-hatrukoth
Children: None (Those miqo’te boys do NOT count)
Parents: Adopted - Robert La’fleur ; Biological (Unknown to her) - The Thornbreakers
Siblings: None that she is aware of
Other Relatives: None except for those closest to her that she would consider family. @nalukaixiv would be one such example
Pets: Too many for her liking. Larry the duck and Bowser the bullpup are the two main ones.
TRAITS ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Inpatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: On occasion Drugs: On occasion Alcohol: Frequently 
Neeka is a very private person, as such many details of her life aren’t readily available for most to know. If it logically makes sense that a character could find a piece of information out, I’m all for it!
Neeka is committed romantically to Asher Rukoth, however, it’s not uncommon for her to have one night flings with random faces/bodies when she’s away from home.
Expanding on that, Neeka is a very sexual character. She /will/ attempt to sleep with someone if she finds them attractive or if they have something she needs. While sex is very much enjoyable for her, it’s also a tool of power. This is not -me- being a horndog or trying to use and discard an RP partner.
Further expansion: She is not public about her relationship with Asher, at least in how deep it goes. She’ll say he’s her partner without a problem but you’re not going to hear her talking about her love for her ‘husband’ or ‘soulmate’. That’s kept private for him and him alone.
Neeka is a very powerful character, and as such, I like to be very careful when getting combative. It’s unfair to godmod from either side of an RP encounter, which is why when it comes to death/dismemberment/totally crushing someone I like to keep that to NPC related things unless there has been a HUGE conversation beforehand.
RP HOOKS ––– –
Ishgardian Nobility: Neeka is the Lady of House La’fleur. The title was passed onto her when her adoptive father Robert passed away. She’s not very good at being a noble, letting the staff of the house take care of almost everything however there are times when duty calls and she must answer
Failed Dragoon: Neeka owns a dragoon soul crystal which gives her the ability to fight like a dragoon. (Passed down to her from the La’fleur estate) She was trained for many years, but ultimately when the time came to dedicate herself to the Temple Knights she refused and vanished. It’s not uncommon to see her using those powers for less than noble causes.
Underworld: One of her monikers is The Thorn. A well-renowned assassin that comes with a hefty price tag. She has never failed, and the name tends to strike fear into the hearts of those it might be pointed at due to her love of paralytics and poisons. 
Anything fun: Neeka is a hedonistic creature who is always looking for a good time. Bars, clubs, casinos, plays, really anything that has some form of entertainment you’ll likely run into her.
You can contact me here through tumblr messaging or catch me in game. I’m liberal with my discord information after first contact to chat. 
Even if we don’t end up finding the time to sit down and RP I’m all about chatting about potential connections or small head cannons that can be thrown into each other's stories. 
I have no problem with any type of RP, I tend to match my writing to my partner. I can do quick snappy single line RP or multi-para (The latter is one I would say I’m more comfortable with given my preference for Discord RP) 
Expanding on that, I also have no issues writing sexual scenes should it be relevant to a story somehow. If it’s sex just for the sake of sex then you’ll find me asking to fade to black. 
I stated it earlier, but Neeka is a very powerful character. In my stories, she does not fail when it’s something important, but that’s not to say that she never fails. She does, quite a bit and it’s a blast to write providing we’re both on the same page. 
OOC communication is the single most important aspect of writing to me.
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
How to Get More From Digital PR (Without Mentioning AVE) | Pint Sized Marketing
Digital PR is an evolving discipline. Over the years, we’ve developed from link builders to more rounded PRs and broader marketers. Yet more often than not, the way we see digital PR being judged revolves around links and the traditionally SEO based metrics from which our discipline was born. I was recently invited to speak around this topic for Pint Sized Marketing, a feeder event to the larger Learn Inbound which takes place in Ireland each year. Many thanks to Mark Scully for having me; you’ll find my slides and a write up of my talk below. Digital PR was born from an SEO need It’s no secret that link building is an integral part of any search campaign. In order to outrank our competitors, we must prove the credibility of our knowledge and of our brand – and the most tangible way Google has to do this right now is through links. That’s why, way back in the early days of SEO, link building was big business. We knew that more links meant better rankings and – as we often do – we took advantage of that fact and found sneaky ways to get more links, like link farms, article spinning and forum comments. It made sense, then, that Google caught onto this and told us, in no uncertain terms (and via a super cute animal) that this was not cool. The penguin update penalised those who invested in poor quality link building techniques and as such, gave the industry a metaphorical kick up the backside to do better. An investment in content It was here that link builders / SEOs saw the need to invest more in content. The idea was that good quality content would merit links in their own right – which was something made far easier by the fact that webmasters had not yet grown tired of backlink requests or got wise to the fact that links are essentially currency (leading to many today asking us to pay for them, thus rendering the whole process pointless, but I digress…). So we did just that; we invested in content, anything from really useful guides through to interactive campaigns. The biggest surge in popularity as I experienced it was in infographics. Because infographics were not so easy for journalists themselves to make,  but they did appeal to visual audiences, all it took was an OK designer and an OK idea to create an infographic that would gain links. I even made an infographic of infographics. I thought I was a genius. Meanwhile, in PR… Meanwhile in the world of traditional PR, PR pros were delivering fantastic campaigns which promised to build their clients’ brands and raise awareness of their causes. It was an exciting profession because it was both intangible and integral – something everyone wanted, no one could really measure why but the bottom line was that without it, businesses felt they were missing out. And that made for some really creative campaigns and different ways of thinking. As SEOs, we saw that and, like the magpies we are, we wanted it. The link builders amongst us recognised that PR was a tactic that would gain coverage and therefore links, that was total valid in Google’s eyes because it’s been happening for years without penalty. PR was, in many ways, the golden bullet for link builders. So we started to learn more about it. We invested in campaigns that were newsworthy. We created news hooks. We learned about the press landscape. We even started doing PR stunts. A new choice for clients/stakeholders At this point, we’d become a bit of a middle-man, not quite SEOs and not quite PRs but with the potential to develop our own very clear specialism. That’s what I love most about digital PR – it’s not quite done, it’s like the cake batter ready to be baked, but it’s really tasty nonetheless! For our clients and stakeholders looking to invest in our services, there was a shift. A few years ago, if my PR team was pitching for business, it was either against other digital PRs or, more likely, against SEO agencies. Today, though, we find ourselves pitching much more against traditional PR agencies too, with our clients making decisions between investing with us and investing with them. As a brief tangent, the way I see it is that this is a huge opportunity for traditional PR agencies to really hone their craft and own it – they need to stop trying to become digital and instead stand up for those things they do that digital PRs can’t to continue to develop their niche – like crisis comms, product launches, events and so on. This shift means that we are now being judged against SEOs and against traditional PRs. So it makes logical sense that we need not only to report on SEO-centric goals, but also on PR-centric goals. SEO goals for digital PRs The SEO goals we focus on as digital PRs have got to be link-based. Our job is to build links because links are votes and votes improve rankings. I can’t see a time when I’ll ever not advocate this. Here at Impression, we typically split out goals/KPIs into: Owned goals These are the goals we as digital PRs should own, specifically number of links, quality of links (DR), topical relevance of links (TF) and positioning of links (PR). Shared goals These are the goals we as digital PRs share with SEOs, specifically ranking improvements, traffic improvements and eventual revenue improvements. In order to capitalise on these shared goals, we need to be much more integrated with our SEO teams, and ask not only where we are building links to, but why we are building them and fully understand the SERPs landscape around our target terms and topics. PR goals for digital PRs When we look at how the top PR agencies position themselves, it’s all about storytelling, thought leadership and audience mobilisation. The thing that makes PR difficult to measure is that traditional PRs haven’t yet nailed it themselves, in my opinion. All this talk of advertising value equivalents (AVE), circulation figures and ‘outtakes’ is yet to really nail the intrinsic benefits of PR to the business’ bottom line – even if you have managed to gain coverage which would have cost £X to pay for, what was the value of paying for it anyway? We do, I believe, need to measure ourselves against PR’s goals. But we can’t just replicate what traditional PRs use because, frankly, it’s not good enough. More than anything, we need to focus on making our PR goals SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time based. That means taking the intangible and making it tangible. Awareness as a goal is very noble, but if you can’t measure your campaign’s contribution to awareness, what’s the point and how do you quantify the value? So I’d consider utilising traffic or ranking or even branded search metrics to make it measurable. Sentiment is something that’s often referenced by PRs and, in digital PR, I’ve seen agencies use social media listening tools to measure sentiment, though my concern is that not every campaign has a social element and therefore this isn’t necessarily a reliable metric across the board. Instead, we at Impression are currently experimenting with Google’s natural language processing API to see if we can utilise that to quantify sentiment – we’ll share the results when we have them. Broader marketing considerations for digital PRs As well as measuring ourselves against SEO and PR goals, we also need, I believe, to work on our own niche and on the creation of goals which are specific to digital PR. We are not simply a combination of two existing disciplines; we are a discipline in our own right and there are benefits to be derived from an investment in digital PR that you won’t get through SEO link building or traditional PR. I shared some of these in my presentation, and have spoken about the idea of funnel campaigns over on State of Digital previously, so I won’t reiterate here, but suffice to say, I’d like to see digital PRs contributing more to the evolution of our discipline by exploring new ways in which we can use our content to build audiences and drive revenue. How to get more from digital PR To summarise, my tips to get more from digital PR are: Be better SEOs; report on owned goals as well as shared goals – integration Be better PRs; report on the benefits beyond links, but make it measurable Be better marketers; think multi-channel, think integrated, think user first Our discipline is still evolving. We get to choose how. If you’d like to talk more about your digital PR needs, please get in touch, or I’d love to hear your comments on all of the above, either in the comments below or over on Twitter – I’m @lauralhampton. How to Get More From Digital PR (Without Mentioning AVE) | Pint Sized Marketing was last modified: July 25th, 2019 by Laura HamptonThe post How to Get More From Digital PR (Without Mentioning AVE) | Pint Sized Marketing appeared first on Impression.
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buttersofa56-blog · 2 years
7 Reasons Why You Need Neighborhood Strain Washing
Oils, filth, and other contaminants can make your concrete slippery and dangerous. By correctly cleaning your concrete, we can rid your walkway and driveway of those substances. This process may also improve the sturdiness of your surfaces. Cleaned windows inside and outside and strain washed. But if your own home has clogged gutters, that finances could skyrocket. Our technicians know the way to blast away the dust and grime, whereas keeping your driveway and patio intact and healthy. They confirmed up on time and cleaned the windows as requested. They have been super-professional and did an excellent job, including pointing out a restore we need in a single gutter. No one wants to stay in a group the place it seems like the residents don’t care. Furthermore, a clean community also helps retain present residents and maintain them pleased. If present owners are unhappy with their surroundings, their emotions can quickly snowball. Soon, the HOA board might be drowning in complaints. Everyone wants to be proud of where they reside. Janitors And Building Cleaners While small and midsized corporations, including those within the financial companies sector, may undergo disproportionately during the COVID19 crisis, bigger firms are well-positioned to weather the storm. Younger people are not getting into this trade, as there isn't any attractive profession path. Cleaning staff are a transient workforce and it doesn’t take a lot for them to leave as quickly as they discover better opportunities and better wages. Contractors have to make sure their staff have nationwide background checks. Every client is treated like household and with providers like our Spotless Restroom Program, we will be certain that we provide top notch outcomes. Our 11-Point Office Check System ensures a clear and clutter-free office surroundings. Team Clean’s Spotless Restrooms program is used to eradicate dangerous microorganisms that may contaminate a building’s environment. When looking for outsourced vendors, ask the seller to provide examples of their inspection stories. Students will use lesser sick absences if academics, students, and the workers are more healthy and the school is tidier. This correlates to fewer absences, elevated scholar engagement, larger scores, and improved scholar performance. The transmission of infections and illnesses is prevented when the classroom is stored clean. It can even make it nearly inconceivable to do higher-level, long-term maintenance. In an analogous vein, a clear benefit of business cleaners is the experience they can offer in terms of techniques. With a big selection of surfaces and high-traffic areas, a college building is normally a difficult house to clean. Flooring, for example, can vary from carpet and concrete to vinyl and wooden. Each surface has its personal requirements for care in phrases of both technique and cleaning chemical. The Significance Of Hiring An Expert For Chimney Cleansing Regular chimney sweepings could have prevented those tragedies. The general rule of thumb is to have knowledgeable chimney inspection completed each year. We provide a standalone chimney inspection service exterior of our regular chimney sweeping service, if relevant to your wants. Back within the day, the job of chimney sweeping was fairly an undertaking. There even got here a must employ younger boys to reach inside the smaller areas of chimneys to scrub it out correctly. It has developed to become a really noble an respectable line of labor. When you paint a picture of Old England, it will never be complete with out the good old chimney sweep. This tells you simply how lengthy this occupation has been round. And it proves its timelessness as a outcome of even right now chimney sweeps are wanted greater than ever to assure the upkeep of each household’s winter necessity – the chimney. Finding 清潔公司 may be challenging as a end result of it's an unregulated trade. This implies that any weekend warrior can set up a chimney sweep company. From 1775 onwards there was rising concern for the welfare of the boys, and Acts of Parliament have been passed to limit, and in 1875 to cease this usage. Lord Shaftesbury, the philanthropist, led the later campaign. The National Fire Protection Association recommends you've your chimneys, fireplaces, vents and strong fuel-burning appliances inspected a minimum of annually. This might be true should you only use your fireplace occasionally, on the coldest winter nights. If you hearth it up several times a week, you may wish to prepare extra frequent inspection and cleaning. Recommendations On Eliminating Mud Mites Via Cleansing And Laundry This is an efficient way to kill dust mites however you’ll nonetheless must vacuum to remove the mud and filth from the material. Not all industrial dry cleaners are experienced with cleaning fantastic draperies. If you are sending curtains and drapes out for cleaning, a safer choice is a agency specializing in material cleaning. These corporations will come into your house, remove the draperies for cleansing, then rehang them after cleaning is complete. Give the drapes or curtains loads of room within the washing machine so they do not seem to be crushed, especially as they tumble or agitate. Corey and Zack efficiently cleared what needed to be moved out of the method in which after which removed the water. The next day a group came out to check on everything and measured for dampness. We will not even make you remove your curtains as a outcome of we know it is a trouble. We'll clear them in place so that they're by no means naked and you don't have to fret about removing or changing them when we're carried out. Ask us about Inspecta-Shield Plus on your drapes, curtains and fabric right now. And if you're accomplished with your house responsibilities, leave the home for a quantity of hours. Despite their small measurement, they leave a lot of droppings round — it’s these droppings that can trigger allergic and asthmatic reactions. Removal of any spots not eliminated through the chem sponge process will be treated with the suitable skilled cleaning agent. We had a pipe burst in our attic over a weekend and referred to as Teasdale- Fenton. They despatched somebody out same-day to cite us on cleanup from the water leak and despatched a staff out the next day to take away wet insulation and go away Fans to dry every thing out. Before eradicating the fans they moisture examined the whole space. If I didn’t particularly care whether they lasted or not, although, I’d in all probability attempt a kind of DIY dry-cleaning kits. I’ve used it and the one made by Woolite on wool clothing with luck by following the exact instructions on the package deal. Some velvet curtains are machine cleanable while others require dry cleansing. Check the manufacturer’s label to search out out which yours are. If you want to wash curtains first make certain they can be laundered. Value To Hire A Gym Cleaning Service Homeowners are spending more time at home and want a break from everyday cleansing. And industrial companies want more frequent cleaning to take care of a secure environment for purchasers and employees. Fitness organizations should properly train all employees in private hygiene (e.g., washing hands) and disinfecting procedures. Employees should learn how to safely use the disinfectants, including “wet time” and the usage of PPE. Electrostatic spraying disinfection services combat these germs and bacteria, to ensure a clean surroundings on your staff and customers. First, they should work on the power managerial tradition that still discard necessary rules. Secondly, Lebanese people are likely to do every thing on their own skipping the step of trying to find experts for particular conditions. Finally, they need to take the initiative of investing more on green design. We just lately had our workplace renovated and Tasha stored us all the time clean and professional wanting all through the method. We have found that Paul in the workplace is very skilled and all the time responds to any requests we might have. We at Summit Brooke would highly recommend their service. Since every facility is different, we extremely recommend that you just reap the benefits of our offer for a no-cost consultation and price quote. Many gyms scale back the quantity of transactional charges they pay by decreasing the number of transactions they make—since members pay month-to-month prices, retail objects could be bundled into their membership prices as they occur. Licenses and permits – particular person localities outline the standards for which licenses and permits you may want. Be sure to look right into a enterprise license and any required health and safety compliance permits as nicely. Costs will range across the board, however understand that proper licenses and permits are necessary. Before reopening, stroll your staff via all the cleansing protocols. 20 Bathroom Cleansing Merchandise Individuals Really Swear By Detergents are an ingredient discovered in lots of house cleaning products. A detergent is a chemical substance used to interrupt up and remove grease and grime. The surfactants in the detergents are used to bond water to dust and grease. They help water to come up with the grime, break it up, and wash it away. Every product is completely different, so at all times observe the instructions on the product label to make sure secure and efficient use. Mix sufficient liquid dish cleaning soap, baking soda, coarse salt, and distilled white vinegar to make a thick paste, says Shirley Langridge, manager of Maggie’s Oven Services. For deodorizing energy, add three to 4 drops of vanilla or lavender essential oil, too. Then, apply the paste to the inside of the oven and let it sit in a single day. Found in laundry stain removers, oven cleaners, and degreasers, 2-BE is a skin and eye irritant that made the listing of toxic substances in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Toilet Bowl Brush – Use this toilet bowl brush alongside with your bathroom bowl cleaner and make your bathroom actually shine. In addition to cleaning powerful surfaces like chrome steel and porcelain, it also removes rust. You may want to keep a can in your rest room and your kitchen, it's that good. We lately asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what bathroom cleaning products get the job carried out RIGHT. This is tremendous straightforward to make use of and excellent for cleaning the complete toilet. Tips On How To Clear Blinds You can use the Hiware Window Blind Cleaner or microfiber cloths for wiping down the blind slats throughout cleansing. You may have a number of cloths to wash an entire room of window blinds. My sister has plenty of window blinds in her apartment and he or she desires to have it cleaned as a result of she shall be expecting friends. It was defined here that totally different blinds like wood and vinyl are cleaned in different methods. This type of apparatus is a perfect alternative for traditional curler blinds, whose cleansing course of has been described above. Because of this, cleansing zebra blinds appears the same. Just ensure to be delicate with the thinner parts of the shades to keep away from injury. Just like different objects at home, blinds acquire mud and dust. In this case, you can't clean the blinds every day, as it’s inconceivable. Roman and Austrian blinds are made of fabric, which suggests if you want to clear them - simply put them in a washer. Now I can actually start looking for the window blinds that I will use for the bathroom and bed room. Ideally, you’d mud your window treatments every few days, if not every day. Every few weeks, you can carry out deeper cleanings, corresponding to wiping down with a cleanser or dry cleansing. Just be careful to not overwash your coverings; in any other case, you may trigger fading or fraying. You don’t know tips on how to clean blinds within the bathtub bleach answer, since this methodology might be quite costly. Window Cleaning Merchandise For Strain Washing Pressure washing and delicate washing may help revitalize the look of many different surfaces on and around your home or business. From siding and walkways, stone and concrete patios and decks, Northside Window & Gutter Cleaning has an expert team that's highly trained. Buildings want to stay clear, however each floor has a different tolerance for water strain and chemical use. A-1 Window Cleaning Service provides an reasonably priced window cleaning service for every kind of residential and industrial properties up to three tales tall. The costs of strain washing vary depending on complexity, kind of constructing or floor, as properly as other elements similar to time required to carry out job. The more detailed information about your necessities the better! This signifies that a tiny hole might need been simply enough for the roots to grow through it and into your pipes, leaving you with an even bigger mess than imagined. We'll clear practically anything on the outside of your property. We supply Graffiti Removal Services within the Phoenix Metro space. We have very high success rate with our Graffiti Removal chemical substances and treatment process.
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lucasparkerco · 7 years
Bad SEO Information: Too Easy to Find, Impossible to Escape – Search Engine Journal
Tony Wright
We play in our closed Facebook groups, our message boards, our emails to each other. We laugh at the SEO advice being given by “some idiot” who doesn’t know what he is talking about.
From articles that declare SEO is dead to large sites that still use meta keywords, we sit back in our chairs and gloat about how much more we know and how silly people are for hiring hacks.
In SEO circles, cynically ripping apart what we consider bad advice has become a blood sport. Mercilessly trolling “bad apples” who give out bad advice is considered fair game. And, those who do battle with ninja-guru-growth-hacker fanboys wear their scars like badges of honor.
The Amount of Bad SEO Information Online is Staggering
It’s incredibly easy to find bad SEO information online.
Part of the problem is that the Internet is forever. Bad information posted in 2005 continues to haunt us to this day. (Though honestly, if you’re basing any part of your search engine strategy on an article written in 2005, you probably deserve to fail.)
But what about the stuff that comes at us and our clients with misleading half-truths and logical conclusions that are just wrong?
To keep my faith in humanity, I must believe the authors of this false information have good intentions. I find it hard to fathom that they would be intentionally misleading someone.
But you can only hear claims about how click-through rates affect rankings so many times before your cynicism sets in, and you want to tattoo “causation is not correlation” across your forehead so you don’t have to keep repeating yourself.
The article that prompted this rant (I won’t link to it because I don’t like ruining lives) indicated that Google looked at timestamps on posts to determine which piece of content came first on the web.
He indicated that if you put a timestamp on your content, Google will see the timestamp if someone scrapes your content and Google will know you were first.
I can understand how, if you live in a vacuum, this seems logical.
But, it’s not true.
Not even close.
And that was only one of the many pieces of bad SEO information this author touted as a fact.
Even the Good Stuff Gets a Bad Rap
The proliferation of bad information, and gut-reaction bashing of it, has gotten to the point where even good information is caught in the crossfire.
Recently, a great article from SEO veteran Roger Montti was lambasted by many on SEJ’s Facebook page. Ironically, the article’s intent was to help SEOs discern good information from bad information. Roger stated that:
“Keywords in headers are not relevant to how modern search engines work today.”
Based on the comments, you would have thought that SEJ was the sister publication of the Weekly World News.
Self-righteous SEOs had to get in their two cents.
Some even posted that they had lost faith in the accuracy of the information in Search Engine Journal.
Obviously, the point of Roger’s article seemed to go right over the collective heads of the SEO inquisition mob.
(Roger is right, for the record.)
False information on the internet isn’t the SEO industry’s only problem, though it’s a symptom of the root illness.
Even more dangerous are the snake oil solicitations that innocent and naïve business owners receive every day.
It’s the Consumers of SEO That Suffer
These e-mails say something like, “Hey, guess what! I bought a tool for $99 that runs a report on your site. It says that 20 of your title tags are too long and you don’t have any Alt tags. Oh, and your PageRank is low.”
OK, they’re not quite that honest, but that assessment is factual. And, they often start with, “Greetings of the day!” Who talks like that?
Look, I expect myself, and my team, to build good enough relationships with my clients that they see these solicitations for what they are – hack jobs.
But many business owners and unsophisticated webmasters (and even some who think they are sophisticated) don’t see these solicitations as spam. They fear that something is wrong with their sites.
Then they hire these so-called SEOs who suck up both dollars and time – and just suck. They have bad experiences that color their perceptions of “the SEO industry,” and I get a prospect who wants me to discount my retainer because they had a previous bad experience.
This has actually happened.
SEOs Aren’t Special
I could rant all day, and most likely, so could you.
If you’ve been in the industry for more than five minutes you’ve read the bad advice and seen the bad email solicitations. But we aren’t special snowflakes.
There’s bad advice about every business segment and industry. Wrong and dangerous advice, even.
My doctor told me the worst thing to happen to his profession is the internet. He’s seen many people misdiagnose themselves to the point where they cause significant harm to their bodies.
As SEOs, thankfully we don’t have to worry about anyone dying. But we do see SEO traffic die all the time because of bad information.
So, we rant, and we commiserate. We make caustic remarks about how stupid people are. And year after year nothing changes. The amount of bad advice grows.
There are still uneducated, unethical people claiming to be SEOs, and our industry still has less respect than used car dealers.
I Tried to Help, I Really Did!
It’s been almost four years since I tried to do something about the bad actors in the SEO field.
Four years ago, as a newly elected board member of SEMPO, I embarked on an ambitious endeavor to create a “search congress.”
The purpose of the search congress was to create a cohesive and enforceable code of ethics for the search engine marketing industry.
My idea was that if we could get search engine marketing influencers to the table, we could come to a consensus on basic ethical guidelines. If we had a code of ethics, we could definitively call out the bad actors – the folks who intentionally abuse unsuspecting businesses, and the people who publish bad information, intentionally or not. And we could start shedding the snake-oil salesman image our industry has had since virtually its inception.
It was a noble idea.
It failed miserably.
Why did the search congress fail?
Was it because the bad actors didn’t want their lucrative schemes foiled? Was it because of a few very vocal people who thought the whole thing was a bad idea? Was it because the egos in the search marketing world couldn’t get past their own arrogance to compromise and work with others?
I wish it was one of those reasons.
The reason the search congress idea failed was because of apathy. Complete indifference. No one was interested.
The search congress site was up until about two weeks ago. The site was live for almost four years. Only four people ever filled out a form to solicit more information.
Lots of people said they were willing to help, but when it came time to do the work, no one was available.
We Deserve Our Fate
Our industry failed to take a step toward cleaning up its act because, in the end, no one cared.
We didn’t put a stake in the ground. We didn’t help the next (or current) generation. And now, we’re lying in the bed we made for ourselves.
When you’re ethically apathetic, you get what you deserve.
On – 17 May, 2017 By Tony Wright
from ANDLOCAL SEO Services https://andlocal.org/bad-seo-information-too-easy-to-find-impossible-to-escape-search-engine-journal/ from ANDLOCAL https://andlocalorg.tumblr.com/post/161293270226
0 notes
adamstuckerma · 7 years
Bad SEO Information: Too Easy to Find, Impossible to Escape – Search Engine Journal
Tony Wright
We play in our closed Facebook groups, our message boards, our emails to each other. We laugh at the SEO advice being given by “some idiot” who doesn’t know what he is talking about.
From articles that declare SEO is dead to large sites that still use meta keywords, we sit back in our chairs and gloat about how much more we know and how silly people are for hiring hacks.
In SEO circles, cynically ripping apart what we consider bad advice has become a blood sport. Mercilessly trolling “bad apples” who give out bad advice is considered fair game. And, those who do battle with ninja-guru-growth-hacker fanboys wear their scars like badges of honor.
The Amount of Bad SEO Information Online is Staggering
It’s incredibly easy to find bad SEO information online.
Part of the problem is that the Internet is forever. Bad information posted in 2005 continues to haunt us to this day. (Though honestly, if you’re basing any part of your search engine strategy on an article written in 2005, you probably deserve to fail.)
But what about the stuff that comes at us and our clients with misleading half-truths and logical conclusions that are just wrong?
To keep my faith in humanity, I must believe the authors of this false information have good intentions. I find it hard to fathom that they would be intentionally misleading someone.
But you can only hear claims about how click-through rates affect rankings so many times before your cynicism sets in, and you want to tattoo “causation is not correlation” across your forehead so you don’t have to keep repeating yourself.
The article that prompted this rant (I won’t link to it because I don’t like ruining lives) indicated that Google looked at timestamps on posts to determine which piece of content came first on the web.
He indicated that if you put a timestamp on your content, Google will see the timestamp if someone scrapes your content and Google will know you were first.
I can understand how, if you live in a vacuum, this seems logical.
But, it’s not true.
Not even close.
And that was only one of the many pieces of bad SEO information this author touted as a fact.
Even the Good Stuff Gets a Bad Rap
The proliferation of bad information, and gut-reaction bashing of it, has gotten to the point where even good information is caught in the crossfire.
Recently, a great article from SEO veteran Roger Montti was lambasted by many on SEJ’s Facebook page. Ironically, the article’s intent was to help SEOs discern good information from bad information. Roger stated that:
“Keywords in headers are not relevant to how modern search engines work today.”
Based on the comments, you would have thought that SEJ was the sister publication of the Weekly World News.
Self-righteous SEOs had to get in their two cents.
Some even posted that they had lost faith in the accuracy of the information in Search Engine Journal.
Obviously, the point of Roger’s article seemed to go right over the collective heads of the SEO inquisition mob.
(Roger is right, for the record.)
False information on the internet isn’t the SEO industry’s only problem, though it’s a symptom of the root illness.
Even more dangerous are the snake oil solicitations that innocent and naïve business owners receive every day.
It’s the Consumers of SEO That Suffer
These e-mails say something like, “Hey, guess what! I bought a tool for $99 that runs a report on your site. It says that 20 of your title tags are too long and you don’t have any Alt tags. Oh, and your PageRank is low.”
OK, they’re not quite that honest, but that assessment is factual. And, they often start with, “Greetings of the day!” Who talks like that?
Look, I expect myself, and my team, to build good enough relationships with my clients that they see these solicitations for what they are – hack jobs.
But many business owners and unsophisticated webmasters (and even some who think they are sophisticated) don’t see these solicitations as spam. They fear that something is wrong with their sites.
Then they hire these so-called SEOs who suck up both dollars and time – and just suck. They have bad experiences that color their perceptions of “the SEO industry,” and I get a prospect who wants me to discount my retainer because they had a previous bad experience.
This has actually happened.
SEOs Aren’t Special
I could rant all day, and most likely, so could you.
If you’ve been in the industry for more than five minutes you’ve read the bad advice and seen the bad email solicitations. But we aren’t special snowflakes.
There’s bad advice about every business segment and industry. Wrong and dangerous advice, even.
My doctor told me the worst thing to happen to his profession is the internet. He’s seen many people misdiagnose themselves to the point where they cause significant harm to their bodies.
As SEOs, thankfully we don’t have to worry about anyone dying. But we do see SEO traffic die all the time because of bad information.
So, we rant, and we commiserate. We make caustic remarks about how stupid people are. And year after year nothing changes. The amount of bad advice grows.
There are still uneducated, unethical people claiming to be SEOs, and our industry still has less respect than used car dealers.
I Tried to Help, I Really Did!
It’s been almost four years since I tried to do something about the bad actors in the SEO field.
Four years ago, as a newly elected board member of SEMPO, I embarked on an ambitious endeavor to create a “search congress.”
The purpose of the search congress was to create a cohesive and enforceable code of ethics for the search engine marketing industry.
My idea was that if we could get search engine marketing influencers to the table, we could come to a consensus on basic ethical guidelines. If we had a code of ethics, we could definitively call out the bad actors – the folks who intentionally abuse unsuspecting businesses, and the people who publish bad information, intentionally or not. And we could start shedding the snake-oil salesman image our industry has had since virtually its inception.
It was a noble idea.
It failed miserably.
Why did the search congress fail?
Was it because the bad actors didn’t want their lucrative schemes foiled? Was it because of a few very vocal people who thought the whole thing was a bad idea? Was it because the egos in the search marketing world couldn’t get past their own arrogance to compromise and work with others?
I wish it was one of those reasons.
The reason the search congress idea failed was because of apathy. Complete indifference. No one was interested.
The search congress site was up until about two weeks ago. The site was live for almost four years. Only four people ever filled out a form to solicit more information.
Lots of people said they were willing to help, but when it came time to do the work, no one was available.
We Deserve Our Fate
Our industry failed to take a step toward cleaning up its act because, in the end, no one cared.
We didn’t put a stake in the ground. We didn’t help the next (or current) generation. And now, we’re lying in the bed we made for ourselves.
When you’re ethically apathetic, you get what you deserve.
On – 17 May, 2017 By Tony Wright
source https://andlocal.org/bad-seo-information-too-easy-to-find-impossible-to-escape-search-engine-journal/ from ANDLOCAL http://andlocal.blogspot.com/2017/05/bad-seo-information-too-easy-to-find.html
0 notes
andlocalorg · 7 years
Bad SEO Information: Too Easy to Find, Impossible to Escape – Search Engine Journal
Tony Wright
We play in our closed Facebook groups, our message boards, our emails to each other. We laugh at the SEO advice being given by “some idiot” who doesn’t know what he is talking about.
From articles that declare SEO is dead to large sites that still use meta keywords, we sit back in our chairs and gloat about how much more we know and how silly people are for hiring hacks.
In SEO circles, cynically ripping apart what we consider bad advice has become a blood sport. Mercilessly trolling “bad apples” who give out bad advice is considered fair game. And, those who do battle with ninja-guru-growth-hacker fanboys wear their scars like badges of honor.
The Amount of Bad SEO Information Online is Staggering
It’s incredibly easy to find bad SEO information online.
Part of the problem is that the Internet is forever. Bad information posted in 2005 continues to haunt us to this day. (Though honestly, if you’re basing any part of your search engine strategy on an article written in 2005, you probably deserve to fail.)
But what about the stuff that comes at us and our clients with misleading half-truths and logical conclusions that are just wrong?
To keep my faith in humanity, I must believe the authors of this false information have good intentions. I find it hard to fathom that they would be intentionally misleading someone.
But you can only hear claims about how click-through rates affect rankings so many times before your cynicism sets in, and you want to tattoo “causation is not correlation” across your forehead so you don’t have to keep repeating yourself.
The article that prompted this rant (I won’t link to it because I don’t like ruining lives) indicated that Google looked at timestamps on posts to determine which piece of content came first on the web.
He indicated that if you put a timestamp on your content, Google will see the timestamp if someone scrapes your content and Google will know you were first.
I can understand how, if you live in a vacuum, this seems logical.
But, it’s not true.
Not even close.
And that was only one of the many pieces of bad SEO information this author touted as a fact.
Even the Good Stuff Gets a Bad Rap
The proliferation of bad information, and gut-reaction bashing of it, has gotten to the point where even good information is caught in the crossfire.
Recently, a great article from SEO veteran Roger Montti was lambasted by many on SEJ’s Facebook page. Ironically, the article’s intent was to help SEOs discern good information from bad information. Roger stated that:
“Keywords in headers are not relevant to how modern search engines work today.”
Based on the comments, you would have thought that SEJ was the sister publication of the Weekly World News.
Self-righteous SEOs had to get in their two cents.
Some even posted that they had lost faith in the accuracy of the information in Search Engine Journal.
Obviously, the point of Roger’s article seemed to go right over the collective heads of the SEO inquisition mob.
(Roger is right, for the record.)
False information on the internet isn’t the SEO industry’s only problem, though it’s a symptom of the root illness.
Even more dangerous are the snake oil solicitations that innocent and naïve business owners receive every day.
It’s the Consumers of SEO That Suffer
These e-mails say something like, “Hey, guess what! I bought a tool for $99 that runs a report on your site. It says that 20 of your title tags are too long and you don’t have any Alt tags. Oh, and your PageRank is low.”
OK, they’re not quite that honest, but that assessment is factual. And, they often start with, “Greetings of the day!” Who talks like that?
Look, I expect myself, and my team, to build good enough relationships with my clients that they see these solicitations for what they are – hack jobs.
But many business owners and unsophisticated webmasters (and even some who think they are sophisticated) don’t see these solicitations as spam. They fear that something is wrong with their sites.
Then they hire these so-called SEOs who suck up both dollars and time – and just suck. They have bad experiences that color their perceptions of “the SEO industry,” and I get a prospect who wants me to discount my retainer because they had a previous bad experience.
This has actually happened.
SEOs Aren’t Special
I could rant all day, and most likely, so could you.
If you’ve been in the industry for more than five minutes you’ve read the bad advice and seen the bad email solicitations. But we aren’t special snowflakes.
There’s bad advice about every business segment and industry. Wrong and dangerous advice, even.
My doctor told me the worst thing to happen to his profession is the internet. He’s seen many people misdiagnose themselves to the point where they cause significant harm to their bodies.
As SEOs, thankfully we don’t have to worry about anyone dying. But we do see SEO traffic die all the time because of bad information.
So, we rant, and we commiserate. We make caustic remarks about how stupid people are. And year after year nothing changes. The amount of bad advice grows.
There are still uneducated, unethical people claiming to be SEOs, and our industry still has less respect than used car dealers.
I Tried to Help, I Really Did!
It’s been almost four years since I tried to do something about the bad actors in the SEO field.
Four years ago, as a newly elected board member of SEMPO, I embarked on an ambitious endeavor to create a “search congress.”
The purpose of the search congress was to create a cohesive and enforceable code of ethics for the search engine marketing industry.
My idea was that if we could get search engine marketing influencers to the table, we could come to a consensus on basic ethical guidelines. If we had a code of ethics, we could definitively call out the bad actors – the folks who intentionally abuse unsuspecting businesses, and the people who publish bad information, intentionally or not. And we could start shedding the snake-oil salesman image our industry has had since virtually its inception.
It was a noble idea.
It failed miserably.
Why did the search congress fail?
Was it because the bad actors didn’t want their lucrative schemes foiled? Was it because of a few very vocal people who thought the whole thing was a bad idea? Was it because the egos in the search marketing world couldn’t get past their own arrogance to compromise and work with others?
I wish it was one of those reasons.
The reason the search congress idea failed was because of apathy. Complete indifference. No one was interested.
The search congress site was up until about two weeks ago. The site was live for almost four years. Only four people ever filled out a form to solicit more information.
Lots of people said they were willing to help, but when it came time to do the work, no one was available.
We Deserve Our Fate
Our industry failed to take a step toward cleaning up its act because, in the end, no one cared.
We didn’t put a stake in the ground. We didn’t help the next (or current) generation. And now, we’re lying in the bed we made for ourselves.
When you’re ethically apathetic, you get what you deserve.
On – 17 May, 2017 By Tony Wright
from ANDLOCAL SEO Services https://andlocal.org/bad-seo-information-too-easy-to-find-impossible-to-escape-search-engine-journal/
0 notes