#both ice cold hands take hold of me || alena morningstar ||
ofhowlingxs · 5 months
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“I don’t like carnival rides.” She says, with boots firmly planted where they belong. Safely on the ground. She doesn’t like heights, never did. “Why would I risk my life for thirty seconds of fun?” There’s a glance over at the ride in particular they had pointed at. Screaming kids. Cotton candy sticky rails. No thank you. “If I wanted to be disappointed that quickly, I’d sleep with a man again.” @exitiumstarters
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ofhowlingxs · 5 months
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She’s been back in town for a couple days now, but she usually takes the time to unwind when she returns. A hot shower, a long nap, and a drink from her favorite spot. Now she’s on her way out, when she’s accidentally intervening on what seemed to be an intimate conversation— and not the good kind. She flickers an awkward gaze, and shoves her hands in her pockets as the other party scoffs away. “Friend of yours?”
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ofhowlingxs · 4 months
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She had been inside the home more times than she could count. And yet, nothing this drastic. truth be told, she had came as soon as they'd called- funnily enough, she didn't think Gabriella knew who she was, let alone that she'd be any help. In the time it takes them to get him to the couch, his body practically limp- she'll leave most of the magic up to Cassian. Instead, she's brought herbs from home, elements used that would seal his wounds. In the midst of brewing whatever concoction she had in her hands, her eyes trailed around the room. She'd look at Cassian, and then Gabriella- and the few shared glances between them. And then, back at Matthias- who through splinted eyes, and swollen features, looked back too. Her heart sinks, if just for a moment of familiarity. Watching someone you care about, love somebody else- it was a disaster of the human heart. She feels for him, in a way that she had grieved her own love lost. In the way she had taken whatever was left of a broken heart, and mantled it together with iron and rusted nails. Love changes you- she'd watched it change her parents, in how effortlessly they fell out of it. She watched it change Riley, in the way she looks at Roxy. And she watched it change him. How a man who cared for nothing, suddenly cared for too much. How his ribs must've felt like a cage now, to whatever vessel was beating beneath them. Love didn't make you a better person, but it found you, whether you were looking for it or not. It's not until he's stable, and the others lave them, does she stay in sit in silence for a moment. He looked better now, hours later- and she can feel him stirring awake as she's changing his bandages again. "You're pitiful, you know?" And despite the words, the tone of voice was gentle, concerned, and hopeful. @matthiasxaless
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ofhowlingxs · 4 months
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Her head was pulsating, especially after the event of Matthias— she still can feel his blood on her. She’d only left after he’d fallen back asleep again, as she preferred to use her own shower than someone else’s. After the change, she couldn’t sleep. It was too early. It’s why she’s making her way back into town. Knowing that the blonde was better off than their friend she’d left in a puddle of his own blood.. she was curious. And Alena hardly ever was the to extent of prying. These debts would continue to play their hand back and forth. Riley for what Matthias had done to her. Cassian, for what she had done in return. Cycles hardly often break— not like this. So when she approaches her— it’s for the sake of checking on her. “You didn’t kill him.” Her voice is softer, leaning against the surface next to the girl who had once been everything to her. Funny how time changes things. “You could have?” She can’t say she would have made the same choice. Which is what prompts her to ask. Was it a choice? To leave him like that? @vilisisms
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ofhowlingxs · 5 months
❛  i thought you'd said those dreams had stopped.  ❜ For Alena
The dreams are always there. Even when she tries to stir awake from them. Truth be told, she thinks that they may be part of her now. “I don’t know.” But it’s not true. In all honesty, she wasn’t great at therapy. She’d only agreed because if she was going to talk about her feelings, it was going to be in the comfort of her own legal binding contracts. She lays down, then sits back up again. “My dad died right in front of me. That shit doesn’t go away on its own. Can you think of anyone that saw their parents die, and suddenly they’re okay a few years after? Or ever? I think—“ She’s shrugging now, because even now the dreams weren’t as vivid as before.. but the nightmares still kept her up. It’s why she hunts at night. “I think this is just who I am now.” Was that so bad?
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ofhowlingxs · 5 months
“ things would be so much easier if we were honest with each other. “ (Matt and Alena)
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God, the sun was hot today. New Orleans sometimes felt like you were baking in an oven. An extremely humid oven. She’s squinting over at him, using her hand to shield her eyes. Honesty came brutally for Alena, though she knew how to withhold it for the sake of others feelings. It was rare, but something special she held for only the people she cared about— and her inner circle was growing smaller by the day, thanks to certain members of the OEA. Matthias— however— wasn’t one of them. “If you want honesty,” she began, glancing back at him now. “We’re both in love with people we can never have.” And that, was the simple truth. Riley would move on with Ryker, and she would give her everything that Alena had begged for, without her having to ask. It was life. And it went on, with or without you. “She loves him. That girl of yours. But— there’s secrets moving in the works around her. Secrets that even Cassian won’t be able to hide.” The coven wasn’t something you underestimated. Everleigh may have been he blood, Marni may have been her cousin— but they would always sacrifice for the good of the circle. “She’ll never forgive him, when she learns the truth.” There’s another pause, and she means it when she says it. “You need to stop looking. Otherwise, you’ll both lose her if you keep asking questions.”
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