ofhowlingxs · 4 months
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“I don’t like carnival rides.” She says, with boots firmly planted where they belong. Safely on the ground. She doesn’t like heights, never did. “Why would I risk my life for thirty seconds of fun?” There’s a glance over at the ride in particular they had pointed at. Screaming kids. Cotton candy sticky rails. No thank you. “If I wanted to be disappointed that quickly, I’d sleep with a man again.” @exitiumstarters
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eris-notos · 5 months
@exitiumstarters Eris Notos
Eris stood in the alley behind the record shop. He'd just finished closing up, and he wasn't really looking forward to going back to his empty apartment to try to sleep. He couldn't ever truly turn off his brain, but he had to try. He was tired down to his bones. Trying to think was not his cup of tea, and it was exhausting. But he had to keep thinking. Keep alert. He wasn't home yet.
He lit his cigarette, letting the heat of the lighter's flame warm his cold fingers. It was silly for a dragon to constantly be cold. But he was constantly shivering in the air conditioned buildings, and he had to wear long sleeves even in the summer. Even in the summer, he was constantly cold. He just hated to feel the air on his skin. Probably had something to do with stress.
As he smoked, he felt himself warming up. He started to relax despite himself. Work was always long and tedious, and he hated to be stuck in a record shop that was usually empty. Not that he would've liked it any better if there was a lot of customers. It just felt safer to him to be at home. But he had to pay his rent somehow.
His head shot up as he realized someone was coming into the alley. It wasn't terribly late, so it wasn't odd for people to still be wandering the streets. But he still felt his heart rate pick up and start to rabbit as he realized he wasn't alone.
"Hey," he greeted. Not letting his voice sound suspicious in the slightest. Just letting them know he knew they were there. "It's been a long night, huh?"
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traegics · 6 months
"You mind hurrying it up," Freya all but demands as she shifts impatiently, arms crossed at the register of the local apothecary. "I have very little time and very little patience."
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fragmcntedsouls · 3 months
@exitiumstarters ✦ klaus mikaelson
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Descending from the top of the grand staircase, Klaus plucked a flute of champagne from a waiter upon reaching the bottom. His eyes were careful to scan the disgruntled crowds for any sign of those who might pose difficulty for the evening. He was under no illusion that the attendance would be voluntary either, but in the grand scheme of things, the evening would become a apart of great importance.
The King had returned for his throne in New Orleans and he would not rest until he had reclaimed his birthright.
"I trust that I should not take that attitude personally" he quipped to his left, sighing as he reached for another flute of champagne to offer his guest. "Don't look so suspicious, just accept the bloody drink."
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ruexoconnor · 4 months
@exitiumstarters open to all.
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Ruby was working the carnival stand. Palm readings, crystal balls, tarot cards, the whole charade. And while he was well versed in such practices, nothing could tell him quite as much about the person as a simple handshake. Psychic powers, for him at least, worked best through touch. -- Either way, most truths were dull and most futures uneventful and he found himself recently, more often than not, telling people white little lies. Perhaps if he put ideas in their head about a big travel, a great job and so forth, they'd come to adopt it as a sort-of self-fulfilling prophecy. Future was not easily changed but, it took into account suggestions. -- Now he decided it was time for a well-deserved break. Using his powers for so long usually took its toll and he needed some food and a cigarette. "Sorry --" he'll say without so much as looking up at the visitor. "Break time. I'll be back in half an hour...."
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ofwindydays · 5 months
Open for @exitiumstarters
Randy touched the unicorn as a joke. He didn't think much of it. But as he began to talk something was off.
"Thank you for coming." There was a slight shift " Truthfully I hate any type of event like this. I have to fake a smile to make you all happy. But I'm miserable as fuck. But the OEA has my fucking children so I have no choice. But I'd like to make one more comment about my opposition. " The mayor smirked
"Gianna if you are hearing this, you are one of the most pretentious people I have ever met. You suck at being for the people. I'm a jackass but at least I can pretend when some weird medieval man says he gave his money to a prince on the internet. I hope you don't have children, or grandkids, or nephew because yikes." Randy said flipping the bird.
"Now you can boo me. Please it gives an excuse to drink"
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oflautus · 6 months
♦︎˚.⁺⊹ .ᐟ ― open starter / @exitiumstarters
in the short time that she had been in new orleans, she's learned and made adjustments. spinning like a top with ideas and implementing them. the harpists that had been hired to play at decora was now replaced by a local smooth jazz band and that change alone added to the ambience, appealing to patrons. cordelia moved across the gallery floor, her heels clicking, a smile forming on her lips as she took in all of the new faces. "i see you have great taste." she stated while approaching the closest person to her who just happened to be admiring the newest piece that she had acquired.
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ofmoonlitmagic · 7 months
( @exitiumstarters )
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You could shoot them.
This was his fault. His best friend was dead...because of him. No, not just his best friend. His soulmate.
Her smiling face overlaid the lifeless body he saw now. On display. She would have hated to be on display like that, he thought as his bottom lip began to wobble.
Then we only have one option left. For sufficient proof, this calls for a thumb war competition.
i think my future best man would be on his best behavior...
you deserve some happiness after everything.
"I'm going to kill you all!" He roared, losing all composure. Hunters were on him in an instant, ready to go full Hunger Games on their guests. Not on his watch. So he stilled. Fell eerily calm. His sadness, his grief had never been his power. There would be time for grieving, but tonight, tonight was about vengeance. "I loved her more than I will ever love anything in this life," he murmured, his eyes shut on the tears that threatened to weaken him and they poured down his cheeks instead. "And now, I will kill more than 5 of you."
With a burst from the earth through his body, he freed himself of those who had him. His eyes turned to find Asher in the crowd, all their talk of getting everyone out seemed so distant now, of thinking he had hope enough to talk sense into the humans, and all he could give his friend now was an empty shake of his head.
I won’t leave with my people still here. My entire family is here, my girls...
What happened now...what they brought upon themselves...well, he'd always said it, hadn't he? It was inevitable.
"Sir Lysander!" He called, "get her out." His tone firm, accepting no argument, body hollow, and gaze determined. He knew the fairy would know who he meant. "The OEA has taken enough from me."
Now they would know what Briggs Mikaelson was like with half a soul. His eyes took in the room, though he wasn't looking for escape routes. Nah, he didn't need to escape. That was hardly the point now. Then he saw it: the open bar. Raising his hand, it all exploded, covering the floor around it. After all, they did say their crime scene was missing an accelerant, so he'd fix that mistake.
From his feet to the bar, a fire spread, consuming. "Thank you for the hospitality!" He hollered, shrugging off the cake-covered jacket. "And as we're all having such a fucking good time, no one's gonna leave." At his words, his fire spread along the corners of the room until he'd fully enclosed it.
"So I think, what we're gonna do now," he explained, feeling almost out of body and somehow very in body...as if he were always born to be this. A smirk graced his lips but it reached none of his features, "is kill you all. Because what you have failed to realize...is we're stronger." Bringing his hands in, the blaze followed his will, wrapping around a couple of the hunters as their screams filled the air.
"And you just killed the only person who could have stopped me." He could feel it, he'd never realized he could feel it. Collapsing to the ground as the fires died down, he took a few deep breaths as his eyes fluttered closed.
And when they opened again, the hues were amber. Turning to another, he growled, "no one leaves alive."
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matthiasxaless · 6 months
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"Is there a reason you're being so antagonising so early in the day?" there's a scoff as he sits up, not at all in the mood for whatever's about to be answered back.
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xblindfoldcdx · 6 months
you couldn't be a mikaelson without having a bit of a chaotic side, and iliana was no exception to that rule. flipping through the stack of rather large bills that she had recently acquired, she couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes watching her. glancing up from the money, she offered the passerby a sly smile. ❝ what? ❞ she questioned with a raised brow. ❝ have you never seen a woman counting her cash before? ❞ // @exitiumstarters
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dmpled · 7 months
“do I look like I’m interested in what you have to say?” eyes narrowed ever so slightly as her arms folded. all she wanted was peace and yet this person was starting to get on her last nerves. “do I need to spell it out? Can you not read between the lines?” Georgie questioned as she took a deep breath in trying to remain calm.
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ofhowlingxs · 8 months
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"It's a party, right? What? You don't dance? Liar." She glances around, nothing but straight faces and side glaring. If it was a trap, they were already trapped, right? "Or are you going to spend the rest and possibly last night of your life, pissy like everyone else?" She shrugs towards nothing in particular. "Who's it gonna' kill? I mean- not literally, but you get the point." @exitiumstarters
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oconnellthebrave · 7 months
open post-event starter @exitiumstarters
To say Camille was exhausted would be an understatement, the gala had turned into a trauma inducing blood bath. It had been more violent than her last party, at least that night people's bodies weren't strung up on a stage.
It was safe to say, that everyone that night was experiencing regret. The way each person she loved reacted, repeated in her mind. Briggs, setting that fire and destroying any hunter that came in his path. Klaus, in her arms as he took on the burden of all this pain. And then there was Artemis, her ripper side tried to take control, before she could beat it, there was a lot of carnage. And who would be there to pick them all up? Her, of course.
Sitting in the Mikaelson compound, she rubbed her temples, taking deep breaths as the nights events played back in her mind. How were any of them meant to move on? The sound of footsteps pulled her out of her thoughts, causing her to look up with a smirk. "So i'm going to have to open a practice now, because i'm pretty sure everyone has PTSD from last night."
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strawberryxmagic · 8 months
while artemis loved a reason to get all dressed up, she wasn't so much of a fan of being told she had to attend the event. she didn't really like being told to do anything. and yet here she was. weary of what exactly the oea had up their sleeves. she didn't trust them as far as she could throw them. and she was sure none of the other supernaturals around did either.
she straightened her dress as she walked into the space, looking for any familiar faces that she could spend time with and make this event less boring. ( @exitiumstarters )
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fragmcntedsouls · 8 months
@exitiumstarters ✦ nathan kenner ✦ exitium.event002
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"Time to see how the other half live" Nathan quipped to the individual standing beside him, as he expertly bypassed the trays of champagne and reached straight for the bottle. "Uh uh uh" his taunt came a little too easily as he grinned at the guard who stood disgruntled with an agitated look on their face. "You said it yourselves, we're equals tonight."
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lawfvlhunter · 8 months
( @exitiumstarters )
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Suspicions confirmed, the missing hunters were dead. It wasn't a surprise, and she had told Asher as much, however, now the floodgates of questions had opened. She didn't care so much about vengeance for them, but she did want to know the responsible party and whether there was any connection to someone in the OEA as Asher (and now she) suspected.
A curfew was exactly what they needed, and she sat on a bench, smoking her cigarette and watching the clock. "Nearly 11," she mused, "need an escort home?"
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