#both spoiling your child and overprotectiveness are extreme forms of *love*
The thing that was relatable to many in ep 10 (and kind of throughout the show tbh) was how Asian parents treat you like a child eventhough you're an adult and would speak over your opinion and treat you as if you don't know better or that your judgement can't be trusted. Regardless of how I felt about the case, this part definitely hits home.
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
hellooo! this is the first time i request something from a blog :D could i request headcanons of diluc, scara, kazuha and xiao when their s/o tells them they're pregnant and possibly how they'd get used to having a kid? tyy! dont forget to take breaks and relax!
Literally baby-sized trouble.
summary: you're pregnant! how does he react to the news and how do the get used to your child? includes: diluc (26 bullet points), scaramouche (24 bullet points), kazuha (17 bullet points) and xiao (35 bullet points) warnings: fem!reader, pregnancy, children, non-explicit/non described giving birth, mostly fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort and angst. format: headcanons thank you for your request!! this was so fun to write! >< imagining the characters being soft with children is just so cute :") i specially like these four a lot >< when i wrote this i was in a xiao mood if it wasn't obvious that his turned out longer than everyone else's lol, and it's also the first time i write for kazuha so it was shorter than the others, but i think his is the sweetest ><! i hope you enjoy it! ps. the names and meanings- i got them from google, feel free to correct me if there's anything wrong with them ><
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He's going to stop functioning the moment he hears the news from you.
Literally, he's still as a rock and completely taken by surprise.
He... can't say he'd never wanted children. He's pretty traditional and, since he has this beautiful relationship with you, he assumed it might happen sometime in the future.
But oops guess it will have to happen in the close future, since you're already pregnant.
After staring at you with widened eyes for a while, he speaks up: "...is... is it true?" You hold his hands on yours with a smile on your face, nodding. "Yes, Diluc. We're going to be parents." Hearing your words, he starts to tear up as he hugs you, his touch almost hesitant, as if you were so fragile he could break you if he wasn't careful. "...thank you." He'd whisper between silent tears, hiding his face from your sight.
Very supportive and very protective!
You will have the most comfortable of pregnancies. He will make sure you don't need to move a single muscle to get anything you want.
If the two of you aren't married or engaged yet, he's going to propose to you very soon, keep that in mind ><
He starts reading every book he can find on pregnancies and babies so that he knows what to do to help you when you give birth and how to take care of his child once they're born ><
You have to convince him that yes, you can go and eat in the dining room and you don't need to eat everything in your room or stay in bed all day and yes, you can still do most things and no, he doesn't have to worry so much.
But yeah, in later stages of your pregnancy he gets more overprotective because he doesn't want anything to hurt you or your baby :(
He couldn't be calm enough while you gave birth and had to wait outside of the room, which only made him more nervous </3
But when he finally held your little baby on his arms for the first time, he broke down crying.
You two had a boy! He looked a lot like him, too... with the red hair and eyes... so cute...
He's not sure of what to name him, he'd thought of some names before, but they all disappeared when he saw the little bundle of joy in his arms;;
So you two will have to think about a name again!
In the end, you settle for Felix; name meaning "happy" or "lucky"!
Diluc is a very busy man, but he still does his best to be there for you and his son as much as possible!
He's also not very sure as to how he should interact with him...
But he does know he LOVES playing with him as soon as he starts to understand how to play with his toys.
But... there are not so cute parts about having a kid, after all.
At times, he worries whether or not he'll be able to be there enough for him.
He wonders if he can be a good father, given how awkward he is with his emotions.
What if when Felix grows up he starts hating him for being absent? He wouldn't be able to stand it.
You always reassure him as you both put the baby to sleep on his crib.
All Diluc wants is for his son to have a happy childhood and a loving family, but worries he won't be good enough of a father.
However, when Felix's first word is "'iluc!" as he stretches out his tiny arms towards him, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he can do this right.
He thought you were joking, so he laughed.
When you didn't laugh along with him and was met with your blank face, he understood you were serious.
He never even thought he'd be with anyone in a relationship before you came along, let alone have a child with anyone... So he's obviously very shocked and confused as to how to proceed.
After an awkward moment of staring at each other, he cleared his throat and crossed his arms, looking at you with an equally blank face. "So? What do you want me to do about it?" "H-huh?" "In the sense of- what do you want to do? Keep it or not." You huffed, and when he heard your determinated answer, he sighed and gave your head some soft pats. "Alright, alright, whatever you want, I guess."
Okay listen here- it's not like doesn't care but it isn't like he cares so much either...
This man would do anything for you, really, and that's what happens.
He does anything and everything for you, because he's worried about you and not necessarily about the baby you're carrying.
It's not like he hates children- because you can't hate anything you don't perceive as equal or superior to you and a baby ceirtainly isn't either for him-
It's more like he doesn't know what to do with them because he's never been around children enough to understand them.
He's overall very indifferent towards the child ngl.
Then he sees you cradling your baby -a girl- in your arms and his mind just... goes blank. Huh, so that's what a human looks like right after being born.
Your little daughter looks more like him than she looks like you, sorry. But he can clearly see on her face some factions that will look like yours as she grows up.
"Now what?"
He'll help you look after her however he can, since he doesn't want you to be too tired because he never knows when he'll have to leave for weeks or even months without notice.
He's not entirely cold or indifferent towards her, even if sometimes he might resent her a bit for taking away some of your attention.
But like when you were choosing a name for her, he gave a few suggestions and in the end you choose one of the names he thought of!
Her name is Hikari, name meaning "light"!
Due to the nature of his job, he doesn't want to be seen around either of you at the moment in public. It would only put a target on your backs.
And it takes a long, long while for him to warm up to her.
It disheartens you a little, but when you see him looking down at Hikari's sleeping form on the crib, softly poking her cheek with a strangely child-like curiosity on his eyes, you feel at ease.
And he thinks that he can probably handle this parenting thing better than he ever expected. Maybe it's not that bad, after all.
Ceirtainly, he thinks, as he holds her in his arms one day after she spoke her first word to him, this parenting thing is not really that bad.
(Her first word was "papa!")
Be ready, because once he gets attached to your daughter he won't stop spoiling her!
"Are you sure, love?" "Yes, I'm sure. We're having a child!" A smile painted itself on his face as he leaned in to kiss your forehead. "I hope I can be a good father for them."
So the Kaedehara family is getting a new member, huh!
Not that there's much left to his name, especially now that he's a fugitive... but he's excited nonetheless!
Although he's not one to settle down for long, he will make an effort for both you and the child, since it's not good for someone who's pregnant to wander around.
He's very protective, but not in an overbearing way! He simply wants you to take it easy and relax, he can take care of everything else on his own!
That being said, he's not rich like Diluc or Scaramouche, so he's also going to work harder than ever to get everything you or the baby need in advance so that neither of you have to stress out!
He's the one who takes it better out of everyone here, he's not extremely worried or outright indifferent, he's simply worried enough, excited and happy!
He already knew you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so the idea of having a child with you didn't scare him or intimidate him in the slightest!
He's still a bit worried, though.
He is a wanted fugitive in his homeland, after all...
He can only do so much and wish for the situation in Inazuma to change soon, so that he can take both you and his child to see the places he loved to spend his time at when he was a child.
But for now, he's happy enough simply holding his child on his arms, sitting next to you in your small shared home.
You have a girl too! She has Kazuha's hair color and your eye color, she's super adorable ><
He wants you to name her, and you both agree on naming her Izumi, meaning fountain or spring!
"Kaedehara Izumi... it has a nice ring to it." He'd say, smiling down at her.
While Kazuha enjoys travelling more than anything in this world, he's reticent to leave you and your daughter alone or even bring you along with him. So he stays around for as long as you need it.
He will talk a lot to her all the time, so don't be surprised when she picks up very complicated, flowery words from a young age!
He wants her to grow up to be free as the wind and be able to do whatever she wants without fear, so he wants to do his best to be a good father for her!
You can practically see the panic on his face when you tell him the news.
It's the most scared you've ever seen him be, and you've been there to help him through his karmic debt.
So yeah, he takes it the worst out of everyone.
"I'm not mad." He manages to tell you before disappearing to somewhere else in a panicked haze, he needs to sort out his emotions quickly before he can properly talk to you about it. The last thing he saw before he disappeared was your eyes, glinting with sadness. And that only made him feel worse if that was even possible.
It takes him the whole day to come to terms with his feelings on your pregnancy and finally face you again.
He's really, really afraid of hurting you and your child. Not to mention he fears he might've passed some kind of curse from his karma to either of you through the pregnancy :(
Like he said, he isn't mad. He's just scared.
He... he literally never, never thought he would get to be a father.
Family was a foreign concept to him, as were a lot of other things you've slowly helped him understand throughout your time together, so knowing he can have one of his own now... makes him happy, and scared, at the same ime.
He's worse than Diluc when it comes to protecting you and worrying about you.
He won't let you do anything alone, even if he doesn't want to be near you because he doesn't want the karma to harm you or your child in such a vulnerable moment of your lives.
Okay so that aside-
How do people care for babies?
What is he exactly supposed to do?
And- do half-adepti babies need any sort of special treatment in comparison to human babies?
He has no idea on what to do if it doesn't involve a physical fight with a tangible foe, so he goes asking for advice to everyone he knows that could have knowledge on that field.
Verr Goldet and Ganyu are a great help for him. Xiao listens with attention to everything they have to say and asks everything he doesn't understand.
Ganyu tells him about her own experience growing up as half-human so that he can understand what raising a half-human, half-illuminated beast baby might entail.
He also goes to Zhongli for advice and he gets more of the same advice he's already heard, along with many, many reassurances that sound like everything you already tell him every day.
He's very worried, but as the months go by and your child's birth comes closer, he can't help but feel a little excited about it.
Everyone who knows him is happy to see him openly happy for a change on those small moments when he gets excited about his new family with you.
When your child is born, Xiao doesn't want to hold him. It took too much willpower to stay as close as he was right now, standing next to your bed as you held your baby in your arms.
He was so adorable, so small, so fragile, so pure- Xiao was afraid of touching him and breaking or tainting him--
He was already crying, he'd started crying the moment he saw you holding your son for the first time.
He feels so... strange. He's crying, but this isn't a painful, or sad feeling. He feels... happy, but scared, but...
The feeling starts to make some sense to him when he finally convinces himself that it's okay for him to hold the little boy in his arms, when he stares with awe at his face.
The baby looks a lot like the both of you. Arguably, more like him, since he has the same hair and the same bright eyes, but in his face all he can see is you.
And he cries more.
You both named him Liàng, name meaning brilliant!
Xiao does his best to try and get used to parenting, and it gets hard at times.
But he tries, and that's all that matters. He tries to be a good father, and is always there to protect both you and your son from anything trying to harm you.
Even though he was so scared at first, you know he loves the new family you've formed together.
Especially when you catch him trying to hold a conversation with your son, sitting down on the bed next to him as he toys with a soft teddy bear, the two of them surrounded by pillows.
The soft look and smile he wears while he does so tells you that everything is going to be alright.
The three of you are going to be alright, and Xiao wants to make sure of it.
His son will never have to live what he lived or see what he saw. He will make sure of that, no matter what.
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yandere-vale · 3 years
Yandere Queen Angella Headcanons.
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Yandere Queen Angella Headcanons.
Warning: Yandere stuff and all it entails.
"Why? Why must you act so stubborn when all I want from you is to just behave. I've tried by best to mold you into something truly lovely. But if you act up like a child then I won't have a choice but to treat you like one."
In the early ages of the Rebellion, Angella had found a frightened and scared you. Your village had been raised to the ground, burned down in a horde attack and your family had perished during the invasion. She found your shaking and teary-eyed form endearing, you were so scared and so abused that she couldn't help but take you into her arms. She wanted you to know that you'd be okay. She sent out her troops to find your family but when they returned with the grave news of their deaths, she didn't know what to do now. Angella couldn't leave you here, alone and with no family, no father, and more important, no mother. It brought sorrow to her heart, that you had lost everything that could hold you dear. The Horde had taken those who were important with you and left you with nothing. Just like how they took her Micah. Angella doesn't even want to think about leaving Glimmer all alone. She won't let that happen to you. She won't let you fall into that sad place like everything else that the Horde touches. That's why Angella's obsession begins, not out of feelings of romantic love, but out of wanting to protect something so sweet.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that Angella is an Obsessive type and Overprotective type. She's extremely protective and devoted to her daughter and she's the same way when it comes to you. Even when she brings you back to Brightmoon Castle it's under the pretence that she's looking for your family and will only have you as a guest for a short while. It was a lie she told herself to get her over the other, more darker feelings welling inside. Just a little bit, she could protect you for a little bit. But it's still a lie in the end as she never planned to ever stop protecting you.
Just as any dotting mother, Angella likes to spoil you with gifts, fine clothes, precious gems, anything to bring back your spirit from the depths that it fell to thanks to the Horde. Angella finds herself spending as much time with you as she can when she can, she might bring you with her to meetings and have you wait for her or she'll leave you in your room until she can come back. She'll introduce you to Glimmer and she'll be overjoyed when you both become friends. Glimmer's like for you isn't on the same level of her mother, not this early. But she likes how her mother leaves her be more often so she makes this up to you by getting you gifts and spending time with you to cheer you up.
Angella can be prissy and nitpicky when things but work out the way she wanted them to. Everything has a role to be neat and organized so why wouldn't she want you to be as well? Misbehaving always ends with Angella scolding you until you understand just what you did wrong. Which happens to be a long list of things. Anything to keep you from stepping out of line. She's only doing what's best for you after all.
You aren't allowed to leave the castle. Angella tells you it's because she's worried that you might get hurt or found by the Horde and she can't simply let you go and get hurt. If that was the only thing it wouldn't have been that bad. However, any time you are out of 'your room', Angella always ends up herding you back there under the guise that you'll get lost. She always liked to baby you it seems, acting like you are unable to do certain things and just doing them without informing you. You've tried leaving but the guards stop you, having been told that you are to stay in the castle and they will inform Angella, just like she had asked them to. You don't like the guilt trip she gives you when you try and leave without telling her so you stopped trying.
Glimmer is amazing when it comes to manipulating and gaslighting, so where do you think she got it? Angella is good at turning your conflicted emotions around any time you bring up the slowly growing doubts you have. Angella is careful in making sure you see her as someone who is only trying to help you.
Angella would never hurt you, more often then not she treats you as she does Glimmer but a bit more clingier. If you are being difficult or throwing a 'temper tantrum' then she locks you in your tower and leaves you be until you've claimed down. If she needs to keep you there for a few days then she has no problem with that. You might scream that you hate her, or that you don't want to be here. But you'll only make her stand her ground and discipline you more. You need to behave, to be good and docile for her. Don't you understand that she's protecting you?
"Where do you think you're going y/n? You always scream about how much of a mature adult you are, but then you pull stunts like this? Are you a child? Trying to run away again? And after all this time I thought I could trust you. Seems like I was wrong huh? But don't worry, I won't make this mistake again."
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dixbolik-lovers · 4 years
if you haven't already, could you give a rundown of the characters in yamitsuki personalities if you have them figured out?
Yeah, absolutely!! I have a pretty good idea of what they’re going to be like already! o3o Short summaries ahead!
. . . 
Kosuke (17)
-A possessive teenager with a short temper and a tsundere side. He’s a smart boy who does well at pretty much everything he tries, but feels like no one has ever truly connected with him. He’s neglected by his parents pretty heavily, lacks a social circle beyond the superficial, and struggles with understanding what an appropriate relationship is.
He’s extremely possessive, with a violent streak that leads him to get in quite a bit of trouble. He’s extremely capable for his age, and has always been expected to go great places. He has big goals for his future-- goals that include a family and someone he loves. He definitely has his sweet side. That said, he’s also overly forceful and relatively dishonest, especially when he needs to get his way with something. 
Sora (18)
-A shy, clingy young man who wouldn’t know a healthy relationship if it hit him in the face. Affectionate, gentle, and loving, but also a total doormat who would take beatings with gratefulness if it was from someone he loved. He has severe anxiety issues, as well as a boatload of trauma. 
His home life is an abusive nightmare. Even though he’s technically still in school, he’s quit attending because of bullying. Sora is pretty much a mess of a boy who needs affection and love desperately, but has never had a chance at getting it. He’s socially stunted, painfully shy and withdrawn, and has no idea how to express healthy attachment to someone he cares about. He’s also capable of things much darker than people would assume from looking at him.
Haruki (20)
-A cute and charming young man who doubles as a master manipulator. Cheerful, sociable, and friendly on the outside, but cruel and scheming within. The kind of person who makes people’s lives fall apart for the sheer fun of it. He’s extremely immature, massively arrogant, and is very rarely telling the whole truth when he interacts with anyone. He’s very cutesy and feminine, which he uses to his advantage whenever possible, getting others to let their guard down around him because he seems so harmless. 
His history is one of perpetually shaping his personality to match what other people wanted of him, losing his real self somewhere along the way. Haruki is pretty much dead inside, and seeks fulfillment and entertainment in the form of controlling other people. He’s a spoiled child who’s always felt unloved. 
Ryuusei (21)
-A harsh, rough, and coarse sort of person who gives off the impression of being willing to break your nose. Every aspect of him is intense-- he lacks a concept of subtle or half-assed. He’s a hard-worker who’s had to do a lot to survive, and values his own success and independence above all else. 
From a highly abusive household, Ryuusei had to run away in his teen years and set out on his own. He’s learned how to make it the hard way, and takes pride in his ability to take care of himself. Despite his aggressive outside, he’s got a sweet side buried deep down. He can be very overprotective and has some severe issues when it comes to trusting people and being abandoned. That much said, he can also be very controlling and violent, even when he cares about someone. 
Shiki (23)
-An eccentric genius who’s adored for both his scientific and artistic prowess. He’s passionate, high-energy, and generally just sort of weird, with a worldview that flickers between seeing the things around him as specimens and appreciating the artistic beauty in everything. 
He’s been praised for his intelligence since he was a small child, often to the point where people forgot to pay attention to if any other part of him was whole and well. Shiki feels as if people only like him for what he can do and create, and has issues when it comes to the idea of anyone really caring about who he is. He also has some tendencies to lose touch with reality, and probably has some undiagnosed mental illness that’s fucking him up pretty badly. 
Jun (24)
-A calm and mild man who lacks presence. He’s suffered from severe health issues all throughout his childhood, and missed out on a LOT of social development because of it. He’s as sweet as can be and a natural caretaker, but he also has no concept of proper boundaries, especially hen he gets attached to someone. 
He’s frail both physically and mentally, tends to be overly-emotional, and has an extremely delicate sense of confidence. He’s a photographer who loves beauty in all forms, especially the natural world. Jun grew up expecting not to live for very long, and even though his health problems have mostly cleared up, he still struggles with the idea of having a long, well life. He also has known issues with knowing his own limits, and often pushes himself much too far. 
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Here’s the other ones:
Mistrust and Abuse
This occurs when you EXPECT people to hurt you in some way. You believe that they will lie, manipulate, physically hurt you, cheat, betray, etc. . . You are typically suspicious of others’ intentions, especially when they treat you well. Most likely you will avoid relationships entirely or you may form very superficial relationships. One of the most painful and toxic responses is to form relationships with people who will hurt you and treat you poorly. You may then feel angry and vengeful toward them, but also retain of sense of evidence for your belief.
You may feel unable to handle daily life competently without considerable help from others. When you were a child you were made to feel incompetent and that your independence was not important. You most probably seek out strong figures to become dependent on and then have them rule your life. You typically hold back and don't assert yourself. Your true possibilities are not realized when you are in this trap.
You live in constant fear that disaster will strike. It may be Y2K, medical, criminal, financial or natural problems. You don't feel safe in the world. If you experience this life trap you were made to feel that the world is not a safe place, and that dangerous things happen all the time.
You were most likely overprotected by parents who worried too much about your safety. You are governed by excessive and unrealistic fears.
Emotional Deprivation
This is the belief that your need for love will never be met adequately by other people. You feel that no one truly cares for you or understands how you feel. You are probably attracted to cold and unforgiving people, or you may be cold and unforgiving yourself. Your relationships are typically unsatisfying and you probably feel cheated. Typically you alternate between feeling angry about it or feeling hurt and alone. Ironically your anger drives people away, even further, so it insures your continues deprivation.
Social Exclusion
This has to do with feeling isolated from the rest of the world. You may feel different from others, specifically you most likely felt socially undesirable, and as an adult you may feel that you are ugly, sexually undesirable, boring, fat, etc. . . You reenact your childhood rejection - you both feel and act inferior in social situations. You avoid socializing in groups and tend to immerse yourself in work, family or solitary hobbies/activities.
You feel inwardly flawed and defective. You feel that no one can really love you because of how flawed you are. As a child you were not respected for who you were in your family, instead you were criticized for your flaws. You blamed yourself that you were so flawed. You find it difficult to believe that people close to you value you, so you expect rejection.
This is the belief that you are inadequate in areas of achievement. This category is related to ego or performance. There is usually consistent comparison to others and the result is that you will find ways to feel inferior. You may have been called stupid, lazy, or compared to a successful sibling. As an adult you exaggerate the degree of your failure in order to stay in the failure mode.
You sacrifice your own needs and desires for the sake of pleasing others. You allow others to control you. . . you do this out of guilt or fear. As a child you were subjugated by someone close to you, usually a parent. As an adult, you repeatedly enter relationships with dominant, controlling people and then subjugate yourself to them. Or you may enter relationships with needy people who are too damaged to give back to you in return.
Unrelenting Standards
In this life trap you strive relentlessly to meet extremely high standards for yourself. You place excessive emphasis on money, status, order, power, recognition at the expense of happiness, Heath, pleasure, and satisfying relationships. You probably apply your rigid standards to others and are very judgmental. This may occur all within your head without telling others, but they usually feel it in some ways. . . they may feel that they can't help you, that they aren't good enough, that you don't need them, etc. . . As a child you were taught that anything other than the best was failure and you learned that nothing you did was quite good enough.
People with this life trap feel special and they insist that they be able to do, or say, or have whatever they want immediately. They disregard what others consider reasonable, what is actually feasible, the time or patience usually required and the cost to others. They have difficulty with self discipline. Most of these people were spoiled as children. They were not required to show self control or accept restrictions. They get very angry when they don't get what they want.
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