#bow i really wanna see Ahsoka be a master to her padawan Sabine
cubanpetekotrb ยท 8 months
Since episode 5 apparently people DO now understand why Ashoka is the way she is. Even though it was undeniably clear to anyone with a mind that it's INSANE (and problematic) grown ass people expect a 40 something woman to still be like she was as a teenager. All that has nothing today with 'bad writing' or 'bad acting' that was an expectation an awful lot of people had even before watching Ahsoka and IT IS problematic.
Now apparently there is issue with Hera being force sensitive even though there was no problem accepting the explanation that Han Solos amazing piloting skills probably meant he was unconsciously tapping into the force. Hera IS canonically an amazing pilot. Is it easy for her to consciously tapp into the force? Probably not. Would she want to make the enormous effort it would take for her to do that? Hell no! Hera is not interested in becoming a jedi or using the force.
These same people didn't have a problem accepting Baylans obvious stiffness, stoicness and calm. Actually they admired and applauded him for it but punished and judged the hell out of Ahsoka, I'm sensing a pattern here ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”.
That is also why it really bothers me when people say Ahsokas eyes weren't Sith they were a reflection. Following with an explanation that she was reflecting HIS emotions and that she had to move passed that or whatever. Or maybe not even an explanation but that is not my point, this wasn't about reflecting anything.
This lesson was NOT ABOUT ANAKIN. This was about Ahsoka and her emotions within her. Her OWN PULL to the dark side, her attachements (which includes her attachement to her padawan because she clearly cares about Sabine a lot), her traumas that is partly Anakin but isnt just about Anakin. Ahsokas was pulled to the dark side because that is within HER that was the whole point of the excercise and lesson. To accept who she is fully and that she is not responsible for Anakins fall to the dark.
Anakin knew that. This lesson was for Ahsoka and Ahsoka alone.
Part of the reason I think this wasn't in Ahsokas mind because that IS about Anakin and his development. He is there for Ahsoka, this isn't about him or his ego.
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