#bp999 x reader
zhng96 · 8 months
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BF TEXTS! — ji yunseo
↳ rq: hii, i know you only recently posted the evnne masterlist so i hope i’m not jumping on this too soon (feel free to delete/pls don’t rush)! could you maybe do some bf yunseo texts pleaseeee 🫶🏼🫧
↳ pairing: ji yunseo x gn!reader
↳ warnings: kms/die joke, umm silly relationship antics, yunseo and yn being silly
perm taglist: @tzuberry @hrtattcker @yueriots-deactivated20230921 @neohyxn @avocarua @dwcljh @uyujns @knrejj @taeraemisu
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navi. mlist.
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skzooe · 1 year
filming the lipstick stain trend with some bp trainees?
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lipstick stain trend,,💄
p.1 p.2 p.3
with; gunwook, s.hanbin, jeonghyeon, ricky
[for those who don't know ➡ 💋 ]
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would do anything to get kisses from you
clingy king💯💯
when you show him the video he will literally start giggling and kicking his feet
stares at you with heart eyes when you apply the lipstick
gets so shy when you sit on his lap and cup his face
asks for more kisses because he just cant get enough
you keep having to re-film it because of how many times he keeps messing up just for more kisses
"can we do it one more time"
but every time you pan the camera to show him he will start laughing uncontrollably
brags to ALL of his friends
is the one who asked to film it
he would be so serious about it
"you forgot a spot" "do one more here"
literally the sweetest
is so whipped for you that he can't stop smiling while recording
gazing at you with eyes full of love
it turns into a full on cuddle sesh with him talking about how much he loves you
poker face
"kisses?? say less"
he had that video saved already, however he didn't have the courage to ask
when you crawl on his lap, you could feel his heart pounding
when you kiss him he would smudge the stain as an excuse
"um, this one is smudged. do it again"
acts SO unbothered
but we all know he loved every second of it
saves the video and goes back to watch it EVERY DAY
literally refuses
"i'm not doing that"
after a while of convincing and whining, he finally gives in
"fine but make it quick.."
you put on the lipstick as he's just admiring your beauty
you go to sit on his lap with a smirk thinking you could make him shy
he laughs at your attempt
"nice try"
he picks you up and pins you to the ground with his hands on both sides of your head
turns into a heated makeout session
totally forgot about the tiktok
part 2 here
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© skzooe
1K notes · View notes
http-mianhae · 11 months
zb1’s response when you call them the b-word (jokingly obviously)
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403 notes · View notes
jebewonmorelike · 1 year
I Didn't Think You Had It In You
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(part one - "devil by the whiteboard") wc: 5k (i'm so sorry, longest one yet i've gotta chill but it's WORTH IT I PROMISE) pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, some mean!hanbin and some infatuated!hanbin :) also this one's funnier than the last one warnings for alternate ending: suggestive/mature content - minors dni!! (link to it is *in* the fic for proprer conext/placement) summary: studentbodypresident!hanbin is majorly regretting the grief he's put introvertedrival!reader through for their entire academic career. i wonder how he'll try to make it up them... ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ *edited to say that... i edited this haha and it should be free of errors now* FINALLY DONE. PART TWO OF MY MASTERPIECE. lmaoooo. omg super secret surprise ending; my first attempt at such. hope you read both endings tho bc i really like them both :) love y'alllllll gonna go to bed now that i've marathon wrote this for 5 hours!
“WHAT!?” You shout, the shock of the words that just echoed through the hallway nearly knocking the air out of your lungs as you whip around to face the boy who uttered them.
You expect to see him smirking back at you, eyes taunting and mean. But what you find instead appears to be a look of surprise somewhat mirroring your own.
"You heard me that time, too," Hanbin responds quietly, averting your gaze.
You stare at the boy in front of you for a while, desperately trying to fill your lungs back up with the air you had lost. But the more oxygen you take in, the more anger you feel brewing in your blood. Abruptly, you start to walk back to where Hanbin stands in the middle of the hallway and the closer you get, the wider his eyes grow.
Only a few inches away from him now, Hanbin is staring back at you unblinkingly and you swear his cheeks are redder than they normally are. Without thinking, your hands reach up and connect with his chest--
Hanbin stumbles back as you push him, lips parting in surprise despite the lack of force behind your shove. Your hands remain on his chest as shock at your own actions suddenly renders you immobile.
Your face is mere centimeters from his for the second time tonight, both of you staring at each other; unsure what to do next. Hanbin coughs first, the tips of his ears now matching the scarlet of his cheeks. He places his hands on top of yours and removes them from his chest wordlessly.
You're positive that your cheeks are heating up now, too. You take a shaky breath before managing to clumsily demand, “What’s... What's wrong with you!? Why would I ever go out with you!?”
You watch as Hanbin's expression suddenly shifts, the condescending look returning to his eyes. “Maybe so you’d finally have someone to eat lunch with other than the collector’s edition of Jane Eyre.”
You frown, suddenly uneasy that Hanbin must have seen you alone in the library during lunch before. You wondered what other observations he was sitting on until it was the right time to shame you with them. Quietly, you lie, "I have people to eat lunch with."
"The Bronte Sisters don't count," he says with a smirk.
You swallow the lump in your throat that's starting to build. "I don't need anyone to eat lunch with."
"Hey, it's okay," he coos mockingly. "No need to cry. You cry enough during lunch as it is."
"You are such a bastard," you spit, watching as Hanbin's eyes seem to light up at the fire igniting in you once more. "Even if I wanted someone to eat lunch with, what gives you the audacity to suggest that that someone should be you!?"
He's just staring at you again, but his expression now seems to be one of awe rather than blank shock— though it's unrecognizable to you with white hot rage clouding your vision.
"You are a despicable human being, Hanbin. You're a liar; you're a phony. And now you've even become a cheat! You have never caused me to feel anything other than annoyance, anger and, tonight, disdain. But now..."
Hanbin's eyebrows raise slightly as he waits for you to continue.
"Now I can't help but pity you, too. Would it really have been so bad if my team won the Decathlon? Is your ego that fragile that you'd rather sabotage all of your integrity than to fail publicly? I feel so bad for you that you'd risk ruining your entire reputation in some misguided attempt to save it."
"I wasn't--," he says quietly, but you cut him off and he doesn't protest.
"I let you push me around, because I thought it was in everybody's best interest. But now that I've watched you stoop so low, I'm not making excuses anymore," you say, determinedly. "So, after I've said all this, I'll ask again: why would I ever want to go out with you, Sung Hanbin?"
It takes awhile for a response to appear on Hanbin's face and, once it does, you're a bit shaken at how unrecognizable it is. He seems to notice how you're looking at him and clears his throat before forcing himself to laugh in offense.
“I was just joking! No need to be so—… Why would I ever want to go out with you? Like I'm not way out of your league," he rambles haughtily, shaking his head in disbelief. "I just thought it might make joining my team seem like a better idea by comparison.”
"Well, it didn't," you declare, knowing there had to have been a motive behind Hanbin's words but still feeling a bit foolish for having almost considered believing them. "I'm not joining Blue Team next year. And now I don't think I'll be joining any team next year."
"What!?" Hanbin exclaims, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What do you mean you're not joining a team next year? You love Decathlon!"
You smile sadly. "I do. It's too bad you had to go and ruin it."
"I didn't know that you wouldn't--," he starts, fumbling his sentence and starting again as if he's panicking. "I didn't want you to quit! (Y/N), that's not--."
"I really hope you're happy now that you got what you wanted, Hanbin," you cut him off, making your way back to the exit doors and throwing them open. Over your shoulder, you call:
"You win!"
“If I had a penny for every time I caught you reading this book…” 
The sudden voice startles you, your collector’s edition of Jane Eyre falling from your hands and onto the table. The book shuts closed before you have a chance to mark the page you’re on.
“Oh,” Hanbin mumbles awkwardly. “Sorry.”
You open the book back up, quickly flipping to the page and placing your bookmark in it before setting it back down.
“I guess you would have every page memorized by now,” Hanbin says with a laugh. 
You frown at him suspiciously. “What do you want?”
“I don’t want anything except to have lunch with you,” he says smiling ear-to-ear, before glancing at your book. “And Miss Bronte, of course.”
You roll your eyes, picking up your sandwich for the first time since you sat down. “Well we both would rather gauge our eyes out than make small talk with you.”
“Oh, ouch,” Hanbin says as he bites his lip in a smirk. “Should I call your bluff?”
You pick up the spoon for your yogurt, immediately raising it to your eye before Hanbin reaches out in a panic and wraps his hand around yours. He lowers your hand that’s holding the spoon back down to the table with a nervous laugh.
“You’re a funny one, aren’t you?” Hanbin asks rhetorically, nodding as he pops off the lid to his soup and spoons it into his mouth. “This is nice! Why haven’t we done this before?”
Your face scrunches up in confusion. “Because I hate you.”
“No, we hate each other,” he corrects, eating another spoonful of soup. “Friendship is a two-way street.”
You choke a bit on your sandwich, coughing to clear your throat before exclaiming, “We are NOT friends!”
“But we could be,” Hanbin muses far-too happily. “Wouldn’t that be great?”
“No,” you answer plainly.
“It would be better than what we are now, right? Think about it: we would be a pretty unstoppable duo!”
“I wouldn't be your friend even if you paid me,” you spit. “And I know you’re really into paying people to get what you want lately.”
“Oh please, that was so three days ago,” Hanbin sighs exasperatedly. “Things were so much easier when you didn’t have a backbone. I pay to win one competition and you’re suddenly acting like you didn’t used to do everything I told you to?”
“I told you I’m not letting you push me around anymore,” you say definitively.
He smirks. “I just don’t really believe you…”
Your hand wraps around your spoon again, hurtling toward your right eyeball as Hanbin’s eyes widen in sudden fear. His hand reaches out to grab yours again, bringing it back down to the table in awkward silence.
“Please stop trying to impale yourself at the lunch table,” Hanbin requests quietly, attempting to steady his breathing. "I'll do anything you want, just do not make me have to carry your eyeball in my soup cup to the nurse's office."
You blink back at him. "Anything?"
"Oh, uh..." Hanbin says, clearly surprised that you clung onto his plea. "Did you want something... from me?"
You sigh, eating another spoonful of yogurt. "I have a proposal for Student Government."
"Oh sure, if you send it to me I can put my name on it and sign it," he says with a nod.
"No," you respond quickly.
"No? What do you--?"
"It's mine," you announce, placing your spoon down. "It's my proposal and it really means a lot to me and... I want everyone to know it's mine."
Hanbin looks at you curiously for a moment before a small smile graces his lips. He blinks at you as he whispers, "Cute."
"What?" You ask, one eyebrow raising in confused shock.
The boy in front of you's eyes widen for a moment before he shakes his head nonchalantly and looks down into his soup. "I meant, it's cute you think you'll be able to pitch it without puking..."
"I want you to pitch it," you respond, glaring back at him. "I know I can't make a speech to save my life. But people always like my words best when they come out of your mouth anyway."
Hanbin's eyes are doe-like as his lips form into a little surprised pout.
"So, could you pitch my proposal to the Student Council for me?" You ask, chewing your cheek. "All I want this time is the credit. It's really important to me so... I just..."
"Okay," he agrees, nodding gently. "I can do that."
You blink back at him. "Really?"
"Sure, I can help you," Hanbin says, before adding with a smirk:
"We're friends now, after all."
You take your seat at the far right of the Officers’ Table, adjusting your name plaque after neatly tucking your bag under your chair. It’s been two weeks since the last Student Government meeting and you are incredibly excited about the new proposal you’ve drawn up in support of increased mental health services on campus. You have to admit you’re glad that Hanbin had agreed to make the pitch speech for you.
“I’m excited to hear your proposal!” Stephanie, the Student Council Treasurer, says as she sits down next to you. “Are you nervous to pitch it? I know that public speaking is not your strong suit.”
Your eyebrows furrow confusedly at her question. “What do you mean? I’m not pitching it. Hanbin is.”
“Oh, um…” She smiles at you awkwardly. “Proposals can only be pitched by the member that created them! Those are the rules. I thought you knew that.”
“But I write Hanbin’s—…” You cut yourself off before you expose the Student Body President to the Treasurer. Your proposal is something you are terribly proud of and you want everyone to know it’s yours! But to find out now, only minutes away from the beginning of the meeting, that you’d have to be the one to present it to the entirety of the Student Government… Your vision is already burring with anxiety. All you can muster in response to Stephanie is, “Oh, okay.”
Completely frozen in fear, you’re only pulled out of your dissociative state when Stephanie taps you on the shoulder. She nods at you, gesturing with her hands for you to stand up. You scan the room, surprised when you realize it’s filled with the members of Student Government and that you must’ve zoned out for the entire first half of the meeting.
“Wait—,” Hanbin interjects from where he sits on the other side of Stephanie. He frowns at you confusedly, continuing, “I thought I was reading (Y/N)’s proposal…”
Hyungjun, the Vice President, laughs on Hanbin’s left. “Pretending he doesn’t know the rules. This guy!”
Hanbin’s eyes widen as he glances at the other Officers, unsure of how to react.
“It’s (Y/N)’s proposal,” Stephanie thankfully elaborates. “So, obviously, (Y/N) has to pitch it. And breaking that rule is immediate grounds for a dismissal vote.”
“Oh,” Hanbin mumbles, slowly nodding as he must be considering— just as you had— how many times he should’ve had a dismissal vote called on him by now. “Obviously.”
“So, (Y/N), if you’ll please,” Hyungjun prompts, nodding his head for you to stand up and recite your proposal. You're positive that all the oxygen has left the classroom as you shakily rise to your feet.
Gathering your proposal paper in your hand, you stare at the words on the page-- suddenly rendered illiterate by the amount of fear coursing through your body. Your breathing is shallow and thin and you wonder how long it will take before you've fainted from the anxiety.
"Um, the--... the, um, proposal I am sharing today," you begin; the nervous stammering you always developed when forced to address a crowd rearing it's ugly and reliable head. "Is about--... Or, well, it's to address... It's to help fix the campus's lack of rental mealth hesources."
"Oh god," you hear Hanbin whisper under his breath as you completely flub your words. All of the Student Council members are now chuckling at your mistake as you shake your head quickly, trying to refocus yourself so you can continue.
"There's--... Um, there's plenty of evidence that," you say, eyes locked on your paper as you attempt to make sense of the proposal you'd written which now appears as nothing more to you than a page full of gibberish. "That... That this school... That it's--..."
"Is this a joke?" A Student Council member shouts from the back of the classroom, as you resign yourself to a mere dear in headlights. "Aren't you embarrassed? You're the Student Government Secretary and you can't even form a coherent sentence?"
"HEY!" An angry voice booms to your left as you try to force down the bile that's currently stinging your esophagus. The sudden shout jolts you back to awareness as you look to see who it came from.
"Do you want to leave?" Hanbin threatens, jaw set in an uncharacteristic public display of fury. "Would you care to explain how bullying a Student Government Officer is at all in line with your duty as a Council Member?"
The student's eyes widen as he stares back at the Student Body President in shock. "I--... I--..."
"Look who can't form a coherent sentence now," Hanbin says with a smirk. A few moments pass before Hyungjun clears his throat, causing Hanbin to remember where he is. He looks around at the room apprehensively before standing and bowing sheepishly to the rest of the Student Council.
"I'm so sorry for the disrespectful outburst," he apologizes, voice returning to its usual "perfect" tone and the dimples beneath his eyes cratering as he smiles embarrassedly. "But as Student Body President, I simply can't condone bullying. Especially of one of our Officers, who is..."
Hanbin finally looks at you, his eyes suspiciously genuine. He averts your gaze awkwardly after just a moment, turning back to address the rest of the Student Council members. "Who is the best Student Government Secretary I could've ever asked for. And whom unfortunately, has a terrible fear of public speaking."
You watch as the crowd of students begin to look down at their hands and their laps guiltily.
"(Y/N) has had incredible ideas for this school," Hanbin starts, his eyebrows raising when he remembers he can't actually mention all of the ideas you've had for this school-- as he had always been the one to pitch them and, in turn, pass them off for his own. He recovers, "That have never been heard by us before due to (Y/N)'s fear of public speaking! And it's a shame that on (Y/N)'s first attempt to show them to us, you responded with bullying and ridicule."
The students in the classroom are now all doe-eyed as they take in Hanbin's words and, as you realize what's going on, you have to suppress a laugh.
"Incredible," you whisper, shaking your head in disbelief at the boy that is Sung Hanbin.
"I think we should all treat each other with the utmost respect and kindness-- especially as members of the Student Government. And this, coincidentally, plays into (Y/N)'s proposal about mental health resources at our school," Hanbin continues, doing what he does best. "I think we should move to vote on this proposal immediately."
"You're right, Sunbaenim!" The same student that had hurled insults at you earlier agrees enthusiastically as he stands up from his seat, eyes practically turning to hearts as they gaze upon Hanbin. "We need to provide more anti-bullying and mental health resources for our students. I'm so glad you came up with this brilliant proposal!"
"Oh, I didn't! I--," Hanbin starts to correct, but you already know how this ends as you sit back down in your seat with a heavy sigh.
"What would we do without our shining Student Body President?" Another student calls, starting a round of applause for Hanbin.
You observe him quietly, watching as any signs of protest slowly leave his face. He smiles resignedly back at his peers, clasping his hands together to nod graciously at them as the other Officers join in on the applause as well.
Even when Sung Hanbin tried to help you, it all ended up falling perfectly back into his lap anyway.
"What page are we on now?"
You groan, slamming your book down on the table. "Is this going to be a pattern? Do I have to eat lunch in the bathroom from now on?"
"Not my ideal place to eat lunch, but," he pauses, placing his hands down flat on the table with a smile. "I'll brave it for you."
You pick up your collector's edition of Jane Eyre and drop it on his right hand.
He presses his lips together firmly, looking up to the corner of the room as he tries to ignore the pain. "Okay, I know yesterday didn't go like we'd hoped, but--."
"Like I hoped," you correct, shaking your head in disgust. "I asked you to read my proposal for me. And everyone just ended up pretending like it was yours anyway. And you went along with it!"
"Where is the 'we' in any of that?" You cut him off quickly, watching as his brow furrows. "There is no we. You stole my proposal; just like you stole the Decathlon."
Hanbin stares at you silently for a moment, before responding softly, "I'm sorry."
"Sure you are."
"I am!" He pleads and you hate to admit that he appears earnest. "Really, I didn't mean for that to happen. I stuck up for you when that asshole made fun of you! It's not like I didn't do anything at all."
You stare back at Hanbin wordlessly. He had stood up in front of the entire Student Council to scold that stupid kid in your defense. You'd never seen him get angry in front of people like that before. He'd always cared too much about his perfect, clean image.
"I want to make it up to you," he says with a nod. "So I have a proposal for you."
"Is it the one you stole from me?" You deadpan.
He sighs exasperatedly. "Shut up and let me tell you I have a spot for you on the Blue Team for the rest of this semester!"
You blink back at him in surprise. "What?"
"You deserve to win Scholastic Decathlon at least once, (Y/N)," Hanbin says with a smile. "And if you're really not gonna compete again next year then let me make it happen this season."
"Hanbin..." You falter, brow furrowing suspiciously. "Y-... your team is full."
"I told you there's always a spot for you," he rebuts quickly. "Ilsung's been pretty annoying recently anyway. Didn't you hear what he said about you at Regionals?"
Sighing annoyedly, you take a sip of your iced tea. "Hanbin, I can't join your team."
"Why not?" He whines, folding his hands on the table and resting his chin on them. "You'd be doing me a really big favor!"
"Aren't you the one whose supposed to be doing me a favor?"
Hanbin blinks up at you, pouting in a sickening display of cuteness. "Pleeeeaaase..."
"If you don't stop that right now, I will shove this entire bottle of tea UP your--."
"I'd like to see you try."
It's been a week since Hanbin had asked you to join the Blue Team for the remainder of the season. Since then, "Hanbin's" Student Government proposal regarding mental health resources on campus has passed three student votes and, today, a school-wide assembly is taking place to celebrate the proposal and the Student Body President's exceptional efforts.
Your moral obligation to your Secretary duties coming before your feelings, you had written Hanbin's speech for this afternoon just like you always did.
It has also been a week and a day since Hanbin started eating lunch with you in the library. No matter how hard you tried to bully him into leaving you alone to your collector's edition of Jane Eyre (or how hard you smacked him with various items from your lunchbox), your efforts were in vain.
Hanbin had no intentions of ceasing your "lunch dates", as he called them (always prompting you to hit him once more). He'd flinched at first when Hyungjun and Stephanie walked up to the both of you last Friday, face flushing when they asked him what he was doing eating lunch with you.
But just as soon as that fear of being perceived as imperfect appeared, it subsequently faded away.
"A President and his Secretary notoriously make a pretty good duo, don't you think?" He'd said with an innocent smile.
Hyungjun and Stephanie looked at each other confusedly, of course interpreting Hanbin's words to imply something different than he'd meant.
"Oh! Oh no," Hanbin had clarified quickly, raising his hands in defense. "I meant, as... I meant as friends!"
Hyungjun and Stephanie had nodded quickly before excusing themselves and running out of the library.
"This is why I have to curate all of your words for you," you had said, rolling your eyes at him.
But no matter how much you outwardly displayed your dislike of Hanbin's presence during your lunch period... you'd be lying if you said you hadn't started to get used to him bothering you with his company.
Perhaps you'd even started to like it.
So now, as Hanbin stands behind the tall, wooden podium in the center of the gymnasium delivering the speech you wrote for him, you stand at the back of the gym and observe him carefully. He really is a great public speaker-- every word you've written for him coming to life on his tongue.
But there's a sentence he utters that suddenly catches your attention as you realize he's no longer referencing the paper in front of him.
“The truth is… I didn’t write this proposal,” Hanbin confesses, a wave of confused and shocked whispers sounding across the room. Your stomach churns as you hang onto his every word.
He swallows nervously, before continuing, “And, furthermore, I also haven’t written any of the proposals or speeches that I’ve given during my time as Student Body President. Secretary (Y/N) has written all of them.”
Horrified, you look around the room as everyone’s eyes come to rest on you. Desperately resisting the urge to curl up into a ball and die, your focus remains locked on Hanbin. 
“I'm so sorry to disappoint all of my peers and teachers, but I needed to tell the truth as it's the right thing to finally do,” he continues, nodding affirmatively. “And I also have something to say about the Scholastic Decathlon. The only reason the Blue Team won Regionals this year is because—.”
“Because you’re such an incredible team!” You shout, standing up suddenly and instantly regretting it. Hanbin’s eyes meet yours immediately, his eyebrows raised in shock at your sudden outburst. But there’s no going back now. 
Walking up to the stage quickly as you do your best to dissociate, you push Hanbin aside when you reach the podium. “Hi, everyone. I’m so sorry for the confusion, but Hanbin is actually quite under-the-weather. He’s so dedicated to his role as Student Body President that he still wanted to deliver his speech today even with a fever. We pumped him full of ibuprofen, but…”
You turn to Hanbin, who is staring at you as if you have two heads. You touch the back of your hand to his forehead and put on the performance of your lifetime as you dote over him. “Oh my gosh, he’s burning up! You poor thing.”
“What are you doing? I was gonna—,” Hanbin protests, but you cut him off by stepping on his foot behind the podium. He seethes at the pain, glaring at you as you continue to save his ass.
“Unfortunately Hanbin is very sick, so he’s not really making much sense. I’m sure he will apologize for the confusion when he’s feeling better,” you conclude, grabbing Hanbin by the arm. “I’ll bring him to the nurse’s office now.”
As you drag a flabbergasted Hanbin through the crowd and out the gymnasium doors, you march down the hallway and into an empty classroom. Pulling him inside, you lock the door behind him quickly and shove him up against it a bit more aggressively than you’d intended.
“Are you CRAZY!?” You shout, hands balled up in his dress shirt as he gawks back at you wordlessly.
“Are YOU!?” He shouts back, eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. “(Y/N), what are you doing? I was trying to tell everybody the truth!”
Hanbin’s cheeks flush pink as he looks at your hands fisted up in his white-button down. He’s entirely flustered by your uncharacteristic display of force. “W—… What?”
Dropping your hands to your sides, you repeat, “Stop it before you ruin your fucking life, you absolute moron!”
“I—… Isn’t that what you want?" He asks confusedly. "I was terrible to you. Don’t you want me to pay for what I did?”
“What I wanted was to finally win Decathlon fair and square. And to have my name on my own stupid proposals and speeches for once.”
“But… I’m the one who made sure none of that happened. You even said you were gonna quit Decathlon next year because of me," Hanbin protests. "Come on, you have to want me to face some sort of serious consequence!”
“Hanbin! What’s… Why are you doing this!?" You exclaim, stepping back from the boy. "Do you want me to join the Blue Team that bad? You won't even be allowed back on it if you tell everybody the truth.”
He shakes his head quickly. “No, of course not!”
“Then what’s the deal, huh? I know it’s something. Do you seriously expect me to believe that you really just feel sorry for everything that's ever happened between us all of a sudden?”
“It’s not… It’s not all of a sudden. I—…” Now Hanbin is giving you a run for your money as the worst stammering mess. “I’ve been sorry ever since you said that you…”
Growing impatient, you demand, “Since I said that I what!?”
“That you were disappointed in me!” He shouts under pressure— his lips parting slightly as he sharply inhales at his own words.
You blink back at him, eyes just as wide as his. “I said that?”
He nods slowly. “You—… you leaned towards me and with all of this fire in your eyes, you told me that you were disappointed in me. I didn’t think you had it in you.”
"I don't remember," you say as you swallow nervously-- the tone of Hanbin's voice almost daring you to think he might’ve meant something more. “To be honest, I was so mad that I… I sort of blacked out.”
He smiles now, genuinely and the cute under-eye dimples that are reserved for public events are now on display only for you. You’d be lying if you said they didn’t make you feel some type of way in this unexpectedly intimate moment. “I’m not surprised. You also called me a ‘cheating asshole’ and a ‘self-righteous prick’.”
You press your lips together, slightly embarrassed before mumbling, “You deserved it.”
“I did!” He agrees a little too enthusiastically. “I deserve worse, actually.”
(super secret spicy alternate ending 🌶️ HERE 🌶️-- minors do not view/interact; just continue reading below!! also pls read bothhhhh if you are of age hahaha if you want no pressure but pressure)
“Come on, (Y/N)— I’m everything you said I am and more,” he says, biting his lip. “So why shouldn’t everybody know what you know?”
“Because I already forgave you, you dumbass!”
Hanbin’s mouth is already open to protest, but when he actually hears your words it shuts tightly. His head tilts to the side innocently in a questioning gaze. "You did?"
You sigh. "Yes. I mean, you've done a lot to try to make everything up to me. And I let you keep eating lunch with me, didn't I?"
The boy in front of you's lips part in surprise before he finally grins. "I knew you liked eating lunch with me more than Jane Eyre!"
You roll your eyes, trying and failing to hold back a grin of your own. "Any more unkind words towards Jane and we're kicking you out of the lunch club."
He laughs and you notice for the first time how beautifully joy manifests on his face. But his expression quickly becomes more serious once again. "I really am sorry, (Y/N). For everything. I've been awful to you for way too long and... I can't tell you how much I regret it. It turns out I actually really like you!"
Your jaw drops at his sudden confession and... so does his.
"As a person!" He exclaims, holding both hands up in defense as he laughs awkwardly. "I meant, as a person. You know phrasing's not my strong suit."
Cheeks heating up, you nod understandingly though you hate to admit his words had your heart racing.
Hanbin's lips press together in a dimpled smile. "So... does this mean you'll join the Blue Team for the rest of the year?"
You pucker your lips for a moment as you think, before answering definitively, "No. I could never betray my Pink Team like that."
He bites his lip, nodding sadly in agreement at your sentiment. Reaching for the door handle and unlocking it, your eyes reconnect with Hanbin's. In the end, he'd gone through all this effort just to make things right-- more than you'd ever expected him to do for you.
And the tiny frown on his face isn't helping to convince you to leave him empty-handed.
"But if I remember correctly," you add, your hand falling from the door knob to your side as you muster up all of the courage hiding deep within you. "You also pitched me an alternative."
Hanbin's eyes narrow in confusion before they suddenly light up, lips parted in shock.
"So maybe we can graduate from 'lunch dates' to a real date some time," you say, and it's not a question. Hanbin just stands there, grinning like an absolute idiot. "How does that sound?"
"Good," he says, nodding rapidly. "It sounds good."
"Good," you affirm, opening the door of the classroom. "Now let's get out of here..."
Hanbin follows you into the hallway, still smiling like he just won the lottery.
"Stop looking so happy," you say, smacking his shoulder playfully. "You're about to have to go to the nurse's office and fake the worst flu of your fucking life."
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jaetyun · 1 year
Boys plamet trainees making you blush; a thread!
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seowon, hiroto, jiwoong, matthew & jongwoo x gn!reader
wc: 2.1k
a/n: ty to the amon who requested and waited patiently AND to the anon that put me on seowon. i owe you big time
trainees after the cut!
"is that a challenge?"
you and seowon both has your arms crossed, glaring daggers into each others eyes. you were always known as an unreactive person, and seowon was fine with that! he appreciated you for the way you were, even if it meant your biggest laugh was a slight chuckle.
he thought he could handle it, that it wouldnt be an issue! but you were far from the down bad partner he had always dreamed of. he would never ask you to change who you are for him, he loved you as his stone faced lover! after a certain point though, his need for affection became overwhelming.
"cmonnn~ there has to be something i do that gets you flustered" he whined, yanking on your arm. you became limp, letting your limb flail as your boyfriend commanded. you shrugged. "i like you when youre just being you"
he frowns
"thats not what i mean."
you lifted your arm our of his reach, pecking his cheek softly. "ive never felt it before, i doubt you'll change it."
"is that a challenge?" you both glared at one another. without saying a single word, your eyes told him it. was. on.
you turned around, remaining straight faced even when your boyfriend began twirling to show off how your hoodie looked on him.
"what do you think?"
you quickly gave him a thumbs up
"i think it looks great!"
he frowned, wrapping his arms around you and sitting on your lap with batted eyelashes.
"do you think im pretty?"
"youre always pretty to me" you placed your hands on his hips calmly, making his scowl only deepen. his hand suddenly went to check your pulse, and he clicked his tongue upon feeling that it was perfectly regulated.
"baby, do you like it when i act cute??"
"of course i do"
"then why arent you flustered" he gently hit your chest, climbing off you. you were left blinking in confusion. what? suddenly your eyes widened "is this about *that* again?"
he huffed out cutely, making a pouty face. "i tried everything love!"
you shrugged. "try harder."
"what did your heart seriously not skip a beat when i pushed you on the bed?" you softly smiled. "you were very sexy baby." you added with a unconvincing hum.
hs tilted his head condescendingly. suddenly seowon gripped your chin, forcing you to look up at him from your seat. he leaned closer and softly examined your facial expressions. when seowon ultimately ended up unsatisfied, he huffed our cutely, drooping onto your lap again with disappointment.
just says before he tried surprising you with gifts, but even that didn't work. maybe it was an impossible task...
"was i asking too much of you?" he asked, looking up at you with unintentional puppy eyes. god, if you could take a picture of his face right now you'd sell it for mullions. his lips were ever so softly pouting, jutted out *just* right. his eyes seemed as if he was a kicked puppy. seowon was... utterly adorable right now.
the way his fringe fell on his face angelically framing it. your face began to burn with pink as you avoided eye contact.
"dont.. dont look at me like that." you muttered, covering your mouth in a fit of embarrassment. he tilted his head, pupils sparkling with wonder. "like what?"
this wasnt intentional? you lurched forward subtly at the overwhelming twinge in your heart. you really werent gonna survive at this rate..
seowons smug grin began forming in amusement.
"is that.. blush?"
"yeah yeah! whatever" you waved him off, but seowon was too excited to notice.
his excited dance of joy was something you couldnt say no to, no matter how hard you tried to deny it the moment seowon is happy you gave up.
"proud of yourself?"
your boyfriend was super cute, and you both knew it! his aegyo was basically a lethal weapon to you. theres been times thats resulted in you closing your eyes to not be subject to it.
hiroto found it utterly *hilarious*
his eyes would go big, his eyebrows furrowing innocently.
"please... for me?" your mind goes numb, your ears begin burning. he has you wrapped around his finger at this point.
hiroto pokes you a couple of times, the last one leaving his finger lingering on your chest, drawing circles slowly. you exhaled out, already know
ing you lost.
"okay, fine." you said weakly, watching his lips curl into a satisfied smile. he pecks your cheek softly, humming in satisfaction.
"thank you baby, hiro loves you" he hums out, not that it mattered. you brain was pretty much melted, nothing but the cute expression of you boyfriend left. he gives you a giggle, one you cant possibly be mad at.
you wanted so badly to scold him but you knew you couldn't. even if he used his weapon on purpose, you cant deny you enjoy his cute nature no matter the circumstances.
“love you too!”
jiwoong making you blush takes minimal effort. just laying your eyes in him had your insides screaming. just a simple kiss had you folded in half on the floor.
he didn’t mind, mostly because he’s used to it. pretty boy with pretty privilege! although sometimes his urge to tease you about it became stronger than normal, usually leading to you snapping out of it.
sure, you loved your gorgeous boyfriend. but the only thing you disliked about him was the way he would tease you. see, unlike normal people, jiwoong does it with a straight face. as if he’s genuinely annoyed with you, and though you know he’s not it’s *far* more irritating.
“sweetheart, what do you want for dinner?” jiwoong asked, stepping into your shared bedroom phone in hand. and my oh my, he looks delectable. you guessed he had bought a new shirt recently. one of those tight fits trending on tiktok.
your jaw fell agape, blatantly gawking at his build. he looks up at you, a poker face as he repeats the question. “dinner? you not hungry?”
“no! i am! i just…” you audibly gulped, still completely intoxicated with the way the shirt frames him.
“i’m hungry for something else now…” you muttered under your breath. he looked up, not able to catch what you had just said. jiwoong eyes furrowed in confusion. “what was that?”
you began stammering more, trying to clear your throat and form a coherent thought.
“well! i.. you.. me.. i was.. ummm” you sighed in defeat, now realizing there was no way in hell you were going to say anything that made sense.
“well i you me i was um?” he repeated, head still tilted. and there it was. the pocker face he always had. the completely unfazed expression. no hint of mischief, not smug grin, no condescending look in his eyes. as if he had asked you a regular question. you huffed out, the rotting in your brain seemingly getting resurrected.
“i’m ordering without you! we can eat something different tonight.” you stood up from the bed, flipping him off to walk out the room.
he laughed finally, *finally* showing emotion. on your way out he gripped your wrist, turning you to face him. “don’t be like that~ you know i like seeing you embarrassed” he says between laughs.
and with a smile like that, you couldn’t stay mad at him. you exhaled out, but he’s already won. he always wins against you it seems.
“whatever. we still haven’t decided dinner.”
you guys had very different love languages, and that was okay in your book. matthew loved physical touch and quality time. while you ranted about how much you loved him, he sat there holding your hand, drawing shapes onto the back of your palm. that's just how it worked! he never *told* you how much he loved you, he showed it.
so it took you by surprise when you walked into the kitchen and overheard him talking with his friends in the couch. they were in the middle of a game, his headset on and his hands at work on the controller.
"they're perfect, dude. like.. just wahhh" he spoke casually. as if this was something he did commonly. who was this they he was talking about? you walked closer to the fridge to get a better listen.
"yeah yeah, it's cheesy! but so what? it's not my fault i found the love of my life" he continued. your ears began ringing, and time seemed to stop. you couldn't believe your ears... matthew seok? talking about how much he loved you? the man whose only compliment has been a thumbs up?? you couldn't believe your ears.
"i really scored the package deal. why someone so amazing settled for me i dunno, but i'm not complaining!"
you had to grab onto the counter to steady your ragged breath.
your head was spinning, your face was completely red.
you couldn't listen to this anymore, you absolutely *couldnt* for you might explode on the spot. you walked out from the room, casually walking in the living room with a snack in hand.
"baby! won anything?" you hum, leaning against the couch. matthew seemed to short circuit, sheepishly laughing.
"oh.. my love! hey!" the panicked in his voice had you internally licking your feet like a middle schooler. he's seriously so cute, what were you gonna do with him? "i've won a couple rounds, but i've kinda been getting carried" he nervously scratched the back of his neck, leaving you laughing softly.
"i'm glad you're having fun! you're smile is always so pretty" you kiss his cheek softly. he giggles shyly, face quickly contorting as he eyes his headset. he clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes at his friends comment.
you patted his shoulder, giving him one last kiss before letting him carry on with his hand. matthew was seriously such an angel, you're a loss for how sweet and cute he was.
your next destination was your bedroom, where you could properly freak out about what you overheard.
jongwoo by nature was quite shy. he rarely spoke when he didn't need to. maybe that's why he attracted you, someone who hardly has your mouth closed.
he loves how talkative you are, and the two of you balanced each other well. it's just well... sometimes jongwoo has to admit he's in fact not as interest in your ramblings as you had hoped. it's not his fault! he couldn't help the way his gaze fell on your pretty lips, his heart skipping a beat when it curves into a smile.
he couldn't help the way he watched as you scrunched your nose at the part of the story you didnt like. he couldn't help the way- and now jongwoo realized he hadn't been listening for the past couple of minutes. he faked an understanding, nodding and making small 'mhms' when the time felt right.
you, being completely obviously to it, continued your big hand gestures and dramatic story telling. he softly laughed. even if he had no idea what you were talking about, it was cute watching!
suddenly before he had time to process it jongwoo had it hand resting on your cheek, catching you completely off guard.
you frowned at him. "whatre you doing?"
"sorry i just got distracted from your story"
"by what? my beauty" you gave out a boisterous laugh, the color draining from your face when he nodded along.
"yeah. not my fault you're really pretty."
flustered was an understatement. you were completely whiplashed. you gave a couple of hard blinks, not sure how to react. your fight or flight kicked in from the overdrive he sent you into.
jongwoo laughed as he watched the wat you smacked his hand off, covering your burning cheeks. “what are you talking about..?”
“i’m sorry dear, finish what you were saying”
your eyes widened, the story you had long forgotten by now.
“no way! this is your fault.”
“please~ i wanna hear the rest.” he was obviously teasing you, batting his eyelashes innocently. you flipped your boyfriend off, even if you were blushing like crazy you still had it left in you to tell him off
“you weren’t even listening in the first place.”
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i0134 · 1 year
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seokmthw · 1 year
take a break | kim gyuvin
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⇢ pairing: gyuvin x reader
⇢ warnings: fluff
⇢ word count: 676
⇢ note: sorry for being a little ia as of late, i promise i'm trying my best to get some stuff written! i started my full time job last week and have been super tired, so please bear with me!
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you huffed in annoyance, tugging at the roots of your own hair at the dreaded powerpoint that was displayed in front of you on your all too bright laptop screen, your mind reeling with all the possible things that could go wrong while you were presenting it in class the next day.
you’d been working tirelessly at it for hours, the only thing keeping you going being a coffee and chinese takeout your boyfriend had brought you for dinner hours earlier.
said boyfriend wouldn’t stop trying to get you to call it quits for the night, either.
“y/n~” gyuvin whined, his voice slightly muffled from the comforter he was currently burying his face in, “come on, love, you’ve been working yourself to death. at least take a ten minute break.”
“i can’t, i need to make sure everything is included in this so i can minimize the chances of me screwing everything up tomorrow,” you passively dismissed, waving your hand lazily at him while you were reaching for your coffee, which by now was watered down, but you didn’t care.
after a few more minutes of typing and reviewing your notecards, gyuvin was talking again, “if you don’t stop for the night, i’m gonna start crying. is that something you really want?”
you couldn’t help but chuckle, “whatever you say, gyu.”
“babe,” gyuvin defeatedly sighed, “i know this is something yourself stressed out over, but i seriously think you’ll do just fine. besides, if you keep cramming stuff in for hours on end, it doesn’t really help you retain much anyway.”
you stopped reading your notecard halfway through, absorbing every word he just spoke and realized that maybe, just maybe, he was right. and as if on cue, he was speaking again.
“also, i really, really wanna cuddle with you right now. i’ve been waiting for hours and i feel like i’m gonna die.”
you chuckled, swiveling in your chair to face the boy who sprawled out on your bed. his hair was in messy tufts in top of his head, his t-shirt was bunched up enough to reveal a small sliver of his tummy and his sweatpants were sloppily tied up. the comforter was barely covering him as well, just enough to give him the warmth and safety he needed.
you had to admit, his arms looked beyond welcoming.
you sighed, taking one last look at your powerpoint before finally closing your laptop and putting your notes away in your bag, finally admitting, “i guess you’re right.”
“oh sweetheart, come here,” you rose from your chair and crawled into bed, where gyuvin was laying with his arms wide open, and melted into his embrace like your life depended on it.
you could feel a soft laugh rumble in his chest, his voice quiet as he spoke now, “i can tell you’re tired.”
“i really am,” you agreed sleepily, your eyes growing heavy after only moments of being wrapped up with him, “thank you, gyu. i mean it. i don’t know what i would do without you.”
he pressed a gentle kiss against your forehead, pulling the comforter over your bodies and somehow managing to bring you even closer to him. within mere minutes, he could hear your breath even out and small sounds erupting from your lungs to let him know that you were sound asleep.
the boy smiled to himself, somehow managing to shut the lamp off behind him without waking you. while it was almost a chore for him to get you to take even a five minute break, he wouldn’t trade it for the world. there was always something about the way you would laugh at his corny jokes and whining that always made him want to keep pestering you.
he brushed the loose strands of hair from your face and kissed your forehead once more, mumbling, “i love you, stubborn ass. you’re gonna knock that presentation out of the park tomorrow.”
slowly but surely, he fell asleep too, content by the mere fact that he had you by his side.
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taeraerizz · 1 year
live, laugh, love taerae
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「taerae x gn!reader」 genre: fluff
summary: you love taerae. he loves you. and how does he show that? through a convenience store date of course :)
warnings: snacks and a grave is mentioned? +all in lowercase
wc: 725 (not really proofread)
a/n: i've never written a fic before, i have no idea what im doing so pls give me feedback or any reccomendations. if something does not suit a gn!reader or i missed out on any warnings pls tell i would hate to be that person 😭. please interact w this fic in any way if u liked it. besides that pls be kind and enjoy taerae's love. dont forget to vote!!
the town was slowly starting to settle down as the night passed by. the only thing brightening up the street being the convenience store behind you as the dim light of the lightpost seemed as if it hadn't been replaced for the past 4 years. traffic was few, only a couple of taxis and buses carrying tired workers back home. and if it wasn't for the loud chime of the bell of the conveniece store door, you could swear that you were able to hear your mum watching her favourite tv show a few roads down.
"y/n!" you lift your gaze up from your slippers to meet the pair of eyes whose owner gifted you with them just last week. apparently he saw them in a stall on the side of the road and its cute ears reminded him of you. the pair of eyes that held so much comfort that you didn't think it was possible that an actual living human could have such mesmerising eyes. the same owner of that contagiously genuine smile that would brighten up even the gloomiest of days. oh, and the owner of that charming voice that got you hooked from the very first conversation held between the two of you. the beauty of kim taerae was limitless.
"y/n, i got you something special!" taerae announced as he started to lightly jog his way to your seats with a plastic bag in his hands. "well you took almost a century in there so i sure hope you did," you chuckled with a teasing tone. he squinted his eyes in return, slightly leaning away in his seat. "oh well, you just won't get the most special present that i've ever ever gifted in my life then," he huffed as he hugged the plastic bag that rested on his lap to hide you from its contents. you giggled at his actions.
"better than these slippers?" "definitely better than those slippers," he stated confidently, suddenly pulling a seriously face. "alright alright grand prince show me the damn thing already," you said with a cheesy smile.
"okay drum roll please…" the sound of your fingers hitting the edge of the table could slightly be heard amongst the rustling of taerae's plastic bag. "and please do close your eyes too love." a couple minutes went by and the beats of your fingers were starting to slow down, your eyes fighting the urge to unshut. "just need to fix up one more thing… and done! i present to you, the love of my life, this gift to symbolise my gratefulness towards your presence in my life these past few years." your eyes were closed but you just knew that the smile he had on his face was one that could even make the most deadliest beasts fall in love. "now, you may open your eyes!" and you weren't wrong. because the scene you saw when you opened your eyes was a scene that you would love to frame and take to your grave to hold onto forever if you could.
taerae's beautiful figure, the quiet city behind him, and the string lights hanging off the umbrella that shaded the two of you. oh what a heavenly sight it was. too mesmerised by the scene in front you, you completely forgot about the so called most special present taerae has ever gifted. "y/n? y/n! hellooo y/n?" you broke out of the trance you were in and made eye contact with taerae whose sparkling eyes kept looking back and forth between you and the table infront of you. so you followewd his gaze… and subconciously, tears clouded your sight. your favourite snacks, tulips (your favourite), along with photo strips you took earlier that day were beautifully arranged into a bouqet. each and every one of them radiating one thing, love. "how- what- when did yo-" you were choked up. your brain wasn't functioning properly and you couldn't process the fact that taerae, THE kim taerae had just gifted you with the most precious thing you could ever recieve. you looked up to see his face, it looked even more dear than it ever did before. "i love you y/n. i really do."
and though you knew it was impossible. you wanted to stay there forever. with the actual no.1 gift that could never be beaten. kim taerae.
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zhounauts · 1 year
one hit is all it takes ; k.gyuvin
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
CHAPTER 1 ! hit and run
word count ! 482 words
masterlist next
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were never a competitive person.
Well - you were never competitive, until your team somehow managed to completely bulldoze its way through the brackets of your gym class’ handball tournament. Next thing you knew, your team was in the finals; and now here you were, running around the court at ungodly speeds trying to get the ball.
"ANDDDD THE BLUE TEAM HAS THE BALL! I REPEAT, THE BLUE TEAM IS IN POSSESSION!" Junhyeon, the self-appointed commentator, yells. You watch as Haruto, on the opposite team, holds the ball in his hands, desperately trying to find an open teammate. He chucks it towards Keita, but just as quickly as the ball had left his hand, your teammate Seunghwan had intercepted it.
"OH SEUNGHWAN! HE’S GOT THE BALL! RED HAS THE BALL! GENTS AND LADIES THEY’RE CURRENTLY AT A TIE. WILL RED BE ABLE TO BREAK IT?" Junhyeon screams, causing the students on the side to erupt in cheers. You run across the court as Seunghwan carefully steps forwards, and then you see it. An opening. 
"SEUNGHWAN! OVER HERE!" you scream, sprinting towards blue’s net. Seunghwan’s eyes meet yours and he passes the ball to you. You locked in on the ball. Here it comes, you think to yourself. Your hands reach up, and you jump. "SHE’S GOT THE BALL! SHE’S GOT THE BALL! LETS GO Y/N!!" 
The world seemed to be moving at 0.25x speed as you put all your strength into the shot. You could feel the pressure from the audience and from your teammates. This one shot meant everything.
The ball sails through the air and makes its way exactly to Red’s net. Your aim was impeccable. There was no way it wouldn’t be in; victory was yours. But just as the ball was about to sail through the net, their goalie, Gyuvin, dove to block it and —
The whole gym pauses as Gyuvin lay sprawled out on the floor. You continue to stand in your spot dumbly as his team moves to surround him and make sure he’s ok. The gym is loud again, with people screaming, trying to get closer to the court to see the damage you had inflicted on the boy.
“EVERYBODY CALM DOWN I DO NOT BELIEVE HE IS DEAD—” Junhyeon comments unhelpfully as the P.E. teacher dashes across the court to where Gyuvin lies. You watch the chaos unfold in front of you and start to freak out. Why? Because Gyuvin was, well, The Kim Gyuvin. 
Yeah, it was cringy as hell to refer to him as that but he was popular. He had fans who’d soon be plotting your murder, and was part of the popular boy friend group. So you did what any reasonable person would do. You ran away!!!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
TAGLIST ! @yeolaegi
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a/n let me know your thoughts! i write a lot but don't usually post it or anything so lemme know what you guys think + what to improve.
+ if ur a grammar person i deeply sincerely apologize for the back and forth between past and present tense. my proofreader mentioned it as well 😞💪
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zhng96 · 8 months
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↳ rq: bae can u pretty please do leejeong or seungeon bf texts plsplspls i’ll give u my firstborn<3
↳ pairing: yoo seungeon x gn!reader
↳ warnings: im not funny, swearing, kys joke
perm taglist: @tzuberry @hrtattcker @yueriots-deactivated20230921 @neohyxn @avocarua @dwcljh @uyujns @knrejj @taeraemisu
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skzooe · 1 year
Hi there!!! I've read your lipstick stain reaction and it was so cuteeee, I really loved it :))
Could you do another part with haruto, seunghwan, and zhang hao (and any one you'd like to add) please?
And if you don't want to do the same kind you could do it of you smothering them with kisses as well :))
Thanks in advance, I hope you have a nice day!!
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lipstick stain trend,,🎀 p.2
p.1 p.2 p.3
with; seunghwan, jiwoong, zhanghao, haruto, p.hanbin
[note to anon; thank you so much! this has made my night 💕 i hope you enjoy this one]
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so down bad for you
"do you wanna film this kiss-"
soooo many compliments
"that colour looks really nice on you"
finds a way to rizz you up any opportunity he has
"it would look better if it was on my lips🤷‍♂️"
you sit on his lap with his hands immediately going to your waist, which made your heart skip a beat
when you start filming he cannot keep a straight face
you think he looks cute with kiss stains on his face so you decide to kiss him on the lips once
BEGS for more
when you show him the video he's so unbothered about it
literally pats his lap signalling you to sit which makes you so AKJSFHJDFHK
"sit on my lap then"
when you start recording he just gazing at you with his "bedroom" eyes (ifyk)
stares at your lips up and down likee
the tiktok comments go so crazy over him
which makes you hella jealous
however he does not give af and just finds it funny 💀
would literally do anything for you so how could he say no
the sweetest & caring ever
he finds it cute when you're struggling to apply the lipstick so he does it for you
"do you need help? come here"
he holds your chin which gives you instant butterflies
fights the urge to kiss you bc he thinks you look so pretty 😕
cannot stop staring at your lips while filming
the comments find it so cute fr
💬: hes SO whipped for her
he is on tiktok 24/7 so he defo knows about it
"i thought you would never ask😋"
is SO giggly
finds it ticklish so when you kiss him he starts laughing and throws you off the bed
the kiss stains get so smudged that he ends up looking like a tomato
you both forget about the tiktok because you spent all your time trying to wash it off 😭
absolutely LOVES the idea
however he takes it so seriously that you fight over what colour the lipstick should be 😭
"nonono, this one looks WAY better"
"nooo, this one suits you more"
turns into a compliment game??? (throwback to that hanbin vs woonggi battle💀)
"this colour makes me look prettier"
"you're pretty anyway"
"no you are"
"you're the most beautiful person i've ever met"
he ends up crashing his lips onto yours before you could finish your sentence, leading to a makeout seshhhh
what tiktok????????
part 3 here
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© skzooe
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http-mianhae · 10 months
13 ➛ never have you ever got spat in the face
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please comment or lmk in any way for the taglist!
TAGLIST ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @tocupid @cyberpunksunwoo @aerivrs @minhui896
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Good Luck, Mickey!
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wc: 1k warnings: a pretty flirtatious little joke made by ricky... do you need to be warned of that? maybe if you have a weak heart. otherwise very very light angst and fluff. pronouns: none used; n/a summary: planetmaster/idol!reader and their boyfriend ricky have to pretend they don't know each other while the cameras are on ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ this was a request! it's short and sweet but fun. i might want to expand more on this one eventually. spending tonight rewatching bp after work :,)
Positioning yourself in the wing of the stage strategically, you lean forward just a bit so you can take a look from behind the curtain at the crowd of unsuspecting trainees lined up after completing their second mission.
You spot a head of perfectly styled blonde hair sticking out from the group almost immediately due to the height of its owner. Smiling to yourself, you hop up and down a bit to pump yourself up. You can't wait to see the look on your boyfriend's face when you step out onto the stage.
The lights dim quickly, then flash dramatically back on as a producer gives you the go ahead. You nod respectfully and steady yourself as you begin to make your way out from behind the curtain and to the center of the stage. The boys gathered in front of you in neat formations begin to scramble excitedly; shouting and jumping with enthusiasm as you step towards the front of the stage.
Your eyes find Ricky, who is standing completely still as he stares up at you in shock-- not knowing how to react properly to your presence. Some of his teammates are poking him and laughing, teasing him about your unexpected appearance as a Planet Master.
You had met Ricky a while ago when he joined your company as a trainee. You would run into each other in the hallways at night, as you were always in a practice room trying to improve even after your debut. He could be uncharacteristically shy around you, since you were his senior (and he was secretly such a big fan). Needless to say, Ricky was incredibly surprised when you were the one who eventually asked him out.
"Hello Boys Planet trainees! I'm leader and main vocalist (Y/N) from Virtual Reality," you announce confidently. "I know you've only just finished your Second Mission, but time is limited when you're forming the next big K-Pop boy group!"
Most of the trainees begin another uproar, some complaining that they're exhausted and some shouting for you to hurry up and announce the next mission already. You sympathize with both sets of emotions.
You glance at Ricky, who is now smirking at you from the crowd-- eyebrows raised as he chews his cheek. Fighting the urge to grin back at him winningly, your eyes return to your script card in your hand.
"The Third Mission is..." You look back at the screen behind you and gesture towards it as a new pair of words appear. “Artist Battle!"
Yet another commotion ensues and you suddenly understand why the boys kept losing their voices in the first two missions. As you finish your script, announcing that teams will be formed and then re-formed after eliminations, you're instructed to meet and greet the trainees and give them your well wishes.
After a half hour of greeting all of the contestants and having to pretend like you'd never met any of them before in your life, an especially familiar contestant strolls up to you.
"Hello, how are you?" Ricky greets formally as a few of the trainees he is closest with giggle behind him. "It's so nice to finally meet you."
"Hi, how are you?" You return, extending your hand for him to shake as you bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing in front of the staff. "What did you say your name was?"
"Ricky," he replies, taking your hand in his and shaking it firmly. "And your name is?"
You squeeze his hand hard, raising your eyebrows in a stern warning. Too far, you mouth.
"Ow!" He whines before looking around to smile nervously at the closely observing staff. "I mean, WOW that joke did not land! Of course I know who you are. I love you."
You pinch his hand harder.
"--R WORK! I love your work," Ricky corrects after your warning, but the mischievous glint is still in his eyes. "I'm a big fan of your entire body of work."
Zhang Hao and Kuan Jui have to excuse themselves as they burst into laughter, running out into the hall to (most likely) tell everyone what Ricky just said with cameras rolling.
Ricky smiles at you smugly and you finally drop his hand. A producer frowns at you both confusedly. "Do you two... know each other or something?"
Ricky shakes his head. "Where would I have met the leader and main vocalist of Virtual Reality before?"
The producer nods, shrugging in agreement. "Huh. You just have good chemistry is all."
"He's not my type," you reply coolly, eyes narrowing as you glare at your boyfriend.
"Hey," Ricky pouts softly; a little frown forming on his lips.
You fight the urge to lift up on your toes and give your tall, handsome boyfriend a peck, opting instead to pat him on the shoulder and give him a boastful grin. "It was nice to meet you, Nicky!"
His eyebrows furrow now, the adorable pout growing deeper (and more powerful). "It's Ricky."
"Good luck, Mickey!" You call over your shoulder with a wave, following two staff members out the door.
Walking through the empty hall to the back parking lot after you've finished removing your wardrobe and makeup in your dressing room, you see your favorite trainee (okay-- your second favorite trainee. Red House Mingyu is actually your favorite but you can NOT tell Ricky that) waiting for you in the doorway.
"Hey Nicky," you greet with a laugh as Ricky looks up from his phone.
"Stoooooop," he whines, basically collapsing in your arms as you hug him. Into your shoulder, he mumbles, "I am your type."
You kiss his cheek, rubbing his back comfortingly. "You totally are my type.”
"I can't believe you're hosting the show I'm on," he says, pulling back from the hug to look at you. "You told me you were getting the cats bathed today."
You throw your head back in a laugh. "Cats don't get bathed, lovey."
He laughs awkwardly. “Oh."
"I thought that was such an obvious lie that you'd catch on!" You exclaim, grabbing his hand in yours and swinging them back and forth playfully.
Ricky looks around, checking if any staff are lingering in the hallway before swinging open the door and pulling you through.
"Where do you think you're going?" You ask with a giggle as Ricky pulls you towards your car.
"To get ramen with you," he replies with a smile, raising your hand in his above your head so he can twirl you around.
You spin around with a grin, bowing after the impromptu dance move before he continues to pull you along. You watch as his pretty, dangly earring jingles while he runs.
"Fine," you relent with a grin. "But you're gonna have to buy me a lot of ramen to make up for that body joke."
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jaetyun · 1 year
can you do some han yujin texts as ur boyfriend
Texts with boyfriend Yujin; a thread!
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yujin x gn!reader
a/n: for all the minors that follow me! no lip js allowed..
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i0134 · 1 year
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seokmthw · 1 year
crazy for your chemicals | seok matthew
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⇢ pairing: matthew x afab reader
⇢ warnings: smut, brat tamer!matthew (slightly soft dom), brat!reader, oral (female recieving), spanking, slight manhandling, orgasm denial, i think that's it lol
⇢ word count: 1.4k
⇢ note: listen, i think matthew and jacob from the boyz (who both happen to be my bias from each group) are extremely similar and i think that they would both be completely different if you somehow managed to piss them off, and so that thought is what inspired this. it might also be slightly self-indulgent, but that's besides the point. to the anon who requested i write matthew smut, here you go, and i hope you enjoy!
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matthew was always the sweet, loving boyfriend he showed when you were around your friends and family. he always had a sweet voice, pure intentions, and was loving beyond belief. he rarely lost his temper, let alone lost it with you, and it took a lot to even push him to that point, which is exactly why you currently had your lips on his best friend’s, the crowd of drunken truth or dare players surrounding you cheering loudly. 
you wanted so desperately to see what his anger was like, and see whether or not he would actually take it out on you behind closed doors. you pulled away from hanbin, a smirk adorning your face as you did so. all the boy in front of you did was giggle, his face flushed and hair messy from the alcohol coursing through his veins. 
you glanced over at your boyfriend, taking note of the way his eyes darkened and the bright smile he was flashing was now turned into a scowl, brows furrowed in frustration. this was it, you thought, you finally pushed him past his barrier of sanity. the game continued for a few more rounds before he rose to his feet and headed toward the bathroom, subtly motioning for you to follow him. 
you followed suit a few minutes later, padding down the hallway and eventually feeling his fingers curl around your wrist, his usual gentle nature completely abandoned by how tight it automatically was. he didn’t say a word, instead dragging you down the hallway toward his bedroom. you were completely unsure of what he planned to do, which excited you more than you would like to admit, and you could already feel your arousal pooling in between your legs at the thought.
the musing pulsing from the living room gently vibrated the floors beneath your feet and drowned out any of the angry grumbles he made along the way. finally, he shoved his bedroom door open, roughly pulling you in with him and slamming your body against the back of the door, his hand twisting the lock almost immediately. you gulped, eventually meeting your eyes with his burning gaze. you felt so small with him looking at you like this, and you momentarily regretted even starting this to begin with. 
his hands found their place on your waist, fingers digging into your flesh hard enough to surely leave bruises in the morning. without saying a word, he leaned forward, catching your lips in a feverish, hot kiss, his mouth molding perfectly with yours. you snaked your arms around your neck, a quiet moan falling from your lips the moment he began trailing one of his hands beneath your shirt and over one of your breasts, rolling one of your nipples in between the tips of his fingers. 
his lips began trailing down your neck, sucking so harshly he knew he would leave a deep, purple mark on your skin. you groaned, arching into him, but only for him to pull away, his pupils blown out wide, and growling, “do you really think kissing hanbin was a good idea?”
“it was just a dare,” you feigned innocence, batting your eyelashes at him. you knew you were pushing just the right buttons as you added, “i never back down from them when we play, you know that.”
“you’re such a fucking brat,” he hissed, “last time i checked, you were mine,” his other hand found your clothed core,, rubbing harshly, “and only mine.”
you whined out the moment he pulled away from you, his eyes hungrily looking your body up and down as he tugged your shirt over your head. his own followed, tossed carelessly aside into a pile next to the door, before he lifted you up and took you over to the bed positioned near the center of the room. 
he laid your body down onto the mattress, his lips finding your neck once again. your breathing was ragged as he worked on the most sensitive spots; just below your ear, under your jaw, at the nape of your neck. bruises were littered across the entirety of your throat and chest, stinging from the harsh bites and sucks that your skin had succumbed. letting him have his way with you like this did things to you more than you would like to admit
he left a trail of wet kisses down your chest and to the waistband of your leggings, his fingers hooking beneath the fabric of both your pants and your underwear and pulling them down off of your legs. he peppered small pecks along the insides of your thighs, purposely avoiding where you wanted him to be the most. you whined, trying like hell to get some sort of friction, but he hooked one of his arms around your leg, forcing them to stay apart. 
“brats shouldn’t get rewarded, you know,” he mused, his voice thick and eyes meeting with yours, “but i’m not one to make you entirely suffer, so you should consider yourself lucky.”
with that, he dipped his head down, licking a delicious stripe up your slit. your breath hitched in your throat at the sensation, feeling your back arch up off of the mattress. you felt your legs begin to twitch the moment he hummed against your clit, lips just barely grazing it as he stated, “you’re already soaked, and all for me, right? not because of hanbin?”
“n-not because of him,” you breathily answered, “only you.”
matthew continued his assault on your clit, groaning the moment your hands threaded through his hair and tugged at the roots. your orgasm was almost there, so close you could almost taste it, but the moment you uttered those words to your boyfriend, he was pulling away from you, completely ruining any chance you had of being pushed over the edge. 
you whined out, begging for him to continue, but matthew simply chuckled at your response. instead of giving in to you this time, he began to unbuckle his belt, his hooded eyes watching your face intently, your cheeks flushing peek from both embarrassment and frustration. he smirked, sliding his pants and boxers down, his painfully hard cock springing free from its restraints. 
you swallowed harshly at the sight of him, but before you could plead him for anything else, he commanded, “get on your hands and knees, now.”
you did as you were told, rolling over onto your stomach before propping yourself up as he asked. you waited, although you wouldn’t consider it to have been patient waiting, to feel his hands grip your hips, but it didn’t come. instead, a harsh smack was left on the sensitive skin of your ass, causing a surprised yelp to slip past your lips. 
“you know what you did wrong, right baby?” he questioned, his typical sweet voice replaced with something completely different than what you were used to hearing.
deciding you wanted to see how far you could push him, you smiled slyly, answering his question with mock innocence, “no, sir.”
another harsh slap landed on your ass, and this time, you had to bite your lip to keep yourself from moaning and letting him know you were enjoying yourself. matthew offered a dry laugh, “you sure about that?”
“last time i checked,” you felt a final hit on the angry red patch of your skin, “kissing one of my best friends is considered to be wrong, even if it’s just a game.”
his calloused fingers yanked your hips backwards roughly, pressing the tip of his cock teasingly against your entrance. you attempted to push back on him, and this time, he let you, bottoming out inside of you with a loud groan. he filled you up perfectly, stretching you out just the right amount, but before you could fully adjust to him, he was pulling back and snapping his hips into yours with a force you’d never experienced from him. 
his pace was quick and relentless, and before you could bury your face in the sheets below you to muffle your whimpers, he was tangling one of his hands in your hair, yanking you up, his voice raspy as he spat, “what, are you too shy to let him hear you? you were so adamant on kissing him, surely you wouldn’t mind this, hm?”
nothing but an incoherent string of words came from you, and matthew simply scoffed, “already fucked you dumb, have i?” he reached down with his other hand between your legs, beginning to rub your clit in circles harshly. you felt a shiver run down your spine at his next words.
“buckle up, love, you’re in for a long night.”
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