grandtheftautobot · 4 years
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[ text ; seBESTiano ] oh i’m gunna be late, bro. i’m so gunna be late. [ text ; seBESTiano ] my dad’s here. [ text ; seBESTiano ] and he is PISSED.
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hxnourbound · 4 years
“It’s like I’m watching a Hallmark holiday special take place in my own living room.”
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“Oh cut it out Sebastiano, nobody asked you! Besides, don’t you have somewhere else to be?”
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tundrabcrn · 4 years
Maybe this was a terrible idea. Her leg ached and she was exhausted, hungry, and very, very alone. But it wasn’t as if she had anywhere else to go. Her standing with her once master was very clear after her refusal to fight Leonardo when he was clearly already beaten, and the thrashing she’d received as a result had shown what her value to them really was.
A weapon. A tool. Something to be wielded until no longer useful... and then cast aside. Her ears laid back flat against her head as she huffed out a sigh, leaning back against the tree where she sat as one paw reached down, rubbing her aching injured leg.
She would have remained in quiet thought for the remainder of the night had a sudden movement nearby not caught her attention. Her ears shot straight up and she struggled to her feet, trying to keep her weight off her leg.
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“Who’s there...?!”
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paintedboxturtle · 4 years
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“You ready, Sebby?” He asked, gripping the handle of the cart tight. “Tthree... two... ONE!” He pushed forward, running with the push cart before hopping up and letting momentum take control and riding along with. “EEEEEEEEEYYYYYY!”
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restrainedcontrol · 4 years
[txt: squirtle] : you should show me all the stuff you made with your crutches they look badass as hell now good job
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tatorumaunten · 4 years
@bracedvigilante​ said  Don't mind him, just standing over by the pinball machine and observing this... /new/ Raph carefully. Nico's already told him to stay away, but it's not like Seb was doing anything provocative— he was already used to the temper of his own Raphael. This one couldn't be much different. At least, not /too/ different.
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{~ℜ  If there’s one thing he is always aware of, is being watched, feeling someone nearby causes a tension that raises his awareness even further. Snout wrinkling slightly, as his one good eyes shifts to glance at slightly smaller turtle.
Again, one he doesn’t recognize. 
Raising a brow, Raphael sharply pins the young turtle to the floor with a slight glare. Not liking the fact that he was being watched. 
“The fuck you staring at?”  ℜ~}
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boficionado-a2 · 4 years
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He probably shouldn’t have been so surprised. They’d spent a lot of their time out running around the rooftops in New York, so that often left his lab unattended and unguarded. What amused him was the fact that somehow, the youngest Hamato son had not realized his older brother would have cameras set up.
Donnie was standing with his arms folded across his plastron, tapping the toes of one foot against the stone with a thoughtful expression as he reviewed some old security footage.
Nothing had ever been out of place, so even he hadn’t suspected. But now...
“Hey, Seb?” Turning on his heel, he made his way over to the door, poking his head out. “Can you come in here for a second?”
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kiiindhearted · 4 years
[Text: ダッキー🥐 ]: We’re as okay as we can be, everyone’s just on edge and worried.
[Text: ダッキー🥐 ]: No news yet
[Text: ダッキー🥐 ]: wbu? are you and your family okay?
[Text: ダッキー🥐 ]: i know i asked like a million times but you didn’t get hurt, right?
[ txt : sebby webby ] No I’m fine. I was very tired, from doing what I did, but...
[ txt : sebby webby ] Uncle Rene is very worried, and Uncle Marcel keeps calling from his conference...
[ txt : sebby webby ] I hate this so much, Sebby.
[ txt : sebby webby ] I’m so worried about them...
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lethargic-hunter · 4 years
If Gordon Ramsey had a son who could also jump like twenty feet in the air c:
Describe my muse badly. | Accepting
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“..Who the fuck is Gordon Ramsey?”
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snakekiind · 4 years
@bracedvigilante​ || here
“Hey, didi.”
Of all the boys, the one she’d really spent the least time with. Sure, they’d been introduced. And sure, she had seen him around. On top of all that, she’d really wanted to find a way to introduce him to her mother like she had with all the other boys.
What she hadn’t expected was coming down after finding out what had happened. A thermal bag was slung over her shoulder and off she’d gone. Well, there were better ways to find to spend time with someone...
But at least this way she could provide a little bit of comfort too.
“I wish I could’ve come down to visit under better circumstances.” She walked the rest of the way into the room before setting her bag on a nearby table and extracting two thermoses. “I heard what happened, so I figured maybe you could use something nice to help you feel a little better. I brought you some Bai Hao Yin Zhen white tea, to help your chest and throat, and hup tul woo as a treat."
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grandtheftautobot · 4 years
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[text ; seBESTiano] so! good news! [text ; seBESTiano] my dad is down here, and he is..... slowly adjusting. [text ; seBESTiano] i mean, turtles aren’t the weirdest thing to ever happen. [text ; seBESTiano] there was that time a tengu asked for my hand. [text ; seBESTiano] so, like. he’s adjusting! [text ; seBESTiano] you wanna hang out? 
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hxnourbound · 4 years
bracedvigilante replied to your post: a switch is when someone is both a top and a...
“What the fu— It’s a gaming console! It’s like a DS!”
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“Ohhh, so it’s one of those. Okay-- I haven’t heard of it before.” Someone’s been too busy not having a lot of fun.
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dragxnleader-a · 4 years
bracedvigilante replied to your post: alright happiness intermission over sadness time
it makes me so happy to see inky learning the reigns :’)
oh ive always known, i just acted like i didnt
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paintedboxturtle · 4 years
@bracedvigilante​ said:
"I don't... I don't think you should test that. It's gonna be hard enough to catch a bee in the sewers anyway"
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“I’m way too curious for my own good and have zero impulse control. We know this.”
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restrainedcontrol · 4 years
He should be resting. He knows that. But somehow, being home, the ability to sleep was not coming to him. Raphael was absolutely exhausted, ready to sleep for days, but it just wouldn't take him. So instead he finds his way to his brother's room, Pepperoni in his arms and a blabket over his shoulders. No knocking. Knocking is for polite siblings.
The door opens and Raph thumps his way inside, coming over to the bed. There's no grace in the way he flops onto it, letting go of Pepperoni so he can squirm around until he's comfortable. Then he glances up at Sebastiano, eyes half-open.
"Hey. Wanna tell me about that robot?"
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tatorumaunten · 4 years
@bracedvigilante​ said  "If it makes you feel better, a lot of the bad swearing I learned was from the thugs on patrol, not Donnie." But was that where he /first/ learned them? Hell no, but Leo didn't need to know that.
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{~ℒ  “No Seb, that doesn’t help. At all. In fact, that almost makes it worse. Why would you think mimicking something a thug says is a good thing to do?”  ℒ~}
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